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NO BOOKING FEES. UNLIMITED LISTINGS.</p><p class="text-lg m-3">Click here and grow your short-term rental business today!</p><button class="p-2 font-bold m-2 bg-transparent text-white rounded-full shadow transition border border-emerald border-2">Become a verified host</button></div></a></div><div class="text-center"><h1 class="text-3xl text-gray-500 font-bold p-5 m-5" style="font-family:Poppins, sans-serif">Our <span class="text-emerald">Trusted Network</span> of Local Airbnb Hosts in <span class="text-emerald">Santa Teresa</span></h1></div><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-items-center md:grid-cols-2 md:gap-0 lg:grid-cols-3 lg:gap-2 xl:grid-cols-4 xl:gap-10 mb-6"><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/menmaya/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Villa Men Maya, The Best Ocean View in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica"><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">Villa Men Maya, The Best Ocean View in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica</h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">Playa Santa Teresa, Costa Rica</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">105<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/casa-buho/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="BRUT MODERN VILLA -SANTA TERESA BEACH"><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">BRUT MODERN VILLA -SANTA TERESA BEACH</h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">Playa Santa Teresa, Costa Rica</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">500<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/casa-buho-2/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="SANTA TERESA BEACH Modern Wood house "><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">SANTA TERESA BEACH Modern Wood house </h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">Playa Santa Teresa, Costa Rica</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">80<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/casa-baja/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="PAVONES BRAND NEW HOUSE 2 bedrooms"><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">PAVONES BRAND NEW HOUSE 2 bedrooms</h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">Pavones, Pillon, Costa Rica</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">100<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/casa-buho-3/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="SANTA TERESA BEACH Modern wood villa "><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">SANTA TERESA BEACH Modern wood villa </h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">Playa Santa Teresa, Costa Rica</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">120<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/casa-baho-4/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="SANTA TERESA BEACH Lovely house "><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">SANTA TERESA BEACH Lovely house </h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">Playa Santa Teresa, Costa Rica</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">100<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/villa-blume/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Villa Blume Ocean View "><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">Villa Blume Ocean View </h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">Playa Hermosa, Santa Teresa, Costa Rica</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">250<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/carmen-surf-house/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Carmen Surf House"><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">Carmen Surf House</h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">Playa Carmen, Santa Teresa, Costa Rica, 50m from the waves</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">150<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/aysana/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Aysana ocean View jungle house "><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">Aysana ocean View jungle house </h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">5 minutes drive from playa Carmen  </h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">150<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/colibri/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Colibri &amp; Fishes Oceanview Villa"><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">Colibri &amp; Fishes Oceanview Villa</h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">500m Este de la Cerveceria Que Mae, Santiago</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">1000<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/picasa/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt=""><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold"></h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">Las delicias de cobano</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">400<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/nalasanta/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Hidden Gem: Huge One Bedroom Luxury Suite, walk to Everything in the Heart of Santa Teresa - Nala Luxury Living"><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">Hidden Gem: Huge One Bedroom Luxury Suite, walk to Everything in the Heart of Santa Teresa - Nala Luxury Living</h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">100 meters east from Super Rony 1, Santa Teresa</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">111<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/nalasanta-2/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="A charming One Bedroom Luxury Suite located in the center of town, walk to Everything in the Heart of Santa Teresa - Nala Luxury Living"><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">A charming One Bedroom Luxury Suite located in the center of town, walk to Everything in the Heart of Santa Teresa - Nala Luxury Living</h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">100 meters east from Super Rony 1</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">111<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/nalasanta-3/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Cozy and romantic, this studio suite is perfect for couples. Walkeable distance of everything - Nala Luxury Living"><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">Cozy and romantic, this studio suite is perfect for couples. Walkeable distance of everything - Nala Luxury Living</h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">100 meters eats from Super Rony 1</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">99<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/nalasanta-4/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="An elegant and minimalist one bedroom suite with a balcony, walkable distance to everywhere - Nala Luxury Living. "><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">An elegant and minimalist one bedroom suite with a balcony, walkable distance to everywhere - Nala Luxury Living. </h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">100 meters east from Super Rony 1</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">111<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/nalasanta-5/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="This one-bedroom apartment has everything you need to feel comfortable, walkable distance from everything - Nala Luxury Living"><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">This one-bedroom apartment has everything you need to feel comfortable, walkable distance from everything - Nala Luxury Living</h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">100 meters east from Super Rony 1</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">111<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/nalasanta-6/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="A pleasant One-bedroom Luxury Suite with a enjoyable balcony, close to everything - Nala Luxury Living. "><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">A pleasant One-bedroom Luxury Suite with a enjoyable balcony, close to everything - Nala Luxury Living. </h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">100 meters east from Super Rony 1</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">111<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/nalasanta-7/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="This luxury villa boasts 7 master bedrooms, making it perfect for a group of family &amp; friends. "><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">This luxury villa boasts 7 master bedrooms, making it perfect for a group of family &amp; friends. </h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">100 meters east from Super Rony 1</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">2500<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/casabuho-7/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Exquisite modern océan View villa 3 bedrooms "><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">Exquisite modern océan View villa 3 bedrooms </h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">CASA BUHO - Santa Teresa</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">400<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/casa-ibu/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Bersatu Estate - Casa Ibu"><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">Bersatu Estate - Casa Ibu</h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">800 meters south of the junction to Playa Hermosa, Santiago Hills, 60111, Costa Rica</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">950<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/casa-khoisan/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Bersatu Estate - Casa Khoisan "><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">Bersatu Estate - Casa Khoisan </h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">800 meters south of the junction to Playa Hermosa, Santiago Hills, 60111, Costa Rica</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">180<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/ecocoon-bambu/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Ecocoon Treelodge &amp; SPA - Casa Bambú"><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">Ecocoon Treelodge &amp; SPA - Casa Bambú</h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">Hermosa, 18 K SO DE ESCUELA VALLEY</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">1750<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/ecocoon-roble/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Ecocoon Treelodge &amp; SPA - Casa Roble"><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">Ecocoon Treelodge &amp; SPA - Casa Roble</h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">Hermosa, 18 K SO DE ESCUELA VALLEY</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">450<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/ecocoon-pochote/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Ecocoon Treelodge &amp; SPA - Casa Pochote"><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">Ecocoon Treelodge &amp; SPA - Casa Pochote</h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">Hermosa, 18 K SO DE ESCUELA VALLEY</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">500<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/ecocoon-ceiba/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Ecocoon Treelodge &amp; SPA - Casa Ceiba"><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">Ecocoon Treelodge &amp; SPA - Casa Ceiba</h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">Hermosa, 18 K SO DE ESCUELA VALLEY</h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">500<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-lg mb-4"><a href="/rental-santa-teresa/buho-9/" class="flex flex-col"><div class="card"><img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Property 4 villas 8 bedrooms"><div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full p-4 text-white bg-darkblue bg-opacity-75"><h2 class="truncate font-bold">Property 4 villas 8 bedrooms</h2><h3 class="truncate text-sm">Casa buho </h3><div class="mt-1">From <span class="font-semibold">1200<!-- --> USD</span> per night</div></div></div></a></div></div><h1 class="text-3xl text-gray-500 font-bold p-5 m-5" style="font-family:Poppins, sans-serif">Book your <span class="text-emerald">perfect housing</span> in<!-- --> <span class="text-emerald">Santa Teresa</span> without booking fees!</h1><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-items-center md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 xl:grid-cols-5 gap-10 mb-10"><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden mb-4"><img src="/solotraveler.jpeg" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="solo traveler santa teresa"></div><div class="relative flex flex-col mx-1 bg-white overflow-hidden mb-4"><img src="/coliving.jpeg" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="coliving santa teresa"></div><div class="relative 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class="text-black font-bold">Santa Teresa</span> Waves &amp; Weather surfcam.</h2><p class="text-lg my-2">Live webcam provided by</p><div class="flex w-full overflow-hidden my-6 flex items-center justify-center w-full my-6"><img src="" alt="Santa Teresa Overview"></div><h1 class="text-3xl text-gray-500 font-bold mt-10" style="font-family:Poppins, sans-serif">Want to learn more about <span class="text-primary">Santahost</span> <!-- -->in <span class="text-primary">Santa Teresa</span></h1><div class="w-full mb-10 mx-auto p-6"><a class="my-3 block flex items-center justify-center px-5 py-4 bg-green-400 text-white rounded-lg shadow-md hover:bg-green-500 transition" href=";text&amp;type=phone_number&amp;app_absent=0" target="blank"><img 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        <script id="vike_pageContext" type="application/json">{"someAsyncProps":42,"abortReason":"!undefined","_urlRewrite":null,"_urlRedirect":"!undefined","abortStatusCode":"!undefined","_abortCall":"!undefined","_pageContextInitIsPassedToClient":"!undefined","_pageId":"/pages/index","routeParams":{},"data":{"places":[{"title":"Villa Men Maya, The Best Ocean View in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica","_id":"669ff251be769e54d399f05a","slug":"menmaya","photos":["","","","","","","",""],"address":"Playa Santa Teresa, Costa Rica","description":"Located 1 km (0.6 miles) up the picturesque hills of Santa Teresa, this stunning property offers both jungle and ocean views, providing an oasis of tranquility and beauty. It's conveniently close to local amenities like shops, restaurants, and top surfing spots, yet secluded enough to offer peace and relaxation.\n\nThe property comes with housekeeping services three times a week to ensure a clean and comfortable stay. Additionally, a charming small cat resides on the premises, adding to the homey feel.\n\nAdjacent to a nature reserve, the property affords guests unparalleled views of lush jungle and the expansive Pacific Ocean. Depending on the time of year, you might enjoy visits from local monkeys, adding a unique touch to your stay. Even when the monkeys aren’t visible, their calls contribute to the immersive natural experience.\n\nSunsets here are consistently spectacular throughout the year, offering a daily spectacle of nature’s beauty right from the comfort of this home.\n\nDesigned with a cozy jungle loft concept, the house includes:\n\nA 16-meter-long infinity pool that appears to drop off into the ocean, providing breathtaking views and a serene environment to relax.\nA main bedroom featuring a king-sized bed positioned to maximize views of the jungle and ocean. This room offers direct access to the pool and includes a full bathroom for your convenience.\nA spacious living area with glass sliding doors that open to an exterior deck. This area includes comfortable seating and a dining area adjacent to an open plan kitchen, fully equipped for all your culinary needs.\nA second bedroom spanning 20m2, offering magnificent ocean views, perfect for guests or family.\nA large, covered outdoor patio that’s ideal for lounging during the day, enjoying stunning sunsets, or dining under the stars.\nThe property is fitted with modern amenities including air conditioning and high-speed fiber optic Wi-Fi, ensuring comfort and connectivity. For security, a large safe is provided, suitable for storing laptops, cameras, and other valuable items.\n\nOther notable features include:\n\nInstant hot water throughout the property,\nProximity to some of the best surfing locations in Santa Teresa, Playa Hermosa, and Mal Pais,\nA short drive to the town center, where you can enjoy local dining, shopping, and nightlife.\nGuest Access:\nAccess to the house requires a 4x4 vehicle or a quad, ensuring privacy and an exclusive feel to your stay.\n\nThis meticulously curated property is designed to offer everything you need for a memorable and comfortable stay in one of Costa Rica’s most sought-after locations.","perks":["wifi","parking","enterence"],"extraInfo":"No party allowed!","maxGuests":4,"price":105},{"title":"BRUT MODERN VILLA -SANTA TERESA BEACH","_id":"66a02714b6e67b9e93811645","slug":"casa-buho","photos":["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""],"address":"Playa Santa Teresa, Costa Rica","description":"Casa Búho sits on top of the Paradise hill, surrounded by nature and overlooking lush jungle.\nIt is a secure property where you can relax quietly to the sounds of cicadas while meditating on the surrounding nature trying to see monkeys, butterflies and other beautiful birds.\n\nThis new villa features a gorgeous infinity pool with views over the Santa Teresa Nature Reserve and the Pacific Ocean.\nThe space\nThe villa faces the ocean and nature reserve which you can enjoy from the infinity pool and terrace.\n\nFeaturing 3 comfortable bedrooms with 3 en-suite bathrooms with AC, a large American kitchen open to an expansive living room, this villa is fully furnished so that you can enjoy your vacation in peace. A covered terrace with blinds have been added .\n\nThe indoor and outdoor furniture is local teak wood and was made by local carpenters.\n\nHear the sounds of the jungle, sip your morning coffee while admiring the ocean and marveling at the view of wild animals such as howler monkeys, white-faced monkeys, squirrels, pissotes, anteens, and other iguanas, birds\nexotic and butterflies that surround you with your morning coffee while admiring the ocean and marveling at the view of wild animals such as howler monkeys, white-faced monkeys, squirrels, pissotes, ants and other iguanas, exotic birds and butterflies that surround you.\nTHE CABIN CAN BE PART OF THE RENTAL ON REQUEST\nOnly for happy and good vibes people 🙏\nGuest access\nVilla Casa Búho is located inside a gated property with 2 houses. Each one has a separate entrance and parking space inside the property.\nA 4x4 is recommended to access the villa. We are in the\nJungle.\n\nThe property has direct access to Santa Teresa but it is also possible on exceptional request to access the second entrance to Cobano airport (15 minutes) or the Paquera Ferry 1 hour 15 minutes\nOther things to note\nIt is most convenient to use an ATV or 4x4 quad vehicle\n\nThe property is just 15 minutes from Cobano airport and 7 minutes from the surf spot\n\nUp to 6 rooms can be booked at this property (14/15 pax)\nUpon request.\nExquisite modern villa ","perks":["wifi","parking","tv","pets","enterence"],"extraInfo":"","maxGuests":8,"price":500},{"title":"SANTA TERESA BEACH Modern Wood house ","_id":"66a02830b6e67b9e93811660","slug":"casa-buho-2","photos":["","","","","","","","",""],"address":"Playa Santa Teresa, Costa Rica","description":"This home has a decidedly unique style. Immersed in the majestic jungle of Santa Teresa, this cabin offers a beautiful yet private stay with jungle views and a private hot tub.\n\nBuilt a few months ago within the CASA BUHO property, this home merges the comfort of a\nfully equipped house with the fantastic Costa Rican pura vida style.\nLong term possible\nThe space\nLocated in a gated property, this suite has an open plan overlooking the nature reserve where it is possible to see howler monkeys as well as white-faced monkeys and many hopeful birds and butterflies.\n\nBuilt of local wood, this suite features an open kitchen and a living room, a master bedroom with views of the private hot tub and a fantastic balcony facing the jungle. Enjoy a hanging net at the end of the balcony and rest at the top of the trees\nGuest access\nThis gated property has 3 houses, each with private parking and entrance to the house\nOther things to note\nThe property is just 15 minutes from Cobano airport and 7 minutes from the surf spot\n\nIt is more convenient to use a when or 4x4 to access the property\n\nThere are currently two accesses, 1 of which has just been completely redone and is accessible with a normal vehicle\n\n\nUp to 6 rooms can be booked at this property (14/15 pax)\nUpon request.","perks":["wifi","pets","parking","enterence"],"extraInfo":"","maxGuests":3,"price":80},{"title":"PAVONES BRAND NEW HOUSE 2 bedrooms","_id":"66a02928b6e67b9e93811665","slug":"casa-baja","photos":["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""],"address":"Pavones, Pillon, Costa Rica","description":"Casa Baja is a modern new house located between the Pilon surf spot (4 minutes) and the Pavones point (6 minutes )\nThe house is between a pristine sandy beach and a lush jungle.\nCome and enjoy its\nView and its tranquility while enjoying a peaceful sunset.\nThe space\nCasa Baja is a newly built modern house with its living room and fitted open kitchen, two bedrooms with two private bathrooms. A laundry room is available. Casa Baja has a pretty fenced garden and ample private parking\nGuest access\nGuests can access the entire Casa Baja property\nOther things to note\nIt's possible to horseback on the beach to enjoy a beautiful sunset, rent a quad bike or book a tour to see whales, dolphins and other sea turtles. In the jungle it will also be possible to contemplate the 3 different types of monkey, the Congo (howler monkey) the titi and the cara Blanca (white face). But also many types of birds such as Ara🦜, pissote, squirrel🐿️, water hen, Pavon and other ants. For the luckiest, puma and jaguarundi.\nEnjoy the wonderful waterfall that this place still unspoiled from tourism has to offer.\nAnne-Laure will be happy to recommend the best spots.\nOn Saturdays a craft market is held in the center of Pueblo. It is possible to meet the natives who go down from their mountains to come and sell their crafts and cocoa.\n","perks":["wifi","parking","pets","enterence"],"extraInfo":"","maxGuests":4,"price":100},{"title":"SANTA TERESA BEACH Modern wood villa ","_id":"66a02b2eb6e67b9e9381167c","slug":"casa-buho-3","photos":["","","","","","","","",""],"address":"Playa Santa Teresa, Costa Rica","description":"Búho is a nice villa between sky and ocean. You could enjoy your rest in a sweet confortable place in wood.\nThe beautiful infinity swimming pool bring you a complete relaxing moment.\nOnly for Happy and good vibes people 🙏\nCome and enjoy !!\nThe space\n5 minutes from the surf, immersed in the majestic jungle of Santa Teresa this villa offers a beautiful but private stay with jungle views and private pool.\n\nRecently built within the CASA BUHO property, this home merges the comfort of a\nfully equipped house with the fantastic Costa Rican pura vida style.\nGuest access\nCasa Búho property is fully gated and has 3 houses, each with private parking and independent entrance. Owner lives on site.\nOther things to note\nThe property is just 15min from cobano airport\n\nIT IS EASIER TO HAVE A QUAD BIKE OR 4X4 TO ACCESS THE PROPERTY\n\n\nUp to 6 rooms can be booked at this property (14/15 pax)\nUpon request.","perks":["wifi","parking","pets","enterence"],"extraInfo":"","maxGuests":5,"price":120},{"title":"SANTA TERESA BEACH Lovely house ","_id":"66a02da8b6e67b9e938116a9","slug":"casa-baho-4","photos":["","","","","",""],"address":"Playa Santa Teresa, Costa Rica","description":"Brand New house located on the heights of the mountain 5 minutes from Eat Street.\nModern and in excellent condition, this space is comfortably furnished, designed for short-medium stay. It has 2 cozy room, with closet and glass window door with views of the green garden; Living room and open kitchen, equipped and modern, with glass window door to the garden; 2 bathroom and outdoor parking area, inside the closed property.\nPRICE ON REQUEST \n","perks":["parking","wifi","pets","enterence"],"extraInfo":"","maxGuests":4,"price":100},{"title":"Villa Blume Ocean View ","_id":"66bd72c9aecd703bf05c48fc","slug":"villa-blume","photos":["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""],"address":"Playa Hermosa, Santa Teresa, Costa Rica","description":"Villa Blume at Hermosa Hills: Indulge in the grandeur of Villa Blume, your luxurious sanctuary perched in the lush vistas of Hermosa Hills. This magnificent villa offers a sprawling 45 sqm saltwater pool where you can swim against the backdrop of a breathtaking ocean view. Designed for elegance and comfort, Villa Blume caters to 6-8 guests across four meticulously appointed bedrooms, each adorned with custom-made teak furniture to enhance your restful escape.\n\nElegant Living Spaces: The villa's interior is a testament to refined style, featuring a vast living room that seamlessly integrates with an open-concept kitchen. Here, both spaces open directly onto the pool deck, inviting you to marvel at the ocean vistas. The kitchen is fully outfitted with high-end appliances including an oven, dishwasher, stove, and a coffee maker—perfect for gourmet meal preparation.\n\nOutdoor Oasis: Step outside to discover a serene outdoor entertainment area complete with a chic bar and a large, roof-covered dining table that accommodates up to eight people. Luxuriate on teak sunbeds or in plush lounge chairs by the pool, making the most of the idyllic outdoor setting.\n\nAccommodations with a View: Each of the villa’s four spacious bedrooms offers stunning views over the pool towards the ocean, providing a tranquil setting to unwind. Three of these rooms feature king-sized beds crafted from teak, while the fourth room includes two individual teak beds. Ample storage and safes for securing valuables are available in each room, ensuring a blend of convenience and security during your stay.\n\nLocation and Accessibility: Just a short drive from the lively beach and dining scene of Playa Hermosa, and fifteen minutes from the renowned beaches of Santa Teresa, Villa Blume is ideally situated for exploring the best of the region. The property's location ensures privacy and tranquility, with easy access to local attractions and activities.\n\nVilla Blume is designed to be your exclusive retreat for relaxation and entertainment, perfect for those seeking a unique and memorable holiday experience with family or friends.","perks":["wifi","parking","tv","radio","enterence"],"extraInfo":"Nightly security and daily maid service included. ","maxGuests":8,"price":250},{"title":"Carmen Surf House","_id":"66c174038a42df0c57011191","slug":"carmen-surf-house","photos":["","","","","","","",""],"address":"Playa Carmen, Santa Teresa, Costa Rica, 50m from the waves","description":"Full private house in front of the Pacific\nWith fenced garden, terrace and parking\n2 bedrooms with A/C\nInternet 100 megas fiber\nWasher and dryer\nKitchen (fridge, coffee maker, electric plates, oven, accesories)\n1 bathroom with shower and hot water\n1 outdoor shower","perks":["wifi","parking","pets","enterence"],"extraInfo":"No party\nNo smoking","maxGuests":5,"price":150},{"title":"Aysana ocean View jungle house ","_id":"66cd2725f13c260a2794646b","slug":"aysana","photos":["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""],"address":"5 minutes drive from playa Carmen  ","description":"AYSANA is located just a 5-minute drive from the beach and restaurants of Santa Teresa. The house is modern, designed to make your stay unforgettable and ultra-comfortable. All you need to do is unpack and enjoy the pura vida, with sunsets in a cozy and friendly atmosphere. \n\nAYSANA consists of four stunning eco-homes on stilts that overlook the jungle and the Pacific Ocean. Disconnect from the routine in this haven of preserved nature.\n The Accommodation : \nOur homes feature a bright and pleasant living space, two air-conditioned bedrooms, a spacious bathroom, a fully equipped kitchen, and a large terrace with breathtaking views of the ocean and jungle. \n\nWe offer fiber-optic Wi-Fi for your convenience. The house is tastefully decorated in a simple yet refined style, incorporating local materials that blend comfort with modernity.\n\nDuring your stay, you can enjoy a relaxation area surrounded by a tropical garden. Comfortable loungers, hammocks, and a spacious sofa are available for you to unwind around a beautiful pool overlooking the ocean. \n\nA table for eight people is also at your disposal, along with a BBQ—a perfect space to relax after exploring all that Santa Teresa has to offer.","perks":["wifi","parking","tv","pets"],"extraInfo":"","maxGuests":4,"price":150},{"title":"Colibri & Fishes Oceanview Villa","_id":"66cde9e3a2576aac6aecb5b9","slug":"colibri","photos":["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""],"address":"500m Este de la Cerveceria Que Mae, Santiago","description":"The perfect escape with stunning ocean view, beautiful gardens and luxury finishes. Colibri & Fishes Villa has ample space for families to enjoy the living space, pool, outdoor kitchen, deck and eating areas. Comfortably situated just out of town but close enough to enjoy the many restaurants and activities with a very short drive to both Hermosa Beach and Manzanillo Beach.","perks":["wifi","parking","tv","radio","pets","enterence"],"extraInfo":"We have flexible check in after 11am and check out at 12pm. Your host can be available in person or by phone. We do not allow parties or events, but welcome groups of friends or families to enjoy the house. We have cleaning and laundry service, excellent wifi, and can arrange many additional services and activities to make your stay perfect such as massage, private yoga, surf lessons, boat tours, horseback riding, and private chef services to name a few.","maxGuests":10,"price":1000},{"title":"","_id":"66d8e6ad1c4c2f22e455af37","slug":"picasa","photos":["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""],"address":"Las delicias de cobano","description":"Welcome to, our exquisite luxury villa nestled in the lush tropical jungle of Costa Rica. Offering breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean, this serene retreat promises an unforgettable experience.\n\n- Four Independent Suites: Each suite is a private sanctuary featuring its own bathroom, lounge area, and dressing room, ensuring complete comfort and privacy for all guests.\n- Spacious Common Area: Enjoy a fully equipped kitchen, high-speed Wi-Fi, a large TV, and sound system, perfect for relaxing or entertaining.\n- Infinity Pool: Dive into our 120 m2 infinity pool, blending seamlessly with the horizon for a truly immersive experience.\n- Artistic Design: features unique fluid curved architecture, using nobel natural materials like wood and stone. The vibrant interior design incorporates lush plants. Klein blue and warm pinks, adorned with stunning artwork.\n\n### Exceptional Design:\ is owned, designed, and decorated by a former high-fashion designer and artist with 20 years of experience working with prestigious brands like Louis Vuitton, Hermès, and Balenciaga. Every piece of art displayed in the villa is his creation, making itself an art gallery.\n\ is just 10 minutes from Cobano Airport, providing a stress-free arrival and avoiding the traffic jams of Santa Teresa. Our prime location also spares you from navigating the steep, challenging roads leading to central Santa Teresa villas.\n\n### Location:\nStrategically located between the charming towns of Santa Teresa, Mal País, montezuma and Cabuya, you’ll have easy access to pristine beaches and renowned surf spots.\n\n### Perfect For:\nWhether you're planning a getaway with friends and family or a romantic escape, provides the ideal setting for creating cherished memories. Enjoy the tranquility and privacy of our secluded paradise.\n\nBook your stay today and immerse yourself in the unparalleled beauty and luxury of in Costa Rica.","perks":["wifi","parking","radio","tv","enterence"],"extraInfo":"","maxGuests":8,"price":400},{"title":"Hidden Gem: Huge One Bedroom Luxury Suite, walk to Everything in the Heart of Santa Teresa - Nala Luxury Living","_id":"66da168dd8a50c4e0436edb8","slug":"nalasanta","photos":["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""],"address":"100 meters east from Super Rony 1, Santa Teresa","description":"Designed in a minimalist style that can only be described as contemporary-meets-bohemian, this studio suite is a modern beach hideaway.  Situated in the heart of Santa Teresa, you’ll be just a 3-minute walk from the best beaches and steps away from dozens of the area’s most trendy eateries.      \n\nThis newly constructed designed structure was build in order to provide you the elements of a modern luxury resort while affording you the privacy of your own private jungle retreat.","perks":["wifi","parking","tv"],"extraInfo":"\"King Suite One\"\n\n52qm full of love, wood, and art – One Bedroom Apartment\n\nYour bedroom includes a fully equipped kitchen, a 65” smart TV equipped with Netflix, full-sized closets, a safe, and a queen bed featuring brand new, luxury bedding for the most comfortable sleeping experience imaginable. Your bathroom features a full shower with marble tiles, and fixtures finished in sleek matte black,  to top it off, a private & Quiet balcony is just a few steps away from your bed.\n\nEach piece of furniture has been carefully selected and drafted by an interior designer based in Costa Rica's capital San Jose and handmade by Costa Rican craftsmen.\n\nThe combination of modern & boho mixed style, comfort, and privacy make Nala – Luxury Living perfectly suited for families, groups of friends, or private yoga retreats looking for an exceptional experience.\n\nThe project is just a 3-minute walk from the best beaches.\n\nOne Bedroom equipment:\n\n- Daily Cleaning 6 days a week from Monday to Saturday\n\nkitchen with electric stove (4 hotplates) including High-quality fully equipped kitchen.\n\n- Kitchen table with classy and modern Art deco chairs for up to 3 persons\n\n- Queen-size bed ( 152 x 203cm / 60 x 80 inch)\n\n- Sofa (width 230cm | depth84 cm)\n  \n- 65\" Smart TV with Netflix\n\n- Hot water \n\n- Two comfy armchairs and a small side table on the outdoor private deck\n\n- Air-Conditioning\n\n- Two indoor fans\n\n- High-speed internet access\n\n-Shared outdoor gym studio\n\n- Shared yoga deck\n\n-Surfing equipment and beach activity rentals\n\n-Pickup and drop-off laundry service (pay per piece)","maxGuests":3,"price":111},{"title":"A charming One Bedroom Luxury Suite located in the center of town, walk to Everything in the Heart of Santa Teresa - Nala Luxury Living","_id":"66e0cb3b5d0c1cf30481efd4","slug":"nalasanta-2","photos":["","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""],"address":"100 meters east from Super Rony 1","description":"Designed in a minimalist style that can only be described as contemporary-meets-bohemian, this studio suite is a modern beach hideaway. Situated in the heart of Santa Teresa, you’ll be just a 3-minute walk from the best beaches and steps away from dozens of the area’s most trendy eateries.\n\nThis newly constructed designed structure was build in order to provide you the elements of a modern luxury resort while affording you the privacy of your own private jungle retreat.","perks":["wifi","parking","tv"],"extraInfo":"\"King Suite Two\"\n/// 48qm full of love, wood, and art – One Bedroom Apartment ///\n\nYour bedroom includes a fully equipped kitchen, a 65” smart TV equipped with Netflix, full-sized closets, a safe, and a queen bed featuring brand new, luxury bedding for the most comfortable sleeping experience imaginable. Your bathroom features a full shower with marble tiles, and fixtures finished in sleek matte black,  to top it off, a private & Quiet balcony is just a few steps away from your bed.\n\nEach piece of furniture has been carefully selected and drafted by an interior designer based in Costa Rica's capital San Jose and handmade by Costa Rican craftsmen.\n\nThe combination of modern & boho mixed style, comfort, and privacy make Nala – Luxury Living perfectly suited for families, groups of friends, or private yoga retreats looking for an exceptional experience.\n\nThe project is just a 3-minute walk from the best beaches.\n\nOne Bedroom equipment:\n\n- Daily Cleaning 6 days a week \n\nkitchen with electric stove (4 hotplates) including a High-quality fully equipped kitchen.\n\n- Kitchen table with classy and modern Art deco chairs for up to 3 persons\n\n- Queen-size bed ( 152 x 203cm / 60 x 80 inch)\n\n- Sofa (width 200cm | depth84 cm)\n  \n- 65\" Smart TV with Netflix\n\n- Hot water \n\n- Two comfy armchairs and a small side table on the outdoor private deck\n\n- Air-Conditioning\n\n- Two indoor fans\n\n- High-speed internet access\n\n-Shared outdoor gym studio\n\n- Shared yoga deck\n\n-Surfing equipment and beach activity rentals\n\n-Pickup and drop-off laundry service (pay per piece)","maxGuests":3,"price":111},{"title":"Cozy and romantic, this studio suite is perfect for couples. Walkeable distance of everything - Nala Luxury Living","_id":"66e0ce915d0c1cf30481efd8","slug":"nalasanta-3","photos":["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""],"address":"100 meters eats from Super Rony 1","description":"Designed in a minimalist style that can only be described as contemporary-meets-bohemian, this studio suite t is a modern beach hideaway. Situated in the heart of Santa Teresa, you’ll be just a 3-minute walk from the best beaches and steps away from dozens of the area’s most trendy eateries.\n\nThis newly constructed designed structure was build in order to provide you the elements of a modern luxury resort while affording you the privacy of your own private jungle retreat.","perks":["wifi","parking","tv"],"extraInfo":"Studio suite\n/// 28qm full of love, wood and art - studio apartment ///\n\nYour bedroom includes a 55” smart TV equipped with Netflix, full-sized closets, a safe, and a queen bed featuring brand new, luxury bedding for the most comfortable sleeping experience imaginable. Your bathroom features a full shower with marble tiles, and fixtures finished in sleek matte black, To top it off, a private balcony with a jungle view is just steps away from your bed.\nEach piece of furniture has been carefully selected and drafted by an interior designer based in Costa Rica's capital San Jose and handmade by Costa Rican craftsmen.\n\n\nThe combination of modern & boho mixed style, comfort, and privacy make Nala – Luxury Living perfectly suited for families, groups of friends or private yoga retreats looking for an exceptional experience.\n\n\nThe project is just a 3-minute walk from the best beaches.\n\nStudio equipment:\n\n- Daily Cleaning 6 days a week \n\n- Mini fridge\n\n- Work desk\n\n- 55\" Smart TV with Netflix\n\n- Hot water\n\n- Queen-size bed ( 152 x 203cm / 60 x 80 inch)\n\n- comfy armchairs and a small side table on the outdoor private deck\n\n- Air-Conditioning\n\n- One indoor fan\n\n- High-speed internet access\n\n-Shared outdoor gym studio\n\n- Shared yoga deck\n\n- Shared outdoor kitchen with gas stove (4 hotplates) including High-quality kitchen equipment and a family fridge.\n\n-Pickup and drop-off laundry service (pay per piece)","maxGuests":2,"price":99},{"title":"An elegant and minimalist one bedroom suite with a balcony, walkable distance to everywhere - Nala Luxury Living. ","_id":"66e0d187022d5ede833e31b6","slug":"nalasanta-4","photos":["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""],"address":"100 meters east from Super Rony 1","description":"Designed in a minimalist style that can only be described as contemporary-meets-bohemian, this studio suite is a modern beach hideaway.  Situated in the heart of Santa Teresa, you’ll be just a 3-minute walk from the best beaches and steps away from dozens of the area’s most trendy eateries.      \n\nThis newly constructed designed structure was build in order to provide you the elements of a modern luxury resort while affording you the privacy of your own private jungle retreat.","perks":["wifi","parking","tv"],"extraInfo":"\"Suite Five \"\n/// 44qm full of love, wood, and art – One Bedroom Apartment ///\n\nYour suite includes a fully equipped kitchen, a 55” smart TV equipped with Netflix, full-sized closets, a safe, and a queen bed featuring brand new, luxury bedding for the most comfortable sleeping experience imaginable. Your bathroom features a full shower with marble tiles, and fixtures finished in sleek matte black,  to top it off, a private & Quiet balcony is just a few steps away from your bed.\n\nEach piece of furniture has been carefully selected and drafted by an interior designer based in Costa Rica's capital San Jose and handmade by Costa Rican craftsmen.\n\nThe combination of modern & boho mixed style, comfort, and privacy make Nala – Luxury Living perfectly suited for families, groups of friends, or private yoga retreats looking for an exceptional experience.\n\nThe project is just a 3-minute walk from the best beaches.\n\nOne Bedroom equipment:\n\n- Daily Cleaning 6 days a week\n\nkitchen with electric stove (4 hotplates) including a High-quality fully equipped kitchen.\n\n- Kitchen table with classy and modern Art deco chairs for up to 3 persons\n\n- Queen-size bed ( 152 x 203cm / 60 x 80 inch)\n\n- Sofa (width 230cm | depth84 cm)\n  \n- 55\" Smart TV with Netflix\n\n- Hot water \n\n- Two comfy armchairs and a small side table on the outdoor private deck\n\n- Air-Conditioning\n\n- Two indoor fans\n\n- High-speed internet access\n\n-Shared outdoor gym studio\n\n- Shared yoga deck\n\n-Surfing equipment and beach activity rentals\n\n-Pickup and drop-off laundry service (pay per piece)","maxGuests":3,"price":111},{"title":"This one-bedroom apartment has everything you need to feel comfortable, walkable distance from everything - Nala Luxury Living","_id":"66e0d8e56cb0a233c1ba440c","slug":"nalasanta-5","photos":["","","","","","","","","","","","",""],"address":"100 meters east from Super Rony 1","description":"Designed in a minimalist style that can only be described as contemporary-meets-bohemian, this studio suite is a modern beach hideaway. Situated in the heart of Santa Teresa, you’ll be just a 3-minute walk from the best beaches and steps away from dozens of the area’s most trendy eateries.\n\nThis newly constructed designed structure was build in order to provide you the elements of a modern luxury resort while affording you the privacy of your own private jungle retreat.","perks":["wifi","parking","tv"],"extraInfo":"\"Suite Six\"\n/// 44qm full of love, wood, and art – One Bedroom Apartment ///\n\nYour suite includes a fully equipped kitchen, a 55” smart TV equipped with Netflix, full-sized closets, a safe, and a queen bed featuring brand new, luxury bedding for the most comfortable sleeping experience imaginable. Your bathroom features a full shower with marble tiles, and fixtures finished in sleek matte black,  to top it off, a private & Quiet balcony is just a few steps away from your bed.\n\nEach piece of furniture has been carefully selected and drafted by an interior designer based in Costa Rica's capital San Jose and handmade by Costa Rican craftsmen.\n\nThe combination of modern & boho mixed style, comfort, and privacy make Nala – Luxury Living perfectly suited for families, groups of friends or private yoga retreats looking for an exceptional experience.\n\nThe project is just a 3-minute walk from the best beaches.\n\nOne Bedroom equipment:\n\n- Daily Cleaning 6 days a week\n\nkitchen with electric stove (4 hotplates) including a High-quality fully equipped kitchen.\n\n- Kitchen table with classy and modern Art deco chairs for up to 3 persons\n\n- Queen-size bed ( 152 x 203cm / 60 x 80 inch)\n\n- Sofa (width 200cm | depth84 cm)\n  \n- 55\" Smart TV with Netflix\n\n- Hot water \n\n- Two comfy armchairs and a small side table on the outdoor private deck\n\n- Air-Conditioning\n\n- Two indoor fans\n\n- High-speed internet access\n\n-Shared outdoor gym studio\n\n- Shared yoga deck\n\n-Surfing equipment and beach activity rentals\n\n-Pickup and drop-off laundry service (pay per piece )","maxGuests":3,"price":111},{"title":"A pleasant One-bedroom Luxury Suite with a enjoyable balcony, close to everything - Nala Luxury Living. ","_id":"66e0db96371039e0deb97d7b","slug":"nalasanta-6","photos":["","","","","","","","","","","","","",""],"address":"100 meters east from Super Rony 1","description":"Designed in a minimalist style that can only be described as contemporary-meets-bohemian, this studio suite is a modern beach hideaway.  Situated in the heart of Santa Teresa, you’ll be just a 3-minute walk from the best beaches and steps away from dozens of the area’s most trendy eateries.      \n\nThis newly constructed designed structure was build in order to provide you the elements of a modern luxury resort while affording you the privacy of your own private jungle retreat.","perks":["wifi","parking","tv"],"extraInfo":"\"Suite Seven\"\n/// 48qm full of love, wood, and art – One Bedroom Apartment ///\n\nYour suite includes a fully equipped kitchen, a 55” smart TV equipped with Netflix, full-sized closets, a safe, and a queen bed featuring brand new, luxury bedding for the most comfortable sleeping experience imaginable. Your bathroom features a full shower with marble tiles, and fixtures finished in sleek matte black,  to top it off, a private & Quiet balcony is just a few steps away from your bed.\n\nEach piece of furniture has been carefully selected and drafted by an interior designer based in Costa Rica's capital San Jose and handmade by Costa Rican craftsmen.\n\nThe combination of modern & boho mixed style, comfort, and privacy make Nala – Luxury Living perfectly suited for families, groups of friends, or private yoga retreats looking for an exceptional experience.\n\nThe project is just a 3-minute walk from the best beaches.\n\nOne Bedroom equipment:\n\n- Daily Cleaning 6 days a week\n\n- kitchen with electric stove (4 hotplates) including High-quality fully equipped kitchen.\n\n- Kitchen table with classy and modern Art deco chairs for up to 3 persons\n\n- Queen-size bed ( 152 x 203cm / 60 x 80 inch)\n\n- Sofa (width 230cm | depth84 cm)\n  \n- 55\" Smart TV with Netflix\n\n- Hot water \n\n- Two comfy armchairs and a small side table on the outdoor private deck\n\n- Air-Conditioning\n\n- Two indoor fans\n\n- High-speed internet access\n\n-Shared outdoor gym studio\n\n- Shared yoga deck\n\n-Surfing equipment and beach activity rentals\n\n-Pickup and drop-off laundry service (pay per piece)","maxGuests":3,"price":111},{"title":"This luxury villa boasts 7 master bedrooms, making it perfect for a group of family & friends. ","_id":"66e0e2160cff3e0aaad9c7f7","slug":"nalasanta-7","photos":["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""],"address":"100 meters east from Super Rony 1","description":"Nala is a boutique hotel, this listing is basically renting ALL of Nala's boutique hotel:\n\n7 fully equipped independent apartments: 5 one-bedroom apartments & 2 studio apartments.\nEach one includes a full equipped kitchen, 55-65” smart TV equipped with Netflix, full-sized closets, a safe, and a queen bed featuring brand new, luxury bedding for the most comfortable sleeping experience imaginable. \n\nYour bathroom features a full shower with marble tiles, fixtures finished in sleek matte black, to top it off, a private & Quiet balcony is just a few steps away from your bed.\n\nEach piece of furniture has been carefully selected and drafted by an interior designer based in Costa Rica's capital San Jose and handmade by Costa Rican craftsmen.\n\nThe combination of modern & boho mixed style, comfort, and privacy make Nala – Luxury Living perfectly suited for families, groups of friends, or private yoga retreats looking for an exceptional experience.\n\nThe project is just a 3-minute walk from the best beaches.","perks":["wifi","parking","tv","enterence"],"extraInfo":"This is the full service we offer to our guests : \n\n- Full concierge service \n- Daily housekeeping\n- Yoga deck \n- Gym \n- pool area\n- Private parking \n- fiber optic WiFi \n\n- All our suites have an Espresso machine, a private balcony, smart TV, and massive shower like in a spa, and more :)\n\nWe will determine the price based on your dates, our availability, and the number of guests. Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information. We can host up 14 adults. ","maxGuests":10,"price":2500},{"title":"Exquisite modern océan View villa 3 bedrooms ","_id":"66e2045b726606eaa3293931","slug":"casabuho-7","photos":["","","","",""],"address":"CASA BUHO - Santa Teresa","description":"Casa Buho ","perks":["wifi","parking","tv","enterence"],"extraInfo":"","maxGuests":6,"price":400},{"title":"Bersatu Estate - Casa Ibu","_id":"66e8770cf7d66dcff54ac3b8","slug":"casa-ibu","photos":["","","","","","","","","","","","",""],"address":"800 meters south of the junction to Playa Hermosa, Santiago Hills, 60111, Costa Rica","description":"Casa Ibu is a spacious and stylish luxury 4 bedroom home with surrounding gardens and private pool located in the tranquil and beautiful Santiago Hills neighborhood of North Santa Teresa. Existing on the 4 acre (1.6 hectare) Bersatu estate, Casa Ibu exists within its own private slice of paradise with expansive views overlooking the jungle and ocean. You will enjoy the pure serenity of nature up on the wide floating terrace surrounded by abundant wildlife while being only a 5 minute drive from the much loved, white sand, popular surfing beach, Playa Hermosa, with it's small and friendly local community, shops and restaurants. ","perks":["wifi","parking","enterence"],"extraInfo":"Housekeeping with personal laundry and Concierge services included.","maxGuests":8,"price":950},{"title":"Bersatu Estate - Casa Khoisan ","_id":"66e886717cbea96d0d36c048","slug":"casa-khoisan","photos":["","","","","","","","","","",""],"address":"800 meters south of the junction to Playa Hermosa, Santiago Hills, 60111, Costa Rica","description":"Casa Khoisan is a luxury vacation home on a 4 acre private property nestled in the jungle and overlooking the Pacific Ocean.  You you will enjoy the cooler hilltop temperatures up on the wide floating terrace above the forest canopy surrounded by abundant wildlife while being only a 5 minute drive from the world class surfing beach of Playa Hermosa in North Santa Teresa.\nWith it's 130 five-star reviews on the Airbnb platform, the casita offers a full kitchen, large garden bathroom with outside shower, A/C, high speed internet, secured parking, and wonderful hosts.","perks":["wifi","parking","enterence"],"extraInfo":"Housekeeping including personal laundry, and concierge services included.","maxGuests":4,"price":180},{"title":"Ecocoon Treelodge & SPA - Casa Bambú","_id":"66ec602a4d4ff197faeb1ca9","slug":"ecocoon-bambu","photos":["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""],"address":"Hermosa, 18 K SO DE ESCUELA VALLEY","description":"GET HIGH AT ECOCOON BAMBÚ!\n\nNestled between two magestic trees and just 10 minutes from Hermosa Beach, Ecocoon Bambú offers a spacious tree villa designed for an elevated getaway high in the trees.\n\n| DESCRIPTION |\n\nThis two-story villa features 2 bedrooms and 3 lofts, accommodating up to 16 guests with 8 luxurious extra-king size rounded beds. \n\nThe ground floor includes two expansive bedrooms, each with private bathrooms and air conditioning, a tree-bar, and a serene spa complete with a jacuzzi, sauna, cold plunge, and a swimming-distance pool. The open dining and living areas provide a welcoming space for relaxation and gathering.\n\nUpstairs, discover three charming lofts, each designed over two levels with 2 king-size rounded beds (one on each floor), air conditioning, and fans. Each loft includes a jungle-chic bathroom with a bathtub, a private kitchen, and a balcony offering bird-eye views of the lush jungle.\n\n|ECOCOON CONCEPT|\n\nEcocoon Treelodge is the place to go when you do not want to be found! \n\nThis hidden gem, located in the jungle near Playa Hermosa’s pristine waters and surf breaks, offers secluded tree villas, or “ecocoons,” perfect for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. Our unique \"ecocoons\", crafted from wood with camouflaged roofs, seamlessly blend into the forest, inviting close encounters with local wildlife.\n\nAwaken amidst nature and indulge in the luxury of extra-king size rounded beds that cradle you in comfort. Panoramic windows and full-length mirrors reflect the vibrant wildlife surrounding you. The bathrooms feature large bathtubs shaped like hammocks, adorned with natural stones and wood, providing an unparalleled relaxation experience as if you were floating in tranquility.\n\nRejuvenate at our spa, watch monkeys swing through the canopy, relax in giant chilling nets, and enjoy a homemade breakfast delivered to your bed—all while staying connected with high-speed internet high in the trees.\n\nIn this tropical paradise, endless delights await, making it the ideal setting for romance, family reunions, relaxation, and a deep connection with nature.","perks":["wifi","parking","pets","enterence"],"extraInfo":"This villa can be rented entirely or per room. ","maxGuests":16,"price":1750},{"title":"Ecocoon Treelodge & SPA - Casa Roble","_id":"66eccf4ed28ef1e72d35f16a","slug":"ecocoon-roble","photos":["","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""],"address":"Hermosa, 18 K SO DE ESCUELA VALLEY","description":"ROMANCE ELEVATED HIGH IN THE TREES! \n\nEcocoon Roble is the perfect pick for honeymooners, couples, and anyone wishing to indulge in a touch of luxury and romance among giant trees. You might fall in love (again!).\n\n| DESCRIPTION |\n\nThis ecocoon has two floors. On the first floor, you will find a fully-equipped kitchen, a huge chilling net, a private natural pool, and a cozy living/relaxing area with a massive suspended table: you can use it to savor your meals or to lay down – it fits two persons and it is perfect for cuddling or meditating! On the second floor, enjoy a spacious AC-equipped bedroom, its hand-crafted wooden bed, a private indoor-outdoor bathroom, and giant mirrors. \n\n|ECOCOON CONCEPT|\n\nWake up to breathtaking views from the secluded balcony and marvel at the towering Roble Tree just outside the panoramic glass windows. Watch hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, and howler monkeys attracted by its sweet nectar-filled flowers, swinging playfully from the treetops. Embrace the allure of Roble's timber, renowned for its durability and its use in furniture-making and construction. At Ecocoon, even the chairs are crafted from Roble branches, showcasing the significance and beauty of this mesmerizing tree in the Costa Rican flora. Enjoy a rejuvenating massage, or a yoga class guided by Santa Teresa's finest instructors on our yoga deck. Pamper yourself to our SPA, featuring a sauna, jacuzzi and cold-plunge. Relax in giant chilling nets, and enjoy a homemade breakfast delivered to your bed—all while staying connected with high-speed internet high in the trees.\n\nThis tropical haven promises endless delights for romance, relaxation, and a profound connection with nature. ","perks":[],"extraInfo":"","maxGuests":2,"price":450},{"title":"Ecocoon Treelodge & SPA - Casa Pochote","_id":"66ecd80501de23a3fad11a9c","slug":"ecocoon-pochote","photos":["","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""],"address":"Hermosa, 18 K SO DE ESCUELA VALLEY","description":"ESCAPE TO THE CANOPY AT ECOCOON POCHOTE.\n\nThis jungle-chic villa provides an exclusive experience in Santa Teresa, ideal for families or groups of friends seeking adventure and relaxation. Up to 4 people.\n\n| DESCRIPTION |\n\nEcocoon Pochote features 2 spacious bedrooms, each with AC, and a private bathroom. The villa offers an outdoor kitchen, natural pool and chilling nets. The living area immerses you in the jungle, boasting a large natural pool, an outdoor kitchen, and a relaxing chilling net. \n\n|ECOCOON CONCEPT|\n\nEcocoon Treelodge is the place to go when you do not want to be found! \n\nThis hidden gem, located in the jungle near Playa Hermosa’s pristine waters and surf breaks, offers secluded tree villas, or “ecocoons,” perfect for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. Our unique \"ecocoons\", crafted from wood with camouflaged roofs, seamlessly blend into the forest, inviting close encounters with local wildlife.\n\nWake up to breathtaking views from the secluded balcony and marvel at the towering Pochote Tree just outside the panoramic glass windows. The Pochote, also known as Spiny Cedar, is covered with spines and renowned for its white and red color in home building: at Ecocoon, most of our stairs are made from recycled Pochote timber collected from the streets during ICE's tree-cutting for road electrification! \n\nIndulge in the luxury of wooden-crafted beds that cradle you in comfort. Full-length mirrors reflect the vibrant wildlife surrounding you. The bathrooms are adorned with natural stones and wood, providing an unparalleled relaxation experience as if you were floating in tranquility. \nRejuvenate at our spa, watch monkeys swing through the canopy, relax in giant chilling nets, and enjoy a homemade breakfast delivered to your bed—all while staying connected with high-speed internet high in the trees.\n\nIn this tropical paradise, endless delights await, making it the ideal setting for romance, family reunions, relaxation, and a deep connection with nature.","perks":[],"extraInfo":"","maxGuests":4,"price":500},{"title":"Ecocoon Treelodge & SPA - Casa Ceiba","_id":"66ecdc90a0b7ff73453b4e1e","slug":"ecocoon-ceiba","photos":["","","","","","","","","","","","","",""],"address":"Hermosa, 18 K SO DE ESCUELA VALLEY","description":"LIVE THE CHILDHOOD DREAM AT ECOCOON CEIBA!\n\nSleep in this unique treehouse built around a 50-meter high Ceiba tree. \n\n| DESCRIPTION |\n\nThis ecocoon has two floors. On the first floor, you will find a fully-equipped kitchen, a huge chilling net, a private natural pool, and one bedroom with a small bathroom. On the second floor, enjoy a spacious AC-equipped bedroom, its hand-crafted wooden bed, a private indoor-outdoor bathroom, giant mirrors, and a balcony.\n\n|ECOCOON CONCEPT|\n\nAwaken in the midst of tranquility and marvel at the panoramic view from your secluded balcony, with a majestic ceiba tree at its center. This native Costa Rican tree can live for over 500 years! Known for its nectar-filled flowers, it attracts hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, and howler monkeys. Observe these lively creatures swinging from the canopy. Refresh yourself in the private natural pool or savor a homemade breakfast on Ecocoon Ceiba's suspended benches. Find serenity in the spacious net below, lulled by the melodies of a bird. Pamper yourself to our SPA facilities, featuring a sauna, cold-plunge and jacuzzi. Enhance your well-being with invigorating yoga classes or soothing massages guided by Santa Teresa's finest instructors, on our yoga deck.\n\nThis tropical haven promises endless delights for romance, relaxation, and a profound connection with nature. ","perks":[],"extraInfo":"","maxGuests":4,"price":500},{"title":"Property 4 villas 8 bedrooms","_id":"66ecdf59a0b7ff73453b4e4c","slug":"buho-9","photos":["","","","",""],"address":"Casa buho ","description":"Santa teresa north\nBeautiful Property with 4 houses 3 pools \nCapacity 16 pax\nPrice on request ","perks":["wifi","parking","enterence"],"extraInfo":"","maxGuests":16,"price":1200}],"title":"SantaHost Direct Booking for AirBnb Hosts in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica"}}</script>
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