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</div></div></div><h3>About SquidMan</h3>SquidMan is a MacOS X graphical installer and manager for the Squid proxy cache. It is designed to operate as a "personal" proxy server.<br><br>When you run Squid on a MacOS X computer, it can:<br><ul class="disc"><li>cache downloaded content, reducing network traffic and improving browsing performance on slow links</li><li>act as a proxy server for other computers on your subnet</li><li>restore the operation of some MacOS X applications that normally fail through authenticated proxy servers</li></ul><br><h3>What's new - Announcing SquidMan 4.2 (November 15, 2020)</h3>I'm pleased to announce the release of version 4.2 of SquidMan.<br><br>This version is bundled with Squid 4.13. Other changes include the following:<br><ul class="disc"><li>now a universal app that supports Apple Silicon and Intel on Big Sur</li></ul>This version requires Apple Silicon or Intel hardware and has been tested on all major versions of MacOS X from 10.10 through to 10.15.<br><br>If you're upgrading from a (much!) older version of SquidMan, note that some of the values in the template used by older versions of SquidMan are incompatible with newer versions of Squid, and will generate errors or at least warnings when Squid is started. Thus SquidMan 3.8 and higher will need to replace the template file. If you have ever modified the template to add your own customisations, your changes will be lost during the upgrade. <em>If you have modified the template from the default, be sure to save the old template before upgrading to the latest version of SquidMan. After the upgrade, you will need to manually merge your changes back into the new template.</em><br><br><h3>Helper Tool Issue</h3>If you see a message indicating that there was a problem communicating with or installing the helper tool, open the terminal, and enter the following two commands:<br><ul class="disc"><li><code>sudo chown root:wheel /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools</code></li><li><code>sudo chmod 755 /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools</code></li></ul>Now try running SquidMan again. It appears that this issue is caused by the Microsoft Office installer not setting the correct group and permissions on this directory if it creates it.<br><br><h3>System requirements</h3>The current release of SquidMan requires MacOS X 10.10 or higher.<br><br><h3>Feedback</h3>You can mail me at the address below with feedback, suggestions or bug reports about SquidMan. Because I have a regular job, and write software in my spare time, please don't be offended if I don't reply.  Please note that I cannot provide support for squid.<br><br><h3>Downloads</h3>The current and all previous releases of SquidMan can be downloaded here. The SquidMan download includes documentation on how to install and use SquidMan.<br><br><ul class="disc"><li><a href="/resources/downloads" target="self">version 4.2</a> (8.2M) (compatible with Mac OS X 10.10 through 11.0)</li><li><a href="/resources/downloads/SquidMan4.1.dmg" target="self">version 4.1</a> (5.8M) (compatible with Mac OS X 10.10 through 10.15)</li><li><a href="/resources/downloads/SquidMan4.0.dmg" target="self">version 4.0</a> (4.7M) (compatible with Mac OS X 10.6.8 through 10.14)</li><li><a href="/resources/downloads/SquidMan3.8.dmg" target="self">version 3.8</a> (4.2M) (compatible with Mac OS X 10.6.8 through 10.12)</li><li><a href="/resources/downloads/SquidMan3.6.dmg" target="self">version 3.6</a> (3.4M) (compatible with Mac OS X 10.6.8 through 10.10)</li><li><a href="/resources/downloads/SquidMan3.51.dmg" target="self">version 3.51</a> (2.9M) (compatible with Mac OS X 10.6.8 through 10.9)</li><li><a href="/resources/downloads/SquidMan3.5.dmg" target="self">version 3.5</a> (2.9M) (compatible with Mac OS X 10.6.8 through 10.9)</li><li><a href="/resources/downloads/SquidMan3.1.dmg" target="self">version 3.1</a> (2.8M) (compatible with Mac OS X 10.4 through 10.8)</li><li><a href="/resources/downloads/SquidMan3.0.dmg" target="self">version 3.0</a> (2.6M) (compatible with Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5 and 10.6)</li><li><a href="/resources/downloads/SquidMan2.5.dmg" target="self">version 2.5</a> (3.7M) (compatible with Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5)</li><li><a href="/resources/downloads/SquidMan2.0.dmg" target="self">version 2.0</a> (3.2M) (compatible with Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5)</li><li><a href="/resources/downloads/SquidMan1.8.dmg" target="self">version 1.8</a> (1.9M) (last release for Mac OS X 10.3)</li><li><a href="/resources/downloads/SquidMan1.61.dmg" target="self">version 1.61</a> (1.6M) (last release for Mac OS X 10.2)</li><li><a href="/resources/downloads/SquidMan1.52.dmg" target="self">version 1.52</a> (1.1M)</li><li><a href="/resources/downloads/SquidMan1.51.dmg" target="self">version 1.51</a> (1.1M)</li><li><a href="/resources/downloads/SquidMan1.50.dmg" target="self">version 1.50</a> (1.4M)</li><li><a href="/resources/downloads/SquidMan1.1.dmg" target="self">version 1.1</a> (1.0M)</li></ul><br>SquidMan is Copyright © 2003-20 Tony Gray and may be freely distributed, provided it is not modified in any way. The icon is by Samuel Krueger ("pixeljerk").<br></div></div></div></div>


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