Submitted URL:
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The outgoing links identified from the page

JavaScript Variables · 53 found

Global JavaScript variables loaded on the window object of a page, are variables declared outside of functions and accessible from anywhere in the code within the current scope


Console log messages · 1 found

Messages logged to the web console

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()


The raw HTML body of the page

<!DOCTYPE html><html translate="no"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,user-scalable=no"><style type="text/css">@charset "UTF-8";
.react-datepicker__month-year-read-view--down-arrow, .react-datepicker__navigation-icon::before {
  border-color: #ccc;
  border-style: solid;
  border-width: 3px 3px 0 0;
  content: "";
  display: block;
  height: 9px;
  position: absolute;
  top: 6px;
  width: 9px;
.react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=top] .react-datepicker__triangle, .react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=bottom] .react-datepicker__triangle {
  margin-left: -4px;
  position: absolute;
  width: 0;
.react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=top] .react-datepicker__triangle::before, .react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=bottom] .react-datepicker__triangle::before, .react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=top] .react-datepicker__triangle::after, .react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=bottom] .react-datepicker__triangle::after {
  box-sizing: content-box;
  position: absolute;
  border: 8px solid transparent;
  height: 0;
  width: 1px;
  content: "";
  z-index: -1;
  border-width: 8px;
  left: -8px;
.react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=top] .react-datepicker__triangle::before, .react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=bottom] .react-datepicker__triangle::before {
  border-bottom-color: #aeaeae;

.react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=bottom] .react-datepicker__triangle {
  top: 0;
  margin-top: -8px;
.react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=bottom] .react-datepicker__triangle::before, .react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=bottom] .react-datepicker__triangle::after {
  border-top: none;
  border-bottom-color: #f0f0f0;
.react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=bottom] .react-datepicker__triangle::after {
  top: 0;
.react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=bottom] .react-datepicker__triangle::before {
  top: -1px;
  border-bottom-color: #aeaeae;

.react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=top] .react-datepicker__triangle {
  bottom: 0;
  margin-bottom: -8px;
.react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=top] .react-datepicker__triangle::before, .react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=top] .react-datepicker__triangle::after {
  border-bottom: none;
  border-top-color: #fff;
.react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=top] .react-datepicker__triangle::after {
  bottom: 0;
.react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=top] .react-datepicker__triangle::before {
  bottom: -1px;
  border-top-color: #aeaeae;

.react-datepicker-wrapper {
  display: inline-block;
  padding: 0;
  border: 0;
  width: 100%;

.react-datepicker {
  font-family: "Helvetica Neue", helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
  font-size: 0.8rem;
  background-color: #fff;
  color: #000;
  border: 1px solid #aeaeae;
  border-radius: 0.3rem;
  display: inline-block;
  position: relative;

.react-datepicker--time-only .react-datepicker__triangle {
  left: 35px;
.react-datepicker--time-only .react-datepicker__time-container {
  border-left: 0;
.react-datepicker--time-only .react-datepicker__time,
.react-datepicker--time-only .react-datepicker__time-box {
  border-bottom-left-radius: 0.3rem;
  border-bottom-right-radius: 0.3rem;

.react-datepicker__triangle {
  position: absolute;
  left: 50px;

.react-datepicker-popper {
  z-index: 1;
.react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=bottom] {
  padding-top: 10px;
.react-datepicker-popper[data-placement=bottom-end] .react-datepicker__triangle, .react-datepicker-popper[data-placement=top-end] .react-datepicker__triangle {
  left: auto;
  right: 50px;
.react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=top] {
  padding-bottom: 10px;
.react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=right] {
  padding-left: 8px;
.react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=right] .react-datepicker__triangle {
  left: auto;
  right: 42px;
.react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=left] {
  padding-right: 8px;
.react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^=left] .react-datepicker__triangle {
  left: 42px;
  right: auto;

.react-datepicker__header {
  text-align: center;
  background-color: #f0f0f0;
  border-bottom: 1px solid #aeaeae;
  border-top-left-radius: 0.3rem;
  padding: 8px 0;
  position: relative;
.react-datepicker__header--time {
  padding-bottom: 8px;
  padding-left: 5px;
  padding-right: 5px;
.react-datepicker__header--time:not(.react-datepicker__header--time--only) {
  border-top-left-radius: 0;
.react-datepicker__header:not(.react-datepicker__header--has-time-select) {
  border-top-right-radius: 0.3rem;

.react-datepicker__month-year-dropdown-container--scroll {
  display: inline-block;
  margin: 0 15px;

.react-datepicker-year-header {
  margin-top: 0;
  color: #000;
  font-weight: bold;
  font-size: 0.944rem;

.react-datepicker-time__header {
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  white-space: nowrap;
  overflow: hidden;

.react-datepicker__navigation {
  align-items: center;
  background: none;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  text-align: center;
  cursor: pointer;
  position: absolute;
  top: 2px;
  padding: 0;
  border: none;
  z-index: 1;
  height: 32px;
  width: 32px;
  text-indent: -999em;
  overflow: hidden;
.react-datepicker__navigation--previous {
  left: 2px;
.react-datepicker__navigation--next {
  right: 2px;
.react-datepicker__navigation--next--with-time:not(.react-datepicker__navigation--next--with-today-button) {
  right: 85px;
.react-datepicker__navigation--years {
  position: relative;
  top: 0;
  display: block;
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;
.react-datepicker__navigation--years-previous {
  top: 4px;
.react-datepicker__navigation--years-upcoming {
  top: -4px;
.react-datepicker__navigation:hover *::before {
  border-color: #a6a6a6;

.react-datepicker__navigation-icon {
  position: relative;
  top: -1px;
  font-size: 20px;
  width: 0;
.react-datepicker__navigation-icon--next {
  left: -2px;
.react-datepicker__navigation-icon--next::before {
  transform: rotate(45deg);
  left: -7px;
.react-datepicker__navigation-icon--previous {
  right: -2px;
.react-datepicker__navigation-icon--previous::before {
  transform: rotate(225deg);
  right: -7px;

.react-datepicker__month-container {
  float: left;

.react-datepicker__year {
  margin: 0.4rem;
  text-align: center;
.react-datepicker__year-wrapper {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  max-width: 180px;
.react-datepicker__year .react-datepicker__year-text {
  display: inline-block;
  width: 4rem;
  margin: 2px;

.react-datepicker__month {
  margin: 0.4rem;
  text-align: center;
.react-datepicker__month .react-datepicker__month-text,
.react-datepicker__month .react-datepicker__quarter-text {
  display: inline-block;
  width: 4rem;
  margin: 2px;

.react-datepicker__input-time-container {
  clear: both;
  width: 100%;
  float: left;
  margin: 5px 0 10px 15px;
  text-align: left;
.react-datepicker__input-time-container .react-datepicker-time__caption {
  display: inline-block;
.react-datepicker__input-time-container .react-datepicker-time__input-container {
  display: inline-block;
.react-datepicker__input-time-container .react-datepicker-time__input-container .react-datepicker-time__input {
  display: inline-block;
  margin-left: 10px;
.react-datepicker__input-time-container .react-datepicker-time__input-container .react-datepicker-time__input input {
  width: auto;
.react-datepicker__input-time-container .react-datepicker-time__input-container .react-datepicker-time__input input[type=time]::-webkit-inner-spin-button,
.react-datepicker__input-time-container .react-datepicker-time__input-container .react-datepicker-time__input input[type=time]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
  -webkit-appearance: none;
  margin: 0;
.react-datepicker__input-time-container .react-datepicker-time__input-container .react-datepicker-time__input input[type=time] {
  -moz-appearance: textfield;
.react-datepicker__input-time-container .react-datepicker-time__input-container .react-datepicker-time__delimiter {
  margin-left: 5px;
  display: inline-block;

.react-datepicker__time-container {
  float: right;
  border-left: 1px solid #aeaeae;
  width: 85px;
.react-datepicker__time-container--with-today-button {
  display: inline;
  border: 1px solid #aeaeae;
  border-radius: 0.3rem;
  position: absolute;
  right: -87px;
  top: 0;
.react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time {
  position: relative;
  background: white;
  border-bottom-right-radius: 0.3rem;
.react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box {
  width: 85px;
  overflow-x: hidden;
  margin: 0 auto;
  text-align: center;
  border-bottom-right-radius: 0.3rem;
.react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list {
  list-style: none;
  margin: 0;
  height: calc(195px + (1.7rem / 2));
  overflow-y: scroll;
  padding-right: 0;
  padding-left: 0;
  width: 100%;
  box-sizing: content-box;
.react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list li.react-datepicker__time-list-item {
  height: 30px;
  padding: 5px 10px;
  white-space: nowrap;
.react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list li.react-datepicker__time-list-item:hover {
  cursor: pointer;
  background-color: #f0f0f0;
.react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list li.react-datepicker__time-list-item--selected {
  background-color: #216ba5;
  color: white;
  font-weight: bold;
.react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list li.react-datepicker__time-list-item--selected:hover {
  background-color: #216ba5;
.react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list li.react-datepicker__time-list-item--disabled {
  color: #ccc;
.react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list li.react-datepicker__time-list-item--disabled:hover {
  cursor: default;
  background-color: transparent;

.react-datepicker__week-number {
  color: #ccc;
  display: inline-block;
  width: 1.7rem;
  line-height: 1.7rem;
  text-align: center;
  margin: 0.166rem;
.react-datepicker__week-number.react-datepicker__week-number--clickable {
  cursor: pointer;
.react-datepicker__week-number.react-datepicker__week-number--clickable:hover {
  border-radius: 0.3rem;
  background-color: #f0f0f0;

.react-datepicker__week {
  white-space: nowrap;

.react-datepicker__day-names {
  margin-bottom: -8px;

.react-datepicker__time-name {
  color: #000;
  display: inline-block;
  width: 1.7rem;
  line-height: 1.7rem;
  text-align: center;
  margin: 0.166rem;

.react-datepicker__month--selected, .react-datepicker__month--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__month--in-range,
.react-datepicker__quarter--in-range {
  border-radius: 0.3rem;
  background-color: #216ba5;
  color: #fff;
.react-datepicker__month--selected:hover, .react-datepicker__month--in-selecting-range:hover, .react-datepicker__month--in-range:hover,
.react-datepicker__quarter--in-range:hover {
  background-color: #1d5d90;
.react-datepicker__quarter--disabled {
  color: #ccc;
  pointer-events: none;
.react-datepicker__quarter--disabled:hover {
  cursor: default;
  background-color: transparent;

.react-datepicker__year-text {
  cursor: pointer;
.react-datepicker__year-text:hover {
  border-radius: 0.3rem;
  background-color: #f0f0f0;
.react-datepicker__year-text--today {
  font-weight: bold;
.react-datepicker__year-text--highlighted {
  border-radius: 0.3rem;
  background-color: #3dcc4a;
  color: #fff;
.react-datepicker__year-text--highlighted:hover {
  background-color: #32be3f;
.react-datepicker__year-text--highlighted-custom-1 {
  color: magenta;
.react-datepicker__year-text--highlighted-custom-2 {
  color: green;
.react-datepicker__day--selected, .react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__day--in-range,
.react-datepicker__year-text--in-range {
  border-radius: 0.3rem;
  background-color: #216ba5;
  color: #fff;
.react-datepicker__day--selected:hover, .react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range:hover, .react-datepicker__day--in-range:hover,
.react-datepicker__year-text--in-range:hover {
  background-color: #1d5d90;
.react-datepicker__year-text--keyboard-selected {
  border-radius: 0.3rem;
  background-color: #bad9f1;
  color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
.react-datepicker__year-text--keyboard-selected:hover {
  background-color: #1d5d90;
.react-datepicker__year-text--in-range) {
  background-color: rgba(33, 107, 165, 0.5);
.react-datepicker__month--selecting-range .react-datepicker__day--in-range:not(.react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range,
.react-datepicker__month--selecting-range .react-datepicker__month-text--in-range:not(.react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range,
.react-datepicker__month--selecting-range .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-range:not(.react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range,
.react-datepicker__month--selecting-range .react-datepicker__year-text--in-range:not(.react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range,
.react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range) {
  background-color: #f0f0f0;
  color: #000;
.react-datepicker__year-text--disabled {
  cursor: default;
  color: #ccc;
.react-datepicker__year-text--disabled:hover {
  background-color: transparent;

.react-datepicker__month-text.react-datepicker__month--selected:hover, .react-datepicker__month-text.react-datepicker__month--in-range:hover, .react-datepicker__month-text.react-datepicker__quarter--selected:hover, .react-datepicker__month-text.react-datepicker__quarter--in-range:hover,
.react-datepicker__quarter-text.react-datepicker__quarter--in-range:hover {
  background-color: #216ba5;
.react-datepicker__quarter-text:hover {
  background-color: #f0f0f0;

.react-datepicker__input-container {
  position: relative;
  display: inline-block;
  width: 100%;

.react-datepicker__month-year-read-view {
  border: 1px solid transparent;
  border-radius: 0.3rem;
  position: relative;
.react-datepicker__month-year-read-view:hover {
  cursor: pointer;
.react-datepicker__year-read-view:hover .react-datepicker__year-read-view--down-arrow,
.react-datepicker__year-read-view:hover .react-datepicker__month-read-view--down-arrow,
.react-datepicker__month-read-view:hover .react-datepicker__year-read-view--down-arrow,
.react-datepicker__month-read-view:hover .react-datepicker__month-read-view--down-arrow,
.react-datepicker__month-year-read-view:hover .react-datepicker__year-read-view--down-arrow,
.react-datepicker__month-year-read-view:hover .react-datepicker__month-read-view--down-arrow {
  border-top-color: #b3b3b3;
.react-datepicker__month-year-read-view--down-arrow {
  transform: rotate(135deg);
  right: -16px;
  top: 0;

.react-datepicker__month-year-dropdown {
  background-color: #f0f0f0;
  position: absolute;
  width: 50%;
  left: 25%;
  top: 30px;
  z-index: 1;
  text-align: center;
  border-radius: 0.3rem;
  border: 1px solid #aeaeae;
.react-datepicker__month-year-dropdown:hover {
  cursor: pointer;
.react-datepicker__month-year-dropdown--scrollable {
  height: 150px;
  overflow-y: scroll;

.react-datepicker__month-year-option {
  line-height: 20px;
  width: 100%;
  display: block;
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;
.react-datepicker__month-year-option:first-of-type {
  border-top-left-radius: 0.3rem;
  border-top-right-radius: 0.3rem;
.react-datepicker__month-year-option:last-of-type {
  -webkit-user-select: none;
  -moz-user-select: none;
  -ms-user-select: none;
  user-select: none;
  border-bottom-left-radius: 0.3rem;
  border-bottom-right-radius: 0.3rem;
.react-datepicker__month-year-option:hover {
  background-color: #ccc;
.react-datepicker__year-option:hover .react-datepicker__navigation--years-upcoming,
.react-datepicker__month-option:hover .react-datepicker__navigation--years-upcoming,
.react-datepicker__month-year-option:hover .react-datepicker__navigation--years-upcoming {
  border-bottom-color: #b3b3b3;
.react-datepicker__year-option:hover .react-datepicker__navigation--years-previous,
.react-datepicker__month-option:hover .react-datepicker__navigation--years-previous,
.react-datepicker__month-year-option:hover .react-datepicker__navigation--years-previous {
  border-top-color: #b3b3b3;
.react-datepicker__month-year-option--selected {
  position: absolute;
  left: 15px;

.react-datepicker__close-icon {
  cursor: pointer;
  background-color: transparent;
  border: 0;
  outline: 0;
  padding: 0 6px 0 0;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  right: 0;
  height: 100%;
  display: table-cell;
  vertical-align: middle;
.react-datepicker__close-icon::after {
  cursor: pointer;
  background-color: #216ba5;
  color: #fff;
  border-radius: 50%;
  height: 16px;
  width: 16px;
  padding: 2px;
  font-size: 12px;
  line-height: 1;
  text-align: center;
  display: table-cell;
  vertical-align: middle;
  content: "×";

.react-datepicker__today-button {
  background: #f0f0f0;
  border-top: 1px solid #aeaeae;
  cursor: pointer;
  text-align: center;
  font-weight: bold;
  padding: 5px 0;
  clear: left;

.react-datepicker__portal {
  position: fixed;
  width: 100vw;
  height: 100vh;
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  display: flex;
  z-index: 2147483647;
.react-datepicker__portal .react-datepicker__day-name,
.react-datepicker__portal .react-datepicker__day,
.react-datepicker__portal .react-datepicker__time-name {
  width: 3rem;
  line-height: 3rem;
@media (max-width: 400px), (max-height: 550px) {
  .react-datepicker__portal .react-datepicker__day-name,
  .react-datepicker__portal .react-datepicker__day,
  .react-datepicker__portal .react-datepicker__time-name {
    width: 2rem;
    line-height: 2rem;
.react-datepicker__portal .react-datepicker__current-month,
.react-datepicker__portal .react-datepicker-time__header {
  font-size: 1.44rem;

.react-datepicker__children-container {
  width: 13.8rem;
  margin: 0.4rem;
  padding-right: 0.2rem;
  padding-left: 0.2rem;
  height: auto;

.react-datepicker__aria-live {
  position: absolute;
  clip-path: circle(0);
  border: 0;
  height: 1px;
  margin: -1px;
  overflow: hidden;
  padding: 0;
  width: 1px;
  white-space: nowrap;

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.Toastify--animate {
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.Toastify--animate-icon {
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@media only screen and (max-width : 480px) {
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.Toastify__toast-theme--dark {
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.Toastify__toast-theme--light {
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.Toastify__toast-theme--colored.Toastify__toast--default {
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.Toastify__toast-theme--colored.Toastify__toast--info {
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.Toastify__toast-theme--colored.Toastify__toast--success {
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.Toastify__toast-theme--colored.Toastify__toast--error {
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.Toastify__progress-bar-theme--light {
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.Toastify__progress-bar-theme--dark {
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.Toastify__progress-bar--success {
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.Toastify__progress-bar--error {
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.Toastify__progress-bar-theme--colored.Toastify__progress-bar--info, .Toastify__progress-bar-theme--colored.Toastify__progress-bar--success, .Toastify__progress-bar-theme--colored.Toastify__progress-bar--warning, .Toastify__progress-bar-theme--colored.Toastify__progress-bar--error {
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.Toastify__close-button {
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.Toastify__close-button > svg {
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.Toastify__close-button:hover, .Toastify__close-button:focus {
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@keyframes Toastify__trackProgress {
  0% {
    transform: scaleX(1);
  100% {
    transform: scaleX(0);
.Toastify__progress-bar {
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.Toastify__progress-bar--animated {
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.Toastify__progress-bar--controlled {
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.Toastify__progress-bar--rtl {
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.Toastify__spinner {
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@keyframes Toastify__bounceInRight {
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@keyframes Toastify__bounceOutRight {
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@keyframes Toastify__bounceInLeft {
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  to {
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@keyframes Toastify__bounceOutLeft {
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@keyframes Toastify__bounceInUp {
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  90% {
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  to {
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@keyframes Toastify__bounceOutUp {
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@keyframes Toastify__bounceInDown {
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@keyframes Toastify__bounceOutDown {
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.Toastify__bounce-enter--top-left, .Toastify__bounce-enter--bottom-left {
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.Toastify__bounce-enter--top-right, .Toastify__bounce-enter--bottom-right {
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.Toastify__bounce-enter--top-center {
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.Toastify__bounce-enter--bottom-center {
  animation-name: Toastify__bounceInUp;

.Toastify__bounce-exit--top-left, .Toastify__bounce-exit--bottom-left {
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.Toastify__bounce-exit--top-right, .Toastify__bounce-exit--bottom-right {
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.Toastify__bounce-exit--top-center {
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.Toastify__bounce-exit--bottom-center {
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@keyframes Toastify__zoomIn {
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@keyframes Toastify__zoomOut {
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  50% {
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.Toastify__zoom-exit {
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@keyframes Toastify__flipIn {
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  60% {
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    opacity: 1;
  80% {
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  to {
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@keyframes Toastify__flipOut {
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  30% {
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    opacity: 1;
  to {
    transform: perspective(400px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, 90deg);
    opacity: 0;
.Toastify__flip-enter {
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.Toastify__flip-exit {
  animation-name: Toastify__flipOut;

@keyframes Toastify__slideInRight {
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@keyframes Toastify__slideInLeft {
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@keyframes Toastify__slideInUp {
  from {
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  to {
    transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
@keyframes Toastify__slideInDown {
  from {
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@keyframes Toastify__slideOutRight {
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@keyframes Toastify__slideOutLeft {
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@keyframes Toastify__slideOutDown {
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@keyframes Toastify__slideOutUp {
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.Toastify__slide-enter--top-left, .Toastify__slide-enter--bottom-left {
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.Toastify__slide-enter--top-right, .Toastify__slide-enter--bottom-right {
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.Toastify__slide-enter--top-center {
  animation-name: Toastify__slideInDown;
.Toastify__slide-enter--bottom-center {
  animation-name: Toastify__slideInUp;

.Toastify__slide-exit--top-left, .Toastify__slide-exit--bottom-left {
  animation-name: Toastify__slideOutLeft;
.Toastify__slide-exit--top-right, .Toastify__slide-exit--bottom-right {
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.Toastify__slide-exit--top-center {
  animation-name: Toastify__slideOutUp;
.Toastify__slide-exit--bottom-center {
  animation-name: Toastify__slideOutDown;

@keyframes Toastify__spin {
  from {
    transform: rotate(0deg);
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    transform: rotate(360deg);
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Visit <a href='' target='_blank'>DoorDash Gift Card Support</a></div>\n    ","customizeExtraText":"\n    <h2 class='bulk-header'>Gift Cards in Bulk</h2>\n    <div>Are you looking to purchase DoorDash gift cards in bulk? Give the gift of food delivery and sign up for a buyer account today!</div>\n  ","customizeExtraTextButton":"\n    <a target='_blank' href='' class='action-button action-button--bulk'>Shop now</a>\n  ","footerHTML":"\n    <div class='doordash-footer__container'>\n      <div class=\"doordash-footer-text\">The Gift that delivers itself</div>\n      <p class='doordash-order-footer_text'>\n        <img src='' class='doordash-order-footer_img' />\n        <a href=\"\">Terms of Service ©2023 DoorDash</a>\n      </p>\n    </div>\n  ","headerHTML":"\n      <div class='doordash-header__container'>\n      <div class=\"doordash-header-text\">Buy a DoorDash Gift Card</div>\n      <div class=\"doordash-header-subtext\">For every appetite and any occasion</div>\n        <img src='' class='doordash-order-header-logo' />\n      </div>\n    ","indexPageAbout":"\n    <div>\n      Learn more about DoorDash Gift Cards\n    </div>\n    <ul>\n      <li>Give the gift of food delivery with a DoorDash gift card. The DoorDash app connects your favourite people with the foods they love. Gift food delivery for easier evenings, happier days, and more time to enjoy the people and things they love. Available in Melbourne, Sydney, Geelong and Brisbane.</li>\n      <li>A huge selection fulfilling all your needs - food and more!</li>\n      <li>Easy ordering & real-time tracking</li>\n      <li>Customize your orders</li>\n      <li>Pickup & group order options</li>\n    </ul>\n  ","metaData":{"description":"Best local restaurants now deliver. Get breakfast, lunch, dinner and more delivered from your favorite restaurants right to your doorstep with one easy click.","keywords":"Food, delivery, breakfast, lunch, dinner, takeout, restaurants, palo alto, menlo park, mountain view, los angeles, santa monica, best, local, deliver, favorite, restaurant, doorstep, eats, delivered, order, tap, partner, find food, deliver with, hungry, gift of food, give food, Android, ios, wait, ready, crave, bring, to your door, the food, door to door, app, download, order, pickup, pick up, restaurants, city, DoorDash, door dash, dasher, dashers, delivering, good, moments, find, stories, good mornings, vibes,"},"terms":"\n    <h1>Terms and Conditions</h1>\n    <p>\n      Your gift card is redeemable towards eligible orders placed on <a href='' target='_blank'></a> or in the DoorDash App in Australia. Gift cards are made available and provided by DoorDash Technologies Australia Pty Ltd. Gift cards cannot be used to pay a credit account and are not redeemable for cash except when required by applicable law. Purchases with a gift card are subject to DoorDash's standard refund policy, and any refund amounts will be credited back to the DoorDash consumer's account. Gift cards will not expire. All gift card redemptions are final and may not be reversed. For more information on gift cards, please visit <a href='' target='_blank'></a>. To view the full Gift Card Terms and Conditions, please visit <a href=';region=AU&locale=en-AU' target='_blank'>;region=AU&locale=en-AU</a>.\n    </p>\n  "},"langFile":{"addACard":"Add a gift card","addAnotherCard":"Add another gift card","addAnotherCardIcon":"","customAgreeTextGroup":{"text1":"I agree to the","text2":"and","ddLinkText":"Card Terms and Conditions","lgcLinkText":"Terms of Use and Privacy Policy"},"addToAccountLabel":"Redeem gift card","addToAccountUrl":"","addToCartButtonLabel":"Continue","backIcon":"","cartEmptyMessage":"Your cart is empty.","checkoutAddCardText":"Add another gift card","checkoutButtonLabel":"Place order {price}","checkoutNavLabel":"Checkout","checkoutTitle":"Your cart","continueShoppingLinkLabel":"Back to DoorDash","copiedPINext":"PIN copied!","countryFlagOnValueSelectAlt":"","customAgreeTemplate":"","customCardholderNameLabel":"Cardholder Name","customerSupportLink":"","customizeExtraText":{"text":"Are you looking to purchase DoorDash gift cards in bulk? Give the gift of food delivery and sign up for a buyer account today!","title":"Gift Cards in Bulk"},"customizeExtraTextButton":"Shop now","defaultDeliveryOption":"digital","deliveryHeader":"Select delivery option","displayedValueLabel":"Amount on Card:","footerHTML":{"terms":"Terms of Service ©2023 DoorDash","text":"The Gift that delivers itself"},"giftMessage":"Message:","giftMessageLabel":"Gift Message","header":"Buy A DoorDash Gift Card","headerHTML":{"learnMore":"Learn more","subtext":"For every appetite and any occasion","text":"Buy a DoorDash Gift Card"},"languageModalLabels":{"header":"Choose a language to use"},"maxCardsDisclaimer":"Max. {maxCards} per order","metaData":{"description":"Best local restaurants now deliver. Get breakfast, lunch, dinner and more delivered from your favorite restaurants right to your doorstep with one easy click.","keywords":"Food, delivery, breakfast, lunch, dinner, takeout, restaurants, palo alto, menlo park, mountain view, los angeles, santa monica, best, local, deliver, favorite, restaurant, doorstep, eats, delivered, order, tap, partner, find food, deliver with, hungry, gift of food, give food, Android, ios, wait, ready, crave, bring, to your door, the food, door to door, app, download, order, pickup, pick up, restaurants, city, DoorDash, door dash, dasher, dashers, delivering, good, moments, find, stories, good mornings, vibes,"},"navBtnText":"Customize","orderSubtitle":"This will add gift card credits to your DoorDash account which you can use any time.","partnerHeaderImageModalContent":{"items":[{"description":"From holidays to birthdays, deliver cheer when you send a meal.","title":"Celebrate moments that matter"},{"description":"Use DoorDash Gift Cards at your neighborhood restaurants, or try somewhere new.","title":"Support local favorites"},{"description":"Provide an easy meal option for your team or coworkers.","title":"Delight your team"}],"title":"DoorDash Gift Cards"},"payWithCard":"Pay With Card","paymentDetailsTitle":"Personal details","pinCopyLabel":"Copy","previewYourOrder":"Checkout","productDenomInputErrorMsg":"Enter an amount between ${minDenom} and ${maxDenom}.","productDenomMissingInputErrorMsg":"","productTypeInfo":{"charity":{"productTypeInfoText":"DoorDash offers you the option to buy gift cards for donation to organizations and causes throughout the year. Just purchase the gift card, and we’ll donate it to the selected nonprofit.","productTypeInfoText2":"Learn more about our current effort to support Afghan refugees, and purchase a DoorDash gift card for the International Rescue Committee (IRC). Donated gift cards will be used by the IRC to provide food and essentials to families in need.","productTypeInfoText3":"Gift cards purchased for donation through DoorDash will be donated to the International Rescue Committee. DoorDash is not soliciting donations from residents of MA, IL, SC, MS, AL, and HI at this time. The purchase of a gift card is not tax deductible.","productTypeInfoTextCntd":"Learn more about our current effort to support Afghan refugees, and purchase a DoorDash gift card for the International Rescue Committee (IRC). Donated gift cards will be used by the IRC to provide food and essentials to families in need.","productTypeInfoTextCntd2":"Gift cards purchased for donation through DoorDash will be donated to the International Rescue Committee. DoorDash is not soliciting donations from residents of MA, IL, SC, MS, AL, and HI at this time. The purchase of a gift card is not tax deductible.","tooltip":{"productTypeInfoText":"DoorDash offers you the option to buy gift cards for donation to organizations and causes throughout the year. Just purchase the gift card, and we’ll donate it to the selected nonprofit.","productTypeInfoTextCntd":"Learn more about our current effort to support Afghan refugees, and purchase a DoorDash gift card for the International Rescue Committee (IRC). Donated gift cards will be used by the IRC to provide food and essentials to families in need.","productTypeInfoTextCntd2":"Gift cards purchased for donation through DoorDash will be donated to the International Rescue Committee. DoorDash is not soliciting donations from residents of MA, IL, SC, MS, AL, and HI at this time. The purchase of a gift card is not tax deductible.","textBeforeTrigger":"Learn more about the &nbsp;","tooltipTriggerText":"Donate Delivery Option"}}},"recipientEmailLabel":"Recipient Email","recipientHeader":"Other details","recipientPhoneLabel":"Recipient Phone Number","recipientRegionLabel":"State","requiredAddCartFormErrors":{"delivery_option":"Please select a delivery option","gift_message":"Gift Message is required","recipient_address_line_1":"Recipient address line 1 is required","recipient_city":"Recipient city is required","recipient_email":"Recipient email is required","recipient_name":"Recipient name is required","recipient_phone":"Recipient phone number is required","recipient_postal_code":"Recipient zip code is required","recipient_region":"State is required","sender_name":"Sender name is required"},"requiredPayFormErrors":{"zip":"Your postal code is required"},"sendDate":"Send on:","senderNameLabel":"Sender Name","specialHeaderNavCart":"","specialHeaderNavCartEmpty":"","specialHeaderNavLogo":"","stateDropdownPlaceholder":"","successLinksTextGroup":{"successLinksText":"Order more"},"successPageHeader":"Order Summary","typeLabelEmail":"Email","typeLabelPhysical":"Mail","typeLabelPhysicalDisabled":"Mail (not available)","typeLabelText":"Text message","validAddCartFormErrors":{"emoji_restriction":"Only plain text is supported with mailed cards. Please replace emojis with text or send via email.","gift_message":"Gift message must be 150 characters or less","recipient_email":"Please enter a valid email address","recipient_phone":"Please enter a valid phone number","scheduled_date":"Please enter a present or future delivery date","scheduled_date_not_business_day":"Cards can only be mailed on a business day"},"validPayFormErrors":{"zip":"Please provide a valid postal code"},"valueInputLabel":"How much you would like to gift?","valueInputPlaceholder":"Custom","zipDisplayName":"Zip Code","specialPromoTextTerms":{"headline":"Father’s Day Promotion - Receive 10% off any purchase* of a DoorDash Gift Card","linkText":"terms","linkUrl":"","text":"DoorDash Gift Card promotion only valid through 9AM EDT on 06/19/2023. Receive 10% off your gift card purchase. Offer will be automatically applied at checkout. Limit one gift card promotion per person. Offer valid for one transaction up to $500 in DoorDash Gift Cards with maximum discount of $50. Must have a valid DoorDash account. Only available in the US as determined by DoorDash in its sole discretion. See full ","textAfterLink":"."},"customerSupport":{"link":"DoorDash Gift Card Support","text":"Need help? Visit"},"indexPageAbout":{"bullet1":"Give the gift of food delivery with a DoorDash gift card. The DoorDash app connects your favourite people with the foods they love. Gift food delivery for easier evenings, happier days, and more time to enjoy the people and things they love. Available in Melbourne, Sydney, Geelong and Brisbane.","bullet2":"A huge selection fulfilling all your needs - food and more!","bullet3":"Easy ordering & real-time tracking","bullet4":"Customize your orders","bullet5":"Pickup & group order options","title":"Learn more about DoorDash Gift Cards"},"orderHeader":"Redeem your {denom_string} AUD DoorDash gift card","pageTitle":"DoorDash Australia Gift Cards | Delivering Now, From Restaurants Near You","productAvailabilityText":"AUD gift cards are only valid in Australia","redeemFAQs":{"helpCenter":{"boldText":"Need help?","link":"FAQs","text":"Visit the DoorDash"},"items":[{"answer":{"bullet1":{"link":"","text":"Create an account or sign in to the DoorDash app or on "},"bullet2":"Navigate to Account > Gift Card","bullet3":"Enter your gift card PIN"},"question":"How do I redeem a gift card?"},{"answer":{"bullet1":"A huge selection fulfilling all your needs - food and more!","bullet2":"Easy ordering & real-time tracking","bullet3":"Customise your orders","bullet4":"Pickup & group order options"},"question":"What can I use gift cards for?"},{"answer":"Gift cards will not expire.","question":"Do gift cards expire?"},{"answer":"This gift card can only be used in Australia.","question":"Where can this gift card be used?"}],"terms":{"link1":"here","text":"For DoorDash Gift Cards Terms and Conditions (AU), click","title":"Gift Card Terms and Conditions"}},"terms":{"text":"Your gift card is redeemable towards eligible orders placed on <a href='' target='_blank'></a> or in the DoorDash App in Australia. Gift cards are made available and provided by DoorDash Technologies Australia Pty Ltd. Gift cards cannot be used to pay a credit account and are not redeemable for cash except when required by applicable law. Purchases with a gift card are subject to DoorDash's standard refund policy, and any refund amounts will be credited back to the DoorDash consumer's account. Gift cards will not expire. All gift card redemptions are final and may not be reversed. For more information on gift cards, please visit <a href='' target='_blank'></a>. To view the full Gift Card Terms and Conditions, please visit <a href=';region=AU&locale=en-AU' target='_blank'>;region=AU&locale=en-AU</a>.","title":"Terms and Conditions"},"valueHeaderLabel":"Value (AUD)","termsOfUse":"\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <h3 class=\"c5\">LAST UPDATED: &nbsp;</h3\n      ><span class=\"c17 c21\">July</span><span>&nbsp; 1, 2024</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><h3 class=\"c5\">TERMS OF SERVICE</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF SERVICE CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE SERVICES.\n        &nbsp;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><h3 class=\"c5\">DEFINITIONS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c13\">Brand</span><span class=\"c10\">&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >means an LGC client that issues the Gift Card and is also responsible\n        for honoring and redeeming the Gift Card.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c13\">Gift Card</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&nbsp;means either a digital card, code or physical card issued by a\n        Brand usable by the cardholder to purchase goods or services only from\n        the Brand.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c13\">Service(s)</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&nbsp;means the online site and related mechanisms whereby a Consumer\n        may purchase a Brand&rsquo;s Gift Card directly.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><h3 class=\"c5\">SERVICES</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Launch Gift Cards, Inc. and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries\n        (collectively &ldquo;LGC&rdquo;, &ldquo;we&rdquo;, &ldquo;our&rdquo; or\n        &ldquo;us&rdquo;) provides the Service. Your purchase of a Brand&rsquo;s\n        Gift Card through this Service is governed by these Terms of Service\n        (the &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c10\">Terms</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&rdquo;). Be aware that the Gift Card itself has its own terms and\n        conditions that govern the use of the gift card with the Brand (the\n        &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c10\">Brand Terms</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&rdquo;). The Brand Terms are separate and distinct from these Terms.\n        &nbsp;Instructions for use and redemption of the Gift Card can be found\n        on the back of the physical Gift Card or via the Brand Terms online. The\n        Gift Card can only be used to purchase goods and services offered by the\n        Brand. LGC is not a financial institution, a money services business, or\n        a money transmitter. LGC is not an issuer of Gift Cards. Gift Cards\n        purchased via the Services may not be transferred, shared, or resold.\n        Any attempt to resell the Gift Card may result in the Gift Card being\n        cancelled or voided by LGC. Any transactions occurring after any resale\n        will be considered unauthorized.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><h3 class=\"c5\">ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >These Terms apply to all the Services provided by LGC. &nbsp;LGC\n        provides the Services to you subject to your acceptance of these Terms.\n        LGC may update the Terms at any time by posting a new version online,\n        and your continued use of the Services after any such update constitutes\n        your binding acceptance of such changes. Please read these Terms\n        carefully. If you do not agree with these Terms, you should not use the\n        Services. Your continued use of the Services is deemed acceptance of\n        these Terms. &nbsp;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >The Services are intended for users who are at least 18 years old.\n        Persons under the age of 18 are not permitted to use the Services.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c24\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c2\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c2\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">USER REPRESENTATIONS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >By using the Services, you represent and warrant that: (1) all\n        information you submit will be true, accurate, current, and complete;\n        (2) you will maintain the accuracy of such information and promptly\n        update such information, as necessary; (3) you have the legal capacity\n        and you agree to comply with these Terms and any other terms associated\n        with the Services; (4) you are not a minor in the jurisdiction in which\n        you reside; (5) you will not access the Services through automated or\n        non-human means, whether through a bot, script or otherwise; (6) you\n        will not use the Services for any illegal or unauthorized purpose, or in\n        violation of any laws. If utilizing the Services on behalf of a business\n        entity, you represent that the business entity is in good standing under\n        the laws in which it is organized and that you have authority to act on\n        behalf of the business entity, making further representations as may be\n        required . If utilizing the Services on behalf of an entity to make a\n        large volume order (a &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c10\">Bulk Order</span><span class=\"c13\">&rdquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >), you accept the additional terms and conditions relating to such a\n        purchase.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current,\n        incomplete, fraudulent or suspected to be fraudulent, or act in a manner\n        that is fraudulent or contrary to these Terms, LGC retains the right to\n        suspend or terminate your use of the Services and refuse any future use\n        of the Services. If you fail to provide information or data necessary to\n        facilitate the provision of the Services, Services may not be provided\n        to you.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">GIFT CARD DISPLAY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC makes every effort to display as accurately as possible the colors,\n        features, specifications, and details associated with the Gift Cards\n        that are made available through the Services. Gift Cards are subject to\n        availability within the respective territory. LGC reserves the right to\n        discontinue offering any Gift Cards at any time for any reason.\n        Denominations associated with Gift Cards are subject to change. Any\n        personalization of Gift Cards is subject to the terms of User Conduct\n        (below).</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">PURCHASES AND PAYMENT</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Except for Bulk Orders, LGC may accept the following forms of payment:\n        Visa, MasterCard, </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">Discover, Amex,</span><span class=\"c16 c17\">&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">Google Pay, </span><span class=\"c0\">and</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&nbsp;Apple Pay. You agree to provide current, complete, and accurate\n        purchase information for all purchases made via the Services so that LGC\n        can complete your transactions and contact you as needed. Sales tax will\n        be added to the price of purchases as may be required. The price you\n        will pay is the price indicated when you place your order. All payments\n        shall be in Australian Dollars. Bulk Orders require pre-payment via bank\n        transfer. Accepted forms of payment identified in this section are\n        subject to change.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >You agree to pay all charges at the prices in effect at the time of\n        your purchase and including any applicable shipping fees. You authorize\n        LGC to charge your chosen payment provider for any such amounts upon\n        placing your order. LGC reserves the right to correct any errors or\n        mistakes in pricing, even if we have already requested or received\n        payment.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c20 c16\"\n        >If you make a purchase using the Services, your payment information is\n        collected by third-party payment processors (for example Stripe and\n        Braintree) and transmitted to it directly via an encrypted connection.\n        Our payment processors use, process, and store your information in\n        accordance with their own privacy policies, and they maintain that they\n        are PCI compliant.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC reserves the right to refuse any order placed through the Services.\n        LGC may, in its sole discretion, limit or cancel quantities purchased\n        per person, per household, or per order. These restrictions may include\n        orders placed by or under the same customer account, the same payment\n        method, and/or orders that use the same billing or shipping address. LGC\n        reserves the right to limit or prohibit orders that, in our sole\n        judgment, appear to be placed by dealers, resellers, or distributors.\n        LGC may further prohibit or limit orders to ensure compliance with\n        applicable law.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">RETURN/REFUNDS POLICY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c14\">\n      <span class=\"c0\">All sales are final. LGC does not issue refunds. </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">DELIVERY &amp; SECURITY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c12\">\n      <span class=\"c16 c17\"\n        >Delivery is based on the email address, mobile phone number or physical\n        address you provide. LGC is not responsible for delivery failure due to\n        an invalid or incorrect address (email or physical) or mobile phone\n        number you provide. </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC will send the Gift Card to the identified recipient on the\n        specified send date at time of purchase.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c12\">\n      <span class=\"c16 c17\"\n        >Upon delivery you are solely responsible for the security and </span\n      ><span class=\"c16 c17\">safekeeping</span\n      ><span class=\"c16 c17\"\n        >&nbsp;of your Gift Card. The link provided to you via email or text\n        message is the only way to access your Gift Card.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">USER CONDUCT</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c14\">\n      <span class=\"c0\">You agree that you will not use the Services to:</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Post, e-mail, transmit, upload, or otherwise make available content\n        that harasses, abuses, defames, or threatens other users, that contains\n        profanity, or obscene or otherwise objectionable content, or that\n        degrades others;\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Post, e-mail, transmit, upload, or otherwise make available content\n        that contains any other party&rsquo;s intellectual property unless you\n        have the right to do so or violates the privacy, publicity or other\n        personal rights of others;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Post, e-mail, transmit, upload, or otherwise make available any\n        material that contains software viruses or any other computer code,\n        files or programs which (by design or function) interrupt, destroy, or\n        limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or\n        telecommunications equipment;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Violate any applicable local, state, national or international law or\n        regulation;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Make available, content provided by LGC or through the Services to any\n        other website, streaming technology, peer-to-peer software, or similarly\n        unauthorized distribution channel unless expressly authorized to do so\n        by LGC;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Use any meta tags or any other hidden text using our name or\n        trademarks;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any of\n        the software comprising, or in any way making up, any part of the\n        Services; or</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\">Access any content not intended for your use. </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Violation of the above User Conduct terms may result in your inability\n        to access the services.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >You understand that all content submitted to the Services by users\n        (&quot;</span\n      ><span class=\"c10\">User Materials</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&quot;), whether privately transmitted or made publicly available, are\n        the sole responsibility of the source from which such User Materials\n        were provided. You, not LGC, are entirely responsible for all User\n        Materials that you upload, post, share, e-mail, transmit, or otherwise\n        make available via the Services.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >You acknowledge that LGC may pre-screen User Materials and that LGC and\n        its designees have the right (but not the obligation) in their sole\n        discretion to refuse, permanently delete, and/or move any User Materials\n        that are submitted through the Services. Without limiting the foregoing,\n        LGC and its designees shall have the right to remove any User Materials\n        that violate these Terms or are otherwise objectionable at its sole and\n        absolute discretion. You understand that by using the Services, you may\n        be exposed to User Materials that you may consider to be offensive or\n        objectionable. You agree that you must evaluate, and bear all risks\n        associated with the use or disclosure of any User Materials.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c29\"><span class=\"c9\">LINKS AND THIRD PARTIES</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c16 c20\"\n        >We may provide links to other sites owned and operated by third\n        parties. We are not responsible for these third party sites, their\n        privacy policies, or how they treat the information of visitors and\n        users. We advise you to review their privacy policies for information on\n        how those sites collect, use, and protect your information.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c20 c16\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c20 c16\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c15\"><h3 class=\"c5\">INDEMNITY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless LGC and its parent\n        company, affiliates, subsidiaries, employees, contractors,\n        telecommunication providers, content providers, and assignees and their\n        respective officers, directors, employees and agents from and against\n        any and all liabilities, claims, actions, demands, damages, costs,\n        losses and expenses (including reasonable attorney&#39;s fees) made by\n        any third party due to or arising from: (i) out of your use of the\n        Services, (ii) any breach or non-compliance by you of any portion of\n        these Terms; or (iii) your negligence or violation or alleged violation\n        of any applicable law or rights of a third party.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">MODIFICATIONS TO SERVICE</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC reserves the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or\n        permanently, the Services (or any part thereof), with or without notice\n        at any time. You agree that LGC shall not be liable to you or any third\n        party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the\n        Services, except as otherwise specified.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c2\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">TERMINATION</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC may, in its sole and absolute discretion and without notice or\n        liability to you or any third party, immediately terminate your access\n        to the Services in the event (a) you breach or violation of these Terms\n        (b) requests by law enforcement or government agencies or in the case of\n        suspected fraud or violation of any applicable law in relation to the\n        use of the Services.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\">\n      <h3 class=\"c5\">DEALINGS WITH ADVERTISERS AND OTHER USERS</h3>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Your interaction with, business dealings, or participation in\n        promotions of, advertisers, buyers, sellers, or agents found on or\n        through the Services, including payment for and delivery of related\n        goods or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or\n        representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you\n        and such third party. LGC shall not be responsible or liable for any\n        loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings\n        or as the result of the presence of such advertisers or third parties on\n        the Services or your use thereof.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">LINKS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >The Services may provide links to other sites or resources. LGC has no\n        control over such sites and resources, and you acknowledge and agree\n        that LGC is not responsible for the availability of such external sites\n        or resources, and does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for\n        any content, advertising, products, or other materials on or available\n        from such sites or resources. You further acknowledge and agree that LGC\n        is not liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or\n        alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any\n        such content, goods or services available on or through any such site or\n        resource.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">OUR PROPRIETARY RIGHTS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >All title, ownership and intellectual property rights in and to the\n        Services and the data, information, materials, trademarks, service\n        marks, software, photos, videos, images, and other content\n        (collectively, the &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c10\">Content</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&rdquo;) made available through the Services are owned by LGC, its\n        affiliates or licensors. Unless noted otherwise, the Services and all\n        Content made available through the Services are protected by copyright,\n        trademark, &nbsp;intellectual property, and other applicable law and may\n        not be used except as permitted by these Terms. Except as expressly\n        authorized by LGC, you agree not to modify, rent, lease, loan, sell,\n        distribute or create derivative works based on the Content and Services,\n        in whole or in part; provided, however, that you are granted a limited\n        license to access and use the Services and Content &nbsp;as described\n        herein.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Content available through the Services may contain typographical\n        errors, inaccuracies, or omissions, including within descriptions,\n        pricing, availability, and various other information. We reserve the\n        right to correct any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions and to change or\n        update the Content at any time, without prior notice to you.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\"><h3 class=\"c5\">PRIVACY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Please refer to our Privacy Policy for information about how we\n        collect, use, and disclose information.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c14\">\n      <span class=\"c0\">YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT:</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >YOUR USE OF THE SERVICES IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK. THE SERVICES ARE\n        PROVIDED ON AN &quot;AS </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">IS&quot;</span><span class=\"c16 c17\">&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">AND</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&nbsp;&quot;AS AVAILABLE&quot; BASIS, WITHOUT REPRESENTATIONS TO\n        ACCURACY OR </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">AVA</span><span class=\"c16 c17\">I</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">LABILITY.</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&nbsp;LGC EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER\n        EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES\n        OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ACCURACY, AND\n        NON-INFRINGEMENT. LGC ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE TIMELINESS,\n        DELETION, MIS-DELIVERY OR FAILURE TO PROVIDE ANY CONTENT OR TO STORE ANY\n        PERSONALIZATION SETTINGS OR USER MATERIALS. WE MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR\n        GUARANTEES THAT THE SERVICES AND CONTENT WILL ALWAYS BE AVAILABLE OR\n        THAT THE CONTENT WILL BE ACCURATE, COMPLETE, </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">WITHOU</span><span class=\"c16 c17\">T</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">&nbsp;ERROR, OR RELIABLE.</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >ANY CONTENT DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE SERVICES IS\n        DOWNLOADED AND USED AT YOUR RISK.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC DOES NOT WARRANT, ENDORSE, GUARANTEE, OR ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR\n        ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE ADVERTISED OR OFFERED BY A THIRD PARTY, INCLUDING\n        A BRAND, THROUGH THE SERVICES, OR ANY HYPERLINKED WEBSITE, OR MOBILE\n        APPLICATION FEATURED IN ANY BANNER OR OTHER ADVERTISING. LGC WILL NOT BE\n        A PARTY TO, OR IN ANY WAY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR, MONITORING ANY TRANSACTION\n        BETWEEN YOU AND ANY THIRD-PARTY PROVIDERS OF PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. AS\n        WITH THE PURCHASE OF A PRODUCT OR SERVICE THROUGH ANY MEDIUM OR IN ANY\n        ENVIRONMENT, YOU SHOULD USE YOUR BEST JUDGMENT AND EXERCISE CAUTION\n        WHERE APPROPRIATE.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT LGC SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY\n        DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY\n        DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS,\n        GOODWILL, USE, DATA OR OTHER INTANGIBLE LOSSES (EVEN IF LGC HAD BEEN\n        ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES), RESULTING FROM: (i) THE USE\n        OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SERVICES; (ii) THE COST OF PROCUREMENT OF\n        SUBSTITUTE GOODS AND SERVICES RESULTING FROM ANY GOODS, DATA,\n        INFORMATION OR SERVICES PURCHASED OR OBTAINED OR MESSAGES RECEIVED OR\n        TRANSACTIONS ENTERED INTO THROUGH OR FROM THE SERVICES; (iii)\n        UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO OR ALTERATION OF YOUR TRANSMISSIONS OR DATA; (iv)\n        STATEMENTS OR CONDUCT OF ANY THIRD PARTY ON THE SERVICES; OR (v) ANY\n        OTHER MATTER RELATING TO THE SERVICES. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW\n        THE EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN WARRANTIES OR THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF\n        LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. ACCORDINGLY, SOME OF\n        THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >You agree that, except as otherwise expressly provided in these Terms,\n        there shall be no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><h3 class=\"c5\">NOTICE</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC may provide you with notices, including those regarding changes to\n        these Terms, by e-mail or postings on the Services.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c21 c22\">CALIFORNIA CONSUMER NOTICE</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c6\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c6\"\n        >Under California Civil Code Section 1789.3, California users are\n        entitled to the following consumer rights notice: The website is\n        provided by Launch Gift Cards, Inc. and its affiliates, 16501 Ventura\n        Blvd Suite 410, Encino, CA 91436. If you have a question or complaint\n        regarding the website, please contact LGC&rsquo;s customer service via\n        the methods listed under &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c22 c21\">Questions</span\n      ><span class=\"c6\"\n        >&rdquo; below. California residents may reach the Complaint Assistance\n        Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the California Department\n        of Consumer Affairs by post at 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite N. 112,\n        Sacramento, CA 95834 or by telephone at (800) 952-5210 or Hearing\n        Impaired at TDD (800) 735-2929.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c2\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">TRADEMARK INFORMATION</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Nothing contained within the Services, or these Terms should be\n        construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any\n        license or right to use any trademark displayed on the Services without\n        the written permission of LGC or any third party that may own the\n        trademarks. Your misuse of any trademarks displayed on the Services, or\n        any other Content on the Services, except as provided in these Terms, is\n        strictly prohibited. You are also advised that LGC will aggressively\n        enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the\n        law.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <h3 class=\"c5\"\n        >NOTICE AND PROCEDURE FOR MAKING CLAIMS OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT</h3\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC may, in appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, disable\n        and/or terminate the accounts of those users who infringe the\n        intellectual property of others. If you believe that your work has been\n        copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, or your\n        intellectual property rights have been otherwise violated, please\n        provide our Copyright Agent a written notice (the &ldquo;Notice&rdquo;)\n        containing the following information: (i) an electronic or physical\n        signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the\n        copyright or other intellectual property interest; (ii) a description of\n        the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has\n        been infringed; (iii) a description of where the material that you claim\n        is infringing is located on the Services; (iv) your address, telephone\n        number, and e-mail address; (v) a statement by you that you have a good\n        faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright\n        owner, its agent, or the law; (vi) a statement by you, made under\n        penalty of perjury, that the above information in your Notice is\n        accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner\n        or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property\n        owner&rsquo;s behalf.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC&rsquo;s Copyright Agent for Notice of claims of copyright or other\n        intellectual property infringement can be reached in the following\n        ways:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Copyright Agent, Launch Gift Cards, Inc., One Whitehall Street, New\n        York, NY 10004.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\">Email:&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c21 c25\"\n        ><a class=\"c11\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"\n          >[email protected]</a\n        ></span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <h3 class=\"c5\">CHOICE OF LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION</h3>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >These Terms are governed by laws of the State of New York, without\n        regard to its conflict of laws principles. Any dispute or claim arising\n        from these Terms or the Services shall be resolved through arbitration.\n        Any</span\n      ><span class=\"c23\">&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >arbitration will be conducted pursuant to the applicable rules of the\n        American Arbitration Association (the &ldquo;Arbitration Rules&rdquo;).\n        The arbitration will be conducted in New York, New York by a single\n        arbitrator selected by the parties to the arbitration. The\n        arbitrator&rsquo;s findings, reasoning, decision, and award will be\n        stated in writing and based upon applicable law. Judgment on the\n        arbitration award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction.\n        Unless the Arbitration Rules require otherwise, the fees and costs\n        associated with the arbitration shall be shared equally by the parties.\n        You hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the state\n        and federal courts within New York, New York. To the fullest extent\n        permitted by applicable law, no dispute under these Terms shall be\n        joined to a dispute involving any other party subject to these Terms,\n        whether through class arbitration proceedings or otherwise.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><h3 class=\"c5\">GENERAL INFORMATION</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >The failure of LGC to exercise or enforce any right or provision of\n        these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If\n        any is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the\n        parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect\n        to the parties&rsquo; intentions as reflected in the provision, and the\n        other provisions of the Terms remain in full force and effect.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c14\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >The section titles in these Terms are for convenience only and have no\n        legal or contractual effect.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">QUESTIONS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c18\">\n      <span class=\"c16 c17\">Please contact&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c21 c27\"\n        ><a class=\"c11\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"\n          >[email protected]</a\n        ></span\n      ><span class=\"c16 c17\"\n        >&nbsp;by email using the subject line &quot;Terms of Service&quot; if\n        you have any questions or comments about these Terms. You can also\n        contact us via telephone at (</span\n      ><span class=\"c16\">310) 566-1424. </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c18 c24\"><span class=\"c19\"></span></p>\n\n    <div>\n      <p class=\"c13 c40\"><span class=\"c43 c32 c37\"></span></p>\n    </div>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><h3 class=\"c8\">PRIVACY POLICY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c16 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c12\">Updated:</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\">&nbsp; July 1, 2024</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\">This Privacy Policy (this &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12\">Policy</span\n      ><span class=\"c9\"\n        >&rdquo;) describes the privacy and security practices associated with\n        the website, and &nbsp;online service (collectively the &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12\">Services</span\n      ><span class=\"c9\"\n        >&rdquo;) operated by Launch Gift Cards, Inc. and its affiliates, as\n        further detailed in this Policy (&quot;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12\">LGC</span\n      ><span class=\"c9\"\n        >,&quot; &ldquo;we,&rdquo; &ldquo;our,&rdquo; or\n        &ldquo;us&rdquo;).</span\n      ><span class=\"c39\">&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >The purpose of this Policy is to identify (i) what information we\n        collect from and about business customers and consumers who access and\n        use the Services, (ii) how we use, share, and secure the information\n        collected, and (iii) what choices you have regarding your information.\n        We do not collect additional categories of information nor use\n        information in any ways not specified herein. This Policy also tells you\n        about your rights and choices with respect to your personal information,\n        and how you can contact us with questions relating to this Policy.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c22\"\n        >Please carefully read this Policy before accessing and remaining on our\n        website or utilizing our Services. If you do not agree with the terms of\n        this Policy, please do not access our website, or utilize our Services.\n        By accessing our website and utilizing our Services, you agree to the\n        terms of this Policy and consent to the collection and use of your\n        information as set forth below.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        ><br />We may update this Policy from time to time by posting the\n        revised policy here.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><span class=\"c12\">HOW TO&nbsp;CONTACT&nbsp;US</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >If you have any questions about this Policy or our privacy practices,\n        you may contact us in the following ways:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c12\">Postal Address</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >:&nbsp;Launch Gift Cards, Inc.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;\n        &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Attn:\n        Privacy Policy</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n        &nbsp; &nbsp; 16501 Ventura Blvd, Suite 410</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n        &nbsp; &nbsp; Encino, CA 91436</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c59\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;\n        &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c12\">E-mail</span><span class=\"c9\">:&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c9\"\n        ><a class=\"c56\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"\n          >[email protected]</a\n        ></span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >&nbsp;(please include &ldquo;Privacy Policy&rdquo; in the Subject\n        Line)</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c12\">Telephone</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\">: (833)780-1536 &nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c21 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><h3 class=\"c12\">WHAT INFORMATION WE COLLECT</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >We collect personal information and other information from and about\n        you to provide the Services. Personal information is information about\n        an identified or identifiable natural person (this does not include\n        deidentified or aggregated information). We limit the collection of\n        personal information to what is relevant and reasonably necessary to\n        facilitate the provision of Services or for other legal compliance.\n        &nbsp;LGC does not knowingly or intentionally collect or solicit (i)\n        sensitive personal information or (ii) personal information from anyone\n        under the age of 18. The information we collect depends on the Services\n        involved, and may include:<br\n      /></span>\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_1-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Personal Contact and Professional Information </span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >refers to information&nbsp;that allows us to contact you directly,\n          such as your first and last name, company name, job title, e-mail\n          address, mailing address, and mobile number. This may include\n          information you provide about third parties who receive Products\n          (&ldquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12\">Recipients</span><span class=\"c1\">&rdquo;). </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Technical Information </span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >refers to information&nbsp;collected when you use the Services, such\n          as your IP address, device information, information about the network\n          you are using to access the Services, browser type and version, your\n          activities while using the Services, websites or services previously\n          visited, and content you see or click on.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Order Information </span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >refers to information&nbsp;collected when you purchase a product or\n          service, such as products ordered, payment information, and Personal\n          Contact Information for the sender and recipient. If you make a\n          purchase using the Services, your </span\n        ><span class=\"c12\">Payment Information</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >, such as card name and number, and billing address is directly\n          collected from you, and stored, by third party payment processors on\n          our behalf, as further described below.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Interest </span\n        ><span class=\"c9\">regarding products and product preferences.</span\n        ><span class=\"c12\">&nbsp;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Content of Communications</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp;refers to information we obtain when you contact or communicate\n          with us.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c21 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><h3 class=\"c12\">HOW WE COLLECT INFORMATION</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >LGC collects information from and about you in the following\n        ways:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_2-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Direct Interactions.</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp; We collect information voluntarily provided by you, such as\n          Personal Contact and Professional Information, Order Information,\n          Content of Communications, and User-Generated Content, when you:</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_3-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\"><span class=\"c1\">Use the Services;</span></li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">Inquire about our Products and Services;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\"><span class=\"c1\">Make a purchase;</span></li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\"><span class=\"c1\">Contact us; or</span></li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\"><span class=\"c1\">Interact with us.</span></li>\n    </ul>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_4-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Automatically.</span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >&nbsp; We collect Technical Information automatically when you use\n          the Services through the use of cookies and similar technologies, as\n          further described in the&nbsp; &ldquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c27 c19\">Cookies</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\">&rdquo; section&nbsp;below.&nbsp;</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_4-0\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Mobile Devices.</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp; LGC or its third-party technology partners may collect\n          location information, including location information provided by a\n          mobile device interacting with one of our apps or associated with your\n          IP address or Wi-Fi network. You can generally limit or prohibit the\n          collection of location information using the built-in settings on your\n          mobile device. We do not permit the collection of precise location\n          information.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_4-0\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Other Sources.</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp; When someone purchases a Product from us to be sent to a\n          Recipient designated by the purchaser, we collect Personal Contact\n          Information regarding the Recipient. Where you provide Recipient\n          Personal Contact Information to us, you confirm that you have\n          permission to provide Recipient Personal Contact Information and you\n          will bring this Policy to the attention of the Recipient.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><h3 class=\"c12\">HOW WE USE YOUR INFORMATION</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >LGC collects the above described information from and about you for the\n        following purposes:</span\n      ><span class=\"c9 c49\">&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_5-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Provide you with products and services, including to process\n          payments;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Respond to inquiries and requests and otherwise provide you with\n          information, products, or services that you request from us.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Undertake auditing and verifications related to user interactions,\n          including but not limited to, verifying the quality and effectiveness\n          of our Services.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">Improve the Services;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">Administer surveys for internal use; </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Maintain the security, integrity, and quality of our products, the\n          Services, databases, technology assets and business, including\n          detecting security incidents, protecting against malicious, deceptive,\n          fraudulent, or illegal activity and preventing fraudulent\n          transactions;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">For fraud prevention purposes</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Comply with U.S., state, local and non-U.S. laws, rules and\n          regulations and respond to legal inquiries;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">Conduct promotions related to the Services; </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c18\"\n          >Facilitate business transactions as described in the &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c24 c19\">Business Transactions</span\n        ><span class=\"c18\">&rsquo; section below; </span\n        ><span class=\"c1\">and</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_5-0\">\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c9\">As provided for in the &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\"\n          >Legal Compliance &amp; Protecting Security and Safety</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\">&rsquo; section below.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >In certain circumstances, laws require that we obtain your consent to\n        collect information for a particular purpose. In these circumstances, we\n        will obtain your consent at the time we collect the information.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >We may combine information we collect through your use of the Services\n        with information that we collect from other sources (e.g., offline\n        records or publicly available information). Additionally, we may\n        anonymize or deidentify personal information so that it can no longer be\n        associated with an individual or re-identified. In such cases, we may\n        use and share the anonymized or deidentified data without further notice\n        to you.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >Additionally, if you are a business customer, we may use your personal\n        information to keep you informed of our products and services, if you\n        have provided your consent to us doing so, or where we have an existing\n        relationship with you and we wish to contact you about products and\n        services similar to those which we provide you, in which you may be\n        interested. You may opt-in to certain kinds of marketing, or all forms\n        of marketing at any time, by contacting us and you may unsubscribe to\n        receiving emails by clicking on the &quot;opt-out&quot; or\n        &quot;unsubscribe&quot; link provided in all our marketing emails.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\">\n      <h3 class=\"c12\">USE OF COOKIES AND OTHER TECHNOLOGIES</h3>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >LGC uses &ldquo;cookies&rdquo; and similar technology that are saved on\n        your computer or mobile device to automatically collect information\n        about use of the Services. Different types of cookies, such as session\n        or persistent cookies, may be used for different functions. Persistent\n        cookies remain on a user&rsquo;s device for a set period of time and are\n        activated each time a user visits the Services where cookies were\n        set.&nbsp; Session cookies are temporary and allow us to link a\n        user&rsquo;s actions during a browser session. The information collected\n        includes device information, information about the network you are using\n        to access the Services, websites, or services that you previously\n        visited, and content you see or click on.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >The Services use the following types of cookies and other technologies\n        for the following purposes:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13 c58 c62\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_6-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Essential.</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp;&nbsp;These are essential to navigate the Services and use the\n          features, and they enable us to provide services.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c11\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >Although many browsers are initially set to accept cookies, you may be\n        able to adjust your settings to reject cookies. Choices are browser and\n        device specific, and if you clear cookies from the browser on any of\n        your devices, your opt-out choices will need to be reset. Consult the\n        &ldquo;Help&rdquo; section of your browser or built-in mobile device\n        settings for more information. In addition, please note that certain\n        areas of the Services only can be accessed when cookies are enabled.\n        Thus, disabling cookies may prevent you from accessing some of our\n        content.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\">\n      <h3 class=\"c8\">SHARING AND DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION</h3>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c51\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >LGC does not share any personal information for monetary or other\n        valuable consideration. LGC does not provide any personal information to\n        third parties for the purpose of behavioral advertising. LGC may share\n        and disclose certain information to the following:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_7-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Service Providers:</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp;We share information collected with third parties that process\n          information on our behalf. We may use such service providers to:</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c11\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_8-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">host the Services;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >provide database and server maintenance and security and fraud\n          prevention services;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >help us engage in promotional activity regarding the Services;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >assist with the transmission of emails, text messages and postal mail\n          delivery;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">help us analyze our offerings;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">provide customer service, and</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">process and fulfill online transactions.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13 c47\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_9-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Payment Processors:</span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >&nbsp;When you make a purchase using the Services, payment processing\n          companies and a fraud prevention company collect and store Payment\n          Information. We have engaged Braintree, a division of PayPal, Inc.,\n          dlocal, Stripe, Inc., and Riskified for these purposes. More\n          information about their privacy and security practices is set forth in\n          the &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\">Security</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\">&rsquo; section below.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c11\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_10-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\"\n          >Legal Compliance &amp; Protecting Security and Safety:</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp;LGC may access, preserve and disclose your information if\n          required to do so by law or under a good faith belief that such\n          access, preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to: (i)\n          comply with legal process or respond to a legal request or subpoena;\n          (ii) enforce our Terms of Use for the Services; (iii) respond to\n          claims that your conduct has violated the rights of third parties;\n          (iv) respond to your requests for customer service; (v) protect the\n          rights, property or personal safety of LGC, its users and the public;\n          (vi) or as otherwise required to comply with, or permitted by,\n          applicable laws and regulations.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_11-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Business Transactions:</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp;We may transfer information collected if we are acquired by,\n          sold to, or merged with another entity.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c11\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><h3 class=\"c8\">EUROPEAN PRIVACY RIGHTS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c8\">Data controllers</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (&ldquo;EEA&rdquo;)\n        or the United Kingdom (&ldquo;UK&rdquo;), the General Data Protection\n        Regulation (EU) 2016/679 or &ldquo;GDPR&rdquo; or the GDPR as it forms\n        part of the laws of the UK (&ldquo;UK GDPR&rdquo;) then the data\n        controllers of your personal information are as follows:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9 c27\">For EEA residents</span><span class=\"c1\">: </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c25\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >For Payment Information only, Launch Gift Cards B.V. at registered\n        address Schiphol Blvd 359 , 1118BJ Schiphol, the Netherlands; and</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_18-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c31 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c9\"\n          >For all other personal information listed in the &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\">What Information Do We Collect</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&rsquo; section of this Policy, Launch Gift Cards, Inc.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9 c27\">For UK residents</span><span class=\"c1\">: </span>\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_18-0\">\n      <li class=\"c41 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >For Payment Information only, Launch Gift Card UK Ltd. &nbsp;at\n          registered address 5 New Street Square, London, United Kingdom, EC4A\n          3TW; and</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c31 li-bullet-0\" id=\"h.gjdgxs\">\n        <span class=\"c9\"\n          >For all other personal information listed in the &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\">What Information Do We Collect</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&rsquo; section of this Policy, Launch Gift Cards, Inc.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c16 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><h3 class=\"c8\">Contact us</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >If you have any questions or requests relating to the processing of\n        your Payment Information, please contact Launch Gift Cards B.V. and\n        Launch Gift Card UK Ltd via email at </span\n      ><span class=\"c18 c27 c54\"\n        ><a class=\"c56\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"\n          >[email protected]</a\n        ></span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >, please include &ldquo;EU/UK Privacy Policy&rdquo; in the subject\n        line.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >For any other questions or requests, please contact Launch Gift Cards,\n        Inc. at the contact details set out in the &lsquo;</span\n      ><h3 class=\"c12 c19\">How to Contact Us</h3\n      ><span class=\"c1\">&rsquo; section above at the top of this Policy. </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c8\">Lawful basis for processing</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >The GDPR and UK GDPR also each require that we inform you of the legal\n        basis we rely on to process your personal information. These are set\n        forth below:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_12-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Our legitimate interests.</span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >&nbsp;We consider that it is in our legitimate interests to process\n          your personal information for the purposes set out in &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\">How We Use Your Information</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&rsquo; section. For example, it is in our legitimate interests to\n          maintain system security so our business operations run smoothly, to\n          communicate with you and fulfill your requests in order to provide the\n          Services, to conduct surveys and improve our products and services,\n          and protect our rights and the rights of others.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_12-0\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\"\n          >Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract for you. </span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >The processing of your personal data is necessary to provide you with\n          the Services per our terms and conditions.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_12-0\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Compliance with laws.</span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >&nbsp;For example, to comply with legal and regulatory requirements\n          or respond to a court order or legal request, as described in the\n          &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\">How We Use Your Information</span\n        ><span class=\"c9\">&rsquo; section and &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\"\n          >Sharing and Disclosure of Personal Information</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\">&rsquo; section.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c11\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_12-0\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Consent.</span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >&nbsp; In certain circumstances, as described in the &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\">How We Use Your Information</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&rsquo; above, we may rely on consent to process your personal\n          information Where we rely on consent to process your personal\n          information, you can withdraw your consent at any time. &nbsp;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c11\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><h3 class=\"c8\">Your rights</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >The GDPR and UK GDPR provides EEA and UK residents respectively with\n        certain rights with respect to your personal information. Subject to\n        certain exceptions, you may:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_13-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">Request access to your personal information.</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Request correction of your personal information we have collected.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">Request erasure of your personal information.</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Object to our processing of your personal information.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Request to restrict the processing of your personal\n          information.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Request a copy of your personal information we have collected.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Request to not be subjected to automated decision-making or\n          profiling.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >You can exercise your rights via the applicable contact details set out\n        above in the &lsquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12 c19\">Contact Us</span\n      ><span class=\"c9\">&rsquo; section of this &lsquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12 c19\">European Privacy Right</span\n      ><span class=\"c12\">s</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >&rsquo; section of the Policy. We will always endeavor to fulfill your\n        request to exercise these rights, but sometimes, we may have legal\n        grounds or obligations to reject your request.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >You also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local data\n        protection regulator in Europe, including if you disagree with our\n        response to your request. The name and contacts details of your local\n        data protection regulator can be found here: </span\n      ><span class=\"c18 c27 c54\"\n        ><a\n          class=\"c56\"\n          href=\";sa=D&amp;source=editors&amp;ust=1720189806602423&amp;usg=AOvVaw1PEAhiqcJsb8v5D2ggypq9\"\n          ></a\n        ></span\n      ><span class=\"c9\">, or, for the UK, </span\n      ><span class=\"c18 c27 c54\"\n        ><a\n          class=\"c56\"\n          href=\";sa=D&amp;source=editors&amp;ust=1720189806602813&amp;usg=AOvVaw3VbG5fRwLtpoBxY0ks06IM\"\n          ></a\n        ></span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >. Should you have any concerns, we request that you contact us first so\n        we can investigate and resolve your concerns.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><h3 class=\"c8\">Automated Decision Making</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >Automated decision-making takes place when an electronic system uses\n        personal information to make a decision relevant to you without any\n        human involvement. Where this has a legal effect or similarly\n        significant effect, the GDPR and UK GDPR imposes additional\n        requirements. We carry out automated screening of payment transactions\n        for fraud-related purposes. This involves us processing your Payment\n        Information. We consider we need to do this </span\n      ><span class=\"c18\"\n        >to enter into the contract with you for the purchase of the gift card\n        and, to the extent applicable, to comply with any regulatory obligations\n        to prevent and detect fraud. This screening is carried out in a layered\n        approach and includes evaluating your checkout activity and running the\n        transaction through a fraud decision model to look for patterns. This\n        could result in the transaction being refused, and you being unable to\n        purchase the gift card. If your transaction has been refused and you\n        would like to appeal this, please contact the customer service number\n        available through the relevant website. If you have any questions or\n        concerns related to the processing of this Payment Information, please\n        contact us on the details above.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><h3 class=\"c8\">CALIFORNIA PRIVACY RIGHTS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c16 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c33\">\n      <span class=\"c18\"\n        >This California Privacy Rights section (the &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c24\">California Privacy Notice</span\n      ><span class=\"c18\"\n        >&rdquo;) supplements the Policy set forth above with respect to\n        specific rights granted under the California Consumer Privacy Act of\n        2018, as amended (the &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c24\">CCPA</span\n      ><span class=\"c3\"\n        >&rdquo;) to natural person California residents and provides\n        information regarding how such California residents can exercise their\n        rights under the CCPA. &nbsp;This California Privacy Notice is only\n        relevant to you if you are a resident of California as determined in\n        accordance with the CCPA. &nbsp;Information required to be disclosed to\n        California residents under the CCPA regarding the collection of their\n        personal information that is not set forth in this CCPA supplement is\n        otherwise set forth above in the Policy.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c33\">\n      <span class=\"c24\">Categories of Personal Information We Collect</span\n      ><span class=\"c18 c19\">: </span\n      ><span class=\"c18\"\n        >We collect or within the last twelve (12) months have collected some or\n        all of the following categories of personal information from\n        individuals:</span\n      ><span class=\"c18 c49\">&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <a id=\"t.a79212c3a9b403fcddd6434d0763cfb1635f8c45\"></a><a id=\"t.0\"></a>\n    <table class=\"c48\">\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c55\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c24 c32 c37\">Category</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c38\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c24 c32 c37\">Examples</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c55\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c24 c32 c37\">Collected</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">A. Identifiers</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Name, contact details and address (including physical address,\n              email address and Internet Protocol address), and other\n              identification (including social security number, passport number\n              and driver&rsquo;s license or state identification card\n              number).</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c13 c35\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">YES</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >B. Personal information categories listed in the California\n              Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code &sect; 1798.80(e))</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Telephone number, signature, bank account number, other financial\n              information (including accounts and transactions with other\n              institutions and anti-money laundering information), and\n              verification documentation and information regarding\n              investors&rsquo; status under various laws and regulations\n              (including social security number, tax status, income and\n              assets).</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">YES</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >C. Protected classification characteristics under California or\n              federal law</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Date of birth, citizenship and birthplace.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">D. Commercial information</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Account data and other information contained in any document\n              provided by investors to authorized service providers (whether\n              directly or indirectly), risk tolerance, transaction history,\n              investment experience and investment activity, information\n              regarding a potential and/or actual investment in the applicable\n              fund(s), including ownership percentage, capital investment,\n              income and losses, source of funds used to make the investment in\n              the applicable fund(s).</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">YES</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">E. Biometric information</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Imagery of the iris, retina, fingerprint, face, hand, palm, vein\n              patterns and voice recordings or keystroke patterns or rhythms,\n              gait patterns or rhythms, and sleep, health, or exercise data that\n              contains identifying information.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >F. Internet or other similar network activity</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Use of our website, fund data room and investor reporting portal\n              (e.g., cookies, browsing history and/or search history), as well\n              as information you provide to us when you correspond with us in\n              relation to inquiries.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">YES</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">G. Geolocation data</span></p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Physical location or movements. </span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">YES</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">H. Sensory data</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar\n              information.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >I. Professional or employment-related information</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Current or past job history or performance evaluations.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >J. Non-public education information (per the Family Educational\n              Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Section 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part\n              99))</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Education records directly related to a student maintained by an\n              educational institution or party acting on its behalf, such as\n              grades, transcripts, class lists, student schedules, student\n              identification codes, student financial information, or student\n              disciplinary records.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >K. Inferences drawn from other personal information</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Profile reflecting a person&#39;s preferences, characteristics,\n              psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes,\n              intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >L. Sensitive Personal Information (see further information on use\n              of sensitive personal information below)</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Social security, driver&#39;s license, state identification card,\n              or passport numbers; account log-in, financial account, debit\n              card, or credit card number in combination with any required\n              security or access code, password, or credentials allowing access\n              to an account; precise geolocation; racial or ethnic origin;\n              religious or philosophical beliefs; union membership; genetic\n              data; the contents of a consumer&#39;s mail, email, and text\n              messages unless you are the intended recipient of the\n              communication; biometric information for the purpose of uniquely\n              identifying a consumer; and personal information collected and\n              analyzed concerning a consumer&#39;s health, sex life, or sexual\n              orientation.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >YES, as to the following types of information: account log-in,\n              financial account in combination with any required security or\n              access code password; or credentials allowing access to an account\n              only.\n            </span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n    </table>\n    <p class=\"c13 c30\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c30\">\n      <span class=\"c3\"\n        >We do not collect or use sensitive personal information other than:\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_17-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c3\"\n          >To perform services, or provide goods, as would reasonably be\n          expected by an average consumer who requests those goods or\n          services;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c3\"\n          >As reasonably necessary and proportionate to detect security\n          incidents that compromise the availability, authenticity, integrity,\n          and confidentiality of stored or transmitted personal information;\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c3\"\n          >As reasonably necessary and proportionate to resist malicious,\n          deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal actions directed at us and to\n          prosecute those responsible for such actions;\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c3\"\n          >For short-term, transient use (but not in a manner that discloses\n          such information to another third party or is used to build a profile\n          of you or otherwise alter your experience outside of your current\n          interaction with us);</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c3\">To perform services on behalf of our business; </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c3\"\n          >To verify or maintain the quality or safety of a service or to\n          improve, upgrade, or enhance such service or device; and</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c18\"\n          >To collect or process sensitive personal information where such\n          collection or processing is not for the purpose of inferring\n          characteristics about a consumer.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c30 c11\"><span class=\"c18 c19 c32\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c33\">\n      <span class=\"c12\">Disclosure of Information</span\n      ><span class=\"c9\">: </span\n      ><span class=\"c3\"\n        >We disclose or within the last twelve (12) months have disclosed\n        personal information collected from you for a business or commercial\n        purpose to the categories of third parties indicated in the chart below.\n        We may also disclose your information to other parties as may be\n        required by law or regulation, or in response to regulatory inquiries or\n        in connection with a business transaction.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <a id=\"t.0adb0134c2e8ad559b444cc9a57fba36aa8cedfe\"></a><a id=\"t.1\"></a>\n    <table class=\"c48\">\n      <tr class=\"c45\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c24 c32 c37\">Personal Information Category</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c53\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c24 c32 c37\">Category of Third-Party Recipients</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c3\">A. Identifiers</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Service providers and payment processors.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >B. Personal information categories listed in the California\n              Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code &sect; 1798.80(e))</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c53\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Service providers and payment processors.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >C. Protected classification characteristics under California or\n              federal law</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">N/A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c3\">D. Commercial information</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Service providers and payment processors.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c3\">E. Biometric information</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">N/A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >F. Internet or other similar network activity</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Service providers and payment processors.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c3\">G. Geolocation data</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Service providers and payment processors.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c3\">H. Sensory data</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">N/A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >I. Professional or employment-related information</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">N/A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >J. Non-public education information (per the Family Educational\n              Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Section 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part\n              99))</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">N/A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >K. Inferences drawn from other personal information</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">N/A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">L. Sensitive Personal Information </span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Service providers and payment processors.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n    </table>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c18 c32 c19\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c12\">Rights under the CCPA</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >: The CCPA provides California residents with certain rights with\n        respect to their personal information:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_14-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to request that we disclose, no more than twice in a 12-month\n          period:</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_15-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c33 c47 c57 c58 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >The categories and specific pieces of personal information we have\n          collected about you. &nbsp;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c33 c47 c57 c58 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >The categories and sources from which personal information is\n          collected.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c33 c47 c57 c58 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >The business or commercial purposes for collecting personal\n          information.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c5 c47 c57 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >The categories of third parties with whom we disclose personal\n          information.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13 c47\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_15-0\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c47 c57 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c18\"\n          >Whether we disclosed your personal information to a third party, and\n          if so, the categories of personal information that each recipient\n          obtained.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13 c47\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_14-0\">\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to request that we delete any personal information about you\n          that we have collected from you, subject to certain exceptions.\n          &nbsp;If we are required to delete your personal information, then\n          upon receipt of a verifiable request, we will delete your personal\n          information from our records and direct any service providers to\n          delete your personal information from their records. &nbsp;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to opt-out of the &ldquo;sale&rdquo; or &ldquo;sharing&rdquo;\n          of your personal information to third parties, as that term is defined\n          in the CCPA. LGC does not &ldquo;sell&rdquo; or &ldquo;share&rdquo;\n          personal information as those terms are defined in the CCPA.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to request a correction to the personal information that we\n          collect and share for purposes as set forth herein. &nbsp;If we\n          receive a verifiable request to correct inaccurate personal\n          information, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to correct\n          the information as you have requested.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c18\"\n        >We will not discriminate against you for exercising your rights under\n        the CCPA, including by denying </span\n      ><span class=\"c9\">service</span\n      ><span class=\"c3\"\n        >, suggesting that you will receive, or charging, different rates for\n        services or suggesting that you will receive, or providing, a different\n        level or quality of service to you.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >The business or commercial purposes for collecting personal information\n        are described in the &lsquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12 c19\">How We Use Your Information</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\">&rsquo; section above.</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >California residents can exercise their rights by submitting an online\n        request by contacting us via the methods set forth above under\n        &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12 c19\">How to Contact Us</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >&rdquo;. &nbsp;You can designate an authorized agent to make a request\n        on your behalf. &nbsp;We may require proof of your identity and that the\n        agent is duly authorized by you. &nbsp;We do not discriminate against\n        individuals exercising these rights. &nbsp;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >Some internet browsers have incorporated &ldquo;Do Not Track&rdquo;\n        features. Most of these features, when turned on, send a signal or\n        preference (the &ldquo;DNT Signal&rdquo;) to websites you visit\n        indicating that you do not wish to be tracked. At this time, we do not\n        currently respond to DNT Signals.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13 c16\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><h3 class=\"c8\">NEVADA PRIVACY RIGHTS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c16 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >In addition to the information above, Nevada residents have a right to\n        submit a verified request directing us not to make any\n        &ldquo;sale&rdquo; of covered information collected about the consumer\n        to a person for such person to license or sell the information to\n        additional persons, subject to certain exceptions. &nbsp;We do not sell\n        covered information as it is defined under Nevada law.</span\n      ><span class=\"c8\">&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><span class=\"c8\">VIRGINIA PRIVACY RIGHTS</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c51\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >The Virginia Consumer Data Protections Act (VCDPA) provides Virginia\n        residents with certain rights with respect to their personal\n        information:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_16-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c29 c52 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to know the manner of collection and use of personal data (as\n          set forth above).</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to request that we delete any personal information about you\n          that we have collected from you, subject to certain exceptions.\n          &nbsp;If we are required to delete your personal information, then\n          upon receipt of a verifiable request, we will delete your personal\n          information from our records and direct any service providers to\n          delete your personal information from their records. &nbsp;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to opt-out of targeting advertising and the &ldquo;sale&rdquo;\n          of your personal information to third parties, as that term is defined\n          in the VCDPA. LGC does not engage in targeting advertising or the\n          &ldquo;sale&rdquo; of personal information &nbsp;as that term is\n          defined in the VCDPA.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to request a correction to the personal information that we\n          collect and share for purposes as set forth herein. &nbsp;If we\n          receive a verifiable request to correct inaccurate personal\n          information, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to correct\n          the information as you have requested.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c29 c42 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to obtain a copy of the personal information you have provided\n          to us.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c50\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >Virginia residents can exercise their rights by contacting us via the\n        methods set forth above in &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12 c19\">How to Contact Us</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >&rdquo;. &nbsp;We will make every effort to respond to any request\n        identified above within a commercially reasonable period of time, and no\n        later than the time period provided for in the VCDPA.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><h3 class=\"c12\">SECURITY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >LGC &nbsp;strives to use commercially reasonable physical and\n        electronic security measures to protect against the loss, unauthorized\n        access, misuse, or alteration of your personal information.&nbsp;We\n        limit access to personal information to those employees, agents,\n        contractors, and other third parties who have a business need to\n        know.&nbsp;Please be aware though that, despite our best efforts, no\n        security measures are perfect or impenetrable, and we cannot guarantee\n        the security measures of third parties.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><h3 class=\"c12\">INTERNATIONAL DATA TRANSFERS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >When you provide us with personal information about you, this is a\n        direct transfer of personal information from you to our servers in the\n        United States. However, as we operate globally, we may transfer and\n        process personal information about you on our servers in the United\n        States and/or countries other than your home country, and we may use\n        cloud-based services whose servers are located in many different\n        locations. Please note that the data protection laws of some countries,\n        such as the United States, may not offer a level of privacy protection\n        equivalent to that within the European Economic Area (EEA), UK or your\n        home country. If your use of the Services results in the transfer of\n        personal information from the EEA to non-EEA countries, or UK to non-UK\n        countries, that have not been deemed to offer an adequate level of\n        privacy protection, we may rely on (i) standard contractual clauses\n        approved by the European Commission or under UK data protection law, as\n        applicable, and /or (ii) third party service providers in the United\n        States that are certified to receive such information under the EU-US or\n        UK-US Data Protection Framework, as applicable, or obtain your consent\n        to such transfers.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><h3 class=\"c12\">STORAGE/RETENTION</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >Personal information we collect will not be stored for longer than is\n        necessary for the purposes described in this Policy, or to otherwise\n        meet legal, regulatory, tax, accounting, or reporting\n        requirements.&nbsp; In some cases, we may anonymize your personal\n        information (so that it can no longer be associated with you and is no\n        longer personal information) for research or statistical purposes, in\n        which case we may use the information indefinitely without further\n        notice to you.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c44\"><span class=\"c46\">&nbsp;</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c13 c61\"><span class=\"c32 c37 c43\"></span></p>\n"}},"en":{"configFile":{"continueShoppingLinkUrl":"","country":"australia","countryISO2":"AU","defaultDenomValue":5000,"defaultDenomValueIsSet":true,"disablePromoCode":true,"enableAnalytics":true,"enableDenomRange":true,"googleAnalyticsId":"UA-109658029-2","hasCustomAgreeTemplate":true,"hasFavIcon":true,"hideContinueShoppingLinkArrow":true,"languageModalAvailableOptions":[{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-AU","id":"en","name":"English (Australia)","region":"Australia · AUD $"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"fr-AU","id":"fr","name":"Français","region":"Australia · AUD $"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"es-AU","id":"es","name":"Spanish (US)","region":"Australia · AUD $"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"es2-AU","id":"es2","name":"Spanish (MX)","region":"Australia · AUD $"}],"phoneFormat":"+61 # #### ####","regionModalAvailableOptions":[{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-US","id":"us","name":"United States · USD $","targetPartner":"doordash"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-AU","id":"au","name":"Australia · AUD $","targetPartner":"doordashaus"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-NZ","id":"ca","name":"Canada · CAD $","targetPartner":"doordashca"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-NZ","id":"nz","name":"New Zealand · NZD $","targetPartner":"doordashnz"}],"regionModalLabels":{"header":"Change region"},"rightAlignRedemptionInstruction":true,"showAddCardBtnBelowPreview":true,"showAddToAccountButton":true,"showCountryInPayform":false,"showEmailWarning":true,"showGiftCardMessageField":true,"showGiftCardSummary":false,"showInfoLinksCheckout":true,"showInfoLinksIndex":true,"showLanguageAndRegionAsExtraLink":false,"showLanguageAndRegionOnTopOfTerms":true,"showTermsCheckout":false,"showTermsIndex":true,"showTermsOrder":false,"supportEmail":"[email protected]","trimRoundDecimal":true,"useCopyForPin":true,"useCustomAgreeReactTemplate":true,"useDenomCarousel":true,"useDenomFormatting":true,"useGiftCardPageAccordion":true,"useSpecialPromoBanner":false,"useSpecialPromoInstruction":false,"useSuccessLinksTemplate":true,"customerSupport":"\n      <div>Need help? Visit <a href='' target='_blank'>DoorDash Gift Card Support</a></div>\n    ","customizeExtraText":"\n    <h2 class='bulk-header'>Gift Cards in Bulk</h2>\n    <div>Are you looking to purchase DoorDash gift cards in bulk? Give the gift of food delivery and sign up for a buyer account today!</div>\n  ","customizeExtraTextButton":"\n    <a target='_blank' href='' class='action-button action-button--bulk'>Shop now</a>\n  ","footerHTML":"\n    <div class='doordash-footer__container'>\n      <div class=\"doordash-footer-text\">The Gift that delivers itself</div>\n      <p class='doordash-order-footer_text'>\n        <img src='' class='doordash-order-footer_img' />\n        <a href=\"\">Terms of Service ©2023 DoorDash</a>\n      </p>\n    </div>\n  ","headerHTML":"\n      <div class='doordash-header__container'>\n      <div class=\"doordash-header-text\">Buy a DoorDash Gift Card</div>\n      <div class=\"doordash-header-subtext\">For every appetite and any occasion</div>\n        <img src='' class='doordash-order-header-logo' />\n      </div>\n    ","indexPageAbout":"\n    <div>\n      Learn more about DoorDash Gift Cards\n    </div>\n    <ul>\n      <li>Give the gift of food delivery with a DoorDash gift card. The DoorDash app connects your favourite people with the foods they love. Gift food delivery for easier evenings, happier days, and more time to enjoy the people and things they love. Available in Melbourne, Sydney, Geelong and Brisbane.</li>\n      <li>A huge selection fulfilling all your needs - food and more!</li>\n      <li>Easy ordering & real-time tracking</li>\n      <li>Customize your orders</li>\n      <li>Pickup & group order options</li>\n    </ul>\n  ","metaData":{"description":"Best local restaurants now deliver. Get breakfast, lunch, dinner and more delivered from your favorite restaurants right to your doorstep with one easy click.","keywords":"Food, delivery, breakfast, lunch, dinner, takeout, restaurants, palo alto, menlo park, mountain view, los angeles, santa monica, best, local, deliver, favorite, restaurant, doorstep, eats, delivered, order, tap, partner, find food, deliver with, hungry, gift of food, give food, Android, ios, wait, ready, crave, bring, to your door, the food, door to door, app, download, order, pickup, pick up, restaurants, city, DoorDash, door dash, dasher, dashers, delivering, good, moments, find, stories, good mornings, vibes,"},"terms":"\n    <h1>Terms and Conditions</h1>\n    <p>\n      Your gift card is redeemable towards eligible orders placed on <a href='' target='_blank'></a> or in the DoorDash App in Australia. Gift cards are made available and provided by DoorDash Technologies Australia Pty Ltd. Gift cards cannot be used to pay a credit account and are not redeemable for cash except when required by applicable law. Purchases with a gift card are subject to DoorDash's standard refund policy, and any refund amounts will be credited back to the DoorDash consumer's account. Gift cards will not expire. All gift card redemptions are final and may not be reversed. For more information on gift cards, please visit <a href='' target='_blank'></a>. To view the full Gift Card Terms and Conditions, please visit <a href=';region=AU&locale=en-AU' target='_blank'>;region=AU&locale=en-AU</a>.\n    </p>\n  "},"langFile":{"addACard":"Add a gift card","addAnotherCard":"Add another gift card","addAnotherCardIcon":"","customAgreeTextGroup":{"text1":"I agree to the","text2":"and","ddLinkText":"Card Terms and Conditions","lgcLinkText":"Terms of Use and Privacy Policy"},"addToAccountLabel":"Redeem gift card","addToAccountUrl":"","addToCartButtonLabel":"Continue","backIcon":"","cartEmptyMessage":"Your cart is empty.","checkoutAddCardText":"Add another gift card","checkoutButtonLabel":"Place order {price}","checkoutNavLabel":"Checkout","checkoutTitle":"Your cart","continueShoppingLinkLabel":"Back to DoorDash","copiedPINext":"PIN copied!","countryFlagOnValueSelectAlt":"","customAgreeTemplate":"","customCardholderNameLabel":"Cardholder Name","customerSupportLink":"","customizeExtraText":{"text":"Are you looking to purchase DoorDash gift cards in bulk? Give the gift of food delivery and sign up for a buyer account today!","title":"Gift Cards in Bulk"},"customizeExtraTextButton":"Shop now","defaultDeliveryOption":"digital","deliveryHeader":"Select delivery option","displayedValueLabel":"Amount on Card:","footerHTML":{"terms":"Terms of Service ©2023 DoorDash","text":"The Gift that delivers itself"},"giftMessage":"Message:","giftMessageLabel":"Gift Message","header":"Buy A DoorDash Gift Card","headerHTML":{"learnMore":"Learn more","subtext":"For every appetite and any occasion","text":"Buy a DoorDash Gift Card"},"languageModalLabels":{"header":"Choose a language to use"},"maxCardsDisclaimer":"Max. {maxCards} per order","metaData":{"description":"Best local restaurants now deliver. Get breakfast, lunch, dinner and more delivered from your favorite restaurants right to your doorstep with one easy click.","keywords":"Food, delivery, breakfast, lunch, dinner, takeout, restaurants, palo alto, menlo park, mountain view, los angeles, santa monica, best, local, deliver, favorite, restaurant, doorstep, eats, delivered, order, tap, partner, find food, deliver with, hungry, gift of food, give food, Android, ios, wait, ready, crave, bring, to your door, the food, door to door, app, download, order, pickup, pick up, restaurants, city, DoorDash, door dash, dasher, dashers, delivering, good, moments, find, stories, good mornings, vibes,"},"navBtnText":"Customize","orderSubtitle":"This will add gift card credits to your DoorDash account which you can use any time.","partnerHeaderImageModalContent":{"items":[{"description":"From holidays to birthdays, deliver cheer when you send a meal.","title":"Celebrate moments that matter"},{"description":"Use DoorDash Gift Cards at your neighborhood restaurants, or try somewhere new.","title":"Support local favorites"},{"description":"Provide an easy meal option for your team or coworkers.","title":"Delight your team"}],"title":"DoorDash Gift Cards"},"payWithCard":"Pay With Card","paymentDetailsTitle":"Personal details","pinCopyLabel":"Copy","previewYourOrder":"Checkout","productDenomInputErrorMsg":"Enter an amount between ${minDenom} and ${maxDenom}.","productDenomMissingInputErrorMsg":"","productTypeInfo":{"charity":{"productTypeInfoText":"DoorDash offers you the option to buy gift cards for donation to organizations and causes throughout the year. Just purchase the gift card, and we’ll donate it to the selected nonprofit.","productTypeInfoText2":"Learn more about our current effort to support Afghan refugees, and purchase a DoorDash gift card for the International Rescue Committee (IRC). Donated gift cards will be used by the IRC to provide food and essentials to families in need.","productTypeInfoText3":"Gift cards purchased for donation through DoorDash will be donated to the International Rescue Committee. DoorDash is not soliciting donations from residents of MA, IL, SC, MS, AL, and HI at this time. The purchase of a gift card is not tax deductible.","productTypeInfoTextCntd":"Learn more about our current effort to support Afghan refugees, and purchase a DoorDash gift card for the International Rescue Committee (IRC). Donated gift cards will be used by the IRC to provide food and essentials to families in need.","productTypeInfoTextCntd2":"Gift cards purchased for donation through DoorDash will be donated to the International Rescue Committee. DoorDash is not soliciting donations from residents of MA, IL, SC, MS, AL, and HI at this time. The purchase of a gift card is not tax deductible.","tooltip":{"productTypeInfoText":"DoorDash offers you the option to buy gift cards for donation to organizations and causes throughout the year. Just purchase the gift card, and we’ll donate it to the selected nonprofit.","productTypeInfoTextCntd":"Learn more about our current effort to support Afghan refugees, and purchase a DoorDash gift card for the International Rescue Committee (IRC). Donated gift cards will be used by the IRC to provide food and essentials to families in need.","productTypeInfoTextCntd2":"Gift cards purchased for donation through DoorDash will be donated to the International Rescue Committee. DoorDash is not soliciting donations from residents of MA, IL, SC, MS, AL, and HI at this time. The purchase of a gift card is not tax deductible.","textBeforeTrigger":"Learn more about the &nbsp;","tooltipTriggerText":"Donate Delivery Option"}}},"recipientEmailLabel":"Recipient Email","recipientHeader":"Other details","recipientPhoneLabel":"Recipient Phone Number","recipientRegionLabel":"State","requiredAddCartFormErrors":{"delivery_option":"Please select a delivery option","gift_message":"Gift Message is required","recipient_address_line_1":"Recipient address line 1 is required","recipient_city":"Recipient city is required","recipient_email":"Recipient email is required","recipient_name":"Recipient name is required","recipient_phone":"Recipient phone number is required","recipient_postal_code":"Recipient zip code is required","recipient_region":"State is required","sender_name":"Sender name is required"},"requiredPayFormErrors":{"zip":"Your postal code is required"},"sendDate":"Send on:","senderNameLabel":"Sender Name","specialHeaderNavCart":"","specialHeaderNavCartEmpty":"","specialHeaderNavLogo":"","stateDropdownPlaceholder":"","successLinksTextGroup":{"successLinksText":"Order more"},"successPageHeader":"Order Summary","typeLabelEmail":"Email","typeLabelPhysical":"Mail","typeLabelPhysicalDisabled":"Mail (not available)","typeLabelText":"Text message","validAddCartFormErrors":{"emoji_restriction":"Only plain text is supported with mailed cards. Please replace emojis with text or send via email.","gift_message":"Gift message must be 150 characters or less","recipient_email":"Please enter a valid email address","recipient_phone":"Please enter a valid phone number","scheduled_date":"Please enter a present or future delivery date","scheduled_date_not_business_day":"Cards can only be mailed on a business day"},"validPayFormErrors":{"zip":"Please provide a valid postal code"},"valueInputLabel":"How much you would like to gift?","valueInputPlaceholder":"Custom","zipDisplayName":"Zip Code","specialPromoTextTerms":{"headline":"Father’s Day Promotion - Receive 10% off any purchase* of a DoorDash Gift Card","linkText":"terms","linkUrl":"","text":"DoorDash Gift Card promotion only valid through 9AM EDT on 06/19/2023. Receive 10% off your gift card purchase. Offer will be automatically applied at checkout. Limit one gift card promotion per person. Offer valid for one transaction up to $500 in DoorDash Gift Cards with maximum discount of $50. Must have a valid DoorDash account. Only available in the US as determined by DoorDash in its sole discretion. See full ","textAfterLink":"."},"customerSupport":{"link":"DoorDash Gift Card Support","text":"Need help? Visit"},"indexPageAbout":{"bullet1":"Give the gift of food delivery with a DoorDash gift card. The DoorDash app connects your favourite people with the foods they love. Gift food delivery for easier evenings, happier days, and more time to enjoy the people and things they love. Available in Melbourne, Sydney, Geelong and Brisbane.","bullet2":"A huge selection fulfilling all your needs - food and more!","bullet3":"Easy ordering & real-time tracking","bullet4":"Customize your orders","bullet5":"Pickup & group order options","title":"Learn more about DoorDash Gift Cards"},"orderHeader":"Redeem your {denom_string} AUD DoorDash gift card","pageTitle":"DoorDash Australia Gift Cards | Delivering Now, From Restaurants Near You","productAvailabilityText":"AUD gift cards are only valid in Australia","redeemFAQs":{"helpCenter":{"boldText":"Need help?","link":"FAQs","text":"Visit the DoorDash"},"items":[{"answer":{"bullet1":{"link":"","text":"Create an account or sign in to the DoorDash app or on "},"bullet2":"Navigate to Account > Gift Card","bullet3":"Enter your gift card PIN"},"question":"How do I redeem a gift card?"},{"answer":{"bullet1":"A huge selection fulfilling all your needs - food and more!","bullet2":"Easy ordering & real-time tracking","bullet3":"Customise your orders","bullet4":"Pickup & group order options"},"question":"What can I use gift cards for?"},{"answer":"Gift cards will not expire.","question":"Do gift cards expire?"},{"answer":"This gift card can only be used in Australia.","question":"Where can this gift card be used?"}],"terms":{"link1":"here","text":"For DoorDash Gift Cards Terms and Conditions (AU), click","title":"Gift Card Terms and Conditions"}},"terms":{"text":"Your gift card is redeemable towards eligible orders placed on <a href='' target='_blank'></a> or in the DoorDash App in Australia. Gift cards are made available and provided by DoorDash Technologies Australia Pty Ltd. Gift cards cannot be used to pay a credit account and are not redeemable for cash except when required by applicable law. Purchases with a gift card are subject to DoorDash's standard refund policy, and any refund amounts will be credited back to the DoorDash consumer's account. Gift cards will not expire. All gift card redemptions are final and may not be reversed. For more information on gift cards, please visit <a href='' target='_blank'></a>. To view the full Gift Card Terms and Conditions, please visit <a href=';region=AU&locale=en-AU' target='_blank'>;region=AU&locale=en-AU</a>.","title":"Terms and Conditions"},"valueHeaderLabel":"Value (AUD)","termsOfUse":"\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <h3 class=\"c5\">LAST UPDATED: &nbsp;</h3\n      ><span class=\"c17 c21\">July</span><span>&nbsp; 1, 2024</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><h3 class=\"c5\">TERMS OF SERVICE</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF SERVICE CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE SERVICES.\n        &nbsp;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><h3 class=\"c5\">DEFINITIONS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c13\">Brand</span><span class=\"c10\">&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >means an LGC client that issues the Gift Card and is also responsible\n        for honoring and redeeming the Gift Card.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c13\">Gift Card</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&nbsp;means either a digital card, code or physical card issued by a\n        Brand usable by the cardholder to purchase goods or services only from\n        the Brand.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c13\">Service(s)</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&nbsp;means the online site and related mechanisms whereby a Consumer\n        may purchase a Brand&rsquo;s Gift Card directly.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><h3 class=\"c5\">SERVICES</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Launch Gift Cards, Inc. and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries\n        (collectively &ldquo;LGC&rdquo;, &ldquo;we&rdquo;, &ldquo;our&rdquo; or\n        &ldquo;us&rdquo;) provides the Service. Your purchase of a Brand&rsquo;s\n        Gift Card through this Service is governed by these Terms of Service\n        (the &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c10\">Terms</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&rdquo;). Be aware that the Gift Card itself has its own terms and\n        conditions that govern the use of the gift card with the Brand (the\n        &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c10\">Brand Terms</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&rdquo;). The Brand Terms are separate and distinct from these Terms.\n        &nbsp;Instructions for use and redemption of the Gift Card can be found\n        on the back of the physical Gift Card or via the Brand Terms online. The\n        Gift Card can only be used to purchase goods and services offered by the\n        Brand. LGC is not a financial institution, a money services business, or\n        a money transmitter. LGC is not an issuer of Gift Cards. Gift Cards\n        purchased via the Services may not be transferred, shared, or resold.\n        Any attempt to resell the Gift Card may result in the Gift Card being\n        cancelled or voided by LGC. Any transactions occurring after any resale\n        will be considered unauthorized.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><h3 class=\"c5\">ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >These Terms apply to all the Services provided by LGC. &nbsp;LGC\n        provides the Services to you subject to your acceptance of these Terms.\n        LGC may update the Terms at any time by posting a new version online,\n        and your continued use of the Services after any such update constitutes\n        your binding acceptance of such changes. Please read these Terms\n        carefully. If you do not agree with these Terms, you should not use the\n        Services. Your continued use of the Services is deemed acceptance of\n        these Terms. &nbsp;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >The Services are intended for users who are at least 18 years old.\n        Persons under the age of 18 are not permitted to use the Services.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c24\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c2\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c2\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">USER REPRESENTATIONS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >By using the Services, you represent and warrant that: (1) all\n        information you submit will be true, accurate, current, and complete;\n        (2) you will maintain the accuracy of such information and promptly\n        update such information, as necessary; (3) you have the legal capacity\n        and you agree to comply with these Terms and any other terms associated\n        with the Services; (4) you are not a minor in the jurisdiction in which\n        you reside; (5) you will not access the Services through automated or\n        non-human means, whether through a bot, script or otherwise; (6) you\n        will not use the Services for any illegal or unauthorized purpose, or in\n        violation of any laws. If utilizing the Services on behalf of a business\n        entity, you represent that the business entity is in good standing under\n        the laws in which it is organized and that you have authority to act on\n        behalf of the business entity, making further representations as may be\n        required . If utilizing the Services on behalf of an entity to make a\n        large volume order (a &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c10\">Bulk Order</span><span class=\"c13\">&rdquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >), you accept the additional terms and conditions relating to such a\n        purchase.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current,\n        incomplete, fraudulent or suspected to be fraudulent, or act in a manner\n        that is fraudulent or contrary to these Terms, LGC retains the right to\n        suspend or terminate your use of the Services and refuse any future use\n        of the Services. If you fail to provide information or data necessary to\n        facilitate the provision of the Services, Services may not be provided\n        to you.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">GIFT CARD DISPLAY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC makes every effort to display as accurately as possible the colors,\n        features, specifications, and details associated with the Gift Cards\n        that are made available through the Services. Gift Cards are subject to\n        availability within the respective territory. LGC reserves the right to\n        discontinue offering any Gift Cards at any time for any reason.\n        Denominations associated with Gift Cards are subject to change. Any\n        personalization of Gift Cards is subject to the terms of User Conduct\n        (below).</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">PURCHASES AND PAYMENT</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Except for Bulk Orders, LGC may accept the following forms of payment:\n        Visa, MasterCard, </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">Discover, Amex,</span><span class=\"c16 c17\">&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">Google Pay, </span><span class=\"c0\">and</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&nbsp;Apple Pay. You agree to provide current, complete, and accurate\n        purchase information for all purchases made via the Services so that LGC\n        can complete your transactions and contact you as needed. Sales tax will\n        be added to the price of purchases as may be required. The price you\n        will pay is the price indicated when you place your order. All payments\n        shall be in Australian Dollars. Bulk Orders require pre-payment via bank\n        transfer. Accepted forms of payment identified in this section are\n        subject to change.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >You agree to pay all charges at the prices in effect at the time of\n        your purchase and including any applicable shipping fees. You authorize\n        LGC to charge your chosen payment provider for any such amounts upon\n        placing your order. LGC reserves the right to correct any errors or\n        mistakes in pricing, even if we have already requested or received\n        payment.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c20 c16\"\n        >If you make a purchase using the Services, your payment information is\n        collected by third-party payment processors (for example Stripe and\n        Braintree) and transmitted to it directly via an encrypted connection.\n        Our payment processors use, process, and store your information in\n        accordance with their own privacy policies, and they maintain that they\n        are PCI compliant.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC reserves the right to refuse any order placed through the Services.\n        LGC may, in its sole discretion, limit or cancel quantities purchased\n        per person, per household, or per order. These restrictions may include\n        orders placed by or under the same customer account, the same payment\n        method, and/or orders that use the same billing or shipping address. LGC\n        reserves the right to limit or prohibit orders that, in our sole\n        judgment, appear to be placed by dealers, resellers, or distributors.\n        LGC may further prohibit or limit orders to ensure compliance with\n        applicable law.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">RETURN/REFUNDS POLICY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c14\">\n      <span class=\"c0\">All sales are final. LGC does not issue refunds. </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">DELIVERY &amp; SECURITY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c12\">\n      <span class=\"c16 c17\"\n        >Delivery is based on the email address, mobile phone number or physical\n        address you provide. LGC is not responsible for delivery failure due to\n        an invalid or incorrect address (email or physical) or mobile phone\n        number you provide. </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC will send the Gift Card to the identified recipient on the\n        specified send date at time of purchase.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c12\">\n      <span class=\"c16 c17\"\n        >Upon delivery you are solely responsible for the security and </span\n      ><span class=\"c16 c17\">safekeeping</span\n      ><span class=\"c16 c17\"\n        >&nbsp;of your Gift Card. The link provided to you via email or text\n        message is the only way to access your Gift Card.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">USER CONDUCT</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c14\">\n      <span class=\"c0\">You agree that you will not use the Services to:</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Post, e-mail, transmit, upload, or otherwise make available content\n        that harasses, abuses, defames, or threatens other users, that contains\n        profanity, or obscene or otherwise objectionable content, or that\n        degrades others;\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Post, e-mail, transmit, upload, or otherwise make available content\n        that contains any other party&rsquo;s intellectual property unless you\n        have the right to do so or violates the privacy, publicity or other\n        personal rights of others;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Post, e-mail, transmit, upload, or otherwise make available any\n        material that contains software viruses or any other computer code,\n        files or programs which (by design or function) interrupt, destroy, or\n        limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or\n        telecommunications equipment;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Violate any applicable local, state, national or international law or\n        regulation;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Make available, content provided by LGC or through the Services to any\n        other website, streaming technology, peer-to-peer software, or similarly\n        unauthorized distribution channel unless expressly authorized to do so\n        by LGC;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Use any meta tags or any other hidden text using our name or\n        trademarks;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any of\n        the software comprising, or in any way making up, any part of the\n        Services; or</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\">Access any content not intended for your use. </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Violation of the above User Conduct terms may result in your inability\n        to access the services.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >You understand that all content submitted to the Services by users\n        (&quot;</span\n      ><span class=\"c10\">User Materials</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&quot;), whether privately transmitted or made publicly available, are\n        the sole responsibility of the source from which such User Materials\n        were provided. You, not LGC, are entirely responsible for all User\n        Materials that you upload, post, share, e-mail, transmit, or otherwise\n        make available via the Services.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >You acknowledge that LGC may pre-screen User Materials and that LGC and\n        its designees have the right (but not the obligation) in their sole\n        discretion to refuse, permanently delete, and/or move any User Materials\n        that are submitted through the Services. Without limiting the foregoing,\n        LGC and its designees shall have the right to remove any User Materials\n        that violate these Terms or are otherwise objectionable at its sole and\n        absolute discretion. You understand that by using the Services, you may\n        be exposed to User Materials that you may consider to be offensive or\n        objectionable. You agree that you must evaluate, and bear all risks\n        associated with the use or disclosure of any User Materials.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c29\"><span class=\"c9\">LINKS AND THIRD PARTIES</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c16 c20\"\n        >We may provide links to other sites owned and operated by third\n        parties. We are not responsible for these third party sites, their\n        privacy policies, or how they treat the information of visitors and\n        users. We advise you to review their privacy policies for information on\n        how those sites collect, use, and protect your information.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c20 c16\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c20 c16\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c15\"><h3 class=\"c5\">INDEMNITY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless LGC and its parent\n        company, affiliates, subsidiaries, employees, contractors,\n        telecommunication providers, content providers, and assignees and their\n        respective officers, directors, employees and agents from and against\n        any and all liabilities, claims, actions, demands, damages, costs,\n        losses and expenses (including reasonable attorney&#39;s fees) made by\n        any third party due to or arising from: (i) out of your use of the\n        Services, (ii) any breach or non-compliance by you of any portion of\n        these Terms; or (iii) your negligence or violation or alleged violation\n        of any applicable law or rights of a third party.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">MODIFICATIONS TO SERVICE</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC reserves the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or\n        permanently, the Services (or any part thereof), with or without notice\n        at any time. You agree that LGC shall not be liable to you or any third\n        party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the\n        Services, except as otherwise specified.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c2\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">TERMINATION</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC may, in its sole and absolute discretion and without notice or\n        liability to you or any third party, immediately terminate your access\n        to the Services in the event (a) you breach or violation of these Terms\n        (b) requests by law enforcement or government agencies or in the case of\n        suspected fraud or violation of any applicable law in relation to the\n        use of the Services.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\">\n      <h3 class=\"c5\">DEALINGS WITH ADVERTISERS AND OTHER USERS</h3>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Your interaction with, business dealings, or participation in\n        promotions of, advertisers, buyers, sellers, or agents found on or\n        through the Services, including payment for and delivery of related\n        goods or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or\n        representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you\n        and such third party. LGC shall not be responsible or liable for any\n        loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings\n        or as the result of the presence of such advertisers or third parties on\n        the Services or your use thereof.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">LINKS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >The Services may provide links to other sites or resources. LGC has no\n        control over such sites and resources, and you acknowledge and agree\n        that LGC is not responsible for the availability of such external sites\n        or resources, and does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for\n        any content, advertising, products, or other materials on or available\n        from such sites or resources. You further acknowledge and agree that LGC\n        is not liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or\n        alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any\n        such content, goods or services available on or through any such site or\n        resource.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">OUR PROPRIETARY RIGHTS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >All title, ownership and intellectual property rights in and to the\n        Services and the data, information, materials, trademarks, service\n        marks, software, photos, videos, images, and other content\n        (collectively, the &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c10\">Content</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&rdquo;) made available through the Services are owned by LGC, its\n        affiliates or licensors. Unless noted otherwise, the Services and all\n        Content made available through the Services are protected by copyright,\n        trademark, &nbsp;intellectual property, and other applicable law and may\n        not be used except as permitted by these Terms. Except as expressly\n        authorized by LGC, you agree not to modify, rent, lease, loan, sell,\n        distribute or create derivative works based on the Content and Services,\n        in whole or in part; provided, however, that you are granted a limited\n        license to access and use the Services and Content &nbsp;as described\n        herein.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Content available through the Services may contain typographical\n        errors, inaccuracies, or omissions, including within descriptions,\n        pricing, availability, and various other information. We reserve the\n        right to correct any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions and to change or\n        update the Content at any time, without prior notice to you.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\"><h3 class=\"c5\">PRIVACY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Please refer to our Privacy Policy for information about how we\n        collect, use, and disclose information.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c14\">\n      <span class=\"c0\">YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT:</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >YOUR USE OF THE SERVICES IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK. THE SERVICES ARE\n        PROVIDED ON AN &quot;AS </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">IS&quot;</span><span class=\"c16 c17\">&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">AND</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&nbsp;&quot;AS AVAILABLE&quot; BASIS, WITHOUT REPRESENTATIONS TO\n        ACCURACY OR </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">AVA</span><span class=\"c16 c17\">I</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">LABILITY.</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&nbsp;LGC EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER\n        EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES\n        OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ACCURACY, AND\n        NON-INFRINGEMENT. LGC ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE TIMELINESS,\n        DELETION, MIS-DELIVERY OR FAILURE TO PROVIDE ANY CONTENT OR TO STORE ANY\n        PERSONALIZATION SETTINGS OR USER MATERIALS. WE MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR\n        GUARANTEES THAT THE SERVICES AND CONTENT WILL ALWAYS BE AVAILABLE OR\n        THAT THE CONTENT WILL BE ACCURATE, COMPLETE, </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">WITHOU</span><span class=\"c16 c17\">T</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">&nbsp;ERROR, OR RELIABLE.</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >ANY CONTENT DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE SERVICES IS\n        DOWNLOADED AND USED AT YOUR RISK.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC DOES NOT WARRANT, ENDORSE, GUARANTEE, OR ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR\n        ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE ADVERTISED OR OFFERED BY A THIRD PARTY, INCLUDING\n        A BRAND, THROUGH THE SERVICES, OR ANY HYPERLINKED WEBSITE, OR MOBILE\n        APPLICATION FEATURED IN ANY BANNER OR OTHER ADVERTISING. LGC WILL NOT BE\n        A PARTY TO, OR IN ANY WAY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR, MONITORING ANY TRANSACTION\n        BETWEEN YOU AND ANY THIRD-PARTY PROVIDERS OF PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. AS\n        WITH THE PURCHASE OF A PRODUCT OR SERVICE THROUGH ANY MEDIUM OR IN ANY\n        ENVIRONMENT, YOU SHOULD USE YOUR BEST JUDGMENT AND EXERCISE CAUTION\n        WHERE APPROPRIATE.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT LGC SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY\n        DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY\n        DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS,\n        GOODWILL, USE, DATA OR OTHER INTANGIBLE LOSSES (EVEN IF LGC HAD BEEN\n        ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES), RESULTING FROM: (i) THE USE\n        OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SERVICES; (ii) THE COST OF PROCUREMENT OF\n        SUBSTITUTE GOODS AND SERVICES RESULTING FROM ANY GOODS, DATA,\n        INFORMATION OR SERVICES PURCHASED OR OBTAINED OR MESSAGES RECEIVED OR\n        TRANSACTIONS ENTERED INTO THROUGH OR FROM THE SERVICES; (iii)\n        UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO OR ALTERATION OF YOUR TRANSMISSIONS OR DATA; (iv)\n        STATEMENTS OR CONDUCT OF ANY THIRD PARTY ON THE SERVICES; OR (v) ANY\n        OTHER MATTER RELATING TO THE SERVICES. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW\n        THE EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN WARRANTIES OR THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF\n        LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. ACCORDINGLY, SOME OF\n        THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >You agree that, except as otherwise expressly provided in these Terms,\n        there shall be no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><h3 class=\"c5\">NOTICE</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC may provide you with notices, including those regarding changes to\n        these Terms, by e-mail or postings on the Services.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c21 c22\">CALIFORNIA CONSUMER NOTICE</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c6\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c6\"\n        >Under California Civil Code Section 1789.3, California users are\n        entitled to the following consumer rights notice: The website is\n        provided by Launch Gift Cards, Inc. and its affiliates, 16501 Ventura\n        Blvd Suite 410, Encino, CA 91436. If you have a question or complaint\n        regarding the website, please contact LGC&rsquo;s customer service via\n        the methods listed under &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c22 c21\">Questions</span\n      ><span class=\"c6\"\n        >&rdquo; below. California residents may reach the Complaint Assistance\n        Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the California Department\n        of Consumer Affairs by post at 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite N. 112,\n        Sacramento, CA 95834 or by telephone at (800) 952-5210 or Hearing\n        Impaired at TDD (800) 735-2929.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c2\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">TRADEMARK INFORMATION</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Nothing contained within the Services, or these Terms should be\n        construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any\n        license or right to use any trademark displayed on the Services without\n        the written permission of LGC or any third party that may own the\n        trademarks. Your misuse of any trademarks displayed on the Services, or\n        any other Content on the Services, except as provided in these Terms, is\n        strictly prohibited. You are also advised that LGC will aggressively\n        enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the\n        law.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <h3 class=\"c5\"\n        >NOTICE AND PROCEDURE FOR MAKING CLAIMS OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT</h3\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC may, in appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, disable\n        and/or terminate the accounts of those users who infringe the\n        intellectual property of others. If you believe that your work has been\n        copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, or your\n        intellectual property rights have been otherwise violated, please\n        provide our Copyright Agent a written notice (the &ldquo;Notice&rdquo;)\n        containing the following information: (i) an electronic or physical\n        signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the\n        copyright or other intellectual property interest; (ii) a description of\n        the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has\n        been infringed; (iii) a description of where the material that you claim\n        is infringing is located on the Services; (iv) your address, telephone\n        number, and e-mail address; (v) a statement by you that you have a good\n        faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright\n        owner, its agent, or the law; (vi) a statement by you, made under\n        penalty of perjury, that the above information in your Notice is\n        accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner\n        or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property\n        owner&rsquo;s behalf.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC&rsquo;s Copyright Agent for Notice of claims of copyright or other\n        intellectual property infringement can be reached in the following\n        ways:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Copyright Agent, Launch Gift Cards, Inc., One Whitehall Street, New\n        York, NY 10004.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\">Email:&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c21 c25\"\n        ><a class=\"c11\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"\n          >[email protected]</a\n        ></span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <h3 class=\"c5\">CHOICE OF LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION</h3>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >These Terms are governed by laws of the State of New York, without\n        regard to its conflict of laws principles. Any dispute or claim arising\n        from these Terms or the Services shall be resolved through arbitration.\n        Any</span\n      ><span class=\"c23\">&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >arbitration will be conducted pursuant to the applicable rules of the\n        American Arbitration Association (the &ldquo;Arbitration Rules&rdquo;).\n        The arbitration will be conducted in New York, New York by a single\n        arbitrator selected by the parties to the arbitration. The\n        arbitrator&rsquo;s findings, reasoning, decision, and award will be\n        stated in writing and based upon applicable law. Judgment on the\n        arbitration award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction.\n        Unless the Arbitration Rules require otherwise, the fees and costs\n        associated with the arbitration shall be shared equally by the parties.\n        You hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the state\n        and federal courts within New York, New York. To the fullest extent\n        permitted by applicable law, no dispute under these Terms shall be\n        joined to a dispute involving any other party subject to these Terms,\n        whether through class arbitration proceedings or otherwise.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><h3 class=\"c5\">GENERAL INFORMATION</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >The failure of LGC to exercise or enforce any right or provision of\n        these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If\n        any is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the\n        parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect\n        to the parties&rsquo; intentions as reflected in the provision, and the\n        other provisions of the Terms remain in full force and effect.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c14\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >The section titles in these Terms are for convenience only and have no\n        legal or contractual effect.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">QUESTIONS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c18\">\n      <span class=\"c16 c17\">Please contact&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c21 c27\"\n        ><a class=\"c11\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"\n          >[email protected]</a\n        ></span\n      ><span class=\"c16 c17\"\n        >&nbsp;by email using the subject line &quot;Terms of Service&quot; if\n        you have any questions or comments about these Terms. You can also\n        contact us via telephone at (</span\n      ><span class=\"c16\">310) 566-1424. </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c18 c24\"><span class=\"c19\"></span></p>\n\n    <div>\n      <p class=\"c13 c40\"><span class=\"c43 c32 c37\"></span></p>\n    </div>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><h3 class=\"c8\">PRIVACY POLICY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c16 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c12\">Updated:</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\">&nbsp; July 1, 2024</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\">This Privacy Policy (this &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12\">Policy</span\n      ><span class=\"c9\"\n        >&rdquo;) describes the privacy and security practices associated with\n        the website, and &nbsp;online service (collectively the &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12\">Services</span\n      ><span class=\"c9\"\n        >&rdquo;) operated by Launch Gift Cards, Inc. and its affiliates, as\n        further detailed in this Policy (&quot;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12\">LGC</span\n      ><span class=\"c9\"\n        >,&quot; &ldquo;we,&rdquo; &ldquo;our,&rdquo; or\n        &ldquo;us&rdquo;).</span\n      ><span class=\"c39\">&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >The purpose of this Policy is to identify (i) what information we\n        collect from and about business customers and consumers who access and\n        use the Services, (ii) how we use, share, and secure the information\n        collected, and (iii) what choices you have regarding your information.\n        We do not collect additional categories of information nor use\n        information in any ways not specified herein. This Policy also tells you\n        about your rights and choices with respect to your personal information,\n        and how you can contact us with questions relating to this Policy.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c22\"\n        >Please carefully read this Policy before accessing and remaining on our\n        website or utilizing our Services. If you do not agree with the terms of\n        this Policy, please do not access our website, or utilize our Services.\n        By accessing our website and utilizing our Services, you agree to the\n        terms of this Policy and consent to the collection and use of your\n        information as set forth below.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        ><br />We may update this Policy from time to time by posting the\n        revised policy here.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><span class=\"c12\">HOW TO&nbsp;CONTACT&nbsp;US</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >If you have any questions about this Policy or our privacy practices,\n        you may contact us in the following ways:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c12\">Postal Address</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >:&nbsp;Launch Gift Cards, Inc.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;\n        &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Attn:\n        Privacy Policy</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n        &nbsp; &nbsp; 16501 Ventura Blvd, Suite 410</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n        &nbsp; &nbsp; Encino, CA 91436</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c59\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;\n        &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c12\">E-mail</span><span class=\"c9\">:&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c9\"\n        ><a class=\"c56\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"\n          >[email protected]</a\n        ></span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >&nbsp;(please include &ldquo;Privacy Policy&rdquo; in the Subject\n        Line)</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c12\">Telephone</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\">: (833)780-1536 &nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c21 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><h3 class=\"c12\">WHAT INFORMATION WE COLLECT</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >We collect personal information and other information from and about\n        you to provide the Services. Personal information is information about\n        an identified or identifiable natural person (this does not include\n        deidentified or aggregated information). We limit the collection of\n        personal information to what is relevant and reasonably necessary to\n        facilitate the provision of Services or for other legal compliance.\n        &nbsp;LGC does not knowingly or intentionally collect or solicit (i)\n        sensitive personal information or (ii) personal information from anyone\n        under the age of 18. The information we collect depends on the Services\n        involved, and may include:<br\n      /></span>\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_1-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Personal Contact and Professional Information </span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >refers to information&nbsp;that allows us to contact you directly,\n          such as your first and last name, company name, job title, e-mail\n          address, mailing address, and mobile number. This may include\n          information you provide about third parties who receive Products\n          (&ldquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12\">Recipients</span><span class=\"c1\">&rdquo;). </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Technical Information </span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >refers to information&nbsp;collected when you use the Services, such\n          as your IP address, device information, information about the network\n          you are using to access the Services, browser type and version, your\n          activities while using the Services, websites or services previously\n          visited, and content you see or click on.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Order Information </span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >refers to information&nbsp;collected when you purchase a product or\n          service, such as products ordered, payment information, and Personal\n          Contact Information for the sender and recipient. If you make a\n          purchase using the Services, your </span\n        ><span class=\"c12\">Payment Information</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >, such as card name and number, and billing address is directly\n          collected from you, and stored, by third party payment processors on\n          our behalf, as further described below.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Interest </span\n        ><span class=\"c9\">regarding products and product preferences.</span\n        ><span class=\"c12\">&nbsp;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Content of Communications</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp;refers to information we obtain when you contact or communicate\n          with us.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c21 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><h3 class=\"c12\">HOW WE COLLECT INFORMATION</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >LGC collects information from and about you in the following\n        ways:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_2-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Direct Interactions.</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp; We collect information voluntarily provided by you, such as\n          Personal Contact and Professional Information, Order Information,\n          Content of Communications, and User-Generated Content, when you:</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_3-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\"><span class=\"c1\">Use the Services;</span></li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">Inquire about our Products and Services;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\"><span class=\"c1\">Make a purchase;</span></li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\"><span class=\"c1\">Contact us; or</span></li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\"><span class=\"c1\">Interact with us.</span></li>\n    </ul>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_4-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Automatically.</span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >&nbsp; We collect Technical Information automatically when you use\n          the Services through the use of cookies and similar technologies, as\n          further described in the&nbsp; &ldquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c27 c19\">Cookies</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\">&rdquo; section&nbsp;below.&nbsp;</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_4-0\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Mobile Devices.</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp; LGC or its third-party technology partners may collect\n          location information, including location information provided by a\n          mobile device interacting with one of our apps or associated with your\n          IP address or Wi-Fi network. You can generally limit or prohibit the\n          collection of location information using the built-in settings on your\n          mobile device. We do not permit the collection of precise location\n          information.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_4-0\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Other Sources.</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp; When someone purchases a Product from us to be sent to a\n          Recipient designated by the purchaser, we collect Personal Contact\n          Information regarding the Recipient. Where you provide Recipient\n          Personal Contact Information to us, you confirm that you have\n          permission to provide Recipient Personal Contact Information and you\n          will bring this Policy to the attention of the Recipient.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><h3 class=\"c12\">HOW WE USE YOUR INFORMATION</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >LGC collects the above described information from and about you for the\n        following purposes:</span\n      ><span class=\"c9 c49\">&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_5-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Provide you with products and services, including to process\n          payments;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Respond to inquiries and requests and otherwise provide you with\n          information, products, or services that you request from us.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Undertake auditing and verifications related to user interactions,\n          including but not limited to, verifying the quality and effectiveness\n          of our Services.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">Improve the Services;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">Administer surveys for internal use; </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Maintain the security, integrity, and quality of our products, the\n          Services, databases, technology assets and business, including\n          detecting security incidents, protecting against malicious, deceptive,\n          fraudulent, or illegal activity and preventing fraudulent\n          transactions;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">For fraud prevention purposes</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Comply with U.S., state, local and non-U.S. laws, rules and\n          regulations and respond to legal inquiries;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">Conduct promotions related to the Services; </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c18\"\n          >Facilitate business transactions as described in the &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c24 c19\">Business Transactions</span\n        ><span class=\"c18\">&rsquo; section below; </span\n        ><span class=\"c1\">and</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_5-0\">\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c9\">As provided for in the &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\"\n          >Legal Compliance &amp; Protecting Security and Safety</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\">&rsquo; section below.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >In certain circumstances, laws require that we obtain your consent to\n        collect information for a particular purpose. In these circumstances, we\n        will obtain your consent at the time we collect the information.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >We may combine information we collect through your use of the Services\n        with information that we collect from other sources (e.g., offline\n        records or publicly available information). Additionally, we may\n        anonymize or deidentify personal information so that it can no longer be\n        associated with an individual or re-identified. In such cases, we may\n        use and share the anonymized or deidentified data without further notice\n        to you.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >Additionally, if you are a business customer, we may use your personal\n        information to keep you informed of our products and services, if you\n        have provided your consent to us doing so, or where we have an existing\n        relationship with you and we wish to contact you about products and\n        services similar to those which we provide you, in which you may be\n        interested. You may opt-in to certain kinds of marketing, or all forms\n        of marketing at any time, by contacting us and you may unsubscribe to\n        receiving emails by clicking on the &quot;opt-out&quot; or\n        &quot;unsubscribe&quot; link provided in all our marketing emails.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\">\n      <h3 class=\"c12\">USE OF COOKIES AND OTHER TECHNOLOGIES</h3>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >LGC uses &ldquo;cookies&rdquo; and similar technology that are saved on\n        your computer or mobile device to automatically collect information\n        about use of the Services. Different types of cookies, such as session\n        or persistent cookies, may be used for different functions. Persistent\n        cookies remain on a user&rsquo;s device for a set period of time and are\n        activated each time a user visits the Services where cookies were\n        set.&nbsp; Session cookies are temporary and allow us to link a\n        user&rsquo;s actions during a browser session. The information collected\n        includes device information, information about the network you are using\n        to access the Services, websites, or services that you previously\n        visited, and content you see or click on.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >The Services use the following types of cookies and other technologies\n        for the following purposes:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13 c58 c62\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_6-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Essential.</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp;&nbsp;These are essential to navigate the Services and use the\n          features, and they enable us to provide services.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c11\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >Although many browsers are initially set to accept cookies, you may be\n        able to adjust your settings to reject cookies. Choices are browser and\n        device specific, and if you clear cookies from the browser on any of\n        your devices, your opt-out choices will need to be reset. Consult the\n        &ldquo;Help&rdquo; section of your browser or built-in mobile device\n        settings for more information. In addition, please note that certain\n        areas of the Services only can be accessed when cookies are enabled.\n        Thus, disabling cookies may prevent you from accessing some of our\n        content.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\">\n      <h3 class=\"c8\">SHARING AND DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION</h3>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c51\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >LGC does not share any personal information for monetary or other\n        valuable consideration. LGC does not provide any personal information to\n        third parties for the purpose of behavioral advertising. LGC may share\n        and disclose certain information to the following:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_7-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Service Providers:</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp;We share information collected with third parties that process\n          information on our behalf. We may use such service providers to:</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c11\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_8-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">host the Services;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >provide database and server maintenance and security and fraud\n          prevention services;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >help us engage in promotional activity regarding the Services;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >assist with the transmission of emails, text messages and postal mail\n          delivery;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">help us analyze our offerings;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">provide customer service, and</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">process and fulfill online transactions.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13 c47\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_9-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Payment Processors:</span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >&nbsp;When you make a purchase using the Services, payment processing\n          companies and a fraud prevention company collect and store Payment\n          Information. We have engaged Braintree, a division of PayPal, Inc.,\n          dlocal, Stripe, Inc., and Riskified for these purposes. More\n          information about their privacy and security practices is set forth in\n          the &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\">Security</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\">&rsquo; section below.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c11\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_10-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\"\n          >Legal Compliance &amp; Protecting Security and Safety:</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp;LGC may access, preserve and disclose your information if\n          required to do so by law or under a good faith belief that such\n          access, preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to: (i)\n          comply with legal process or respond to a legal request or subpoena;\n          (ii) enforce our Terms of Use for the Services; (iii) respond to\n          claims that your conduct has violated the rights of third parties;\n          (iv) respond to your requests for customer service; (v) protect the\n          rights, property or personal safety of LGC, its users and the public;\n          (vi) or as otherwise required to comply with, or permitted by,\n          applicable laws and regulations.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_11-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Business Transactions:</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp;We may transfer information collected if we are acquired by,\n          sold to, or merged with another entity.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c11\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><h3 class=\"c8\">EUROPEAN PRIVACY RIGHTS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c8\">Data controllers</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (&ldquo;EEA&rdquo;)\n        or the United Kingdom (&ldquo;UK&rdquo;), the General Data Protection\n        Regulation (EU) 2016/679 or &ldquo;GDPR&rdquo; or the GDPR as it forms\n        part of the laws of the UK (&ldquo;UK GDPR&rdquo;) then the data\n        controllers of your personal information are as follows:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9 c27\">For EEA residents</span><span class=\"c1\">: </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c25\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >For Payment Information only, Launch Gift Cards B.V. at registered\n        address Schiphol Blvd 359 , 1118BJ Schiphol, the Netherlands; and</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_18-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c31 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c9\"\n          >For all other personal information listed in the &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\">What Information Do We Collect</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&rsquo; section of this Policy, Launch Gift Cards, Inc.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9 c27\">For UK residents</span><span class=\"c1\">: </span>\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_18-0\">\n      <li class=\"c41 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >For Payment Information only, Launch Gift Card UK Ltd. &nbsp;at\n          registered address 5 New Street Square, London, United Kingdom, EC4A\n          3TW; and</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c31 li-bullet-0\" id=\"h.gjdgxs\">\n        <span class=\"c9\"\n          >For all other personal information listed in the &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\">What Information Do We Collect</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&rsquo; section of this Policy, Launch Gift Cards, Inc.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c16 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><h3 class=\"c8\">Contact us</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >If you have any questions or requests relating to the processing of\n        your Payment Information, please contact Launch Gift Cards B.V. and\n        Launch Gift Card UK Ltd via email at </span\n      ><span class=\"c18 c27 c54\"\n        ><a class=\"c56\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"\n          >[email protected]</a\n        ></span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >, please include &ldquo;EU/UK Privacy Policy&rdquo; in the subject\n        line.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >For any other questions or requests, please contact Launch Gift Cards,\n        Inc. at the contact details set out in the &lsquo;</span\n      ><h3 class=\"c12 c19\">How to Contact Us</h3\n      ><span class=\"c1\">&rsquo; section above at the top of this Policy. </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c8\">Lawful basis for processing</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >The GDPR and UK GDPR also each require that we inform you of the legal\n        basis we rely on to process your personal information. These are set\n        forth below:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_12-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Our legitimate interests.</span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >&nbsp;We consider that it is in our legitimate interests to process\n          your personal information for the purposes set out in &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\">How We Use Your Information</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&rsquo; section. For example, it is in our legitimate interests to\n          maintain system security so our business operations run smoothly, to\n          communicate with you and fulfill your requests in order to provide the\n          Services, to conduct surveys and improve our products and services,\n          and protect our rights and the rights of others.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_12-0\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\"\n          >Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract for you. </span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >The processing of your personal data is necessary to provide you with\n          the Services per our terms and conditions.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_12-0\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Compliance with laws.</span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >&nbsp;For example, to comply with legal and regulatory requirements\n          or respond to a court order or legal request, as described in the\n          &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\">How We Use Your Information</span\n        ><span class=\"c9\">&rsquo; section and &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\"\n          >Sharing and Disclosure of Personal Information</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\">&rsquo; section.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c11\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_12-0\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Consent.</span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >&nbsp; In certain circumstances, as described in the &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\">How We Use Your Information</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&rsquo; above, we may rely on consent to process your personal\n          information Where we rely on consent to process your personal\n          information, you can withdraw your consent at any time. &nbsp;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c11\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><h3 class=\"c8\">Your rights</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >The GDPR and UK GDPR provides EEA and UK residents respectively with\n        certain rights with respect to your personal information. Subject to\n        certain exceptions, you may:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_13-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">Request access to your personal information.</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Request correction of your personal information we have collected.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">Request erasure of your personal information.</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Object to our processing of your personal information.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Request to restrict the processing of your personal\n          information.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Request a copy of your personal information we have collected.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Request to not be subjected to automated decision-making or\n          profiling.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >You can exercise your rights via the applicable contact details set out\n        above in the &lsquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12 c19\">Contact Us</span\n      ><span class=\"c9\">&rsquo; section of this &lsquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12 c19\">European Privacy Right</span\n      ><span class=\"c12\">s</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >&rsquo; section of the Policy. We will always endeavor to fulfill your\n        request to exercise these rights, but sometimes, we may have legal\n        grounds or obligations to reject your request.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >You also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local data\n        protection regulator in Europe, including if you disagree with our\n        response to your request. The name and contacts details of your local\n        data protection regulator can be found here: </span\n      ><span class=\"c18 c27 c54\"\n        ><a\n          class=\"c56\"\n          href=\";sa=D&amp;source=editors&amp;ust=1720189806602423&amp;usg=AOvVaw1PEAhiqcJsb8v5D2ggypq9\"\n          ></a\n        ></span\n      ><span class=\"c9\">, or, for the UK, </span\n      ><span class=\"c18 c27 c54\"\n        ><a\n          class=\"c56\"\n          href=\";sa=D&amp;source=editors&amp;ust=1720189806602813&amp;usg=AOvVaw3VbG5fRwLtpoBxY0ks06IM\"\n          ></a\n        ></span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >. Should you have any concerns, we request that you contact us first so\n        we can investigate and resolve your concerns.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><h3 class=\"c8\">Automated Decision Making</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >Automated decision-making takes place when an electronic system uses\n        personal information to make a decision relevant to you without any\n        human involvement. Where this has a legal effect or similarly\n        significant effect, the GDPR and UK GDPR imposes additional\n        requirements. We carry out automated screening of payment transactions\n        for fraud-related purposes. This involves us processing your Payment\n        Information. We consider we need to do this </span\n      ><span class=\"c18\"\n        >to enter into the contract with you for the purchase of the gift card\n        and, to the extent applicable, to comply with any regulatory obligations\n        to prevent and detect fraud. This screening is carried out in a layered\n        approach and includes evaluating your checkout activity and running the\n        transaction through a fraud decision model to look for patterns. This\n        could result in the transaction being refused, and you being unable to\n        purchase the gift card. If your transaction has been refused and you\n        would like to appeal this, please contact the customer service number\n        available through the relevant website. If you have any questions or\n        concerns related to the processing of this Payment Information, please\n        contact us on the details above.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><h3 class=\"c8\">CALIFORNIA PRIVACY RIGHTS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c16 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c33\">\n      <span class=\"c18\"\n        >This California Privacy Rights section (the &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c24\">California Privacy Notice</span\n      ><span class=\"c18\"\n        >&rdquo;) supplements the Policy set forth above with respect to\n        specific rights granted under the California Consumer Privacy Act of\n        2018, as amended (the &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c24\">CCPA</span\n      ><span class=\"c3\"\n        >&rdquo;) to natural person California residents and provides\n        information regarding how such California residents can exercise their\n        rights under the CCPA. &nbsp;This California Privacy Notice is only\n        relevant to you if you are a resident of California as determined in\n        accordance with the CCPA. &nbsp;Information required to be disclosed to\n        California residents under the CCPA regarding the collection of their\n        personal information that is not set forth in this CCPA supplement is\n        otherwise set forth above in the Policy.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c33\">\n      <span class=\"c24\">Categories of Personal Information We Collect</span\n      ><span class=\"c18 c19\">: </span\n      ><span class=\"c18\"\n        >We collect or within the last twelve (12) months have collected some or\n        all of the following categories of personal information from\n        individuals:</span\n      ><span class=\"c18 c49\">&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <a id=\"t.a79212c3a9b403fcddd6434d0763cfb1635f8c45\"></a><a id=\"t.0\"></a>\n    <table class=\"c48\">\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c55\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c24 c32 c37\">Category</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c38\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c24 c32 c37\">Examples</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c55\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c24 c32 c37\">Collected</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">A. Identifiers</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Name, contact details and address (including physical address,\n              email address and Internet Protocol address), and other\n              identification (including social security number, passport number\n              and driver&rsquo;s license or state identification card\n              number).</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c13 c35\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">YES</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >B. Personal information categories listed in the California\n              Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code &sect; 1798.80(e))</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Telephone number, signature, bank account number, other financial\n              information (including accounts and transactions with other\n              institutions and anti-money laundering information), and\n              verification documentation and information regarding\n              investors&rsquo; status under various laws and regulations\n              (including social security number, tax status, income and\n              assets).</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">YES</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >C. Protected classification characteristics under California or\n              federal law</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Date of birth, citizenship and birthplace.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">D. Commercial information</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Account data and other information contained in any document\n              provided by investors to authorized service providers (whether\n              directly or indirectly), risk tolerance, transaction history,\n              investment experience and investment activity, information\n              regarding a potential and/or actual investment in the applicable\n              fund(s), including ownership percentage, capital investment,\n              income and losses, source of funds used to make the investment in\n              the applicable fund(s).</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">YES</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">E. Biometric information</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Imagery of the iris, retina, fingerprint, face, hand, palm, vein\n              patterns and voice recordings or keystroke patterns or rhythms,\n              gait patterns or rhythms, and sleep, health, or exercise data that\n              contains identifying information.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >F. Internet or other similar network activity</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Use of our website, fund data room and investor reporting portal\n              (e.g., cookies, browsing history and/or search history), as well\n              as information you provide to us when you correspond with us in\n              relation to inquiries.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">YES</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">G. Geolocation data</span></p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Physical location or movements. </span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">YES</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">H. Sensory data</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar\n              information.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >I. Professional or employment-related information</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Current or past job history or performance evaluations.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >J. Non-public education information (per the Family Educational\n              Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Section 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part\n              99))</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Education records directly related to a student maintained by an\n              educational institution or party acting on its behalf, such as\n              grades, transcripts, class lists, student schedules, student\n              identification codes, student financial information, or student\n              disciplinary records.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >K. Inferences drawn from other personal information</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Profile reflecting a person&#39;s preferences, characteristics,\n              psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes,\n              intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >L. Sensitive Personal Information (see further information on use\n              of sensitive personal information below)</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Social security, driver&#39;s license, state identification card,\n              or passport numbers; account log-in, financial account, debit\n              card, or credit card number in combination with any required\n              security or access code, password, or credentials allowing access\n              to an account; precise geolocation; racial or ethnic origin;\n              religious or philosophical beliefs; union membership; genetic\n              data; the contents of a consumer&#39;s mail, email, and text\n              messages unless you are the intended recipient of the\n              communication; biometric information for the purpose of uniquely\n              identifying a consumer; and personal information collected and\n              analyzed concerning a consumer&#39;s health, sex life, or sexual\n              orientation.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >YES, as to the following types of information: account log-in,\n              financial account in combination with any required security or\n              access code password; or credentials allowing access to an account\n              only.\n            </span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n    </table>\n    <p class=\"c13 c30\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c30\">\n      <span class=\"c3\"\n        >We do not collect or use sensitive personal information other than:\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_17-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c3\"\n          >To perform services, or provide goods, as would reasonably be\n          expected by an average consumer who requests those goods or\n          services;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c3\"\n          >As reasonably necessary and proportionate to detect security\n          incidents that compromise the availability, authenticity, integrity,\n          and confidentiality of stored or transmitted personal information;\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c3\"\n          >As reasonably necessary and proportionate to resist malicious,\n          deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal actions directed at us and to\n          prosecute those responsible for such actions;\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c3\"\n          >For short-term, transient use (but not in a manner that discloses\n          such information to another third party or is used to build a profile\n          of you or otherwise alter your experience outside of your current\n          interaction with us);</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c3\">To perform services on behalf of our business; </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c3\"\n          >To verify or maintain the quality or safety of a service or to\n          improve, upgrade, or enhance such service or device; and</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c18\"\n          >To collect or process sensitive personal information where such\n          collection or processing is not for the purpose of inferring\n          characteristics about a consumer.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c30 c11\"><span class=\"c18 c19 c32\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c33\">\n      <span class=\"c12\">Disclosure of Information</span\n      ><span class=\"c9\">: </span\n      ><span class=\"c3\"\n        >We disclose or within the last twelve (12) months have disclosed\n        personal information collected from you for a business or commercial\n        purpose to the categories of third parties indicated in the chart below.\n        We may also disclose your information to other parties as may be\n        required by law or regulation, or in response to regulatory inquiries or\n        in connection with a business transaction.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <a id=\"t.0adb0134c2e8ad559b444cc9a57fba36aa8cedfe\"></a><a id=\"t.1\"></a>\n    <table class=\"c48\">\n      <tr class=\"c45\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c24 c32 c37\">Personal Information Category</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c53\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c24 c32 c37\">Category of Third-Party Recipients</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c3\">A. Identifiers</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Service providers and payment processors.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >B. Personal information categories listed in the California\n              Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code &sect; 1798.80(e))</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c53\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Service providers and payment processors.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >C. Protected classification characteristics under California or\n              federal law</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">N/A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c3\">D. Commercial information</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Service providers and payment processors.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c3\">E. Biometric information</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">N/A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >F. Internet or other similar network activity</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Service providers and payment processors.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c3\">G. Geolocation data</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Service providers and payment processors.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c3\">H. Sensory data</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">N/A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >I. Professional or employment-related information</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">N/A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >J. Non-public education information (per the Family Educational\n              Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Section 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part\n              99))</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">N/A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >K. Inferences drawn from other personal information</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">N/A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">L. Sensitive Personal Information </span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Service providers and payment processors.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n    </table>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c18 c32 c19\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c12\">Rights under the CCPA</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >: The CCPA provides California residents with certain rights with\n        respect to their personal information:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_14-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to request that we disclose, no more than twice in a 12-month\n          period:</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_15-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c33 c47 c57 c58 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >The categories and specific pieces of personal information we have\n          collected about you. &nbsp;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c33 c47 c57 c58 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >The categories and sources from which personal information is\n          collected.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c33 c47 c57 c58 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >The business or commercial purposes for collecting personal\n          information.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c5 c47 c57 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >The categories of third parties with whom we disclose personal\n          information.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13 c47\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_15-0\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c47 c57 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c18\"\n          >Whether we disclosed your personal information to a third party, and\n          if so, the categories of personal information that each recipient\n          obtained.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13 c47\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_14-0\">\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to request that we delete any personal information about you\n          that we have collected from you, subject to certain exceptions.\n          &nbsp;If we are required to delete your personal information, then\n          upon receipt of a verifiable request, we will delete your personal\n          information from our records and direct any service providers to\n          delete your personal information from their records. &nbsp;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to opt-out of the &ldquo;sale&rdquo; or &ldquo;sharing&rdquo;\n          of your personal information to third parties, as that term is defined\n          in the CCPA. LGC does not &ldquo;sell&rdquo; or &ldquo;share&rdquo;\n          personal information as those terms are defined in the CCPA.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to request a correction to the personal information that we\n          collect and share for purposes as set forth herein. &nbsp;If we\n          receive a verifiable request to correct inaccurate personal\n          information, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to correct\n          the information as you have requested.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c18\"\n        >We will not discriminate against you for exercising your rights under\n        the CCPA, including by denying </span\n      ><span class=\"c9\">service</span\n      ><span class=\"c3\"\n        >, suggesting that you will receive, or charging, different rates for\n        services or suggesting that you will receive, or providing, a different\n        level or quality of service to you.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >The business or commercial purposes for collecting personal information\n        are described in the &lsquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12 c19\">How We Use Your Information</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\">&rsquo; section above.</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >California residents can exercise their rights by submitting an online\n        request by contacting us via the methods set forth above under\n        &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12 c19\">How to Contact Us</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >&rdquo;. &nbsp;You can designate an authorized agent to make a request\n        on your behalf. &nbsp;We may require proof of your identity and that the\n        agent is duly authorized by you. &nbsp;We do not discriminate against\n        individuals exercising these rights. &nbsp;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >Some internet browsers have incorporated &ldquo;Do Not Track&rdquo;\n        features. Most of these features, when turned on, send a signal or\n        preference (the &ldquo;DNT Signal&rdquo;) to websites you visit\n        indicating that you do not wish to be tracked. At this time, we do not\n        currently respond to DNT Signals.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13 c16\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><h3 class=\"c8\">NEVADA PRIVACY RIGHTS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c16 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >In addition to the information above, Nevada residents have a right to\n        submit a verified request directing us not to make any\n        &ldquo;sale&rdquo; of covered information collected about the consumer\n        to a person for such person to license or sell the information to\n        additional persons, subject to certain exceptions. &nbsp;We do not sell\n        covered information as it is defined under Nevada law.</span\n      ><span class=\"c8\">&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><span class=\"c8\">VIRGINIA PRIVACY RIGHTS</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c51\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >The Virginia Consumer Data Protections Act (VCDPA) provides Virginia\n        residents with certain rights with respect to their personal\n        information:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_16-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c29 c52 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to know the manner of collection and use of personal data (as\n          set forth above).</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to request that we delete any personal information about you\n          that we have collected from you, subject to certain exceptions.\n          &nbsp;If we are required to delete your personal information, then\n          upon receipt of a verifiable request, we will delete your personal\n          information from our records and direct any service providers to\n          delete your personal information from their records. &nbsp;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to opt-out of targeting advertising and the &ldquo;sale&rdquo;\n          of your personal information to third parties, as that term is defined\n          in the VCDPA. LGC does not engage in targeting advertising or the\n          &ldquo;sale&rdquo; of personal information &nbsp;as that term is\n          defined in the VCDPA.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to request a correction to the personal information that we\n          collect and share for purposes as set forth herein. &nbsp;If we\n          receive a verifiable request to correct inaccurate personal\n          information, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to correct\n          the information as you have requested.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c29 c42 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to obtain a copy of the personal information you have provided\n          to us.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c50\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >Virginia residents can exercise their rights by contacting us via the\n        methods set forth above in &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12 c19\">How to Contact Us</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >&rdquo;. &nbsp;We will make every effort to respond to any request\n        identified above within a commercially reasonable period of time, and no\n        later than the time period provided for in the VCDPA.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><h3 class=\"c12\">SECURITY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >LGC &nbsp;strives to use commercially reasonable physical and\n        electronic security measures to protect against the loss, unauthorized\n        access, misuse, or alteration of your personal information.&nbsp;We\n        limit access to personal information to those employees, agents,\n        contractors, and other third parties who have a business need to\n        know.&nbsp;Please be aware though that, despite our best efforts, no\n        security measures are perfect or impenetrable, and we cannot guarantee\n        the security measures of third parties.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><h3 class=\"c12\">INTERNATIONAL DATA TRANSFERS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >When you provide us with personal information about you, this is a\n        direct transfer of personal information from you to our servers in the\n        United States. However, as we operate globally, we may transfer and\n        process personal information about you on our servers in the United\n        States and/or countries other than your home country, and we may use\n        cloud-based services whose servers are located in many different\n        locations. Please note that the data protection laws of some countries,\n        such as the United States, may not offer a level of privacy protection\n        equivalent to that within the European Economic Area (EEA), UK or your\n        home country. If your use of the Services results in the transfer of\n        personal information from the EEA to non-EEA countries, or UK to non-UK\n        countries, that have not been deemed to offer an adequate level of\n        privacy protection, we may rely on (i) standard contractual clauses\n        approved by the European Commission or under UK data protection law, as\n        applicable, and /or (ii) third party service providers in the United\n        States that are certified to receive such information under the EU-US or\n        UK-US Data Protection Framework, as applicable, or obtain your consent\n        to such transfers.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><h3 class=\"c12\">STORAGE/RETENTION</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >Personal information we collect will not be stored for longer than is\n        necessary for the purposes described in this Policy, or to otherwise\n        meet legal, regulatory, tax, accounting, or reporting\n        requirements.&nbsp; In some cases, we may anonymize your personal\n        information (so that it can no longer be associated with you and is no\n        longer personal information) for research or statistical purposes, in\n        which case we may use the information indefinitely without further\n        notice to you.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c44\"><span class=\"c46\">&nbsp;</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c13 c61\"><span class=\"c32 c37 c43\"></span></p>\n"}},"es":{"configFile":{"continueShoppingLinkUrl":"","country":"australia","countryISO2":"AU","defaultDenomValue":5000,"defaultDenomValueIsSet":true,"disablePromoCode":true,"enableAnalytics":true,"enableDenomRange":true,"googleAnalyticsId":"UA-109658029-2","hasCustomAgreeTemplate":true,"hasFavIcon":true,"hideContinueShoppingLinkArrow":true,"languageModalAvailableOptions":[{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-AU","id":"en","name":"English (Australia)","region":"Australia · AUD $"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"fr-AU","id":"fr","name":"Français","region":"Australia · AUD $"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"es-AU","id":"es","name":"Spanish (US)","region":"Australia · AUD $"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"es2-AU","id":"es2","name":"Spanish (MX)","region":"Australia · AUD $"}],"phoneFormat":"+61 # #### ####","regionModalAvailableOptions":[{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-US","id":"us","name":"United States · USD $","targetPartner":"doordash"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-AU","id":"au","name":"Australia · AUD $","targetPartner":"doordashaus"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-NZ","id":"ca","name":"Canada · CAD $","targetPartner":"doordashca"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-NZ","id":"nz","name":"New Zealand · NZD $","targetPartner":"doordashnz"}],"regionModalLabels":{"header":"Change region"},"rightAlignRedemptionInstruction":true,"showAddCardBtnBelowPreview":true,"showAddToAccountButton":true,"showCountryInPayform":false,"showEmailWarning":true,"showGiftCardMessageField":true,"showGiftCardSummary":false,"showInfoLinksCheckout":true,"showInfoLinksIndex":true,"showLanguageAndRegionAsExtraLink":false,"showLanguageAndRegionOnTopOfTerms":true,"showTermsCheckout":false,"showTermsIndex":true,"showTermsOrder":false,"supportEmail":"[email protected]","trimRoundDecimal":true,"useCopyForPin":true,"useCustomAgreeReactTemplate":true,"useDenomCarousel":true,"useDenomFormatting":true,"useGiftCardPageAccordion":true,"useSpecialPromoBanner":false,"useSpecialPromoInstruction":false,"useSuccessLinksTemplate":true,"customerSupport":"\n      <div>¿Necesitas ayuda? Visita la <a href='' target='_blank'>sección de Asistencia de la tarjeta de regalo de DoorDash</a></div>\n    ","customizeExtraText":"\n    <h2 class='bulk-header'>Comprar tarjetas de regalo en grupo</h2>\n    <div>¿Quieres comprar tarjetas de regalo de DoorDash en grupo? ¡Regala entregas de comida e inscríbete para tener una cuenta de comprador hoy mismo!</div>\n  ","customizeExtraTextButton":"\n    <a target='_blank' href='' class='action-button action-button--bulk'>Comprar ahora</a>\n  ","footerHTML":"\n    <div class='doordash-footer__container'>\n      <div class=\"doordash-footer-text\">El regalo que se entrega solo</div>\n      <p class='doordash-order-footer_text'>\n        <img src='' class='doordash-order-footer_img' />\n        <a href=\"\">Términos del servicio &copy;2023 DoorDash</a>\n      </p>\n    </div>\n  ","headerHTML":"\n      <div class='doordash-header__container'>\n      <div class=\"doordash-header-text\">Comprar una tarjeta de regalo de DoorDash</div>\n      <div class=\"doordash-header-subtext\">Para todo apetito y cualquier ocasión</div>\n        <img src='' class='doordash-order-header-logo' />\n      </div>\n    ","indexPageAbout":"\n    <div>\n      Obtener más información acerca de las tarjetas de regalo de DoorDash\n    </div>\n    <ul>\n      <li>Regala entregas de comida a domicilio con una tarjeta de regalo de DoorDash. La aplicación de DoorDash reúne a tus personas favoritas con la comida que les gusta. Regala una entrega a domicilio a tus seres queridos para que sus noches sean más fáciles, que sus días sean más felices y que tengan más tiempo para disfrutar de las personas y de las cosas que aman. Está disponible en Melbourne, Sídney, Geelong y Brisbane.</li>\n      <li>Una amplia selección que satisface todas tus necesidades: ¡comida y mucho más!</li>\n      <li>Fácil realización de órdenes y seguimiento en tiempo real</li>\n      <li>Personaliza tus órdenes</li>\n      <li>Opciones de retiro y de órdenes grupales</li>\n    </ul>\n  ","metaData":{"description":"Ahora los mejores restaurantes locales hacen entregas a domicilio. Recibe tu desayuno, almuerzo, cena y más desde tus restaurantes favoritos hasta la puerta de tu casa con solo un clic.","keywords":"Comida, entrega, desayuno, almuerzo, cena, comida para llevar, restaurantes, palo alto, menlo park, mountain view, los angeles, santa monica, mejor, local, entregar, favorito, restaurante, puerta, comidas, entregado, orden, toque, socio, encontrar comida, entregar con, hambre, regalo de comida, dar comida, Android, ios, esperar, listo, antojo, llevar, a tu puerta, la comida, puerta a puerta, aplicación, descargar, ordenar, retiro, retirar, restaurantes, ciudad, DoorDash, door dash, dasher, dashers, entregar, buenos, momentos, encontrar, historias, buenos días, vibras, www."},"terms":"\n    <h1>Términos y condiciones</h1>\n    <p>\n      Tu tarjeta de regalo solo se puede canjear para comprar órdenes elegibles realizadas en <a href='' target='_blank'></a> o en la aplicación de DoorDash en Australia. Las tarjetas de regalo están disponibles a través de DoorDash Technologies Australia Pty Ltd. Las tarjetas de regalo no se pueden usar para pagar una cuenta de crédito y no se pueden canjear por dinero en efectivo, excepto cuando lo exija la ley aplicable. Las compras con una tarjeta de regalo están sujetas a la política de reembolsos estándar de DoorDash, y cualquier monto de reembolso se acreditará a la cuenta del consumidor de DoorDash. Las tarjetas de regalo no caducan. Todos los canjes de tarjetas de regalo son definitivos y no se pueden revertir. Para obtener más información sobre las tarjetas de regalo, visita <a href='' target='_blank'></a>. Para conocer los Términos y condiciones completos de las tarjetas de regalo, visita <a href=';region=AU&locale=en-AU' target='_blank'>;region=AU&locale=en-AU</a>.\n    </p>\n  "},"langFile":{"addACard":"Agregar una tarjeta de regalo","customAgreeTextGroup":{"text1":"Acepto","text2":"y","ddLinkText":"los términos y condiciones de la tarjeta","lgcLinkText":"Términos de uso"},"addAnotherCard":"Agregar otra tarjeta de regalo","addAnotherCardIcon":"","addToAccountLabel":"Canjear tarjeta de regalo","addToAccountUrl":"","addToCartButtonLabel":"Continuar","backIcon":"","cartEmptyMessage":"Tu carrito está vacío.","checkoutAddCardText":"Agregar otra tarjeta de regalo","checkoutButtonLabel":"Realizar orden {price}","checkoutNavLabel":"Pago","checkoutTitle":"Tu carrito","continueShoppingLinkLabel":"Volver a DoorDash","copiedPINext":"Se copió el PIN","countryFlagOnValueSelectAlt":"","customAgreeTemplate":"","customCardholderNameLabel":"Nombre del titular de la tarjeta","customerSupportLink":"","customizeExtraText":{"text":"¿Quieres comprar tarjetas de regalo de DoorDash en grupo? ¡Regala entregas de comida e inscríbete para tener una cuenta de comprador hoy mismo!","title":"Comprar tarjetas de regalo en grupo"},"customizeExtraTextButton":"Comprar ahora","defaultDeliveryOption":"digital","deliveryHeader":"Seleccionar opción de entrega","displayedValueLabel":"Importe de la tarjeta:","footerHTML":{"terms":"Términos del servicio &copy;2023 DoorDash","text":"El regalo que se entrega solo"},"giftMessage":"Mensaje:","giftMessageLabel":"Mensaje de regalo","header":"Comprar una tarjeta de regalo de DoorDash","headerHTML":{"learnMore":"Más información","subtext":"Para todo apetito y cualquier ocasión","text":"Comprar una tarjeta de regalo de DoorDash"},"maxCardsDisclaimer":"Máximo de {maxCards} por orden","metaData":{"description":"Ahora los mejores restaurantes locales hacen entregas a domicilio. Recibe tu desayuno, almuerzo, cena y más desde tus restaurantes favoritos hasta la puerta de tu casa con solo un clic.","keywords":"Comida, entrega, desayuno, almuerzo, cena, comida para llevar, restaurantes, palo alto, menlo park, mountain view, los angeles, santa monica, mejor, local, entregar, favorito, restaurante, puerta, comidas, entregado, orden, toque, socio, encontrar comida, entregar con, hambre, regalo de comida, dar comida, Android, ios, esperar, listo, antojo, llevar, a tu puerta, la comida, puerta a puerta, aplicación, descargar, ordenar, retiro, retirar, restaurantes, ciudad, DoorDash, door dash, dasher, dashers, entregar, buenos, momentos, encontrar, historias, buenos días, vibras, www."},"navBtnText":"Personalizar","orderSubtitle":"Esto agregará créditos de tarjetas de regalo a tu cuenta de DoorDash, que podrás usar en cualquier momento.","partnerHeaderImageModalContent":{"items":[{"description":"De días festivos a cumpleaños, entrega alegría al enviar una comida.","title":"Celebra los momentos que importan"},{"description":"Usa las tarjetas de regalo de DoorDash en los restaurantes de tu vecindario o prueba otros lugares nuevos.","title":"Apoya a los favoritos locales"},{"description":"Proporciona una opción fácil de comida para tu equipo o tus compañeros de trabajo.","title":"Deleita a tu equipo"}],"title":"Tarjetas de regalo de DoorDash"},"payWithCard":"Pagar con tarjeta","paymentDetailsTitle":"Detalles personales","pinCopyLabel":"Copiar","previewYourOrder":"Pago","productDenomInputErrorMsg":"Ingresar un monto entre ${minDenom} y ${maxDenom}.","productDenomMissingInputErrorMsg":"","productTypeInfo":{"charity":{"productTypeInfoText":"DoorDash te ofrece la opción de comprar tarjetas de regalo para hacer donaciones a organizaciones y causas a lo largo del año. Solo compra la tarjeta de regalo y nosotros la donaremos a la organización sin fines de lucro seleccionada.","productTypeInfoText2":"Obtén más información acerca de nuestro esfuerzo actual para asistir a los refugiados afganos y compra una tarjeta de regalo de DoorDash para el Comité Internacional de Rescate (IRC). El IRC utilizará las tarjetas de regalo donadas para proporcionar alimentos y artículos esenciales a las familias necesitadas.","productTypeInfoText3":"Las tarjetas de regalo compradas a través de DoorDash para hacer donaciones se donarán al Comité Internacional de Rescate. En este momento, DoorDash no solicita donaciones a los residentes de Massachusetts, Illinois, Carolina del Sur, Misisipi, Alabama ni Hawái. La compra de una tarjeta de regalo no es deducible de impuestos.","productTypeInfoTextCntd":"Obtén más información sobre nuestros esfuerzos para asistir a los refugiados afganos y compra una tarjeta de regalo de DoorDash para el Comité Internacional de Rescate (IRC). El IRC utilizará las tarjetas regalo donadas para suministrar alimentos y productos básicos a las familias necesitadas.","productTypeInfoTextCntd2":"Las tarjetas de regalo compradas a través de DoorDash para hacer donaciones se entregarán al Comité Internacional de Rescate. En este momento, DoorDash no solicita donaciones a los residentes de Massachusetts, Illinois, Carolina del Sur, Misisipi, Alabama ni Hawái. La compra de una tarjeta de regalo no es deducible de impuestos.","tooltip":{"productTypeInfoText":"DoorDash te ofrece la opción de comprar tarjetas de regalo para hacer donaciones a organizaciones y causas durante el año. Solo tienes que comprar la tarjeta de regalo y nosotros haremos la donación a la organización sin fines de lucro seleccionada.","productTypeInfoTextCntd":"Obtén más información sobre nuestros esfuerzos para asistir a los refugiados afganos y compra una tarjeta de regalo de DoorDash para el Comité Internacional de Rescate (IRC). El IRC utilizará las tarjetas regalo donadas para suministrar alimentos y productos básicos a las familias necesitadas.","productTypeInfoTextCntd2":"Las tarjetas de regalo compradas a través de DoorDash para hacer donaciones se entregarán al Comité Internacional de Rescate. En este momento, DoorDash no solicita donaciones a los residentes de Massachusetts, Illinois, Carolina del Sur, Misisipi, Alabama ni Hawái. La compra de una tarjeta de regalo no es deducible de impuestos.","textBeforeTrigger":"Más información sobre &nbsp;","tooltipTriggerText":"Opción de entrega de donaciones"}}},"recipientEmailLabel":"Correo electrónico del destinatario","recipientHeader":"Otros detalles","recipientNameLabel":"Nombre del destinatario","recipientPhoneLabel":"Número de teléfono del destinatario","recipientRegionLabel":"Estado","redeemFAQs":{"helpCenter":{"boldText":"¿Necesitas ayuda?","link":"Preguntas frecuentes","text":"Visita DoorDash"},"items":[{"answer":{"bullet1":{"link":"","text":"Crea una cuenta o inicia sesión en la aplicación de DoorDash o en "},"bullet2":"Ve a la cuenta > Tarjeta de regalo","bullet3":"Ingresa el PIN de tu tarjeta de regalo"},"question":"¿Cómo canjeo una tarjeta de regalo?"},{"answer":{"bullet1":"Una amplia selección que satisface todas tus necesidades: ¡comida y mucho más!","bullet2":"Órdenes fáciles de hacer y seguimiento en tiempo real","bullet3":"Personaliza tus órdenes","bullet4":"Opciones de servicio para llevar y órdenes grupales"},"question":"¿Para qué puedo utilizar las tarjetas regalo?"},{"answer":"Las tarjetas de regalo no caducan.","question":"¿Tienen vencimiento las tarjetas de regalo?"},{"answer":"Esta tarjeta regalo solo se puede utilizar en Australia.","question":"¿Dónde se puede utilizar esta tarjeta regalo?"}],"terms":{"link1":"aquí","text":"Para consultar los términos y condiciones de las tarjetas de regalo de DoorDash (AU), haz clic","title":"Términos y condiciones de la tarjeta de regalo"}},"requiredAddCartFormErrors":{"delivery_option":"Seleccione una opción de entrega","gift_message":"Se requiere un mensaje de regalo","recipient_address_line_1":"Se requiere la línea 1 de dirección del destinatario","recipient_city":"Se requiere la ciudad del destinatario","recipient_email":"Se requiere el correo electrónico del destinatario","recipient_name":"Se requiere el nombre del destinatario","recipient_phone":"Se requiere el número de teléfono del destinatario","recipient_postal_code":"Se requiere el código postal del destinatario","recipient_region":"Se requiere el estado o el territorio","sender_name":"Se requiere el nombre del remitente"},"requiredPayFormErrors":{"address":"Se requiere tu dirección","bank":"Se requiere tu información bancaria","card":"Se requiere la información de tu tarjeta de crédito","city":"Se requiere tu ciudad","email":"Se requiere tu correo electrónico","name":"Se requiere tu nombre","payment":"Se requiere el medio de pago","state":"Se requiere tu estado","terms":"Debes aceptar los términos de uso","zip":"Se requiere tu código postal"},"sendDate":"Enviar el:","senderNameLabel":"Nombre del remitente","specialHeaderNavCart":"","specialHeaderNavCartEmpty":"","specialHeaderNavLogo":"","stateDisplayName":"Estado/Territorio","stateDropdownPlaceholder":"","successLinksTextGroup":{"successLinksText":"Ordenar más"},"successPageHeader":"Resumen de la orden","typeLabelEmail":"Correo electrónico","typeLabelPhysical":"Correo","typeLabelPhysicalDisabled":"Correo (Indisponible)","typeLabelText":"Mensaje de texto","validAddCartFormErrors":{"emoji_restriction":"Con las tarjetas enviadas por correo, solo se admite el texto sin formato. Reemplace los emoticonos por texto o envíelo por correo electrónico.","gift_message":"El mensaje de regalo debe tener 150 caracteres o menos","recipient_email":"Ingresa una dirección de correo electrónico válida.","recipient_phone":"Ingresa un número de teléfono válido","scheduled_date":"Ingresa una fecha de entrega presente o futura","scheduled_date_not_business_day":"Las tarjetas solo se pueden enviar por correo los días hábiles"},"validPayFormErrors":{"email":"Proporciona una dirección de correo electrónico válida","name":"Proporciona tu nombre y apellido","zip":"Proporciona un {zipLabel} válido"},"valueInputLabel":"¿Cuánto te gustaría regalar?","valueInputPlaceholder":"Personalizar","zipDisplayName":"Código postal","customerSupport":{"link":"sección de Asistencia de la tarjeta de regalo de DoorDash","text":"¿Necesitas ayuda? Visita la"},"indexPageAbout":{"bullet1":"Regala entregas de comida a domicilio con una tarjeta de regalo de DoorDash. La aplicación de DoorDash reúne a tus personas favoritas con la comida que les gusta. Regala una entrega a domicilio a tus seres queridos para que sus noches sean más fáciles, que sus días sean más felices y que tengan más tiempo para disfrutar de las personas y de las cosas que aman. Está disponible en Melbourne, Sídney, Geelong y Brisbane.","bullet2":"Una amplia selección que satisface todas tus necesidades: ¡comida y mucho más!","bullet3":"Fácil realización de órdenes y seguimiento en tiempo real","bullet4":"Personaliza tus órdenes","bullet5":"Opciones de retiro y de órdenes grupales","title":"Obtener más información acerca de las tarjetas de regalo de DoorDash"},"orderHeader":"Canjea tu tarjeta de regalo de DoorDash de {denom_string} USD","pageTitle":"Tarjetas de regalo de DoorDash en Australia | Entregas en este momento desde restaurantes cercanos","productAvailabilityText":"Las tarjetas de regalo en AUD solo son válidas en Australia","terms":{"text":"Tu tarjeta de regalo solo se puede canjear para comprar órdenes elegibles realizadas en <a href='' target='_blank'></a> o en la aplicación de DoorDash en Australia. Las tarjetas de regalo están disponibles a través de DoorDash Technologies Australia Pty Ltd. Las tarjetas de regalo no se pueden usar para pagar una cuenta de crédito y no se pueden canjear por dinero en efectivo, excepto cuando lo exija la ley aplicable. Las compras con una tarjeta de regalo están sujetas a la política de reembolsos estándar de DoorDash, y cualquier monto de reembolso se acreditará a la cuenta del consumidor de DoorDash. Las tarjetas de regalo no caducan. Todos los canjes de tarjetas de regalo son definitivos y no se pueden revertir. Para obtener más información sobre las tarjetas de regalo, visita <a href='' target='_blank'></a>. Para conocer los Términos y condiciones completos de las tarjetas de regalo, visita <a href=';region=AU&locale=en-AU' target='_blank'>;region=AU&locale=en-AU</a>.","title":"Términos y condiciones"},"valueHeaderLabel":"Valor (en AUD)","termsOfUse":"\n  <p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>ÚLTIMA ACTUALIZACIÓN: 1 de julio de 2024</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>TÉRMINOS DE SERVICIO</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">LEA DETENIDAMENTE ESTOS TÉRMINOS DE SERVICIO ANTES DE UTILIZAR LOS SERVICIOS.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>DEFINICIONES</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><em>Marca</em></span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong><em> </em></strong></span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">significa un cliente de LGC que emite la Tarjeta de regalo y también es responsable de honrar y canjear la Tarjeta de regalo.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><em>Tarjeta de regalo </em></span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">significa una tarjeta digital, un código o una tarjeta física emitida por una Marca que el titular de la tarjeta puede utilizar para comprar bienes o servicios únicamente de la Marca.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><em>Servicio(s) </em></span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">significa el sitio en línea y los mecanismos relacionados mediante los cuales un Consumidor puede comprar una Tarjeta de Regalo de la Marca directamente.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>SERVICIOS</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Launch Gift Cards, Inc. y/o sus afiliados y subsidiarias (colectivamente “LGC”, “nosotros”, “nuestro” o “nos”) brindan el Servicio. La compra de una Tarjeta de regalo de una marca a través de este Servicio se rige por estos Términos de servicio (los “ </span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong><em>Términos </em></strong></span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">”). Tenga en cuenta que la Tarjeta de regalo en sí tiene sus propios términos y condiciones que rigen el uso de la tarjeta de regalo con la Marca (los “ </span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong><em>Términos de la Marca </em></strong></span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">”). Los Términos de marca son independientes y distintos de estos Términos. Las instrucciones de uso y canje de la Tarjeta de regalo se pueden encontrar en el reverso de la Tarjeta de regalo física o en los Términos de marca en línea. La Tarjeta Regalo sólo podrá utilizarse para adquirir bienes y servicios ofrecidos por la Marca. LGC no es una institución financiera, una empresa de servicios monetarios ni un transmisor de dinero. LGC no es un emisor de Tarjetas Regalo. Las Tarjetas de regalo compradas a través de los Servicios no se pueden transferir, compartir ni revender. Cualquier intento de revender la Tarjeta de regalo puede resultar en que LGC cancele o anule la Tarjeta de regalo. Cualquier transacción que ocurra después de cualquier reventa se considerará no autorizada.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>ACEPTACIÓN DE LOS TÉRMINOS</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Estos Términos se aplican a todos los Servicios proporcionados por LGC. LGC le proporciona los Servicios sujetos a su aceptación de estos Términos. LGC puede actualizar los Términos en cualquier momento mediante la publicación de una nueva versión en línea, y su uso continuado de los Servicios después de dicha actualización constituye su aceptación vinculante de dichos cambios. Lea atentamente estos Términos. Si no está de acuerdo con estos Términos, no debe utilizar los Servicios. Su uso continuado de los Servicios se considera aceptación de estos Términos.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Los Servicios están destinados a usuarios que tengan al menos 18 años. No se permite el uso de los Servicios a personas menores de 18 años.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>REPRESENTACIONES DE USUARIO</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Al utilizar los Servicios, usted declara y garantiza que: (1) toda la información que envíe será verdadera, precisa, actual y completa; (2) mantendrá la exactitud de dicha información y la actualizará rápidamente, según sea necesario; (3) usted tiene la capacidad legal y acepta cumplir con estos Términos y cualquier otro término asociado con los Servicios; (4) no es menor de edad en la jurisdicción en la que reside; (5) no accederá a los Servicios a través de medios automatizados o no humanos, ya sea a través de un bot, script o de otro modo; (6) no utilizará los Servicios para ningún propósito ilegal o no autorizado, o en violación de cualquier ley. Si utiliza los Servicios en nombre de una entidad comercial, usted declara que la entidad comercial está al día con las leyes en las que está organizada y que tiene autoridad para actuar en nombre de la entidad comercial, haciendo declaraciones adicionales según sea necesario. . Si utiliza los Servicios en nombre de una entidad para realizar un pedido de gran volumen (un \" </span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong><em>Pedido al por mayor </em></strong></span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><em>\" </em></span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">), acepta los términos y condiciones adicionales relacionados con dicha compra.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Si proporciona información falsa, inexacta, desactualizada, incompleta, fraudulenta o que se sospecha que es fraudulenta, o actúa de manera fraudulenta o contraria a estos Términos, LGC se reserva el derecho de suspender o cancelar su uso de los Servicios. y rechazar cualquier uso futuro de los Servicios. Si no proporciona la información o los datos necesarios para facilitar la prestación de los Servicios, es posible que no se le proporcionen los Servicios.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>PANTALLA DE TARJETA DE REGALO</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">LGC hace todo lo posible para mostrar con la mayor precisión posible los colores, características, especificaciones y detalles asociados con las Tarjetas de regalo que están disponibles a través de los Servicios. Las Tarjetas de Regalo están sujetas a disponibilidad dentro del territorio respectivo. LGC se reserva el derecho de dejar de ofrecer tarjetas de regalo en cualquier momento y por cualquier motivo. Las denominaciones asociadas con las Tarjetas de regalo están sujetas a cambios. Cualquier personalización de Tarjetas de regalo está sujeta a los términos de Conducta del usuario (a continuación).</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>COMPRAS Y PAGO</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Excepto para pedidos al por mayor, LGC puede aceptar las siguientes formas de pago: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex, Google Pay y Apple Pay. Usted acepta proporcionar información de compra actual, completa y precisa para todas las compras realizadas a través de los Servicios para que LGC pueda completar sus transacciones y comunicarse con usted según sea necesario. El impuesto sobre las ventas se agregará al precio de las compras según sea necesario. El precio que pagarás es el precio indicado al realizar tu pedido. Todos los pagos serán en dólares australianos. Los pedidos al por mayor requieren prepago mediante transferencia bancaria. Las formas de pago aceptadas identificadas en esta sección están sujetas a cambios.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Usted acepta pagar todos los cargos a los precios vigentes en el momento de su compra, incluidos los gastos de envío aplicables. Usted autoriza a LGC a cobrar dichos montos al proveedor de pago elegido al realizar su pedido. LGC se reserva el derecho de corregir cualquier error o equivocación en los precios, incluso si ya hemos solicitado o recibido el pago.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(34, 34, 34);\">Si realiza una compra utilizando los Servicios, su información de pago es recopilada por procesadores de pagos de terceros (por ejemplo, Stripe y Braintree) y se les transmite directamente a través de una conexión cifrada. Nuestros procesadores de pagos usan, procesan y almacenan su información de acuerdo con sus propias políticas de privacidad y mantienen que cumplen con PCI.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">LGC se reserva el derecho de rechazar cualquier pedido realizado a través de los Servicios. LGC puede, a su entera discreción, limitar o cancelar las cantidades compradas por persona, por hogar o por pedido. Estas restricciones pueden incluir pedidos realizados por o bajo la misma cuenta de cliente, el mismo método de pago y/o pedidos que utilicen la misma dirección de facturación o envío. LGC se reserva el derecho de limitar o prohibir pedidos que, a nuestro exclusivo criterio, parezcan realizados por comerciantes, revendedores o distribuidores. LGC puede prohibir o limitar aún más las órdenes para garantizar el cumplimiento de la ley aplicable.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>POLÍTICA DE DEVOLUCIONES/REEMBOLSOS</strong></span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Todas las ventas son finales. LGC no emite reembolsos.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>ENTREGA Y SEGURIDAD</strong></span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">La entrega se basa en la dirección de correo electrónico, el número de teléfono móvil o la dirección física que proporcione. LGC no es responsable de fallas en la entrega debido a una dirección (correo electrónico o física) o número de teléfono móvil incorrecto o no válido que usted proporcione. LGC enviará la Tarjeta de regalo al destinatario identificado en la fecha de envío especificada en el momento de la compra.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">En el momento de la entrega, usted es el único responsable de la seguridad y custodia de su Tarjeta de regalo. El enlace que se le proporciona por correo electrónico o mensaje de texto es la única forma de acceder a su Tarjeta de regalo.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>CONDUCTA DEL USUARIO</strong></span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Usted acepta que no utilizará los Servicios para:</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Publicar, enviar por correo electrónico, transmitir, cargar o poner a disposición de otro modo contenido que acose, abuse, difame o amenace a otros usuarios, que contenga malas palabras o contenido obsceno o de otro modo objetable, o que degrade a otros;</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Publicar, enviar por correo electrónico, transmitir, cargar o poner a disposición de otro modo contenido que contenga propiedad intelectual de terceros, a menos que tenga derecho a hacerlo o viole la privacidad, la publicidad u otros derechos personales de otros;</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Publicar, enviar por correo electrónico, transmitir, cargar o poner a disposición de otro modo cualquier material que contenga virus de software o cualquier otro código, archivo o programa informático que (por diseño o función) interrumpa, destruya o limite la funcionalidad de cualquier software o hardware informático. o equipos de telecomunicaciones;</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Violar cualquier ley o reglamento local, estatal, nacional o internacional aplicable;</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Poner a disposición el contenido proporcionado por LGC o a través de los Servicios a cualquier otro sitio web, tecnología de transmisión, software de igual a igual o canal de distribución no autorizado similar, a menos que LGC lo autorice expresamente;</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Utilice metaetiquetas o cualquier otro texto oculto utilizando nuestro nombre o marcas comerciales;</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Intentar descifrar, descompilar, desensamblar o aplicar ingeniería inversa a cualquier software que comprenda o de alguna manera constituya cualquier parte de los Servicios; o</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Acceder a cualquier contenido que no esté destinado a su uso.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">La violación de los términos de conducta del usuario anteriores puede resultar en su imposibilidad de acceder a los servicios.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Usted comprende que todo el contenido enviado a los Servicios por los usuarios (\" </span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong><em>Materiales del usuario </em></strong></span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">\"), ya sea transmitido de forma privada o puesto a disposición del público, es responsabilidad exclusiva de la fuente desde la cual se proporcionaron dichos Materiales del usuario. Usted, no LGC, es totalmente responsable de todos los Materiales del usuario que cargue, publique, comparta, envíe por correo electrónico, transmita o ponga a disposición de otro modo a través de los Servicios.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Usted reconoce que LGC puede realizar una selección previa de los Materiales del usuario y que LGC y sus designados tienen el derecho (pero no la obligación), a su entera discreción, de rechazar, eliminar permanentemente y/o mover cualquier Material del usuario que se envíe a través de los Servicios. Sin limitar lo anterior, LGC y sus designados tendrán derecho a eliminar cualquier Material del usuario que viole estos Términos o que de otro modo sea objetable a su exclusivo y absoluto criterio. Usted comprende que al utilizar los Servicios, puede estar expuesto a Materiales del usuario que pueda considerar ofensivos u objetables. Usted acepta que debe evaluar y asumir todos los riesgos asociados con el uso o divulgación de cualquier Material del usuario.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:center;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(34, 34, 34);\"><strong>ENLACES Y TERCEROS</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(34, 34, 34);\">Podemos proporcionar enlaces a otros sitios propiedad de terceros y operados por ellos. No somos responsables de estos sitios de terceros, de sus políticas de privacidad ni de cómo tratan la información de los visitantes y usuarios. Le recomendamos que revise sus políticas de privacidad para obtener información sobre cómo esos sitios recopilan, utilizan y protegen su información.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:center;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>INDEMNIDAD</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Usted acepta defender, indemnizar y eximir de responsabilidad a LGC y su empresa matriz, afiliados, subsidiarias, empleados, contratistas, proveedores de telecomunicaciones, proveedores de contenido y cesionarios y sus respectivos funcionarios, directores, empleados y agentes de y contra todas y cada una de las responsabilidades, reclamaciones. , acciones, demandas, daños, costos, pérdidas y gastos (incluidos los honorarios razonables de abogados) realizados por cualquier tercero debido a o que surjan de: (i) de su uso de los Servicios, (ii) cualquier incumplimiento o incumplimiento por parte de usted de cualquier parte de estos Términos; o (iii) su negligencia o violación o supuesta violación de cualquier ley aplicable o derechos de un tercero.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>MODIFICACIONES AL SERVICIO</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">LGC se reserva el derecho de modificar o discontinuar, temporal o permanentemente, los Servicios (o cualquier parte de los mismos), con o sin previo aviso en cualquier momento. Usted acepta que LGC no será responsable ante usted ni ante ningún tercero por cualquier modificación, suspensión o interrupción de los Servicios, salvo que se especifique lo contrario.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>TERMINACIÓN</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">LGC puede, a su exclusivo y absoluto criterio y sin previo aviso ni responsabilidad hacia usted o cualquier tercero, cancelar inmediatamente su acceso a los Servicios en caso de (a) que usted incumpla o viole estos Términos (b) solicitudes de las autoridades o del gobierno. agencias o en el caso de sospecha de fraude o violación de cualquier ley aplicable en relación con el uso de los Servicios.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>TRATAMIENTOS CON ANUNCIANTES Y OTROS USUARIOS</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Su interacción, tratos comerciales o participación en promociones de anunciantes, compradores, vendedores o agentes que se encuentran en o a través de los Servicios, incluido el pago y la entrega de bienes o servicios relacionados, y cualquier otro término, condición, garantía o representación asociada. con dichos tratos, son únicamente entre usted y dicho tercero. LGC no será responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño de ningún tipo incurrido como resultado de dichas transacciones o como resultado de la presencia de dichos anunciantes o terceros en los Servicios o su uso de los mismos.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>ENLACES</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Los Servicios pueden proporcionar enlaces a otros sitios o recursos. LGC no tiene control sobre dichos sitios y recursos, y usted reconoce y acepta que LGC no es responsable de la disponibilidad de dichos sitios o recursos externos, y no respalda ni es responsable de ningún contenido, publicidad, productos u otros. materiales en o disponibles en dichos sitios o recursos. Además, reconoce y acepta que LGC no es responsable, directa o indirectamente, de ningún daño o pérdida causada o presuntamente causada por o en conexión con el uso o la confianza en dicho contenido, bienes o servicios disponibles en o a través de dicho sitio. o recurso.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>NUESTROS DERECHOS DE PROPIEDAD</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Todos los títulos, propiedad y derechos de propiedad intelectual sobre los Servicios y los datos, información, materiales, marcas comerciales, marcas de servicio, software, fotografías, videos, imágenes y otro contenido (colectivamente, el \" </span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong><em>Contenido </em></strong></span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">\") puestos a disposición a través de los Servicios. son propiedad de LGC, sus afiliados o licenciantes. A menos que se indique lo contrario, los Servicios y todo el Contenido disponible a través de los Servicios están protegidos por derechos de autor, marcas registradas, propiedad intelectual y otras leyes aplicables y no pueden usarse excepto según lo permitido por estos Términos. Salvo que LGC lo autorice expresamente, usted acepta no modificar, alquilar, arrendar, prestar, vender, distribuir o crear trabajos derivados basados en el Contenido y los Servicios, en su totalidad o en parte; siempre que, sin embargo, se le otorgue una licencia limitada para acceder y utilizar los Servicios y el Contenido como se describe en este documento.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">El contenido disponible a través de los Servicios puede contener errores tipográficos, inexactitudes u omisiones, incluso en descripciones, precios, disponibilidad y otra información diversa. Nos reservamos el derecho de corregir cualquier error, inexactitud u omisión y de cambiar o actualizar el Contenido en cualquier momento, sin previo aviso.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>PRIVACIDAD</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Consulte nuestra Política de privacidad para obtener información sobre cómo recopilamos, utilizamos y divulgamos información.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>RENUNCIA DE GARANTÍAS</strong></span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">USTED ENTIENDE Y ACEPTA EXPRESAMENTE QUE:</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">SU USO DE LOS SERVICIOS ES BAJO SU PROPIO RIESGO. LOS SERVICIOS SE PROPORCIONAN \"TAL CUAL \" Y \"SEGÚN DISPONIBILIDAD\", SIN DECLARACIONES DE EXACTITUD O AVA I LABILIDAD. LGC RENUNCIA EXPRESAMENTE A TODAS LAS GARANTÍAS DE CUALQUIER TIPO, YA SEA EXPRESA O IMPLÍCITA, INCLUYENDO, ENTRE OTRAS, LAS GARANTÍAS IMPLÍCITAS DE COMERCIABILIDAD, IDONEIDAD PARA UN PROPÓSITO PARTICULAR, EXACTITUD Y NO INFRACCIÓN. LGC NO ASUME NINGUNA RESPONSABILIDAD POR LA PUNTUALIDAD, ELIMINACIÓN, ENTREGA MALA O FALTA DE PROPORCIONAR CUALQUIER CONTENIDO O ALMACENAR CUALQUIER CONFIGURACIÓN DE PERSONALIZACIÓN O MATERIAL DEL USUARIO. NO OFRECEMOS GARANTÍAS DE QUE LOS SERVICIOS Y EL CONTENIDO SIEMPRE ESTARÁN DISPONIBLES O DE QUE EL CONTENIDO SERÁ EXACTO, COMPLETO, SIN ERRORES O CONFIABLE.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">CUALQUIER CONTENIDO DESCARGADO U OBTENIDO DE OTRA MANERA A TRAVÉS DE LOS SERVICIOS SE DESCARGA Y UTILIZA BAJO SU RIESGO.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">LGC NO GARANTIZA, RESPALDA NI ASUME RESPONSABILIDAD POR NINGÚN PRODUCTO O SERVICIO ANUNCIADO U OFRECIDO POR UN TERCERO, INCLUYENDO UNA MARCA, A TRAVÉS DE LOS SERVICIOS O CUALQUIER SITIO WEB CON HIPERVÍNCULO O APLICACIÓN MÓVIL PRESENTADA EN CUALQUIER BANNER U OTRA PUBLICIDAD. LGC NO SERÁ PARTE NI SERÁ RESPONSABLE DE NINGUNA MANERA, EL MONITOREO DE NINGUNA TRANSACCIÓN ENTRE USTED Y TERCEROS PROVEEDORES DE PRODUCTOS O SERVICIOS. AL IGUAL QUE CON LA COMPRA DE UN PRODUCTO O SERVICIO A TRAVÉS DE CUALQUIER MEDIO O EN CUALQUIER ENTORNO, USTED DEBE UTILIZAR SU MEJOR JUICIO Y TENER PRECAUCIÓN CUANDO CORRESPONDA.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>LIMITACIONES DE RESPONSABILIDAD</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">USTED ENTIENDE Y ACEPTA QUE LGC NO SERÁ RESPONSABLE ANTE USTED POR NINGÚN DAÑO DIRECTO, INDIRECTO, INCIDENTAL, ESPECIAL, CONSECUENCIAL O EJEMPLAR, INCLUYENDO, SIN LIMITACIÓN, DAÑOS POR PÉRDIDA DE BENEFICIOS, BUENA VOLUNTAD, USO, DATOS U OTRAS PÉRDIDAS INTANGIBLES (INCLUSO SI LGC TENÍA SIDO INFORMADO DE LA POSIBILIDAD DE TALES DAÑOS), QUE RESULTEN DE: (i) EL USO O LA IMPOSIBILIDAD DE UTILIZAR LOS SERVICIOS; (ii) EL COSTO DE ADQUISICIÓN DE BIENES Y SERVICIOS SUSTITUTOS QUE RESULTEN DE CUALQUIER BIENES, DATOS, INFORMACIÓN O SERVICIOS COMPRADOS U OBTENIDOS O MENSAJES RECIBIDOS O TRANSACCIONES REALIZADAS A TRAVÉS DE O DESDE LOS SERVICIOS; (iii) ACCESO NO AUTORIZADO O ALTERACIÓN DE SUS TRANSMISIONES O DATOS; (iv) DECLARACIONES O CONDUCTA DE CUALQUIER TERCERO SOBRE LOS SERVICIOS; O (v) CUALQUIER OTRO ASUNTO RELACIONADO CON LOS SERVICIOS. ALGUNAS JURISDICCIONES NO PERMITEN LA EXCLUSIÓN DE CIERTAS GARANTÍAS O LA LIMITACIÓN O EXCLUSIÓN DE RESPONSABILIDAD POR DAÑOS INCIDENTALES O CONSECUENCIALES. EN CONSECUENCIA, ALGUNAS DE LAS LIMITACIONES ANTERIORES PUEDEN NO APLICARSE A USTED.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>NO HAY TERCEROS BENEFICIARIOS</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Usted acepta que, salvo que se indique expresamente lo contrario en estos Términos, no habrá terceros beneficiarios de este Acuerdo.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>AVISO</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">LGC puede proporcionarle avisos, incluidos aquellos relacionados con cambios a estos Términos, por correo electrónico o publicaciones en los Servicios.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(57, 57, 57);\"><strong>AVISO AL CONSUMIDOR DE CALIFORNIA</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(57, 57, 57);\">Según la Sección 1789.3 del Código Civil de California, los usuarios de California tienen derecho al siguiente aviso de derechos del consumidor: El sitio web es proporcionado por Launch Gift Cards, Inc. y sus afiliados, 16501 Ventura Blvd Suite 410, Encino, CA 91436. Si tiene alguna pregunta o queja sobre el sitio web, comuníquese con el servicio de atención al cliente de LGC a través de los métodos enumerados en \" </span><span style=\"color:rgb(57, 57, 57);\"><strong>Preguntas </strong></span><span style=\"color:rgb(57, 57, 57);\">\" a continuación. Los residentes de California pueden comunicarse con la Unidad de Asistencia para Quejas de la División de Servicios al Consumidor del Departamento de Asuntos del Consumidor de California por correo postal en 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite N. 112, Sacramento, CA 95834 o por teléfono al (800) 952-5210 o Personas con discapacidad auditiva en TDD (800) 735-2929.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>INFORMACIÓN DE MARCA</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Nada de lo contenido en los Servicios o en estos Términos debe interpretarse como una concesión, por implicación, impedimento legal o de otro modo, de cualquier licencia o derecho para utilizar cualquier marca comercial mostrada en los Servicios sin el permiso por escrito de LGC o de cualquier tercero que pueda ser propietario de las marcas comerciales. . Está estrictamente prohibido el uso indebido de cualquier marca comercial mostrada en los Servicios o de cualquier otro Contenido de los Servicios, excepto lo dispuesto en estos Términos. También se le informa que LGC hará cumplir agresivamente sus derechos de propiedad intelectual con todo el peso de la ley.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>AVISO Y PROCEDIMIENTO PARA PRESENTAR RECLAMACIONES POR INFRACCIÓN DE DERECHOS DE AUTOR</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">LGC podrá, en circunstancias apropiadas y a su discreción, deshabilitar y/o cancelar las cuentas de aquellos usuarios que infrinjan la propiedad intelectual de otros. Si cree que su trabajo ha sido copiado de una manera que constituye una infracción de derechos de autor, o que sus derechos de propiedad intelectual han sido violados de alguna otra manera, proporcione a nuestro Agente de derechos de autor un aviso por escrito (el \"Aviso\") que contenga la siguiente información: (i) un firma electrónica o física de la persona autorizada para actuar en nombre del propietario de los derechos de autor u otro interés de propiedad intelectual; (ii) una descripción del trabajo protegido por derechos de autor u otra propiedad intelectual que usted afirma que ha sido infringida; (iii) una descripción de dónde se encuentra en los Servicios el material que usted afirma infringe; (iv) su dirección, número de teléfono y dirección de correo electrónico; (v) una declaración suya de que cree de buena fe que el uso en disputa no está autorizado por el propietario de los derechos de autor, su agente o la ley; (vi) una declaración suya, hecha bajo pena de perjurio, de que la información anterior en su Aviso es precisa y que usted es el propietario de los derechos de autor o de la propiedad intelectual o está autorizado a actuar en nombre del propietario de los derechos de autor o de la propiedad intelectual.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Puede comunicarse con el Agente de derechos de autor de LGC para notificaciones de reclamos de derechos de autor u otras infracciones de propiedad intelectual de las siguientes maneras:</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Agente de derechos de autor, Launch Gift Cards, Inc., One Whitehall Street, Nueva York, NY 10004.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Correo electrónico: </span><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"><span style=\"color:rgb(23, 121, 186);\"><strong>[email protected]</strong></span></a></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>ELECCIÓN DE LA LEY Y RESOLUCIÓN DE DISPUTAS</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Estos Términos se rigen por las leyes del Estado de Nueva York, sin tener en cuenta sus principios de conflicto de leyes. Cualquier disputa o reclamo que surja de estos Términos o los Servicios se resolverá mediante arbitraje. Cualquier</span> <span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">El arbitraje se llevará a cabo de conformidad con las reglas aplicables de la Asociación Estadounidense de Arbitraje (las “Reglas de Arbitraje”). El arbitraje se llevará a cabo en Nueva York, Nueva York, por un único árbitro seleccionado por las partes del arbitraje. Las conclusiones, el razonamiento, la decisión y el laudo del árbitro se declararán por escrito y se basarán en la ley aplicable. La sentencia sobre el laudo arbitral podrá dictarse en cualquier tribunal que tenga jurisdicción. A menos que las Reglas de Arbitraje requieran lo contrario, los honorarios y costos asociados con el arbitraje serán compartidos equitativamente por las partes. Por la presente, usted acepta la jurisdicción y competencia exclusivas de los tribunales estatales y federales de Nueva York, Nueva York. En la máxima medida permitida por la ley aplicable, ninguna disputa bajo estos Términos se unirá a una disputa que involucre a cualquier otra parte sujeta a estos Términos, ya sea a través de procedimientos de arbitraje colectivo o de otro modo.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>INFORMACIÓN GENERAL</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">El hecho de que LGC no ejerza o haga cumplir cualquier derecho o disposición de estos Términos no constituirá una renuncia a dicho derecho o disposición. Si un tribunal de jurisdicción competente determina que alguno es inválido, las partes acuerdan no obstante que el tribunal debe esforzarse por dar efecto a las intenciones de las partes tal como se reflejan en la disposición, y las demás disposiciones de los Términos permanecerán en pleno vigor y efecto. .</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Los títulos de las secciones de estos Términos son solo para su conveniencia y no tienen ningún efecto legal o contractual.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>PREGUNTAS</strong></span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Comuníquese con </span><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"><span style=\"color:rgb(23, 121, 186);\"><strong>[email protected] </strong></span></a><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">por correo electrónico utilizando el asunto \"Términos de servicio\" si tiene alguna pregunta o comentario sobre estos Términos. También puede contactarnos vía telefónica al ( </span>310) 566-1424.</p>\n\n   <div>\n      <p class=\"c30 c56\"><span class=\"c62 c3 c41\"></span></p>\n    </div>\n    <p class=\"c44\"><span class=\"c1\">POL&Iacute;TICA DE PRIVACIDAD</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c22\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">Actualizado:</span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\">&nbsp; 1 de julio de 2024</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\">Esta Pol&iacute;tica de Privacidad (esta &quot; </span\n      ><span class=\"c17\">Pol&iacute;tica </span\n      ><span class=\"c2\"\n        >&quot;) describe las pr&aacute;cticas de privacidad y seguridad\n        asociadas con el sitio web y el servicio en l&iacute;nea (colectivamente\n        los &quot; </span\n      ><span class=\"c17\">Servicios </span\n      ><span class=\"c2\"\n        >&quot;) operados por Launch Gift Cards, Inc. y sus afiliados, como se\n        detalla con m&aacute;s detalle en esta Pol&iacute;tica (&quot; </span\n      ><span class=\"c17\">LGC </span\n      ><span class=\"c2\"\n        >&quot;, &ldquo;nosotros&rdquo;, &ldquo;nuestro&rdquo; o\n        &ldquo;nos&rdquo;).</span\n      ><span class=\"c31\">&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >El prop&oacute;sito de esta Pol&iacute;tica es identificar ( i )\n        qu&eacute; informaci&oacute;n recopilamos de y sobre clientes\n        comerciales y consumidores que acceden y utilizan los Servicios, (ii)\n        c&oacute;mo usamos, compartimos y aseguramos la informaci&oacute;n\n        recopilada, y (iii) qu&eacute; opciones tienes respecto a tu\n        informaci&oacute;n. No recopilamos categor&iacute;as adicionales de\n        informaci&oacute;n ni utilizamos informaci&oacute;n de ninguna manera no\n        especificada en este documento. Esta Pol&iacute;tica tambi&eacute;n le\n        informa sobre sus derechos y opciones con respecto a su\n        informaci&oacute;n personal, y c&oacute;mo puede contactarnos si tiene\n        preguntas relacionadas con esta Pol&iacute;tica.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c21 c60\"\n        >Lea atentamente esta Pol&iacute;tica antes de acceder y permanecer en\n        nuestro sitio web o utilizar nuestros Servicios. Si no est&aacute; de\n        acuerdo con los t&eacute;rminos de esta Pol&iacute;tica, no acceda a\n        nuestro sitio web ni utilice nuestros Servicios. Al acceder a nuestro\n        sitio web y utilizar nuestros Servicios, usted acepta los\n        t&eacute;rminos de esta Pol&iacute;tica y acepta la recopilaci&oacute;n\n        y el uso de su informaci&oacute;n como se establece a\n        continuaci&oacute;n.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        ><br />Podemos actualizar esta Pol&iacute;tica de vez en cuando\n        publicando la pol&iacute;tica revisada aqu&iacute;.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><span class=\"c17\">C&Oacute;MO CONTACTARNOS</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c22\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre esta Pol&iacute;tica o nuestras\n        pr&aacute;cticas de privacidad, puede comunicarse con nosotros de las\n        siguientes maneras:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c22\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">Direcci&oacute;n postal </span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >: Launch Gift Cards, Inc.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;\n        &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; A la\n        atenci&oacute;n de: Pol&iacute;tica de privacidad</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c22\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n        &nbsp;16501 Ventura Blvd, Suite 410</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c22\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n        &nbsp; &nbsp;Encino, CA 91436</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c22 c57\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;\n        &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c22\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">Correo electr&oacute;nico </span\n      ><span class=\"c2\">: </span\n      ><span class=\"c2\"\n        ><a class=\"c25\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"\n          >[email protected]\n        </a></span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >(incluya &quot;Pol&iacute;tica de privacidad&quot; en la l&iacute;nea\n        de asunto)</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c22\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">Tel&eacute;fono </span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\">: (833)780-1536</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c16 c30\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">QU&Eacute; INFORMACI&Oacute;N RECOPILAMOS</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Recopilamos informaci&oacute;n personal y otra informaci&oacute;n de\n        usted y sobre usted para proporcionar los Servicios. La\n        informaci&oacute;n personal es informaci&oacute;n sobre una persona\n        f&iacute;sica identificada o identificable (esto no incluye\n        informaci&oacute;n no identificada o agregada). Limitamos la\n        recopilaci&oacute;n de informaci&oacute;n personal a lo que sea\n        relevante y razonablemente necesario para facilitar la prestaci&oacute;n\n        de Servicios o para otro cumplimiento legal. LGC no recopila ni\n        solicita, a sabiendas o intencionalmente, ( i ) informaci&oacute;n\n        personal confidencial o (ii) informaci&oacute;n personal de ninguna\n        persona menor de 18 a&ntilde;os. La informaci&oacute;n que recopilamos\n        depende de los Servicios involucrados y puede incluir:<br\n      /></span>\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_1-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\"\n          >El contacto personal y la informaci&oacute;n profesional </span\n        ><span class=\"c2\"\n          >se refieren a la informaci&oacute;n que nos permite comunicarnos con\n          usted directamente, como su nombre y apellido, nombre de la empresa,\n          cargo, direcci&oacute;n de correo electr&oacute;nico, direcci&oacute;n\n          postal y n&uacute;mero de tel&eacute;fono m&oacute;vil. Esto puede\n          incluir informaci&oacute;n que usted proporcione sobre terceros que\n          reciben Productos (&quot; </span\n        ><span class=\"c17\">Destinatarios </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\">&quot;).</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">La Informaci&oacute;n t&eacute;cnica </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >se refiere a la informaci&oacute;n recopilada cuando utiliza los\n          Servicios, como su direcci&oacute;n IP, informaci&oacute;n del\n          dispositivo, informaci&oacute;n sobre la red que est&aacute;\n          utilizando para acceder a los Servicios, tipo y versi&oacute;n del\n          navegador, sus actividades mientras usa los Servicios, sitios web o\n          servicios visitados anteriormente. y el contenido que ve o en el que\n          hace clic.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">La informaci&oacute;n del pedido </span\n        ><span class=\"c2\"\n          >se refiere a la informaci&oacute;n recopilada cuando usted compra un\n          producto o servicio, como los productos solicitados, la\n          informaci&oacute;n de pago y la informaci&oacute;n de contacto\n          personal del remitente y el destinatario. Si realiza una compra\n          utilizando los Servicios, su </span\n        ><span class=\"c17\">Informaci&oacute;n de pago </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >, como el nombre y el n&uacute;mero de la tarjeta, y la\n          direcci&oacute;n de facturaci&oacute;n, se recopilan directamente de\n          usted y se almacenan mediante procesadores de pagos externos en\n          nuestro nombre, como se describe con m&aacute;s detalle a\n          continuaci&oacute;n.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c9 c19 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">Inter&eacute;s </span\n        ><span class=\"c2\">sobre productos y preferencias de productos.</span\n        ><span class=\"c17\">&nbsp;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">El contenido de las Comunicaciones </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >se refiere a la informaci&oacute;n que obtenemos cuando usted se\n          comunica con nosotros o se comunica con nosotros.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c16 c30\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">C&Oacute;MO RECOPILAMOS INFORMACI&Oacute;N</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c22\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >LGC recopila informaci&oacute;n de usted y sobre usted de las\n        siguientes maneras:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_2-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">Interacciones directas. </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Recopilamos informaci&oacute;n proporcionada voluntariamente por\n          usted, como informaci&oacute;n profesional y de contacto personal,\n          informaci&oacute;n de pedidos, contenido de las comunicaciones y\n          contenido generado por el usuario, cuando usted:</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_3-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\">Utilizar los Servicios;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Consultar sobre nuestros Productos y Servicios;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\">Realizar una compra;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\">Cont&aacute;ctenos; o</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\">Interact&uacute;a con nosotros.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_4-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">Autom&aacute;ticamente. </span\n        ><span class=\"c2\"\n          >Recopilamos Informaci&oacute;n t&eacute;cnica autom&aacute;ticamente\n          cuando utiliza los Servicios mediante el uso de cookies y\n          tecnolog&iacute;as similares, como se describe con m&aacute;s detalle\n          en la secci&oacute;n &quot; </span\n        ><span class=\"c7 c23\">Cookies </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\">&quot; a continuaci&oacute;n.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_4-0\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">Dispositivos m&oacute;viles. </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >LGC o sus socios tecnol&oacute;gicos externos pueden recopilar\n          informaci&oacute;n de ubicaci&oacute;n, incluida informaci&oacute;n de\n          ubicaci&oacute;n proporcionada por un dispositivo m&oacute;vil que\n          interact&uacute;a con una de nuestras aplicaciones o asociada con su\n          direcci&oacute;n IP o red Wi-Fi. Generalmente puede limitar o prohibir\n          la recopilaci&oacute;n de informaci&oacute;n de ubicaci&oacute;n\n          utilizando la configuraci&oacute;n integrada en su dispositivo\n          m&oacute;vil. No permitimos la recopilaci&oacute;n de\n          informaci&oacute;n de ubicaci&oacute;n precisa.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_4-0\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">Otras fuentes. </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Cuando alguien nos compra un Producto para enviarlo a un Destinatario\n          designado por el comprador, recopilamos Informaci&oacute;n de contacto\n          personal sobre el Destinatario. Cuando nos proporciona\n          informaci&oacute;n de contacto personal del destinatario, confirma que\n          tiene permiso para proporcionar informaci&oacute;n de contacto\n          personal del destinatario y comunicar&aacute; esta Pol&iacute;tica a\n          la atenci&oacute;n del destinatario.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">C&Oacute;MO UTILIZAMOS SU INFORMACI&Oacute;N</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >LGC recopila la informaci&oacute;n descrita anteriormente de usted y\n        sobre usted para los siguientes prop&oacute;sitos:</span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c51\">&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_5-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c9 c34 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Proporcionarle productos y servicios, incluso para procesar\n          pagos;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c34 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Responder a consultas y solicitudes y brindarle de otro modo la\n          informaci&oacute;n, productos o servicios que nos solicite.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c34 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Realizar auditor&iacute;as y verificaciones relacionadas con las\n          interacciones de los usuarios, que incluyen, entre otras, la\n          verificaci&oacute;n de la calidad y eficacia de nuestros\n          Servicios.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c34 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\">Mejorar los Servicios;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c34 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\">Administrar encuestas para uso interno;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c34 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Mantener la seguridad, integridad y calidad de nuestros productos,\n          Servicios, bases de datos, activos tecnol&oacute;gicos y negocios,\n          incluida la detecci&oacute;n de incidentes de seguridad, la\n          protecci&oacute;n contra actividades maliciosas, enga&ntilde;osas,\n          fraudulentas o ilegales y la prevenci&oacute;n de transacciones\n          fraudulentas;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c34 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\">Para fines de prevenci&oacute;n de fraude</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c34 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Cumplir con las leyes, normas y reglamentos de EE. UU., estatales,\n          locales y de fuera de EE. UU. y responder a consultas legales;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c34 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Realizar promociones relacionadas con los Servicios;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c35\"\n          >Facilitar transacciones comerciales como se describe en la\n          secci&oacute;n &#39; </span\n        ><span class=\"c7\">Transacciones comerciales </span\n        ><span class=\"c35\">&#39; a continuaci&oacute;n; </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\">y</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_5-0\">\n      <li class=\"c34 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2\"\n          >Seg&uacute;n lo dispuesto en la secci&oacute;n &#39; </span\n        ><span class=\"c7 c24\"\n          >Cumplimiento legal y protecci&oacute;n de la seguridad </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\">&#39; a continuaci&oacute;n.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >En determinadas circunstancias, las leyes exigen que obtengamos su\n        consentimiento para recopilar informaci&oacute;n para un\n        prop&oacute;sito particular. En estas circunstancias, obtendremos su\n        consentimiento en el momento en que recopilemos la\n        informaci&oacute;n.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Podemos combinar la informaci&oacute;n que recopilamos a trav&eacute;s\n        de su uso de los Servicios con informaci&oacute;n que recopilamos de\n        otras fuentes (por ejemplo, registros fuera de l&iacute;nea o\n        informaci&oacute;n disponible p&uacute;blicamente). Adem&aacute;s,\n        podemos anonimizar o anonimizar la informaci&oacute;n personal para que\n        ya no pueda asociarse con un individuo ni volver a identificarse. En\n        tales casos, podemos usar y compartir los datos an&oacute;nimos o\n        anonimizados sin previo aviso.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Adem&aacute;s, si es un cliente comercial, podemos utilizar su\n        informaci&oacute;n personal para mantenerlo informado sobre nuestros\n        productos y servicios, si nos ha dado su consentimiento para hacerlo, o\n        si tenemos una relaci&oacute;n existente con usted y deseamos\n        comunicarnos con usted. informarle sobre productos y servicios similares\n        a los que le proporcionamos, en los que pueda estar interesado. Puede\n        optar por recibir ciertos tipos de marketing, o todas las formas de\n        marketing en cualquier momento, poni&eacute;ndose en contacto con\n        nosotros y puede darse de baja para recibir correos electr&oacute;nicos\n        haciendo clic en el enlace &quot;optar por no participar&quot; o\n        &quot;cancelar suscripci&oacute;n&quot; que se proporciona en todos\n        nuestros correos electr&oacute;nicos de marketing. .</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">USO DE COOKIES Y OTRAS TECNOLOG&Iacute;AS</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >LGC utiliza &quot;cookies&quot; y tecnolog&iacute;a similar que se\n        guardan en su computadora o dispositivo m&oacute;vil para recopilar\n        autom&aacute;ticamente informaci&oacute;n sobre el uso de los Servicios.\n        Se pueden utilizar diferentes tipos de cookies, como cookies de\n        sesi&oacute;n o persistentes, para diferentes funciones. Las cookies\n        persistentes permanecen en el dispositivo de un usuario durante un\n        per&iacute;odo de tiempo determinado y se activan cada vez que un\n        usuario visita los Servicios donde se configuraron las cookies. Las\n        cookies de sesi&oacute;n son temporales y nos permiten vincular las\n        acciones de un usuario durante una sesi&oacute;n del navegador. La\n        informaci&oacute;n recopilada incluye informaci&oacute;n del\n        dispositivo, informaci&oacute;n sobre la red que est&aacute; utilizando\n        para acceder a los Servicios, sitios web o servicios que visit&oacute;\n        anteriormente y el contenido que ve o en el que hace clic.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c22\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Los Servicios utilizan los siguientes tipos de cookies y otras\n        tecnolog&iacute;as para los siguientes fines:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c30 c40\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_6-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c34 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">B&aacute;sico. </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Estos son esenciales para navegar por los Servicios y utilizar las\n          funciones, y nos permiten brindar servicios.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Aunque muchos navegadores est&aacute;n configurados inicialmente para\n        aceptar cookies, es posible que pueda ajustar su configuraci&oacute;n\n        para rechazarlas. Las opciones son espec&iacute;ficas del navegador y\n        del dispositivo, y si borra las cookies del navegador en cualquiera de\n        sus dispositivos, ser&aacute; necesario restablecer sus opciones de\n        exclusi&oacute;n voluntaria . Consulte la secci&oacute;n\n        &quot;Ayuda&quot; de su navegador o la configuraci&oacute;n integrada de\n        su dispositivo m&oacute;vil para obtener m&aacute;s informaci&oacute;n.\n        Adem&aacute;s, tenga en cuenta que solo se puede acceder a determinadas\n        &aacute;reas de los Servicios cuando las cookies est&aacute;n\n        habilitadas. Por lo tanto, deshabilitar las cookies puede impedirle\n        acceder a algunos de nuestros contenidos.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >INTERCAMBIO Y DIVULGACI&Oacute;N DE INFORMACI&Oacute;N</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c53\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >LGC no comparte ninguna informaci&oacute;n personal a cambio de dinero\n        u otra contraprestaci&oacute;n valiosa. LGC no proporciona ninguna\n        informaci&oacute;n personal a terceros con fines de publicidad\n        comportamental. LGC puede compartir y revelar cierta informaci&oacute;n\n        a lo siguiente:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c9 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_7-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">Proveedores de servicios: </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >compartimos informaci&oacute;n recopilada con terceros que procesan\n          informaci&oacute;n en nuestro nombre. Podemos utilizar dichos\n          proveedores de servicios para:</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_8-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\">alojar los Servicios;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >proporcionar mantenimiento de bases de datos y servidores y servicios\n          de seguridad y prevenci&oacute;n de fraude;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >ayudarnos a participar en actividades promocionales relacionadas con\n          los Servicios;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >ayudar con la transmisi&oacute;n de correos electr&oacute;nicos,\n          mensajes de texto y entrega de correo postal;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\">ay&uacute;denos a analizar nuestras ofertas;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\">proporcionar servicio al cliente, y</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >procesar y cumplir transacciones en l&iacute;nea.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5 c39\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_9-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">Procesadores de pagos: </span\n        ><span class=\"c2\"\n          >cuando realiza una compra utilizando los Servicios, las empresas de\n          procesamiento de pagos y una empresa de prevenci&oacute;n de fraude\n          recopilan y almacenan Informaci&oacute;n de pago. Hemos contratado a\n          Braintree, una divisi&oacute;n de PayPal, Inc., dlocal , Stripe, Inc.\n          y Riskified para estos fines. Se proporciona m&aacute;s\n          informaci&oacute;n sobre sus pr&aacute;cticas de privacidad y\n          seguridad en la secci&oacute;n &#39; </span\n        ><span class=\"c7 c24\">Seguridad </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\">&#39; a continuaci&oacute;n.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_10-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\"\n          >Cumplimiento legal y protecci&oacute;n de la seguridad: </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >LGC puede acceder, preservar y divulgar su informaci&oacute;n si\n          as&iacute; lo requiere la ley o si cree de buena fe que dicho acceso,\n          preservaci&oacute;n o divulgaci&oacute;n es razonablemente necesaria\n          para: ( i ) cumplir con el proceso legal o responder a una solicitud o\n          citaci&oacute;n legal; (ii) hacer cumplir nuestros T&eacute;rminos de\n          uso de los Servicios; (iii) responder a reclamos de que su conducta ha\n          violado los derechos de terceros; (iv) responder a sus solicitudes de\n          servicio al cliente; (v) proteger los derechos, la propiedad o la\n          seguridad personal de LGC, sus usuarios y el p&uacute;blico; (vi) o\n          seg&uacute;n sea requerido para cumplir o permitido por las leyes y\n          regulaciones aplicables.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_11-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">Transacciones comerciales: </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >podemos transferir informaci&oacute;n recopilada si somos adquiridos,\n          vendidos o fusionados con otra entidad.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c44\"><span class=\"c1\">DERECHOS DE PRIVACIDAD EUROPEOS</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\"><span class=\"c1\">Responsables del tratamiento</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Si es residente del Espacio Econ&oacute;mico Europeo\n        (&ldquo;EEE&rdquo;) o del Reino Unido (&ldquo;UK&rdquo;), el Reglamento\n        General de Protecci&oacute;n de Datos (UE) 2016/679 o &ldquo;GDPR&rdquo;\n        o el GDPR seg&uacute;n forma parte de las leyes del Reino Unido\n        (&ldquo;RGPD del Reino Unido&rdquo;), los responsables del tratamiento\n        de su informaci&oacute;n personal son los siguientes:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c23 c35\">Para residentes del EEE </span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\">:</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c65\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Solo para informaci&oacute;n de pago, Launch Gift Cards BV en la\n        direcci&oacute;n registrada Schiphol Blvd 359, 1118BJ Schiphol,\n        Pa&iacute;ses Bajos; y</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_18-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c46 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2\"\n          >Para toda la dem&aacute;s informaci&oacute;n personal que figura en\n          la secci&oacute;n &quot; </span\n        ><span class=\"c7 c24\">Qu&eacute; informaci&oacute;n recopilamos </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >&quot; de esta Pol&iacute;tica, Launch Gift Cards, Inc.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c23 c35\">Para residentes del Reino Unido </span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\">:</span>\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_18-0\">\n      <li class=\"c36 c58 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Solo para informaci&oacute;n de pago, Launch Gift Card UK Ltd. en la\n          direcci&oacute;n registrada 5 New Street Square, Londres, Reino Unido,\n          EC4A 3TW; y</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c36 c46 li-bullet-0\" id=\"h.gjdgxs\">\n        <span class=\"c2\"\n          >Para toda la dem&aacute;s informaci&oacute;n personal que figura en\n          la secci&oacute;n &quot; </span\n        ><span class=\"c7 c24\">Qu&eacute; informaci&oacute;n recopilamos </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >&quot; de esta Pol&iacute;tica, Launch Gift Cards, Inc.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c44\"><span class=\"c1\">Cont&aacute;ctenos</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >Si tiene alguna pregunta o solicitud relacionada con el procesamiento\n        de su informaci&oacute;n de pago, comun&iacute;quese con Launch Gift\n        Cards BV y Launch Gift Card UK Ltd por correo electr&oacute;nico a </span\n      ><span class=\"c35 c55\"\n        ><a class=\"c25\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"\n          >[email protected]\n        </a></span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >; incluya &quot;Pol&iacute;tica de privacidad de UE/Reino Unido&quot;\n        en la l&iacute;nea de asunto. .</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >Para cualquier otra pregunta o solicitud, comun&iacute;quese con Launch\n        Gift Cards, Inc. a los datos de contacto establecidos en la\n        secci&oacute;n &quot; </span\n      ><span class=\"c7 c24\">C&oacute;mo contactarnos </span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >&quot; arriba en la parte superior de esta Pol&iacute;tica.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\"><span class=\"c1\">Base legal para el procesamiento</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >El RGPD y el RGPD del Reino Unido tambi&eacute;n exigen que le\n        informemos sobre la base legal en la que nos basamos para procesar su\n        informaci&oacute;n personal. Estos se exponen a\n        continuaci&oacute;n:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_12-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">Nuestros intereses leg&iacute;timos. </span\n        ><span class=\"c2\"\n          >Consideramos que es de nuestro inter&eacute;s leg&iacute;timo\n          procesar su informaci&oacute;n personal para los fines establecidos en\n          la secci&oacute;n &#39; </span\n        ><span class=\"c7 c24\"\n          >C&oacute;mo utilizamos su informaci&oacute;n </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >&#39;. Por ejemplo, es de nuestro inter&eacute;s leg&iacute;timo\n          mantener la seguridad del sistema para que nuestras operaciones\n          comerciales funcionen sin problemas, comunicarnos con usted y cumplir\n          con sus solicitudes para brindarle los Servicios, realizar encuestas y\n          mejorar nuestros productos y servicios, y proteger nuestros derechos y\n          los derechos de los dem&aacute;s.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_12-0\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\"\n          >El procesamiento es necesario para la ejecuci&oacute;n de un contrato\n          para usted. </span\n        ><span class=\"c2\"\n          >El procesamiento de sus datos personales es necesario para brindarle\n          los Servicios seg&uacute;n nuestros t&eacute;rminos y\n          condiciones.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_12-0\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">De acuerdo con las leyes. </span\n        ><span class=\"c2\"\n          >Por ejemplo, para cumplir con requisitos legales y reglamentarios o\n          responder a una orden judicial o solicitud legal, como se describe en\n          la secci&oacute;n &#39; </span\n        ><span class=\"c7 c24\"\n          >C&oacute;mo utilizamos su informaci&oacute;n </span\n        ><span class=\"c2\">&#39; y en la secci&oacute;n &#39; </span\n        ><span class=\"c7 c24\"\n          >Compartir y divulgar informaci&oacute;n personal </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\">&#39;.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_12-0\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">Consentir. </span\n        ><span class=\"c2\"\n          >En determinadas circunstancias, como se describe en &#39; </span\n        ><span class=\"c7 c24\"\n          >C&oacute;mo utilizamos su informaci&oacute;n </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >&#39; anterior, podemos confiar en el consentimiento para procesar su\n          informaci&oacute;n personal. Cuando dependamos del consentimiento para\n          procesar su informaci&oacute;n personal, puede retirar su\n          consentimiento en cualquier momento.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\"><span class=\"c1\">Tus derechos</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >El RGPD y el RGPD del Reino Unido otorgan a los residentes del EEE y\n        del Reino Unido, respectivamente, ciertos derechos con respecto a su\n        informaci&oacute;n personal. Sujeto a ciertas excepciones, usted\n        puede:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_13-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Solicite acceso a su informaci&oacute;n personal.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Solicitar la correcci&oacute;n de su informaci&oacute;n personal que\n          hemos recopilado.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Solicitar la eliminaci&oacute;n de su informaci&oacute;n\n          personal.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Oponerse a nuestro procesamiento de su informaci&oacute;n\n          personal.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Solicitud de restricci&oacute;n del procesamiento de su\n          informaci&oacute;n personal.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Solicite una copia de su informaci&oacute;n personal que hemos\n          recopilado.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Solicitud de no estar sujeto a toma de decisiones automatizada o\n          elaboraci&oacute;n de perfiles.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >Puede ejercer sus derechos a trav&eacute;s de los datos de contacto\n        correspondientes establecidos anteriormente en la secci&oacute;n &#39; </span\n      ><span class=\"c7 c24\">Cont&aacute;ctenos </span\n      ><span class=\"c2\">&#39; de esta secci&oacute;n &#39; </span\n      ><span class=\"c17\">Derechos de </span\n      ><span class=\"c7 c24\">privacidad europeos </span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >&#39; de la Pol&iacute;tica. Siempre nos esforzaremos por cumplir con\n        su solicitud de ejercer estos derechos, pero a veces, podemos tener\n        motivos u obligaciones legales para rechazar su solicitud.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >Tambi&eacute;n tiene derecho a presentar una queja ante el regulador\n        local de protecci&oacute;n de datos en Europa, incluso si no est&aacute;\n        de acuerdo con nuestra respuesta a su solicitud. El nombre y los datos\n        de contacto de su regulador local de protecci&oacute;n de datos se\n        pueden encontrar aqu&iacute;: </span\n      ><span class=\"c55 c35\"\n        ><a\n          class=\"c25\"\n          href=\";sa=D&amp;source=editors&amp;ust=1720026382464891&amp;usg=AOvVaw0b5FnQggde8mMVqXnKj8hC\"\n          >\n        </a></span\n      ><span class=\"c2\">o, para el Reino Unido , </span\n      ><span class=\"c55 c35\"\n        ><a\n          class=\"c25\"\n          href=\";sa=D&amp;source=editors&amp;ust=1720026382465533&amp;usg=AOvVaw3jWAS9_lbtf7KPdCsqaMxp\"\n          >\n        </a></span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Si tiene alguna inquietud, le solicitamos que se comunique con nosotros\n        primero para que podamos investigar y resolver sus inquietudes.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\"><span class=\"c1\">Toma de decisiones automatizada</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >La toma de decisiones automatizada tiene lugar cuando un sistema\n        electr&oacute;nico utiliza informaci&oacute;n personal para tomar una\n        decisi&oacute;n relevante para usted sin ninguna participaci&oacute;n\n        humana. Cuando esto tenga un efecto legal o un efecto igualmente\n        significativo, el RGPD y el RGPD del Reino Unido imponen requisitos\n        adicionales. Llevamos a cabo un control automatizado de las\n        transacciones de pago con fines relacionados con el fraude. Esto implica\n        que procesemos su informaci&oacute;n de pago. Consideramos que debemos\n        hacer esto </span\n      ><span class=\"c35\"\n        >para celebrar con usted el contrato para la compra de la tarjeta regalo\n        y, en la medida aplicable, para cumplir con cualquier obligaci&oacute;n\n        regulatoria para prevenir y detectar fraude. Esta evaluaci&oacute;n se\n        lleva a cabo en un enfoque por capas e incluye la evaluaci&oacute;n de\n        su actividad de pago y la ejecuci&oacute;n de la transacci&oacute;n a\n        trav&eacute;s de un modelo de decisi&oacute;n de fraude para buscar\n        patrones. Esto podr&iacute;a provocar que se rechace la\n        transacci&oacute;n y que usted no pueda comprar la tarjeta de regalo. Si\n        su transacci&oacute;n ha sido rechazada y desea apelar esto,\n        comun&iacute;quese con el n&uacute;mero de servicio al cliente\n        disponible a trav&eacute;s del sitio web correspondiente. Si tiene\n        alguna pregunta o inquietud relacionada con el procesamiento de esta\n        Informaci&oacute;n de pago, comun&iacute;quese con nosotros a\n        trav&eacute;s de los detalles anteriores.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c44\">\n      <span class=\"c1\">DERECHOS DE PRIVACIDAD DE CALIFORNIA</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c27\">\n      <span class=\"c35\"\n        >Esta secci&oacute;n de Derechos de Privacidad de California (el &ldquo; </span\n      ><span class=\"c21\">Aviso de Privacidad de California </span\n      ><span class=\"c35\"\n        >&rdquo;) complementa la Pol&iacute;tica establecida anteriormente con\n        respecto a derechos espec&iacute;ficos otorgados bajo la Ley de\n        Privacidad del Consumidor de California de 2018, seg&uacute;n enmendada\n        (la &ldquo; </span\n      ><span class=\"c21\">CCPA </span\n      ><span class=\"c4 c3\"\n        >&rdquo;) a personas f&iacute;sicas residentes de California y\n        proporciona informaci&oacute;n sobre c&oacute;mo dichos residentes de\n        California pueden ejercer sus derechos bajo la CCPA. Este Aviso de\n        privacidad de California solo es relevante para usted si es residente de\n        California, seg&uacute;n lo determina la CCPA. La informaci&oacute;n que\n        debe divulgarse a los residentes de California seg&uacute;n la CCPA con\n        respecto a la recopilaci&oacute;n de su informaci&oacute;n personal que\n        no est&aacute; establecida en este suplemento de la CCPA se establece\n        arriba en la Pol&iacute;tica.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c27\">\n      <span class=\"c21\"\n        >Categor&iacute;as de informaci&oacute;n personal que recopilamos </span\n      ><span class=\"c35 c61\">: </span\n      ><span class=\"c35\"\n        >recopilamos o en los &uacute;ltimos doce (12) meses hemos recopilado\n        algunas o todas las siguientes categor&iacute;as de informaci&oacute;n\n        personal de individuos:</span\n      ><span class=\"c28\">&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <a id=\"t.7c66adf895221f9847c492b33121156950e51967\"></a><a id=\"t.0\"></a>\n    <table class=\"c37\">\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c43\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\"><span class=\"c21 c3 c41\">Categor&iacute;a</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c42\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\"><span class=\"c21 c3 c41\">Ejemplos</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c43\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\"><span class=\"c21 c3 c41\">Recogido</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">A. Identificadores</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Nombre, detalles de contacto y direcci&oacute;n (incluida la\n              direcci&oacute;n f&iacute;sica, la direcci&oacute;n de correo\n              electr&oacute;nico y la direcci&oacute;n de Protocolo de Internet)\n              y otra identificaci&oacute;n (incluido el n&uacute;mero de seguro\n              social, n&uacute;mero de pasaporte y n&uacute;mero de licencia de\n              conducir o tarjeta de identificaci&oacute;n estatal).</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">S&Iacute;</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >B. Categor&iacute;as de informaci&oacute;n personal enumeradas en\n              el estatuto de Registros de clientes de California (C&oacute;digo\n              Civil de California &sect; 1798.80(e))</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c30 c32\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >N&uacute;mero de tel&eacute;fono, firma, n&uacute;mero de cuenta\n              bancaria, otra informaci&oacute;n financiera (incluidas cuentas y\n              transacciones con otras instituciones e informaci&oacute;n contra\n              el lavado de dinero) y documentaci&oacute;n de verificaci&oacute;n\n              e informaci&oacute;n sobre el estado de los inversionistas\n              seg&uacute;n diversas leyes y regulaciones (incluido el\n              n&uacute;mero de seguro social, estado fiscal , ingresos y\n              activos).</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">S&Iacute;</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >C. Caracter&iacute;sticas de clasificaci&oacute;n protegidas\n              seg&uacute;n la ley federal o de California</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Fecha de nacimiento, ciudadan&iacute;a y lugar de\n              nacimiento.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\">D. Informaci&oacute;n comercial</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Datos de la cuenta y otra informaci&oacute;n contenida en\n              cualquier documento proporcionado por los inversores a proveedores\n              de servicios autorizados (ya sea directa o indirectamente),\n              tolerancia al riesgo, historial de transacciones, experiencia de\n              inversi&oacute;n y actividad de inversi&oacute;n,\n              informaci&oacute;n sobre una inversi&oacute;n potencial y/o real\n              en los fondos aplicables. ), incluido el porcentaje de propiedad,\n              la inversi&oacute;n de capital, los ingresos y p&eacute;rdidas, la\n              fuente de los fondos utilizados para realizar la inversi&oacute;n\n              en los fondos aplicables.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c3 c4\">S&Iacute;</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\">E. Informaci&oacute;n biom&eacute;trica</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Im&aacute;genes del iris, la retina, las huellas dactilares, la\n              cara, la mano, la palma, los patrones venosos y grabaciones de voz\n              o patrones o ritmos de pulsaci&oacute;n de teclas, patrones o\n              ritmos de la marcha, y datos de sue&ntilde;o, salud o ejercicio\n              que contienen informaci&oacute;n de identificaci&oacute;n.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >F. Internet u otra actividad de red similar</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Uso de nuestro sitio web, sala de datos de fondos y portal de\n              informes de inversores (por ejemplo, cookies, historial de\n              navegaci&oacute;n y/o historial de b&uacute;squeda), as&iacute;\n              como la informaci&oacute;n que nos proporciona cuando se comunica\n              con nosotros en relaci&oacute;n con consultas.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">S&Iacute;</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\">G. Datos de geolocalizaci&oacute;n</span>\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Ubicaci&oacute;n f&iacute;sica o movimientos.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">S&Iacute;</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">H. Datos sensoriales</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Informaci&oacute;n sonora, electr&oacute;nica, visual,\n              t&eacute;rmica, olfativa o similar.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >I. Informaci&oacute;n profesional o laboral</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Historial laboral actual o pasado o evaluaciones de\n              desempe&ntilde;o.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >J. Informaci&oacute;n educativa no p&uacute;blica (seg&uacute;n\n              la Ley de Privacidad y Derechos Educativos de la Familia (20 USC\n              Secci&oacute;n 1232g, 34 CFR Parte 99))</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Registros educativos directamente relacionados con un estudiante\n              mantenidos por una instituci&oacute;n educativa o parte que\n              act&uacute;a en su nombre, como calificaciones, expedientes\n              acad&eacute;micos, listas de clases, horarios de los estudiantes,\n              c&oacute;digos de identificaci&oacute;n de los estudiantes,\n              informaci&oacute;n financiera de los estudiantes o registros\n              disciplinarios de los estudiantes.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >K. Inferencias extra&iacute;das de otra informaci&oacute;n\n              personal</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Perfil que refleja las preferencias, caracter&iacute;sticas,\n              tendencias psicol&oacute;gicas, predisposiciones, comportamiento,\n              actitudes, inteligencia, habilidades y aptitudes de una\n              persona.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >L. Informaci&oacute;n personal confidencial (consulte m&aacute;s\n              informaci&oacute;n sobre el uso de informaci&oacute;n personal\n              confidencial a continuaci&oacute;n)</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >N&uacute;meros de seguro social, licencia de conducir, tarjeta de\n              identificaci&oacute;n estatal o pasaporte; inicio de sesi&oacute;n\n              de cuenta, cuenta financiera, tarjeta de d&eacute;bito o\n              n&uacute;mero de tarjeta de cr&eacute;dito en combinaci&oacute;n\n              con cualquier c&oacute;digo de seguridad o acceso,\n              contrase&ntilde;a o credencial requeridos que permitan el acceso a\n              una cuenta; geolocalizaci&oacute;n precisa; origen racial o\n              &eacute;tnico; creencias religiosas o filos&oacute;ficas;\n              Membres&iacute;a de la uni&oacute;n; datos gen&eacute;ticos; el\n              contenido del correo, correo electr&oacute;nico y mensajes de\n              texto de un consumidor, a menos que usted sea el destinatario\n              previsto de la comunicaci&oacute;n; informaci&oacute;n\n              biom&eacute;trica con el fin de identificar de forma &uacute;nica\n              a un consumidor; e informaci&oacute;n personal recopilada y\n              analizada sobre la salud, la vida sexual o la orientaci&oacute;n\n              sexual del consumidor.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >S&Iacute;, en cuanto a los siguientes tipos de\n              informaci&oacute;n: inicio de sesi&oacute;n de cuenta, cuenta\n              financiera en combinaci&oacute;n con cualquier c&oacute;digo de\n              seguridad o contrase&ntilde;a de acceso requerido; o credenciales\n              que permitan el acceso &uacute;nicamente a una cuenta.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n    </table>\n    <p class=\"c33 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c33\">\n      <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n        >No recopilamos ni utilizamos informaci&oacute;n personal sensible que\n        no sea:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_17-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c26 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n          >Para realizar servicios o proporcionar bienes, como razonablemente\n          esperar&iacute;a un consumidor promedio que solicita esos bienes o\n          servicios;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c26 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n          >Seg&uacute;n sea razonablemente necesario y proporcionado para\n          detectar incidentes de seguridad que comprometan la disponibilidad,\n          autenticidad, integridad y confidencialidad de la informaci&oacute;n\n          personal almacenada o transmitida;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c26 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n          >Seg&uacute;n sea razonablemente necesario y proporcionado para\n          resistir acciones maliciosas, enga&ntilde;osas, fraudulentas o\n          ilegales dirigidas a nosotros y para procesar a los responsables de\n          dichas acciones;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c9 c26 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n          >Para uso transitorio a corto plazo (pero no de una manera que revele\n          dicha informaci&oacute;n a otro tercero o se utilice para crear un\n          perfil suyo o alterar su experiencia fuera de su interacci&oacute;n\n          actual con nosotros);</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c26 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n          >Para realizar servicios en nombre de nuestro negocio;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c26 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n          >Para verificar o mantener la calidad o seguridad de un servicio o\n          para mejorar, actualizar o perfeccionar dicho servicio o dispositivo;\n          y</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c26 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c35\"\n          >Recopilar o procesar informaci&oacute;n personal sensible cuando\n          dicha recopilaci&oacute;n o procesamiento no tenga como objetivo\n          inferir caracter&iacute;sticas sobre un consumidor.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c33 c30 c9\"><span class=\"c4 c47\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c27\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">Divulgaci&oacute;n de informaci&oacute;n </span\n      ><span class=\"c2\">: </span\n      ><span class=\"c4 c3\"\n        >Divulgamos o en los &uacute;ltimos doce (12) meses hemos divulgado\n        informaci&oacute;n personal recopilada de usted para fines comerciales o\n        de negocios a las categor&iacute;as de terceros indicadas en el cuadro a\n        continuaci&oacute;n. Tambi&eacute;n podemos divulgar su\n        informaci&oacute;n a otras partes seg&uacute;n lo requiera la ley o la\n        regulaci&oacute;n, o en respuesta a consultas regulatorias o en\n        relaci&oacute;n con una transacci&oacute;n comercial.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <a id=\"t.330da160df61f503a5d866ca1b0bd4dc8991d6c8\"></a><a id=\"t.1\"></a>\n    <table class=\"c37\">\n      <tr class=\"c48\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c21 c3 c41\"\n              >Categor&iacute;a de informaci&oacute;n personal</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c52\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c21 c3 c41\"\n              >Categor&iacute;a de terceros destinatarios</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">A. Identificadores</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Proveedores de servicios y procesadores de pagos.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >B. Categor&iacute;as de informaci&oacute;n personal enumeradas en\n              el estatuto de Registros de clientes de California (C&oacute;digo\n              Civil de California &sect; 1798.80(e))</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c52\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Proveedores de servicios y procesadores de pagos.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >C. Caracter&iacute;sticas de clasificaci&oacute;n protegidas\n              seg&uacute;n la ley federal o de California</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">N / A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\">D. Informaci&oacute;n comercial</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Proveedores de servicios y procesadores de pagos.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\">E. Informaci&oacute;n biom&eacute;trica</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">N / A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >F. Internet u otra actividad de red similar</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Proveedores de servicios y procesadores de pagos.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\">G. Datos de geolocalizaci&oacute;n</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Proveedores de servicios y procesadores de pagos.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">H. Datos sensoriales</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">N / A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >I. Informaci&oacute;n profesional o laboral</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">N / A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >J. Informaci&oacute;n educativa no p&uacute;blica (seg&uacute;n\n              la Ley de Privacidad y Derechos Educativos de la Familia (20 USC\n              Secci&oacute;n 1232g, 34 CFR Parte 99))</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">N / A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >K. Inferencias extra&iacute;das de otra informaci&oacute;n\n              personal</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">N / A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >L. Informaci&oacute;n personal confidencial</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Proveedores de servicios y procesadores de pagos.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n    </table>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c47\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">Derechos bajo la CCPA </span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >: La CCPA brinda a los residentes de California ciertos derechos con\n        respecto a su informaci&oacute;n personal:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_14-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Derecho a solicitar que revelemos, no m&aacute;s de dos veces en un\n          per&iacute;odo de 12 meses:</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_15-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c19 c39 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Las categor&iacute;as y piezas espec&iacute;ficas de\n          informaci&oacute;n personal que hemos recopilado sobre usted.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c39 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Las categor&iacute;as y fuentes de las que se recopila\n          informaci&oacute;n personal.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c39 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Los fines empresariales o comerciales para la recopilaci&oacute;n de\n          informaci&oacute;n personal.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c11 c39 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Las categor&iacute;as de terceros con quienes revelamos\n          informaci&oacute;n personal.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_15-0\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c39 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c35\"\n          >Si divulgamos su informaci&oacute;n personal a un tercero y, de ser\n          as&iacute;, las categor&iacute;as de informaci&oacute;n personal que\n          obtuvo cada\n          destinatario.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_14-0\">\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Derecho a solicitar que eliminemos cualquier informaci&oacute;n\n          personal sobre usted que hayamos recopilado de usted, sujeto a ciertas\n          excepciones. Si se nos solicita que eliminemos su informaci&oacute;n\n          personal, al recibir una solicitud verificable, eliminaremos su\n          informaci&oacute;n personal de nuestros registros y ordenaremos a\n          cualquier proveedor de servicios que elimine su informaci&oacute;n\n          personal de sus registros.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Derecho a optar por no participar en la &quot;venta&quot; o\n          &quot;compartir&quot; su informaci&oacute;n personal con terceros, tal\n          como se define ese t&eacute;rmino en la CCPA. LGC no\n          &ldquo;vende&rdquo; ni &ldquo;comparte&rdquo; informaci&oacute;n\n          personal seg&uacute;n se definen esos t&eacute;rminos en la\n          CCPA.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Derecho a solicitar una correcci&oacute;n de la informaci&oacute;n\n          personal que recopilamos y compartimos para los fines establecidos en\n          este documento. Si recibimos una solicitud verificable para corregir\n          informaci&oacute;n personal inexacta, haremos todos los esfuerzos\n          comercialmente razonables para corregir la informaci&oacute;n\n          seg&uacute;n lo haya solicitado.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c35\"\n        >No lo discriminaremos por ejercer sus derechos bajo la CCPA, incluso\n        neg&aacute;ndole el </span\n      ><span class=\"c2\">servicio </span\n      ><span class=\"c4 c3\"\n        >, sugiriendo que recibir&aacute; o cobrando tarifas diferentes por los\n        servicios o sugiriendo que recibir&aacute; o brindar&aacute; un nivel o\n        calidad de servicio diferente a t&uacute;.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >Los fines comerciales o de negocios para recopilar informaci&oacute;n\n        personal se describen en la secci&oacute;n anterior &#39; </span\n      ><span class=\"c7 c24\">C&oacute;mo utilizamos su informaci&oacute;n </span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\">&#39;.</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >Los residentes de California pueden ejercer sus derechos enviando una\n        solicitud en l&iacute;nea comunic&aacute;ndose con nosotros a\n        trav&eacute;s de los m&eacute;todos establecidos anteriormente en &quot; </span\n      ><span class=\"c7 c24\">C&oacute;mo contactarnos </span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >&quot;. Puede designar a un agente autorizado para realizar una\n        solicitud en su nombre. Es posible que le solicitemos prueba de su\n        identidad y de que el agente est&eacute; debidamente autorizado por\n        usted. No discriminamos a las personas que ejercen estos derechos.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Algunos navegadores de Internet han incorporado funciones de &quot;No\n        rastrear&quot;. La mayor&iacute;a de estas funciones, cuando\n        est&aacute;n activadas, env&iacute;an una se&ntilde;al o preferencia (la\n        &quot;Se&ntilde;al DNT&quot;) a los sitios web que visita indicando que\n        no desea que lo rastreen. En este momento, no respondemos a DNT\n        Signals.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c44\"><span class=\"c1\">DERECHOS DE PRIVACIDAD DE NEVADA</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >Adem&aacute;s de la informaci&oacute;n anterior, los residentes de\n        Nevada tienen derecho a presentar una solicitud verificada que nos\n        indique que no realicemos ninguna &ldquo;venta&rdquo; de\n        informaci&oacute;n cubierta recopilada sobre el consumidor a una persona\n        para que dicha persona otorgue licencia o venda la informaci&oacute;n a\n        personas adicionales, sujeto a a ciertas excepciones. No vendemos\n        informaci&oacute;n cubierta seg&uacute;n lo define la ley de\n        Nevada.</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\">&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\">\n      <span class=\"c1\">DERECHOS DE PRIVACIDAD DE VIRGINIA</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c53\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >La Ley de Protecci&oacute;n de Datos del Consumidor de Virginia (VCDPA)\n        otorga a los residentes de Virginia ciertos derechos con respecto a su\n        informaci&oacute;n personal:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_16-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c9 c36 c38 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Derecho a conocer la forma de recopilaci&oacute;n y uso de los datos\n          personales (como se establece anteriormente).</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Derecho a solicitar que eliminemos cualquier informaci&oacute;n\n          personal sobre usted que hayamos recopilado de usted, sujeto a ciertas\n          excepciones. Si se nos solicita que eliminemos su informaci&oacute;n\n          personal, al recibir una solicitud verificable, eliminaremos su\n          informaci&oacute;n personal de nuestros registros y ordenaremos a\n          cualquier proveedor de servicios que elimine su informaci&oacute;n\n          personal de sus registros.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Derecho a optar por no recibir publicidad dirigida y la\n          &ldquo;venta&rdquo; de su informaci&oacute;n personal a terceros, tal\n          como se define ese t&eacute;rmino en la VCDPA. LGC no participa en\n          publicidad dirigida ni en la &ldquo;venta&rdquo; de informaci&oacute;n\n          personal tal como se define ese t&eacute;rmino en la VCDPA.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Derecho a solicitar una correcci&oacute;n de la informaci&oacute;n\n          personal que recopilamos y compartimos para los fines establecidos en\n          este documento. Si recibimos una solicitud verificable para corregir\n          informaci&oacute;n personal inexacta, haremos todos los esfuerzos\n          comercialmente razonables para corregir la informaci&oacute;n\n          seg&uacute;n lo haya solicitado.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c9 c36 c59 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Derecho a obtener una copia de la informaci&oacute;n personal que nos\n          ha proporcionado.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c45\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >Los residentes de Virginia pueden ejercer sus derechos\n        comunic&aacute;ndose con nosotros a trav&eacute;s de los m&eacute;todos\n        establecidos anteriormente en &quot; </span\n      ><span class=\"c7 c24\">C&oacute;mo contactarnos </span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >&quot;. Haremos todo lo posible para responder a cualquier solicitud\n        identificada anteriormente dentro de un per&iacute;odo de tiempo\n        comercialmente razonable y a m&aacute;s tardar en el per&iacute;odo\n        previsto en la VCDPA.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><span class=\"c17\">SEGURIDAD</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >LGC se esfuerza por utilizar medidas de seguridad f&iacute;sicas y\n        electr&oacute;nicas comercialmente razonables para proteger contra la\n        p&eacute;rdida, el acceso no autorizado, el uso indebido o la\n        alteraci&oacute;n de su informaci&oacute;n personal. Limitamos el acceso\n        a la informaci&oacute;n personal a aquellos empleados, agentes,\n        contratistas y otros terceros que tengan una necesidad comercial de\n        conocerla. Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que, a pesar de nuestros mejores\n        esfuerzos, ninguna medida de seguridad es perfecta o impenetrable, y no\n        podemos garantizar las medidas de seguridad de terceros.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">TRANSFERENCIAS INTERNACIONALES DE DATOS</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Cuando nos proporciona informaci&oacute;n personal sobre usted, se\n        trata de una transferencia directa de informaci&oacute;n personal de\n        usted a nuestros servidores en los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, como\n        operamos globalmente, podemos transferir y procesar informaci&oacute;n\n        personal sobre usted en nuestros servidores en los Estados Unidos y/o\n        pa&iacute;ses distintos de su pa&iacute;s de origen, y podemos utilizar\n        servicios basados en la nube cuyos servidores est&aacute;n ubicados en\n        muchas ubicaciones diferentes. Tenga en cuenta que es posible que las\n        leyes de protecci&oacute;n de datos de algunos pa&iacute;ses, como los\n        Estados Unidos, no ofrezcan un nivel de protecci&oacute;n de la\n        privacidad equivalente al del Espacio Econ&oacute;mico Europeo (EEE), el\n        Reino Unido o su pa&iacute;s de origen. Si su uso de los Servicios\n        resulta en la transferencia de informaci&oacute;n personal del EEE a\n        pa&iacute;ses fuera del EEE, o del Reino Unido a pa&iacute;ses fuera del\n        Reino Unido, que no se considera que ofrezcan un nivel adecuado de\n        protecci&oacute;n de la privacidad, podemos confiar en ( i )\n        cl&aacute;usulas contractuales est&aacute;ndar aprobadas por la\n        Comisi&oacute;n Europea o seg&uacute;n la ley de protecci&oacute;n de\n        datos del Reino Unido, seg&uacute;n corresponda, y/o (ii) proveedores de\n        servicios externos en los Estados Unidos que est&eacute;n certificados\n        para recibir dicha informaci&oacute;n seg&uacute;n la ley de datos\n        UE-EE.UU. o Reino Unido-EE.UU. Marco de Protecci&oacute;n, seg&uacute;n\n        corresponda, u obtener su consentimiento para dichas\n        transferencias.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><span class=\"c17\">ALMACENAMIENTO/RETENCI&Oacute;N</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >La informaci&oacute;n personal que recopilamos no se almacenar&aacute;\n        por m&aacute;s tiempo del necesario para los fines descritos en esta\n        Pol&iacute;tica o para cumplir con requisitos legales, regulatorios,\n        impositivos, contables o de informes. En algunos casos, podemos\n        anonimizar su informaci&oacute;n personal (para que ya no pueda\n        asociarse con usted y ya no sea informaci&oacute;n personal) para fines\n        de investigaci&oacute;n o estad&iacute;sticos, en cuyo caso podemos usar\n        la informaci&oacute;n indefinidamente sin previo aviso.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c49\"><span class=\"c24 c54\">&nbsp;</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c30 c63\"><span class=\"c3 c41 c62\"></span></p>\n"}},"es2":{"configFile":{"continueShoppingLinkUrl":"","country":"australia","countryISO2":"AU","defaultDenomValue":5000,"defaultDenomValueIsSet":true,"disablePromoCode":true,"enableAnalytics":true,"enableDenomRange":true,"googleAnalyticsId":"UA-109658029-2","hasCustomAgreeTemplate":true,"hasFavIcon":true,"hideContinueShoppingLinkArrow":true,"languageModalAvailableOptions":[{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-AU","id":"en","name":"English (Australia)","region":"Australia · AUD $"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"fr-AU","id":"fr","name":"Français","region":"Australia · AUD $"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"es-AU","id":"es","name":"Spanish (US)","region":"Australia · AUD $"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"es2-AU","id":"es2","name":"Spanish (MX)","region":"Australia · AUD $"}],"phoneFormat":"+61 # #### ####","regionModalAvailableOptions":[{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-US","id":"us","name":"United States · USD $","targetPartner":"doordash"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-AU","id":"au","name":"Australia · AUD $","targetPartner":"doordashaus"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-NZ","id":"ca","name":"Canada · CAD $","targetPartner":"doordashca"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-NZ","id":"nz","name":"New Zealand · NZD $","targetPartner":"doordashnz"}],"regionModalLabels":{"header":"Change region"},"rightAlignRedemptionInstruction":true,"showAddCardBtnBelowPreview":true,"showAddToAccountButton":true,"showCountryInPayform":false,"showEmailWarning":true,"showGiftCardMessageField":true,"showGiftCardSummary":false,"showInfoLinksCheckout":true,"showInfoLinksIndex":true,"showLanguageAndRegionAsExtraLink":false,"showLanguageAndRegionOnTopOfTerms":true,"showTermsCheckout":false,"showTermsIndex":true,"showTermsOrder":false,"supportEmail":"[email protected]","trimRoundDecimal":true,"useCopyForPin":true,"useCustomAgreeReactTemplate":true,"useDenomCarousel":true,"useDenomFormatting":true,"useGiftCardPageAccordion":true,"useSpecialPromoBanner":false,"useSpecialPromoInstruction":false,"useSuccessLinksTemplate":true,"customerSupport":"\n      <div>¿Necesitas ayuda? 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La aplicación de DoorDash reúne a tus personas favoritas con la comida que les gusta. Regala una entrega a domicilio a tus seres queridos para que sus noches sean más fáciles, que sus días sean más felices y que tengan más tiempo para disfrutar de las personas y de las cosas que aman. Está disponible en Melbourne, Sídney, Geelong y Brisbane.</li>\n      <li>Una amplia selección que satisface todas tus necesidades: ¡comida y mucho más!</li>\n      <li>Órdenes fáciles de hacer y seguimiento en tiempo real</li>\n      <li>Personaliza tus órdenes</li>\n      <li>Opciones de retiro y de órdenes grupales</li>\n    </ul>\n  ","metaData":{"description":"Ahora los mejores restaurantes locales hacen entregas a domicilio. Recibe tu desayuno, almuerzo, cena y más desde tus restaurantes favoritos hasta la puerta de tu casa con solo un clic.","keywords":"Comida, entrega, desayuno, almuerzo, cena, comida para llevar, restaurantes, palo alto, menlo park, mountain view, los angeles, santa monica, mejor, local, entregar, favorito, restaurante, puerta, comidas, entregado, orden, toque, socio, encontrar comida, entregar con, hambre, regalo de comida, dar comida, Android, ios, esperar, listo, antojo, llevar, a tu puerta, la comida, puerta a puerta, aplicación, descargar, ordenar, retiro, retirar, restaurantes, ciudad, DoorDash, door dash, dasher, dashers, entregar, buenos, momentos, encontrar, historias, buenos días, vibras, www."},"terms":"\n    <h1>Términos y condiciones</h1>\n    <p>\n      Tu tarjeta de regalo solo se puede canjear para comprar órdenes elegibles realizadas en <a href='' target='_blank'></a> o en la aplicación de DoorDash en Australia. Las tarjetas de regalo están disponibles a través de DoorDash Technologies Australia Pty Ltd. Las tarjetas de regalo no se pueden usar para pagar una cuenta de crédito y no se pueden canjear por dinero en efectivo, excepto cuando lo exija la ley aplicable. Las compras con una tarjeta de regalo están sujetas a la política de reembolsos estándar de DoorDash, y cualquier monto de reembolso se acreditará a la cuenta del consumidor de DoorDash. Las tarjetas de regalo no caducan. Todos los canjes de tarjetas de regalo son definitivos y no se pueden revertir. Para obtener más información sobre las tarjetas de regalo, visita <a href='' target='_blank'></a>. Para conocer los Términos y condiciones completos de las tarjetas de regalo, visita <a href=';region=AU&locale=en-AU' target='_blank'>;region=AU&locale=en-AU</a>.\n    </p>\n  "},"langFile":{"customAgreeTextGroup":{"text1":"Acepto","text2":"y","ddLinkText":"los términos y condiciones de la tarjeta","lgcLinkText":"Términos de uso"},"addACard":"Agregar una tarjeta de regalo","addAnotherCard":"Agregar otra tarjeta de regalo","addAnotherCardIcon":"","addToAccountLabel":"Canjear tarjeta de regalo","addToAccountUrl":"","addToCartButtonLabel":"Continuar","backIcon":"","cartEmptyMessage":"Tu carrito está vacío.","checkoutAddCardText":"Agregar otra tarjeta de regalo","checkoutButtonLabel":"Realizar orden {price}","checkoutNavLabel":"Pago","checkoutTitle":"Tu carrito","continueShoppingLinkLabel":"Volver a DoorDash","copiedPINext":"Se copió el PIN","countryFlagOnValueSelectAlt":"","customAgreeTemplate":"","customCardholderNameLabel":"Nombre del titular de la tarjeta","customerSupportLink":"","customizeExtraText":{"text":"¿Deseas comprar muchas tarjetas de regalo de DoorDash? Regala comida a domicilio y regístrate con una cuenta de comprador hoy mismo.","title":"Muchas tarjetas de regalo"},"customizeExtraTextButton":"Comprar ahora","defaultDeliveryOption":"digital","deliveryHeader":"Seleccionar opción de entrega","displayedValueLabel":"Importe de la tarjeta:","footerHTML":{"terms":"Términos del servicio &copy;2023 DoorDash","text":"El regalo que se entrega solo"},"giftMessage":"Mensaje:","giftMessageLabel":"Mensaje de regalo","header":"Comprar una tarjeta de regalo de DoorDash","headerHTML":{"learnMore":"Más información","subtext":"Para todo apetito y cualquier ocasión","text":"Comprar una tarjeta de regalo de DoorDash"},"maxCardsDisclaimer":"Máx. de {maxCards} por orden","metaData":{"description":"Ahora los mejores restaurantes locales hacen entregas a domicilio. Recibe tu desayuno, almuerzo, cena y más desde tus restaurantes favoritos hasta la puerta de tu casa con solo un clic.","keywords":"Comida, entrega, desayuno, almuerzo, cena, comida para llevar, restaurantes, palo alto, menlo park, mountain view, los angeles, santa monica, mejor, local, entregar, favorito, restaurante, puerta, comidas, entregado, orden, toque, socio, encontrar comida, entregar con, hambre, regalo de comida, dar comida, Android, ios, esperar, listo, antojo, llevar, a tu puerta, la comida, puerta a puerta, aplicación, descargar, ordenar, retiro, retirar, restaurantes, ciudad, DoorDash, door dash, dasher, dashers, entregar, buenos, momentos, encontrar, historias, buenos días, vibras, www."},"navBtnText":"Personalizar","orderSubtitle":"Esto agregará créditos de tarjetas de regalo a tu cuenta de DoorDash, que podrás usar en cualquier momento.","partnerHeaderImageModalContent":{"items":[{"description":"De días festivos a cumpleaños, entrega alegría cuando envíes una comida.","title":"Celebra los momentos que importan"},{"description":"Usa las tarjetas de regalo de DoorDash en los restaurantes de tu vecindario o prueba otros lugares nuevos.","title":"Apoya a los favoritos locales"},{"description":"Proporciona una opción fácil de comida para tu equipo o tus compañeros de trabajo.","title":"Deleita a tu equipo"}],"title":"Tarjetas de regalo de DoorDash"},"payWithCard":"Pagar con tarjeta","paymentDetailsTitle":"Detalles personales","pinCopyLabel":"Copiar","previewYourOrder":"Pago","productDenomInputErrorMsg":"Ingresa un monto entre ${minDenom} y ${maxDenom}.","productDenomMissingInputErrorMsg":"","productTypeInfo":{"charity":{"productTypeInfoText":"DoorDash te ofrece la opción de comprar tarjetas de regalo para hacer donaciones a organizaciones y causas durante el año. Solo tienes que comprar la tarjeta de regalo y nosotros haremos la donación a la organización sin fines de lucro seleccionada.","productTypeInfoText2":"Obtén más información sobre nuestros esfuerzos para asistir a los refugiados afganos y compra una tarjeta de regalo de DoorDash para el Comité Internacional de Rescate (IRC). El IRC utilizará las tarjetas regalo donadas para suministrar alimentos y productos básicos a las familias necesitadas.","productTypeInfoText3":"Las tarjetas de regalo compradas a través de DoorDash para hacer donaciones se entregarán al Comité Internacional de Rescate. En este momento, DoorDash no solicita donaciones a los residentes de Massachusetts, Illinois, Carolina del Sur, Misisipi, Alabama ni Hawái. La compra de una tarjeta de regalo no es deducible de impuestos.","productTypeInfoTextCntd":"Obtén más información sobre nuestros esfuerzos para asistir a los refugiados afganos y compra una tarjeta de regalo de DoorDash para el Comité Internacional de Rescate (IRC). El IRC utilizará las tarjetas regalo donadas para suministrar alimentos y productos básicos a las familias necesitadas.","productTypeInfoTextCntd2":"Las tarjetas de regalo compradas a través de DoorDash para hacer donaciones se entregarán al Comité Internacional de Rescate. En este momento, DoorDash no solicita donaciones a los residentes de Massachusetts, Illinois, Carolina del Sur, Misisipi, Alabama ni Hawái. La compra de una tarjeta de regalo no es deducible de impuestos.","tooltip":{"productTypeInfoText":"DoorDash te ofrece la opción de comprar tarjetas de regalo para hacer donaciones a organizaciones y causas durante el año. Solo tienes que comprar la tarjeta de regalo y nosotros haremos la donación a la organización sin fines de lucro seleccionada.","productTypeInfoTextCntd":"Obtén más información sobre nuestros esfuerzos para asistir a los refugiados afganos y compra una tarjeta de regalo de DoorDash para el Comité Internacional de Rescate (IRC). El IRC utilizará las tarjetas regalo donadas para suministrar alimentos y productos básicos a las familias necesitadas.","productTypeInfoTextCntd2":"Las tarjetas de regalo compradas a través de DoorDash para hacer donaciones se entregarán al Comité Internacional de Rescate. En este momento, DoorDash no solicita donaciones a los residentes de Massachusetts, Illinois, Carolina del Sur, Misisipi, Alabama ni Hawái. La compra de una tarjeta de regalo no es deducible de impuestos.","textBeforeTrigger":"Más información sobre &nbsp;","tooltipTriggerText":"Opción de entrega de donaciones"}}},"recipientEmailLabel":"Correo electrónico del destinatario","recipientHeader":"Otros detalles","recipientPhoneLabel":"Número de teléfono del destinatario","recipientRegionLabel":"Estado","redeemFAQs":{"helpCenter":{"boldText":"¿Necesitas ayuda?","link":"Preguntas frecuentes","text":"Visita DoorDash"},"items":[{"answer":{"bullet1":{"link":"","text":"Crea una cuenta o inicia sesión en la aplicación de DoorDash o en "},"bullet2":"Ve a la cuenta > Tarjeta de regalo","bullet3":"Ingresa el PIN de tu tarjeta de regalo"},"question":"¿Cómo canjeo una tarjeta de regalo?"},{"answer":{"bullet1":"Una amplia selección que satisface todas tus necesidades: ¡comida y mucho más!","bullet2":"Órdenes fáciles de hacer y seguimiento en tiempo real","bullet3":"Personaliza tus órdenes","bullet4":"Opciones de servicio para llevar y órdenes grupales"},"question":"¿Para qué puedo utilizar las tarjetas regalo?"},{"answer":"Las tarjetas de regalo no caducan.","question":"¿Tienen vencimiento las tarjetas de regalo?"},{"answer":"Esta tarjeta regalo solo se puede utilizar en Australia.","question":"¿Dónde se puede utilizar esta tarjeta regalo?"}],"terms":{"link1":"aquí","text":"Para consultar los términos y condiciones de las tarjetas de regalo de DoorDash (AU), haz clic","title":"Términos y condiciones de la tarjeta de regalo"}},"requiredAddCartFormErrors":{"delivery_option":"Seleccione una opción de entrega","gift_message":"Se requiere un mensaje de regalo","recipient_address_line_1":"Se requiere la línea 1 de dirección del destinatario","recipient_city":"Se requiere la ciudad del destinatario","recipient_email":"Se requiere el correo electrónico del destinatario","recipient_name":"Se requiere el nombre del destinatario","recipient_phone":"Se requiere el número de teléfono del destinatario","recipient_postal_code":"Se requiere el código postal del destinatario","recipient_region":"Se requiere el estado","sender_name":"Se requiere el nombre del remitente"},"requiredPayFormErrors":{"address":"Se requiere tu dirección","bank":"Se requiere tu información bancaria","card":"Se requiere la información de tu tarjeta de crédito","city":"Se requiere tu ciudad","email":"Se requiere tu correo electrónico","name":"Se requiere tu nombre","payment":"Se requiere el medio de pago","state":"Se requiere tu estado","terms":"Debes aceptar los términos de uso","zip":"Se requiere tu código postal"},"sendDate":"Enviar el:","senderNameLabel":"Nombre del remitente","specialHeaderNavCart":"","specialHeaderNavCartEmpty":"","specialHeaderNavLogo":"","stateDisplayName":"Estado/Territorio","stateDropdownPlaceholder":"","successLinksTextGroup":{"successLinksText":"Ordenar más"},"successPageHeader":"Resumen de la orden","typeLabelEmail":"Correo electrónico","typeLabelPhysical":"Correo","typeLabelPhysicalDisabled":"Correo (Indisponible)","typeLabelText":"Mensaje de texto","validAddCartFormErrors":{"emoji_restriction":"Con las tarjetas enviadas por correo, solo se admite el texto sin formato. Reemplaza los emoticonos por texto o envíalo por correo electrónico.","gift_message":"El mensaje de regalo debe tener 150 caracteres o menos","recipient_email":"Ingresa una dirección de correo electrónico válida.","recipient_phone":"Ingresa un número de teléfono válido","scheduled_date":"Ingresa una fecha de entrega presente o futura","scheduled_date_not_business_day":"Las tarjetas solo se pueden enviar por correo los días hábiles"},"validPayFormErrors":{"email":"Proporciona una dirección de correo electrónico válida","name":"Proporciona tu nombre y apellido","zip":"Proporciona una {zipLabel} válida"},"valueInputLabel":"¿Cuánto te gustaría regalar?","valueInputPlaceholder":"Personalizar","zipDisplayName":"Código postal","customerSupport":{"link":"sección de Asistencia de la tarjeta de regalo de DoorDash","text":"¿Necesitas ayuda? Visita la"},"indexPageAbout":{"bullet1":"Regala entregas de comida a domicilio con una tarjeta de regalo de DoorDash. La aplicación de DoorDash reúne a tus personas favoritas con la comida que les gusta. Regala una entrega a domicilio a tus seres queridos para que sus noches sean más fáciles, que sus días sean más felices y que tengan más tiempo para disfrutar de las personas y de las cosas que aman. Está disponible en Melbourne, Sídney, Geelong y Brisbane.","bullet2":"Una amplia selección que satisface todas tus necesidades: ¡comida y mucho más!","bullet3":"Órdenes fáciles de hacer y seguimiento en tiempo real","bullet4":"Personaliza tus órdenes","bullet5":"Opciones de retiro y de órdenes grupales","title":"Obtener más información sobre las tarjetas de regalo de DoorDash"},"orderHeader":"Canjea tu tarjeta de regalo de DoorDash de {denom_string} AUD","pageTitle":"Tarjetas de regalo de DoorDash en Australia | Entregas en este momento desde restaurantes cercanos","productAvailabilityText":"Las tarjetas de regalo en AUD solo son válidas en Australia","terms":{"text":"Tu tarjeta de regalo solo se puede canjear para comprar órdenes elegibles realizadas en <a href='' target='_blank'></a> o en la aplicación de DoorDash en Australia. Las tarjetas de regalo están disponibles a través de DoorDash Technologies Australia Pty Ltd. Las tarjetas de regalo no se pueden usar para pagar una cuenta de crédito y no se pueden canjear por dinero en efectivo, excepto cuando lo exija la ley aplicable. Las compras con una tarjeta de regalo están sujetas a la política de reembolsos estándar de DoorDash, y cualquier monto de reembolso se acreditará a la cuenta del consumidor de DoorDash. Las tarjetas de regalo no caducan. Todos los canjes de tarjetas de regalo son definitivos y no se pueden revertir. Para obtener más información sobre las tarjetas de regalo, visita <a href='' target='_blank'></a>. Para conocer los Términos y condiciones completos de las tarjetas de regalo, visita <a href=';region=AU&locale=en-AU' target='_blank'>;region=AU&locale=en-AU</a>.","title":"Términos y condiciones"},"valueHeaderLabel":"Valor (en AUD)","termsOfUse":"\n     <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c2\">&Uacute;LTIMA ACTUALIZACI&Oacute;N: </span\n      ><span class=\"c16\">1 de julio de 2024</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c3\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\"><span class=\"c2\">T&Eacute;RMINOS DE SERVICIO</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c3\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LEA DETENIDAMENTE ESTOS T&Eacute;RMINOS DE SERVICIO ANTES DE UTILIZAR\n        LOS SERVICIOS.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c3\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c3\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\"><span class=\"c2\">DEFINICIONES</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c3\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c7\">Marca</span><span class=\"c15\">&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >significa un cliente de LGC que emite la Tarjeta de regalo y\n        tambi&eacute;n es responsable de honrar y canjear la Tarjeta de\n        regalo.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c3\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c7\">Tarjeta de regalo </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >significa una tarjeta digital, un c&oacute;digo o una tarjeta\n        f&iacute;sica emitida por una Marca que el titular de la tarjeta puede\n        utilizar para comprar bienes o servicios &uacute;nicamente de la\n        Marca.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c3\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c7\">Servicio(s) </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >significa el sitio en l&iacute;nea y los mecanismos relacionados\n        mediante los cuales un Consumidor puede comprar una Tarjeta de Regalo de\n        la Marca directamente.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c3\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c3\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\"><span class=\"c2\">SERVICIOS</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c3\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Launch Gift Cards, Inc. y/o sus afiliados y subsidiarias\n        (colectivamente &ldquo;LGC&rdquo;, &ldquo;nosotros&rdquo;,\n        &ldquo;nuestro&rdquo; o &ldquo;nos&rdquo;) brindan el Servicio. La\n        compra de una Tarjeta de regalo de una marca a trav&eacute;s de este\n        Servicio se rige por estos T&eacute;rminos de servicio (los &ldquo; </span\n      ><span class=\"c15\">T&eacute;rminos </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&rdquo;). Tenga en cuenta que la Tarjeta de regalo en s&iacute; tiene\n        sus propios t&eacute;rminos y condiciones que rigen el uso de la tarjeta\n        de regalo con la Marca (los &ldquo; </span\n      ><span class=\"c15\">T&eacute;rminos de la Marca </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&rdquo;). Los T&eacute;rminos de marca son independientes y distintos\n        de estos T&eacute;rminos. Las instrucciones de uso y canje de la Tarjeta\n        de regalo se pueden encontrar en el reverso de la Tarjeta de regalo\n        f&iacute;sica o en los T&eacute;rminos de marca en l&iacute;nea. La\n        Tarjeta Regalo s&oacute;lo podr&aacute; utilizarse para adquirir bienes\n        y servicios ofrecidos por la Marca. LGC no es una instituci&oacute;n\n        financiera, una empresa de servicios monetarios ni un transmisor de\n        dinero. LGC no es un emisor de Tarjetas Regalo. Las Tarjetas de regalo\n        compradas a trav&eacute;s de los Servicios no se pueden transferir,\n        compartir ni revender. Cualquier intento de revender la Tarjeta de\n        regalo puede resultar en que LGC cancele o anule la Tarjeta de regalo.\n        Cualquier transacci&oacute;n que ocurra despu&eacute;s de cualquier\n        reventa se considerar&aacute; no autorizada.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c3\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c2\">ACEPTACI&Oacute;N DE LOS T&Eacute;RMINOS</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Estos T&eacute;rminos se aplican a todos los Servicios proporcionados\n        por LGC. LGC le proporciona los Servicios sujetos a su aceptaci&oacute;n\n        de estos T&eacute;rminos. LGC puede actualizar los T&eacute;rminos en\n        cualquier momento mediante la publicaci&oacute;n de una nueva\n        versi&oacute;n en l&iacute;nea, y su uso continuado de los Servicios\n        despu&eacute;s de dicha actualizaci&oacute;n constituye su\n        aceptaci&oacute;n vinculante de dichos cambios. Lea atentamente estos\n        T&eacute;rminos. Si no est&aacute; de acuerdo con estos T&eacute;rminos,\n        no debe utilizar los Servicios. Su uso continuado de los Servicios se\n        considera aceptaci&oacute;n de estos T&eacute;rminos.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Los Servicios est&aacute;n destinados a usuarios que tengan al menos 18\n        a&ntilde;os. No se permite el uso de los Servicios a personas menores de\n        18 a&ntilde;os.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13 c3\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c3\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c3 c5\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2\">REPRESENTACIONES DE USUARIO</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Al utilizar los Servicios, usted declara y garantiza que: (1) toda la\n        informaci&oacute;n que env&iacute;e ser&aacute; verdadera, precisa,\n        actual y completa; (2) mantendr&aacute; la exactitud de dicha\n        informaci&oacute;n y la actualizar&aacute; r&aacute;pidamente,\n        seg&uacute;n sea necesario; (3) usted tiene la capacidad legal y acepta\n        cumplir con estos T&eacute;rminos y cualquier otro t&eacute;rmino\n        asociado con los Servicios; (4) no es menor de edad en la\n        jurisdicci&oacute;n en la que reside; (5) no acceder&aacute; a los\n        Servicios a trav&eacute;s de medios automatizados o no humanos, ya sea a\n        trav&eacute;s de un bot, script o de otro modo; (6) no utilizar&aacute;\n        los Servicios para ning&uacute;n prop&oacute;sito ilegal o no\n        autorizado, o en violaci&oacute;n de cualquier ley. Si utiliza los\n        Servicios en nombre de una entidad comercial, usted declara que la\n        entidad comercial est&aacute; al d&iacute;a con las leyes en las que\n        est&aacute; organizada y que tiene autoridad para actuar en nombre de la\n        entidad comercial, haciendo declaraciones adicionales seg&uacute;n sea\n        necesario. . Si utiliza los Servicios en nombre de una entidad para\n        realizar un pedido de gran volumen (un &quot; </span\n      ><span class=\"c15\">Pedido al por mayor </span\n      ><span class=\"c7\">&quot; </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >), acepta los t&eacute;rminos y condiciones adicionales relacionados\n        con dicha compra.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Si proporciona informaci&oacute;n falsa, inexacta, desactualizada,\n        incompleta, fraudulenta o que se sospecha que es fraudulenta, o\n        act&uacute;a de manera fraudulenta o contraria a estos T&eacute;rminos,\n        LGC se reserva el derecho de suspender o cancelar su uso de los\n        Servicios. y rechazar cualquier uso futuro de los Servicios. Si no\n        proporciona la informaci&oacute;n o los datos necesarios para facilitar\n        la prestaci&oacute;n de los Servicios, es posible que no se le\n        proporcionen los Servicios.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2\">PANTALLA DE TARJETA DE REGALO</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC hace todo lo posible para mostrar con la mayor precisi&oacute;n\n        posible los colores, caracter&iacute;sticas, especificaciones y detalles\n        asociados con las Tarjetas de regalo que est&aacute;n disponibles a\n        trav&eacute;s de los Servicios. Las Tarjetas de Regalo est&aacute;n\n        sujetas a disponibilidad dentro del territorio respectivo. LGC se\n        reserva el derecho de dejar de ofrecer tarjetas de regalo en cualquier\n        momento y por cualquier motivo. Las denominaciones asociadas con las\n        Tarjetas de regalo est&aacute;n sujetas a cambios. Cualquier\n        personalizaci&oacute;n de Tarjetas de regalo est&aacute; sujeta a los\n        t&eacute;rminos de Conducta del usuario (a continuaci&oacute;n).</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2\">COMPRAS Y PAGO</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Excepto para pedidos al por mayor, LGC puede aceptar las siguientes\n        formas de pago: Visa, MasterCard, </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">Discover, Amex,</span><span class=\"c9\">&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">Google Pay y </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >Apple Pay. Usted acepta proporcionar informaci&oacute;n de compra\n        actual, completa y precisa para todas las compras realizadas a\n        trav&eacute;s de los Servicios para que LGC pueda completar sus\n        transacciones y comunicarse con usted seg&uacute;n sea necesario. El\n        impuesto sobre las ventas se agregar&aacute; al precio de las compras\n        seg&uacute;n sea necesario. El precio que pagar&aacute;s es el precio\n        indicado al realizar tu pedido. </span\n      ><span class=\"c9\"\n        >Todos los pagos ser&aacute;n en d&oacute;lares australianos</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >. Los pedidos al por mayor requieren prepago mediante transferencia\n        bancaria. Las formas de pago aceptadas identificadas en esta\n        secci&oacute;n est&aacute;n sujetas a cambios.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Usted acepta pagar todos los cargos a los precios vigentes en el\n        momento de su compra, incluidos los gastos de env&iacute;o aplicables.\n        Usted autoriza a LGC a cobrar dichos montos al proveedor de pago elegido\n        al realizar su pedido. LGC se reserva el derecho de corregir cualquier\n        error o equivocaci&oacute;n en los precios, incluso si ya hemos\n        solicitado o recibido el pago.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c4\"\n        >Si realiza una compra utilizando los Servicios, su informaci&oacute;n\n        de pago es recopilada por procesadores de pagos de terceros (por\n        ejemplo, Stripe y Braintree) y se les transmite directamente a\n        trav&eacute;s de una conexi&oacute;n cifrada. Nuestros procesadores de\n        pagos usan, procesan y almacenan su informaci&oacute;n de acuerdo con\n        sus propias pol&iacute;ticas de privacidad y mantienen que cumplen con\n        PCI.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC se reserva el derecho de rechazar cualquier pedido realizado a\n        trav&eacute;s de los Servicios. LGC puede, a su entera\n        discreci&oacute;n, limitar o cancelar las cantidades compradas por\n        persona, por hogar o por pedido. Estas restricciones pueden incluir\n        pedidos realizados por o bajo la misma cuenta de cliente, el mismo\n        m&eacute;todo de pago y/o pedidos que utilicen la misma direcci&oacute;n\n        de facturaci&oacute;n o env&iacute;o. LGC se reserva el derecho de\n        limitar o prohibir pedidos que, a nuestro exclusivo criterio, parezcan\n        realizados por comerciantes, revendedores o distribuidores. LGC puede\n        prohibir o limitar a&uacute;n m&aacute;s las &oacute;rdenes para\n        garantizar el cumplimiento de la ley aplicable.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c2\">POL&Iacute;TICA DE DEVOLUCIONES/REEMBOLSOS</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Todas las ventas son finales. LGC no emite reembolsos.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2\">ENTREGA Y SEGURIDAD</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c24\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >La entrega se basa en la direcci&oacute;n de correo electr&oacute;nico,\n        el n&uacute;mero de tel&eacute;fono m&oacute;vil o la direcci&oacute;n\n        f&iacute;sica que proporcione. LGC no es responsable de fallas en la\n        entrega debido a una direcci&oacute;n (correo electr&oacute;nico o\n        f&iacute;sica) o n&uacute;mero de tel&eacute;fono m&oacute;vil\n        incorrecto o no v&aacute;lido que usted proporcione. LGC enviar&aacute;\n        la Tarjeta de regalo al destinatario identificado en la fecha de\n        env&iacute;o especificada en el momento de la compra.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c24\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >En el momento de la entrega, usted es el &uacute;nico responsable de la\n        seguridad y custodia de su Tarjeta de regalo. El enlace que se le\n        proporciona por correo electr&oacute;nico o mensaje de texto es la\n        &uacute;nica forma de acceder a su Tarjeta de regalo.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2\">CONDUCTA DEL USUARIO</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Usted acepta que no utilizar&aacute; los Servicios para:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c6\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Publicar, enviar por correo electr&oacute;nico, transmitir, cargar o\n        poner a disposici&oacute;n de otro modo contenido que acose, abuse,\n        difame o amenace a otros usuarios, que contenga malas palabras o\n        contenido obsceno o de otro modo objetable, o que degrade a otros;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c6\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Publicar, enviar por correo electr&oacute;nico, transmitir, cargar o\n        poner a disposici&oacute;n de otro modo contenido que contenga propiedad\n        intelectual de terceros, a menos que tenga derecho a hacerlo o viole la\n        privacidad, la publicidad u otros derechos personales de otros;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c6\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Publicar, enviar por correo electr&oacute;nico, transmitir, cargar o\n        poner a disposici&oacute;n de otro modo cualquier material que contenga\n        virus de software o cualquier otro c&oacute;digo, archivo o programa\n        inform&aacute;tico que (por dise&ntilde;o o funci&oacute;n) interrumpa,\n        destruya o limite la funcionalidad de cualquier software o hardware\n        inform&aacute;tico. o equipos de telecomunicaciones;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c6\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Violar cualquier ley o reglamento local, estatal, nacional o\n        internacional aplicable;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c6\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Poner a disposici&oacute;n el contenido proporcionado por LGC o a\n        trav&eacute;s de los Servicios a cualquier otro sitio web,\n        tecnolog&iacute;a de transmisi&oacute;n, software de igual a igual o\n        canal de distribuci&oacute;n no autorizado similar, a menos que LGC lo\n        autorice expresamente;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c6\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Utilice metaetiquetas o cualquier otro texto oculto utilizando nuestro\n        nombre o marcas comerciales;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c6\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Intentar descifrar, descompilar, desensamblar o aplicar\n        ingenier&iacute;a inversa a cualquier software que comprenda o de alguna\n        manera constituya cualquier parte de los Servicios; o</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c6\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Acceder a cualquier contenido que no est&eacute; destinado a su\n        uso.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >La violaci&oacute;n de los t&eacute;rminos de conducta del usuario\n        anteriores puede resultar en su imposibilidad de acceder a los\n        servicios.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Usted comprende que todo el contenido enviado a los Servicios por los\n        usuarios (&quot; </span\n      ><span class=\"c15\">Materiales del usuario </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&quot;), ya sea transmitido de forma privada o puesto a\n        disposici&oacute;n del p&uacute;blico, es responsabilidad exclusiva de\n        la fuente desde la cual se proporcionaron dichos Materiales del usuario.\n        Usted, no LGC, es totalmente responsable de todos los Materiales del\n        usuario que cargue, publique, comparta, env&iacute;e por correo\n        electr&oacute;nico, transmita o ponga a disposici&oacute;n de otro modo\n        a trav&eacute;s de los Servicios.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Usted reconoce que LGC puede realizar una selecci&oacute;n previa de\n        los Materiales del usuario y que LGC y sus designados tienen el derecho\n        (pero no la obligaci&oacute;n), a su entera discreci&oacute;n, de\n        rechazar, eliminar permanentemente y/o mover cualquier Material del\n        usuario que se env&iacute;e a trav&eacute;s de los Servicios. Sin\n        limitar lo anterior, LGC y sus designados tendr&aacute;n derecho a\n        eliminar cualquier Material del usuario que viole estos T&eacute;rminos\n        o que de otro modo sea objetable a su exclusivo y absoluto criterio.\n        Usted comprende que al utilizar los Servicios, puede estar expuesto a\n        Materiales del usuario que pueda considerar ofensivos u objetables.\n        Usted acepta que debe evaluar y asumir todos los riesgos asociados con\n        el uso o divulgaci&oacute;n de cualquier Material del usuario.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c11\">ENLACES Y TERCEROS</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c4\"\n        >Podemos proporcionar enlaces a otros sitios propiedad de terceros y\n        operados por ellos. No somos responsables de estos sitios de terceros,\n        de sus pol&iacute;ticas de privacidad ni de c&oacute;mo tratan la\n        informaci&oacute;n de los visitantes y usuarios. Le recomendamos que\n        revise sus pol&iacute;ticas de privacidad para obtener\n        informaci&oacute;n sobre c&oacute;mo esos sitios recopilan, utilizan y\n        protegen su informaci&oacute;n.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c3\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c3\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c18\"><span class=\"c2\">INDEMNIDAD</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Usted acepta defender, indemnizar y eximir de responsabilidad a LGC y\n        su empresa matriz, afiliados, subsidiarias, empleados, contratistas,\n        proveedores de telecomunicaciones, proveedores de contenido y\n        cesionarios y sus respectivos funcionarios, directores, empleados y\n        agentes de y contra todas y cada una de las responsabilidades,\n        reclamaciones. , acciones, demandas, da&ntilde;os, costos,\n        p&eacute;rdidas y gastos (incluidos los honorarios razonables de\n        abogados) realizados por cualquier tercero debido a o que surjan de: (i)\n        de su uso de los Servicios, (ii) cualquier incumplimiento o\n        incumplimiento por parte de usted de cualquier parte de estos\n        T&eacute;rminos; o (iii) su negligencia o violaci&oacute;n o supuesta\n        violaci&oacute;n de cualquier ley aplicable o derechos de un\n        tercero.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2\">MODIFICACIONES AL SERVICIO</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c3\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC se reserva el derecho de modificar o discontinuar, temporal o\n        permanentemente, los Servicios (o cualquier parte de los mismos), con o\n        sin previo aviso en cualquier momento. Usted acepta que LGC no\n        ser&aacute; responsable ante usted ni ante ning&uacute;n tercero por\n        cualquier modificaci&oacute;n, suspensi&oacute;n o interrupci&oacute;n\n        de los Servicios, salvo que se especifique lo contrario.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c3\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2\">TERMINACI&Oacute;N</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC puede, a su exclusivo y absoluto criterio y sin previo aviso ni\n        responsabilidad hacia usted o cualquier tercero, cancelar inmediatamente\n        su acceso a los Servicios en caso de (a) que usted incumpla o viole\n        estos T&eacute;rminos (b) solicitudes de las autoridades o del gobierno.\n        agencias o en el caso de sospecha de fraude o violaci&oacute;n de\n        cualquier ley aplicable en relaci&oacute;n con el uso de los\n        Servicios.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c2\">TRATAMIENTOS CON ANUNCIANTES Y OTROS USUARIOS</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Su interacci&oacute;n, tratos comerciales o participaci&oacute;n en\n        promociones de anunciantes, compradores, vendedores o agentes que se\n        encuentran en o a trav&eacute;s de los Servicios, incluido el pago y la\n        entrega de bienes o servicios relacionados, y cualquier otro\n        t&eacute;rmino, condici&oacute;n, garant&iacute;a o\n        representaci&oacute;n asociada. con dichos tratos, son &uacute;nicamente\n        entre usted y dicho tercero. LGC no ser&aacute; responsable de ninguna\n        p&eacute;rdida o da&ntilde;o de ning&uacute;n tipo incurrido como\n        resultado de dichas transacciones o como resultado de la presencia de\n        dichos anunciantes o terceros en los Servicios o su uso de los\n        mismos.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2\">ENLACES</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Los Servicios pueden proporcionar enlaces a otros sitios o recursos.\n        LGC no tiene control sobre dichos sitios y recursos, y usted reconoce y\n        acepta que LGC no es responsable de la disponibilidad de dichos sitios o\n        recursos externos, y no respalda ni es responsable de ning&uacute;n\n        contenido, publicidad, productos u otros. materiales en o disponibles en\n        dichos sitios o recursos. Adem&aacute;s, reconoce y acepta que LGC no es\n        responsable, directa o indirectamente, de ning&uacute;n da&ntilde;o o\n        p&eacute;rdida causada o presuntamente causada por o en conexi&oacute;n\n        con el uso o la confianza en dicho contenido, bienes o servicios\n        disponibles en o a trav&eacute;s de dicho sitio. o recurso.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2\">NUESTROS DERECHOS DE PROPIEDAD</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Todos los t&iacute;tulos, propiedad y derechos de propiedad intelectual\n        sobre los Servicios y los datos, informaci&oacute;n, materiales, marcas\n        comerciales, marcas de servicio, software, fotograf&iacute;as, videos,\n        im&aacute;genes y otro contenido (colectivamente, el &quot; </span\n      ><span class=\"c15\">Contenido </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&quot;) puestos a disposici&oacute;n a trav&eacute;s de los Servicios.\n        son propiedad de LGC, sus afiliados o licenciantes. A menos que se\n        indique lo contrario, los Servicios y todo el Contenido disponible a\n        trav&eacute;s de los Servicios est&aacute;n protegidos por derechos de\n        autor, marcas registradas, propiedad intelectual y otras leyes\n        aplicables y no pueden usarse excepto seg&uacute;n lo permitido por\n        estos T&eacute;rminos. Salvo que LGC lo autorice expresamente, usted\n        acepta no modificar, alquilar, arrendar, prestar, vender, distribuir o\n        crear trabajos derivados basados en el Contenido y los Servicios, en su\n        totalidad o en parte; siempre que, sin embargo, se le otorgue una\n        licencia limitada para acceder y utilizar los Servicios y el Contenido\n        como se describe en este documento.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >El contenido disponible a trav&eacute;s de los Servicios puede contener\n        errores tipogr&aacute;ficos, inexactitudes u omisiones, incluso en\n        descripciones, precios, disponibilidad y otra informaci&oacute;n\n        diversa. Nos reservamos el derecho de corregir cualquier error,\n        inexactitud u omisi&oacute;n y de cambiar o actualizar el Contenido en\n        cualquier momento, sin previo aviso.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c2\">PRIVACIDAD</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Consulte nuestra Pol&iacute;tica de privacidad para obtener\n        informaci&oacute;n sobre c&oacute;mo recopilamos, utilizamos y\n        divulgamos informaci&oacute;n.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2\">RENUNCIA DE GARANT&Iacute;AS</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\">USTED ENTIENDE Y ACEPTA EXPRESAMENTE QUE:</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >SU USO DE LOS SERVICIOS ES BAJO SU PROPIO RIESGO. LOS SERVICIOS SE\n        PROPORCIONAN &quot;TAL CUAL </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">&quot;</span><span class=\"c9\">&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">Y </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&quot;SEG&Uacute;N DISPONIBILIDAD&quot;, SIN DECLARACIONES DE EXACTITUD\n        O </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">AVA </span><span class=\"c9\">I </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">LABILIDAD. </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC RENUNCIA EXPRESAMENTE A TODAS LAS GARANT&Iacute;AS DE CUALQUIER\n        TIPO, YA SEA EXPRESA O IMPL&Iacute;CITA, INCLUYENDO, ENTRE OTRAS, LAS\n        GARANT&Iacute;AS IMPL&Iacute;CITAS DE COMERCIABILIDAD, IDONEIDAD PARA UN\n        PROP&Oacute;SITO PARTICULAR, EXACTITUD Y NO INFRACCI&Oacute;N. LGC NO\n        ASUME NINGUNA RESPONSABILIDAD POR LA PUNTUALIDAD, ELIMINACI&Oacute;N,\n        ENTREGA MALA O FALTA DE PROPORCIONAR CUALQUIER CONTENIDO O ALMACENAR\n        CUALQUIER CONFIGURACI&Oacute;N DE PERSONALIZACI&Oacute;N O MATERIAL DEL\n        USUARIO. NO OFRECEMOS GARANT&Iacute;AS DE QUE LOS SERVICIOS Y EL\n        CONTENIDO SIEMPRE ESTAR&Aacute;N DISPONIBLES O DE QUE EL CONTENIDO\n        SER&Aacute; EXACTO, COMPLETO, </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">SIN </span><span class=\"c9\">ERRORES </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">O CONFIABLE.</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c3\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >CUALQUIER CONTENIDO DESCARGADO U OBTENIDO DE OTRA MANERA A\n        TRAV&Eacute;S DE LOS SERVICIOS SE DESCARGA Y UTILIZA BAJO SU\n        RIESGO.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c3\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC NO GARANTIZA, RESPALDA NI ASUME RESPONSABILIDAD POR NING&Uacute;N\n        PRODUCTO O SERVICIO ANUNCIADO U OFRECIDO POR UN TERCERO, INCLUYENDO UNA\n        MARCA, A TRAV&Eacute;S DE LOS SERVICIOS O CUALQUIER SITIO WEB CON\n        HIPERV&Iacute;NCULO O APLICACI&Oacute;N M&Oacute;VIL PRESENTADA EN\n        CUALQUIER BANNER U OTRA PUBLICIDAD. LGC NO SER&Aacute; PARTE NI\n        SER&Aacute; RESPONSABLE DE NINGUNA MANERA, EL MONITOREO DE NINGUNA\n        TRANSACCI&Oacute;N ENTRE USTED Y TERCEROS PROVEEDORES DE PRODUCTOS O\n        SERVICIOS. AL IGUAL QUE CON LA COMPRA DE UN PRODUCTO O SERVICIO A\n        TRAV&Eacute;S DE CUALQUIER MEDIO O EN CUALQUIER ENTORNO, USTED DEBE\n        UTILIZAR SU MEJOR JUICIO Y TENER PRECAUCI&Oacute;N CUANDO\n        CORRESPONDA.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c3\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c3\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2\">LIMITACIONES DE RESPONSABILIDAD</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >USTED ENTIENDE Y ACEPTA QUE LGC NO SER&Aacute; RESPONSABLE ANTE USTED\n        POR NING&Uacute;N DA&Ntilde;O DIRECTO, INDIRECTO, INCIDENTAL, ESPECIAL,\n        CONSECUENCIAL O EJEMPLAR, INCLUYENDO, SIN LIMITACI&Oacute;N,\n        DA&Ntilde;OS POR P&Eacute;RDIDA DE BENEFICIOS, BUENA VOLUNTAD, USO,\n        DATOS U OTRAS P&Eacute;RDIDAS INTANGIBLES (INCLUSO SI LGC TEN&Iacute;A\n        SIDO INFORMADO DE LA POSIBILIDAD DE TALES DA&Ntilde;OS), QUE RESULTEN\n        DE: (i) EL USO O LA IMPOSIBILIDAD DE UTILIZAR LOS SERVICIOS; (ii) EL\n        COSTO DE ADQUISICI&Oacute;N DE BIENES Y SERVICIOS SUSTITUTOS QUE\n        RESULTEN DE CUALQUIER BIENES, DATOS, INFORMACI&Oacute;N O SERVICIOS\n        COMPRADOS U OBTENIDOS O MENSAJES RECIBIDOS O TRANSACCIONES REALIZADAS A\n        TRAV&Eacute;S DE O DESDE LOS SERVICIOS; (iii) ACCESO NO AUTORIZADO O\n        ALTERACI&Oacute;N DE SUS TRANSMISIONES O DATOS; (iv) DECLARACIONES O\n        CONDUCTA DE CUALQUIER TERCERO SOBRE LOS SERVICIOS; O (v) CUALQUIER OTRO\n        ASUNTO RELACIONADO CON LOS SERVICIOS. ALGUNAS JURISDICCIONES NO PERMITEN\n        LA EXCLUSI&Oacute;N DE CIERTAS GARANT&Iacute;AS O LA LIMITACI&Oacute;N O\n        EXCLUSI&Oacute;N DE RESPONSABILIDAD POR DA&Ntilde;OS INCIDENTALES O\n        CONSECUENCIALES. EN CONSECUENCIA, ALGUNAS DE LAS LIMITACIONES ANTERIORES\n        PUEDEN NO APLICARSE A USTED.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2\">NO HAY TERCEROS BENEFICIARIOS</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Usted acepta que, salvo que se indique expresamente lo contrario en\n        estos T&eacute;rminos, no habr&aacute; terceros beneficiarios de este\n        Acuerdo.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\"><span class=\"c2\">AVISO</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC puede proporcionarle avisos, incluidos aquellos relacionados con\n        cambios a estos T&eacute;rminos, por correo electr&oacute;nico o\n        publicaciones en los Servicios.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\"><span class=\"c19\">AVISO AL CONSUMIDOR DE CALIFORNIA</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c3\"><span class=\"c10\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c10\"\n        >Seg&uacute;n la Secci&oacute;n 1789.3 del C&oacute;digo Civil de\n        California, los usuarios de California tienen derecho al siguiente aviso\n        de derechos del consumidor: El sitio web es proporcionado por Launch\n        Gift Cards, Inc. y sus afiliados, 16501 Ventura Blvd Suite 410, Encino,\n        CA 91436. Si tiene alguna pregunta o queja sobre el sitio web,\n        comun&iacute;quese con el servicio de atenci&oacute;n al cliente de LGC\n        a trav&eacute;s de los m&eacute;todos enumerados en &quot; </span\n      ><span class=\"c19\">Preguntas </span\n      ><span class=\"c10\"\n        >&quot; a continuaci&oacute;n. Los residentes de California pueden\n        comunicarse con la Unidad de Asistencia para Quejas de la\n        Divisi&oacute;n de Servicios al Consumidor del Departamento de Asuntos\n        del Consumidor de California por correo postal en 1625 North Market\n        Blvd., Suite N. 112, Sacramento, CA 95834 o por tel&eacute;fono al (800)\n        952-5210 o Personas con discapacidad auditiva en TDD (800)\n        735-2929.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c3\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2\">INFORMACI&Oacute;N DE MARCA</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Nada de lo contenido en los Servicios o en estos T&eacute;rminos debe\n        interpretarse como una concesi&oacute;n, por implicaci&oacute;n,\n        impedimento legal o de otro modo, de cualquier licencia o derecho para\n        utilizar cualquier marca comercial mostrada en los Servicios sin el\n        permiso por escrito de LGC o de cualquier tercero que pueda ser\n        propietario de las marcas comerciales. . Est&aacute; estrictamente\n        prohibido el uso indebido de cualquier marca comercial mostrada en los\n        Servicios o de cualquier otro Contenido de los Servicios, excepto lo\n        dispuesto en estos T&eacute;rminos. Tambi&eacute;n se le informa que LGC\n        har&aacute; cumplir agresivamente sus derechos de propiedad intelectual\n        con todo el peso de la ley.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >AVISO Y PROCEDIMIENTO PARA PRESENTAR RECLAMACIONES POR\n        INFRACCI&Oacute;N DE DERECHOS DE AUTOR</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC podr&aacute;, en circunstancias apropiadas y a su\n        discreci&oacute;n, deshabilitar y/o cancelar las cuentas de aquellos\n        usuarios que infrinjan la propiedad intelectual de otros. Si cree que su\n        trabajo ha sido copiado de una manera que constituye una\n        infracci&oacute;n de derechos de autor, o que sus derechos de propiedad\n        intelectual han sido violados de alguna otra manera, proporcione a\n        nuestro Agente de derechos de autor un aviso por escrito (el\n        &quot;Aviso&quot;) que contenga la siguiente informaci&oacute;n: (i) un\n        firma electr&oacute;nica o f&iacute;sica de la persona autorizada para\n        actuar en nombre del propietario de los derechos de autor u otro\n        inter&eacute;s de propiedad intelectual; (ii) una descripci&oacute;n del\n        trabajo protegido por derechos de autor u otra propiedad intelectual que\n        usted afirma que ha sido infringida; (iii) una descripci&oacute;n de\n        d&oacute;nde se encuentra en los Servicios el material que usted afirma\n        infringe; (iv) su direcci&oacute;n, n&uacute;mero de tel&eacute;fono y\n        direcci&oacute;n de correo electr&oacute;nico; (v) una\n        declaraci&oacute;n suya de que cree de buena fe que el uso en disputa no\n        est&aacute; autorizado por el propietario de los derechos de autor, su\n        agente o la ley; (vi) una declaraci&oacute;n suya, hecha bajo pena de\n        perjurio, de que la informaci&oacute;n anterior en su Aviso es precisa y\n        que usted es el propietario de los derechos de autor o de la propiedad\n        intelectual o est&aacute; autorizado a actuar en nombre del propietario\n        de los derechos de autor o de la propiedad intelectual.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Puede comunicarse con el Agente de derechos de autor de LGC para\n        notificaciones de reclamos de derechos de autor u otras infracciones de\n        propiedad intelectual de las siguientes maneras:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Agente de derechos de autor, Launch Gift Cards, Inc., One Whitehall\n        Street, Nueva York, NY 10004.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\">Correo electr&oacute;nico: </span\n      ><span class=\"c26 c28\"\n        ><a class=\"c21\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"\n          >[email protected]</a\n        ></span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >ELECCI&Oacute;N DE LA LEY Y RESOLUCI&Oacute;N DE DISPUTAS</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Estos T&eacute;rminos se rigen por las leyes del Estado de Nueva York,\n        sin tener en cuenta sus principios de conflicto de leyes. Cualquier\n        disputa o reclamo que surja de estos T&eacute;rminos o los Servicios se\n        resolver&aacute; mediante arbitraje. Cualquier</span\n      ><span class=\"c25\">&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >El arbitraje se llevar&aacute; a cabo de conformidad con las reglas\n        aplicables de la Asociaci&oacute;n Estadounidense de Arbitraje (las\n        &ldquo;Reglas de Arbitraje&rdquo;). El arbitraje se llevar&aacute; a\n        cabo en Nueva York, Nueva York, por un &uacute;nico &aacute;rbitro\n        seleccionado por las partes del arbitraje. Las conclusiones, el\n        razonamiento, la decisi&oacute;n y el laudo del &aacute;rbitro se\n        declarar&aacute;n por escrito y se basar&aacute;n en la ley aplicable.\n        La sentencia sobre el laudo arbitral podr&aacute; dictarse en cualquier\n        tribunal que tenga jurisdicci&oacute;n. A menos que las Reglas de\n        Arbitraje requieran lo contrario, los honorarios y costos asociados con\n        el arbitraje ser&aacute;n compartidos equitativamente por las partes.\n        Por la presente, usted acepta la jurisdicci&oacute;n y competencia\n        exclusivas de los tribunales estatales y federales de Nueva York, Nueva\n        York. En la m&aacute;xima medida permitida por la ley aplicable, ninguna\n        disputa bajo estos T&eacute;rminos se unir&aacute; a una disputa que\n        involucre a cualquier otra parte sujeta a estos T&eacute;rminos, ya sea\n        a trav&eacute;s de procedimientos de arbitraje colectivo o de otro\n        modo.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\"><span class=\"c2\">INFORMACI&Oacute;N GENERAL</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c13\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >El hecho de que LGC no ejerza o haga cumplir cualquier derecho o\n        disposici&oacute;n de estos T&eacute;rminos no constituir&aacute; una\n        renuncia a dicho derecho o disposici&oacute;n. Si un tribunal de\n        jurisdicci&oacute;n competente determina que alguno es inv&aacute;lido,\n        las partes acuerdan no obstante que el tribunal debe esforzarse por dar\n        efecto a las intenciones de las partes tal como se reflejan en la\n        disposici&oacute;n, y las dem&aacute;s disposiciones de los\n        T&eacute;rminos permanecer&aacute;n en pleno vigor y efecto. .</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Los t&iacute;tulos de las secciones de estos T&eacute;rminos son solo\n        para su conveniencia y no tienen ning&uacute;n efecto legal o\n        contractual.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2\">PREGUNTAS</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c22\">\n      <span class=\"c9\">Comun&iacute;quese con </span\n      ><span class=\"c26\"\n        ><a class=\"c21\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"\n          >[email protected]\n        </a></span\n      ><span class=\"c9\"\n        >por correo electr&oacute;nico utilizando el asunto\n        &quot;T&eacute;rminos de servicio&quot; si tiene alguna pregunta o\n        comentario sobre estos T&eacute;rminos. Tambi&eacute;n puede\n        contactarnos v&iacute;a telef&oacute;nica al ( </span\n      ><span class=\"c20\">310) 566-1424.</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c22 c3\"><span class=\"c17\"></span></p>\n\n\n   <div>\n      <p class=\"c30 c56\"><span class=\"c62 c3 c41\"></span></p>\n    </div>\n    <p class=\"c44\"><span class=\"c1\">POL&Iacute;TICA DE PRIVACIDAD</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c22\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">Actualizado:</span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\">&nbsp; 1 de julio de 2024</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\">Esta Pol&iacute;tica de Privacidad (esta &quot; </span\n      ><span class=\"c17\">Pol&iacute;tica </span\n      ><span class=\"c2\"\n        >&quot;) describe las pr&aacute;cticas de privacidad y seguridad\n        asociadas con el sitio web y el servicio en l&iacute;nea (colectivamente\n        los &quot; </span\n      ><span class=\"c17\">Servicios </span\n      ><span class=\"c2\"\n        >&quot;) operados por Launch Gift Cards, Inc. y sus afiliados, como se\n        detalla con m&aacute;s detalle en esta Pol&iacute;tica (&quot; </span\n      ><span class=\"c17\">LGC </span\n      ><span class=\"c2\"\n        >&quot;, &ldquo;nosotros&rdquo;, &ldquo;nuestro&rdquo; o\n        &ldquo;nos&rdquo;).</span\n      ><span class=\"c31\">&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >El prop&oacute;sito de esta Pol&iacute;tica es identificar ( i )\n        qu&eacute; informaci&oacute;n recopilamos de y sobre clientes\n        comerciales y consumidores que acceden y utilizan los Servicios, (ii)\n        c&oacute;mo usamos, compartimos y aseguramos la informaci&oacute;n\n        recopilada, y (iii) qu&eacute; opciones tienes respecto a tu\n        informaci&oacute;n. No recopilamos categor&iacute;as adicionales de\n        informaci&oacute;n ni utilizamos informaci&oacute;n de ninguna manera no\n        especificada en este documento. Esta Pol&iacute;tica tambi&eacute;n le\n        informa sobre sus derechos y opciones con respecto a su\n        informaci&oacute;n personal, y c&oacute;mo puede contactarnos si tiene\n        preguntas relacionadas con esta Pol&iacute;tica.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c21 c60\"\n        >Lea atentamente esta Pol&iacute;tica antes de acceder y permanecer en\n        nuestro sitio web o utilizar nuestros Servicios. Si no est&aacute; de\n        acuerdo con los t&eacute;rminos de esta Pol&iacute;tica, no acceda a\n        nuestro sitio web ni utilice nuestros Servicios. Al acceder a nuestro\n        sitio web y utilizar nuestros Servicios, usted acepta los\n        t&eacute;rminos de esta Pol&iacute;tica y acepta la recopilaci&oacute;n\n        y el uso de su informaci&oacute;n como se establece a\n        continuaci&oacute;n.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        ><br />Podemos actualizar esta Pol&iacute;tica de vez en cuando\n        publicando la pol&iacute;tica revisada aqu&iacute;.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><span class=\"c17\">C&Oacute;MO CONTACTARNOS</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c22\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre esta Pol&iacute;tica o nuestras\n        pr&aacute;cticas de privacidad, puede comunicarse con nosotros de las\n        siguientes maneras:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c22\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">Direcci&oacute;n postal </span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >: Launch Gift Cards, Inc.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;\n        &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; A la\n        atenci&oacute;n de: Pol&iacute;tica de privacidad</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c22\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n        &nbsp;16501 Ventura Blvd, Suite 410</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c22\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n        &nbsp; &nbsp;Encino, CA 91436</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c22 c57\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;\n        &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c22\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">Correo electr&oacute;nico </span\n      ><span class=\"c2\">: </span\n      ><span class=\"c2\"\n        ><a class=\"c25\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"\n          >[email protected]\n        </a></span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >(incluya &quot;Pol&iacute;tica de privacidad&quot; en la l&iacute;nea\n        de asunto)</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c22\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">Tel&eacute;fono </span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\">: (833)780-1536</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c16 c30\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">QU&Eacute; INFORMACI&Oacute;N RECOPILAMOS</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Recopilamos informaci&oacute;n personal y otra informaci&oacute;n de\n        usted y sobre usted para proporcionar los Servicios. La\n        informaci&oacute;n personal es informaci&oacute;n sobre una persona\n        f&iacute;sica identificada o identificable (esto no incluye\n        informaci&oacute;n no identificada o agregada). Limitamos la\n        recopilaci&oacute;n de informaci&oacute;n personal a lo que sea\n        relevante y razonablemente necesario para facilitar la prestaci&oacute;n\n        de Servicios o para otro cumplimiento legal. LGC no recopila ni\n        solicita, a sabiendas o intencionalmente, ( i ) informaci&oacute;n\n        personal confidencial o (ii) informaci&oacute;n personal de ninguna\n        persona menor de 18 a&ntilde;os. La informaci&oacute;n que recopilamos\n        depende de los Servicios involucrados y puede incluir:<br\n      /></span>\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_1-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\"\n          >El contacto personal y la informaci&oacute;n profesional </span\n        ><span class=\"c2\"\n          >se refieren a la informaci&oacute;n que nos permite comunicarnos con\n          usted directamente, como su nombre y apellido, nombre de la empresa,\n          cargo, direcci&oacute;n de correo electr&oacute;nico, direcci&oacute;n\n          postal y n&uacute;mero de tel&eacute;fono m&oacute;vil. Esto puede\n          incluir informaci&oacute;n que usted proporcione sobre terceros que\n          reciben Productos (&quot; </span\n        ><span class=\"c17\">Destinatarios </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\">&quot;).</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">La Informaci&oacute;n t&eacute;cnica </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >se refiere a la informaci&oacute;n recopilada cuando utiliza los\n          Servicios, como su direcci&oacute;n IP, informaci&oacute;n del\n          dispositivo, informaci&oacute;n sobre la red que est&aacute;\n          utilizando para acceder a los Servicios, tipo y versi&oacute;n del\n          navegador, sus actividades mientras usa los Servicios, sitios web o\n          servicios visitados anteriormente. y el contenido que ve o en el que\n          hace clic.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">La informaci&oacute;n del pedido </span\n        ><span class=\"c2\"\n          >se refiere a la informaci&oacute;n recopilada cuando usted compra un\n          producto o servicio, como los productos solicitados, la\n          informaci&oacute;n de pago y la informaci&oacute;n de contacto\n          personal del remitente y el destinatario. Si realiza una compra\n          utilizando los Servicios, su </span\n        ><span class=\"c17\">Informaci&oacute;n de pago </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >, como el nombre y el n&uacute;mero de la tarjeta, y la\n          direcci&oacute;n de facturaci&oacute;n, se recopilan directamente de\n          usted y se almacenan mediante procesadores de pagos externos en\n          nuestro nombre, como se describe con m&aacute;s detalle a\n          continuaci&oacute;n.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c9 c19 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">Inter&eacute;s </span\n        ><span class=\"c2\">sobre productos y preferencias de productos.</span\n        ><span class=\"c17\">&nbsp;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">El contenido de las Comunicaciones </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >se refiere a la informaci&oacute;n que obtenemos cuando usted se\n          comunica con nosotros o se comunica con nosotros.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c16 c30\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">C&Oacute;MO RECOPILAMOS INFORMACI&Oacute;N</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c22\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >LGC recopila informaci&oacute;n de usted y sobre usted de las\n        siguientes maneras:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_2-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">Interacciones directas. </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Recopilamos informaci&oacute;n proporcionada voluntariamente por\n          usted, como informaci&oacute;n profesional y de contacto personal,\n          informaci&oacute;n de pedidos, contenido de las comunicaciones y\n          contenido generado por el usuario, cuando usted:</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_3-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\">Utilizar los Servicios;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Consultar sobre nuestros Productos y Servicios;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\">Realizar una compra;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\">Cont&aacute;ctenos; o</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\">Interact&uacute;a con nosotros.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_4-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">Autom&aacute;ticamente. </span\n        ><span class=\"c2\"\n          >Recopilamos Informaci&oacute;n t&eacute;cnica autom&aacute;ticamente\n          cuando utiliza los Servicios mediante el uso de cookies y\n          tecnolog&iacute;as similares, como se describe con m&aacute;s detalle\n          en la secci&oacute;n &quot; </span\n        ><span class=\"c7 c23\">Cookies </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\">&quot; a continuaci&oacute;n.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_4-0\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">Dispositivos m&oacute;viles. </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >LGC o sus socios tecnol&oacute;gicos externos pueden recopilar\n          informaci&oacute;n de ubicaci&oacute;n, incluida informaci&oacute;n de\n          ubicaci&oacute;n proporcionada por un dispositivo m&oacute;vil que\n          interact&uacute;a con una de nuestras aplicaciones o asociada con su\n          direcci&oacute;n IP o red Wi-Fi. Generalmente puede limitar o prohibir\n          la recopilaci&oacute;n de informaci&oacute;n de ubicaci&oacute;n\n          utilizando la configuraci&oacute;n integrada en su dispositivo\n          m&oacute;vil. No permitimos la recopilaci&oacute;n de\n          informaci&oacute;n de ubicaci&oacute;n precisa.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_4-0\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">Otras fuentes. </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Cuando alguien nos compra un Producto para enviarlo a un Destinatario\n          designado por el comprador, recopilamos Informaci&oacute;n de contacto\n          personal sobre el Destinatario. Cuando nos proporciona\n          informaci&oacute;n de contacto personal del destinatario, confirma que\n          tiene permiso para proporcionar informaci&oacute;n de contacto\n          personal del destinatario y comunicar&aacute; esta Pol&iacute;tica a\n          la atenci&oacute;n del destinatario.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">C&Oacute;MO UTILIZAMOS SU INFORMACI&Oacute;N</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >LGC recopila la informaci&oacute;n descrita anteriormente de usted y\n        sobre usted para los siguientes prop&oacute;sitos:</span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c51\">&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_5-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c9 c34 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Proporcionarle productos y servicios, incluso para procesar\n          pagos;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c34 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Responder a consultas y solicitudes y brindarle de otro modo la\n          informaci&oacute;n, productos o servicios que nos solicite.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c34 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Realizar auditor&iacute;as y verificaciones relacionadas con las\n          interacciones de los usuarios, que incluyen, entre otras, la\n          verificaci&oacute;n de la calidad y eficacia de nuestros\n          Servicios.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c34 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\">Mejorar los Servicios;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c34 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\">Administrar encuestas para uso interno;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c34 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Mantener la seguridad, integridad y calidad de nuestros productos,\n          Servicios, bases de datos, activos tecnol&oacute;gicos y negocios,\n          incluida la detecci&oacute;n de incidentes de seguridad, la\n          protecci&oacute;n contra actividades maliciosas, enga&ntilde;osas,\n          fraudulentas o ilegales y la prevenci&oacute;n de transacciones\n          fraudulentas;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c34 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\">Para fines de prevenci&oacute;n de fraude</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c34 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Cumplir con las leyes, normas y reglamentos de EE. UU., estatales,\n          locales y de fuera de EE. UU. y responder a consultas legales;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c34 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Realizar promociones relacionadas con los Servicios;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c35\"\n          >Facilitar transacciones comerciales como se describe en la\n          secci&oacute;n &#39; </span\n        ><span class=\"c7\">Transacciones comerciales </span\n        ><span class=\"c35\">&#39; a continuaci&oacute;n; </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\">y</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_5-0\">\n      <li class=\"c34 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2\"\n          >Seg&uacute;n lo dispuesto en la secci&oacute;n &#39; </span\n        ><span class=\"c7 c24\"\n          >Cumplimiento legal y protecci&oacute;n de la seguridad </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\">&#39; a continuaci&oacute;n.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >En determinadas circunstancias, las leyes exigen que obtengamos su\n        consentimiento para recopilar informaci&oacute;n para un\n        prop&oacute;sito particular. En estas circunstancias, obtendremos su\n        consentimiento en el momento en que recopilemos la\n        informaci&oacute;n.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Podemos combinar la informaci&oacute;n que recopilamos a trav&eacute;s\n        de su uso de los Servicios con informaci&oacute;n que recopilamos de\n        otras fuentes (por ejemplo, registros fuera de l&iacute;nea o\n        informaci&oacute;n disponible p&uacute;blicamente). Adem&aacute;s,\n        podemos anonimizar o anonimizar la informaci&oacute;n personal para que\n        ya no pueda asociarse con un individuo ni volver a identificarse. En\n        tales casos, podemos usar y compartir los datos an&oacute;nimos o\n        anonimizados sin previo aviso.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Adem&aacute;s, si es un cliente comercial, podemos utilizar su\n        informaci&oacute;n personal para mantenerlo informado sobre nuestros\n        productos y servicios, si nos ha dado su consentimiento para hacerlo, o\n        si tenemos una relaci&oacute;n existente con usted y deseamos\n        comunicarnos con usted. informarle sobre productos y servicios similares\n        a los que le proporcionamos, en los que pueda estar interesado. Puede\n        optar por recibir ciertos tipos de marketing, o todas las formas de\n        marketing en cualquier momento, poni&eacute;ndose en contacto con\n        nosotros y puede darse de baja para recibir correos electr&oacute;nicos\n        haciendo clic en el enlace &quot;optar por no participar&quot; o\n        &quot;cancelar suscripci&oacute;n&quot; que se proporciona en todos\n        nuestros correos electr&oacute;nicos de marketing. .</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">USO DE COOKIES Y OTRAS TECNOLOG&Iacute;AS</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >LGC utiliza &quot;cookies&quot; y tecnolog&iacute;a similar que se\n        guardan en su computadora o dispositivo m&oacute;vil para recopilar\n        autom&aacute;ticamente informaci&oacute;n sobre el uso de los Servicios.\n        Se pueden utilizar diferentes tipos de cookies, como cookies de\n        sesi&oacute;n o persistentes, para diferentes funciones. Las cookies\n        persistentes permanecen en el dispositivo de un usuario durante un\n        per&iacute;odo de tiempo determinado y se activan cada vez que un\n        usuario visita los Servicios donde se configuraron las cookies. Las\n        cookies de sesi&oacute;n son temporales y nos permiten vincular las\n        acciones de un usuario durante una sesi&oacute;n del navegador. La\n        informaci&oacute;n recopilada incluye informaci&oacute;n del\n        dispositivo, informaci&oacute;n sobre la red que est&aacute; utilizando\n        para acceder a los Servicios, sitios web o servicios que visit&oacute;\n        anteriormente y el contenido que ve o en el que hace clic.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c22\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Los Servicios utilizan los siguientes tipos de cookies y otras\n        tecnolog&iacute;as para los siguientes fines:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c30 c40\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_6-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c34 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">B&aacute;sico. </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Estos son esenciales para navegar por los Servicios y utilizar las\n          funciones, y nos permiten brindar servicios.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Aunque muchos navegadores est&aacute;n configurados inicialmente para\n        aceptar cookies, es posible que pueda ajustar su configuraci&oacute;n\n        para rechazarlas. Las opciones son espec&iacute;ficas del navegador y\n        del dispositivo, y si borra las cookies del navegador en cualquiera de\n        sus dispositivos, ser&aacute; necesario restablecer sus opciones de\n        exclusi&oacute;n voluntaria . Consulte la secci&oacute;n\n        &quot;Ayuda&quot; de su navegador o la configuraci&oacute;n integrada de\n        su dispositivo m&oacute;vil para obtener m&aacute;s informaci&oacute;n.\n        Adem&aacute;s, tenga en cuenta que solo se puede acceder a determinadas\n        &aacute;reas de los Servicios cuando las cookies est&aacute;n\n        habilitadas. Por lo tanto, deshabilitar las cookies puede impedirle\n        acceder a algunos de nuestros contenidos.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >INTERCAMBIO Y DIVULGACI&Oacute;N DE INFORMACI&Oacute;N</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c53\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >LGC no comparte ninguna informaci&oacute;n personal a cambio de dinero\n        u otra contraprestaci&oacute;n valiosa. LGC no proporciona ninguna\n        informaci&oacute;n personal a terceros con fines de publicidad\n        comportamental. LGC puede compartir y revelar cierta informaci&oacute;n\n        a lo siguiente:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c9 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_7-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">Proveedores de servicios: </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >compartimos informaci&oacute;n recopilada con terceros que procesan\n          informaci&oacute;n en nuestro nombre. Podemos utilizar dichos\n          proveedores de servicios para:</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_8-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\">alojar los Servicios;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >proporcionar mantenimiento de bases de datos y servidores y servicios\n          de seguridad y prevenci&oacute;n de fraude;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >ayudarnos a participar en actividades promocionales relacionadas con\n          los Servicios;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >ayudar con la transmisi&oacute;n de correos electr&oacute;nicos,\n          mensajes de texto y entrega de correo postal;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\">ay&uacute;denos a analizar nuestras ofertas;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\">proporcionar servicio al cliente, y</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >procesar y cumplir transacciones en l&iacute;nea.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5 c39\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_9-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">Procesadores de pagos: </span\n        ><span class=\"c2\"\n          >cuando realiza una compra utilizando los Servicios, las empresas de\n          procesamiento de pagos y una empresa de prevenci&oacute;n de fraude\n          recopilan y almacenan Informaci&oacute;n de pago. Hemos contratado a\n          Braintree, una divisi&oacute;n de PayPal, Inc., dlocal , Stripe, Inc.\n          y Riskified para estos fines. Se proporciona m&aacute;s\n          informaci&oacute;n sobre sus pr&aacute;cticas de privacidad y\n          seguridad en la secci&oacute;n &#39; </span\n        ><span class=\"c7 c24\">Seguridad </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\">&#39; a continuaci&oacute;n.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_10-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\"\n          >Cumplimiento legal y protecci&oacute;n de la seguridad: </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >LGC puede acceder, preservar y divulgar su informaci&oacute;n si\n          as&iacute; lo requiere la ley o si cree de buena fe que dicho acceso,\n          preservaci&oacute;n o divulgaci&oacute;n es razonablemente necesaria\n          para: ( i ) cumplir con el proceso legal o responder a una solicitud o\n          citaci&oacute;n legal; (ii) hacer cumplir nuestros T&eacute;rminos de\n          uso de los Servicios; (iii) responder a reclamos de que su conducta ha\n          violado los derechos de terceros; (iv) responder a sus solicitudes de\n          servicio al cliente; (v) proteger los derechos, la propiedad o la\n          seguridad personal de LGC, sus usuarios y el p&uacute;blico; (vi) o\n          seg&uacute;n sea requerido para cumplir o permitido por las leyes y\n          regulaciones aplicables.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_11-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">Transacciones comerciales: </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >podemos transferir informaci&oacute;n recopilada si somos adquiridos,\n          vendidos o fusionados con otra entidad.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c44\"><span class=\"c1\">DERECHOS DE PRIVACIDAD EUROPEOS</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\"><span class=\"c1\">Responsables del tratamiento</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Si es residente del Espacio Econ&oacute;mico Europeo\n        (&ldquo;EEE&rdquo;) o del Reino Unido (&ldquo;UK&rdquo;), el Reglamento\n        General de Protecci&oacute;n de Datos (UE) 2016/679 o &ldquo;GDPR&rdquo;\n        o el GDPR seg&uacute;n forma parte de las leyes del Reino Unido\n        (&ldquo;RGPD del Reino Unido&rdquo;), los responsables del tratamiento\n        de su informaci&oacute;n personal son los siguientes:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c23 c35\">Para residentes del EEE </span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\">:</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c65\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Solo para informaci&oacute;n de pago, Launch Gift Cards BV en la\n        direcci&oacute;n registrada Schiphol Blvd 359, 1118BJ Schiphol,\n        Pa&iacute;ses Bajos; y</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_18-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c46 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2\"\n          >Para toda la dem&aacute;s informaci&oacute;n personal que figura en\n          la secci&oacute;n &quot; </span\n        ><span class=\"c7 c24\">Qu&eacute; informaci&oacute;n recopilamos </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >&quot; de esta Pol&iacute;tica, Launch Gift Cards, Inc.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c23 c35\">Para residentes del Reino Unido </span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\">:</span>\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_18-0\">\n      <li class=\"c36 c58 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Solo para informaci&oacute;n de pago, Launch Gift Card UK Ltd. en la\n          direcci&oacute;n registrada 5 New Street Square, Londres, Reino Unido,\n          EC4A 3TW; y</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c36 c46 li-bullet-0\" id=\"h.gjdgxs\">\n        <span class=\"c2\"\n          >Para toda la dem&aacute;s informaci&oacute;n personal que figura en\n          la secci&oacute;n &quot; </span\n        ><span class=\"c7 c24\">Qu&eacute; informaci&oacute;n recopilamos </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >&quot; de esta Pol&iacute;tica, Launch Gift Cards, Inc.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c44\"><span class=\"c1\">Cont&aacute;ctenos</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >Si tiene alguna pregunta o solicitud relacionada con el procesamiento\n        de su informaci&oacute;n de pago, comun&iacute;quese con Launch Gift\n        Cards BV y Launch Gift Card UK Ltd por correo electr&oacute;nico a </span\n      ><span class=\"c35 c55\"\n        ><a class=\"c25\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"\n          >[email protected]\n        </a></span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >; incluya &quot;Pol&iacute;tica de privacidad de UE/Reino Unido&quot;\n        en la l&iacute;nea de asunto. .</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >Para cualquier otra pregunta o solicitud, comun&iacute;quese con Launch\n        Gift Cards, Inc. a los datos de contacto establecidos en la\n        secci&oacute;n &quot; </span\n      ><span class=\"c7 c24\">C&oacute;mo contactarnos </span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >&quot; arriba en la parte superior de esta Pol&iacute;tica.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\"><span class=\"c1\">Base legal para el procesamiento</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >El RGPD y el RGPD del Reino Unido tambi&eacute;n exigen que le\n        informemos sobre la base legal en la que nos basamos para procesar su\n        informaci&oacute;n personal. Estos se exponen a\n        continuaci&oacute;n:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_12-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">Nuestros intereses leg&iacute;timos. </span\n        ><span class=\"c2\"\n          >Consideramos que es de nuestro inter&eacute;s leg&iacute;timo\n          procesar su informaci&oacute;n personal para los fines establecidos en\n          la secci&oacute;n &#39; </span\n        ><span class=\"c7 c24\"\n          >C&oacute;mo utilizamos su informaci&oacute;n </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >&#39;. Por ejemplo, es de nuestro inter&eacute;s leg&iacute;timo\n          mantener la seguridad del sistema para que nuestras operaciones\n          comerciales funcionen sin problemas, comunicarnos con usted y cumplir\n          con sus solicitudes para brindarle los Servicios, realizar encuestas y\n          mejorar nuestros productos y servicios, y proteger nuestros derechos y\n          los derechos de los dem&aacute;s.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_12-0\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\"\n          >El procesamiento es necesario para la ejecuci&oacute;n de un contrato\n          para usted. </span\n        ><span class=\"c2\"\n          >El procesamiento de sus datos personales es necesario para brindarle\n          los Servicios seg&uacute;n nuestros t&eacute;rminos y\n          condiciones.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_12-0\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">De acuerdo con las leyes. </span\n        ><span class=\"c2\"\n          >Por ejemplo, para cumplir con requisitos legales y reglamentarios o\n          responder a una orden judicial o solicitud legal, como se describe en\n          la secci&oacute;n &#39; </span\n        ><span class=\"c7 c24\"\n          >C&oacute;mo utilizamos su informaci&oacute;n </span\n        ><span class=\"c2\">&#39; y en la secci&oacute;n &#39; </span\n        ><span class=\"c7 c24\"\n          >Compartir y divulgar informaci&oacute;n personal </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\">&#39;.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_12-0\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c17\">Consentir. </span\n        ><span class=\"c2\"\n          >En determinadas circunstancias, como se describe en &#39; </span\n        ><span class=\"c7 c24\"\n          >C&oacute;mo utilizamos su informaci&oacute;n </span\n        ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >&#39; anterior, podemos confiar en el consentimiento para procesar su\n          informaci&oacute;n personal. Cuando dependamos del consentimiento para\n          procesar su informaci&oacute;n personal, puede retirar su\n          consentimiento en cualquier momento.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5 c9\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\"><span class=\"c1\">Tus derechos</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >El RGPD y el RGPD del Reino Unido otorgan a los residentes del EEE y\n        del Reino Unido, respectivamente, ciertos derechos con respecto a su\n        informaci&oacute;n personal. Sujeto a ciertas excepciones, usted\n        puede:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_13-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Solicite acceso a su informaci&oacute;n personal.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Solicitar la correcci&oacute;n de su informaci&oacute;n personal que\n          hemos recopilado.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Solicitar la eliminaci&oacute;n de su informaci&oacute;n\n          personal.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Oponerse a nuestro procesamiento de su informaci&oacute;n\n          personal.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Solicitud de restricci&oacute;n del procesamiento de su\n          informaci&oacute;n personal.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Solicite una copia de su informaci&oacute;n personal que hemos\n          recopilado.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Solicitud de no estar sujeto a toma de decisiones automatizada o\n          elaboraci&oacute;n de perfiles.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >Puede ejercer sus derechos a trav&eacute;s de los datos de contacto\n        correspondientes establecidos anteriormente en la secci&oacute;n &#39; </span\n      ><span class=\"c7 c24\">Cont&aacute;ctenos </span\n      ><span class=\"c2\">&#39; de esta secci&oacute;n &#39; </span\n      ><span class=\"c17\">Derechos de </span\n      ><span class=\"c7 c24\">privacidad europeos </span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >&#39; de la Pol&iacute;tica. Siempre nos esforzaremos por cumplir con\n        su solicitud de ejercer estos derechos, pero a veces, podemos tener\n        motivos u obligaciones legales para rechazar su solicitud.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >Tambi&eacute;n tiene derecho a presentar una queja ante el regulador\n        local de protecci&oacute;n de datos en Europa, incluso si no est&aacute;\n        de acuerdo con nuestra respuesta a su solicitud. El nombre y los datos\n        de contacto de su regulador local de protecci&oacute;n de datos se\n        pueden encontrar aqu&iacute;: </span\n      ><span class=\"c55 c35\"\n        ><a\n          class=\"c25\"\n          href=\";sa=D&amp;source=editors&amp;ust=1720026382464891&amp;usg=AOvVaw0b5FnQggde8mMVqXnKj8hC\"\n          >\n        </a></span\n      ><span class=\"c2\">o, para el Reino Unido , </span\n      ><span class=\"c55 c35\"\n        ><a\n          class=\"c25\"\n          href=\";sa=D&amp;source=editors&amp;ust=1720026382465533&amp;usg=AOvVaw3jWAS9_lbtf7KPdCsqaMxp\"\n          >\n        </a></span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Si tiene alguna inquietud, le solicitamos que se comunique con nosotros\n        primero para que podamos investigar y resolver sus inquietudes.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\"><span class=\"c1\">Toma de decisiones automatizada</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >La toma de decisiones automatizada tiene lugar cuando un sistema\n        electr&oacute;nico utiliza informaci&oacute;n personal para tomar una\n        decisi&oacute;n relevante para usted sin ninguna participaci&oacute;n\n        humana. Cuando esto tenga un efecto legal o un efecto igualmente\n        significativo, el RGPD y el RGPD del Reino Unido imponen requisitos\n        adicionales. Llevamos a cabo un control automatizado de las\n        transacciones de pago con fines relacionados con el fraude. Esto implica\n        que procesemos su informaci&oacute;n de pago. Consideramos que debemos\n        hacer esto </span\n      ><span class=\"c35\"\n        >para celebrar con usted el contrato para la compra de la tarjeta regalo\n        y, en la medida aplicable, para cumplir con cualquier obligaci&oacute;n\n        regulatoria para prevenir y detectar fraude. Esta evaluaci&oacute;n se\n        lleva a cabo en un enfoque por capas e incluye la evaluaci&oacute;n de\n        su actividad de pago y la ejecuci&oacute;n de la transacci&oacute;n a\n        trav&eacute;s de un modelo de decisi&oacute;n de fraude para buscar\n        patrones. Esto podr&iacute;a provocar que se rechace la\n        transacci&oacute;n y que usted no pueda comprar la tarjeta de regalo. Si\n        su transacci&oacute;n ha sido rechazada y desea apelar esto,\n        comun&iacute;quese con el n&uacute;mero de servicio al cliente\n        disponible a trav&eacute;s del sitio web correspondiente. Si tiene\n        alguna pregunta o inquietud relacionada con el procesamiento de esta\n        Informaci&oacute;n de pago, comun&iacute;quese con nosotros a\n        trav&eacute;s de los detalles anteriores.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c44\">\n      <span class=\"c1\">DERECHOS DE PRIVACIDAD DE CALIFORNIA</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c27\">\n      <span class=\"c35\"\n        >Esta secci&oacute;n de Derechos de Privacidad de California (el &ldquo; </span\n      ><span class=\"c21\">Aviso de Privacidad de California </span\n      ><span class=\"c35\"\n        >&rdquo;) complementa la Pol&iacute;tica establecida anteriormente con\n        respecto a derechos espec&iacute;ficos otorgados bajo la Ley de\n        Privacidad del Consumidor de California de 2018, seg&uacute;n enmendada\n        (la &ldquo; </span\n      ><span class=\"c21\">CCPA </span\n      ><span class=\"c4 c3\"\n        >&rdquo;) a personas f&iacute;sicas residentes de California y\n        proporciona informaci&oacute;n sobre c&oacute;mo dichos residentes de\n        California pueden ejercer sus derechos bajo la CCPA. Este Aviso de\n        privacidad de California solo es relevante para usted si es residente de\n        California, seg&uacute;n lo determina la CCPA. La informaci&oacute;n que\n        debe divulgarse a los residentes de California seg&uacute;n la CCPA con\n        respecto a la recopilaci&oacute;n de su informaci&oacute;n personal que\n        no est&aacute; establecida en este suplemento de la CCPA se establece\n        arriba en la Pol&iacute;tica.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c27\">\n      <span class=\"c21\"\n        >Categor&iacute;as de informaci&oacute;n personal que recopilamos </span\n      ><span class=\"c35 c61\">: </span\n      ><span class=\"c35\"\n        >recopilamos o en los &uacute;ltimos doce (12) meses hemos recopilado\n        algunas o todas las siguientes categor&iacute;as de informaci&oacute;n\n        personal de individuos:</span\n      ><span class=\"c28\">&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <a id=\"t.7c66adf895221f9847c492b33121156950e51967\"></a><a id=\"t.0\"></a>\n    <table class=\"c37\">\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c43\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\"><span class=\"c21 c3 c41\">Categor&iacute;a</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c42\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\"><span class=\"c21 c3 c41\">Ejemplos</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c43\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\"><span class=\"c21 c3 c41\">Recogido</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">A. Identificadores</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Nombre, detalles de contacto y direcci&oacute;n (incluida la\n              direcci&oacute;n f&iacute;sica, la direcci&oacute;n de correo\n              electr&oacute;nico y la direcci&oacute;n de Protocolo de Internet)\n              y otra identificaci&oacute;n (incluido el n&uacute;mero de seguro\n              social, n&uacute;mero de pasaporte y n&uacute;mero de licencia de\n              conducir o tarjeta de identificaci&oacute;n estatal).</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">S&Iacute;</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >B. Categor&iacute;as de informaci&oacute;n personal enumeradas en\n              el estatuto de Registros de clientes de California (C&oacute;digo\n              Civil de California &sect; 1798.80(e))</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c30 c32\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >N&uacute;mero de tel&eacute;fono, firma, n&uacute;mero de cuenta\n              bancaria, otra informaci&oacute;n financiera (incluidas cuentas y\n              transacciones con otras instituciones e informaci&oacute;n contra\n              el lavado de dinero) y documentaci&oacute;n de verificaci&oacute;n\n              e informaci&oacute;n sobre el estado de los inversionistas\n              seg&uacute;n diversas leyes y regulaciones (incluido el\n              n&uacute;mero de seguro social, estado fiscal , ingresos y\n              activos).</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">S&Iacute;</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >C. Caracter&iacute;sticas de clasificaci&oacute;n protegidas\n              seg&uacute;n la ley federal o de California</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Fecha de nacimiento, ciudadan&iacute;a y lugar de\n              nacimiento.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\">D. Informaci&oacute;n comercial</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Datos de la cuenta y otra informaci&oacute;n contenida en\n              cualquier documento proporcionado por los inversores a proveedores\n              de servicios autorizados (ya sea directa o indirectamente),\n              tolerancia al riesgo, historial de transacciones, experiencia de\n              inversi&oacute;n y actividad de inversi&oacute;n,\n              informaci&oacute;n sobre una inversi&oacute;n potencial y/o real\n              en los fondos aplicables. ), incluido el porcentaje de propiedad,\n              la inversi&oacute;n de capital, los ingresos y p&eacute;rdidas, la\n              fuente de los fondos utilizados para realizar la inversi&oacute;n\n              en los fondos aplicables.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c3 c4\">S&Iacute;</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\">E. Informaci&oacute;n biom&eacute;trica</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Im&aacute;genes del iris, la retina, las huellas dactilares, la\n              cara, la mano, la palma, los patrones venosos y grabaciones de voz\n              o patrones o ritmos de pulsaci&oacute;n de teclas, patrones o\n              ritmos de la marcha, y datos de sue&ntilde;o, salud o ejercicio\n              que contienen informaci&oacute;n de identificaci&oacute;n.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >F. Internet u otra actividad de red similar</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Uso de nuestro sitio web, sala de datos de fondos y portal de\n              informes de inversores (por ejemplo, cookies, historial de\n              navegaci&oacute;n y/o historial de b&uacute;squeda), as&iacute;\n              como la informaci&oacute;n que nos proporciona cuando se comunica\n              con nosotros en relaci&oacute;n con consultas.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">S&Iacute;</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\">G. Datos de geolocalizaci&oacute;n</span>\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Ubicaci&oacute;n f&iacute;sica o movimientos.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">S&Iacute;</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">H. Datos sensoriales</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Informaci&oacute;n sonora, electr&oacute;nica, visual,\n              t&eacute;rmica, olfativa o similar.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >I. Informaci&oacute;n profesional o laboral</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Historial laboral actual o pasado o evaluaciones de\n              desempe&ntilde;o.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >J. Informaci&oacute;n educativa no p&uacute;blica (seg&uacute;n\n              la Ley de Privacidad y Derechos Educativos de la Familia (20 USC\n              Secci&oacute;n 1232g, 34 CFR Parte 99))</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Registros educativos directamente relacionados con un estudiante\n              mantenidos por una instituci&oacute;n educativa o parte que\n              act&uacute;a en su nombre, como calificaciones, expedientes\n              acad&eacute;micos, listas de clases, horarios de los estudiantes,\n              c&oacute;digos de identificaci&oacute;n de los estudiantes,\n              informaci&oacute;n financiera de los estudiantes o registros\n              disciplinarios de los estudiantes.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >K. Inferencias extra&iacute;das de otra informaci&oacute;n\n              personal</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Perfil que refleja las preferencias, caracter&iacute;sticas,\n              tendencias psicol&oacute;gicas, predisposiciones, comportamiento,\n              actitudes, inteligencia, habilidades y aptitudes de una\n              persona.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >L. Informaci&oacute;n personal confidencial (consulte m&aacute;s\n              informaci&oacute;n sobre el uso de informaci&oacute;n personal\n              confidencial a continuaci&oacute;n)</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c13\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >N&uacute;meros de seguro social, licencia de conducir, tarjeta de\n              identificaci&oacute;n estatal o pasaporte; inicio de sesi&oacute;n\n              de cuenta, cuenta financiera, tarjeta de d&eacute;bito o\n              n&uacute;mero de tarjeta de cr&eacute;dito en combinaci&oacute;n\n              con cualquier c&oacute;digo de seguridad o acceso,\n              contrase&ntilde;a o credencial requeridos que permitan el acceso a\n              una cuenta; geolocalizaci&oacute;n precisa; origen racial o\n              &eacute;tnico; creencias religiosas o filos&oacute;ficas;\n              Membres&iacute;a de la uni&oacute;n; datos gen&eacute;ticos; el\n              contenido del correo, correo electr&oacute;nico y mensajes de\n              texto de un consumidor, a menos que usted sea el destinatario\n              previsto de la comunicaci&oacute;n; informaci&oacute;n\n              biom&eacute;trica con el fin de identificar de forma &uacute;nica\n              a un consumidor; e informaci&oacute;n personal recopilada y\n              analizada sobre la salud, la vida sexual o la orientaci&oacute;n\n              sexual del consumidor.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c32 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c0\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >S&Iacute;, en cuanto a los siguientes tipos de\n              informaci&oacute;n: inicio de sesi&oacute;n de cuenta, cuenta\n              financiera en combinaci&oacute;n con cualquier c&oacute;digo de\n              seguridad o contrase&ntilde;a de acceso requerido; o credenciales\n              que permitan el acceso &uacute;nicamente a una cuenta.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n    </table>\n    <p class=\"c33 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c33\">\n      <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n        >No recopilamos ni utilizamos informaci&oacute;n personal sensible que\n        no sea:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_17-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c26 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n          >Para realizar servicios o proporcionar bienes, como razonablemente\n          esperar&iacute;a un consumidor promedio que solicita esos bienes o\n          servicios;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c26 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n          >Seg&uacute;n sea razonablemente necesario y proporcionado para\n          detectar incidentes de seguridad que comprometan la disponibilidad,\n          autenticidad, integridad y confidencialidad de la informaci&oacute;n\n          personal almacenada o transmitida;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c26 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n          >Seg&uacute;n sea razonablemente necesario y proporcionado para\n          resistir acciones maliciosas, enga&ntilde;osas, fraudulentas o\n          ilegales dirigidas a nosotros y para procesar a los responsables de\n          dichas acciones;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c9 c26 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n          >Para uso transitorio a corto plazo (pero no de una manera que revele\n          dicha informaci&oacute;n a otro tercero o se utilice para crear un\n          perfil suyo o alterar su experiencia fuera de su interacci&oacute;n\n          actual con nosotros);</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c26 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n          >Para realizar servicios en nombre de nuestro negocio;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c26 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n          >Para verificar o mantener la calidad o seguridad de un servicio o\n          para mejorar, actualizar o perfeccionar dicho servicio o dispositivo;\n          y</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c26 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c35\"\n          >Recopilar o procesar informaci&oacute;n personal sensible cuando\n          dicha recopilaci&oacute;n o procesamiento no tenga como objetivo\n          inferir caracter&iacute;sticas sobre un consumidor.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c33 c30 c9\"><span class=\"c4 c47\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c27\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">Divulgaci&oacute;n de informaci&oacute;n </span\n      ><span class=\"c2\">: </span\n      ><span class=\"c4 c3\"\n        >Divulgamos o en los &uacute;ltimos doce (12) meses hemos divulgado\n        informaci&oacute;n personal recopilada de usted para fines comerciales o\n        de negocios a las categor&iacute;as de terceros indicadas en el cuadro a\n        continuaci&oacute;n. Tambi&eacute;n podemos divulgar su\n        informaci&oacute;n a otras partes seg&uacute;n lo requiera la ley o la\n        regulaci&oacute;n, o en respuesta a consultas regulatorias o en\n        relaci&oacute;n con una transacci&oacute;n comercial.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <a id=\"t.330da160df61f503a5d866ca1b0bd4dc8991d6c8\"></a><a id=\"t.1\"></a>\n    <table class=\"c37\">\n      <tr class=\"c48\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c21 c3 c41\"\n              >Categor&iacute;a de informaci&oacute;n personal</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c52\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c21 c3 c41\"\n              >Categor&iacute;a de terceros destinatarios</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">A. Identificadores</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Proveedores de servicios y procesadores de pagos.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >B. Categor&iacute;as de informaci&oacute;n personal enumeradas en\n              el estatuto de Registros de clientes de California (C&oacute;digo\n              Civil de California &sect; 1798.80(e))</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c52\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Proveedores de servicios y procesadores de pagos.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >C. Caracter&iacute;sticas de clasificaci&oacute;n protegidas\n              seg&uacute;n la ley federal o de California</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">N / A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\">D. Informaci&oacute;n comercial</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Proveedores de servicios y procesadores de pagos.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\">E. Informaci&oacute;n biom&eacute;trica</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">N / A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >F. Internet u otra actividad de red similar</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Proveedores de servicios y procesadores de pagos.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\">G. Datos de geolocalizaci&oacute;n</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Proveedores de servicios y procesadores de pagos.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">H. Datos sensoriales</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">N / A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >I. Informaci&oacute;n profesional o laboral</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">N / A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >J. Informaci&oacute;n educativa no p&uacute;blica (seg&uacute;n\n              la Ley de Privacidad y Derechos Educativos de la Familia (20 USC\n              Secci&oacute;n 1232g, 34 CFR Parte 99))</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">N / A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >K. Inferencias extra&iacute;das de otra informaci&oacute;n\n              personal</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\"><span class=\"c4 c3\">N / A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c18\">\n        <td class=\"c6\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c29\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >L. Informaci&oacute;n personal confidencial</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c14\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c12\">\n            <span class=\"c4 c3\"\n              >Proveedores de servicios y procesadores de pagos.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n    </table>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c4 c47\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">Derechos bajo la CCPA </span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >: La CCPA brinda a los residentes de California ciertos derechos con\n        respecto a su informaci&oacute;n personal:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_14-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Derecho a solicitar que revelemos, no m&aacute;s de dos veces en un\n          per&iacute;odo de 12 meses:</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_15-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c19 c39 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Las categor&iacute;as y piezas espec&iacute;ficas de\n          informaci&oacute;n personal que hemos recopilado sobre usted.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c39 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Las categor&iacute;as y fuentes de las que se recopila\n          informaci&oacute;n personal.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c39 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Los fines empresariales o comerciales para la recopilaci&oacute;n de\n          informaci&oacute;n personal.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c11 c39 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Las categor&iacute;as de terceros con quienes revelamos\n          informaci&oacute;n personal.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_15-0\">\n      <li class=\"c11 c39 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c35\"\n          >Si divulgamos su informaci&oacute;n personal a un tercero y, de ser\n          as&iacute;, las categor&iacute;as de informaci&oacute;n personal que\n          obtuvo cada\n          destinatario.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_14-0\">\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Derecho a solicitar que eliminemos cualquier informaci&oacute;n\n          personal sobre usted que hayamos recopilado de usted, sujeto a ciertas\n          excepciones. Si se nos solicita que eliminemos su informaci&oacute;n\n          personal, al recibir una solicitud verificable, eliminaremos su\n          informaci&oacute;n personal de nuestros registros y ordenaremos a\n          cualquier proveedor de servicios que elimine su informaci&oacute;n\n          personal de sus registros.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Derecho a optar por no participar en la &quot;venta&quot; o\n          &quot;compartir&quot; su informaci&oacute;n personal con terceros, tal\n          como se define ese t&eacute;rmino en la CCPA. LGC no\n          &ldquo;vende&rdquo; ni &ldquo;comparte&rdquo; informaci&oacute;n\n          personal seg&uacute;n se definen esos t&eacute;rminos en la\n          CCPA.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c19 c9 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Derecho a solicitar una correcci&oacute;n de la informaci&oacute;n\n          personal que recopilamos y compartimos para los fines establecidos en\n          este documento. Si recibimos una solicitud verificable para corregir\n          informaci&oacute;n personal inexacta, haremos todos los esfuerzos\n          comercialmente razonables para corregir la informaci&oacute;n\n          seg&uacute;n lo haya solicitado.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c35\"\n        >No lo discriminaremos por ejercer sus derechos bajo la CCPA, incluso\n        neg&aacute;ndole el </span\n      ><span class=\"c2\">servicio </span\n      ><span class=\"c4 c3\"\n        >, sugiriendo que recibir&aacute; o cobrando tarifas diferentes por los\n        servicios o sugiriendo que recibir&aacute; o brindar&aacute; un nivel o\n        calidad de servicio diferente a t&uacute;.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >Los fines comerciales o de negocios para recopilar informaci&oacute;n\n        personal se describen en la secci&oacute;n anterior &#39; </span\n      ><span class=\"c7 c24\">C&oacute;mo utilizamos su informaci&oacute;n </span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\">&#39;.</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >Los residentes de California pueden ejercer sus derechos enviando una\n        solicitud en l&iacute;nea comunic&aacute;ndose con nosotros a\n        trav&eacute;s de los m&eacute;todos establecidos anteriormente en &quot; </span\n      ><span class=\"c7 c24\">C&oacute;mo contactarnos </span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >&quot;. Puede designar a un agente autorizado para realizar una\n        solicitud en su nombre. Es posible que le solicitemos prueba de su\n        identidad y de que el agente est&eacute; debidamente autorizado por\n        usted. No discriminamos a las personas que ejercen estos derechos.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Algunos navegadores de Internet han incorporado funciones de &quot;No\n        rastrear&quot;. La mayor&iacute;a de estas funciones, cuando\n        est&aacute;n activadas, env&iacute;an una se&ntilde;al o preferencia (la\n        &quot;Se&ntilde;al DNT&quot;) a los sitios web que visita indicando que\n        no desea que lo rastreen. En este momento, no respondemos a DNT\n        Signals.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c44\"><span class=\"c1\">DERECHOS DE PRIVACIDAD DE NEVADA</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >Adem&aacute;s de la informaci&oacute;n anterior, los residentes de\n        Nevada tienen derecho a presentar una solicitud verificada que nos\n        indique que no realicemos ninguna &ldquo;venta&rdquo; de\n        informaci&oacute;n cubierta recopilada sobre el consumidor a una persona\n        para que dicha persona otorgue licencia o venda la informaci&oacute;n a\n        personas adicionales, sujeto a a ciertas excepciones. No vendemos\n        informaci&oacute;n cubierta seg&uacute;n lo define la ley de\n        Nevada.</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\">&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11 c30\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\">\n      <span class=\"c1\">DERECHOS DE PRIVACIDAD DE VIRGINIA</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c53\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >La Ley de Protecci&oacute;n de Datos del Consumidor de Virginia (VCDPA)\n        otorga a los residentes de Virginia ciertos derechos con respecto a su\n        informaci&oacute;n personal:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c15 lst-kix_list_16-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c9 c36 c38 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Derecho a conocer la forma de recopilaci&oacute;n y uso de los datos\n          personales (como se establece anteriormente).</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Derecho a solicitar que eliminemos cualquier informaci&oacute;n\n          personal sobre usted que hayamos recopilado de usted, sujeto a ciertas\n          excepciones. Si se nos solicita que eliminemos su informaci&oacute;n\n          personal, al recibir una solicitud verificable, eliminaremos su\n          informaci&oacute;n personal de nuestros registros y ordenaremos a\n          cualquier proveedor de servicios que elimine su informaci&oacute;n\n          personal de sus registros.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Derecho a optar por no recibir publicidad dirigida y la\n          &ldquo;venta&rdquo; de su informaci&oacute;n personal a terceros, tal\n          como se define ese t&eacute;rmino en la VCDPA. LGC no participa en\n          publicidad dirigida ni en la &ldquo;venta&rdquo; de informaci&oacute;n\n          personal tal como se define ese t&eacute;rmino en la VCDPA.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c11 c9 c36 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Derecho a solicitar una correcci&oacute;n de la informaci&oacute;n\n          personal que recopilamos y compartimos para los fines establecidos en\n          este documento. Si recibimos una solicitud verificable para corregir\n          informaci&oacute;n personal inexacta, haremos todos los esfuerzos\n          comercialmente razonables para corregir la informaci&oacute;n\n          seg&uacute;n lo haya solicitado.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c9 c36 c59 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n          >Derecho a obtener una copia de la informaci&oacute;n personal que nos\n          ha proporcionado.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c45\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >Los residentes de Virginia pueden ejercer sus derechos\n        comunic&aacute;ndose con nosotros a trav&eacute;s de los m&eacute;todos\n        establecidos anteriormente en &quot; </span\n      ><span class=\"c7 c24\">C&oacute;mo contactarnos </span\n      ><span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >&quot;. Haremos todo lo posible para responder a cualquier solicitud\n        identificada anteriormente dentro de un per&iacute;odo de tiempo\n        comercialmente razonable y a m&aacute;s tardar en el per&iacute;odo\n        previsto en la VCDPA.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><span class=\"c17\">SEGURIDAD</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >LGC se esfuerza por utilizar medidas de seguridad f&iacute;sicas y\n        electr&oacute;nicas comercialmente razonables para proteger contra la\n        p&eacute;rdida, el acceso no autorizado, el uso indebido o la\n        alteraci&oacute;n de su informaci&oacute;n personal. Limitamos el acceso\n        a la informaci&oacute;n personal a aquellos empleados, agentes,\n        contratistas y otros terceros que tengan una necesidad comercial de\n        conocerla. Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que, a pesar de nuestros mejores\n        esfuerzos, ninguna medida de seguridad es perfecta o impenetrable, y no\n        podemos garantizar las medidas de seguridad de terceros.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c2 c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\">\n      <span class=\"c17\">TRANSFERENCIAS INTERNACIONALES DE DATOS</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >Cuando nos proporciona informaci&oacute;n personal sobre usted, se\n        trata de una transferencia directa de informaci&oacute;n personal de\n        usted a nuestros servidores en los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, como\n        operamos globalmente, podemos transferir y procesar informaci&oacute;n\n        personal sobre usted en nuestros servidores en los Estados Unidos y/o\n        pa&iacute;ses distintos de su pa&iacute;s de origen, y podemos utilizar\n        servicios basados en la nube cuyos servidores est&aacute;n ubicados en\n        muchas ubicaciones diferentes. Tenga en cuenta que es posible que las\n        leyes de protecci&oacute;n de datos de algunos pa&iacute;ses, como los\n        Estados Unidos, no ofrezcan un nivel de protecci&oacute;n de la\n        privacidad equivalente al del Espacio Econ&oacute;mico Europeo (EEE), el\n        Reino Unido o su pa&iacute;s de origen. Si su uso de los Servicios\n        resulta en la transferencia de informaci&oacute;n personal del EEE a\n        pa&iacute;ses fuera del EEE, o del Reino Unido a pa&iacute;ses fuera del\n        Reino Unido, que no se considera que ofrezcan un nivel adecuado de\n        protecci&oacute;n de la privacidad, podemos confiar en ( i )\n        cl&aacute;usulas contractuales est&aacute;ndar aprobadas por la\n        Comisi&oacute;n Europea o seg&uacute;n la ley de protecci&oacute;n de\n        datos del Reino Unido, seg&uacute;n corresponda, y/o (ii) proveedores de\n        servicios externos en los Estados Unidos que est&eacute;n certificados\n        para recibir dicha informaci&oacute;n seg&uacute;n la ley de datos\n        UE-EE.UU. o Reino Unido-EE.UU. Marco de Protecci&oacute;n, seg&uacute;n\n        corresponda, u obtener su consentimiento para dichas\n        transferencias.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2 c3\"\n        >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><span class=\"c17\">ALMACENAMIENTO/RETENCI&Oacute;N</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c11\">\n      <span class=\"c2\"\n        >La informaci&oacute;n personal que recopilamos no se almacenar&aacute;\n        por m&aacute;s tiempo del necesario para los fines descritos en esta\n        Pol&iacute;tica o para cumplir con requisitos legales, regulatorios,\n        impositivos, contables o de informes. En algunos casos, podemos\n        anonimizar su informaci&oacute;n personal (para que ya no pueda\n        asociarse con usted y ya no sea informaci&oacute;n personal) para fines\n        de investigaci&oacute;n o estad&iacute;sticos, en cuyo caso podemos usar\n        la informaci&oacute;n indefinidamente sin previo aviso.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c49\"><span class=\"c24 c54\">&nbsp;</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c30 c63\"><span class=\"c3 c41 c62\"></span></p>\n"}},"fr":{"configFile":{"continueShoppingLinkUrl":"","country":"australia","countryISO2":"AU","defaultDenomValue":5000,"defaultDenomValueIsSet":true,"disablePromoCode":true,"enableAnalytics":true,"enableDenomRange":true,"googleAnalyticsId":"UA-109658029-2","hasCustomAgreeTemplate":true,"hasFavIcon":true,"hideContinueShoppingLinkArrow":true,"languageModalAvailableOptions":[{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-AU","id":"en","name":"English (Australia)","region":"Australia · AUD $"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"fr-AU","id":"fr","name":"Français","region":"Australia · AUD $"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"es-AU","id":"es","name":"Spanish (US)","region":"Australia · AUD $"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"es2-AU","id":"es2","name":"Spanish (MX)","region":"Australia · AUD $"}],"phoneFormat":"+61 # #### ####","regionModalAvailableOptions":[{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-US","id":"us","name":"United States · USD $","targetPartner":"doordash"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-AU","id":"au","name":"Australia · AUD $","targetPartner":"doordashaus"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-NZ","id":"ca","name":"Canada · CAD $","targetPartner":"doordashca"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-NZ","id":"nz","name":"New Zealand · NZD $","targetPartner":"doordashnz"}],"regionModalLabels":{"header":"Change region"},"rightAlignRedemptionInstruction":true,"showAddCardBtnBelowPreview":true,"showAddToAccountButton":true,"showCountryInPayform":false,"showEmailWarning":true,"showGiftCardMessageField":true,"showGiftCardSummary":false,"showInfoLinksCheckout":true,"showInfoLinksIndex":true,"showLanguageAndRegionAsExtraLink":false,"showLanguageAndRegionOnTopOfTerms":true,"showTermsCheckout":false,"showTermsIndex":true,"showTermsOrder":false,"supportEmail":"[email protected]","trimRoundDecimal":true,"useCopyForPin":true,"useCustomAgreeReactTemplate":true,"useDenomCarousel":true,"useDenomFormatting":true,"useGiftCardPageAccordion":true,"useSpecialPromoBanner":false,"useSpecialPromoInstruction":false,"useSuccessLinksTemplate":true,"customerSupport":"\n      <div>Vous avez besoin d’assistance? Consultez le <a href='' target='_blank'>service de soutien aux cartes-cadeaux de DoorDash</a></div>\n    ","customizeExtraText":"\n    <h2 class='bulk-header'>Cartes-cadeaux en vrac</h2>\n    <div>Vous cherchez à acheter des cartes-cadeaux DoorDash en vrac? Offrez la livraison de nourriture en cadeau et créez un compte acheteur dès aujourd'hui!</div>\n  ","customizeExtraTextButton":"\n    <a target='_blank' href='' class='action-button action-button--bulk'>Magasinez maintenant</a>\n  ","footerHTML":"\n    <div class='doordash-footer__container'>\n      <div class=\"doordash-footer-text\">Le cadeau qui se livre</div>\n      <p class='doordash-order-footer_text'>\n        <img src='' class='doordash-order-footer_img' />\n        <a href=\"\">Conditions d'utilisation ©2023 DoorDash</a>\n      </p>\n    </div>\n  ","headerHTML":"\n      <div class='doordash-header__container'>\n      <div class=\"doordash-header-text\">Achetez une carte-cadeau DoorDash</div>\n      <div class=\"doordash-header-subtext\">Pour tous les appétits et toutes les occasions</div>\n        <img src='' class='doordash-order-header-logo' />\n      </div>\n    ","indexPageAbout":"\n    <div>\n      En savoir plus sur les cartes-cadeaux de DoorDash\n    </div>\n    <ul>\n      <li>Offre une livraison de nourriture en cadeau grâce à une carte-cadeau DoorDash. L’application DoorDash met en contact tes personnes favorites avec leur cuisine préférée. Offre-leur une livraison pour simplifier leurs soirées, égayer leurs journées et leur donner plus de temps libre pour profiter des gens et des choses qu’ils apprécient. Disponible à Melbourne, à Sidney, à Geelong et à Brisbane.</li>\n      <li>Une gigantesque sélection de mets et de restaurants</li>\n      <li>Commande facile et suivi en temps réel</li>\n      <li>Personnalisation de vos commandes</li>\n      <li>Options de ramassage et de commande de groupe</li>\n    </ul>\n  ","metaData":{"description":"Les meilleurs restaurants du coin offrent maintenant la livraison. Commande un déjeuner, un dîner, un souper ou d’autres plats de tes restaurants préférés livrés directement à ta porte en un simple clic.","keywords":"Nourriture, livraison, déjeuner, dîner, souper, plats à emporter, restaurants, palo alto, menlo park, mountain view, los angeles, santa monica, les meilleurs du voisinage, livrer, favorite, restaurant, seuil, mange, livré, commande, tapez, partenaire, trouver de la nourriture, livrer avec, faim, cadeau de nourriture, donner de la nourriture, Android, ios, attendre, prêt, envie, apporter, à votre porte, la nourriture, porte à porte, application, télécharger, commande, ramasser, ramasser, restaurants, ville, DoorDash, door dash, dasher, dashers, livrer, bon, moments, trouver, histoires, bons matins, ambiance, www."},"terms":"\n    <h1>Conditions générales</h1>\n    <p>\n      Ta carte-cadeau est utilisable pour des commandes admissibles passées sur <a href='' target='_blank'></a> ou dans l'application DoorDash en Australie. Les cartes-cadeaux sont rendues disponibles et fournies par DoorDash Technologies Australia Pty Ltd. Les cartes-cadeaux ne peuvent être utilisées pour payer un compte de carte de crédit et ne sont pas échangeables contre de l'argent, sauf lorsque la loi l'exige. Les achats avec une carte-cadeau sont assujettis à la politique de remboursement standard de DoorDash, et tout montant de remboursement sera recrédité sur le compte DoorDash applicable du client. Les cartes-cadeaux n'expirent pas. Toutes les utilisations de carte-cadeau sont finales et ne peuvent être annulées. Pour plus de renseignements sur les cartes-cadeaux, veuillez visiter <a href=';region=AU&locale=en-AU' target='_blank'>;region=AU&locale=en-AU</a>.\n    </p>\n  "},"langFile":{"addACard":"Ajouter une carte-cadeau","addAnotherCard":"Ajouter une carte-cadeau","addAnotherCardIcon":"","addToAccountLabel":"Utiliser une carte-cadeau","addToAccountUrl":"","addToCartButtonLabel":"Continuer","backIcon":"","cartEmptyMessage":"Votre panier est vide.","checkoutAddCardText":"Ajouter une autre carte-cadeau","checkoutButtonLabel":"Passer la commande {price}","checkoutNavLabel":"Paiement","checkoutTitle":"Votre panier","continueShoppingLinkLabel":"Retourner à DoorDash","copiedPINext":"NIP copié!","countryFlagOnValueSelectAlt":"","customAgreeTemplate":"","customAgreeTextGroup":{"ddLinkText":"les conditions générales de la carte","lgcLinkText":"Conditions d'utilisation.","text1":"J'accepte","text2":"et"},"customCardholderNameLabel":"Nom du détenteur de la carte","customerSupportLink":"","customizeExtraText":{"text":"Vous cherchez à acheter des cartes-cadeaux DoorDash en vrac? Offrez la livraison de nourriture en cadeau et créez un compte acheteur dès aujourd'hui!","title":"Cartes-cadeaux en vrac"},"customizeExtraTextButton":"Magasinez maintenant","defaultDeliveryOption":"digital","deliveryHeader":"Choisissez la méthode de livraison","displayedValueLabel":"Montant sur la carte","footerHTML":{"terms":"Conditions d'utilisation ©2023 DoorDash","text":"Le cadeau qui se livre"},"giftMessage":"Message :","giftMessageLabel":"Message de cadeau","header":"Acheter une carte-cadeau DoorDash","headerHTML":{"learnMore":"En savoir plus","subtext":"Pour tous les appétits et toutes les occasions","text":"Achetez une carte-cadeau DoorDash"},"maxCardsDisclaimer":"Max. de {maxCards} par commande","metaData":{"description":"Les meilleurs restaurants du coin offrent maintenant la livraison. Commande un déjeuner, un dîner, un souper ou d’autres plats de tes restaurants préférés livrés directement à ta porte en un simple clic.","keywords":"Nourriture, livraison, déjeuner, dîner, souper, plats à emporter, restaurants, palo alto, menlo park, mountain view, los angeles, santa monica, les meilleurs du voisinage, livrer, favorite, restaurant, seuil, mange, livré, commande, tapez, partenaire, trouver de la nourriture, livrer avec, faim, cadeau de nourriture, donner de la nourriture, Android, ios, attendre, prêt, envie, apporter, à votre porte, la nourriture, porte à porte, application, télécharger, commande, ramasser, ramasser, restaurants, ville, DoorDash, door dash, dasher, dashers, livrer, bon, moments, trouver, histoires, bons matins, ambiance, www."},"navBtnText":"Personnalisez","orderSubtitle":"Cela ajoutera des crédits de carte-cadeau à votre compte DoorDash que vous pouvez utiliser à tout moment.","partnerHeaderImageModalContent":{"items":[{"description":"Pour une fête ou un anniversaire, transmettez vos souhaits en faisant livrer un repas.","title":"Célébrez les occasions qui comptent"},{"description":"Utilisez la carte-cadeau DoorDash chez votre restaurant de quartier ou pour essayer un nouveau restaurant.","title":"Encouragez vos restaurants favoris locaux"},{"description":"Une façon simple d’offrir un repas à votre équipe ou à des collègues.","title":"Faites plaisir à votre équipe"}],"title":"Cartes-cadeaux DoorDash"},"payWithCard":"Payer Par Carte","paymentDetailsTitle":"Détails personnels","pinCopyLabel":"Copier","previewYourOrder":"Paiement","productDenomInputErrorMsg":"Entrez un montant entre {minDenom} $ et {maxDenom} $.","productDenomMissingInputErrorMsg":"","productTypeInfo":{"charity":{"productTypeInfoText":"DoorDash vous offre la possibilité d’acheter des cartes-cadeaux et de les remettre en dons à des organismes ou à des causes n’importe quand dans l’année. Il vous suffit d’acheter la carte et nous la remettrons à l’organisme sans but lucratif de votre choix.","productTypeInfoText2":"Apprenez-en plus sur nos efforts pour venir en aide aux réfugiés afghans et achetez une carte-cadeau DoorDash à l’intention du Comité international de secours (IRC). L’IRC utilisera les cartes offertes pour fournir de la nourriture et des biens essentiels aux familles qui en ont besoin.","productTypeInfoText3":"Les cartes-cadeaux achetées auprès de DoorDash pour être remises en don seront envoyées au Comité international de secours. DoorDash ne sollicite pas de dons auprès des résidents du MA et du MS, de l’IL et de l’AL, ainsi que de la SC. L’achat d’une carte-cadeau n’est pas déductible d’impôt.","productTypeInfoTextCntd":"En savoir plus sur nos efforts pour venir en aide aux réfugiés afghans et acheter une carte-cadeau DoorDash pour l’International Rescue Committee IRC). Les cartes-cadeaux recueillies seront utilisées par l’IRC pour acheter de la nourriture et des produits de première nécessité aux familles dans le besoin.","productTypeInfoTextCntd2":"Les cartes-cadeaux achetées pour faire un don par l’intermédiaire de DoorDash seront remises à l’International Rescue Committee. Pour l’instant, DoorDash ne sollicite pas les dons des résidents du Massachusetts, de l’Illinois, de la Caroline du Sud, du Mississippi, de l’Alabama et d’Hawaï. L’achat d’une carte cadeau n’est pas déductible d’impôt.","tooltip":{"productTypeInfoText":"DoorDash vous permet d’acheter des cartes cadeaux pour les donner à des organisations et des causes tout au long de l’année. Vous n’avez qu’à acheter la carte-cadeau, et nous la remettrons à l’organisme sans but lucratif de votre choix.","productTypeInfoTextCntd":"En savoir plus sur nos efforts pour venir en aide aux réfugiés afghans et acheter une carte-cadeau DoorDash pour l’International Rescue Committee IRC). Les cartes-cadeaux recueillies seront utilisées par l’IRC pour acheter de la nourriture et des produits de première nécessité aux familles dans le besoin.","productTypeInfoTextCntd2":"Les cartes-cadeaux achetées pour faire un don par l’intermédiaire de DoorDash seront remises à l’International Rescue Committee. Pour l’instant, DoorDash ne sollicite pas les dons des résidents du Massachusetts, de l’Illinois, de la Caroline du Sud, du Mississippi, de l’Alabama et d’Hawaï. L’achat d’une carte cadeau n’est pas déductible d’impôt.","textBeforeTrigger":"En savoir plus à propos de &nbsp;","tooltipTriggerText":"Méthode de livraison du don"}}},"recipientEmailLabel":"Courriel du destinataire","recipientHeader":"Autres détails","recipientPhoneLabel":"Téléphone du destinataire","recipientRegionLabel":"État/Territoire","requiredAddCartFormErrors":{"delivery_option":"Veuillez sélectionner une option de livraison","gift_message":"Vous devez fournir un message","recipient_address_line_1":"La ligne 1 de l’adresse du destinataire est requise","recipient_city":"Vous devez fournir le nom de la ville.","recipient_email":"Vous devez fournir l'adresse e-mail du destinataire.","recipient_name":"Vous devez fournir le nom du destinataire.","recipient_phone":"Le numéro de téléphone du destinataire est requis","recipient_postal_code":"Le code postal du destinataire est requis","recipient_region":"Vous devez indiquer l'État ou le territoire.","sender_name":"Vous devez fournir le nom de l'expéditeur"},"requiredPayFormErrors":{"address":"Vous devez fournir votre adresse","bank":"Vos informations bancaires sont nécessaires","card":"Vous devez fournir des informations de carte de crédit.","city":"Vous devez fournir votre ville","email":"Vous devez fournir votre adresse e-mail","name":"Vous devez fournir votre nom","payment":"Veuillez indiquer une méthode de paiement","state":"Votre province est requise","terms":"Vous devez accepter les Conditions d'utilisation","zip":"Vous devez fournir votre code postal"},"sendDate":"Envoyée le :","senderNameLabel":"Nom de l’expéditeur :","specialHeaderNavCart":"","specialHeaderNavCartEmpty":"","specialHeaderNavLogo":"","stateDisplayName":"État/Territoire","stateDropdownPlaceholder":"","successLinksTextGroup":{"successLinksText":"Commander plus"},"successPageHeader":"Résumé de la commande","terms":{"text":"Ta carte-cadeau est utilisable pour des commandes admissibles passées sur <a href='' target='_blank'></a> ou dans l'application DoorDash en Australie. Les cartes-cadeaux sont rendues disponibles et fournies par DoorDash Technologies Australia Pty Ltd. Les cartes-cadeaux ne peuvent être utilisées pour payer un compte de carte de crédit et ne sont pas échangeables contre de l'argent, sauf lorsque la loi l'exige. Les achats avec une carte-cadeau sont assujettis à la politique de remboursement standard de DoorDash, et tout montant de remboursement sera recrédité sur le compte DoorDash applicable du client. Les cartes-cadeaux n'expirent pas. Toutes les utilisations de carte-cadeau sont finales et ne peuvent être annulées. Pour plus de renseignements sur les cartes-cadeaux, veuillez visiter <a href=';region=AU&locale=en-AU' target='_blank'>;region=AU&locale=en-AU</a>.","title":"Conditions générales"},"termsOfUse":"\n<p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>DERNIÈRE MISE À JOUR : 1 juillet 2024</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>CONDITIONS D'UTILISATION</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">VEUILLEZ LIRE ATTENTIVEMENT CES CONDITIONS DE SERVICE AVANT D'UTILISER LES SERVICES.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>DÉFINITIONS</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><em>Marque</em></span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong><em> </em></strong></span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">désigne un client LGC qui émet la carte-cadeau et est également responsable d'honorer et d'échanger la carte-cadeau.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><em>Carte-cadeau </em></span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">désigne soit une carte numérique, un code ou une carte physique émise par une marque, utilisable par le titulaire de la carte pour acheter des biens ou des services uniquement auprès de la marque.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><em>Service(s) </em></span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">désigne le site en ligne et les mécanismes associés par lesquels un consommateur peut acheter directement la carte-cadeau d'une marque.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>PRESTATIONS DE SERVICE</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Launch Gift Cards, Inc. et/ou ses sociétés affiliées et filiales (collectivement « LGC », « nous », « notre » ou « nos ») fournissent le service. Votre achat d'une carte-cadeau d'une marque via ce service est régi par les présentes conditions de service (les «</span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong><em>&nbsp;Conditions</em></strong></span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">&nbsp;»). Sachez que la carte-cadeau elle-même a ses propres conditions générales qui régissent l'utilisation de la carte-cadeau avec la marque (les « </span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong><em>Conditions de la marque </em></strong></span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">»). Les Conditions de la marque sont distinctes des présentes Conditions. Les instructions d'utilisation et d'échange de la carte-cadeau se trouvent au dos de la carte-cadeau physique ou via les conditions de la marque en ligne. La Carte Cadeau ne peut être utilisée que pour acheter des biens et services proposés par la Marque. LGC n'est pas une institution financière, une entreprise de services monétaires ou un transmetteur de fonds. LGC n'est pas un émetteur de cartes-cadeaux. Les cartes-cadeaux achetées via les Services ne peuvent pas être transférées, partagées ou revendues. Toute tentative de revente de la carte-cadeau peut entraîner l'annulation ou la nullité de la carte-cadeau par LGC. Toute transaction intervenant après toute revente sera considérée comme non autorisée.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>ACCEPTATION DES CONDITIONS</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Les présentes Conditions s'appliquent à tous les Services fournis par LGC. LGC vous fournit les Services sous réserve de votre acceptation des présentes Conditions. LGC peut mettre à jour les Conditions à tout moment en publiant une nouvelle version en ligne, et votre utilisation continue des Services après une telle mise à jour constitue votre acceptation contraignante de ces modifications. Veuillez lire attentivement ces conditions. Si vous n'êtes pas d'accord avec ces Conditions, vous ne devez pas utiliser les Services. Votre utilisation continue des Services vaut acceptation des présentes Conditions.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Les Services sont destinés aux utilisateurs âgés d'au moins 18 ans. Les personnes de moins de 18 ans ne sont pas autorisées à utiliser les Services.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>REPRÉSENTATIONS DES UTILISATEURS</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">En utilisant les Services, vous déclarez et garantissez que : (1) toutes les informations que vous soumettez seront vraies, exactes, à jour et complètes ; (2) vous maintenirez l’exactitude de ces informations et les mettrez à jour rapidement, si nécessaire&nbsp;; (3) vous avez la capacité juridique et vous acceptez de vous conformer aux présentes Conditions et à toute autre condition associée aux Services&nbsp;; (4) vous n'êtes pas mineur dans la juridiction dans laquelle vous résidez&nbsp;; (5) vous n'accéderez pas aux Services par des moyens automatisés ou non humains, que ce soit via un robot, un script ou autre&nbsp;; (6) vous n'utiliserez pas les Services à des fins illégales ou non autorisées, ou en violation de toute loi. Si vous utilisez les Services au nom d'une entité commerciale, vous déclarez que l'entité commerciale est en règle en vertu des lois dans lesquelles elle est organisée et que vous avez le pouvoir d'agir au nom de l'entité commerciale, en faisant d'autres déclarations si nécessaire. . Si vous utilisez les Services au nom d'une entité pour effectuer une commande de gros volume (une «</span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong><em>&nbsp;Commande groupée</em></strong></span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><em>&nbsp;» </em></span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">), vous acceptez les conditions générales supplémentaires relatives à un tel achat.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Si vous fournissez des informations fausses, inexactes, périmées, incomplètes, frauduleuses ou soupçonnées d'être frauduleuses, ou si vous agissez de manière frauduleuse ou contraire aux présentes Conditions, LGC se réserve le droit de suspendre ou de mettre fin à votre utilisation des Services. et refuser toute utilisation future des Services. Si vous ne fournissez pas les informations ou les données nécessaires pour faciliter la fourniture des Services, ceux-ci pourraient ne pas vous être fournis.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>PRÉSENTOIR CARTE CADEAU</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">LGC s'efforce d'afficher aussi précisément que possible les couleurs, les caractéristiques, les spécifications et les détails associés aux cartes-cadeaux mises à disposition via les services. Les cartes-cadeaux sont soumises à disponibilité sur le territoire concerné. LGC se réserve le droit de cesser d'offrir des cartes-cadeaux à tout moment et pour quelque raison que ce soit. Les dénominations associées aux cartes-cadeaux sont susceptibles de changer. Toute personnalisation des cartes-cadeaux est soumise aux conditions de conduite de l'utilisateur (ci-dessous).</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>ACHATS ET PAIEMENT</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">À l'exception des commandes groupées, LGC peut accepter les modes de paiement suivants&nbsp;: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex, Google Pay et Apple Pay. Vous acceptez de fournir des informations d'achat à jour, complètes et exactes pour tous les achats effectués via les Services afin que LGC puisse finaliser vos transactions et vous contacter si nécessaire. La taxe de vente sera ajoutée au prix des achats selon les besoins. Le prix que vous paierez est le prix indiqué lors de votre commande. Tous les paiements doivent être effectués en dollars australiens. Les commandes groupées nécessitent un pré-paiement par virement bancaire. Les modes de paiement acceptés identifiés dans cette section sont sujets à changement.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Vous acceptez de payer tous les frais aux prix en vigueur au moment de votre achat et incluant les frais d'expédition applicables. Vous autorisez LGC à facturer ces montants au fournisseur de paiement choisi lors de la passation de votre commande. LGC se réserve le droit de corriger toute erreur ou faute de prix, même si nous avons déjà demandé ou reçu le paiement.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(34, 34, 34);\">Si vous effectuez un achat en utilisant les Services, vos informations de paiement sont collectées par des processeurs de paiement tiers (par exemple Stripe et Braintree) et leur sont transmises directement via une connexion cryptée. Nos processeurs de paiement utilisent, traitent et stockent vos informations conformément à leurs propres politiques de confidentialité et maintiennent qu'elles sont conformes à la norme PCI.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">LGC se réserve le droit de refuser toute commande passée via les Services. LGC peut, à sa seule discrétion, limiter ou annuler les quantités achetées par personne, par foyer ou par commande. Ces restrictions peuvent inclure des commandes passées par ou sous le même compte client, le même mode de paiement et/ou des commandes utilisant la même adresse de facturation ou de livraison. LGC se réserve le droit de limiter ou d'interdire les commandes qui, à notre seul jugement, semblent être passées par des revendeurs, des revendeurs ou des distributeurs. LGC peut en outre interdire ou limiter les commandes pour garantir le respect de la loi applicable.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>POLITIQUE DE RETOUR/REMBOURSEMENT</strong></span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Toutes les ventes sont définitives. LGC n’émet pas de remboursement.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>LIVRAISON &amp; SÉCURITÉ</strong></span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">La livraison est basée sur l'adresse e-mail, le numéro de téléphone portable ou l'adresse physique que vous fournissez. LGC n'est pas responsable de l'échec de livraison dû à une adresse (e-mail ou physique) ou à un numéro de téléphone portable invalide ou incorrect. LGC enverra la carte-cadeau au destinataire identifié à la date d'envoi spécifiée au moment de l'achat.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Lors de la livraison, vous êtes seul responsable de la sécurité et de la conservation de votre carte-cadeau. Le lien qui vous est fourni par e-mail ou SMS est le seul moyen d'accéder à votre carte cadeau.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>CONDUITE DE L'UTILISATEUR</strong></span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Vous acceptez de ne pas utiliser les Services pour&nbsp;:</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Publier, envoyer par courrier électronique, transmettre, télécharger ou rendre disponible de toute autre manière du contenu qui harcèle, abuse, diffame ou menace d'autres utilisateurs, qui contient des grossièretés, ou un contenu obscène ou autrement répréhensible, ou qui dégrade autrui&nbsp;;</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Publier, envoyer par e-mail, transmettre, télécharger ou rendre disponible de toute autre manière du contenu contenant la propriété intellectuelle d'un tiers, sauf si vous en avez le droit ou si vous violez la vie privée, la publicité ou d'autres droits personnels d'autrui&nbsp;;</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Publier, envoyer par courrier électronique, transmettre, télécharger ou rendre disponible de toute autre manière tout matériel contenant des virus logiciels ou tout autre code informatique, fichiers ou programmes qui (de par leur conception ou leur fonction) interrompent, détruisent ou limitent la fonctionnalité de tout logiciel ou matériel informatique. ou des équipements de télécommunications&nbsp;;</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Violer toute loi ou réglementation locale, étatique, nationale ou internationale applicable&nbsp;;</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Rendre disponible le contenu fourni par LGC ou via les Services sur tout autre site Web, technologie de streaming, logiciel peer-to-peer ou canal de distribution similaire non autorisé, sauf autorisation expresse de LGC&nbsp;;</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Utiliser des balises méta ou tout autre texte caché utilisant notre nom ou nos marques&nbsp;;</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Tenter de déchiffrer, décompiler, désassembler ou faire de l'ingénierie inverse sur l'un des logiciels comprenant, ou constituant de quelque manière que ce soit, une partie des Services&nbsp;; ou</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Accédez à tout contenu non destiné à votre usage.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">La violation des conditions de conduite de l'utilisateur ci-dessus peut entraîner votre incapacité à accéder aux services.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Vous comprenez que tout le contenu soumis aux Services par les utilisateurs (« </span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong><em>Documents utilisateur </em></strong></span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">»), qu'il soit transmis en privé ou rendu public, relève de la seule responsabilité de la source à partir de laquelle ces Documents utilisateur ont été fournis. Vous, et non LGC, êtes entièrement responsable de tous les éléments utilisateur que vous téléchargez, publiez, partagez, envoyez par courrier électronique, transmettez ou rendez disponibles de toute autre manière via les Services.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Vous reconnaissez que LGC peut présélectionner les éléments utilisateur et que LGC et ses représentants ont le droit (mais pas l'obligation), à leur seule discrétion, de refuser, de supprimer définitivement et/ou de déplacer tout élément utilisateur soumis via les services. Sans limiter ce qui précède, LGC et ses représentants auront le droit de supprimer tout matériel utilisateur qui viole les présentes conditions ou qui est autrement répréhensible, à sa seule et absolue discrétion. Vous comprenez qu'en utilisant les Services, vous pouvez être exposé à des Contenus utilisateur que vous pouvez considérer comme offensants ou répréhensibles. Vous acceptez que vous devez évaluer et supporter tous les risques associés à l'utilisation ou à la divulgation de tout matériel utilisateur.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:center;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(34, 34, 34);\"><strong>LIENS ET TIERS</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(34, 34, 34);\">Nous pouvons fournir des liens vers d'autres sites détenus et exploités par des tiers. Nous ne sommes pas responsables de ces sites tiers, de leurs politiques de confidentialité ou de la manière dont ils traitent les informations des visiteurs et des utilisateurs. Nous vous conseillons de consulter leurs politiques de confidentialité pour savoir comment ces sites collectent, utilisent et protègent vos informations.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:center;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>INDEMNITÉ</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Vous acceptez de défendre, d'indemniser et de dégager de toute responsabilité LGC et sa société mère, ses sociétés affiliées, filiales, employés, sous-traitants, fournisseurs de télécommunications, fournisseurs de contenu et cessionnaires ainsi que leurs dirigeants, administrateurs, employés et agents respectifs contre toute responsabilité, réclamation. , actions, demandes, dommages, coûts, pertes et dépenses (y compris les honoraires d'avocat raisonnables) effectués par un tiers en raison de ou découlant de&nbsp;: (i) votre utilisation des Services, (ii) toute violation ou non-conformité de la part de vous de toute partie de ces Conditions&nbsp;; ou (iii) votre négligence ou violation ou violation présumée de toute loi applicable ou des droits d'un tiers.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>MODIFICATIONS DU SERVICE</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">LGC se réserve le droit de modifier ou d'interrompre, temporairement ou définitivement, les Services (ou toute partie de ceux-ci), avec ou sans préavis, à tout moment. Vous acceptez que LGC ne soit pas responsable envers vous ou tout tiers pour toute modification, suspension ou interruption des Services, sauf indication contraire.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>RÉSILIATION</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">LGC peut, à sa seule et absolue discrétion et sans préavis ni responsabilité envers vous ou tout tiers, mettre immédiatement fin à votre accès aux Services dans le cas (a) de votre violation ou violation des présentes Conditions (b) de demandes des forces de l'ordre ou du gouvernement. agences ou en cas de suspicion de fraude ou de violation de toute loi applicable en relation avec l’utilisation des Services.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>RAPPORTS AVEC LES ANNONCEURS ET AUTRES UTILISATEURS</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Votre interaction avec, vos relations commerciales ou votre participation à des promotions d'annonceurs, d'acheteurs, de vendeurs ou d'agents trouvés sur ou via les Services, y compris le paiement et la livraison de biens ou de services associés, et tous autres termes, conditions, garanties ou représentations associés avec de telles transactions, sont uniquement entre vous et ce tiers. LGC ne sera pas responsable de toute perte ou dommage de quelque nature que ce soit encouru à la suite de telles transactions ou à la suite de la présence de tels annonceurs ou tiers sur les Services ou de votre utilisation de ceux-ci.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>LIENS</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Les Services peuvent fournir des liens vers d'autres sites ou ressources. LGC n'a aucun contrôle sur ces sites et ressources, et vous reconnaissez et acceptez que LGC n'est pas responsable de la disponibilité de ces sites ou ressources externes, et n'approuve pas et n'est pas responsable de tout contenu, publicité, produits ou autres. matériels disponibles sur ou à partir de ces sites ou ressources. Vous reconnaissez et acceptez en outre que LGC n'est pas responsable, directement ou indirectement, de tout dommage ou perte causé ou présumé être causé par ou en relation avec l'utilisation ou la confiance accordée à un tel contenu, biens ou services disponibles sur ou via un tel site. ou une ressource.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>NOS DROITS DE PROPRIETE</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Tous les titres, droits de propriété et droits de propriété intellectuelle relatifs aux Services et aux données, informations, matériaux, marques commerciales, marques de service, logiciels, photos, vidéos, images et autres contenus (collectivement, le «</span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong><em>&nbsp;Contenu</em></strong></span><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">&nbsp;») mis à disposition via les Services. sont la propriété de LGC, de ses sociétés affiliées ou de ses concédants de licence. Sauf indication contraire, les Services et tout le Contenu mis à disposition via les Services sont protégés par le droit d'auteur, les marques commerciales, la propriété intellectuelle et toute autre loi applicable et ne peuvent être utilisés que dans la mesure permise par les présentes Conditions. Sauf autorisation expresse de LGC, vous acceptez de ne pas modifier, louer, prêter, vendre, distribuer ou créer des œuvres dérivées basées sur le contenu et les services, en tout ou en partie&nbsp;; à condition, toutefois, que vous disposiez d'une licence limitée pour accéder et utiliser les services et le contenu comme décrit dans les présentes.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Le contenu disponible via les Services peut contenir des erreurs typographiques, des inexactitudes ou des omissions, y compris dans les descriptions, les prix, la disponibilité et diverses autres informations. Nous nous réservons le droit de corriger toute erreur, inexactitude ou omission et de modifier ou mettre à jour le contenu à tout moment, sans préavis.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>CONFIDENTIALITÉ</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Veuillez vous référer à notre Politique de confidentialité pour plus d'informations sur la manière dont nous collectons, utilisons et divulguons les informations.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>EXCLUSION DE GARANTIES</strong></span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">VOUS COMPRENEZ ET ACCEPTEZ EXPRESSÉMENT QUE&nbsp;:</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">VOTRE UTILISATION DES SERVICES EST À VOS PROPRES RISQUES. LES SERVICES SONT FOURNIS «&nbsp;EN L'ÉTAT&nbsp;» ET \"SELON LA DISPONIBILITÉ\", SANS DÉCLARATIONS D'EXACTITUDE OU DE DISPONIBILITÉ . LGC DÉCLINE EXPRESSÉMENT TOUTE GARANTIE DE QUELQUE SORTE QUE CE SOIT, EXPRESSE OU IMPLICITE, Y COMPRIS MAIS SANS LIMITATION LES GARANTIES IMPLICITES DE QUALITÉ MARCHANDE, D'ADAPTATION À UN USAGE PARTICULIER, D'EXACTITUDE ET DE NON-VIOLATION. LGC N'ASSUME AUCUNE RESPONSABILITÉ QUANT À L'OPPORTUNITÉ, À LA SUPPRESSION, À LA MAUVAISE LIVRAISON OU À L'ÉCHEC DE FOURNIR UN CONTENU OU DE STOCKER DES PARAMÈTRES DE PERSONNALISATION OU DES MATÉRIAUX UTILISATEUR. NOUS N'OFFRONS AUCUNE GARANTIE QUE LES SERVICES ET LE CONTENU SERONT TOUJOURS DISPONIBLES OU QUE LE CONTENU SERAIT EXACT, COMPLET, SANS ERREUR OU FIABLE.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">TOUT CONTENU TÉLÉCHARGÉ OU AUTREMENT OBTENU VIA LES SERVICES EST TÉLÉCHARGÉ ET UTILISÉ À VOS RISQUES.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">LGC NE GARANTIT PAS, N'APPROUVE NI N'ASSUME LA RESPONSABILITÉ POUR TOUT PRODUIT OU SERVICE PUBLIÉ OU OFFERT PAR UN TIERS, Y COMPRIS UNE MARQUE, PAR L'INTERMÉDIAIRE DES SERVICES, OU DE TOUT SITE WEB HYPERLIÉ OU APPLICATION MOBILE PRÉSENTÉ DANS UNE BANNIÈRE OU AUTRE PUBLICITÉ. LGC NE SERA PAS PARTIE, NI NE SERA EN AUCUN CAS RESPONSABLE DE LA SURVEILLANCE DE TOUTE TRANSACTION ENTRE VOUS ET TOUT FOURNISSEUR TIERS DE PRODUITS OU DE SERVICES. COMME POUR L'ACHAT D'UN PRODUIT OU D'UN SERVICE PAR TOUT SUPPORT OU DANS TOUT ENVIRONNEMENT, VOUS DEVEZ FAIRE appel à votre meilleur jugement et faire preuve de prudence, le cas échéant.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>LIMITATIONS DE RESPONSABILITÉ</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">VOUS COMPRENEZ ET ACCEPTEZ QUE LGC NE SERA PAS RESPONSABLE ENVERS VOUS DE TOUT DOMMAGE DIRECT, INDIRECT, ACCESSOIRE, SPÉCIAL, CONSÉCUTIF OU EXEMPLAIRE, Y COMPRIS, SANS LIMITATION, LES DOMMAGES POUR PERTE DE PROFITS, DE GOODWILL, D'UTILISATION, DE DONNÉES OU AUTRES PERTES INCORPORELLES (MÊME SI LGC AVAIT A ÉTÉ AVISÉ DE LA POSSIBILITÉ DE TELS DOMMAGES), RÉSULTANT DE : (i) L'UTILISATION OU L'IMPOSSENCE D'UTILISER LES SERVICES ; (ii) LE COÛT D'ACHAT DE BIENS ET SERVICES DE SUBSTITUTION RÉSULTANT DE TOUT BIENS, DONNÉES, INFORMATIONS OU SERVICES ACHETÉS OU OBTENUS OU DE MESSAGES REÇUS OU DE TRANSACTIONS CONCLUÉES PAR OU À PARTIR DES SERVICES&nbsp;; (iii) ACCÈS NON AUTORISÉ OU MODIFICATION DE VOS TRANSMISSIONS OU DONNÉES&nbsp;; (iv) DÉCLARATIONS OU CONDUITE DE TOUT TIERS SUR LES SERVICES&nbsp;; OU (v) TOUTE AUTRE QUESTION RELATIVE AUX SERVICES. CERTAINES JURIDICTIONS N'AUTORISENT PAS L'EXCLUSION DE CERTAINES GARANTIES OU LA LIMITATION OU L'EXCLUSION DE RESPONSABILITÉ POUR LES DOMMAGES ACCESSOIRES OU CONSÉCUTIFS. PAR CONSÉQUENT, CERTAINES DES LIMITATIONS CI-DESSUS PEUVENT NE PAS S'APPLIQUER À VOUS.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>AUCUN TIERS BÉNÉFICIAIRE</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Vous acceptez que, sauf disposition expresse contraire dans les présentes Conditions, il n'y aura aucun tiers bénéficiaire du présent Accord.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>AVIS</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">LGC peut vous fournir des notifications, y compris celles concernant les modifications apportées aux présentes Conditions, par courrier électronique ou par publication sur les Services.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(57, 57, 57);\"><strong>AVIS AU CONSOMMATEUR DE CALIFORNIE</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(57, 57, 57);\">En vertu de l'article 1789.3 du Code civil de Californie, les utilisateurs californiens ont droit à l'avis suivant sur les droits des consommateurs&nbsp;: Le site Web est fourni par Launch Gift Cards, Inc. et ses sociétés affiliées, 16501 Ventura Blvd Suite 410, Encino, CA 91436. Si vous avez une question ou réclamation concernant le site Web, veuillez contacter le service client de LGC via les méthodes répertoriées sous «</span><span style=\"color:rgb(57, 57, 57);\"><strong>&nbsp;Questions</strong></span><span style=\"color:rgb(57, 57, 57);\">&nbsp;» ci-dessous. Les résidents de Californie peuvent joindre l'unité d'assistance aux plaintes de la Division des services aux consommateurs du Département de la consommation de Californie par courrier au 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite N. 112, Sacramento, CA 95834 ou par téléphone au (800) 952-5210 ou Malentendants au TDD (800) 735-2929.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>INFORMATIONS SUR LES MARQUES COMMERCIALES</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Rien de ce qui est contenu dans les Services ou dans les présentes Conditions ne doit être interprété comme accordant, implicitement, par préclusion ou autrement, une licence ou un droit d'utilisation d'une marque affichée sur les Services sans l'autorisation écrite de LGC ou de tout tiers susceptible de détenir les marques. . Votre utilisation abusive de toute marque affichée sur les Services, ou de tout autre Contenu sur les Services, sauf dans les cas prévus dans les présentes Conditions, est strictement interdite. Vous êtes également informé que LGC fera respecter de manière agressive ses droits de propriété intellectuelle dans toute la mesure permise par la loi.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>AVIS ET PROCÉDURE DE RÉCLAMATION POUR VIOLATION DES DROITS D'AUTEUR</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">LGC peut, dans des circonstances appropriées et à sa discrétion, désactiver et/ou résilier les comptes des utilisateurs qui enfreignent la propriété intellectuelle d'autrui. Si vous pensez que votre travail a été copié d'une manière qui constitue une violation du droit d'auteur, ou que vos droits de propriété intellectuelle ont été autrement violés, veuillez fournir à notre agent chargé des droits d'auteur un avis écrit (l'«&nbsp;Avis&nbsp;») contenant les informations suivantes&nbsp;: (i) un signature électronique ou physique de la personne autorisée à agir au nom du titulaire du droit d'auteur ou de tout autre intérêt de propriété intellectuelle&nbsp;; (ii) une description de l'œuvre protégée par le droit d'auteur ou de toute autre propriété intellectuelle qui, selon vous, a été violée&nbsp;; (iii) une description de l'endroit où se trouve le matériel que vous prétendez violer sur les Services&nbsp;; (iv) votre adresse, votre numéro de téléphone et votre adresse e-mail&nbsp;; (v) une déclaration de votre part selon laquelle vous pensez de bonne foi que l'utilisation contestée n'est pas autorisée par le propriétaire des droits d'auteur, son agent ou la loi&nbsp;; (vi) une déclaration de votre part, faite sous peine de parjure, selon laquelle les informations ci-dessus dans votre avis sont exactes et que vous êtes le propriétaire du droit d'auteur ou de la propriété intellectuelle ou autorisé à agir au nom du propriétaire du droit d'auteur ou de la propriété intellectuelle.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">L'agent des droits d'auteur de LGC pour les notifications de réclamations en matière de droits d'auteur ou d'autres violations de la propriété intellectuelle peut être contacté des manières suivantes&nbsp;:</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Agent des droits d'auteur, Launch Gift Cards, Inc., One Whitehall Street, New York, NY 10004.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">E-mail&nbsp;: </span><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"><span style=\"color:rgb(23, 121, 186);\"><strong>[email protected]</strong></span></a></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>CHOIX DE LA LOI ET RÉSOLUTION DES LITIGES</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Les présentes Conditions sont régies par les lois de l'État de New York, sans égard à ses principes de conflit de lois. Tout litige ou réclamation découlant des présentes Conditions ou des Services sera résolu par arbitrage. N'importe lequel</span> <span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">l'arbitrage sera mené conformément aux règles applicables de l'American Arbitration Association (les «&nbsp;Règles d'arbitrage&nbsp;»). L'arbitrage sera mené à New York, New York, par un arbitre unique choisi par les parties à l'arbitrage. Les conclusions, le raisonnement, la décision et la sentence de l'arbitre seront exposés par écrit et basés sur la loi applicable. Le jugement sur la sentence arbitrale peut être déposé devant tout tribunal compétent. Sauf disposition contraire du règlement d’arbitrage, les honoraires et coûts associés à l’arbitrage seront partagés à parts égales entre les parties. Vous consentez par la présente à la compétence et au lieu exclusifs des tribunaux étatiques et fédéraux de New York, New York. Dans toute la mesure permise par la loi applicable, aucun litige en vertu des présentes Conditions ne sera joint à un litige impliquant une autre partie soumise aux présentes Conditions, que ce soit par le biais d'une procédure d'arbitrage collectif ou autrement.</span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>INFORMATIONS GÉNÉRALES</strong></span></p><p style=\"text-align:justify;\"><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Le fait que LGC n’exerce pas ou n’applique pas un droit ou une disposition des présentes Conditions ne constitue pas une renonciation à ce droit ou à cette disposition. Si un tribunal compétent juge qu'une disposition est invalide, les parties conviennent néanmoins que le tribunal doit s'efforcer de donner effet aux intentions des parties telles que reflétées dans la disposition, et les autres dispositions des Conditions restent pleinement en vigueur. .</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Les titres des sections des présentes Conditions sont uniquement destinés à des fins de commodité et n'ont aucun effet juridique ou contractuel.</span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\"><strong>DES QUESTIONS</strong></span></p><p><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">Veuillez contacter </span><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"><span style=\"color:rgb(23, 121, 186);\"><strong>[email protected] </strong></span></a><span style=\"color:rgb(51, 51, 51);\">par e-mail en utilisant la ligne d'objet «&nbsp;Conditions d'utilisation&nbsp;» si vous avez des questions ou des commentaires sur ces conditions. Vous pouvez également nous contacter par téléphone au ( </span>310) 566-1424.</p>\n\n<a id=\"id.htkjd6qbbi3e\"></a>\n  <p class=\"c20 privacy-policy\"><span class=\"c12\">POLITIQUE DE CONFIDENTIALITÉ</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c16\"><b>Mis à jour:</b></span><span class=\"c4\"> 1 juillet 2024</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c4\">Cette politique de confidentialité (cette <b>« Politique »</b>) décrit les pratiques de confidentialité et de sécurité associées au site Web et au service en ligne (collectivement les <b>« Services »</b>) exploités par Launch Gift Cards, Inc. et ses sociétés affiliées, comme détaillé dans la présente politique (« Politique ») b>LGC</b>, \"nous\", \"notre\" ou \"notre\").<p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c4\">Le but de cette politique est d'identifier ( i ) quelles informations nous collectons auprès et sur les clients professionnels et les consommateurs qui accèdent et utilisent les services, (ii) comment nous utilisons, partageons et sécurisons les informations collectées, et (iii) quels choix vous avez concernant vos informations. Nous ne collectons pas de catégories supplémentaires d’informations et n’utilisons pas les informations d’une manière non spécifiée ici. Cette politique vous informe également de vos droits et choix concernant vos informations personnelles, et de la manière dont vous pouvez nous contacter pour toute question relative à cette politique.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c4\"><b>Veuillez lire attentivement cette politique avant d’accéder et de rester sur notre site Web ou d’utiliser nos services. Si vous n'êtes pas d'accord avec les termes de cette politique, veuillez ne pas accéder à notre site Web ni utiliser nos services. En accédant à notre site Web et en utilisant nos services, vous acceptez les termes de cette politique et consentez à la collecte et à l'utilisation de vos informations comme indiqué ci-dessous.</b></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c4\">Nous pouvons mettre à jour cette politique de temps à autre en publiant la politique révisée ici.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c0\"><a class=\"c5\" href=\"#id.7ztmy6v6dnaz\">COMMENT NOUS CONTACTER</a></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c0\"><a class=\"c5\" href=\"#id.9sv1mdssz34e\">QUELLES INFORMATIONS NOUS COLLECTONS</a></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c0\"><a class=\"c5\" href=\"#id.t8ti5t3r4jrq\">COMMENT NOUS COLLECTONS LES INFORMATIONS</a></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c0\"><a class=\"c5\" href=\"#id.hq2dn37l0hn6\">COMMENT NOUS UTILISONS VOS INFORMATIONS</a></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c0\"><a class=\"c5\" href=\"#id.o9sr65syhpyv\">UTILISATION DE COOKIES ET AUTRES TECHNOLOGIES</a></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c0\"><a class=\"c5\" href=\"#id.exl75r9p1mm1\">PARTAGE ET DIVULGATION D’INFORMATIONS</a></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c0\"><a class=\"c5\" href=\"#id.bvdna3c02mic\">DROITS À LA VIE PRIVÉE EUROPÉENNE</a></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c0\"><a class=\"c5\" href=\"#id.g3yjh98mo31n\">DROITS À LA CONFIDENTIALITÉ EN CALIFORNIE</a></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c0\"><a class=\"c5\" href=\"#id.vrp7t092a7fw\">DROITS DE CONFIDENTIALITÉ DU NEVADA</a></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c0\"><a class=\"c5\" href=\"#id.i41e9ywwim3v\">DROITS À LA CONFIDENTIALITÉ DE VIRGINIE</a></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c0\"><a class=\"c5\" href=\"#id.f541jafkixc\">SÉCURITÉ</a></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c0\"><a class=\"c5\" href=\"#id.4r2n8n50gdks\">TRANSFERTS INTERNATIONAUX DE DONNÉES</a></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c0\"><a class=\"c5\" href=\"#id.5mfk90ux0o9o\">STOCKAGE/RÉTENTION</a></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n\n  <a id=\"id.7ztmy6v6dnaz\"></a>\n  <p class=\"c20\"><span class=\"c12\">COMMENT NOUS CONTACTER</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c2\">Si vous avez des questions concernant cette politique ou nos pratiques de confidentialité, vous pouvez nous contacter des manières suivantes :</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c2\"><b>Adresse postale :</b>&nbsp;Launch Gift Cards, Inc.<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; À l'attention de : Politique de confidentialité<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 16501, boulevard Ventura, bureau 410<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Encino, Californie 91436&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c23 c27\"><b>E-mail :</b>&nbsp;</span><span class=\"c22\"><a class=\"c5\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]</a> (veuillez inclure « Politique de confidentialité » dans la ligne d'objet)</span><span class=\"c2\">&nbsp;</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c2\"><b>Téléphone :</b> (833)780-1536 </span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n\n  <a id=\"id.9sv1mdssz34e\"></a>\n  <p class=\"c20\"><span class=\"c12\">QUELLES INFORMATIONS NOUS COLLECTONS</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c2\">Nous collectons des informations personnelles et d’autres informations auprès de vous et à votre sujet pour fournir les Services. Les informations personnelles sont des informations sur une personne physique identifiée ou identifiable (cela n'inclut pas les informations anonymisées ou agrégées). Nous limitons la collecte d'informations personnelles à ce qui est pertinent et raisonnablement nécessaire pour faciliter la fourniture des services ou pour toute autre conformité légale. LGC ne collecte ni ne sollicite sciemment ou intentionnellement ( i ) des informations personnelles sensibles ou (ii) des informations personnelles auprès de toute personne de moins de 18 ans. Les informations que nous collectons dépendent des services concernés et peuvent inclure :</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <ul class=\"c17 lst-kix_vkx1ea9b7yup-0 start\">\n    <li class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c16\">Les coordonnées personnelles et les informations professionnelles</span><span class=\"c4\"> font référence aux informations qui nous permettent de vous contacter directement, telles que votre nom et prénom, le nom de votre entreprise, votre fonction, votre adresse e-mail, votre adresse postale et votre numéro de téléphone portable. Cela peut inclure les informations que vous fournissez sur les tiers qui reçoivent des produits (<b>« Destinataires »</b>).</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c16\">Les Informations techniques</span><span class=\"c4\"> font référence aux informations collectées lorsque vous utilisez les Services, telles que votre adresse IP, les informations sur votre appareil, les informations sur le réseau que vous utilisez pour accéder aux Services, le type et la version du navigateur, vos activités lors de l'utilisation des Services, les sites Web ou les services précédemment visités. , et le contenu que vous voyez ou sur lequel vous cliquez.</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c16\">Les informations de commande</span><span class=\"c4\"> font référence aux informations collectées lorsque vous achetez un produit ou un service, telles que les produits commandés, les informations de paiement et les coordonnées personnelles de l'expéditeur et du destinataire. Si vous effectuez un achat en utilisant les Services, vos <b>informations de paiement</b> , telles que le nom et le numéro de carte et l'adresse de facturation, sont directement collectées auprès de vous et stockées par des processeurs de paiement tiers en notre nom, comme décrit ci-dessous.</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c16\">Intérêt</span><span class=\"c4\"> concernant les produits et les préférences en matière de produits.</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c16\">Le contenu des communications</span><span class=\"c4\"> fait référence aux informations que nous obtenons lorsque vous nous contactez ou communiquez avec nous.</span></li>\n  </ul>\n\n  <a id=\"id.t8ti5t3r4jrq\"></a>\n  <p class=\"c20\"><span class=\"c12 c25\">COMMENT NOUS COLLECTONS LES INFORMATIONS</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c2\">LGC collecte des informations auprès de vous et à votre sujet des manières suivantes :</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n  <ul class=\"c17 lst-kix_r1ad35rreox-0 start\">\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c12\">Interactions directes.</span><span class=\"c2\"> Nous collectons les informations que vous fournissez volontairement, telles que les coordonnées personnelles et les informations professionnelles, les informations de commande, le contenu des communications et le contenu généré par l'utilisateur, lorsque vous :</span>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c17 lst-kix_r1ad35rreox-1 start\">\n      <li class=\"c1\"><span class=\"c2\">Utiliser les Services ;</span></li>\n      <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n      <li class=\"c1\"><span class=\"c2\">Renseignez-vous sur nos produits et services ;</span></li>\n      <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n      <li class=\"c1\"><span class=\"c2\">Faire un achat;</span></li>\n      <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n      <li class=\"c1\"><span class=\"c2\">Contactez-nous; ou</span></li>\n      <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n      <li class=\"c1\"><span class=\"c2\">Interagissez avec nous.</span></li>\n    </ul></li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c12\">Automatiquement.</span><span class=\"c23 c27\"> Nous collectons automatiquement des informations techniques lorsque vous utilisez les services grâce à l'utilisation de cookies et de technologies similaires, comme décrit plus en détail dans la section&nbsp;</span><span class=\"c9\"><a class=\"c5\" href=\"#id.o9sr65syhpyv\">« Cookies »</a></span> ci-dessous</li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c12\">Appareils mobiles.</span><span class=\"c2\"> LGC ou ses partenaires technologiques tiers peuvent collecter des informations de localisation, y compris des informations de localisation fournies par un appareil mobile interagissant avec l'une de nos applications ou associé à votre adresse IP ou à votre réseau Wi-Fi. Vous pouvez généralement limiter ou interdire la collecte d'informations de localisation à l'aide des paramètres intégrés de votre appareil mobile. Nous n'autorisons pas la collecte d'informations de localisation précises.</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c12\">Autres sources.</span><span class=\"c23 c27\"> Lorsqu'une personne achète un produit chez nous pour l'envoyer à un destinataire désigné par l'acheteur, nous collectons des informations de contact personnelles concernant le destinataire. Lorsque vous nous fournissez les coordonnées personnelles du destinataire, vous confirmez que vous avez l'autorisation de fournir les coordonnées personnelles du destinataire et vous porterez cette politique à l'attention du destinataire.</span></li>\n  </ul>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n\n  <a id=\"id.hq2dn37l0hn6\"></a>\n  <p class=\"c20\"><span class=\"c12\">COMMENT NOUS UTILISONS VOS INFORMATIONS</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c2\">LGC collecte les informations décrites ci-dessus auprès de vous et à votre sujet aux fins suivantes :</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n  <ul class=\"c17 lst-kix_ruekbb6y23x-0 start\">\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Vous fournir des produits et services, notamment pour traiter les paiements ;</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Répondre aux demandes de renseignements et vous fournir de toute autre manière les informations, produits ou services que vous nous demandez.</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Entreprendre des audits et des vérifications liés aux interactions des utilisateurs, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, la vérification de la qualité et de l'efficacité de nos services.</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Améliorer les services ;</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Administrer des sondages à usage interne ;</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Maintenir la sécurité, l'intégrité et la qualité de nos produits, des services, des bases de données, des actifs technologiques et de notre activité, notamment en détectant les incidents de sécurité, en nous protégeant contre les activités malveillantes, trompeuses, frauduleuses ou illégales et en empêchant les transactions frauduleuses ;</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">À des fins de prévention de la fraude</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Se conformer aux lois, règles et réglementations américaines, étatiques, locales et non américaines et répondre aux demandes juridiques ;</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Effectuer des promotions liées aux Services ;</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Faciliter les transactions commerciales telles que décrites dans la section <b>« Transactions commerciales »</b> ci-dessous ; et</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Comme prévu dans la section <b>« Conformité juridique et protection de la sécurité et de la sûreté »</b> ci-dessous.</span></li>\n  </ul>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c2\">Dans certaines circonstances, les lois exigent que nous obtenions votre consentement pour collecter des informations dans un but particulier. Dans ces circonstances, nous obtiendrons votre consentement au moment où nous collecterons les informations.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c2\">Nous pouvons combiner les informations que nous collectons via votre utilisation des Services avec des informations que nous collectons à partir d'autres sources (par exemple, des enregistrements hors ligne ou des informations accessibles au public). De plus, nous pouvons anonymiser ou désidentifier les informations personnelles afin qu'elles ne puissent plus être associées à un individu ou réidentifiées. Dans de tels cas, nous pouvons utiliser et partager les données anonymisées ou anonymisées sans autre préavis.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c2\">De plus, si vous êtes un client professionnel, nous pouvons utiliser vos informations personnelles pour vous tenir informé de nos produits et services, si vous nous avez donné votre consentement, ou lorsque nous entretenons une relation existante avec vous et que nous souhaitons vous contacter. vous informer des produits et services similaires à ceux que nous vous proposons et qui pourraient vous intéresser. Vous pouvez à tout moment vous inscrire à certains types de marketing, ou à toutes les formes de marketing, en nous contactant et vous pouvez vous désabonner de la réception d'e-mails en cliquant sur le lien « désinscription » ou « désabonnement » fourni dans tous nos e-mails marketing.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n\n  <a id=\"id.o9sr65syhpyv\"></a>\n  <p class=\"c20\"><span class=\"c12\">UTILISATION DE COOKIES ET AUTRES TECHNOLOGIES</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c2\">LGC utilise des « cookies » et des technologies similaires qui sont enregistrés sur votre ordinateur ou appareil mobile pour collecter automatiquement des informations sur l'utilisation des Services. Différents types de cookies, tels que les cookies de session ou persistants, peuvent être utilisés pour différentes fonctions. Les cookies persistants restent sur l'appareil d'un utilisateur pendant une période de temps définie et sont activés chaque fois qu'un utilisateur visite les services sur lesquels les cookies ont été définis. Les cookies de session sont temporaires et nous permettent de lier les actions d'un utilisateur lors d'une session de navigateur. Les informations collectées comprennent des informations sur l'appareil, des informations sur le réseau que vous utilisez pour accéder aux services, aux sites Web ou aux services que vous avez précédemment visités, ainsi que le contenu que vous voyez ou sur lequel vous cliquez.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c2\">Les Services utilisent les types de cookies et autres technologies suivants aux fins suivantes :</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n  <ul class=\"c17 lst-kix_dtqrdwdwqhhf-0 start\">\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c12\">Essentiel.</span><span class=\"c2\"> Ceux-ci sont essentiels pour naviguer dans les Services et utiliser les fonctionnalités, et ils nous permettent de fournir des services.</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n  </ul>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c2\">Bien que de nombreux navigateurs soient initialement configurés pour accepter les cookies, vous pourrez peut-être ajuster vos paramètres pour refuser les cookies. Les choix sont spécifiques au navigateur et à l'appareil, et si vous supprimez les cookies du navigateur sur l'un de vos appareils, vos choix de désinscription devront être réinitialisés. Consultez la section « Aide » de votre navigateur ou les paramètres intégrés de votre appareil mobile pour plus d'informations. De plus, veuillez noter que certaines zones des Services ne sont accessibles que lorsque les cookies sont activés. Ainsi, la désactivation des cookies peut vous empêcher d'accéder à certains de nos contenus.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2 c26\"></span></p>\n\n  <a id=\"id.exl75r9p1mm1\"></a>\n  <p class=\"c20\"><span class=\"c12 c25\">PARTAGE ET DIVULGATION D’INFORMATIONS</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c23 c27\">LGC ne partage aucune information personnelle à des fins monétaires ou autres considérations de valeur. LGC ne fournit aucune information personnelle à des tiers à des fins de publicité comportementale. LGC peut partager et divulguer certaines informations aux personnes suivantes :</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n  <ul class=\"c17 lst-kix_nts5a68edvok-0\">\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c12\">Fournisseurs de services :</span><span class=\"c2\">&nbsp;nous partageons les informations collectées avec des tiers qui traitent les informations en notre nom. Nous pouvons faire appel à ces prestataires de services pour :</span>\n      <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c25 c33\"></span></p>\n      <ul class=\"c17 lst-kix_nts5a68edvok-1 start\">\n        <li class=\"c1\"><span class=\"c2\">héberger les Services ;</span></li>\n        <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c25 c33\"></span></p>\n        <li class=\"c1\"><span class=\"c2\">fournir des services de maintenance et de sécurité de bases de données et de serveurs et de prévention de la fraude ;</span></li>\n        <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c25 c33\"></span></p>\n        <li class=\"c1\"><span class=\"c2\">nous aider à nous lancer dans des activités promotionnelles concernant les Services ;</span></li>\n        <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c25 c33\"></span></p>\n        <li class=\"c1\"><span class=\"c2\">aider à la transmission des courriels, des messages texte et de la livraison du courrier postal ;</span></li>\n        <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c25 c33\"></span></p>\n        <li class=\"c1\"><span class=\"c2\">aidez-nous à analyser nos offres ;</span></li>\n        <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c25 c33\"></span></p>\n        <li class=\"c1\"><span class=\"c2\">fournir un service à la clientèle, et</span></li>\n        <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c25 c33\"></span></p>\n        <li class=\"c1\"><span class=\"c2\">traiter et exécuter des transactions en ligne.</span></li>\n      </ul>\n    </li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c25 c33\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c12\">Processeurs de paiement :</span><span class=\"c23 c27\"> lorsque vous effectuez un achat en utilisant les Services, les sociétés de traitement des paiements et une société de prévention de la fraude collectent et stockent les informations de paiement. Nous avons engagé Braintree, une division de PayPal, Inc., dlocal , Stripe, Inc. et Riskified à ces fins. Plus d'informations sur leurs pratiques de confidentialité et de sécurité sont présentées dans la section <b><i>« Sécurité »</b></i>&nbsp; ci-dessous.</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c12 c24\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c12\">Conformité légale et protection de la sécurité et de la sûreté :</span><span class=\"c2\"> LGC peut accéder, conserver et divulguer vos informations si la loi l'exige ou si elle croit de bonne foi qu'un tel accès, préservation ou divulgation est raisonnablement nécessaire pour : ( i ) se conformer à une procédure judiciaire ou répondre à une demande légale ou à une assignation à comparaître ; (ii) appliquer nos conditions d'utilisation des services ; (iii) répondre aux allégations selon lesquelles votre conduite a violé les droits de tiers ; (iv) répondre à vos demandes de service client ; (v) protéger les droits, la propriété ou la sécurité personnelle de LGC, de ses utilisateurs et du public ; (vi) ou si cela est autrement requis pour se conformer ou être autorisé par les lois et réglementations applicables.</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c12\">Transactions commerciales :</span><span class=\"c2\"> nous pouvons transférer les informations collectées si nous sommes acquis, vendus ou fusionnés avec une autre entité.</span></li>\n  </ul>\n  <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c12 c25\"></span></p>\n\n  <a id=\"id.bvdna3c02mic\"></a>\n  <p class=\"c20\"><span class=\"c12 c25\">DROITS À LA VIE PRIVÉE EUROPÉENNE</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c3\">Responsables du traitement des données</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c3 c11\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c4\">Si vous êtes un résident de l'Espace économique européen (« EEE ») ou du Royaume-Uni (« Royaume-Uni »), le Règlement général sur la protection des données (UE) 2016/679 ou « RGPD » ou le RGPD tel qu'il fait partie des lois du Royaume-Uni (« UK GDPR »), les responsables du traitement de vos informations personnelles sont les suivants :</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c4\"><u>Pour les résidents de l'EEE :</u></span></p>\n  <ul class=\"c17 lst-kix_hoi2gqbxhjrg-0 start\">\n    <li class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c4\">Pour les informations de paiement uniquement, Launch Gift Cards BV à l'adresse enregistrée Schiphol Blvd 359, 1118BJ Schiphol, Pays-Bas ; et</span></li>\n    <li class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c4\">Pour toutes les autres informations personnelles répertoriées dans la section <b><i>« Quelles informations collectons-nous »</i></b>&nbsp; de la présente politique, Launch Gift Cards, Inc.</span></li>\n  </ul>\n  <p class=\"c8\" id=\"h.3znysh7\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c4\"><u>Pour les résidents du Royaume-Uni :</u></span></p>\n  <ul class=\"c17 lst-kix_lb8pep6vera9-0 start\">\n    <li class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c4\">Pour les informations de paiement uniquement, Launch Gift Card UK Ltd. à l'adresse enregistrée 5 New Street Square, Londres, Royaume-Uni, EC4A 3TW ; et</span></li>\n    <li class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c4\">Pour toutes les autres informations personnelles répertoriées dans la section <b><i>« Quelles informations collectons-nous »</i></b>&nbsp; de la présente politique, Launch Gift Cards, Inc.</span></li>\n  </ul>\n\n  <a id=\"id.f1cqi0a3or1l\"></a>\n  <p class=\"c20\"><span class=\"c12\">Contactez -nous</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c4\">Si vous avez des questions ou des demandes concernant le traitement de vos informations de paiement, veuillez contacter Launch Gift Cards BV et Launch Gift Card UK Ltd par e-mail à l'adresse <a class=\"c5\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]</a>, veuillez inclure « Politique de confidentialité UE/Royaume-Uni » dans la ligne d'objet.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c4\">Pour toute autre question ou demande, veuillez contacter Launch Gift Cards, Inc. aux coordonnées indiquées dans la section « Comment nous contacter » ci-dessus en haut de cette politique.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c3\">Base légale du traitement</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c4\">Le RGPD et le RGPD britannique exigent également que nous vous informions de la base juridique sur laquelle nous nous appuyons pour traiter vos informations personnelles. Ceux-ci sont exposés ci-dessous :</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <ul class=\"c17 lst-kix_lb8pep6vera9-0 start\">\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c12\">Nos intérêts légitimes.</span><span class=\"c2\"> Nous considérons qu'il est dans notre intérêt légitime de traiter vos informations personnelles aux fins énoncées dans la section <b><i>« Comment nous utilisons vos informations »</i></b>&nbsp; Par exemple, il est dans notre intérêt légitime de maintenir la sécurité du système afin que nos opérations commerciales se déroulent sans problème, de communiquer avec vous et de répondre à vos demandes afin de fournir les services, de mener des enquêtes et d'améliorer nos produits et services, et de protéger nos droits et les droits d'autrui.</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c12\">Le traitement est nécessaire à l'exécution d'un contrat pour vous.</span><span class=\"c2\"> Le traitement de vos données personnelles est nécessaire pour vous fournir les Services conformément à nos conditions générales.</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c12\">En accord avec les lois.</span><span class=\"c2\"> Par exemple, pour se conformer aux exigences légales et réglementaires ou répondre à une ordonnance du tribunal ou à une demande légale, comme décrit dans la section <b><i>« Comment nous utilisons vos informations »</i></b> et la section <b><i>« Partage et divulgation des informations personnelles »</i></b>.</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c12\">Consentement.</span><span class=\"c2\"> Dans certaines circonstances, comme décrit dans la section <b><i>« Comment nous utilisons vos informations »</b></i> ci-dessus, nous pouvons compter sur votre consentement pour traiter vos informations personnelles. Lorsque nous comptons sur votre consentement pour traiter vos informations personnelles, vous pouvez retirer votre consentement à tout moment.</span></li>\n  </ul>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c3\">Tes droits</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c4\">Le RGPD et le RGPD du Royaume-Uni accordent respectivement aux résidents de l'EEE et du Royaume-Uni certains droits concernant vos informations personnelles. Sous réserve de certaines exceptions, vous pouvez :</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <ul class=\"c17 lst-kix_lb8pep6vera9-0 start\">\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c12\">Demandez l’accès à vos informations personnelles.</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c12\">Demander la correction de vos informations personnelles que nous avons collectées.</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c12\">Demander l'effacement de vos informations personnelles.</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c12\">Vous opposer à notre traitement de vos informations personnelles.</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c12\">Demande de limitation du traitement de vos informations personnelles.</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c12\">Demandez une copie de vos informations personnelles que nous avons collectées.</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c12\">Demander à ne pas être soumis à une prise de décision automatisée ou à un profilage.</span></li>\n  </ul>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c4\">Vous pouvez exercer vos droits via les coordonnées applicables indiquées ci-dessus dans la section <b><i>« Contactez-nous »</i></b>&nbsp; de la présente section <b><i>« Droits européens à la vie privée »</i></b>&nbsp; de la Politique. Nous nous efforcerons toujours de répondre à votre demande d'exercice de ces droits, mais parfois, nous pouvons avoir des motifs juridiques ou des obligations pour rejeter votre demande.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c4\">Vous avez également le droit de déposer une plainte auprès de votre régulateur local de protection des données en Europe, y compris si vous n'êtes pas d'accord avec notre réponse à votre demande. Le nom et les coordonnées de votre régulateur local de protection des données peuvent être trouvés ici : <a class=\"c5\" href=\"\"></a>, ou , pour le Royaume-Uni, <a class=\"c5\" href=\"\"></a>. Si vous avez des inquiétudes, nous vous demandons de nous contacter d'abord afin que nous puissions enquêter et résoudre vos inquiétudes.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c23 c30\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c3\">Prise de décision automatisée</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c4\">La prise de décision automatisée a lieu lorsqu'un système électronique utilise des informations personnelles pour prendre une décision qui vous concerne sans aucune intervention humaine. Lorsque cela a un effet juridique ou un effet tout aussi important, le RGPD et le RGPD britannique imposent des exigences supplémentaires. Nous effectuons un contrôle automatisé des transactions de paiement à des fins frauduleuses. Cela implique que nous traitions vos informations de paiement. Nous considérons que cela est nécessaire pour conclure le contrat avec vous pour l'achat de la carte cadeau et, dans la mesure applicable, pour nous conformer à toute obligation réglementaire visant à prévenir et détecter la fraude. Ce contrôle est effectué selon une approche à plusieurs niveaux et comprend l'évaluation de votre activité de paiement et l'exécution de la transaction via un modèle de décision de fraude pour rechercher des modèles. Cela pourrait entraîner le refus de la transaction et l’impossibilité d’acheter la carte cadeau. Si votre transaction a été refusée et que vous souhaitez faire appel, veuillez contacter le numéro du service client disponible sur le site Web concerné. Si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations concernant le traitement de ces informations de paiement, veuillez nous contacter aux coordonnées ci-dessus.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n\n  <a id=\"id.g3yjh98mo31n\"></a>\n  <p class=\"c20\"><span class=\"c12 c25\">DROITS À LA CONFIDENTIALITÉ EN CALIFORNIE</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c4\">Cette section relative aux droits de confidentialité de Californie (l'<b><i>« Avis de confidentialité de Californie »</i></b>) complète la politique énoncée ci-dessus en ce qui concerne les droits spécifiques accordés en vertu de la California Consumer Privacy Act de 2018, telle que modifiée (la <b><i>« CCPA »</i></b>) aux personnes physiques résidant en Californie et fournit des informations. concernant la manière dont ces résidents californiens peuvent exercer leurs droits en vertu du CCPA. Cet avis de confidentialité californien ne vous concerne que si vous résidez en Californie, tel que déterminé conformément à la CCPA. Les informations devant être divulguées aux résidents de Californie en vertu du CCPA concernant la collecte de leurs informations personnelles qui ne sont pas énoncées dans ce supplément du CCPA sont par ailleurs énoncées ci-dessus dans la politique.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13 c29\"><span class=\"c4\"><b>Catégories d'informations personnelles que nous collectons :</b> Nous collectons ou avons collecté au cours des douze (12) derniers mois tout ou partie des catégories suivantes d'informations personnelles auprès des individus :</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8 c29\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <table>\n    <thead>\n      <tr>\n        <th>Catégorie</th>\n        <th>Exemples</th>\n        <th>Collecté</th>\n      </tr>\n    </thead>\n    <tbody>\n      <tr>\n        <td>A. Identifiants</td>\n        <td>Nom, coordonnées et adresse (y compris l'adresse physique, l'adresse e-mail et l'adresse de protocole Internet) et autres informations d'identification (y compris le numéro de sécurité sociale, le numéro de passeport et le numéro de permis de conduire ou de carte d'identité d'État).</td>\n        <td>OUI</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>B. Catégories d'informations personnelles répertoriées dans la loi californienne sur les dossiers clients (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e))</td>\n        <td>Numéro de téléphone, signature, numéro de compte bancaire, autres informations financières (y compris les comptes et transactions avec d'autres institutions et informations anti-blanchiment d'argent), ainsi que les documents de vérification et les informations concernant le statut des investisseurs en vertu de diverses lois et réglementations (y compris le numéro de sécurité sociale, le statut fiscal). , revenus et patrimoine).</td>\n        <td>OUI</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>C. Caractéristiques de classification protégées en vertu de la loi californienne ou fédérale</td>\n        <td>Date de naissance, citoyenneté et lieu de naissance.</td>\n        <td>NON</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>D. Informations commerciales</td>\n        <td>Données de compte et autres informations contenues dans tout document fourni par les investisseurs à des prestataires de services agréés (que ce soit directement ou indirectement), tolérance au risque, historique des transactions, expérience d'investissement et activité d'investissement, informations concernant un investissement potentiel et/ou réel dans le(s) fonds concerné(s). ), y compris le pourcentage de propriété, l'investissement en capital, les revenus et les pertes, la source des fonds utilisés pour investir dans le(s) fonds concerné(s).</td>\n        <td>OUI</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>E. Informations biométriques</td>\n        <td>Images de l'iris, de la rétine, des empreintes digitales, du visage, de la main, de la paume, des schémas veineux et des enregistrements vocaux ou des schémas ou rythmes de frappe, des schémas ou rythmes de démarche, ainsi que des données sur le sommeil, la santé ou l'exercice contenant des informations d'identification.</td>\n        <td>NON</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>F. Internet ou autre activité réseau similaire</td>\n        <td>Utilisation de notre site Web, de notre salle de données sur les fonds et de notre portail de reporting pour les investisseurs (par exemple, cookies, historique de navigation et/ou historique de recherche), ainsi que des informations que vous nous fournissez lorsque vous correspondez avec nous concernant des demandes de renseignements.</td>\n        <td>OUI</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>G. Données de géolocalisation</td>\n        <td>Emplacement physique ou mouvements.</td>\n        <td>OUI</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>H. Données sensorielles</td>\n        <td>Informations audio, électroniques, visuelles, thermiques, olfactives ou similaires.</td>\n        <td>NON</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>I. Informations professionnelles ou liées à l'emploi</td>\n        <td>Antécédents professionnels actuels ou passés ou évaluations de performances.</td>\n        <td>NON</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>J. Informations éducatives non publiques (conformément à la Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 USC Section 1232g, 34 CFR Part 99))</td>\n        <td>Dossiers scolaires directement liés à un étudiant conservés par un établissement d'enseignement ou une partie agissant en son nom, tels que les notes, les relevés de notes, les listes de cours, les horaires des étudiants, les codes d'identification des étudiants, les informations financières des étudiants ou les dossiers disciplinaires des étudiants.</td>\n        <td>NON</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>K. Inférences tirées d'autres informations personnelles</td>\n        <td>Profil reflétant les préférences, les caractéristiques, les tendances psychologiques, les prédispositions, le comportement, les attitudes, l'intelligence, les capacités et les aptitudes d'une personne.</td>\n        <td>NON</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>L. Informations personnelles sensibles (voir plus d'informations sur l'utilisation des informations personnelles sensibles ci-dessous)</td>\n        <td>Numéros de sécurité sociale, permis de conduire, carte d'identité d'État ou passeport ; connexion au compte, compte financier, numéro de carte de débit ou de carte de crédit en combinaison avec tout code de sécurité ou d'accès, mot de passe ou informations d'identification requis permettant l'accès à un compte ; géolocalisation précise ; origine raciale ou ethnique ; croyances religieuses ou philosophiques ; l'adhésion à un syndicat; données génétiques; le contenu du courrier, des e-mails et des messages texte d'un consommateur, sauf si vous êtes le destinataire prévu de la communication ; informations biométriques dans le but d'identifier de manière unique un consommateur ; et les informations personnelles collectées et analysées concernant la santé, la vie sexuelle ou l'orientation sexuelle d'un consommateur.</td>\n        <td>OUI, pour les types d'informations suivants : connexion au compte, compte financier en combinaison avec tout mot de passe de sécurité ou de code d'accès requis ; ou des informations d'identification permettant l'accès à un compte uniquement.</td>\n      </tr>\n    </tbody>\n  </table>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c4\">Nous ne collectons ni n’utilisons d’informations personnelles sensibles autres que :</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <ul class=\"c17 lst-kix_lb8pep6vera9-0 start\">\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Pour exécuter des services ou fournir des biens, comme on pourrait raisonnablement s'y attendre par un consommateur moyen qui demande ces biens ou services ;</span></li>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Dans la mesure raisonnablement nécessaire et proportionnée pour détecter les incidents de sécurité qui compromettent la disponibilité, l'authenticité, l'intégrité et la confidentialité des informations personnelles stockées ou transmises ;</span></li>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Dans la mesure raisonnablement nécessaire et proportionnée pour résister aux actions malveillantes, trompeuses, frauduleuses ou illégales dirigées contre nous et pour poursuivre les responsables de ces actions ;</span></li>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Pour une utilisation transitoire à court terme (mais pas d'une manière qui divulgue ces informations à un autre tiers ou qui est utilisée pour créer un profil de vous ou modifier de toute autre manière votre expérience en dehors de votre interaction actuelle avec nous) ;</span></li>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Pour effectuer des services au nom de notre entreprise ;</span></li>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Pour vérifier ou maintenir la qualité ou la sécurité d'un service ou pour améliorer, mettre à niveau ou améliorer un tel service ou appareil ; et</span></li>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Collecter ou traiter des informations personnelles sensibles lorsque cette collecte ou ce traitement n'a pas pour but de déduire des caractéristiques sur un consommateur.</span></li>\n  </ul>\n  <span class=\"c12\">Divulgation d'informations :</span><span class=\"c2\"> Nous divulguons ou avons divulgué au cours des douze (12) derniers mois les informations personnelles collectées auprès de vous à des fins commerciales ou commerciales aux catégories de tiers indiquées dans le tableau ci-dessous. Nous pouvons également divulguer vos informations à d'autres parties si la loi ou la réglementation l'exige, ou en réponse à des demandes réglementaires ou dans le cadre d'une transaction commerciale.</span>\n  <table>\n    <thead>\n      <tr>\n        <th>Catégorie d'informations personnelles</th>\n        <th>Catégorie de destinataires tiers</th>\n      </tr>\n    </thead>\n    <tbody>\n      <tr>\n        <td>A. Identifiants</td>\n        <td>Prestataires de services et processeurs de paiement.</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>B. Catégories d'informations personnelles répertoriées dans la loi californienne sur les dossiers clients (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e))</td>\n        <td>Prestataires de services et processeurs de paiement.</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>C. Caractéristiques de classification protégées en vertu de la loi californienne ou fédérale</td>\n        <td>N / A</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>D. Informations commerciales</td>\n        <td>Prestataires de services et processeurs de paiement.</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>E. Informations biométriques</td>\n        <td>N / A</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>F. Internet ou autre activité réseau similaire</td>\n        <td>Prestataires de services et processeurs de paiement.</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>G. Données de géolocalisation</td>\n        <td>Prestataires de services et processeurs de paiement.</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>H. Données sensorielles</td>\n        <td>N / A</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>I. Informations professionnelles ou liées à l'emploi</td>\n        <td>N / A</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>J. Informations éducatives non publiques (conformément à la Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 USC Section 1232g, 34 CFR Part 99))</td>\n        <td>N / A</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>K. Inférences tirées d'autres informations personnelles</td>\n        <td>N / A</td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr>\n        <td>L. Informations personnelles sensibles</td>\n        <td>Prestataires de services et processeurs de paiement.</td>\n      </tr>\n    </tbody>\n  </table>\n  <span class=\"c12\">Droits en vertu du CCPA :</span><span class=\"c2\"> Le CCPA accorde aux résidents de Californie certains droits concernant leurs informations personnelles :</span>\n  <ul class=\"c17 lst-kix_lb8pep6vera9-0 start\">\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Droit de nous demander de divulguer, pas plus de deux fois sur une période de 12 mois :</span>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n      <ul class=\"c17 lst-kix_lb8pep6vera9-0 start\">\n        <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Les catégories et les informations personnelles spécifiques que nous avons collectées à votre sujet.</span></li>\n        <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n        <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Les catégories et sources à partir desquelles les informations personnelles sont collectées.</span></li>\n        <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n        <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Les finalités commerciales ou commerciales de la collecte d’informations personnelles.</span></li>\n        <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n        <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Les catégories de tiers avec lesquels nous divulguons des informations personnelles.</span></li>\n        <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n        <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Si nous avons divulgué vos informations personnelles à un tiers et, si tel est le cas, les catégories d'informations personnelles obtenues par chaque destinataire.</span></li>\n      </ul>\n    </li>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Droit de demander que nous supprimions toute information personnelle vous concernant que nous avons collectée auprès de vous, sous réserve de certaines exceptions. Si nous sommes tenus de supprimer vos informations personnelles, dès réception d'une demande vérifiable, nous supprimerons vos informations personnelles de nos dossiers et demanderons à tous les fournisseurs de services de supprimer vos informations personnelles de leurs dossiers.</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Droit de refuser la « vente » ou le « partage » de vos informations personnelles à des tiers, tel que ce terme est défini dans le CCPA. LGC ne « vend » ni ne « partage » d’informations personnelles telles que ces termes sont définis dans le CCPA.</span></li>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Droit de demander une correction des informations personnelles que nous collectons et partageons aux fins énoncées dans les présentes. Si nous recevons une demande vérifiable de correction d’informations personnelles inexactes, nous déploierons des efforts commercialement raisonnables pour corriger les informations comme vous l’avez demandé.</span></li>\n  </ul>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c4\">Nous ne ferons aucune discrimination à votre égard pour l'exercice de vos droits en vertu de la CCPA, notamment en refusant le service , en suggérant que vous recevrez ou facturerez des tarifs différents pour les services ou en suggérant que vous recevrez ou fournirez un niveau ou une qualité de service différent à toi.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c4\">Les finalités commerciales de la collecte d'informations personnelles sont décrites dans la section <b><i>« Comment nous utilisons vos informations »</i></b>&nbsp; ci-dessus.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c4\">Les résidents californiens peuvent exercer leurs droits en soumettant une demande en ligne en nous contactant via les méthodes décrites ci-dessus sous <b><i>« Comment nous contacter »</i></b>.  Vous pouvez désigner un agent autorisé pour faire une demande en votre nom. Nous pouvons exiger une preuve de votre identité et que l'agent est dûment autorisé par vous. Nous ne faisons aucune discrimination à l’égard des personnes exerçant ces droits.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c4\">Certains navigateurs Internet ont intégré des fonctionnalités « Do Not Track ». La plupart de ces fonctionnalités, lorsqu'elles sont activées, envoient un signal ou une préférence (le « signal DNT ») aux sites Web que vous visitez indiquant que vous ne souhaitez pas être suivi. Pour le moment, nous ne répondons pas aux signaux DNT.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n\n  <a id=\"id.vrp7t092a7fw\"></a>\n  <p class=\"c20\"><span class=\"c12 c25\">DROITS DE CONFIDENTIALITÉ DU NEVADA</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c23\">En plus des informations ci-dessus, les résidents du Nevada ont le droit de soumettre une demande vérifiée nous ordonnant de ne procéder à aucune « vente » des informations couvertes collectées sur le consommateur à une personne afin que cette personne obtienne une licence ou vende les informations à des personnes supplémentaires, sous réserve à certaines exceptions. Nous ne vendons pas d'informations couvertes telles que définies par la loi du Nevada.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n\n  <a id=\"id.i41e9ywwim3v\"></a>\n  <p class=\"c20\"><span class=\"c12 c25\">DROITS À LA CONFIDENTIALITÉ DE VIRGINIE</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c23\">La loi sur la protection des données des consommateurs de Virginie (VCDPA) accorde aux résidents de Virginie certains droits concernant leurs informations personnelles :</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n  <ul class=\"c17 lst-kix_lb8pep6vera9-0 start\">\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Droit de connaître les modalités de collecte et d’utilisation des données personnelles (comme indiqué ci-dessus).</span></li>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Droit de demander que nous supprimions toute information personnelle vous concernant que nous avons collectée auprès de vous, sous réserve de certaines exceptions. Si nous sommes tenus de supprimer vos informations personnelles, dès réception d'une demande vérifiable, nous supprimerons vos informations personnelles de nos dossiers et demanderons à tous les fournisseurs de services de supprimer vos informations personnelles de leurs dossiers.</span></li>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Droit de refuser la publicité ciblée et la « vente » de vos informations personnelles à des tiers, tel que ce terme est défini dans la VCDPA. LGC ne s'engage pas dans le ciblage de la publicité ou dans la « vente » d'informations personnelles tel que ce terme est défini dans la VCDPA.</span></li>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Droit de demander une correction des informations personnelles que nous collectons et partageons aux fins énoncées dans les présentes. Si nous recevons une demande vérifiable de correction d’informations personnelles inexactes, nous déploierons des efforts commercialement raisonnables pour corriger les informations comme vous l’avez demandé.</span></li>\n    <li class=\"c7\"><span class=\"c2\">Droit d’obtenir une copie des informations personnelles que vous nous avez fournies.</span></li>\n  </ul>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c23\">Les résidents de Virginie peuvent exercer leurs droits en nous contactant via les méthodes décrites ci-dessus dans <b><i>« Comment nous contacter »</i></b>. Nous ferons tout notre possible pour répondre à toute demande identifiée ci-dessus dans un délai commercialement raisonnable, et au plus tard dans le délai prévu dans le VCDPA.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c4\"></span></p>\n\n  <a id=\"id.f541jafkixc\"></a>\n  <p class=\"c20\"><span class=\"c12 c25\">SÉCURITÉ</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c2\">LGC s'efforce d'utiliser des mesures de sécurité physiques et électroniques commercialement raisonnables pour vous protéger contre la perte, l'accès non autorisé, l'utilisation abusive ou la modification de vos informations personnelles. Nous limitons l'accès aux informations personnelles aux employés, agents, sous-traitants et autres tiers qui ont un besoin professionnel de les connaître. Sachez cependant que, malgré tous nos efforts, aucune mesure de sécurité n’est parfaite ou impénétrable et nous ne pouvons garantir les mesures de sécurité de tiers.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n\n  <a id=\"id.4r2n8n50gdks\"></a>\n  <p class=\"c20\"><span class=\"c12 c25\">TRANSFERTS INTERNATIONAUX DE DONNÉES</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c2\">Lorsque vous nous fournissez des informations personnelles vous concernant, il s'agit d'un transfert direct de vos informations personnelles vers nos serveurs aux États-Unis. Cependant, comme nous opérons à l'échelle mondiale, nous pouvons transférer et traiter des informations personnelles vous concernant sur nos serveurs aux États-Unis et/ou dans des pays autres que votre pays d'origine, et nous pouvons utiliser des services basés sur le cloud dont les serveurs sont situés dans de nombreux endroits différents. Veuillez noter que les lois sur la protection des données de certains pays, comme les États-Unis, peuvent ne pas offrir un niveau de protection de la vie privée équivalent à celui de l'Espace économique européen (EEE), du Royaume-Uni ou de votre pays d'origine. Si votre utilisation des Services entraîne le transfert d'informations personnelles de l'EEE vers des pays hors EEE, ou du Royaume-Uni vers des pays hors Royaume-Uni, qui n'ont pas été considérés comme offrant un niveau adéquat de protection de la vie privée, nous pouvons compter sur ( i ) des clauses contractuelles types approuvées par la Commission européenne ou en vertu de la loi britannique sur la protection des données, selon le cas, et/ou (ii) des prestataires de services tiers aux États-Unis qui sont certifiés pour recevoir de telles informations dans le cadre des données UE-États-Unis ou Royaume-Uni-États-Unis. Cadre de protection, le cas échéant, ou obtenez votre consentement à de tels transferts.</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n\n  <a id=\"id.5mfk90ux0o9o\"></a>\n  <p class=\"c20\"><span class=\"c12 c25\">STOCKAGE/RÉTENTION</span></p>\n  <p class=\"c14\"><span class=\"c2\"></span></p>\n  <p class=\"c13\"><span class=\"c2\">Les informations personnelles que nous collectons ne seront pas conservées plus longtemps que nécessaire aux fins décrites dans la présente Politique ou pour répondre aux exigences légales, réglementaires, fiscales, comptables ou de reporting. Dans certains cas, nous pouvons anonymiser vos informations personnelles (afin qu'elles ne puissent plus être associées à vous et ne soient plus des informations personnelles) à des fins de recherche ou de statistiques, auquel cas nous pouvons utiliser ces informations indéfiniment sans autre préavis.</span></p>\n","typeLabelEmail":"Courriel","typeLabelPhysical":"Courrier","typeLabelPhysicalDisabled":"Courrier (Indisponible)","typeLabelText":"Message texte","validAddCartFormErrors":{"emoji_restriction":"Seul le texte brut est pris en charge avec les cartes postées. Veuillez remplacer les emojis par du texte ou envoyer par e-mail.","gift_message":"Le message ne doit pas dépasser 150 caractères","recipient_email":"Veuillez saisir une adresse e-mail valide","recipient_phone":"Veuillez entrer un numéro de téléphone valide","scheduled_date":"Veuillez indiquer une date de livraison présente ou future","scheduled_date_not_business_day":"Les cartes ne peuvent être envoyées que les jours ouvrables"},"validPayFormErrors":{"email":"Veuillez fournir une adresse e-mail valide","name":"Veuillez indiquer votre prénom et votre nom","zip":"Veuillez indiquer un {zipLabel} valide"},"valueInputLabel":"Quel est le montant de votre don?","valueInputPlaceholder":"Personnalisée","zipDisplayName":"Code postal","customerSupport":{"link":"service de soutien aux cartes-cadeaux de DoorDash","text":"Vous avez besoin d’assistance? Consultez le"},"indexPageAbout":{"bullet1":"Offre une livraison de nourriture en cadeau grâce à une carte-cadeau DoorDash. L’application DoorDash met en contact tes personnes favorites avec leur cuisine préférée. Offre-leur une livraison pour simplifier leurs soirées, égayer leurs journées et leur donner plus de temps libre pour profiter des gens et des choses qu’ils apprécient. Disponible à Melbourne, à Sidney, à Geelong et à Brisbane.","bullet2":"Une gigantesque sélection de mets et de restaurants","bullet3":"Commande facile et suivi en temps réel","bullet4":"Personnalisation de vos commandes","bullet5":"Options de ramassage et de commande de groupe","title":"En savoir plus sur les cartes-cadeaux de DoorDash"},"orderHeader":"Échangez votre carte-cadeau DoorDash de {denom_string} AUD","pageTitle":"Cartes-cadeaux de l’Australie de DoorDash – Nous livrons maintenant depuis un restaurant près de chez vous","productAvailabilityText":"Les cartes-cadeaux en AUD sont uniquement valides en Australie","redeemFAQs":{"helpCenter":{"boldText":"Besoin d’aide?","link":"FAQ","text":"Visitez DoorDash"},"items":[{"answer":{"bullet1":{"link":"","text":"Crée un compte ou ouvre une session sur l’application DoorDash ou sur "},"bullet2":"Accède à l’onglet Compte > Cartes-cadeaux","bullet3":"Entre le NIP de ta carte-cadeau"},"question":"Comment puis-je échanger une carte-cadeau?"},{"answer":{"bullet1":"Une vaste sélection pour répondre à tous tes besoins – aliments et autres!","bullet2":"Commande facile et suivi en temps réel","bullet3":"Personnalisation de vos commandes","bullet4":"Options de commande à emporter et de groupe"},"question":"À quoi peuvent servir les cartes-cadeaux?"},{"answer":"Les cartes-cadeaux n’ont pas de date d’expiration.","question":"Les cartes-cadeaux expirent-elles?"},{"answer":"Cette carte cadeau ne peut être utilisée qu’en Australie.","question":"Où puis-je utiliser cette carte-cadeau?"}],"terms":{"link1":"ici","text":"Pour les conditions générales des cartes-cadeaux DoorDash (AU), clique","title":"Conditions générales des cartes-cadeaux"}},"valueHeaderLabel":"Valeur (AUD)"}},"ja":{"configFile":{"continueShoppingLinkUrl":"","country":"australia","countryISO2":"AU","defaultDenomValue":5000,"defaultDenomValueIsSet":true,"disablePromoCode":true,"enableAnalytics":true,"enableDenomRange":true,"googleAnalyticsId":"UA-109658029-2","hasCustomAgreeTemplate":true,"hasFavIcon":true,"hideContinueShoppingLinkArrow":true,"languageModalAvailableOptions":[{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-AU","id":"en","name":"English (Australia)","region":"Australia · AUD $"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"fr-AU","id":"fr","name":"Français","region":"Australia · AUD $"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"es-AU","id":"es","name":"Spanish (US)","region":"Australia · AUD $"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"es2-AU","id":"es2","name":"Spanish (MX)","region":"Australia · AUD $"}],"phoneFormat":"+61 # #### ####","regionModalAvailableOptions":[{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-US","id":"us","name":"United States · USD $","targetPartner":"doordash"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-AU","id":"au","name":"Australia · AUD $","targetPartner":"doordashaus"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-NZ","id":"ca","name":"Canada · CAD $","targetPartner":"doordashca"},{"defaultLocaleQuery":"en-NZ","id":"nz","name":"New Zealand · NZD $","targetPartner":"doordashnz"}],"regionModalLabels":{"header":"Change region"},"rightAlignRedemptionInstruction":true,"showAddCardBtnBelowPreview":true,"showAddToAccountButton":true,"showCountryInPayform":false,"showEmailWarning":true,"showGiftCardMessageField":true,"showGiftCardSummary":false,"showInfoLinksCheckout":true,"showInfoLinksIndex":true,"showLanguageAndRegionAsExtraLink":false,"showLanguageAndRegionOnTopOfTerms":true,"showTermsCheckout":false,"showTermsIndex":true,"showTermsOrder":false,"supportEmail":"[email protected]","trimRoundDecimal":true,"useCopyForPin":true,"useCustomAgreeReactTemplate":true,"useDenomCarousel":true,"useDenomFormatting":true,"useGiftCardPageAccordion":true,"useSpecialPromoBanner":false,"useSpecialPromoInstruction":false,"useSuccessLinksTemplate":true,"customerSupport":"\n      <div>Need help? Visit <a href='' target='_blank'>DoorDash Gift Card Support</a></div>\n    ","customizeExtraText":"\n    <h2 class='bulk-header'>Gift Cards in Bulk</h2>\n    <div>Are you looking to purchase DoorDash gift cards in bulk? Give the gift of food delivery and sign up for a buyer account today!</div>\n  ","customizeExtraTextButton":"\n    <a target='_blank' href='' class='action-button action-button--bulk'>Shop now</a>\n  ","footerHTML":"\n    <div class='doordash-footer__container'>\n      <div class=\"doordash-footer-text\">The Gift that delivers itself</div>\n      <p class='doordash-order-footer_text'>\n        <img src='' class='doordash-order-footer_img' />\n        <a href=\"\">Terms of Service ©2023 DoorDash</a>\n      </p>\n    </div>\n  ","headerHTML":"\n      <div class='doordash-header__container'>\n      <div class=\"doordash-header-text\">Buy a DoorDash Gift Card</div>\n      <div class=\"doordash-header-subtext\">For every appetite and any occasion</div>\n        <img src='' class='doordash-order-header-logo' />\n      </div>\n    ","indexPageAbout":"\n    <div>\n      Learn more about DoorDash Gift Cards\n    </div>\n    <ul>\n      <li>Give the gift of food delivery with a DoorDash gift card. The DoorDash app connects your favourite people with the foods they love. Gift food delivery for easier evenings, happier days, and more time to enjoy the people and things they love. Available in Melbourne, Sydney, Geelong and Brisbane.</li>\n      <li>A huge selection fulfilling all your needs - food and more!</li>\n      <li>Easy ordering & real-time tracking</li>\n      <li>Customize your orders</li>\n      <li>Pickup & group order options</li>\n    </ul>\n  ","metaData":{"description":"Best local restaurants now deliver. Get breakfast, lunch, dinner and more delivered from your favorite restaurants right to your doorstep with one easy click.","keywords":"Food, delivery, breakfast, lunch, dinner, takeout, restaurants, palo alto, menlo park, mountain view, los angeles, santa monica, best, local, deliver, favorite, restaurant, doorstep, eats, delivered, order, tap, partner, find food, deliver with, hungry, gift of food, give food, Android, ios, wait, ready, crave, bring, to your door, the food, door to door, app, download, order, pickup, pick up, restaurants, city, DoorDash, door dash, dasher, dashers, delivering, good, moments, find, stories, good mornings, vibes,"},"terms":"\n    <h1>Terms and Conditions</h1>\n    <p>\n      Your gift card is redeemable towards eligible orders placed on <a href='' target='_blank'></a> or in the DoorDash App in Australia. Gift cards are made available and provided by DoorDash Technologies Australia Pty Ltd. Gift cards cannot be used to pay a credit account and are not redeemable for cash except when required by applicable law. Purchases with a gift card are subject to DoorDash's standard refund policy, and any refund amounts will be credited back to the DoorDash consumer's account. Gift cards will not expire. All gift card redemptions are final and may not be reversed. For more information on gift cards, please visit <a href='' target='_blank'></a>. To view the full Gift Card Terms and Conditions, please visit <a href=';region=AU&locale=en-AU' target='_blank'>;region=AU&locale=en-AU</a>.\n    </p>\n  "},"langFile":{"addACard":"Add a gift card","addAnotherCard":"Add another gift card","addAnotherCardIcon":"","customAgreeTextGroup":{"text1":"I agree to the","text2":"and","ddLinkText":"Card Terms and Conditions","lgcLinkText":"Terms of Use and Privacy Policy"},"addToAccountLabel":"Redeem gift card","addToAccountUrl":"","addToCartButtonLabel":"Continue","backIcon":"","cartEmptyMessage":"Your cart is empty.","checkoutAddCardText":"Add another gift card","checkoutButtonLabel":"Place order {price}","checkoutNavLabel":"Checkout","checkoutTitle":"Your cart","continueShoppingLinkLabel":"Back to DoorDash","copiedPINext":"PIN copied!","countryFlagOnValueSelectAlt":"","customAgreeTemplate":"","customCardholderNameLabel":"Cardholder Name","customerSupportLink":"","customizeExtraText":{"text":"Are you looking to purchase DoorDash gift cards in bulk? Give the gift of food delivery and sign up for a buyer account today!","title":"Gift Cards in Bulk"},"customizeExtraTextButton":"Shop now","defaultDeliveryOption":"digital","deliveryHeader":"Select delivery option","displayedValueLabel":"Amount on Card:","footerHTML":{"terms":"Terms of Service ©2023 DoorDash","text":"The Gift that delivers itself"},"giftMessage":"Message:","giftMessageLabel":"Gift Message","header":"Buy A DoorDash Gift Card","headerHTML":{"learnMore":"Learn more","subtext":"For every appetite and any occasion","text":"Buy a DoorDash Gift Card"},"languageModalLabels":{"header":"Choose a language to use"},"maxCardsDisclaimer":"Max. {maxCards} per order","metaData":{"description":"Best local restaurants now deliver. Get breakfast, lunch, dinner and more delivered from your favorite restaurants right to your doorstep with one easy click.","keywords":"Food, delivery, breakfast, lunch, dinner, takeout, restaurants, palo alto, menlo park, mountain view, los angeles, santa monica, best, local, deliver, favorite, restaurant, doorstep, eats, delivered, order, tap, partner, find food, deliver with, hungry, gift of food, give food, Android, ios, wait, ready, crave, bring, to your door, the food, door to door, app, download, order, pickup, pick up, restaurants, city, DoorDash, door dash, dasher, dashers, delivering, good, moments, find, stories, good mornings, vibes,"},"navBtnText":"Customize","orderSubtitle":"This will add gift card credits to your DoorDash account which you can use any time.","partnerHeaderImageModalContent":{"items":[{"description":"From holidays to birthdays, deliver cheer when you send a meal.","title":"Celebrate moments that matter"},{"description":"Use DoorDash Gift Cards at your neighborhood restaurants, or try somewhere new.","title":"Support local favorites"},{"description":"Provide an easy meal option for your team or coworkers.","title":"Delight your team"}],"title":"DoorDash Gift Cards"},"payWithCard":"Pay With Card","paymentDetailsTitle":"Personal details","pinCopyLabel":"Copy","previewYourOrder":"Checkout","productDenomInputErrorMsg":"Enter an amount between ${minDenom} and ${maxDenom}.","productDenomMissingInputErrorMsg":"","productTypeInfo":{"charity":{"productTypeInfoText":"DoorDash offers you the option to buy gift cards for donation to organizations and causes throughout the year. Just purchase the gift card, and we’ll donate it to the selected nonprofit.","productTypeInfoText2":"Learn more about our current effort to support Afghan refugees, and purchase a DoorDash gift card for the International Rescue Committee (IRC). Donated gift cards will be used by the IRC to provide food and essentials to families in need.","productTypeInfoText3":"Gift cards purchased for donation through DoorDash will be donated to the International Rescue Committee. DoorDash is not soliciting donations from residents of MA, IL, SC, MS, AL, and HI at this time. The purchase of a gift card is not tax deductible.","productTypeInfoTextCntd":"Learn more about our current effort to support Afghan refugees, and purchase a DoorDash gift card for the International Rescue Committee (IRC). Donated gift cards will be used by the IRC to provide food and essentials to families in need.","productTypeInfoTextCntd2":"Gift cards purchased for donation through DoorDash will be donated to the International Rescue Committee. DoorDash is not soliciting donations from residents of MA, IL, SC, MS, AL, and HI at this time. The purchase of a gift card is not tax deductible.","tooltip":{"productTypeInfoText":"DoorDash offers you the option to buy gift cards for donation to organizations and causes throughout the year. Just purchase the gift card, and we’ll donate it to the selected nonprofit.","productTypeInfoTextCntd":"Learn more about our current effort to support Afghan refugees, and purchase a DoorDash gift card for the International Rescue Committee (IRC). Donated gift cards will be used by the IRC to provide food and essentials to families in need.","productTypeInfoTextCntd2":"Gift cards purchased for donation through DoorDash will be donated to the International Rescue Committee. DoorDash is not soliciting donations from residents of MA, IL, SC, MS, AL, and HI at this time. The purchase of a gift card is not tax deductible.","textBeforeTrigger":"Learn more about the &nbsp;","tooltipTriggerText":"Donate Delivery Option"}}},"recipientEmailLabel":"Recipient Email","recipientHeader":"Other details","recipientPhoneLabel":"Recipient Phone Number","recipientRegionLabel":"State","requiredAddCartFormErrors":{"delivery_option":"Please select a delivery option","gift_message":"Gift Message is required","recipient_address_line_1":"Recipient address line 1 is required","recipient_city":"Recipient city is required","recipient_email":"Recipient email is required","recipient_name":"Recipient name is required","recipient_phone":"Recipient phone number is required","recipient_postal_code":"Recipient zip code is required","recipient_region":"State is required","sender_name":"Sender name is required"},"requiredPayFormErrors":{"zip":"Your postal code is required"},"sendDate":"Send on:","senderNameLabel":"Sender Name","specialHeaderNavCart":"","specialHeaderNavCartEmpty":"","specialHeaderNavLogo":"","stateDropdownPlaceholder":"","successLinksTextGroup":{"successLinksText":"Order more"},"successPageHeader":"Order Summary","typeLabelEmail":"Email","typeLabelPhysical":"Mail","typeLabelPhysicalDisabled":"Mail (not available)","typeLabelText":"Text message","validAddCartFormErrors":{"emoji_restriction":"Only plain text is supported with mailed cards. Please replace emojis with text or send via email.","gift_message":"Gift message must be 150 characters or less","recipient_email":"Please enter a valid email address","recipient_phone":"Please enter a valid phone number","scheduled_date":"Please enter a present or future delivery date","scheduled_date_not_business_day":"Cards can only be mailed on a business day"},"validPayFormErrors":{"zip":"Please provide a valid postal code"},"valueInputLabel":"How much you would like to gift?","valueInputPlaceholder":"Custom","zipDisplayName":"Zip Code","specialPromoTextTerms":{"headline":"Father’s Day Promotion - Receive 10% off any purchase* of a DoorDash Gift Card","linkText":"terms","linkUrl":"","text":"DoorDash Gift Card promotion only valid through 9AM EDT on 06/19/2023. Receive 10% off your gift card purchase. Offer will be automatically applied at checkout. Limit one gift card promotion per person. Offer valid for one transaction up to $500 in DoorDash Gift Cards with maximum discount of $50. Must have a valid DoorDash account. Only available in the US as determined by DoorDash in its sole discretion. See full ","textAfterLink":"."},"customerSupport":{"link":"DoorDash Gift Card Support","text":"Need help? Visit"},"indexPageAbout":{"bullet1":"Give the gift of food delivery with a DoorDash gift card. The DoorDash app connects your favourite people with the foods they love. Gift food delivery for easier evenings, happier days, and more time to enjoy the people and things they love. Available in Melbourne, Sydney, Geelong and Brisbane.","bullet2":"A huge selection fulfilling all your needs - food and more!","bullet3":"Easy ordering & real-time tracking","bullet4":"Customize your orders","bullet5":"Pickup & group order options","title":"Learn more about DoorDash Gift Cards"},"orderHeader":"Redeem your {denom_string} AUD DoorDash gift card","pageTitle":"DoorDash Australia Gift Cards | Delivering Now, From Restaurants Near You","productAvailabilityText":"AUD gift cards are only valid in Australia","redeemFAQs":{"helpCenter":{"boldText":"Need help?","link":"FAQs","text":"Visit the DoorDash"},"items":[{"answer":{"bullet1":{"link":"","text":"Create an account or sign in to the DoorDash app or on "},"bullet2":"Navigate to Account > Gift Card","bullet3":"Enter your gift card PIN"},"question":"How do I redeem a gift card?"},{"answer":{"bullet1":"A huge selection fulfilling all your needs - food and more!","bullet2":"Easy ordering & real-time tracking","bullet3":"Customise your orders","bullet4":"Pickup & group order options"},"question":"What can I use gift cards for?"},{"answer":"Gift cards will not expire.","question":"Do gift cards expire?"},{"answer":"This gift card can only be used in Australia.","question":"Where can this gift card be used?"}],"terms":{"link1":"here","text":"For DoorDash Gift Cards Terms and Conditions (AU), click","title":"Gift Card Terms and Conditions"}},"terms":{"text":"Your gift card is redeemable towards eligible orders placed on <a href='' target='_blank'></a> or in the DoorDash App in Australia. Gift cards are made available and provided by DoorDash Technologies Australia Pty Ltd. Gift cards cannot be used to pay a credit account and are not redeemable for cash except when required by applicable law. Purchases with a gift card are subject to DoorDash's standard refund policy, and any refund amounts will be credited back to the DoorDash consumer's account. Gift cards will not expire. All gift card redemptions are final and may not be reversed. For more information on gift cards, please visit <a href='' target='_blank'></a>. To view the full Gift Card Terms and Conditions, please visit <a href=';region=AU&locale=en-AU' target='_blank'>;region=AU&locale=en-AU</a>.","title":"Terms and Conditions"},"valueHeaderLabel":"Value (AUD)","termsOfUse":"\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <h3 class=\"c5\">LAST UPDATED: &nbsp;</h3\n      ><span class=\"c17 c21\">July</span><span>&nbsp; 1, 2024</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><h3 class=\"c5\">TERMS OF SERVICE</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF SERVICE CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE SERVICES.\n        &nbsp;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><h3 class=\"c5\">DEFINITIONS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c13\">Brand</span><span class=\"c10\">&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >means an LGC client that issues the Gift Card and is also responsible\n        for honoring and redeeming the Gift Card.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c13\">Gift Card</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&nbsp;means either a digital card, code or physical card issued by a\n        Brand usable by the cardholder to purchase goods or services only from\n        the Brand.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c13\">Service(s)</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&nbsp;means the online site and related mechanisms whereby a Consumer\n        may purchase a Brand&rsquo;s Gift Card directly.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><h3 class=\"c5\">SERVICES</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Launch Gift Cards, Inc. and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries\n        (collectively &ldquo;LGC&rdquo;, &ldquo;we&rdquo;, &ldquo;our&rdquo; or\n        &ldquo;us&rdquo;) provides the Service. Your purchase of a Brand&rsquo;s\n        Gift Card through this Service is governed by these Terms of Service\n        (the &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c10\">Terms</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&rdquo;). Be aware that the Gift Card itself has its own terms and\n        conditions that govern the use of the gift card with the Brand (the\n        &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c10\">Brand Terms</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&rdquo;). The Brand Terms are separate and distinct from these Terms.\n        &nbsp;Instructions for use and redemption of the Gift Card can be found\n        on the back of the physical Gift Card or via the Brand Terms online. The\n        Gift Card can only be used to purchase goods and services offered by the\n        Brand. LGC is not a financial institution, a money services business, or\n        a money transmitter. LGC is not an issuer of Gift Cards. Gift Cards\n        purchased via the Services may not be transferred, shared, or resold.\n        Any attempt to resell the Gift Card may result in the Gift Card being\n        cancelled or voided by LGC. Any transactions occurring after any resale\n        will be considered unauthorized.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><h3 class=\"c5\">ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >These Terms apply to all the Services provided by LGC. &nbsp;LGC\n        provides the Services to you subject to your acceptance of these Terms.\n        LGC may update the Terms at any time by posting a new version online,\n        and your continued use of the Services after any such update constitutes\n        your binding acceptance of such changes. Please read these Terms\n        carefully. If you do not agree with these Terms, you should not use the\n        Services. Your continued use of the Services is deemed acceptance of\n        these Terms. &nbsp;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >The Services are intended for users who are at least 18 years old.\n        Persons under the age of 18 are not permitted to use the Services.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1 c24\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c2\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c2\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">USER REPRESENTATIONS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >By using the Services, you represent and warrant that: (1) all\n        information you submit will be true, accurate, current, and complete;\n        (2) you will maintain the accuracy of such information and promptly\n        update such information, as necessary; (3) you have the legal capacity\n        and you agree to comply with these Terms and any other terms associated\n        with the Services; (4) you are not a minor in the jurisdiction in which\n        you reside; (5) you will not access the Services through automated or\n        non-human means, whether through a bot, script or otherwise; (6) you\n        will not use the Services for any illegal or unauthorized purpose, or in\n        violation of any laws. If utilizing the Services on behalf of a business\n        entity, you represent that the business entity is in good standing under\n        the laws in which it is organized and that you have authority to act on\n        behalf of the business entity, making further representations as may be\n        required . If utilizing the Services on behalf of an entity to make a\n        large volume order (a &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c10\">Bulk Order</span><span class=\"c13\">&rdquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >), you accept the additional terms and conditions relating to such a\n        purchase.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current,\n        incomplete, fraudulent or suspected to be fraudulent, or act in a manner\n        that is fraudulent or contrary to these Terms, LGC retains the right to\n        suspend or terminate your use of the Services and refuse any future use\n        of the Services. If you fail to provide information or data necessary to\n        facilitate the provision of the Services, Services may not be provided\n        to you.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">GIFT CARD DISPLAY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC makes every effort to display as accurately as possible the colors,\n        features, specifications, and details associated with the Gift Cards\n        that are made available through the Services. Gift Cards are subject to\n        availability within the respective territory. LGC reserves the right to\n        discontinue offering any Gift Cards at any time for any reason.\n        Denominations associated with Gift Cards are subject to change. Any\n        personalization of Gift Cards is subject to the terms of User Conduct\n        (below).</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">PURCHASES AND PAYMENT</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Except for Bulk Orders, LGC may accept the following forms of payment:\n        Visa, MasterCard, </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">Discover, Amex,</span><span class=\"c16 c17\">&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">Google Pay, </span><span class=\"c0\">and</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&nbsp;Apple Pay. You agree to provide current, complete, and accurate\n        purchase information for all purchases made via the Services so that LGC\n        can complete your transactions and contact you as needed. Sales tax will\n        be added to the price of purchases as may be required. The price you\n        will pay is the price indicated when you place your order. All payments\n        shall be in Australian Dollars. Bulk Orders require pre-payment via bank\n        transfer. Accepted forms of payment identified in this section are\n        subject to change.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >You agree to pay all charges at the prices in effect at the time of\n        your purchase and including any applicable shipping fees. You authorize\n        LGC to charge your chosen payment provider for any such amounts upon\n        placing your order. LGC reserves the right to correct any errors or\n        mistakes in pricing, even if we have already requested or received\n        payment.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c20 c16\"\n        >If you make a purchase using the Services, your payment information is\n        collected by third-party payment processors (for example Stripe and\n        Braintree) and transmitted to it directly via an encrypted connection.\n        Our payment processors use, process, and store your information in\n        accordance with their own privacy policies, and they maintain that they\n        are PCI compliant.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC reserves the right to refuse any order placed through the Services.\n        LGC may, in its sole discretion, limit or cancel quantities purchased\n        per person, per household, or per order. These restrictions may include\n        orders placed by or under the same customer account, the same payment\n        method, and/or orders that use the same billing or shipping address. LGC\n        reserves the right to limit or prohibit orders that, in our sole\n        judgment, appear to be placed by dealers, resellers, or distributors.\n        LGC may further prohibit or limit orders to ensure compliance with\n        applicable law.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">RETURN/REFUNDS POLICY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c14\">\n      <span class=\"c0\">All sales are final. LGC does not issue refunds. </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">DELIVERY &amp; SECURITY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c12\">\n      <span class=\"c16 c17\"\n        >Delivery is based on the email address, mobile phone number or physical\n        address you provide. LGC is not responsible for delivery failure due to\n        an invalid or incorrect address (email or physical) or mobile phone\n        number you provide. </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC will send the Gift Card to the identified recipient on the\n        specified send date at time of purchase.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c12\">\n      <span class=\"c16 c17\"\n        >Upon delivery you are solely responsible for the security and </span\n      ><span class=\"c16 c17\">safekeeping</span\n      ><span class=\"c16 c17\"\n        >&nbsp;of your Gift Card. The link provided to you via email or text\n        message is the only way to access your Gift Card.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">USER CONDUCT</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c14\">\n      <span class=\"c0\">You agree that you will not use the Services to:</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Post, e-mail, transmit, upload, or otherwise make available content\n        that harasses, abuses, defames, or threatens other users, that contains\n        profanity, or obscene or otherwise objectionable content, or that\n        degrades others;\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Post, e-mail, transmit, upload, or otherwise make available content\n        that contains any other party&rsquo;s intellectual property unless you\n        have the right to do so or violates the privacy, publicity or other\n        personal rights of others;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Post, e-mail, transmit, upload, or otherwise make available any\n        material that contains software viruses or any other computer code,\n        files or programs which (by design or function) interrupt, destroy, or\n        limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or\n        telecommunications equipment;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Violate any applicable local, state, national or international law or\n        regulation;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Make available, content provided by LGC or through the Services to any\n        other website, streaming technology, peer-to-peer software, or similarly\n        unauthorized distribution channel unless expressly authorized to do so\n        by LGC;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Use any meta tags or any other hidden text using our name or\n        trademarks;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any of\n        the software comprising, or in any way making up, any part of the\n        Services; or</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c7\">\n      <span class=\"c0\">Access any content not intended for your use. </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Violation of the above User Conduct terms may result in your inability\n        to access the services.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >You understand that all content submitted to the Services by users\n        (&quot;</span\n      ><span class=\"c10\">User Materials</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&quot;), whether privately transmitted or made publicly available, are\n        the sole responsibility of the source from which such User Materials\n        were provided. You, not LGC, are entirely responsible for all User\n        Materials that you upload, post, share, e-mail, transmit, or otherwise\n        make available via the Services.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >You acknowledge that LGC may pre-screen User Materials and that LGC and\n        its designees have the right (but not the obligation) in their sole\n        discretion to refuse, permanently delete, and/or move any User Materials\n        that are submitted through the Services. Without limiting the foregoing,\n        LGC and its designees shall have the right to remove any User Materials\n        that violate these Terms or are otherwise objectionable at its sole and\n        absolute discretion. You understand that by using the Services, you may\n        be exposed to User Materials that you may consider to be offensive or\n        objectionable. You agree that you must evaluate, and bear all risks\n        associated with the use or disclosure of any User Materials.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c29\"><span class=\"c9\">LINKS AND THIRD PARTIES</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c16 c20\"\n        >We may provide links to other sites owned and operated by third\n        parties. We are not responsible for these third party sites, their\n        privacy policies, or how they treat the information of visitors and\n        users. We advise you to review their privacy policies for information on\n        how those sites collect, use, and protect your information.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c20 c16\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c20 c16\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c15\"><h3 class=\"c5\">INDEMNITY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless LGC and its parent\n        company, affiliates, subsidiaries, employees, contractors,\n        telecommunication providers, content providers, and assignees and their\n        respective officers, directors, employees and agents from and against\n        any and all liabilities, claims, actions, demands, damages, costs,\n        losses and expenses (including reasonable attorney&#39;s fees) made by\n        any third party due to or arising from: (i) out of your use of the\n        Services, (ii) any breach or non-compliance by you of any portion of\n        these Terms; or (iii) your negligence or violation or alleged violation\n        of any applicable law or rights of a third party.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">MODIFICATIONS TO SERVICE</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC reserves the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or\n        permanently, the Services (or any part thereof), with or without notice\n        at any time. You agree that LGC shall not be liable to you or any third\n        party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the\n        Services, except as otherwise specified.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c2\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">TERMINATION</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC may, in its sole and absolute discretion and without notice or\n        liability to you or any third party, immediately terminate your access\n        to the Services in the event (a) you breach or violation of these Terms\n        (b) requests by law enforcement or government agencies or in the case of\n        suspected fraud or violation of any applicable law in relation to the\n        use of the Services.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\">\n      <h3 class=\"c5\">DEALINGS WITH ADVERTISERS AND OTHER USERS</h3>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Your interaction with, business dealings, or participation in\n        promotions of, advertisers, buyers, sellers, or agents found on or\n        through the Services, including payment for and delivery of related\n        goods or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or\n        representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you\n        and such third party. LGC shall not be responsible or liable for any\n        loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings\n        or as the result of the presence of such advertisers or third parties on\n        the Services or your use thereof.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">LINKS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >The Services may provide links to other sites or resources. LGC has no\n        control over such sites and resources, and you acknowledge and agree\n        that LGC is not responsible for the availability of such external sites\n        or resources, and does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for\n        any content, advertising, products, or other materials on or available\n        from such sites or resources. You further acknowledge and agree that LGC\n        is not liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or\n        alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any\n        such content, goods or services available on or through any such site or\n        resource.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">OUR PROPRIETARY RIGHTS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >All title, ownership and intellectual property rights in and to the\n        Services and the data, information, materials, trademarks, service\n        marks, software, photos, videos, images, and other content\n        (collectively, the &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c10\">Content</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&rdquo;) made available through the Services are owned by LGC, its\n        affiliates or licensors. Unless noted otherwise, the Services and all\n        Content made available through the Services are protected by copyright,\n        trademark, &nbsp;intellectual property, and other applicable law and may\n        not be used except as permitted by these Terms. Except as expressly\n        authorized by LGC, you agree not to modify, rent, lease, loan, sell,\n        distribute or create derivative works based on the Content and Services,\n        in whole or in part; provided, however, that you are granted a limited\n        license to access and use the Services and Content &nbsp;as described\n        herein.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Content available through the Services may contain typographical\n        errors, inaccuracies, or omissions, including within descriptions,\n        pricing, availability, and various other information. We reserve the\n        right to correct any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions and to change or\n        update the Content at any time, without prior notice to you.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\"><h3 class=\"c5\">PRIVACY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Please refer to our Privacy Policy for information about how we\n        collect, use, and disclose information.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c14\">\n      <span class=\"c0\">YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT:</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >YOUR USE OF THE SERVICES IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK. THE SERVICES ARE\n        PROVIDED ON AN &quot;AS </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">IS&quot;</span><span class=\"c16 c17\">&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">AND</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&nbsp;&quot;AS AVAILABLE&quot; BASIS, WITHOUT REPRESENTATIONS TO\n        ACCURACY OR </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">AVA</span><span class=\"c16 c17\">I</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">LABILITY.</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >&nbsp;LGC EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER\n        EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES\n        OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ACCURACY, AND\n        NON-INFRINGEMENT. LGC ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE TIMELINESS,\n        DELETION, MIS-DELIVERY OR FAILURE TO PROVIDE ANY CONTENT OR TO STORE ANY\n        PERSONALIZATION SETTINGS OR USER MATERIALS. WE MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR\n        GUARANTEES THAT THE SERVICES AND CONTENT WILL ALWAYS BE AVAILABLE OR\n        THAT THE CONTENT WILL BE ACCURATE, COMPLETE, </span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">WITHOU</span><span class=\"c16 c17\">T</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\">&nbsp;ERROR, OR RELIABLE.</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >ANY CONTENT DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE SERVICES IS\n        DOWNLOADED AND USED AT YOUR RISK.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC DOES NOT WARRANT, ENDORSE, GUARANTEE, OR ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR\n        ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE ADVERTISED OR OFFERED BY A THIRD PARTY, INCLUDING\n        A BRAND, THROUGH THE SERVICES, OR ANY HYPERLINKED WEBSITE, OR MOBILE\n        APPLICATION FEATURED IN ANY BANNER OR OTHER ADVERTISING. LGC WILL NOT BE\n        A PARTY TO, OR IN ANY WAY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR, MONITORING ANY TRANSACTION\n        BETWEEN YOU AND ANY THIRD-PARTY PROVIDERS OF PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. AS\n        WITH THE PURCHASE OF A PRODUCT OR SERVICE THROUGH ANY MEDIUM OR IN ANY\n        ENVIRONMENT, YOU SHOULD USE YOUR BEST JUDGMENT AND EXERCISE CAUTION\n        WHERE APPROPRIATE.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c0\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT LGC SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY\n        DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY\n        DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS,\n        GOODWILL, USE, DATA OR OTHER INTANGIBLE LOSSES (EVEN IF LGC HAD BEEN\n        ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES), RESULTING FROM: (i) THE USE\n        OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SERVICES; (ii) THE COST OF PROCUREMENT OF\n        SUBSTITUTE GOODS AND SERVICES RESULTING FROM ANY GOODS, DATA,\n        INFORMATION OR SERVICES PURCHASED OR OBTAINED OR MESSAGES RECEIVED OR\n        TRANSACTIONS ENTERED INTO THROUGH OR FROM THE SERVICES; (iii)\n        UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO OR ALTERATION OF YOUR TRANSMISSIONS OR DATA; (iv)\n        STATEMENTS OR CONDUCT OF ANY THIRD PARTY ON THE SERVICES; OR (v) ANY\n        OTHER MATTER RELATING TO THE SERVICES. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW\n        THE EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN WARRANTIES OR THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF\n        LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. ACCORDINGLY, SOME OF\n        THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >You agree that, except as otherwise expressly provided in these Terms,\n        there shall be no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><h3 class=\"c5\">NOTICE</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC may provide you with notices, including those regarding changes to\n        these Terms, by e-mail or postings on the Services.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><span class=\"c21 c22\">CALIFORNIA CONSUMER NOTICE</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c6\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <span class=\"c6\"\n        >Under California Civil Code Section 1789.3, California users are\n        entitled to the following consumer rights notice: The website is\n        provided by Launch Gift Cards, Inc. and its affiliates, 16501 Ventura\n        Blvd Suite 410, Encino, CA 91436. If you have a question or complaint\n        regarding the website, please contact LGC&rsquo;s customer service via\n        the methods listed under &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c22 c21\">Questions</span\n      ><span class=\"c6\"\n        >&rdquo; below. California residents may reach the Complaint Assistance\n        Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the California Department\n        of Consumer Affairs by post at 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite N. 112,\n        Sacramento, CA 95834 or by telephone at (800) 952-5210 or Hearing\n        Impaired at TDD (800) 735-2929.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c2\"><span class=\"c5\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">TRADEMARK INFORMATION</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Nothing contained within the Services, or these Terms should be\n        construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any\n        license or right to use any trademark displayed on the Services without\n        the written permission of LGC or any third party that may own the\n        trademarks. Your misuse of any trademarks displayed on the Services, or\n        any other Content on the Services, except as provided in these Terms, is\n        strictly prohibited. You are also advised that LGC will aggressively\n        enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the\n        law.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <h3 class=\"c5\"\n        >NOTICE AND PROCEDURE FOR MAKING CLAIMS OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT</h3\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC may, in appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, disable\n        and/or terminate the accounts of those users who infringe the\n        intellectual property of others. If you believe that your work has been\n        copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, or your\n        intellectual property rights have been otherwise violated, please\n        provide our Copyright Agent a written notice (the &ldquo;Notice&rdquo;)\n        containing the following information: (i) an electronic or physical\n        signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the\n        copyright or other intellectual property interest; (ii) a description of\n        the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has\n        been infringed; (iii) a description of where the material that you claim\n        is infringing is located on the Services; (iv) your address, telephone\n        number, and e-mail address; (v) a statement by you that you have a good\n        faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright\n        owner, its agent, or the law; (vi) a statement by you, made under\n        penalty of perjury, that the above information in your Notice is\n        accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner\n        or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property\n        owner&rsquo;s behalf.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >LGC&rsquo;s Copyright Agent for Notice of claims of copyright or other\n        intellectual property infringement can be reached in the following\n        ways:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >Copyright Agent, Launch Gift Cards, Inc., One Whitehall Street, New\n        York, NY 10004.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\">Email:&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c21 c25\"\n        ><a class=\"c11\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"\n          >[email protected]</a\n        ></span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\">\n      <h3 class=\"c5\">CHOICE OF LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION</h3>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >These Terms are governed by laws of the State of New York, without\n        regard to its conflict of laws principles. Any dispute or claim arising\n        from these Terms or the Services shall be resolved through arbitration.\n        Any</span\n      ><span class=\"c23\">&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c0\"\n        >arbitration will be conducted pursuant to the applicable rules of the\n        American Arbitration Association (the &ldquo;Arbitration Rules&rdquo;).\n        The arbitration will be conducted in New York, New York by a single\n        arbitrator selected by the parties to the arbitration. The\n        arbitrator&rsquo;s findings, reasoning, decision, and award will be\n        stated in writing and based upon applicable law. Judgment on the\n        arbitration award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction.\n        Unless the Arbitration Rules require otherwise, the fees and costs\n        associated with the arbitration shall be shared equally by the parties.\n        You hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the state\n        and federal courts within New York, New York. To the fullest extent\n        permitted by applicable law, no dispute under these Terms shall be\n        joined to a dispute involving any other party subject to these Terms,\n        whether through class arbitration proceedings or otherwise.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c8\"><h3 class=\"c5\">GENERAL INFORMATION</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c1\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >The failure of LGC to exercise or enforce any right or provision of\n        these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If\n        any is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the\n        parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect\n        to the parties&rsquo; intentions as reflected in the provision, and the\n        other provisions of the Terms remain in full force and effect.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c14\">\n      <span class=\"c0\"\n        >The section titles in these Terms are for convenience only and have no\n        legal or contractual effect.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c3\"><h3 class=\"c5\">QUESTIONS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c18\">\n      <span class=\"c16 c17\">Please contact&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c21 c27\"\n        ><a class=\"c11\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"\n          >[email protected]</a\n        ></span\n      ><span class=\"c16 c17\"\n        >&nbsp;by email using the subject line &quot;Terms of Service&quot; if\n        you have any questions or comments about these Terms. You can also\n        contact us via telephone at (</span\n      ><span class=\"c16\">310) 566-1424. </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c18 c24\"><span class=\"c19\"></span></p>\n\n    <div>\n      <p class=\"c13 c40\"><span class=\"c43 c32 c37\"></span></p>\n    </div>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><h3 class=\"c8\">PRIVACY POLICY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c16 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c12\">Updated:</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\">&nbsp; July 1, 2024</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\">This Privacy Policy (this &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12\">Policy</span\n      ><span class=\"c9\"\n        >&rdquo;) describes the privacy and security practices associated with\n        the website, and &nbsp;online service (collectively the &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12\">Services</span\n      ><span class=\"c9\"\n        >&rdquo;) operated by Launch Gift Cards, Inc. and its affiliates, as\n        further detailed in this Policy (&quot;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12\">LGC</span\n      ><span class=\"c9\"\n        >,&quot; &ldquo;we,&rdquo; &ldquo;our,&rdquo; or\n        &ldquo;us&rdquo;).</span\n      ><span class=\"c39\">&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >The purpose of this Policy is to identify (i) what information we\n        collect from and about business customers and consumers who access and\n        use the Services, (ii) how we use, share, and secure the information\n        collected, and (iii) what choices you have regarding your information.\n        We do not collect additional categories of information nor use\n        information in any ways not specified herein. This Policy also tells you\n        about your rights and choices with respect to your personal information,\n        and how you can contact us with questions relating to this Policy.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c22\"\n        >Please carefully read this Policy before accessing and remaining on our\n        website or utilizing our Services. If you do not agree with the terms of\n        this Policy, please do not access our website, or utilize our Services.\n        By accessing our website and utilizing our Services, you agree to the\n        terms of this Policy and consent to the collection and use of your\n        information as set forth below.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        ><br />We may update this Policy from time to time by posting the\n        revised policy here.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><span class=\"c12\">HOW TO&nbsp;CONTACT&nbsp;US</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >If you have any questions about this Policy or our privacy practices,\n        you may contact us in the following ways:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c12\">Postal Address</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >:&nbsp;Launch Gift Cards, Inc.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;\n        &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Attn:\n        Privacy Policy</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n        &nbsp; &nbsp; 16501 Ventura Blvd, Suite 410</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n        &nbsp; &nbsp; Encino, CA 91436</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c59\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;\n        &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c12\">E-mail</span><span class=\"c9\">:&nbsp;</span\n      ><span class=\"c9\"\n        ><a class=\"c56\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"\n          >[email protected]</a\n        ></span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >&nbsp;(please include &ldquo;Privacy Policy&rdquo; in the Subject\n        Line)</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c12\">Telephone</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\">: (833)780-1536 &nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c21 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><h3 class=\"c12\">WHAT INFORMATION WE COLLECT</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >We collect personal information and other information from and about\n        you to provide the Services. Personal information is information about\n        an identified or identifiable natural person (this does not include\n        deidentified or aggregated information). We limit the collection of\n        personal information to what is relevant and reasonably necessary to\n        facilitate the provision of Services or for other legal compliance.\n        &nbsp;LGC does not knowingly or intentionally collect or solicit (i)\n        sensitive personal information or (ii) personal information from anyone\n        under the age of 18. The information we collect depends on the Services\n        involved, and may include:<br\n      /></span>\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_1-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Personal Contact and Professional Information </span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >refers to information&nbsp;that allows us to contact you directly,\n          such as your first and last name, company name, job title, e-mail\n          address, mailing address, and mobile number. This may include\n          information you provide about third parties who receive Products\n          (&ldquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12\">Recipients</span><span class=\"c1\">&rdquo;). </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Technical Information </span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >refers to information&nbsp;collected when you use the Services, such\n          as your IP address, device information, information about the network\n          you are using to access the Services, browser type and version, your\n          activities while using the Services, websites or services previously\n          visited, and content you see or click on.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Order Information </span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >refers to information&nbsp;collected when you purchase a product or\n          service, such as products ordered, payment information, and Personal\n          Contact Information for the sender and recipient. If you make a\n          purchase using the Services, your </span\n        ><span class=\"c12\">Payment Information</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >, such as card name and number, and billing address is directly\n          collected from you, and stored, by third party payment processors on\n          our behalf, as further described below.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Interest </span\n        ><span class=\"c9\">regarding products and product preferences.</span\n        ><span class=\"c12\">&nbsp;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Content of Communications</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp;refers to information we obtain when you contact or communicate\n          with us.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c21 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><h3 class=\"c12\">HOW WE COLLECT INFORMATION</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >LGC collects information from and about you in the following\n        ways:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_2-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Direct Interactions.</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp; We collect information voluntarily provided by you, such as\n          Personal Contact and Professional Information, Order Information,\n          Content of Communications, and User-Generated Content, when you:</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_3-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\"><span class=\"c1\">Use the Services;</span></li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">Inquire about our Products and Services;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\"><span class=\"c1\">Make a purchase;</span></li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\"><span class=\"c1\">Contact us; or</span></li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\"><span class=\"c1\">Interact with us.</span></li>\n    </ul>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_4-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Automatically.</span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >&nbsp; We collect Technical Information automatically when you use\n          the Services through the use of cookies and similar technologies, as\n          further described in the&nbsp; &ldquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c27 c19\">Cookies</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\">&rdquo; section&nbsp;below.&nbsp;</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_4-0\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Mobile Devices.</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp; LGC or its third-party technology partners may collect\n          location information, including location information provided by a\n          mobile device interacting with one of our apps or associated with your\n          IP address or Wi-Fi network. You can generally limit or prohibit the\n          collection of location information using the built-in settings on your\n          mobile device. We do not permit the collection of precise location\n          information.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_4-0\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Other Sources.</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp; When someone purchases a Product from us to be sent to a\n          Recipient designated by the purchaser, we collect Personal Contact\n          Information regarding the Recipient. Where you provide Recipient\n          Personal Contact Information to us, you confirm that you have\n          permission to provide Recipient Personal Contact Information and you\n          will bring this Policy to the attention of the Recipient.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><h3 class=\"c12\">HOW WE USE YOUR INFORMATION</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >LGC collects the above described information from and about you for the\n        following purposes:</span\n      ><span class=\"c9 c49\">&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_5-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Provide you with products and services, including to process\n          payments;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Respond to inquiries and requests and otherwise provide you with\n          information, products, or services that you request from us.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Undertake auditing and verifications related to user interactions,\n          including but not limited to, verifying the quality and effectiveness\n          of our Services.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">Improve the Services;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">Administer surveys for internal use; </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Maintain the security, integrity, and quality of our products, the\n          Services, databases, technology assets and business, including\n          detecting security incidents, protecting against malicious, deceptive,\n          fraudulent, or illegal activity and preventing fraudulent\n          transactions;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">For fraud prevention purposes</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Comply with U.S., state, local and non-U.S. laws, rules and\n          regulations and respond to legal inquiries;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">Conduct promotions related to the Services; </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c18\"\n          >Facilitate business transactions as described in the &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c24 c19\">Business Transactions</span\n        ><span class=\"c18\">&rsquo; section below; </span\n        ><span class=\"c1\">and</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_5-0\">\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c9\">As provided for in the &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\"\n          >Legal Compliance &amp; Protecting Security and Safety</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\">&rsquo; section below.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >In certain circumstances, laws require that we obtain your consent to\n        collect information for a particular purpose. In these circumstances, we\n        will obtain your consent at the time we collect the information.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >We may combine information we collect through your use of the Services\n        with information that we collect from other sources (e.g., offline\n        records or publicly available information). Additionally, we may\n        anonymize or deidentify personal information so that it can no longer be\n        associated with an individual or re-identified. In such cases, we may\n        use and share the anonymized or deidentified data without further notice\n        to you.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >Additionally, if you are a business customer, we may use your personal\n        information to keep you informed of our products and services, if you\n        have provided your consent to us doing so, or where we have an existing\n        relationship with you and we wish to contact you about products and\n        services similar to those which we provide you, in which you may be\n        interested. You may opt-in to certain kinds of marketing, or all forms\n        of marketing at any time, by contacting us and you may unsubscribe to\n        receiving emails by clicking on the &quot;opt-out&quot; or\n        &quot;unsubscribe&quot; link provided in all our marketing emails.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\">\n      <h3 class=\"c12\">USE OF COOKIES AND OTHER TECHNOLOGIES</h3>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >LGC uses &ldquo;cookies&rdquo; and similar technology that are saved on\n        your computer or mobile device to automatically collect information\n        about use of the Services. Different types of cookies, such as session\n        or persistent cookies, may be used for different functions. Persistent\n        cookies remain on a user&rsquo;s device for a set period of time and are\n        activated each time a user visits the Services where cookies were\n        set.&nbsp; Session cookies are temporary and allow us to link a\n        user&rsquo;s actions during a browser session. The information collected\n        includes device information, information about the network you are using\n        to access the Services, websites, or services that you previously\n        visited, and content you see or click on.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c10\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >The Services use the following types of cookies and other technologies\n        for the following purposes:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13 c58 c62\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_6-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c14 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Essential.</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp;&nbsp;These are essential to navigate the Services and use the\n          features, and they enable us to provide services.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c11\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >Although many browsers are initially set to accept cookies, you may be\n        able to adjust your settings to reject cookies. Choices are browser and\n        device specific, and if you clear cookies from the browser on any of\n        your devices, your opt-out choices will need to be reset. Consult the\n        &ldquo;Help&rdquo; section of your browser or built-in mobile device\n        settings for more information. In addition, please note that certain\n        areas of the Services only can be accessed when cookies are enabled.\n        Thus, disabling cookies may prevent you from accessing some of our\n        content.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\">\n      <h3 class=\"c8\">SHARING AND DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION</h3>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c51\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >LGC does not share any personal information for monetary or other\n        valuable consideration. LGC does not provide any personal information to\n        third parties for the purpose of behavioral advertising. LGC may share\n        and disclose certain information to the following:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_7-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Service Providers:</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp;We share information collected with third parties that process\n          information on our behalf. We may use such service providers to:</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c11\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_8-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">host the Services;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >provide database and server maintenance and security and fraud\n          prevention services;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >help us engage in promotional activity regarding the Services;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >assist with the transmission of emails, text messages and postal mail\n          delivery;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">help us analyze our offerings;</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">provide customer service, and</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c20 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">process and fulfill online transactions.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13 c47\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_9-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Payment Processors:</span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >&nbsp;When you make a purchase using the Services, payment processing\n          companies and a fraud prevention company collect and store Payment\n          Information. We have engaged Braintree, a division of PayPal, Inc.,\n          dlocal, Stripe, Inc., and Riskified for these purposes. More\n          information about their privacy and security practices is set forth in\n          the &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\">Security</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\">&rsquo; section below.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c11\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_10-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\"\n          >Legal Compliance &amp; Protecting Security and Safety:</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp;LGC may access, preserve and disclose your information if\n          required to do so by law or under a good faith belief that such\n          access, preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to: (i)\n          comply with legal process or respond to a legal request or subpoena;\n          (ii) enforce our Terms of Use for the Services; (iii) respond to\n          claims that your conduct has violated the rights of third parties;\n          (iv) respond to your requests for customer service; (v) protect the\n          rights, property or personal safety of LGC, its users and the public;\n          (vi) or as otherwise required to comply with, or permitted by,\n          applicable laws and regulations.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_11-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Business Transactions:</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&nbsp;We may transfer information collected if we are acquired by,\n          sold to, or merged with another entity.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c11\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><h3 class=\"c8\">EUROPEAN PRIVACY RIGHTS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c8\">Data controllers</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (&ldquo;EEA&rdquo;)\n        or the United Kingdom (&ldquo;UK&rdquo;), the General Data Protection\n        Regulation (EU) 2016/679 or &ldquo;GDPR&rdquo; or the GDPR as it forms\n        part of the laws of the UK (&ldquo;UK GDPR&rdquo;) then the data\n        controllers of your personal information are as follows:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9 c27\">For EEA residents</span><span class=\"c1\">: </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c25\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >For Payment Information only, Launch Gift Cards B.V. at registered\n        address Schiphol Blvd 359 , 1118BJ Schiphol, the Netherlands; and</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_18-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c31 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c9\"\n          >For all other personal information listed in the &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\">What Information Do We Collect</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&rsquo; section of this Policy, Launch Gift Cards, Inc.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9 c27\">For UK residents</span><span class=\"c1\">: </span>\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_18-0\">\n      <li class=\"c41 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >For Payment Information only, Launch Gift Card UK Ltd. &nbsp;at\n          registered address 5 New Street Square, London, United Kingdom, EC4A\n          3TW; and</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c31 li-bullet-0\" id=\"h.gjdgxs\">\n        <span class=\"c9\"\n          >For all other personal information listed in the &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\">What Information Do We Collect</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&rsquo; section of this Policy, Launch Gift Cards, Inc.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c16 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><h3 class=\"c8\">Contact us</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >If you have any questions or requests relating to the processing of\n        your Payment Information, please contact Launch Gift Cards B.V. and\n        Launch Gift Card UK Ltd via email at </span\n      ><span class=\"c18 c27 c54\"\n        ><a class=\"c56\" href=\"mailto:[email protected]\"\n          >[email protected]</a\n        ></span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >, please include &ldquo;EU/UK Privacy Policy&rdquo; in the subject\n        line.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >For any other questions or requests, please contact Launch Gift Cards,\n        Inc. at the contact details set out in the &lsquo;</span\n      ><h3 class=\"c12 c19\">How to Contact Us</h3\n      ><span class=\"c1\">&rsquo; section above at the top of this Policy. </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c8\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><span class=\"c8\">Lawful basis for processing</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >The GDPR and UK GDPR also each require that we inform you of the legal\n        basis we rely on to process your personal information. These are set\n        forth below:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_12-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Our legitimate interests.</span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >&nbsp;We consider that it is in our legitimate interests to process\n          your personal information for the purposes set out in &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\">How We Use Your Information</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&rsquo; section. For example, it is in our legitimate interests to\n          maintain system security so our business operations run smoothly, to\n          communicate with you and fulfill your requests in order to provide the\n          Services, to conduct surveys and improve our products and services,\n          and protect our rights and the rights of others.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_12-0\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\"\n          >Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract for you. </span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >The processing of your personal data is necessary to provide you with\n          the Services per our terms and conditions.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c4\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_12-0\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Compliance with laws.</span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >&nbsp;For example, to comply with legal and regulatory requirements\n          or respond to a court order or legal request, as described in the\n          &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\">How We Use Your Information</span\n        ><span class=\"c9\">&rsquo; section and &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\"\n          >Sharing and Disclosure of Personal Information</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\">&rsquo; section.</span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c11\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_12-0\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c12\">Consent.</span\n        ><span class=\"c9\"\n          >&nbsp; In certain circumstances, as described in the &lsquo;</span\n        ><span class=\"c12 c19\">How We Use Your Information</span\n        ><span class=\"c1\"\n          >&rsquo; above, we may rely on consent to process your personal\n          information Where we rely on consent to process your personal\n          information, you can withdraw your consent at any time. &nbsp;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c10 c11\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><h3 class=\"c8\">Your rights</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >The GDPR and UK GDPR provides EEA and UK residents respectively with\n        certain rights with respect to your personal information. Subject to\n        certain exceptions, you may:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_13-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">Request access to your personal information.</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Request correction of your personal information we have collected.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\">Request erasure of your personal information.</span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Object to our processing of your personal information.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Request to restrict the processing of your personal\n          information.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Request a copy of your personal information we have collected.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Request to not be subjected to automated decision-making or\n          profiling.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >You can exercise your rights via the applicable contact details set out\n        above in the &lsquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12 c19\">Contact Us</span\n      ><span class=\"c9\">&rsquo; section of this &lsquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12 c19\">European Privacy Right</span\n      ><span class=\"c12\">s</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >&rsquo; section of the Policy. We will always endeavor to fulfill your\n        request to exercise these rights, but sometimes, we may have legal\n        grounds or obligations to reject your request.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >You also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local data\n        protection regulator in Europe, including if you disagree with our\n        response to your request. The name and contacts details of your local\n        data protection regulator can be found here: </span\n      ><span class=\"c18 c27 c54\"\n        ><a\n          class=\"c56\"\n          href=\";sa=D&amp;source=editors&amp;ust=1720189806602423&amp;usg=AOvVaw1PEAhiqcJsb8v5D2ggypq9\"\n          ></a\n        ></span\n      ><span class=\"c9\">, or, for the UK, </span\n      ><span class=\"c18 c27 c54\"\n        ><a\n          class=\"c56\"\n          href=\";sa=D&amp;source=editors&amp;ust=1720189806602813&amp;usg=AOvVaw3VbG5fRwLtpoBxY0ks06IM\"\n          ></a\n        ></span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >. Should you have any concerns, we request that you contact us first so\n        we can investigate and resolve your concerns.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\"><h3 class=\"c8\">Automated Decision Making</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >Automated decision-making takes place when an electronic system uses\n        personal information to make a decision relevant to you without any\n        human involvement. Where this has a legal effect or similarly\n        significant effect, the GDPR and UK GDPR imposes additional\n        requirements. We carry out automated screening of payment transactions\n        for fraud-related purposes. This involves us processing your Payment\n        Information. We consider we need to do this </span\n      ><span class=\"c18\"\n        >to enter into the contract with you for the purchase of the gift card\n        and, to the extent applicable, to comply with any regulatory obligations\n        to prevent and detect fraud. This screening is carried out in a layered\n        approach and includes evaluating your checkout activity and running the\n        transaction through a fraud decision model to look for patterns. This\n        could result in the transaction being refused, and you being unable to\n        purchase the gift card. If your transaction has been refused and you\n        would like to appeal this, please contact the customer service number\n        available through the relevant website. If you have any questions or\n        concerns related to the processing of this Payment Information, please\n        contact us on the details above.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><h3 class=\"c8\">CALIFORNIA PRIVACY RIGHTS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c16 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c33\">\n      <span class=\"c18\"\n        >This California Privacy Rights section (the &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c24\">California Privacy Notice</span\n      ><span class=\"c18\"\n        >&rdquo;) supplements the Policy set forth above with respect to\n        specific rights granted under the California Consumer Privacy Act of\n        2018, as amended (the &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c24\">CCPA</span\n      ><span class=\"c3\"\n        >&rdquo;) to natural person California residents and provides\n        information regarding how such California residents can exercise their\n        rights under the CCPA. &nbsp;This California Privacy Notice is only\n        relevant to you if you are a resident of California as determined in\n        accordance with the CCPA. &nbsp;Information required to be disclosed to\n        California residents under the CCPA regarding the collection of their\n        personal information that is not set forth in this CCPA supplement is\n        otherwise set forth above in the Policy.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c33\">\n      <span class=\"c24\">Categories of Personal Information We Collect</span\n      ><span class=\"c18 c19\">: </span\n      ><span class=\"c18\"\n        >We collect or within the last twelve (12) months have collected some or\n        all of the following categories of personal information from\n        individuals:</span\n      ><span class=\"c18 c49\">&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <a id=\"t.a79212c3a9b403fcddd6434d0763cfb1635f8c45\"></a><a id=\"t.0\"></a>\n    <table class=\"c48\">\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c55\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c24 c32 c37\">Category</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c38\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c24 c32 c37\">Examples</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c55\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c24 c32 c37\">Collected</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">A. Identifiers</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Name, contact details and address (including physical address,\n              email address and Internet Protocol address), and other\n              identification (including social security number, passport number\n              and driver&rsquo;s license or state identification card\n              number).</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c13 c35\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">YES</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >B. Personal information categories listed in the California\n              Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code &sect; 1798.80(e))</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Telephone number, signature, bank account number, other financial\n              information (including accounts and transactions with other\n              institutions and anti-money laundering information), and\n              verification documentation and information regarding\n              investors&rsquo; status under various laws and regulations\n              (including social security number, tax status, income and\n              assets).</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">YES</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >C. Protected classification characteristics under California or\n              federal law</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Date of birth, citizenship and birthplace.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">D. Commercial information</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Account data and other information contained in any document\n              provided by investors to authorized service providers (whether\n              directly or indirectly), risk tolerance, transaction history,\n              investment experience and investment activity, information\n              regarding a potential and/or actual investment in the applicable\n              fund(s), including ownership percentage, capital investment,\n              income and losses, source of funds used to make the investment in\n              the applicable fund(s).</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">YES</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">E. Biometric information</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Imagery of the iris, retina, fingerprint, face, hand, palm, vein\n              patterns and voice recordings or keystroke patterns or rhythms,\n              gait patterns or rhythms, and sleep, health, or exercise data that\n              contains identifying information.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >F. Internet or other similar network activity</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Use of our website, fund data room and investor reporting portal\n              (e.g., cookies, browsing history and/or search history), as well\n              as information you provide to us when you correspond with us in\n              relation to inquiries.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">YES</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">G. Geolocation data</span></p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Physical location or movements. </span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">YES</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">H. Sensory data</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar\n              information.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >I. Professional or employment-related information</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Current or past job history or performance evaluations.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >J. Non-public education information (per the Family Educational\n              Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Section 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part\n              99))</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Education records directly related to a student maintained by an\n              educational institution or party acting on its behalf, such as\n              grades, transcripts, class lists, student schedules, student\n              identification codes, student financial information, or student\n              disciplinary records.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >K. Inferences drawn from other personal information</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Profile reflecting a person&#39;s preferences, characteristics,\n              psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes,\n              intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">NO</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >L. Sensitive Personal Information (see further information on use\n              of sensitive personal information below)</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c28\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >Social security, driver&#39;s license, state identification card,\n              or passport numbers; account log-in, financial account, debit\n              card, or credit card number in combination with any required\n              security or access code, password, or credentials allowing access\n              to an account; precise geolocation; racial or ethnic origin;\n              religious or philosophical beliefs; union membership; genetic\n              data; the contents of a consumer&#39;s mail, email, and text\n              messages unless you are the intended recipient of the\n              communication; biometric information for the purpose of uniquely\n              identifying a consumer; and personal information collected and\n              analyzed concerning a consumer&#39;s health, sex life, or sexual\n              orientation.</span\n            >\n          </p>\n          <p class=\"c35 c13\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c7\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >YES, as to the following types of information: account log-in,\n              financial account in combination with any required security or\n              access code password; or credentials allowing access to an account\n              only.\n            </span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n    </table>\n    <p class=\"c13 c30\"><span class=\"c3\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c30\">\n      <span class=\"c3\"\n        >We do not collect or use sensitive personal information other than:\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_17-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c3\"\n          >To perform services, or provide goods, as would reasonably be\n          expected by an average consumer who requests those goods or\n          services;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c3\"\n          >As reasonably necessary and proportionate to detect security\n          incidents that compromise the availability, authenticity, integrity,\n          and confidentiality of stored or transmitted personal information;\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c3\"\n          >As reasonably necessary and proportionate to resist malicious,\n          deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal actions directed at us and to\n          prosecute those responsible for such actions;\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c3\"\n          >For short-term, transient use (but not in a manner that discloses\n          such information to another third party or is used to build a profile\n          of you or otherwise alter your experience outside of your current\n          interaction with us);</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c3\">To perform services on behalf of our business; </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c3\"\n          >To verify or maintain the quality or safety of a service or to\n          improve, upgrade, or enhance such service or device; and</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c30 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c18\"\n          >To collect or process sensitive personal information where such\n          collection or processing is not for the purpose of inferring\n          characteristics about a consumer.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c30 c11\"><span class=\"c18 c19 c32\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c33\">\n      <span class=\"c12\">Disclosure of Information</span\n      ><span class=\"c9\">: </span\n      ><span class=\"c3\"\n        >We disclose or within the last twelve (12) months have disclosed\n        personal information collected from you for a business or commercial\n        purpose to the categories of third parties indicated in the chart below.\n        We may also disclose your information to other parties as may be\n        required by law or regulation, or in response to regulatory inquiries or\n        in connection with a business transaction.\n      </span>\n    </p>\n    <a id=\"t.0adb0134c2e8ad559b444cc9a57fba36aa8cedfe\"></a><a id=\"t.1\"></a>\n    <table class=\"c48\">\n      <tr class=\"c45\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c24 c32 c37\">Personal Information Category</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c53\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c24 c32 c37\">Category of Third-Party Recipients</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c3\">A. Identifiers</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Service providers and payment processors.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >B. Personal information categories listed in the California\n              Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code &sect; 1798.80(e))</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c53\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Service providers and payment processors.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >C. Protected classification characteristics under California or\n              federal law</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">N/A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c3\">D. Commercial information</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Service providers and payment processors.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c3\">E. Biometric information</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">N/A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >F. Internet or other similar network activity</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Service providers and payment processors.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c3\">G. Geolocation data</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Service providers and payment processors.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\"><span class=\"c3\">H. Sensory data</span></p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">N/A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >I. Professional or employment-related information</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">N/A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >J. Non-public education information (per the Family Educational\n              Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Section 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part\n              99))</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">N/A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\"\n              >K. Inferences drawn from other personal information</span\n            >\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\"><span class=\"c3\">N/A</span></p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n      <tr class=\"c17\">\n        <td class=\"c26\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c6\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">L. Sensitive Personal Information </span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n        <td class=\"c15\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\">\n          <p class=\"c0\">\n            <span class=\"c3\">Service providers and payment processors.</span>\n          </p>\n        </td>\n      </tr>\n    </table>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c18 c32 c19\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c12\">Rights under the CCPA</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >: The CCPA provides California residents with certain rights with\n        respect to their personal information:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_14-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to request that we disclose, no more than twice in a 12-month\n          period:</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_15-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c33 c47 c57 c58 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >The categories and specific pieces of personal information we have\n          collected about you. &nbsp;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c33 c47 c57 c58 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >The categories and sources from which personal information is\n          collected.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c33 c47 c57 c58 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >The business or commercial purposes for collecting personal\n          information.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c5 c47 c57 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >The categories of third parties with whom we disclose personal\n          information.</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13 c47\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_15-0\">\n      <li class=\"c5 c47 c57 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c18\"\n          >Whether we disclosed your personal information to a third party, and\n          if so, the categories of personal information that each recipient\n          obtained.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13 c47\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_14-0\">\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to request that we delete any personal information about you\n          that we have collected from you, subject to certain exceptions.\n          &nbsp;If we are required to delete your personal information, then\n          upon receipt of a verifiable request, we will delete your personal\n          information from our records and direct any service providers to\n          delete your personal information from their records. &nbsp;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to opt-out of the &ldquo;sale&rdquo; or &ldquo;sharing&rdquo;\n          of your personal information to third parties, as that term is defined\n          in the CCPA. LGC does not &ldquo;sell&rdquo; or &ldquo;share&rdquo;\n          personal information as those terms are defined in the CCPA.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c2 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to request a correction to the personal information that we\n          collect and share for purposes as set forth herein. &nbsp;If we\n          receive a verifiable request to correct inaccurate personal\n          information, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to correct\n          the information as you have requested.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c18\"\n        >We will not discriminate against you for exercising your rights under\n        the CCPA, including by denying </span\n      ><span class=\"c9\">service</span\n      ><span class=\"c3\"\n        >, suggesting that you will receive, or charging, different rates for\n        services or suggesting that you will receive, or providing, a different\n        level or quality of service to you.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >The business or commercial purposes for collecting personal information\n        are described in the &lsquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12 c19\">How We Use Your Information</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\">&rsquo; section above.</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >California residents can exercise their rights by submitting an online\n        request by contacting us via the methods set forth above under\n        &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12 c19\">How to Contact Us</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >&rdquo;. &nbsp;You can designate an authorized agent to make a request\n        on your behalf. &nbsp;We may require proof of your identity and that the\n        agent is duly authorized by you. &nbsp;We do not discriminate against\n        individuals exercising these rights. &nbsp;</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >Some internet browsers have incorporated &ldquo;Do Not Track&rdquo;\n        features. Most of these features, when turned on, send a signal or\n        preference (the &ldquo;DNT Signal&rdquo;) to websites you visit\n        indicating that you do not wish to be tracked. At this time, we do not\n        currently respond to DNT Signals.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c13 c16\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c16\"><h3 class=\"c8\">NEVADA PRIVACY RIGHTS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c16 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >In addition to the information above, Nevada residents have a right to\n        submit a verified request directing us not to make any\n        &ldquo;sale&rdquo; of covered information collected about the consumer\n        to a person for such person to license or sell the information to\n        additional persons, subject to certain exceptions. &nbsp;We do not sell\n        covered information as it is defined under Nevada law.</span\n      ><span class=\"c8\">&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><span class=\"c8\">VIRGINIA PRIVACY RIGHTS</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c51\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >The Virginia Consumer Data Protections Act (VCDPA) provides Virginia\n        residents with certain rights with respect to their personal\n        information:</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <ul class=\"c23 lst-kix_list_16-0 start\">\n      <li class=\"c29 c52 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to know the manner of collection and use of personal data (as\n          set forth above).</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to request that we delete any personal information about you\n          that we have collected from you, subject to certain exceptions.\n          &nbsp;If we are required to delete your personal information, then\n          upon receipt of a verifiable request, we will delete your personal\n          information from our records and direct any service providers to\n          delete your personal information from their records. &nbsp;</span\n        >\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to opt-out of targeting advertising and the &ldquo;sale&rdquo;\n          of your personal information to third parties, as that term is defined\n          in the VCDPA. LGC does not engage in targeting advertising or the\n          &ldquo;sale&rdquo; of personal information &nbsp;as that term is\n          defined in the VCDPA.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c5 c29 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to request a correction to the personal information that we\n          collect and share for purposes as set forth herein. &nbsp;If we\n          receive a verifiable request to correct inaccurate personal\n          information, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to correct\n          the information as you have requested.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n      <li class=\"c29 c42 li-bullet-0\">\n        <span class=\"c1\"\n          >Right to obtain a copy of the personal information you have provided\n          to us.\n        </span>\n      </li>\n    </ul>\n    <p class=\"c50\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >Virginia residents can exercise their rights by contacting us via the\n        methods set forth above in &ldquo;</span\n      ><span class=\"c12 c19\">How to Contact Us</span\n      ><span class=\"c1\"\n        >&rdquo;. &nbsp;We will make every effort to respond to any request\n        identified above within a commercially reasonable period of time, and no\n        later than the time period provided for in the VCDPA.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><h3 class=\"c12\">SECURITY</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >LGC &nbsp;strives to use commercially reasonable physical and\n        electronic security measures to protect against the loss, unauthorized\n        access, misuse, or alteration of your personal information.&nbsp;We\n        limit access to personal information to those employees, agents,\n        contractors, and other third parties who have a business need to\n        know.&nbsp;Please be aware though that, despite our best efforts, no\n        security measures are perfect or impenetrable, and we cannot guarantee\n        the security measures of third parties.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c10 c13\"><span class=\"c1\"></span></p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><h3 class=\"c12\">INTERNATIONAL DATA TRANSFERS</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\"\n        >When you provide us with personal information about you, this is a\n        direct transfer of personal information from you to our servers in the\n        United States. However, as we operate globally, we may transfer and\n        process personal information about you on our servers in the United\n        States and/or countries other than your home country, and we may use\n        cloud-based services whose servers are located in many different\n        locations. Please note that the data protection laws of some countries,\n        such as the United States, may not offer a level of privacy protection\n        equivalent to that within the European Economic Area (EEA), UK or your\n        home country. If your use of the Services results in the transfer of\n        personal information from the EEA to non-EEA countries, or UK to non-UK\n        countries, that have not been deemed to offer an adequate level of\n        privacy protection, we may rely on (i) standard contractual clauses\n        approved by the European Commission or under UK data protection law, as\n        applicable, and /or (ii) third party service providers in the United\n        States that are certified to receive such information under the EU-US or\n        UK-US Data Protection Framework, as applicable, or obtain your consent\n        to such transfers.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c1\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c21\"><h3 class=\"c12\">STORAGE/RETENTION</h3></p>\n    <p class=\"c5\">\n      <span class=\"c9\"\n        >Personal information we collect will not be stored for longer than is\n        necessary for the purposes described in this Policy, or to otherwise\n        meet legal, regulatory, tax, accounting, or reporting\n        requirements.&nbsp; In some cases, we may anonymize your personal\n        information (so that it can no longer be associated with you and is no\n        longer personal information) for research or statistical purposes, in\n        which case we may use the information indefinitely without further\n        notice to you.</span\n      >\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"c44\"><span class=\"c46\">&nbsp;</span></p>\n    <p class=\"c13 c61\"><span class=\"c32 c37 c43\"></span></p>\n"}}},"isGlobalizerPartner":true};
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