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                                                    <div class="tickerItem"><a download
                                                            target="_blank">A New Project Entitled "Socio-Economic Impact of Natural Disasters in Andhra Pradesh" 
                                                            under Prof. E. Nagabhushana Rao as Principal investigator, has been sanctioned by
                                                             AP State Disaster Management Authority (APSDMA) Government of Andhra Pradesh for 2 years
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                                                <div class="tickerItem"><a download="" href="assets/notifications/IDSAP in AP SES 2021-22.pdf" target="_blank"> 
                                                    We are pleased to inform you that our work “Assessing the Impact of Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming (APCNF)” 
                                                    and our Institute was prominently referred in the Andhra Pradesh State “Socio Economic Survey 2021-22”. It was mentioned as: 
                                                    The independent assessment of CCEs data on yields, costs and net incomes in major crops by the Institute for Developmental Studies (IDS),
                                                     AP proved that Natural farming improves the net incomes of the farmers, as the costs are reduced significantly and improving the net incomes of farmers.
                                                    Government of Andhra Pradesh, (2022): Socio Economic Survey 2021-22, Planning Department, Amaravati. 
                                                    <div class="tickerItem"><a href="assets/documents/VicePresident.pdf" target="_blank">Condolence message from vice president of

                                                    <div class="tickerItem"><a href="assets/images/photos/1.jpeg">Honourable Vice President
                                                            Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released
                                                            the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna. </a>

                                                    <div class="tickerItem"><a download="" href="assets/documents/IDSAP Brochure_ Updated 18-01-2022.pdf" target="_blank">IDSAP Brochure </a></div>
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                                                    <div class="tickerItem"><a download
                                                            href="assets/documents/PROFF.R.R.K MEMORIAL LECTURE BY PROF.S.R.HASHIM.pdf"
                                                            target="_blank">Professor Radhakrishna Memorial Lecture by S.R.HASHIM on 28-01-2023 </a></div>

                                                    <div class="tickerItem"><a download="" href="assets/documents/Article on Food Loss and waste.pdf" target="_blank">Special Article Published in Economic and
                                                            Political weekly April 02, 2022 VOL LVII NO 14
                                                            “Supply-side Problems in Food Loss and Waste issues in
                                                            Mitigation through Clod Chain”
                                                            By CHANDRA S R NUTHALAPATI, S MAHENDRA DEV, RAJEEV SHARMA
                                                    <div class="tickerItem"><a download="" href="assets/images/book.jpg" target="_blank">First book from IDSAP Visakhapatnam.
                                                            LIVELIHOODS &amp; WELL- BEING OF A COMMUNITY IN SCHEDULED CASTES
                                                            Authored by : E.Nagabhushana rao &amp; R.Sudarsana rao,
                                                            Publisher : Uday Publishing House ,New Delhi.</a><img height="30%" src="assets/images/new-flash.gif" width="30">
                                                    <div class="tickerItem"><a download="" href="assets/images/photos/G2.jpeg" target="_blank">Honourable Governor Shri Biswabhusan
                                                            Harichandan has released the Book entitled “ Livelihoods and
                                                            Well-being of a community in Scheduled Castes “ on
                                                            Authored by Prof.Nagabhushana Rao, Registrar, Institute for
                                                            Development Studies (IDSAP), Retired Professor of Economics,
                                                            Andhra University and Prof.Sudarsana Rao, Retired Professor
                                                            of Economics, Andhra University.
                                                            Prof.S.Galab explained the details of IDSAP.
                                                            The present book is an outcome of a field based Research
                                                            Study sponsored by SC sub-plan , Government of Andhra
                                                    <div class="tickerItem"><a download="" href="assets/images/award.jpeg" target="_blank"> Prof. S. Mahendra Dev has been the Director
                                                            and Vice Chancellor,Indira Gandhi Institute of Development
                                                            (IGIDR) in Mumbai &amp; Present Chairman of IDSAP Visakhapatnam
                                                            has Received the award from
                                                            Dr. Bibek Debroy, Chairman of the Prime Minister’s Economic
                                                            Advisory Council. </a></div>
                                                    <div class="tickerItem"><a href="assets/documents/Research Agenda.pdf" target="_blank">IDSAP Research Agenda</a></div>

                                                    <div class="tickerItem"><a download="" href="assets/notifications/Future of India Challenges and Policies for Growth, Inclusive and Sustainable Development  by Prof. S. Mahendra Dev , Editor, Economic and Political Weekly and Chairman, IDSAP. Invitation (2).pdf" target="_blank"> Lecture on " Future of India: Challenges and Policies for Growth, Inclusive and Sustainable Development " by Prof. S. Mahendra Dev , Editor, Economic and Political Weekly and Chairman, IDSAP."
                                                        </a><img height="30%" src="assets/images/new-flash.gif" width="30"></div>
                                                    <div class="tickerItem"><a download="" href="assets/notifications/Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna Garu 2nd Memorial Lecture.pdf" target="_blank"> Prof.Rokka Radhakrishna Memorial Lecture  "From Brain Drain to Wealth Drain: The Challenge of Elite Migration."
                                                        </a><img height="30%" src="assets/images/new-flash.gif" width="30"></div>
                                                    <div class="tickerItem"><a download="" href="" target="_blank"> A New Project Entitled "Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming" (APCNF) 
                                                            under Prof. S. Galab as Project Director has been sanctioned by Rythu Sadhikara Samstha (RySS) ,
                                                             Department of Agricultulal Government of Andhra Pradesh for 18 months
                                                        </a><img height="30%" src="assets/images/new-flash.gif" width="30"></div>
                                                    <div class="tickerItem"><a download="" href="assets/images/invitation/Lecture on Philosophy of Independence Movement in India_03-11-222 (1).jpg" target="_blank">Lecture on Philosophy of Independence Movement in India  
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                                                    <p>He did his post graduation in Economics and
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                                                    <h4>Prof. S. Mahendra Dev</h4>
                                                    <p>Prof. S. Mahendra Dev has been the Director and Vice Chancellor,
                                                        Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) in
                                                        Mumbai .... </p>
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                                                    <div class="profileImg"> <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/faculty/sgalab.png" width="215" height="215" alt="Dr. K. S. James">
                                                    <h4>Prof S.GALAB</h4>
                                                    <h5>Director &amp; Professor</h5>
                                                    <p>He did his Post Graduation in Economics and
                                                        Statistics, and Ph.D in Economics at Andhra University. He is
                                                        presently the Director of .... </p>
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                                                    <h4>Prof. E. Nagabhushana Rao</h4>
                                                    <h5>Registrar &amp; Professor</h5>
                                                    <p>He was a former
                                                        Professor, Senate Member, Special Officer, Dean and Head
                                                        Department of Rural Development and Economics
                                                        Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
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                                                    <h4>Prof. J.Ramu Naidu</h4>
                                                    <h5>OSD &amp; Professor</h5>
                                                    <p>Professor &amp; Former director of School of Distance Education.
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                    <h3>Governing Body Members </h3>
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                                Prof S. Mahendra Dev
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                                Prof S.R. HASHIM </a>

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                                Dr. Duvvuri Subbarao
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                                <img src="assets/images/profimages/sgalab.jpeg" alt="">
                                Prof S. Galab </a></li>




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                    <h3>Honorary Professors</h3>
                    <img src="assets/images/profimages/crrao.jpg" alt="">
                    <h4>Professor C. R. Rao</h4>
                    <p>Living legend of Statistics. Made Foundation Contribution to Statistical Science and
                        inventor of Statistical Methods Applied in Various Fields of Knowledge Production
                        including Social Sciences. Recipient of the Padma Vibhushan by the Government of
                        India (2001), the National Medal of Science (2002) in US presented by President George
                        W Bush. He is currently professor emeritus at Pennsylvania State University and Research
                        Professor at the University at Buffalo.</p>

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                <h3>Visiting Professors </h3>
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                            <h4> Prof. Peter Timmer </h4>
                            <h5>Emeritus Professor of Development Studies</h5>
                            <h6>Harvard University.</h6>
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                            <img src="assets/images/profimages/barbaraharriswhite.jpg" alt="">
                            <h4> Prof. Barbara Harris White </h4>
                            <h5>Professor of Development Studies</h5>
                            <h6>Wolfson college, Oxford.</h6>

                        <h4>Prof.John Breman </h4>
                        <h5>Emeritus Professor</h5>
                        <h6>University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.</h6>

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                            <img src="assets/images/profimages/hansbernd.jpg" alt="">
                            <h4> Prof. Hans-Bernd </h4>
                            <h6>Schafer School of law Hamburg University, Germany</h6>
                        <a href="javascript:;" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modal15">
                            <h4> Prof. K. Subba Rao </h4>
                            <h5>Consultant Poverty and Social Protection</h5>
                            <h6> former Lead Economist World Bank, Washington.</h6>
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                            <h4> Prof.K.Kaliraian </h4>
                            <h5>Crawford School of Public Policy</h5>
                            <h6>The Australian National university.</h6>
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                            <h4> Prof. Mukerji </h4>
                            <h5>Director South Asia Institute</h5>
                            <h6>Heidelberg University, Germany.</h6>
                        <a href="javascript:;" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modal18">
                            <h4> Prof. C.G Ranade </h4>
                            <h5>University of Bridgeport</h5>
                            <h6>Bridgeport CT USA</h6>


                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/DrPPrudhvikar-Reddy.jpg" alt="">
                        <h4> Dr. P. Prudhvikar Reddy </h4>
                        <h5>Senior Consultant</h5>
                        <h6>CESS Hyderabad.</h6>

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                            <img src="assets/images/profimages/duvvurinarasimhareddy.jpg" alt="">
                            <h4> Prof. D Narasimha
                                Reddy </h4>
                            <h5>Professor of Economics(Rtd)</h5>
                            <h6>University of Hyderabad


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                                                                            <p> Prof.Sanjaya Baru &amp; Prof.Mahendra Dev are received at IDSAP office
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                                                                            <p> Prof.Rokkam Radhakrishna Memorial Lecture delivered by Prof. Sanjaya Baru in IDSAP seminar hall on 02-02-2024
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                                                                            <p> Lecture dias shared by Prof Mahendra dev , Chairman ; Prof . S.Galab , Director and Prof. E . Nagabhushana Rao , Registrar of IDSAP
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                                                                            <p> Zoom Meeting Invitees for the memorial lecture
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                                                                    <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/1.jpeg" title="Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna." class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/1.jpeg" width="370" height="247" alt="Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna." title=""></a>
                                                                        <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                            <p>Honourable Vice President Sri M.
                                                                                Venkayya Naidu garu released the
                                                                                books authored by Prof. Rokkam

                                                                </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                    <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/libraryinaguration.jpeg" title="Library inauguration by prof Rokkam Radhakrishna" class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/libraryinaguration.jpeg" width="370" height="247" alt="Library inauguration by prof Rokkam Radhakrishna" title=""></a>
                                                                        <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                            <p>Library inauguration by prof Rokkam
                                                                </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                    <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/MOU with Centurion University.jpeg" title="MOU with Centurion University" class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;MOU with Centurion University.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/MOU with Centurion University.jpeg" width="370" height="247" alt="MOU with Centurion University" title=""></a>
                                                                        <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                            <p>MOU with Centurion University
                                                                </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                    <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/cropcuttingexperiments.jpg" title="Crop Cutting Experiments -APCNF Project
                                                                            2021-22" class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;Crop Cutting Experiments -APCNF Project
                                                                                2021-22: &quot;.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/cropcuttingexperiments.jpg" width="370" height="247" alt="Crop Cutting Experiments -APCNF Project
                                                                                2021-22" title=""></a>
                                                                        <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                            <p>Crop Cutting Experiments -APCNF Project
                                                                </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                    <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/5layer1.jpg" title="Layer Model" class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Layer Model.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/5layer1.jpg" width="370" height="247" alt="Layer Model" title=""></a>
                                                                        <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                            <p>5 Layer Model
                                                                </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                    <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/G2.jpeg" title="" class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/G2.jpeg" width="370" height="247" alt="" title=""></a>
                                                                        <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                            <p>Honourable Governor Shri Biswabhusan
                                                                                Harichandan has released the Book
                                                                                entitled “ Livelihoods and Well-being of
                                                                                a community in Scheduled Castes “ on
                                                                                Authored by Prof.Nagabhushana Rao,
                                                                                Registrar, Institute for Development
                                                                                Studies (IDSAP), Retired Professor of
                                                                                Economics, Andhra University and
                                                                                Prof.Sudarsana Rao, Retired Professor of
                                                                                Economics, Andhra University.
                                                                                Prof.S.Galab explained the details of
                                                                                The present book is an outcome of a
                                                                                field based Research Study sponsored by
                                                                                SC sub-plan , Government of Andhra

                                                                </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                    <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/award.jpeg" title="Prof.S.mahendradev awarded Chairman of the Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council" class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/award.jpeg" width="370" height="247" alt="Prof. S. Mahendra Dev has been the Director and Vice Chancellor,Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) in Mumbai &amp; Present Chairman of IDSAP Visakhapatnam has Received the award from Dr. Bibek Debroy, Chairman of the Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council." title=""></a>
                                                                        <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                            <p>Prof. S. Mahendra Dev is the Director and
                                                                                Vice Chancellor,Indira Gandhi Institute
                                                                                of Development Research
                                                                                (IGIDR) in Mumbai &amp; Present Chairman of
                                                                                IDSAP Visakhapatnam has Received the
                                                                                award from
                                                                                Dr. Bibek Debroy, Chairman of the Prime
                                                                                Minister’s Economic Advisory Council.
                                                                </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                    <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/award1.jpeg" title="Prof.S.mahendradev awarded Chairman of the Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council" class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/award1.jpeg" width="370" height="247" alt=" Distinguished Alumni Award for his outstanding academic and professional achievements as an alumnus of the Delhi School of Economics" title=""></a>
                                                                        <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                            <p><a href="javascript:;">Award</a></p>

                                                                            <p>Prof. S. Mahendra Dev is the Director and
                                                                                Vice Chancellor, Indira Gandhi Institute
                                                                                of Development Research
                                                                                (IGIDR) in Mumbai &amp; Present Chairman of
                                                                                IDSAP Visakhapatnam, has received the
                                                                                "Distinguished Alumni Award" for his
                                                                                outstanding academic and professional
                                                                                achievements as an alumnus of the Delhi
                                                                                School of Economics
                                                                </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                    <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/chairman.jpg" title="Library inauguration by prof Rokkam Radhakrishna" class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/chairman.jpg" width="370" height="247" alt="Library inauguration by prof Rokkam Radhakrishna" title=""></a>
                                                                        <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">

                                                                                These awards are given by Indian
                                                                                Economic Forum of Skoch group, Delhi.
                                                                                They are given for different fields. The
                                                                                award is given for me for my
                                                                                contributions to Development Economics.
                                                                                Awardees include Dr. Bibek Debroi,
                                                                                Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia , Dr. Aswani
                                                                                Deshpande, Dr. Viral Acharya, Dr. Ajay
                                                                                The awards will be given on 26th at
                                                                                Indian Habitat Centre at Delhi.
                                                                                Finance Minister will give valedictory
                                                                                Address. Mr. Amitabh Kant, CEO will give
                                                                                keynote address.
                                                                </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                    <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/MOU WITH GITAM.jpg" title="MOU with Gitam University" class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/MOU WITH GITAM.jpg" width="370" height="247" alt="MOU with Gitam University" title=""></a>
                                                                        <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                            <p>MOU with Gitam University
                                                                </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                    <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/CapacityBuilding training.jpeg" title="Library inauguration by prof Rokkam Radhakrishna" class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/CapacityBuilding training.jpeg" width="370" height="247" alt="Library inauguration by prof Rokkam Radhakrishna" title=""></a>
                                                                        <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                            <p>Capacity Building Training Programme
                                                                </p></div></div></li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                    <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/jmnaidu.jpeg" title="Library inauguration by prof Rokkam Radhakrishna" class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/jmnaidu.jpeg" width="370" height="247" alt="Library inauguration by prof Rokkam Radhakrishna" title=""></a>
                                                                        <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                            <p>Signing of Memorandum of Agreement
                                                                                between IDSAP represented by Prof J M
                                                                                Naidu; and TCR&amp;TM represented by Mission
                                                                                Director Mr E Raveendrababu along with
                                                                                Mrs Lakshmi , Mr Nagaraju at Vijayawada
                                                                                on 03-03-2022 for conducting ‘’ Baseline
                                                                                survey of 125 Tribal villages in North
                                                                                coastal districts of AP to prepare Model
                                                                                Village Development Plans’’
                                                                </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                    <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/w.jpeg" title="Receving  Members  " class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/w.jpeg" width="370" height="247" alt="Receving  BoG Members  " title=""></a>
                                                                        <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                            <p>IDSAP welcome the members,BoG
                                                                </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                    <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/B.jpg" title="Receving  Members  " class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/B.jpg" width="370" height="247" alt="Receving  BoG Members  " title=""></a>
                                                                        <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                    <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/lunch with BoG Members.jpg" title="Chairman hosted in the honour of  Board of Governors " class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/lunch with BoG Members.jpg" width="370" height="247" alt="Chairman hosted in the honour of  Board of Governors " title=""></a>
                                                                        <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                            <p>Chairman hosted in the honour of  Board of Governors 
                                                                </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                    <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/mahendra dev.jpg" title="S. Mahendra Dev, Chairman paid tributes to Prof. Rokka Radhakrishna Garu " class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/mahendra dev.jpg" width="370" height="247" alt="S. Mahendra Dev, Chairman paid tributes to Prof. Rokka Radhakrishna Garu " title=""></a>
                                                                        <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                            <p>Prof.S. Mahendra Dev, Chairman paid tributes to Prof. Rokka Radhakrishna Garu
                                                                </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                    <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/S.R.HASHIM.jpg" title="Memorial Lecture by Prof.S.R.HASHIM  " class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/S.R.HASHIM.jpg" width="370" height="247" alt="Memorial Lecture by Prof.S.R.HASHIM  " title=""></a>
                                                                        <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                            <p>Memorial Lecture by Prof.S.R.HASHIM
                                                                </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                    <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/D. SUBBA RAO.jpg" title="Guest attended for Memorial Lecture  " class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/D. SUBBA RAO.jpg" width="370" height="247" alt="Guest attended for Memorial Lecture " title=""></a>
                                                                        <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                            <p>Members attended for Memorial Lecture 
                                                                </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                    <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/Ramireddy.jpg" title="Guest attended for Memorial Lecture  " class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/Ramireddy.jpg" width="370" height="247" alt="Guest attended for Memorial Lecture " title=""></a>
                                                                        <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                            <p>Members attended for Memorial Lecture 
                                                                </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/director &amp; Chairman.jpg" title="Chairman &amp; Director on Dias at Memorial Lecture  " class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/director &amp; Chairman.jpg" width="370" height="247" alt="Chairman &amp; Director on Dias at Memorial Lecture " title=""></a>
                                                                    <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                        <p>Chairman &amp; Director on Dias at Memorial Lecture
                                                            </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/sai.jpg" title="Sai paid tributes  " class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/sai.jpg" width="370" height="247" alt="Sai  paid tributes  " title=""></a>
                                                                    <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                        <p>Rokkam Sai Kumar paid tributes 
                                                            </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/lighting.jpg" title="Prof.S.Galab, Director &amp; Prof.R.Madhavi paid tributes " class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/lighting.jpg" width="370" height="247" alt="Prof.S.Galab, Director &amp; Prof.R.Madhavi paid tributes " title=""></a>
                                                                    <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                        <p>Prof.R.Madhavi lighting the lamp
                                                            </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/madavi madam &amp; director.jpg" title="Prof.S.Galab, Director &amp; Prof.R.Madhavi paid tributes " class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/madavi madam &amp; director.jpg" width="370" height="247" alt="Prof.S.Galab, Director &amp; Prof.R.Madhavi paid tributes " title=""></a>
                                                                    <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                        <p>Prof.R.Madhavi lighting the lamp
                                                            </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/sasipradha madam.jpg" title="Dr.R.Sasi Prabha paid tributes " class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/sasipradha madam.jpg" width="370" height="247" alt="Dr.R.Sasi Prabha paid tributes " title=""></a>
                                                                    <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                        <p>Dr.R.Sasi Prabha paid tributes
                                                            </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/SU.jpg" title="Prof.R.Sudarsana Rao paid tributes " class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/SU.jpg" width="370" height="247" alt="Prof.R.Sudarsana Rao paid tributes " title=""></a>
                                                                    <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                        <p>Prof.R.Sudarshana Rao paid tributes
                                                            </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/ramu sir.jpg" title="Prof.Ramu Naidu paid tributes " class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/ramu sir.jpg" width="370" height="247" alt="Prof.Ramu Naidu paid tributes " title=""></a>
                                                                    <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                        <p>Prof.Ramu Naidu paid tributes 
                                                            </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/Fellow sir.jpg" title="Dr.Bhaskara Rao paid tributes " class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/Fellow sir.jpg" width="370" height="247" alt="Dr.Bhaskara Rao paid tributes " title=""></a>
                                                                    <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                        <p>Dr.Bhaskara Rao paid tributes 
                                                            </li></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 350px; margin-right: 0px;"><li class="item">
                                                                <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/Anan.jpg" title="Dr.Ananda Rao paid tributes " class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Honourable Vice President Sri M. Venkayya Naidu garu released the books authored by Prof. Rokkam Radhakrishna.&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/Anan.jpg" width="370" height="247" alt="Dr.Ananda Rao paid tributes " title=""></a>
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                                                                        <p>Dr.Ananda Rao paid tributes 
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                                                                        <p>V.Subramanyam paid tributes 
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                                                                    <div class="tabTx" style="padding-left: 0px;padding-right:0px;">
                                                                        <p>D.Satish paid tributes 
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                                                                <div class="photoImg"> <a href="assets/images/photos/send off.jpeg" title="Satish paid tributes  " class="colorbox" data-colorbox-gallery="gallery-node-4719-7rntq_QZmSI" data-cbox-img-attrs="{&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;, &quot;alt&quot;: &quot;Send off to Dr. D. Subba Rao at the Airport by Prof. Nagabhushana Rao, Registrar .&quot;}"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="assets/images/photos/send off.jpeg" width="370" height="247" alt="Satish paid tributes  " title=""></a>
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                                                                        <p>Send off to Dr. D. Subba Rao at the Airport by Prof. Nagabhushana Rao, Registrar 
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                                                                        <p>Receving Chairman &amp; BoG Members At Airport
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                                                                        <p>Receving Prof.S.R.Hashim BoG Member at Airport
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                                                                                by the Director &amp; Registrar" title=""></a>
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                                                                            <p> Prof.Sanjaya Baru &amp; Prof.Mahendra Dev are received at IDSAP office
                                                                                 by the Director &amp; Registrar
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                                                                            <p> Prof.Rokkam Radhakrishna Memorial Lecture delivered by Prof. Sanjaya Baru in IDSAP seminar hall on 02-02-2024
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                    <h3>Research &amp; Publications</h3>
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                                                    <p><a href="javascript:;">Publications</a>
                                                    <p>IDSAP has a well-established publication unit. Periodically,
                                                        it publishes Newsletters, Research Briefs and Working papers
                                                        from the faculty members and other subject experts/scholars
                                                        in related areas.</p>

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                                                    <p><a href="javascript:;">Book Publication</a>
                                                    <p>First book from IDSAP Visakhapatnam.
                                                        LIVELIHOODS &amp; WELL- BEING OF A COMMUNITY IN SCHEDULED CASTES
                                                        Authored by :
                                                        E.Nagabhushana rao &amp;
                                                        R.Sudarsana rao,
                                                        Publisher : Uday Publishing House
                                                        ,New Delhi.
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                                                    <p><a href="javascript:;">Recent
                                                    <p>The faculty and research staff of the Institute prepared a
                                                        number of research papers and project reports during the
                                                        academic year.</p>
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                                                    <p><a href="javascript:;">Research
                                                    <p>The Institute conducts research programme using its own
                                                        resources and also through external funding. The externally
                                                        funded projects are usually initiated at the request of the
                                                        concerned agencies.</p>
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                                                    <p><a href="javascript:;">Publications</a>
                                                    <p>IDSAP has a well-established publication unit. Periodically,
                                                        it publishes Newsletters, Research Briefs and Working papers
                                                        from the faculty members and other subject experts/scholars
                                                        in related areas.</p>

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                                                    <p><a href="javascript:;">Book Publication</a>
                                                    <p>First book from IDSAP Visakhapatnam.
                                                        LIVELIHOODS &amp; WELL- BEING OF A COMMUNITY IN SCHEDULED CASTES
                                                        Authored by :
                                                        E.Nagabhushana rao &amp;
                                                        R.Sudarsana rao,
                                                        Publisher : Uday Publishing House
                                                        ,New Delhi.
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                                                    <p><a href="javascript:;">Recent
                                                    <p>The faculty and research staff of the Institute prepared a
                                                        number of research papers and project reports during the
                                                        academic year.</p>
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                                                    <p><a href="javascript:;">Research
                                                    <p>The Institute conducts research programme using its own
                                                        resources and also through external funding. The externally
                                                        funded projects are usually initiated at the request of the
                                                        concerned agencies.</p>
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                    <h4>Prof. R. Radhakrishna</h4>
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                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/chairman.jpeg" alt="">
                            Prof. R. Radhakrishna did his post-graduation in Economics and
                            Statistics from Andhra University, and Ph.D. in Economics from Gokhale
                            Institute of Politics and Economics (Poona University). At present he is
                            the Chairman of Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS),
                            Hyderabad. He was the Chairman of Madras Institute of Development
                            Studies, served as Governing Council Member of several research institutes, and contributed
                            profusely to policy making bodies at state and
                            national level. <br><br>
                            Dr. Radhakrishna held several important administrative positions -
                            Chairman of National Statistical Commission, Government of India
                            (2009-12) in the rank of Minister of State; Director/Vice-Chancellor of
                            Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (2001-07);
                            Vice-Chancellor of Andhra University (1998-2001); Member Secretary
                            of Indian Council of Social Science Research, MoHRD (1996-97);
                            Director of Centre for Economic and Social Studies (1985-2004) and
                            Professor of Economics, University of Hyderabad (1980-85). He served
                            as an expert consultant to several international organizations:
                            international institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Vienna, 1978,
                            Australian Centre for international Agricultural Research in 1997;
                            UNESCO's Management of Social Transformation (MOST) in 2004;
                            UNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and Pacific in 2005, World Bank, Asian
                            Development Bank UNDP, UNOP FAO, etc. He was a Visiting Fellow at
                            the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1976-77.
                            Dr. Radhakrishna, guided 25 doctoral students and l0 M.Phil. students
                            He worked on several pressing economic problems, and made pioneering contributions on
                            poverty and wellbeing, food security agriculture, and rural development. He authored and
                            edited 20 books and monographs, and more than 100 papers in national and international
                            His well cited publications are: Complete Expenditure Systems for
                            India, international institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria,
                            1978, India's Public Distribution System: A National and international
                            Perspective published by World Bank, 1998; Empowering Rural Labor
                            published by lndian lnstitute for Human Development, 1998; lndia
                            Development Report 2008 published by Oxford University Press; and
                            Handbook of Poverty in lndia: Perspectives, Policies, and Programs
                            published by Oxford university Press, 2005. ln recognition of his significant academic
                            contributions, he was awarded VKRV Rao Prize in
                            Economics in 1985, and Telugu Atma Gaurava Puraskaram,
                            Government of Andhra Pradesh in 1998. He was awarded honorary
                            Doctorate by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Srikakulam, 2017. He was
                            the conference president of: Asian Association of Social Science
                            Research Councils in 1995, Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing in
                            1996, Indian Society of Labor Economics in 2002, Indian Econometric
                            Society in 2008, Conference President of Indian Economic Association.
                            2016, and President of Indian Association of Social Science institutes,
                            2017, Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, 2019. He served as an
                            editorial board member of several journals including Journal of
                            Quantitative Economics, Asia Pacific Journal of Rural Development,
                            Journal of Asian Economics, IUP Journal of Applied Economics and
                            Indian Economic Journal. <br><br>
                            Dr. Radhakrishna's achievements in academic administration are well
                            recognized. During his long tenure as the Director of Centre for Economic
                            and Social Studies, the institute was recognized by the ICSSR as a
                            Centre of Excellence in Social Sciences. As the Director of lGlDR, he
                            introduced several innovative programmes including well recognized
                            masters in economics, a unique international collaborative doctoral
                            programme in Law and Economics, international collaborative programme in Asian Studies, and
                            also strengthened the institutes' social
                            policy research programme. He worked as the Chairman of a number of
                            Review Committees appointed by the University Grant Commission and
                            lndian Council of Social Science Research.
                            Dr. Radhakrishna has been deeply involved in the policy making of
                            several national organizations from time to time. During his tenure as
                            Chairman of National Statistical Commission (NSC), he caused to
                            finalize a) National Policy on official Statistics. b) Draft Bill on National
                            Statistical Commission (NSC), c) Code of Statistical Practices, and
                            d) Formulated Guidelines for Outsourcing Statistical Activities.
                            Dr. Radhakrishna also chaired a number of official Committees on
                            Planning headed Official Statistics, Education, official Statistics of
                            Agricultural Economics, and poverty. of them, the Expert Group on
                            Agricultural lndebtedness (2006-07) and the Committee on Credit
                            Related issues under SGSY (2008-09) are well known. Taking into
                            consideration the views of the Expert Group, Government of India
                            introduced the farm loan waiver scheme and following the recommendations of the latter
                            committee, Government of India established
                            National Rural Livelihood Mission. He was also a member of three
                            important Planning Commission Expert Groups on Poverty: Task Force
                            on Projections of Minimum Needs and Effective Consumption Demand,
                            1977-78; Expert Group on Estimation of Proportion and Number of Poor,
                            1989-93 (Lakdawala Committee); and Expert Group to Review the
                            Methodologies on Estimation of Poverty, 2006-08 (Tendulkar
                            Committee). He was also associated with two Vision documents: The
                            Chairman, Agricultural Group of Vision 2020, Government of Andhra
                            Pradesh, 1997; and Member, Vision 2020, Planning Commission, 2000.</p>

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                    <h4>Prof. C.H. Hanumantha Rao</h4>
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                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/Hanumanthavrao.jpg" alt="">
                        <p>Prof. C.H. Hanumantha Rao did his Post Graduation at Osmania University, Ph.D. at University
                            of Delhi and Post-Doctoral work at University of Chicago. He is presently Honorary Professor
                            at Centre for Economic and Social Studies Hyderabad and institute of Economic Growth, New
                            Delhi. He was a Fellow at institute of Economic Growth (lEG), University of Delhi, Visiting
                            Fellow at international Food Policy Research institute, Washington DC, and Consultant, Rural
                            and Urban Development Division. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and
                            Pacific (ESCAP), Bangkok. He is a Founder Member of the Centre for Economic and Social
                            Studies, Hyderabad. He held many important positions in several renowned academic
                            institutions such as Chancellor, University of Hyderabad; Director and Chairman, IEG; and
                            Chairman, Centre for Economic and Social Studies. He published nine books, seven edited
                            books and over 100 research papers in academic journals. He also supervised, individually or
                            jointly, a number of scholars for their Ph.D. thesis submitted to the University of Delhi.
                            He was conference President of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, Indian Society
                            of Labor Economics, Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing, Indian Social of Ecological
                            Economics, and Indian Economic Association. Prof Rao served as a member of several expert
                            bodies including Seventh and Eighth Finance Commissions; Planning Commission; Economic
                            Advisory Council to the Prime Minister; Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of the
                            Consultative Group on international Agricultural Research (CGIAR); Central Board of
                            Directors, Reserve Bank of India; the National Advisory Council; Economic Administration
                            Reforms Commission; Board of Directors, Food Corporation of India. And Canara Bank.

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                    <h4>Prof. Yoginder K. Alagh</h4>
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                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/yoginderkalagh.jpg" alt="">
                        <p>Prof. Yoginder K. Alagh obtained his Post Graduation in Economics at University of
                            Pennsylvania and University of Rajasthan and Ph.D. in Economics at University of
                            Pennsylvania, USA. Currently. He is Chancellor of Central University of Gujarat and
                            Vice-Chairman of Sardar Patel institute of Economic and Social Research. He is a trustee of
                            the Rajiv Gandhi foundation, independent Director of Tata Chemicals and Shree Cements, and
                            Consultant to Indian Express. He has proven excellence in both administrative and academic
                            profession. He was a Minister of State for Planning &amp; Programme Implementation with
                            charge of tire Ministry of Science &amp; Technology; Member of Planning Commission in the rank
                            of Minister of State; Chairman of Bureau of industrial Costs and Prices, Ministry of
                            Commerce &amp; industry Secretary to the Government of India; and Advisor to the Planning
                            Commission of India. He has been Chairman of several Commission Committees constituted by
                            the Government of India including Agricultural Price Commission of India; oversight
                            Committee for Lifetime Training Programs of IAS, Department of Personnel and Training;
                            Working Group of Rainfed Areas in Eleventh Five Year Plan; and Expert Group on Pulses
                            Promotion, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. He was also a member in the
                            Governing Body of several international Organisations such as international Board of
                            Governors, Centre for Governance innovation, Waterloo, Canada; Managing Committee of South
                            Asia Network of Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE); and OECD Network, Define,
                            Paris. <br> His contribution to academic is also quite noteworthy. He has occupied several
                            important positions in various educational institutions i.e. Senior Fellow at World
                            institute of Development Economic Research, United Nations University, Helsinki; Chancellor
                            of Nagaland Central University <br><br>
                            Vice-Chancellor of Jawaharlal Nehru University; Chairman of SANDEE at ICIMOD, Kathmandu,
                            Nepal; Institute of Human Development, Giri Institute of Development Studies, Institute of
                            Rural Management, Anand; Institute of Development Communication; Advisory Committee of Post
                            Graduate Program in Public Policy at IlM, Ahmadabad; Economic Group of Indian institute of
                            Management, Calcutta, Executive council, Central University of Hyderabad' Courts in BHU and
                            Vishwabharati University; and Director of Sardar Patel institute of Economic and Social
                            Research, Ahmadabad. Besides these, he has taught economics at the University of Rajasthan,
                            Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, University of Jodhpur, Swarthmore College, and the
                            University of Pennsylvania, and also published several books and papers in reputed journals.
                            Some of his important publications are Agro Climatic Regional Planning , An Overview by
                            Planning Commission, New Delhi, 1989; Indian Development Planning and Policy, WIDER Studies
                            in Development Economics 1991, 1996; Globalization and Local Development: A Research Agenda
                            by UNESCO, 1999; interlinking of Rivers in India by WWF and Academic Foundation, 2006; State
                            of Indian Farmers: A Millennium Study: Overview Academic Foundation, 2006; Evaluation Report
                            of FAO Cooperation with India: 2003-2008 by FAO, Rome, 2009; and The Future of Indian
                            Agriculture, National Book Trust, Delhi, 2013. He is also a member of the Society of the
                            Nehru Memorial Museum and Library New Delhi.

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                    <h4>Prof. K. L. Krishna</h4>
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                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/klkrishna.jpg" alt="">
                        <p>Prof. K. L. Krishna did his Post Graduation in Statistics from Kerala
                            University and Ph.D. in Economics from University of Chicago. He was
                            Chairman of Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai He has
                            more than 50 years of teaching and research experience at Delhi
                            School of Economics, Monash University and elsewhere in the areas of
                            Econometrics, Development Economics, Industrial Economics,
                            Economics of Productivity, Regional Inequality and Empirics of Trade.
                            He supervised 24 PhD Students and 20 MPhil students at Delhi School
                            of Economics and Jawaharlal Nehru University. He edited 4 books and
                            has more than 30 research publication on a variety of themes. He was
                            recipient of Fulbright Travel Grant, Golodetz Foundation fellowship at
                            Chicago, Ford Foundation Doctoral fellowship. and Brookings
                            Institution Doctoral fellowship. <br> <br>
                            He held many administrative and academic positions such as Chairman
                            of Standing Committee on Industrial Statistics and Annual Survey of
                            Industries, Government of lndia; Member of National Advisory Board on
                            Statistics, Government of lndia. Member of State Development Board.
                            Government of Andhra Pradesh, Board of Govemors, IGIDR; Chairman,
                            Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad; Director and Head,
                            Delhi School of Economics; Executive Director, Centre for Development
                            Economics, Delhi School of Economics Dean, Faculty of Social
                            Sciences, University of Delhi; Chairman of Research Advisory
                            Committee for KLEMS productivity study at ICRIER; and Chairman of
                            EXIM-Bank PhD Award. He was President of The lndian Econometric
                            Society(TIES); Co-Chairman of Organising Committee of TIES Golden
                            Jubilee Conference; and Founder Managing Editor, Journal of
                            Quantitative Economics.</p>

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                    <h4>Professor S R Hashim</h4>
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                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/srhashim.jpg" alt="">
                        <p>Prof. Hashim during his long professional career spanning over nearly
                            fifty years, has held high positions in academics as well as in Government-planning and
                            economic administration and diplomacy. He received higher education at University of Lucknow
                            (1957-196l),University of Pune-Gokhale lnstitute of Politics and Economics (1964-1970),
                            University College of Wales, Aberystwyth (1972-1973). He held
                            the positions of Professor and Head, Department of Economics, M.S.
                            University of Baroda (1978-1986) and Director, lnstitute of Economic
                            Growth, Delhi (1995-96), and Director, lnstitute for Studies in lndustrial
                            Development, New Delhi (2007-2010). He served in the Planning
                            Commission of India as Adviser, Principal Adviser, Member and
                            Member Secretary (1986-2000). He was Ambassador of India to
                            Kazakhstan (2000-2002). Prof. Hashim was also Member and Chairman
                            of Union Public Service Commission, Govt. of lndia from 2002 to 2006.
                            Prof. Hashim's original work on method of measuring capital stock,
                            published in the book Capital-output Relations in Indian Industries
                            (M.S. University Press, Baroda, 1973) (in co-authorship with Dr. M.M.
                            Dadi) is well regarded in literature as a seminal contribution. He has
                            since extensively worked and written on issues relating to poverty and
                            inequality, water, and agriculture. He Chaired the Working Group on
                            Wholesale Price Indices (1997-1999) and was Chairman of the
                            National Commission on Integrated Water Resources Development
                            Plan (1997-1999). He has chaired the Planning Commission's "Expert
                            Group on Identification of Urban Poor". <br> <br>
                            Professor S.R. Hashim was Chairman of Indian Association of Social
                            Science Institutions (IASSI), Chairman. lnstitute for Human
                            Development, and President of Forum for Global Knowledge Sharing.
                            He was advisor to the Government of lraq in 70s. He was Director of
                            lnstitute of Economic Growth in 90s. He produced many Ph.Ds. He is
                            the editor of Quarterly Journal of lndian Association of social Science
                            Institutions (IASS).</p>

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                    <h4>Prof. S. Mahendra Dev</h4>
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                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/mahendradev.jpg" alt="">
                        <p>Prof. S. Mahendra Dev has been the Director and Vice Chancellor, lndira
                            Gandhi lnstitute of Development Research (lGlDR) in Mumbai, India
                            since 2010. Prior to this position, he was Chairman of the Commission
                            for Agricultural Costs and Prices, Ministry of Agriculture from 2008 to
                            2010. He was Director. Centre for Economic and Social Studies,
                            Hyderabad, India for 9 years from 1999 to 2008. He is Vice Chairman of
                            the Board of Trustees of lnternational Food Policy Research lnstitute,
                            Washington, D.C. He was Acting Chairman of the National Statistical
                            Commission. Government of lndia. He received Malcolm Adiseshiah
                            Award for outstanding research work on development studies. He is
                            curently the President of the lndian Economic Association. He was
                            Conference President of the lndian Society of Labour Economics in
                            2017 and Conference President of the lndian Society of Agricultural
                            Economics. He received honorary doctorate (D.Litt) ftom the Acharya
                            Nagarjuna Universily. He has received honors for eminence in public
                            service. <br> <br>
                            He received his Ph.D. from the Delhi School of Economics and did his
                            post doctoral research at Yale University. His main areas of interest are
                            development economics, employment, poverty, inequality, agriculture
                            policies, rural development, and social sector.
                            He has around 130 research publications in national and international
                            journals. He has witten or edited 2l books. His book on 'lnclusive
                            Growth in lndia: Agriculture, Poverty and Human Development', published by Oxford University
                            Press is well known. He has been a consultant and adviser to many international
                            organizations, such as UNDP, World Bank, lFPBl, UNESCO, lLO, FAO, and ESCAP.<br> <br>
                            He has been a member of several government committees in lndia,
                            including the Prime Minister's Task Force on Employment, member of
                            the Committee on Financial inclusion, member of the Expert Group on
                            Poverty chaired by Dr. C. Rangaraian, member of the National
                            Statistical Commission. He is the Chairman of the Committee on Terms
                            of Trade on Agriculture constituted by the Ministry of Agriculture. He
                            was member of several working groups for 9th, l0th, llth, and 12th
                            Five-Year Plans in lndia.

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                    <h4>Prof. P Narasimha Rao</h4>
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                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/narasimharao.jpeg" alt="">
                        <p>Prof. P Narasimha Rao did his Post Graduation in Economics and
                            Statistics at S.V University, and Ph.D in Agricultulal Economics at
                            Andhra Universrty. He was Vice-Chairman of Andhra Pradesh State
                            Council of Higher Education. Earlier he was Emeritus Professor at
                            Department of Economics, Acharya Nagariuna University. He has more
                            than 28 years of teaching and research experiences at Acharya
                            Nagariuna University in the areas of Quantitative Methods in
                            Economics, Agricultural Economics, Econometrics and Mathematical
                            Economics. He supervised 10 MPhil and 12 Ph.D students and
                            published 5 books and 17 research journal articles. Some of his
                            publications are Irrigation Development: lssues and Challenges, Water
                            Resource Management: lnter Linking of Rivers, Agricultural
                            Mechanization in India, Dimensions of Agrarian Distress in Andhra
                            Pradesh, Economic Efficiency in Andhra Pradesh Agriculture and
                            Impact of Communication and lnformation Technology on Rural
                            Production Systems. During his long association with Acharya
                            Nagarjuna University, he has occupied many administrative positions
                            such as Dean, Research; Head, Department of Economics; Co-ordinator,
                            University Examinations; Member. Board of Studies in Economics and
                            Hostel Advisory Committee. He conducted several research projects
                            and organised national seminars. He is also a member of Agricultural
                            Economic Research Association, Indian Society of Agricultural
                            Economics, Indian Economic Association and A.P Economic

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                    <h4>Dr. Duvvuri Subbarao</h4>
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                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/duvvurisubbarao.jpg" alt="">
                        <p>Dr. Duvvuri Subbarao served as Governor of the Reserve Bank of lndia
                            (RBl) for five years (2008-13).Prior to that, he was Finance Secretary to
                            the Government of lndia (2007-08) and secretary to the Prime
                            Minister's Economic Advisory Council (2005-07).
                            Subbarao joined the Indian Administrative Service (lAS) in 1972,
                            topping the highly competitive civil services entry examination in that
                            year. As a career civil servant, he worked in various positions in the
                            State Government of Andhra Pradesh and in the federal Government of
                            lndia. He was a Lead Economist in the World Bank (1999 - 2004).
                            Subbarao studied Physics at the Indian Institute of Technology,
                            Kharagpur and later at the lndian lnstitute of Technology, Kanpur. He
                            went to Graduate School at Ohio State University, where he got MS in
                            Economics and was subsequently a Fulbright Scholar at MIT studying
                            Public Finance. He got his doctorate in Economics from Andhra
                            University.<br> <br>
                            Subbarao went in as Governor of the Reserve Bank of lndia just a week
                            before the global financial crisis erupted in mid-September 2008, and
                            he led the effort to mitigate the impact of the crisis on the lndian
                            economy and to institute economic and financial sector reforms
                            reflecting the lessons of the crisis.
                            Subbarao was alternate Governor for lndia on the Governing Boards of
                            both the World Bank and the lMF. He participated actively in the G 20
                            meetings, the meetings of the lnternational Monetary and Financial
                            Committee (of the IMF), bi-monthly meetings of Governors at the Bank
                            for lnternational Settlements (BlS) in Basel and a host of other international committees
                            and conferences where his views were respected
                            for the emerging market perspectives, he brought to bear on issues in
                            global policy coordination. <br> <br>
                            Subbarao's book "Who Moved My lnterest Rate" chronicling his
                            experiences in leading the Reserve Bank of lndia through five turbulent
                            years, is best known for the way he explained the policy dilemmas and
                            challenges facing an emerging economy central bank in a globalized
                            world. <br> <br>
                            After stepping down as Governor, RBl, Subbarao was a Distinguished
                            Visiting Fellow at the National University of Singapore (2014-18), and
                            most recently at the University of Pennsylvania (2019-20).

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                    <h4>Prof. K. C. Reddy</h4>
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                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/kcreddy.jpg" alt="">
                        <p>Prof. K. C. Reddy Chancellor &amp; Chairman of the Governing Council,
                            RGUKT - A.P Prof. K. C. REDDY is a Teacher, Researcher - Economist &amp;
                            Education Administrator. Prof. K.C. Reddy (1946) has a PhD in
                            Economics; taught Economics at Andhra University for over 3 decades
                            before joining Andhra Pradesh Government as Chairman, State Council
                            of Higher Education in 2004. Also served as Chairman Rajiv
                            Yuvakiranalu, a flagship Skill Development and Employment
                            Programme of united AP Government during 2011-2014; served as
                            President of the lndian Economic Association. Professor K.C.Reddy, a
                            Doctorate in Economics; Acclaimed as a Teacher and Researcher par
                            excellence by his students and peers; Authored many books and
                            papers; Occupied several administrative positions like Director,
                            Academic Staff College, and SAARC Studies Centre; Board of
                            Management Member and Vice-Chancellor-in-charge at Andhra
                            University; Chairman, A.P.State Council of Higher Education for two
                            terms; Visiting Professor at Armstrong Atlantic State University,
                            Savannah, Georgia, U.S.A. As an education administrator, introduced
                            many innovative measures in Higher Education; Provided Leadership as
                            the Founder Vice-Chancellor of Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge
                            Technologies; Also served as Chairman, Rajiv Yuvakiranalu, a flagship
                            Skill Development and Employment Programme of united A.P
                            Government during 2011-14 and instrumental in skill up-gradation in
                            providing employment to unemployed. Recipient of many awards and
                            honours across lndia and abroad. To make a special mention -
                            President's Award for lnnovation in Higher Education from lndian Science
                            Congess; Hony. D-Litt. from Bleakinge lnstitute of Technology, Sweden.

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                    <h4>Prof E. Nagabhushana Rao </h4>
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                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/enbrao.png" alt="">
                        <p>Edubelli Nagabhushana Rao was a former
                            Professor, Senate Member, Special Officer, Dean and Head Department of Rural Development and
                            Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. He is recognized as one of the
                            best teacher, Researcher, academic administrator and Institution
                            Builder. <br> <br>
                            He graduated, Post graduated (1975) and obtained Ph.D. (1982) in
                            the Andhra University.
                            Later joined as faculty member (1978) in the same university
                            served nearly three and half decades, successfully guided
                            Doctoral fellows (15), Post-Doctoral fellows (3) and authored 2
                            books in addition to few books and journals in the capacity of
                            editor. He has conducted six major research projects, organized
                            seminars and conferences (10), Participated in various national
                            and international conferences. He has been serving in various
                            academic and non-academic bodies in various capacities.
                            Associated with Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS)
                            Hyderabad as Senior Consultant for few research projects,
                            SpecialOfficer, Centre for Tribal Development studies
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                    <h4>Prof K. Hemachandra Reddy</h4>
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                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/K.Hemachandrareddy.jpg" alt="">
                        <p>Prof. K.Hemachandra Reddy has more than 30 years of teaching &amp; research
                            experience in the field of Mechanical Engineering , JNTU Anantapur.
                            He is specialized in the areas of thermal engineering,
                            Computational Fluid Dynamics; He has published more than 135 technical papers
                            in various national and international journals
                            with 1466 citations and h-Index of 19. He has executed externally funded
                            research projects sponsored by DRDO to the tune of Rs. 30 Lakhs and Rs 30 Lakhs
                            in the area of PCM based Thermal energy storage applications sanctioned
                            by SERB are in progress. He has guided 39 scholars for PhD degrees.
                            He has delivered more than 50 invited lectures in various universities
                            and organized about 10 workshops/seminars. During his tenure as teacher
                            he has handled many administrative positions at the
                            university and college levels such as - Placement Officer,
                            Principal, Director – Academics &amp; Planning and The Registrar.
                            He received Anna University National Award for the
                            Outstanding Academic from degree level institutions from ISTE, New Delhi,
                            India; State Best Teacher award from the
                            AP state government and Broad Outlook Learner Teacher award from Air-India,
                            At Present, he is Chairman, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE ).
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                    <h4>Prof. Alakh N. Sharma</h4>
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                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/Alakh-N-Sharma1 (1).jpg" alt="">
                        <p>Professor Alakh N. Sharma is currently Professor and Director of the Institute for Human Development (IHD), New Delhi. 
                            Earlier, he has worked in the capacity of Senior Visiting Fellow, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi; Advisor (Research), 
                            V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, Noida; Professor, Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations, New Delhi; and a Faculty Member, 
                            A.N. Sinha Institute of Social Studies, Patna, for several years. He has made significant contributions to research in varied areas 
                            such as livelihoods, poverty, employment, labour markets and related issues. During his academic career spanning over 25 years, he has
                             directed/coordinated more than 30 research projects in the above areas sponsored by various agencies including national governments,
                              bilateral and multilateral agencies, and international organizations. He has also been a consultant to several international organizations 
                              such as ILO, UNDP and the World Bank. Professor Sharma has been closely associated with the policy-making processes involving employment, 
                              livelihoods and development in India, and has been a member of several high-level committees/task forces constituted by national and provincial governments.

                            He has authored /edited/co-edited 15 books and published over 30 research papers in various journals. He is also Editor of the Indian Journal
                             of Labour Economics (IJLE), the quarterly journal of the Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE), and Co-editor of the Indian Journal of Human Development (IJHD), 
                             a bi-annual journal brought out by IHD.
                            Professor Sharma is also credited with institution-building in India. 
                            His role in reviving and strengthening the Indian Society of Labour Economics 
                            (ISLE) and its quarterly journal, IJLE, is widely acknowledged among both economists and academicians.
                             In addition, it is largely due to his efforts and vision that IHD, of which he is one of the founding members, .
                             has today become an important centre for research and studies on livelihood, employment and labour markets. Professor Sharma
                              has also made valuable contributions in forging networks of researchers in the above areas in India and Asia, particularly in South Asia. 
                              Currently, he is leading a major research and network programme on Employment, Social Protection and Inclusive Growth in South Asia, which 
                              is being supported by IDRC (Canada), UNESCAP and ILO.
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                    <h4>Prof. S. Galab</h4>
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                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/sgalab.jpeg" alt="">
                        <p>Prof. S Galab did his Post Graduation in Economics and Statistics, and
                            Ph.D in Economics at Andhra University. He is presently the Director of
                            lnstitute for Development Studies, Andhra Pradesh. He
                            is closely associated with several advanced research centres in Social
                            Sciences in India and abroad. He has supervised a large number of PhD
                            and MPhil students at CESS. He has been a member of several policy
                            bodies and Committees constituted by Governments 0f lndia, and State
                            Governments of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. He was formerly
                            Director of Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad.
                            He was special invitee to Committees and Commissions constituted
                            by Government of lndia and Andhra Pradesh for enhancement 0f
                            Farmers' well-being such as Expert Group on Agricultural lndebtedness,
                            Ministry of Finance, Government of lndia; Member of Farmers'Wellare
                            Commission in Andhra Pradesh, Government of undivided Andhra
                            Pradesh; and member of Commission on lnclusive and Sustainable
                            Agricultural Development of Andhra Pradesh, Government of Andhra
                            Pradesh. He has also a special invitee to the Working Group on Poverty
                            Elimination Programmes, Planning Commission, Government of lndia.
                            He has made pioneering research contributions in the fields of Rural
                            Development, Agriculture, Natural Resource Management, Rural
                            lndebtedness. Agrarian Distress and Farmers' Suicides, and
                            Rehabilitation and Resettlement. He has authored many books and
                            research papers in national and international journals. He is a coauthor of the books on
                            Joint Forest Management in Andhra Pradesh
                            and organising Poor Women: The Andhra Pradesh Experience. He is
                            also an author of 42 research reports brought out by CESS. These
                            include Rural lndebtedness in Andhra Pradesh (2007), Andhra Pradesh
                            Human Development Report (2007), Mid-Term Appraisal of the Xl Five
                            Year Plan of Andhra Pradesh (2010), Xll Plan Approach Paper on
                            Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh (2012), Human Development Report in
                            Telangana State: District Profiles (2015), Status of Millennium
                            Development Goals in Telangana State (2015), Human Development
                            Report in Andhra Pradesh: Regional Pattern (forthcoming), Millennium
                            Development Goals in Andhra Pradesh (forthcoming). <br> <br>
                            Professor Galab made significant contribution in organising research
                            programmes at CESS. He was instrumental in the establishment of
                            Division of Child Studies (DCS) sponsored by UNICEF and Division for
                            Studies on Sustainable Development (DSDS) at CESS. He directed
                            many research projects sponsored by national and international
                            organisations such as World Bank, Wisconsin University, University of
                            Amsterdam, Planning Commission, ICSSR, Government of lndia,
                            Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana. He was principal investigator for
                            Young Lives Project which is an lnternational Collaborative Longitudinal
                            Project on Childhood Poverty in Andhra Pradesh located at CESS. He
                            was Project Director for Andhra Pradesh District Poverty lnitiatives
                            Project (APDPIP) and Andhra Pradesh Rural Poverty Reduction Project
                            (APRPRP). He was a member of the Advisory Board of Commission of
                            lnquiry on Socio-Economic &amp; Educational Conditions of Muslims,
                            Government of Telangana and Coordinator of Group on Primary Sector
                            for the Preparation of 12- Five Year Plan Approach Paper, Government
                            of Andhra Pradesh.

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                    <h4>Prof. Peter Timmer</h4>
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                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/petertimmer.jpg" alt="">
                        <p>Peter Timmer was a visiting professor at Stanford's Center on Food Security and the
                            Environment in 2007. He is a leading authority on Agriculture and Rural development who has
                            published widely on these topics. He has served as a professor at Stanford, Cornell, three
                            faculties at Harvard, and the University of California, San Diego, where he was also the
                            dean of the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies. A core advisor
                            on the World Bank's World Development Report 2008: Agriculture for Development, Timmer also
                            works with several Asian Governments on domestic policy responses to instability in the
                            global rice market. In 1992, he received the Bintang Jasa Utama (Highest Merit Star) from
                            the Republic of Indonesia for his contributions to food security. He is an advisor to the
                            Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on agricultural development issues.
                            Timmer's work focuses on three broad topics: the nature of "pro-poor growth" and its
                            application in Indonesia and other countries in Asia; the supermarket revolution in
                            developing countries and its impact on the poor (both producers and consumers); and the
                            structural transformation in historical perspective as a framework for understanding the
                            political economy of agricultural policy.


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                    <h4>Prof. Barbara Harris White </h4>
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                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/barbaraharriswhite.jpg" alt="">
                        <p>Is an English economist and emeritus professor of development studies. She was trained in
                            geography, agricultural science, agricultural economics and self-taught in development
                            economics. In the 1990s, she helped to create the multi- and inter-disciplinary thematic
                            discipline of development studies in Oxford Department of International Development; and in
                            2005-7 founded Oxford's Contemporary South Asia Program. She has developed an approach to
                            the understanding of Indian rural development and its informal economy, grounded in
                            political economy and decades of what the economic anthropologist Polly Hill called 'field

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                    <h4>Prof Hans Bernd </h4>
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                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/hansbernd.jpg" alt="">
                        <p>Hans-Bernd Schafer is a German economist and a pioneer in the field of law and economics in
                            Germany and Europe. Schafer is professor emeritus at the University of Hamburg and former
                            director of the Institute of Law &amp; Economics. Currently he is an affiliate professor at
                            Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, Germany</p>

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                    <h4>Prof. K. Subba Rao</h4>
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                        <p>K. Subbarao is a principal economist in the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network
                            of the World Bank. He holds a Ph.D. from the Delhi School of Economics, India. He has
                            authored or co-authored six books and several research papers and monographs in three areas:
                            efficiency and distributional impacts of agricultural market interventions, gender and
                            development, and on safety nets and poverty-targeted programs. He is the principal author of
                            a recent World Bank publication entitled Safety Net Programs and Poverty Reduction: Lessons
                            from Cross-Country Experience. At the World Bank, he is currently leading a program team
                            that promotes evaluation of poverty reduction impacts of program/project interventions.</p>

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                    <h4>Prof Kaliappa Kalirajan</h4>
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                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/kaliappakalirajan.jpg" alt="">
                        <p>Kaliappa Kalirajan is an applied economist and policy analyst. He received his Master's in
                            Mathematical Economics from Madurai University (1970), Master of Letters in Econometrics
                            from Madurai University (1973) and Doctor of Philosophy in Economics from the Australian
                            National University (1979).
                            Before joining the Crawford School, he was a Professor of International Economics at the
                            Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development (FASID) and the National
                            Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Tokyo. Before joining FASID and GRIPS, he
                            was Deputy Executive Director to Executive Director, in the Australia South Asia Research
                            Centre at The Australian National University (1994-2000).
                            His areas of major interests include macroeconomic and trade policies and reform, poverty
                            reduction, and sources of growth. His work on the stochastic frontier production function
                            methodology has given him international recognition. He has several research publications in
                            these areas in reputed academic and policy-oriented journals. He received a special
                            commendation award from the Indian Econometric Society for his outstanding work in frontier
                            production function analyses in December 1994. He has authored, co-authored, or edited a
                            dozen books published by reputed international publishers.
                            He has taught and supervised students for PhD in Economics and Econometrics in the following
                            universities: Madurai University, India; National University of Singapore; University of the
                            Philippines; The Australian National University; Sophia University, Japan; International
                            University of Japan; International Christian University, Japan, and National Graduate
                            Institute for Policy Studies, Japan. He is also a visiting professor at the Madras School of
                            Economics, Chennai, India. He is an Advisor to the FASID-GRIPS Joint Graduate Program in
                            International Development Studies taught at GRIPS in Tokyo. He has been a consultant to
                            different national and international organizations.
                            He is currently serving in the editorial board of the following journals:
                            <li>International Journal of Applied Economics, Sage Publications, New Delhi.</li>
                            <li>Agricultural Economics, Journal of the International Association of Agricultural
                                Economists (IAAE), Blackwell Publishers.</li>
                            <li>The Developing Economies, Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO and Blackwell
                            <li>Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, The Australian Society of
                                Agricultural Economists and Blackwell publishers.</li>
                            <li>Journal of Asian Economics, Elsevier Publications.</li>
                            <li>Indian Economic Journal, Indian Economics Society, Academic Publications.</li>


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                    <h4>Prof Rahul Mukerji</h4>
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                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/rahulmukerji.jpg" alt="">
                        <p>I have been professor and head of the Department of Political Science at the South Asia
                            Institute in Heidelberg University since 2016.
                            I teach and research in the area of comparative and South Asian politics and international
                            relations. Current research projects involve democratic backsliding, politics of welfare and
                            India's emergence in the global order.
                            I have earlier taught at the National University of Singapore (2008-2016), the Jawaharlal
                            Nehru University (New Delhi. 2003-2008), Hunter College (New York, 1996-1998) and the
                            University of Vermont (Burlington, 1999). I am concurrently Senior Non-Resident Fellow with
                            the Institute of South Asian Studies (National University of Singapore, 2021-2023), and
                            co-chair of the China-India workshop coordinated by Fudan University in Shanghai.
                            I serve on the board of journals such as Governance, Global Public Policy and Governance,
                            Pacific Affairs, India Review, Bandung and the Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences. I
                            co-edit a book series for Oxford University Press titled: Institutions and Development in
                            South Asia.

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                    <h4>Prof C G Ranade</h4>
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                        <p>C.G. Ranade, Retired Senior Agriculture Economist, World Bank, USA ... Professor at Stratford
                            University and University of Bridgeport, USA.

                            Dr. Ranade has completed his education at John Hopkins University in Master of Arts in
                            Education. Dr. Ranade has done a Master of Statistics from Indian Statistical Institute and
                            Ph.D. in Economics with a specialization in agricultural economics from Cornell University,
                            USA. This involved numerous applications of mathematics and statistic. He has worked with
                            IIMA and International Food Policy Research Institute, USA, and made a significant
                            contribution to policymaking. Further, he has joined the World Bank, as Senior Agricultural
                            Economist and involved in many international projects. In the World Bank, he was managing
                            training programs on Rural Project Analysis in the Transition Economies of the Former Soviet
                            Union countries, Cambodia and Vietnam; and Policy Analysis programs in South Asia, Central
                            Asia, and the Middle East and North Africa Region.


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                    <h4>Dr P Prudhvikar Reddy</h4>
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                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/DrPPrudhvikar-Reddy.jpg" alt="">
                        <p>Ph. D: Topic: ‘Economic Analysis of Paddy Cultivation in AndhraPradesh.
                            M.A: Economics ( Agricultural Economics as a special paper.
                            P.G. Diploma in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management and Diploma in Computer


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                    <h4>Prof. Duvvuri Narasimha
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                        <img src="assets/images/profimages/duvvurinarasimhareddy.jpg" alt="">
                        <p>Prof. Duvvuri Narasimha
                            is the Visiting
                            Professor, Institute for Human
                            Development, New Delhi
                            Former Professor of Economics
                            at University of Hyderabad;
                            former Sankaran Chair
                            Professor at NIRD and ICSSR
                            National Fellow. His
                            publications: Towards Understanding WTO Doha
                            Development Round (2005), Labor Regulation,
                            Industrial Growth and Employment:
                            A Study of
                            Recent Trends in Andra Pradesh (2008), Agrarian
                            Crisis in India (2009 ed., with Srijit Mishra) and
                            "Contours of the Agrarian Question: towards
                            Political Question of 'the peasantry'
                            in India" in
                            Critical Perspectives on Agrarian Transition (2016,
                            B B Mohanty ed.). His areas of interest: political
                            economy of development, labour and agricultural economics.


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