Strict-Transport-Security — Good Declare that a website is only accessible over a secure connection (HTTPS). Click to learn more... X-Frame-Options — Good Indicate whether a browser should be allowed to render a page in a <frame>, <iframe>, <embed> or <object>. Click to learn more... X-Content-Type-Options — Good Indicate that the MIME types advertised in the Content-Type headers should be followed and not be changed. Click to learn more... Content-Security-Policy base-uri 'self'; default-src 'none'; prefetch-src; script-src 'sha256-JjXhzGKJRj4b9uAwIiY/e+UQ91eHCHvQlhu56u4rHvI=' 'nonce-mp9tgyioMcFDa1KgicpF0g==' 'strict-dynamic' 'self' 'sha256-kr75Vyu91F52z/4TYSMeHUm78GfVA5ZoRgy/0y0Krrg=' 'sha256-1mRIBqyE9vDgby/3KsCJXe8fBsF/+GkmaVO0W5axk2Y=' 'unsafe-inline' https://*; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data: https://* https://*; connect-src 'self' https://* https://* https://* https://* https://*; frame-src https://*; frame-ancestors 'self' chrome-extension:; form-action 'none'Good Control resources the user agent is allowed to load for a given page. Click to learn more... Referrer-Policy — Good Control how much referrer information should be included with requests. Click to learn more... Clear-Site-Data — Good Control the data stored by a client browser for their origins. Click to learn more... X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies — Good Control whether a web client such as Adobe Flash Player or Adobe Acrobat has permission to handle data across domains. Click to learn more... Permissions-Policy — New Allow and deny the use of browser features in a document or iframe. Click to learn more... Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy — New Configure embedding cross-origin resources into the document. Click to learn more... Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy — New Ensure a top-level document does not share a browsing context group with cross-origin documents. Click to learn more... Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy — New Request that the browser blocks no-cors cross-origin/cross-site requests to the given resource. Click to learn more... X-XSS-Protection — Deprecated Deprecated. Stops pages from loading when they detect reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Click to learn more... Feature-Policy — Deprecated Deprecated. Replaced by the Permissions-Policy header. Click to learn more... Expect-CT — Deprecated Deprecated. Opt in to reporting and/or enforcement of Certificate Transparency requirements. Click to learn more... Public-Key-Pins — Deprecated Deprecated. Allows HTTPS websites to resist impersonation by attackers using mis-issued or otherwise fraudulent certificates. Click to learn more...