- Scan ID:
- 3c234e0a-0ed5-4825-9a0e-d6e5c7364e29Finished
- Submitted URL:
- https://torrent-galaxy-to.1337xhomepage.workers.dev/
- Report Finished:
Links · 1 found
The outgoing links identified from the page
Link | Text |
https://telegram.dog/HashHackers | Telegram |
JavaScript Variables · 3 found
Global JavaScript variables loaded on the window object of a page, are variables declared outside of functions and accessible from anywhere in the code within the current scope
Name | Type |
onbeforetoggle | object |
documentPictureInPicture | object |
onscrollend | object |
Console log messages · 1 found
Messages logged to the web console
Type | Category | Log |
error | network |
The raw HTML body of the page
<html><head> <title>Checking Browser Services</title> <style> body{ margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; height:100%; color:#b0bec5; display:table; font-weight:100; font-family:Lato } .container{ text-align:center; display:table-cell; vertical-align:middle } .content{ text-align:center; display:inline-block } .message{ font-size:60px; margin-bottom:40px } .submessage{ font-size:40px; margin-bottom:40px } .copyright{ font-size:20px; } a{ text-decoration:none; color:#3498db } </style> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <div class="content"> <div class="message">Checking Browser...</div> <div class="submessage">Please Wait...</div> <div class="submessage">Join <a href="https://telegram.dog/HashHackers">Telegram</a> Channel</div> <div class="copyright">Skynet Systems</div> </div> </div> <script> setTimeout(function() { location.reload(); }, 5000); </script> </body></html>