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                        <h1 class="block1__title mb-2 mb-md-4">
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                            Edge Foundation
                        <p class="block1__subtitle">The Future of Finance Starts Here!</p>
                        <p class="block1__text"><span class="d-sm-block">Welcome to an opportunity that embraces the
                                dynamic</span> potential of the
                            cryptocurrency market.</p>
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                <span class="text-prpl">Everix Edge Foundation</span> offers a strategic approach to capitalize on the
                landscape of
                digital assets.
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                    What do you know about crypto?
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                        <p class="text-gray">The world of crypto and Web3 is no longer about “buy and sell” as the
                            perception has
                        <p class="text-gray">More complicated mechanics have taken their places providing potential
                            investors with a huge
                            variety of opportunities.</p>
                        <p class="text-gray">Although the abundance of lingo such as Airdrops, Layer-2, Staking,
                            Pools, ICO etc.
                            one can find hard to grasp and thus frustrating we are offering a new perspective to it.</p>
                        <p class="text-white">Why not utilize it all?</p>
                        <button class="block2__button button d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center gap-2" data-bs-target="#staticBackdrop" data-bs-toggle="modal" type="button">Go
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                <h2 class="block3__title title pt-3 pt-lg-0 pb-4">
                    Why Invest with Us?
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                            <p class="block3__subtitle">
                                Comprehensive Diversification
                            <p class="block3__text text-gray">
                                Our portfolio encompasses a broad spectrum of crypto assets, including established
                                like Bitcoin and Ethereum, as well as innovative Layer-2 and Layer-3 solutions,
                                decentralized exchange (DEX) tokens, decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) tokens,
                    <div class="col-12 col-md-5 col-xl-4 mb-3">
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                                Strategic Allocation
                            <p class="block3__text text-gray">
                                We meticulously distribute investments across various categories to mitigate risks and
                                capture potential growth opportunities within different segments of the crypto market.
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                                Informed Decision-Making
                            <p class="block3__text text-gray">
                                Our investment strategy is rooted in extensive research, analyzing factors such as
                                trends, technological advancements, team expertise, and community support to make
                                investment choices.
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                        <h2 class="block4__title title mb-4">
                            Our Portfolio Breakdown:
                        <p class="block4__text d-block d-md-none text-gray mb-4">
                            A cutting-edge tracking tool offering accurate, detailed and well-organized crypto portfolio
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                        Beyond the Basics: Exploring Additional Opportunities
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                                    Capture the growing market of non-fungible tokens representing unique digital
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                                <p class="block4__box-text text-gray">
                                    Our team is constantly in search of new decentralized apps promising to scale up
                                    revolutionary experience.&nbsp;

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                                    Privacy Coins, Cross-Chain Interoperability Tokens, Metaverse Projects, and
                                    Blockchain Solutions:
                                <p class="block4__box-text text-gray">
                                    Diversify further with assets targeting specific niches or technological
                                    within the crypto ecosystem.
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                    Graph of our portfolio growth since 2018
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                    Invest with Confidence
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                                Expert Management
                            <p class="block3__text text-gray">
                                Our team comprises seasoned professionals well-versed in the crypto market and
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                                Transparent Approach
                            <p class="block3__text text-gray">
                                We prioritize transparency, providing regular updates and insights into the portfolio’s
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                                Risk Management
                            <p class="block3__text text-gray">
                                A disciplined approach to risk management ensures a balanced exposure to the market's
                                potential while safeguarding against volatility.
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                                    Join Us in Shaping
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                                Dive into the exciting world of cryptocurrencies and be part of a fund that navigates
                                landscape with expertise and strategic vision. Contact us to learn more about how you
                                join our journey into the future of finance.
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