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     * @param strEmails - one or more emails delimited with ","
     * @param bolIsSingleEmail - is strEmails only one email
    function EmailValidator(strEmails, bolIsSingleEmail)
        this.state = EmailValidator.states.READY;
        this.strSuggestedEmails = "";
        this.strEmails = strEmails.trim();
        this.strNoMxEmails = "";
        this.strInputID = "";
        this.bolIsSingleEmail = bolIsSingleEmail;

        // set default invalid cb
        this.strErrorClass = "has-error";
    EmailValidator.regexTest = function(email) 
        var re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
        return re.test( email )
            // disallow single quotes
            && email.indexOf( "'" ) === -1;
    //<editor-fold desc="Setters">
     * this.onValidCB and this.onInvalidCB and this.setOnSuggestionCB execution order:
     *  1. remove this.strErrorClass from this.strInputID
     *  2. show or hide modal - only for onInvalid and onValid
     *  3. run callback
    EmailValidator.prototype.setOnValidCB = function (onValidCB)
        this.onValidCB = applyTo(this, function ()
            if (this.strModalID && $('#' + this.strModalID).css('opacity') == 0)

        return this;
    EmailValidator.prototype.setOnInvalidCB = function (onInvalidCB)
        this.onInvalidCB = applyTo(this, function ( strInvalidEmails)
            if( typeof strInvalidEmails === 'undefined' )
                strInvalidEmails =  '';
            if (this.strModalID && $('#' + this.strModalID).css('opacity') == 0)

        return this;
    EmailValidator.prototype.setOnSuggestionCB = function (onSuggestionCB)
        this.revalidate = function ()
        return this;
    EmailValidator.prototype.setModalID = function (strModalID)
        this.strModalID = strModalID;
        return this;

    EmailValidator.prototype.setInputID = function (strInputID)
        this.strInputID = strInputID;
        return this;

    EmailValidator.prototype.setErrorClass = function (strErrorClass)
        this.strErrorClass = strErrorClass;
        return this;
    EmailValidator.prototype.onTooManyEmails = function () 
        fError("You cannot send more than 5 emails at one time.", "", "OK", applyTo(this, this.onInvalidCB));

     * adds this.strErrorClass to element with ID this.strInputID
    EmailValidator.prototype.addErrorClassToInput = function ()
        if (this.strInputID)
            $("#" + this.strInputID).addClass(this.strErrorClass);

     * removes this.strErrorClass from element with ID this.strInputID
    EmailValidator.prototype.removeClassFromInput = function ()
        if (this.strInputID)
            $("#" + this.strInputID).removeClass(this.strErrorClass);
    }; = function ()
        if(this.strEmails === "") 
            this.state = EmailValidator.states.INVALID;
        // onValid, onInvalid and strEmails are necessary!
        if (!this.onValidCB || !this.onInvalidCB)
            throw new Error("EmailValidator is missing essential data!");
        var emails;

        // check if not over allowed email count
        if( !this.bolIsSingleEmail )
            emails = this.strEmails.split(",");
            if( emails.length > 50 ) {
                this.state = EmailValidator.states.TOO_MANY_EMAILS;
            emails = [ this.strEmails ];

        // test emails against email regex before posting them
        for (var i in emails)
            if ( emails.hasOwnProperty(i) && !EmailValidator.regexTest( emails[i].trim() ) )
                this.state = EmailValidator.states.INVALID;
                this.onInvalidCB( emails[i].trim() );

        this.state = EmailValidator.states.RUNNING;

        $.post('/chkMail.php', {'q': this.strEmails}, applyTo(this, this.onResponse));

    EmailValidator.prototype.onResponse = function (data)
        var arrReturn = JSON.parse(data);

        if (arrReturn['result'] === 0)
            this.state = EmailValidator.states.VALID;
        else if(arrReturn['result'] === EmailValidator.states.INVALID) 
            this.state = EmailValidator.states.INVALID;
        else if (arrReturn['result'] === 2)
            this.strSuggestedEmails = arrReturn['suggest'];

            if (arrReturn['no_mx'])
                this.strNoMxEmails = arrReturn['no_mx'];
                this.state = EmailValidator.states.MISSING_MX_RECORDS;
                this.state = EmailValidator.states.POSSIBLE_TYPO;

            // this calls onSuggestionCB
        else if (arrReturn['result'] === 4)
            this.state = EmailValidator.states.TOO_MANY_EMAILS;

    EmailValidator.prototype.revalidate = function ()
        // add typo suggestions and emails with no mx records to string
        var strMsg = '';
        if (this.strSuggestedEmails !== '')
            strMsg += "Did you mean:";
            strMsg += " " + this.strSuggestedEmails + "?\n";
        if (this.strNoMxEmails !== '')
                strMsg += "It\u2019s possible that this e-mail address is incorrect:"            }
                strMsg += "These e-mail addresses might be invalid:"            }
            strMsg += " " + this.strNoMxEmails + ".\n";

            strMsg += "Please check the email you have entered! If it is correct, click OK.";
            strMsg += "Please verify that the entered e-mails are correct! If all e-mails are correct, press OK.";


        // hide the original modal to avoid overlapping
        if (this.strModalID && $('#'+this.strModalID).css('opacity') == 1)

            "Check the email address you entered",
            applyTo(this, function ( bolResult)
                // execute onInvalid only if user declines
                if (bolResult === false)
                    this.state = EmailValidator.states.INVALID;
            applyTo(this, function ()
                this.state = EmailValidator.states.ACCEPTED_TYPO;
            }, this)

    EmailValidator.prototype.isSubmittable = function ()
        return [EmailValidator.states.VALID, EmailValidator.states.ACCEPTED_TYPO].indexOf(this.state) !== -1;

    EmailValidator.states = {
        READY: -2,              // initial state
        RUNNING: -1,            // request has started and server has not responded yet

        // => onValidCB
        VALID: 0,

        // => onInvalidCB
        INVALID: 1,

        // => revalidate => onSuggestionCB
        POSSIBLE_TYPO: 2,       // there are typos in the submitted emails
        MISSING_MX_RECORDS: 3,  // some emails have missing mx records
        TOO_MANY_EMAILS: 4,     // too many emails are submitted

        // => revalidate => onSuggestionCB (clicked OK) => onValid 
        ACCEPTED_TYPO: 5        // typo was spotted but user dismissed it
    // the function is defined in functions.js, but because this script is included in bergafoto, lets check to make sure.
    if ( typeof applyTo !== 'function' )
         * Magic function that makes vanilla JS objects usable
         *  - execute fn in the context of $this with passed parameters
         *  - you can also pass parameters to the fn that is returned, they will be added to the fn call
         * @param $this - Object scope
         * @param fn - Object method to execute
         * @param var1 - first parameter to be passed to fn
         * @returns {Function}
        window.applyTo = function( $this, fn, var1 )
            if ( !$this )
                throw new Error( "Invalid usage of closure function, scope must be defined." );
            if ( !fn )
                throw new Error( "Invalid usage of closure function, fn must be defined." );
            var finalArgs = [];
            // skip first 3 arguments (callee, $this, fn)
            for ( var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i )
                // add to list of args
                finalArgs.push( arguments[ i ] );
            return function ()
                // add all arguments
                for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i )
                    finalArgs.push( arguments[ i ] );
                // first arguments will be the ones passed to closure, then the ones passed to this function
                return fn.apply( $this, finalArgs );
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                function addAnonymousUploads()
                    var addUploads = confirm('Bind previous uploads from this device to your account? You can manage or delete them.');
                    if (addUploads == true)
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<script src="/js/Captcha/Google/LazyGoogleReCaptchaV2.js"></script>
                objLazyGoogleReCaptchaV2.strLanguageKey = "en";
                objLazyGoogleReCaptchaV2.strSiteKey = "6LflqXQUAAAAAP2CM782IqIgjzooEt9soXTCwxX2";
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="/css/sign_in_form.css?v=35">
<div id="sign-in" class="modal-container" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="createaccount-header signin-header" aria-hidden="true" style="display:none">
<div class="modal-inner">

<div id="sign-in-header">
<span id="signin-header" onclick="if( !$( '#signin-modal-content' ).is( ':visible' ) ) showSignIn(); return false;">
Log in <img id="signin-header_icon_inactive" src="/images/signup_form/log_in.svg?v=2" alt="Login to upload files">
<img id="signin-header_icon_active" src="/images/signup_form/log_in_blue.svg?v=2" alt="Login to upload files">
<span id="createaccount-header" onclick="if( !$('#createaccount-modal-content').is(':visible')) showCreateAccount(); return false;">
Sign up </span>

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<span class="referrer-container">
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<td><i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle"></i></td>
<td><div class="alert_main_text"></div></td>

<div id="createaccount-modal-content" class="modal-content">
<div class="info"></div>

<div class="signin-modal-content-social">
<div class="signin-modal-content-social-title">Create free account:</div>
<div class="signin-modal-content-social-buttons-container signin-modal-content-social-buttons-container-2-buttons">

<div class="standard_button google_button social_login_button" onclick="checkSocialLogin('google');">
<img src="/images/signup_form/login-google.svg?v=2" alt="Sign up with Google to upload files for free">
<div class="standard_button ms_button social_login_button" onclick="checkSocialLogin('microsoft');">
<img src="/images/signup_form/login-microsoft.svg" alt="Sign up with Microsoft to upload files for free">
<div class="justify_el"></div>

<div class="or-delimiter">
or </div>

<div id="createaccount-simple-container">
<input id="createaccount-referral-hash" name="inviter_hash" type="hidden">
<input id="createaccount-referral-user" name="inviter_user" type="hidden">
<div id="register_coupon_code">
<div class="input-label">
<label for="register_coupon_code_input">Coupon code</label>
<input id="register_coupon_code_input" name="coupon_code" type="text">
<div class="createaccount-input-container"></div>
<div class="no-coupon-link">
<a href="" onclick="revertFormFromCoupon(); return false">I do not have a coupon code »</a>
<div class="input-label">
<label for="createaccount_name">First name</label>
<input id="createaccount_name" name="createaccount_name" type="text" autocomplete="off">
<div class="input-label">
<label for="createaccount_surname">Last name</label>
<input id="createaccount_surname" name="createaccount_surname" type="text" autocomplete="off">
<div class="input-label">
<label for="createaccount_email">E-mail</label>
<input id="createaccount_email" name="createaccount_email" type="email" autocomplete="off" onchange="createUsername(this.value);">
<div class="input-label">
<label for="createaccount_password">Password</label>
<input id="createaccount_password" name="createaccount_password" type="password" autocomplete="off">
<div class="justify_el"></div>

<div id="your_public_profile_container">
<div id="your_public_profile_label_text_before">
Your profile:
<div id="your_public_profile_label">
<span id="your_public_profile_label_text">
Your profile:
<span id="your_public_profile_label_host"> </span>
<div id="your_public_profile_field_input">
<input id="createaccount_username" name="createaccount_username" type="text" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Username" onkeyup="usernameChanged();">
<div id="createaccount_coupon_info" onclick="showSignIn()">
I already have a account » </div>
<div id="createaccount_error_msg" class="error_msg"></div>
<div class="sign_in_captcha" id="createaccount_captcha">
<div class="google-recaptcha-v2-container" id="C4143575-A8B1-1BB7-9C3A-C77EE70374A7"></div> <script>
                                function loadCreateAccountCaptcha()
                                    (function () {
            var init = function (){
                // Wait for include to load
                if ( typeof(objLazyGoogleReCaptchaV2) !== "undefined" )
                    objLazyGoogleReCaptchaV2.initInstance (
                    setTimeout(init, 50);
<div class="sign_in_submit_bn" onclick="checkCreateAccountForm();">
Sign up <img src="/images/signup_form/sign_up.svg" alt="Sign up to upload files for free">
<div id="createaccount-modal-link-container">
<a id="createaccount-modal-coupon-link" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="adaptFormForCoupon()">
<span>Use a coupon</span>
<div id="createaccount_info">
By using this website, you agree to the terms and data processing: <a href="/terms?source=sign-up" target="_blank">Learn more »</a> </div>
<div id="createaccount_info_ico">
Registred users can store and access files for unlimited time and choose to publish them in their profile. <a href="/storage-plans" target="_blank">More info »</a> </div>

<div id="createaccount_termsandcondtotions_ico">
By signing up, you agree to our <a href="/terms" target="blank">terms of use »</a> </div>
<input id="register_from_ico" type="hidden" name="from_ico" value="0">
<input type="hidden" name="login_return_url" class="login_return_url" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="dont_redirect_after_login" class="dont_redirect_after_login" value="">


<div id="signin-modal-content" class="modal-content">
<table id="signin-modal-content-error" class="alert_container alert_container_info">
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle"></i>
<div class="alert_main_text"></div>

<div class="signin-modal-content-social">
<div class="signin-modal-content-social-title">Choose sign-in method:</div>
<div class="signin-modal-content-social-buttons-container">
<div class="standard_button fb_button social_login_button" onclick="checkSocialLogin('facebook');">
<img src="/images/signup_form/login-facebook.svg?v=2" alt="Login with Facebook to upload files for free">
<div class="standard_button google_button social_login_button" onclick="checkSocialLogin('google');">
<img src="/images/signup_form/login-google.svg?v=2" alt="Login with Google to upload files for free">
<div class="standard_button ms_button social_login_button" onclick="checkSocialLogin('microsoft');">
<img src="/images/signup_form/login-microsoft.svg" alt="Sign up with Microsoft to upload files for free">
<div class="justify_el"></div>

<div class="or-delimiter">
or </div>

<div id="signin-modal-content-simple">
<form onsubmit="checkSignInForm(); return false;" id="login_filesfm">
<div id="signin_input_container">
<div class="input-label l_coupon_code">
<label for="l_coupon_code">Coupon code</label>
<input id="l_coupon_code" name="coupon_code" type="text">
<div class="no-coupon-link">
<a href="" onclick="revertFormFromCoupon(); return false">I do not have a coupon code »</a>
<div class="input-label">
<label for="l_user">Username or e-mail</label>
<input id="l_user" name="l_user" type="text">
<div class="input-label">
<label for="l_pass">Password</label>
<input id="l_pass" name="l_pass" type="password">
<div class="justify_el"></div>
<a id="signin-modal-forgot-link" href="" onclick="showForgotPassword(); return false">
<span>Forgot password?</span>
<div id="signin_coupon_info" onclick="showCreateAccount()">
I do not have a account » </div>
<div id="signin_error_msg" class="error_msg"></div>
<input type="submit" style="display: none;">
<div class="sign_in_submit_bn" onclick="checkSignInForm()">
Log in <img src="/images/signup_form/sign_up.svg" alt="Sign up">
<div id="signin-modal-link-container">
<a id="signin-modal-coupon-link" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="adaptFormForCoupon()">
<span>Use a coupon</span>
<input type="hidden" name="login_return_url" class="login_return_url" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="dont_redirect_after_login" class="dont_redirect_after_login" value="">


<div id="forgotpassword-modal-content" class="modal-content">
<form onsubmit="return false;">
<div id="forgotpassword_text">
Enter your email address to reset your password. You may need to check your spam folder: </div>
<div class="input-label forgotpassword_email">
<label for="forgotpassword_email">E-mail</label>
<input id="forgotpassword_email" type="text">
<div id="forgotpassword_error_msg" class="error_msg"></div>
<div class="sign_in_submit_bn" onclick="checkForgotPasswordForm();">
Send recovery email <img src="/images/signup_form/sign_up.svg" alt="Send recovery email">

<div id="addcookieuploads-modal-content" class="modal-content">
<div id="addcookieuploads_info">
Bind previous uploads from this device to your account? You can manage or delete them. </div>
<div id="addcookieuploads_button_container">
<div class="addcookieuploads_button" id="addcookieuploads_button_no" onclick="setAddCookieUploads(false)">
No </div>
<div class="addcookieuploads_button" id="addcookieuploads_button_yes" onclick="setAddCookieUploads(true)">
Yes </div>

<div id="createaccountsuccessmessage-modal-content" class="modal-content">
<div id="createaccountsuccessmessage_info">
Thank you! Your account is created and an e-mail with account access data is sent to you. </div>
Close this form, fill in the information about the folder and press the button "Save and send the link". </div>
<div id="createaccountsuccessmessage_button" onclick="hideModal('sign-in', true)">
Close </div>

<div id="twofactor_authcode-modal-content" class="modal-content" style="display:none">
<div id="twofactor_authcode_container">
<div id="twofactor_error_msg" class="error_msg"></div>
<div class="twofactor_code_required_message">
Please enter the two factor authentication code from your email! </div>
<input id="twofactorcode" name="twofactorcode" type="text" placeholder="Authentification code">
<div class="sign_in_submit_bn" onclick="trySignIn( $('#twofactorcode').val() )">
Log in <img src="/images/signup_form/sign_up.svg" alt="Log in">
<div id="twofactor-modal-link-container">
<a id="twofactor-modal-goback-link" href="" onclick="bolPrevFinished_checkSignInForm = true; showSignIn(); return false">
<span>Go back</span>

<div style="display: none">
<form id="login_facebook" method="get" action="/">
<input type="hidden" name="fb_login" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="add_anonym_uplaods" class="add_anonym_uplaods" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="login_return_url" class="login_return_url" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="dont_redirect_after_login" class="dont_redirect_after_login" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="inviter_user" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="inviter_hash" value="">
<input type="submit" class="standard_button" value="Log in with Facebook" style="width: 100%">
<form id="login_google" method="get" action="/">
<input type="hidden" name="google_login" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="add_anonym_uplaods" class="add_anonym_uplaods" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="login_return_url" class="login_return_url" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="dont_redirect_after_login" class="dont_redirect_after_login" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="inviter_user" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="inviter_hash" value="">
<input type="submit" class="standard_button" value="Log in with Google" style="width: 100%">
<form id="login_microsoft" method="get" action="/">
<input type="hidden" name="microsoft_login" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="add_anonym_uplaods" class="add_anonym_uplaods" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="login_return_url" class="login_return_url" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="dont_redirect_after_login" class="dont_redirect_after_login" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="inviter_user" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="inviter_hash" value="">
<input type="submit" class="standard_button" value="Login with Microsoft account" style="width: 100%">

<div id="sign-in_disable_form">
<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>
<div class="modal-close" id="sign-in_modal_close" data-dismiss="modal" data-close="Close"></div>

	var bolRewriteUrlHash = true;
    var bolSigninCaptchaRequired = Boolean();
    var bolSignupCaptchaRequired = Boolean(1);
    var strSinginCaptchaContainerID = 'signin_captcha';
    var strSignupCaptchaContainerID = 'createaccount_captcha';
	function showCreateAccount( bolICO )
        if( typeof bolICO === 'undefined' )
            // if switching forms, get bolICO from other form
            bolICO = $( "#register_from_ico" ).val() > 0;
        $( '#signin-header' ).removeClass( 'active' );
        $( '#createaccount-header' ).addClass( 'active' );

		$( '#signin-modal-content' ).hide();
		$( '#forgotpassword-modal-content' ).hide();
		$( '#addcookieuploads-modal-content' ).hide();
		$( '#createaccountsuccessmessage-modal-content' ).hide();

		if( bolICO )
            $( "#business_account_chechbox_container" ).hide();
            $( "#createaccount_info_ico" ).show();
            $( "#createaccount_termsandcondtotions_ico" ).show( );
            $( "#createaccount_termsandcondtotions" ).hide( );
            $( "#createaccount_info" ).hide();
            $( "#register_from_ico" ).val( 1 );
            $( "#business_account_chechbox_container" ).show();
            $( "#createaccount_termsandcondtotions" ).show( );
            $( "#createaccount_termsandcondtotions_ico" ).hide( );
            $( "#createaccount_info_ico" ).hide();
            $( "#createaccount_info" ).show();
            $( "#register_from_ico" ).val( 0 );

		showModal( 'sign-in' );
		if ( bolSignupCaptchaRequired )
		if ( bolRewriteUrlHash )
			window.location.hash = 'sign_up';
	function setRegisterReferral( strInviter, hash, strInviteeEmail )
        $( "#createaccount-referral-referrer" ).text( strInviter );
        $( "#createaccount-referral-container" ).show();
        if ( strInviteeEmail )
            $( "#createaccount_email" )
                .val( strInviteeEmail )
                .attr( 'disabled', 'true' );
        $("input[name='inviter_user']").val( strInviter );
        $("input[name='inviter_hash']").val( hash );

	function showSignIn( bolICO )
	    if( typeof bolICO === 'undefined' )
            // if switching forms, get bolICO from other form
            bolICO = $( "#register_from_ico" ).val() > 0;

        $( '#signin-header' ).addClass( 'active' );
        $( '#createaccount-header' ).removeClass( 'active' );
	    	    if( typeof closeGallery === "function" )
		$( '#createaccount-modal-content' ).hide();
		$( '#forgotpassword-modal-content' ).hide();
		$( '#addcookieuploads-modal-content' ).hide();
		$( '#createaccountsuccessmessage-modal-content' ).hide();
        $( '#twofactor_authcode-modal-content' ).hide();
        if ( bolICO )
            $( "#register_from_ico" ).val( 1 );
            $( "#register_from_ico" ).val( 0 );

		$( '#signin-modal-content' ).show();

		showModal( 'sign-in' );
		if ( bolSigninCaptchaRequired )
		if ( bolRewriteUrlHash )
			window.location.hash = 'log_in';
    /*** Start: Captcha callbacks ***/
    function captchaCreateAccountLoaded( bolSuccess )
        if ( ! bolSuccess )
            addError(strSignupCaptchaContainerID, "createaccount_error_msg", "An error has occurred! Please check your internet connection and try again later. If the problem does not resolve, please contact [email protected]");
            removeError( strSignupCaptchaContainerID );
            removeAllErrors( "createaccount_error_msg" );
            $("#"+strSignupCaptchaContainerID).append('<input type="hidden" class="captcha_response" value="" />');
    function captchaCreateAccountSubmitted( strResponse )
        removeError( strSignupCaptchaContainerID );
        removeAllErrors( "createaccount_error_msg" );
        $('#' + strSignupCaptchaContainerID + ' .captcha_response').val( strResponse );
    function captchaSignInLoaded( bolSuccess )
        if ( ! bolSuccess )
            addError(strSinginCaptchaContainerID, "signin_error_msg", "An error has occurred! Please check your internet connection and try again later. If the problem does not resolve, please contact [email protected]");
            removeError( strSinginCaptchaContainerID );
            removeAllErrors( "signin_error_msg" );
            $("#"+strSinginCaptchaContainerID).append('<input type="hidden" class="captcha_response" value="" />');
    function captchaSignInSubmitted( strResponse )
        removeError( strSinginCaptchaContainerID );
        removeAllErrors( "signin_error_msg" );
        $('#' + strSinginCaptchaContainerID + ' .captcha_response').val( strResponse );
    /*** End: Captcha callbacks ***/
	function revertFormFromCoupon()
	    $( '#sign-in' ).removeClass( 'coupun_form' );
    function adaptFormForCoupon()
	    $( '#sign-in' ).addClass( 'coupun_form' );

        const strUrlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
		if( strUrlParams.has('coupon') ) 
            var strCouponCode = strUrlParams.get('coupon');
        if( strUrlParams.has('kupons') ) 
            var strCouponCode = strUrlParams.get('kupons')

        if( typeof strCouponCode !== 'undefined' )

	function showForgotPassword( strEmail )
	    if ( typeof strEmail != 'undefined' )
			$( '#sign-in-header' ).hide();
			$( '#forgotpassword_email' ).val( strEmail );

		$( '#signin-header' ).insertBefore( $( '#createaccount-header' ) );
		$( '#createaccount-modal-content' ).hide();
		$( '#signin-modal-content' ).hide();
		$( '#addcookieuploads-modal-content' ).hide();
		$( '#createaccountsuccessmessage-modal-content' ).hide();

		$( '#forgotpassword-modal-content' ).show();

		showModal( 'sign-in' );

		if ( bolRewriteUrlHash )
			window.location.hash = 'forgot_password';

	function showAddCookieUploads()
		$( '#createaccount-modal-content' ).hide();
		$( '#forgotpassword-modal-content' ).hide();
		$( '#signin-modal-content' ).hide();
		$( '#createaccountsuccessmessage-modal-content' ).hide();

		$( '#addcookieuploads-modal-content' ).show();

		showModal( 'sign-in' );

	function showCreateAccountSuccessMessage()
		$( '#createaccount-modal-content' ).hide();
		$( '#forgotpassword-modal-content' ).hide();
		$( '#signin-modal-content' ).hide();
		$( '#addcookieuploads-modal-content' ).hide();
		$( '#createaccountsuccessmessage-modal-content' ).show();
		showModal( 'sign-in' );

	var bolHasCookieUploads = false;

    function bolHasCookieUploadsFunc()
        $.each(document.cookie.split(/; */), function()  {
            var splitCookie = this.split('=');
            if(splitCookie[0].slice(0, 2) == 'uf')
                bolHasCookieUploads = true;

	var bolAddCookieUploadsAnswered = false;
	var bolAddCookieUploads = false;
	var strActiveForm = '';

	function setAddCookieUploads(val) {

		bolAddCookieUploads = val;
		bolAddCookieUploadsAnswered = true;

		if (val) {
			$('#login_facebook .add_anonym_uplaods').val('1');
			$('#login_google .add_anonym_uplaods').val('1');
			$('#login_draugiem .add_anonym_uplaods').val('1');

		if (strActiveForm == 'signin') {
		else if (strActiveForm == 'createaccount') {
		else if (strActiveForm == 'facebook' || strActiveForm == 'google' || strActiveForm == 'draugiem') {


	var bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
	function checkCreateAccountForm(bolCouponCheckResult) {
        var jqCaptchaResultInput = $('#' + strSignupCaptchaContainerID + ' .captcha_response');
		if ( bolCouponCheckResult === undefined )
			bolCouponCheckResult = null;

		if (bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm)
			bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = false;
			var bolCreateBusinessAccountDataOk = true;
			if (bolCreateBusinessAccount)
				bolCreateBusinessAccountDataOk = false;

				if ($('#createaccount_company_name').val().trim().length < 4 ) {

					addError('createaccount_company_name', 'createaccount_error_msg', 'Please enter a company name that is at least 4 characters long.');
				else {


					if ($('#createaccount_company_phone').val().trim().length < 4 ) {

						addError('createaccount_company_phone', 'createaccount_error_msg', 'The company phone number must be at least 4 digits long!');
					else {


						bolCreateBusinessAccountDataOk = true;
            if ( $( "#register_coupon_code" ).css("display") !== "none" && !bolCouponCheckResult )
                // coupon field is visible -> so it must be filled
                if( bolCouponCheckResult === false )
                    addError( 'register_coupon_code_input', 'createaccount_error_msg', 'The coupon code you entered is invalid or already used!' );
                    bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
                else if( !bolCouponCheckResult )
                    removeError( 'register_coupon_code_input' );
                    bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
                    verifyCouponCode( 'register_coupon_code_input', 'createaccount_error_msg', checkCreateAccountForm );
			if ( bolCreateBusinessAccountDataOk )
				if ($('#createaccount_name').val().trim().length < 2 ) {

					addError('createaccount_name', 'createaccount_error_msg', 'Please enter a name that is at least 2 characters long.');

					bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
				else {


					if ($('#createaccount_surname').val().trim().length < 2 ) {

						addError('createaccount_surname', 'createaccount_error_msg', 'Please enter a surname that is at least 2 characters long.');

						bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
					else {
                        function isURL(url) {
                           return url.match(/(http(s)?:\/\/.)?(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)/g) !== null;
                        if ( isURL( $( '#createaccount_surname' ).val().trim() ) )
                            addError('createaccount_surname', 'createaccount_error_msg', 'Invalid name!');
                            bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
                            removeError( 'createaccount_surname' );
                        if ( isURL( $( '#createaccount_name' ).val().trim() ) )
                            addError('createaccount_name', 'createaccount_error_msg', 'Invalid name!');
                            bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
                            removeError( 'createaccount_name' );

						if (!validateEmail($('#createaccount_email').val())) {

							addError('createaccount_email', 'createaccount_error_msg', 'Enter a valid e-mail!');

							bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
						else {
				            new EmailValidator( $('#createaccount_email').val(), true)
                                    type: "POST",
                                    dataType: "json",
                                    url: "./ajax/sign_in.php?PHPSESSID=2387bf0829a130dcbae74cf0fe0ea55a0f39e778",
                                    data: {
                                        'check_email' : true ,
                                        'email' : $('#createaccount_email').val()
                                    success: function(data) {
                                        if (data['status'] != 'ok') {
                                            var strError = "This e-mail address is already taken!";
                                            strError += "<br/><a href='' onclick='showForgotPassword(); return false'>" + 'Forgot password' + "</a>";

                                            addHTMLError('createaccount_email', 'createaccount_error_msg', strError );

                                            bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
                                        else {


                                            if ($('#createaccount_username').val().trim().length < 4 ) {

                                                addError('createaccount_username', 'createaccount_error_msg', 'Please enter a username that is at least 4 characters long!');

                                                bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
                                            else {

                                                if (!validateUsername($('#createaccount_username').val().trim())) {

                                                    addError('createaccount_username', 'createaccount_error_msg', 'Can only contain "a-z", "A-Z", "0-9" and "_.@-"');

                                                    bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
                                                        type: "POST",
                                                        dataType: "json",
                                                        url: "./ajax/sign_in.php?PHPSESSID=2387bf0829a130dcbae74cf0fe0ea55a0f39e778",
                                                        data: {
                                                            'check_username' : true ,
                                                            'username' : $('#createaccount_username').val()
                                                        success: function(data) {
                                                            if (data['status'] != 'ok') {

                                                                addError('createaccount_username', 'createaccount_error_msg', 'This username is already taken! Please enter a different one!');

                                                                bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
                                                            else {


                                                                if ($('#createaccount_password').val().trim().length < 4 ) {

                                                                    addError('createaccount_password', 'createaccount_error_msg', 'Please enter a password that is at least 4 characters long!');

                                                                    bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
                                                                    var bolCaptchaOk = true;
                                                                    if ( bolSignupCaptchaRequired )
                                                                        bolCaptchaOk = false;
                                                                        if ( jqCaptchaResultInput.length && jqCaptchaResultInput.val().length )
                                                                            bolCaptchaOk = true;
                                                                            removeError( strSignupCaptchaContainerID );
                                                                            if ( ! jqCaptchaResultInput.length )
                                                                                addError( strSignupCaptchaContainerID, "createaccount_error_msg", "An error has occurred! Please check your internet connection and try again later. If the problem does not resolve, please contact [email protected]" );
                                                                                addError( strSignupCaptchaContainerID, 'createaccount_error_msg', 'Please fill out Captcha!' );
                                                                    if ( ! bolCaptchaOk )
                                                                        bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
                                                                        $( '#sign-in_disable_form' ).hide();
                                                                        removeError( 'createaccount_password' );
                                                                        removeError( strSignupCaptchaContainerID );
                                                                        removeAllErrors( 'createaccount_error_msg' );
                                                                        if ( bolHasCookieUploads == true && bolAddCookieUploadsAnswered == false )
                                                                            strActiveForm = 'createaccount';
                                                                            bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
                                                                            $( '#sign-in_disable_form' ).hide();
                                                                            var postData = {
                                                                                'create_account': true,
                                                                                'username': $( '#createaccount_username' ).val(),
                                                                                'email': $( '#createaccount_email' ).val(),
                                                                                'password': $( '#createaccount_password' ).val(),
                                                                                'add_cookie_uploads': bolAddCookieUploads,
                                                                                'first_name': $( '#createaccount_name' ).val(),
                                                                                'surname': $( '#createaccount_surname' ).val(),
                                                                                'create_business_account': bolCreateBusinessAccount,
                                                                                'company_name': $( '#createaccount_company_name' ).val(),
                                                                                'company_phone': $( '#createaccount_company_phone' ).val(),
                                                                                'company_country': $( '#createaccount_company_country' ).val(),
                                                                                'from_ico': $( "#register_from_ico" ).val() ,
                                                                                'recaptcha_response': (jqCaptchaResultInput.length ? jqCaptchaResultInput.val() : '')

                                                                            // add referral fields if the container is visible
                                                                            if ( $( "#createaccount-referral-container" ).css( "display" ) !== "none" )
                                                                                postData[ 'inviter_hash' ] = $( "#createaccount-referral-hash" ).val();
                                                                                postData[ 'inviter_user' ] = $( "#createaccount-referral-user" ).val();
                                                                            if ( $( "#register_coupon_code" ).css( "display" ) !== "none" )
                                                                                postData.coupon_code = $( "#register_coupon_code_input" ).val().trim();

                                                                            var bolDontRedirectAfterLogin = true;
                                                                            if ( $( '.dont_redirect_after_login' ).val() == '' )
                                                                            	bolDontRedirectAfterLogin = false;
                                                                            var strCustomLoginReturnUrl = $( '.login_return_url' ).val();

                                                                            if ( ! bolDontRedirectAfterLogin && strCustomLoginReturnUrl == '' )
                                                                            	postData.show_onboarding_survey = true;
                                                                            	postData.show_onboarding_survey = false;
                                                                            $.ajax( {
                                                                                type: "POST",
                                                                                dataType: "json",
                                                                                url: "./ajax/sign_in.php?PHPSESSID=2387bf0829a130dcbae74cf0fe0ea55a0f39e778",
                                                                                data: postData,
                                                                                success: function ( data )
                                                                                    if ( data[ 'status' ] == 'ok' )
                                                                                        if ( ! bolDontRedirectAfterLogin )
                                                                                            if ( data[ 'custom_login_return_url' ] != 'undefined' )
                                                                                                strCustomLoginReturnUrl = data[ 'custom_login_return_url' ];

                                                                                            if ( strCustomLoginReturnUrl != '' )

                                                                                                if (
                                                                                                    ( "/" + strCustomLoginReturnUrl ).search( 'filebrowser' ) == -1 &&
                                                                                                    ( "/" + strCustomLoginReturnUrl ).search( window.location.pathname ) != -1 &&
                                                                                                    strCustomLoginReturnUrl != 'sync-share?create_cloud_files_user' &&
                                                                                                    strCustomLoginReturnUrl != 'library-info?after_login' &&
                                                                                                    strCustomLoginReturnUrl != 'video?after-signup' &&
                                                                                                    ( "/" + strCustomLoginReturnUrl ).search( 'lifetime-storage' ) == -1 &&
                                                                                                    ( "/" + strCustomLoginReturnUrl ).search( 'save-youtube-video' ) == -1
                                                                                                    if ( location.hash == '#sign_up' )
                                                                                                        location.hash = '';
                                                                                                    if ( strCustomLoginReturnUrl == 'storage-plans#subscribe' )
                                                                                                        location.hash = 'subscribe';
                                                                                                    window.location = "" + strCustomLoginReturnUrl;
                                                                                                window.location = "/account";
                                                                                            bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
                                                                                            $( '#sign-in_disable_form' ).hide();
                                                                                        addError( 'createaccount_error_msg', 'createaccount_error_msg', 'There was an error, contact the team!' );
                                                                                        bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
                                                                                        $( '#sign-in_disable_form' ).hide();
                                                                                error: function ( data )
                                                                                    addError( 'createaccount_error_msg', 'createaccount_error_msg', 'An error occurred. Please try again or contact [email protected]!' );
                                                                                    bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
                                                                                    $( '#sign-in_disable_form' ).hide();
                                                                            } );
                                                        } ,
                                                        error: function(data) {

                                                            addError('createaccount_error_msg', 'createaccount_error_msg', 'An error occurred. Please try again or contact [email protected]!');

                                                            bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
                                    } ,
                                    error: function(data) {

                                        addError('createaccount_error_msg', 'createaccount_error_msg', 'An error occurred. Please try again or contact [email protected]!');

                                        bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
                                }).setOnInvalidCB(function() {
                                    bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
                                    addError('createaccount_email', 'createaccount_error_msg', 'Enter a valid e-mail!');
				bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;

	function getSigninReturnRedirectUrl()
        if ($('.login_return_url').val() != '') {

            if ($('.dont_redirect_after_login').val() == '') {
                if (
                    ("/"+$('.login_return_url').val()).search(window.location.pathname) != -1 &&
                    $('.login_return_url').val() != 'sync-share?create_cloud_files_user' && 
                    $('.login_return_url').val() == 'storage-plans#subscribe' 
                    return '#subscribe';
                else if ($('.login_return_url').val() == 'my-profile' )
                    return $( '#l_user' ).val();
                else {
                    return $('.login_return_url').val();

	    return false;
    function verifyCouponCode( strCouponInputID, strErrorID, fnCallback, bolResult )
    	if ( bolResult === undefined )
    		bolResult = null;

        var strCouponInputSelector = "#" + strCouponInputID;
        var onError = function ()
            addError( strCouponInputID, strErrorID, 'Invalid coupon code!' );
            bolPrevFinished_checkCreateAccountForm = true;
            $( '#sign-in_disable_form' ).hide();
        if ( bolResult === false )
            return false
        else if ( bolResult === true )
            return true;
        if ( $( strCouponInputSelector ).css( "display" ) !== "none" )
            // coupon field is visible -> so it must be filled
            if ( $( strCouponInputSelector ).val().trim().length === 0 )
                return false
                if ( !bolResult )
                    removeError( strCouponInputID );
                    $.ajax( {
                        type: "POST",
                        dataType: "json",
                        url: "./ajax/sign_in.php?PHPSESSID=2387bf0829a130dcbae74cf0fe0ea55a0f39e778",
                        global: false,
                        data: {
                            'check_coupon': true,
                            'coupon_code': $( strCouponInputSelector ).val().trim()
                        success: function ( data )
                            fnCallback( typeof data[ 'status' ] !== "undefined" && data[ 'status' ] === 'ok' );
                        error: function ( )
                            fnCallback( false );
                    } );
                    return false;
                    return true;
            return true;

	var bolPrevFinished_checkSignInForm = true;

    function trySignIn( strTwoFactorAuthCode )
        if ( typeof strTwoFactorAuthCode === "undefined" )
            strTwoFactorAuthCode = "";

        var jqCaptchaResultInput = $( '#' + strSinginCaptchaContainerID + ' .captcha_response' );

        removeAllErrors( 'signin_error_msg' );
        var strReturnUrl = getSigninReturnRedirectUrl();

        var objPostData = {
            'signin': true,
            'username': $( '#l_user' ).val(),
            'password': $( '#l_pass' ).val(),
            'remember_me': $( '#remember_me' ).prop( 'checked' ),
            'from_ico': $( '#register_from_ico' ).val(),
            'add_cookie_uploads': bolAddCookieUploads,
            'recaptcha_response': ( jqCaptchaResultInput.length ? jqCaptchaResultInput.val() : '' )

        if ( strTwoFactorAuthCode )
            objPostData[ 'two_factor_auth_code' ] = strTwoFactorAuthCode;

        if ( strReturnUrl )
            objPostData[ 'override_return_url' ] = strReturnUrl;

        if ( $( "#l_coupon_code" ).css( "display" ) !== "none" )
            objPostData.coupon_code = $( "#l_coupon_code" ).val().trim();

        $.ajax( {
            type: "POST",
            dataType: "json",
            url: "./ajax/sign_in.php?PHPSESSID=2387bf0829a130dcbae74cf0fe0ea55a0f39e778",
            crossDomain: true,
            data: objPostData,
            success: function ( data )
                var strAdditionalMessage = "";
                if ( typeof data[ 'login_attempts_left' ] !== 'undefined' )
                    var strPartOne = +data[ 'login_attempts_left' ] === 1 ? ' You have ' : ' You have ';
                    var strPartTwo = +data[ 'login_attempts_left' ] === 1 ? ' login attempt left before your account is automatically blocked.' : ' more login attempts before your account is automatically blocked.';

                    strAdditionalMessage = strPartOne + data[ 'login_attempts_left' ] + strPartTwo;
                if ( ( data[ 'status' ] === 'ok' || data[ 'status' ] === 'missing_account_data' ) && typeof data[ 'redirect_to' ] !== 'undefined' )
                    if ( data[ 'redirect_to' ].substring( 0, 17 ) == '/lifetime-storage' )
                        data[ 'redirect_to' ] += '?after_login';

                    if ( data[ 'redirect_to' ].substring( 0, 6 ) == '/token' )
                        data[ 'redirect_to' ] = '/token';

                    window.location = data[ 'redirect_to' ];
                else if ( data[ 'status' ] === 'invalid_auth_code' )
                    $( '#twofactor_error_msg' ).text( 'The entered code is invalid! Please try again!' + strAdditionalMessage ).show();
                    bolPrevFinished_checkSignInForm = true;
                    $( '#sign-in_disable_form' ).hide();
                    var $errorCont;
                    if( strTwoFactorAuthCode )
                        $errorCont = $( '#twofactor_error_msg' );
                        $errorCont = $( '#signin_error_msg' );
                    if ( typeof data[ "message" ] === "undefined" )
                       $errorCont.text( 'Incorrect username or password! Access can be restored via your email address.' + strAdditionalMessage );
                       console.log( 'SIGNIN ERROR CODE : 1' );
                        $errorCont.text( data[ "message" ] + strAdditionalMessage );

                    bolPrevFinished_checkSignInForm = true;
                    $( '#sign-in_disable_form' ).hide();
            error: function ( data )

                $( '#signin_error_msg' ).text( 'An error occurred. Please try again or contact [email protected]!' );
                $( '#signin_error_msg' ).show();

                bolPrevFinished_checkSignInForm = true;
                $( '#sign-in_disable_form' ).hide();
        } );

    function show2FAPrompt()
        $( '#createaccount-modal-content' ).hide();
        $( '#forgotpassword-modal-content' ).hide();
        $( '#addcookieuploads-modal-content' ).hide();
        $( '#createaccountsuccessmessage-modal-content' ).hide();
        $( '#signin-modal-content' ).hide();

        $( '#twofactor_authcode-modal-content' ).show();
	function checkSignInForm(bolCouponCheckResult) {

		if ( bolCouponCheckResult === undefined )
			bolCouponCheckResult = null;
        var jqCaptchaResultInput = $('#' + strSinginCaptchaContainerID + ' .captcha_response');
		if (bolPrevFinished_checkSignInForm) {

			bolPrevFinished_checkSignInForm = false;
            if ( $( "#l_coupon_code" ).css("display") !== "none" )
                if ( bolCouponCheckResult )
                    $( "#signin_error_msg" ).hide();
                else if ( bolCouponCheckResult === null )
                    bolPrevFinished_checkSignInForm = true;
                    return verifyCouponCode( "l_coupon_code", "signin_error_msg", checkSignInForm, bolCouponCheckResult );
                    $( "#signin_error_msg" )
                        .text( "The coupon code you entered is invalid or already used!" )
                    bolPrevFinished_checkSignInForm = true;
                    $( '#sign-in_disable_form' ).hide();
                    return false;
			bolError = false;

			if ($('#l_user').val() == '' ) {

				$('#l_user').addClass( 'has_error' );
				bolError = true;
			else {
				$('#l_user').removeClass( 'has_error' );

			if ($('#l_pass').val() == '' ) {
				$('#l_pass').addClass( 'has_error' );
				bolError = true;
			else {
				$('#l_pass').removeClass( 'has_error' );
            if ( bolSigninCaptchaRequired )
                if ( jqCaptchaResultInput.length === 0 )
                    bolError = true;
                    addError(strSinginCaptchaContainerID, "signin_error_msg", "An error has occurred! Please check your internet connection and try again later. If the problem does not resolve, please contact [email protected]");
                else if ( jqCaptchaResultInput.val().length === 0 )
                    bolError = true;
                    addError(strSinginCaptchaContainerID, "signin_error_msg", "Please fill in the captcha field!");
                    removeError( strSinginCaptchaContainerID );

			if (!bolError) {

					type: "POST",
					dataType: "json",
					url: "./ajax/sign_in.php?PHPSESSID=2387bf0829a130dcbae74cf0fe0ea55a0f39e778",
                    crossDomain: true,
                    data: {
						'check_signin' : true ,
						'username' : $('#l_user').val() ,
						'password' : $('#l_pass').val()
					success: function(data) {
                        if ( data[ 'status' ] === 'ok' )
                            if ( bolHasCookieUploads == true && bolAddCookieUploadsAnswered == false && data[ 'show_add_cookie_uploads' ] == true )
                                strActiveForm = 'signin';

                                bolPrevFinished_checkSignInForm = true;
                                $( '#sign-in_disable_form' ).hide();
                        else if ( data[ 'status' ] === 'requires_auth_code' )
                            $( '#sign-in_disable_form' ).hide();
                            bolPrevFinished_checkSignInForm = true;
                            var strMessage = 'Incorrect username or password! Access can be restored via your email address.';

                            if ( typeof data[ 'message' ] !== "undefined" )
                                strMessage = data[ 'message' ];
                            else if ( typeof data[ 'login_attempts_left' ] !== 'undefined' ) 
                                var strPartOne = +data['login_attempts_left'] === 1 ? ' You have ' : ' You have ';
                                var strPartTwo = +data['login_attempts_left'] === 1 ? ' login attempt left before your account is automatically blocked.' : ' more login attempts before your account is automatically blocked.';
                                strMessage += strPartOne + data[ 'login_attempts_left' ]  + strPartTwo;
                                console.log( 'SIGNIN ERROR CODE : 2' );

                            $( '#signin_error_msg' ).text( strMessage );

							bolPrevFinished_checkSignInForm = true;
					} ,
					error: function(data) {

						$('#signin_error_msg').text('An error occurred. Please try again or contact [email protected]!');

						bolPrevFinished_checkSignInForm = true;
			else {

				bolPrevFinished_checkSignInForm = true;

	function checkForgotPasswordForm() {

		if (!validateEmail($('#forgotpassword_email').val())) {

			addError('forgotpassword_email', 'forgotpassword_error_msg', 'Enter a valid e-mail!');
		else {


				type: "POST",
				dataType: "json",
				url: "./ajax/sign_in.php?PHPSESSID=2387bf0829a130dcbae74cf0fe0ea55a0f39e778",
				data: {
					'recover_password' : true ,
					'email' : $('#forgotpassword_email').val()
				success: function(data) {
					if (data['status'] == 'ok') {


						$('#forgotpassword_error_msg').text('If an account with this email exists, then the password reset link was sent to the email provided.');
					else {

						addError('forgotpassword_email', 'forgotpassword_error_msg', 'This e-mail is not registered.');

	function checkSocialLogin(strType) {
		if ( strType == 'facebook' )
			fError( 'Facebook has changed something, so unfortunately logging in with Facebook is not available at the moment. To get in, reset the password to your e-mail (with which you used Facebook) <a href="/?a#forgot_password">by clicking here</a> . In the future, we recommend using your email or Google account so that you are not dependent on Facebook. We plan to disable this method.' );

		if (bolHasCookieUploads == true && bolAddCookieUploadsAnswered == false) {

			strActiveForm = strType;
		else {

			if ($('.dont_redirect_after_login').val() == 'true')

			if (strType == 'facebook') {

			else if (strType == 'google') {

			else if (strType == 'draugiem') {

			else if (strType == 'microsoft') {



	function validateEmail(email) {
		var re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
		var result = re.test(email);
		return result;

	function validateUsername(username) {

		var re = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.@\-]+$/;
		var result = re.test(username);
		return result;
    function addHTMLError(strDomId, strErrorMsgId, strErrorMsgText) {
        $('#' + strDomId).addClass( 'has_error' );
        $('#' + strErrorMsgId).html(strErrorMsgText);
        $('#' + strErrorMsgId).show();

	function addError(strDomId, strErrorMsgId, strErrorMsgText) {
		$('#' + strDomId).addClass( 'has_error' );
		$('#' + strErrorMsgId).text(strErrorMsgText);
		$('#' + strErrorMsgId).show();

	function removeError(strInputId) {
		$('#' + strInputId).removeClass( 'has_error' );

	function removeAllErrors(strErrorMsgId) {
		$('#' + strErrorMsgId).text('');
		$('#' + strErrorMsgId).hide();

	var isUsernameChanged = false;
	function usernameChanged()
		isUsernameChanged = true;

	function createUsername(strEmail)
		if( !isUsernameChanged && strEmail != '' && validateEmail(strEmail))
			var arrEmail = strEmail.split("@");

			var strUsername = arrEmail[0];
			while (strUsername.length < 4)
				strUsername += '1';

				type: "POST",
				dataType: "json",
				url: "./ajax/sign_in.php?PHPSESSID=2387bf0829a130dcbae74cf0fe0ea55a0f39e778",
					'get_username' : true ,
					'username' : strUsername
				success: function(data)
					if (data['status'] == 'ok' && data['username'])

	var bolCreateBusinessAccount = false;
	function toggleCreateBusinessAccount()
		if (bolCreateBusinessAccount)
			bolCreateBusinessAccount = false;
			bolCreateBusinessAccount = true;

<div id="content">
	var objTranslationsIndex = {
    	'RESEND-ACTIVATE-USER-TEXT' : 'This activation link is no longer valid. To activate your account request a new activation link.' ,
    	'RESEND-ACTIVATE-USER-HEADER' : 'Account activation link has expired!' ,
    	'RESEND-ACTIVATE-USER-ACCEPT' : 'Request new activation link' ,
        'LIST-ALERT-EmailIsSent' : 'E-mail has been sent!' ,
        'COMPANY-USERS-SomethingWentWrong' : 'Something went wrong. Please try again.' ,
		'INDEX-UploadFileHasVirus' : 'The file is infected and will be deleted!' ,
		'INDEX-UploadFileSizeLimitExceed' : 'File not uploaded, file size limit exceeded!' ,
		'INDEX-UploadSizeLimitExceed' : 'File upload failed because the upload size limit was exceeded!' ,
		'INDEX-UploadFileSizeError' : 'There was a network error. Please retry the upload.' ,
		'INDEX-Alert-FileHasDoubleExtensions' : 'This filename has a double extension. Please rename the file and repeat the upload!' ,
		'INDEX-UploadQueueTooLarge' : 'Maximum upload size exceeded for this type of account. Please upgrade to Pro or Business plan: <a href=’/storage-plans’ target=’_blank’></a>' ,
        'INDEX-FileUploadFinishTime' : 'Finishes in [time_left]' ,
        'INDEX-FileUploadWaitingOnConnection' : 'Waiting for network. Turn on WIFI. [seconds_left]' ,
        'INDEX-FileUploadRestarting' : 'Restarting this file. Keep your browser open' ,
        'INDEX-FileUploadComplete' : 'Complete' ,
        'INDEX-FileMove' : 'Processing' ,
        'INDEX-FileCanceled' : 'Canceled' ,
        'INDEX-FileAntivirus' : 'Virus check' ,
        'INDEX-FileSizeExceeded' : 'File Too Large' ,
        'INDEX-AddMoreFiles' : 'Add more files' ,
        'INDEX-UPLOAD-FileSizeText' : 'Files {NUMFILES}, size {SIZE}' ,
        'INDEX-Alert-FileCountLimitExceeded-One' : 'Only one file is allowed! Please remove the extra files!' ,
        'INDEX-UPLOAD-TimeDuration-Around' : 'around' ,
        'INDEX-UPLOAD-UploadedFiles-From' : 'from' ,
        'INDEX-EdgeBrowser-FileTooLarge' : 'Microsoft Edge does not support uploading large files, please use another browser!' ,
        'INDEX-Alert-FileHasDoubleExtensions' : 'This filename has a double extension. Please rename the file and repeat the upload!' ,
        'INDEX-WindowCloseConfirm' : 'Files are being uploaded, are you sure you wish to cancel the upload?' ,
        'INDEX-EnterEmail-Button' : 'Enter e-mail' ,
        'GENERAL-SKIP' : 'Skip' ,
        'INDEX-PleaseFillThisField' : 'Please fill this field' ,
        'INDEX-EnterYourEmailToReceive-Desc' : 'Please, enter your e-mail to receive admin link you can use to add or <b>delete</b> files. You and the recipients will receive a reminder about file deletion deadline' ,
        'EMAILS-WERE-SENT-TO' : 'E-mails were sent to' ,
        'EMAILS-NOT-SENT' : 'Failed to send e-mails!' ,
        'EMAILS-WERE-NOT-SENT-TO' : 'E-mails weren’t sent to' ,
        'EMAIL-SENDING-UNSUBSCRIBED-DESCRIPTION' : 'We weren’t able to send all e-mails because some of the recipients have opted out of receiving sharing emails. To share files with these e-mail addresses, please inform their owners to change their accounts privacy settings.' ,
        'INDEX-AftferUploadError' : 'An error occurred while saving the upload. Please contact [email protected]!' ,
        'INDEX-EnterYourEmail' : 'Enter email to receive add/edit/delete link' ,
        'INDEX-EnterMoreEmails' : 'Enter emails to send access link to and deadline reminder' ,
        'INDEX-EmailMaybeIncorrectSuggest' : 'Did you mean:' ,
        'INDEX-EmailMaybeIncorrectNoMxSuggest' : 'These addresses can be wrong:' ,
        'INDEX-EmailMaybeIncorrect' : 'Please make sure the entered email addresses are correct! If all emails are correct, press ’Save and send the link’ again.' ,
        'INDEX-EmailIncorrectOrMissing' : 'One of the e-mails was entered incorrectly or does not exist. Enter your email in the first field. You can send up to 200 emails at once. Separate multiple emails with a comma.' ,
        'INDEX-ReceiveFiles-Popup-Desc' : 'By pressing the "Receive files", you will create a new folder, where others can add files. You can send the folder link to other people from whom you want to receive content. Anyone who opens this link can upload files to this folder, but cannot delete them.</br></br> You will find the new folder with the received files in the "My files" section.' ,
        'INDEX-ReceiveFiles-Popup-Header' : 'What is Receive files?' ,
        'GENERAL-CONTINUE' : 'Continue' ,
        'GENERAL-ABORT' : 'Cancel' ,
        'INDEX-CreateAccount-InfoText' : 'To store files permanently, create or sign in with a user account. Files will be linked to this account. More convenient.' ,
        'INDEX-EnterYourEmail' : 'Enter email to receive add/edit/delete link' ,
        'INDEX-RegisterToSetPassword' : 'This option is available if you have an account. To change your file access settings, create or log in to your account and then change the folder settings.' ,
        'INDEX-RegisterBuyToSetPassword' : 'This option is available to PRO and Business account subscribers. To change your file access settings, create or log in to your account, subscribe to a PRO or Business account and change the folder settings.' ,
        'INDEX-PleaseFillThisField' : 'Please fill this field' ,
        'INDEX-RegisterToSetPassword' : 'This option is available if you have an account. To change your file access settings, create or log in to your account and then change the folder settings.' ,
        'INDEX-RegisterBuyToSetPassword' : 'This option is available to PRO and Business account subscribers. To change your file access settings, create or log in to your account, subscribe to a PRO or Business account and change the folder settings.' ,
        'PROFILE-AccountDeleted' : 'Your user account is deleted.' ,
        'PROFILE-CHECK-ACTIVATE-Error' : 'An error occurred while activating your account. Please try again or contact [email protected]' ,
        'PROFILE-CHECK-ACTIVATE-User-Deleted' : 'This profile has been deleted and can no longer be activated!' ,
        'EMAIL-NOTIFICATION-DISABLE_SUCCESS' : 'Successfully disabled e-mail notifications.' ,
        'EMAIL-NOTIFICATION-DISABLE_FAIL' : 'Couldn’t disable email notifications. The site you were visiting might have been invalid. Please try again.' ,
        'SMS-NOTIFICATION-DISABLE_SUCCESS' : 'We have successfully disabled SMS sending.' ,
        'SMS-NOTIFICATION-DISABLE_FAIL' : 'Failed to disable SMS sending. The link you followed may be invalid. Please try again.' ,
    var bolFotoDrukaUpload = false;
    var strServerHttpHost = '';
    var intMyQueueSizeLimitMb = 20480;
    var intMyFileSizeLimitMb = 5120;
    var strUploadSaveServer = '';
    var strServerHost = '';
    var bolIsReplaceFileVersionUpload = false;
    var strReplaceFileVersionUpload_FileHash = '';
    var strReplaceFileVersionUpload_ReturnToAfter = '';
	var intSimUploadLimit = 2;
	var bolServerHttpHostIsFailiemLv = false;
	var PHPSESSID = '2387bf0829a130dcbae74cf0fe0ea55a0f39e778';
	var bolIsFileUploadToExistingUpload = false;
	var strFileUploadToExistingUpload_UploadHash = '';
	var strFileUploadToExistingUpload_UploadAddFileKey = '';
	var bolBergaFotoUpload = false;
	var bolBergaFoto_FullSchoolUpload = false;
	var bolBergaFoto_AddToSchoolFolder = false;
	var strUploadButtonText = 'Upload files';
	var bolSessionUser_IsEnterpriseOrg = false;
	var bolIsWordpressGalleryModule = false;
	var bolDontAskUploadInfo = false;
	var bolSessionUser_IsLoggedIn = false;
	var bolFotoProductsUpload = false;
	var bolPhotobookUpload = false;
	var bolEparakstsUpload = false;
	var intUserMaxPerUploadShareAtOnce = '200';
	var strSessionUser_Email = '';
	var bolReceiveLinkPopupShown = false;
	var bolSessionUser_IsStorageSubscriber = false;
	var arrExecutableFileExtensions = [ 'exe','com','dll','pif','scr','bat','bin','pl','sh','scf','sct','shs','vb','lnk','jnlp','apk','vbs','js','msi','jse','jar','dmg','bin','wsf' ];
	var arrFileExtensions = [ 'jpg','jpeg','gif','png','bmp','svg','webp','ico','jfif','heic','heif','tiff','tif','ac3','aac','aif','aiff','air','mp3','wav','flac','oga','aac','m4a','wma','opus','wpl','m3u','ac3','opus','wpl','m4a','avi','mpg','mpeg','rm','wmv','asf','mp4','mov','flv','3gp','divx','rmvb','ogg','mkv','ogv','webm','m4v','mts','lrf','odt','ods','odp','doc','docx','pdf','xls','xlsx','ppt','pptx','pps','ppsx','rtf','dwg','dxf','txt','php','js','html','css','xml','csv','ini','fb2','epub','edoc','asice','dotx','7z','bz','bz2','bzip','cab','cpio','gz','iso','lha','lz','lzh','lzma','rar','tar','taz','tbz','tbz2','tgz','tlz','txz','tz','xar','xz','z','zip','toast','vcd','exe','com','dll','pif','scr','bat','bin','pl','sh','scf','sct','shs','vb','lnk','jnlp','apk','vbs','js','msi','jse','jar','dmg','bin','wsf' ];
	var bolShowAlertSuccess_AccountDeleted = false;
	var bolShowUserResendConfirmationEmailError = false;
	var bolShowAlertError_ActivationUserDeleted = false;
	var bolShowAlertSuccess_MailTypeUnsubscribed = false;
	var bolShowAlertError_MailTypeUnsubscribedFail = false;
    var bolShowAlertSuccess_SMSTypeUnsubscribed = false;
    var bolShowAlertError_SMSTypeUnsubscribedFail = false;
	var bolShowUserResendConfirmationEmailPopup = false;
	var intShowUserResendConfirmationEmailPopup_UserId = 0;
	var bolShowGift_CreateAccount = false;

    var objOrganizationUserEmails = {


    var objLibrary;

    $( function ()
        objLibrary = new Library(
                type : '' ,
                fee : '' ,
            } ,
                session_user_logged_in : false ,
                session_user_username : '' ,
                rand_seed : 1952917992 ,
            } ,
                'LIBRARY_GENERIC_ERROR': 'Something went wrong!',
                'LIBRARY_LOAD-ERROR': 'Sorry, something went wrong. Please, reload this page.',
                'LIBRARY_SEARCH-MIN-LENGTH': 'Please enter at least 3 characters!',
                'LIBRARY_SEARCH-PLACEHOLDER': 'search for files by tags, name or description',
                'LIBRARY_EMPTY-SEARCH-RESULTS': ' We did not find any file!',
                'LIBRARY_SEARCH-HINT': 'Try searching for a single word or disabling section filters!',
                'LIBRARY_SEARCH-ERROR-DESC': 'Please try again later!',
                'PUBLIC-PROFILE-Views': 'Views',
                'PUBLIC-PROFILE-Image': 'Images',
                'PUBLIC-PROFILE-Video': 'Videos',
                'PUBLIC-PROFILE-Document': 'Documents',
                'PUBLIC-PROFILE-Audio': 'Audios',
                'PUBLIC-PROFILE-FOLLOW-BUTTON-TEXT-Follow': 'Follow',
                'PUBLIC-PROFILE-FOLLOW-BUTTON-TEXT-Register': 'Register',
                'PUBLIC-PROFILE-FOLLOW-BUTTON-TEXT-Apply': 'Apply',
                'PUBLIC-PROFILE-FOLLOW-BUTTON-TEXT-Unfollow': 'Unfollow',
                'PUBLIC-PROFILE-FOLLOW-BUTTON-TEXT-Unregister': 'Unregister',
                'PUBLIC-PROFILE-FOLLOW-BUTTON-TEXT-Unapply': 'Opt out',
                'PUBLIC-PROFILE-FOLLOW-BUTTON-TEXT-Following': 'Following',
                'LIST-FILE-TOOLTIP-DOWNLOADED-COUNT': 'downloads',
                'LIST-FILE-TOOLTIP-VIEWED-COUNT': 'views',
                'LIST-LINK-Update-Price': 'Sell',
                'LIST-LINK-Buy': 'Buy',
                'LIST-ITEM-FUNCTIONS-PriceFrom': 'from',
                'UPLOAD-ACTION-LINE-CopyLink': 'Share access link',
                'UPLOAD-ACTION-LINE-EmbedLink': 'Embed links',
                'GALLERY-FileReportCancelConfirm': 'Are you sure you want to cancel the report on a dangerous file?',
                'GALLERY-CancelReport': 'Cancel a problem report',
                'GALLERY-Report': 'Report a problem',
                'GALLERY-FileReportConfirm': 'Are you sure you want to report the content of this file as dangerous?',
                'LIST-LINK-DownloadFile': 'Download',
                'LIST-LINK-ViewFile': 'View',
                'LIST-OrderPhotoText': '',
                'LIST-LINK-PlayFile': 'Play',
                'LIST-LINK-CommentFile': 'Comment',
                'LIST-LINK-LikeFile': 'Like',
                'LIST-LINK-UnlikeFile': 'Unlike',
                'PRINTING-ORDER-FORM-Crop-Label': '',
                'LIST-ITEM-Folders': 'folders',
                'LIST-ITEM-Files': 'files',
                'LIST-ITEM-ItemViewsTitle': 'views',
                'LIST-ITEM-ItemCommentsTitle': 'comments',
                'LIST-ITEM-ItemLikesTitle': 'likes',
                'LIST-LINK-DELETE-FILE': 'Delete',
                'LIST-CONFIRM-DELETE-FILE': 'Do you really want to delete this file?',
                'LIST-LINK-DELETE-FILE-Yes': 'Yes, delete!',
                'LIST-LINK-DELETE-FILE-No': 'Cancel',
                'LIST-FlDelPart1': 'File',
                'LIST-FlDelPart2': 'has been <b>deleted</b>!',
                'List-UnableToDeleteFileReadOnly': 'The file cannot be deleted because it is shared!',
                'List-UnableToDeleteLockedFile': 'This file cannot be deleted because it is locked.',
                'LIST-UnableToDeleteFile': 'There was an error, the file was not deleted',
                'PROFILE-LOGED-UPL-ACTION-DELETE-UPLOAD': 'Delete folder',
                'PROFILE-LOGED-UPL-ACTION-DELETE-CONFIRM-TEXT': 'Are you sure you want to delete all the files in this folder?',
                'PROFILE-LOGED-UPL-ACTION-DELETE-DONE': 'Folder has been deleted!',
                'PROFILE-DELETE_MULTIPLE_ERROR': 'There was an error deleting one of the folders!',
                'UPLOAD-ACTION-LINE-CopyLink-Short': 'Share',
                'FILE-BROWSER-OpenTab': 'Open in new tab',

        objLibrary.loadTopProfiles( 6 );
    } );
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="/js/uploadify/uploadifive.css?v=1715343643"><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="/css/landing.css?v=1728644492">
<script src="/js/client_detection.js?v=1715343642"></script>
<script src="/js/uploadify/jquery.uploadifive.custom_folderupload.js?v=1728466405"></script>
<script src="/js/index.js?v=1727356031"></script>
<script src="/js/landing.js?v=1715343639"></script>
<script src="/js/library/library.js?v=1726237286"></script>
<input type="hidden" id="upload_hash" value="">
<section id="landing-section" class=" ">
<div class="container">
<div class="content">
<div id="file_upload_title_wrap" class=" flex">

<div id="before_file_upload">
<div id="main_page_top_header_1_carousel">
<h1 class="main_page_top_header_1 arrow">
The easiest way to <span>store and share</span>
<div class="file_types">
<div class="file_types_seperator">|</div>
<div class="file_types_seperator">|</div>
<div class="file_types_seperator">|</div>
<h1 class="main_page_top_header_1">
The fastest way to transfer <span>large files</span>
<h1 class="main_page_top_header_1">
Subscribe to <span>secure</span> storage and <span>faster</span> speeds
</h1> </div>

<div id="upload-box-outer">

<div class="upload_waiting top">
<div class="during_file_upload__title">
<img src="/images/landing/upload_cloud_red_comb.svg" alt="File upload">Uploading... </div>
<div>Keep your browser open</div>
<div id="text_during_file_upload">
<div id="during_file_upload">
<div id="download_link_wrapper_0">
<div id="download_link_0"></div>
<div class="copy_button_wrapper">
<div id="copy_button_0" class="copy_button">
<div class="copy_text">
<div class="hover mobile">Copy</div>
<div class="hover">Copy link</div>
<div class="copied">Copied</div>
<div class="copy_button_drawer">
<div id="drawer_copy_button_0" class="checked">
<span>Copy link to view</span>
<span class="desc">View and download rights</span>
<div id="drawer_edit_button_0">
<span>Copy edit link</span>
<span class="desc">Can add, edit content, e-sign and delete</span>
<div id="drawer_receive_button_0">
<span>Copy link to add</span>
<span class="desc">One can add files, but not delete or edit existing</span>

<div id="after_file_upload_wodpress_gallery">
<p id="after_file_upload_wodpress_gallery_text_1">Your files are successfully uploaded</p>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="after_file_upload_wodpress_gallery_button" class="standard_button"><i class="fa fa-bolt" aria-hidden="true"></i>Insert this gallery into content</a>
<div id="wordpress_shortcode_wrapper">
<p id="wordpress_shortcode_title">The gallery`s shortcode:</p>
<input id="wordpress_shortcode">

<div id="after_file_upload">
<div class="after_file_upload__title">
Complete! Email or share the link: </div>
<form method="post" action="list.php" id="submit_form">
<div id="download_link_wrapper">
<div id="download_link"></div>
<div class="copy_button_wrapper">
<div id="copy_button" class="copy_button">
<div class="copy_text">
<div class="hover mobile">Copy</div>
<div class="hover">Copy link</div>
<div class="copied">Copied</div>
<div class="copy_button_drawer">
<div id="drawer_copy_button" class="checked">
<span>Copy link to view</span>
<span class="desc">View and download rights</span>
<div id="drawer_edit_button">
<span>Copy edit link</span>
<span class="desc">Can add, edit content, e-sign and delete</span>
<div id="drawer_receive_button">
<span>Copy link to add</span>
<span class="desc">One can add files, but not delete or edit existing</span>
<a id="link_button" target="_blank" class="link_button" onclick="gaev( 'Index-Upload-Form', 'link-button',  'design' );">Design</a>
<div id="sender_mail_tt_wrap" class="full-width input-label">
<label for="sender_mail_tt" class="info">You will receive delete link and reminder</label>
<label for="sender_mail_tt">Your e-mail</label>
<input type="text" size="72" name="me" id="sender_mail_tt" value="" placeholder="Enter email to receive add/edit/delete link" onclick="gaev( 'Index-Upload-Form', 'Your-Email', strServerHttpHost );">

<div id="recepients_emails_wrap" class="full-width input-label">
<label for="recepients_emails" class="info">Separate multiple emails with a comma</label>
<label for="recepients_emails">Recipient e-mails</label>
<input type="text" size="72" name="e" id="recepients_emails" onkeyup="" placeholder="Enter emails to send access link to and deadline reminder" onclick="gaev( 'Index-Upload-Form', 'Receiver-Email', strServerHttpHost );" class="ui-autocomplete-input" autocomplete="off">

<div id="after_file_save__folder_name" class="full-width input-label">
<label for="display_name">Folder name</label>
<input name="display_name" id="display_name">
<img src="/images/landing/form/edit_blue.svg" class="my_tooltip" my_title="Edit">

<div id="after_file_save_adddescription">
<textarea cols="69" rows="2" name="mailtext" id="send_tt" placeholder="Add a file description, shown in the e-mail and when accessing the files"></textarea>

<div id="after_file_save_access_rights" class="input-label">
<label for="file_save_access_rights">Access</label>
<div class="styled-select">
<select name="file_save_access_rights" id="file_save_access_rights">
<option value="">&nbsp;</option>
<option value="LINK" selected="selected">Anyone with a link</option>
<option value="PASSWORD">Set password</option>
<option value="PRIVATE">Private only for me</option>
<option value="PUBLIC">Published on my profile page</option>
<div class="select-selected">Anyone with a link</div><div class="select-items select-hide"><div id="file_save_access_rights_LINK">Anyone with a link</div><div id="file_save_access_rights_PASSWORD">Set password</div><div id="file_save_access_rights_PRIVATE">Private only for me</div><div id="file_save_access_rights_PUBLIC">Published on my profile page</div></div></div>

<div id="after_file_save_storage_deadline" class="input-label">
<label for="days_to_save_files">How long to keep files</label>
<div class="styled-select">
<select name="days_to_save_files" id="days_to_save_files">
<option value="2">2 days</option>
<option value="-1">Permanently</option>
<option value="1">1 day</option>
<option value="3">3 days</option>
<option value="7">1 week</option>
<option value="14" selected="selected">2 weeks</option>
<option value="31">1 month</option>
<option value="62">2 months</option>
<div class="select-selected">2 weeks</div><div class="select-items select-hide"><div id="days_to_save_files_-1">Permanently</div><div id="days_to_save_files_1">1 day</div><div id="days_to_save_files_3">3 days</div><div id="days_to_save_files_7">1 week</div><div id="days_to_save_files_14">2 weeks</div><div id="days_to_save_files_31">1 month</div><div id="days_to_save_files_62">2 months</div></div></div>

<div id="after_file_save_password" class="input-label">
<label for="upload_password">Password</label>
<input name="upload_password" id="upload_password" placeholder="Enter a password">

<button type="submit" id="sendfiles" class="upload_button">
Save &amp; send link <img src="/images/landing/send.svg" alt="Save and send">

<input type="hidden" name="del_key" id="del_key">

<div id="upload_total_progress">
<div class="estimated-time">Finish <span class="value"></span></div>
<div class="speed-progress">
<span class="speed-progress_label">Average speed</span>
<span class="value"></span>
<div class="uploaded-files">Uploaded: <span class="value"></span></div>
<div class="progress-bar">
<div class="progress-bar-inner"></div>
<div class="upload-size"></div>

<div id="upload_box_inner">
<div id="savefiles">
<div class="upload_button uploadify_start_upoad_button start_upload_button">
<span class="cloud">
<img class="cloud" src="/images/landing/upload_cloud_white.svg" alt="Start file upload">
<img class="cloud-arrow" src="/images/landing/upload_cloud_white_arrow.svg" alt="Start file upload">
Start file upload </div>
<div id="file_adding_container">
<div id="file_select_button">
<div id="uploadifive-file_upload" class="uploadifive-button upload_button" style="height: 30px; line-height: 30px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; text-align: center; width: 100px;"><span class="select_files_button_text"><img class="cloud-white" src="/images/landing/upload_cloud.svg" alt="Upload files"> Upload files</span><input id="file_upload" name="file_upload[]" type="file" multiple="multiple"><input type="file" style="opacity: 0; position: absolute; z-index: 999;" multiple="multiple"></div>
<div id="file_select_dragndrop_text" class="file_select_dragndrop_text">
or drag and drop files and folders </div>
<div class="file_select_dragndrop_text mobile">
Upload and send files securely. You will get a link to share. </div>
<div id="simple_file_select_button"></div>

<div id="receive_files_wrapper">
<div id="receive_files_button" onclick="gaev( 'Index-Upload-Form', 'Receive-Files', strServerHttpHost );">
Receive files </div>
<div id="receive_files_desc">Create folder to receive files from others</div>

<div class="upload_waiting bottom not-shown">
Select files and wait for a list to appear here </div>

<div id="upload_stats_text"></div>

<div id="upload_file_list"></div>



<div class="product-icons spacing">
<a class="product-icon-card apps" href="/sync-share" target="_blank" onclick="gaev( 'Index-InfoPage', '6 first app clicks', 'Store' );">
<div class="product-icon-name-wrap">
<div class="product-icon"></div>
<div class="product-icon-name">Storage apps</div>
<div class="product-icon-desc">Use Web, Desktop and Mobile apps to access Your cloud storage</div>
<div class="product-icon-learn">Learn more</div>
<a class="product-icon-card public" href="/public-profiles" target="_blank" onclick="gaev( 'Index-InfoPage', '6 first app clicks', 'Publish' );">
<div class="product-icon-name-wrap">
<div class="product-icon"></div>
<div class="product-icon-name">Publish</div>
<div class="product-icon-desc">Create public galleries and showcase your portfolio</div>
<div class="product-icon-learn">Learn more</div>
<a class="product-icon-card sell" href="/sell-files" target="_blank" onclick="gaev( 'Index-InfoPage', '6 first app clicks', 'Sell' );">
<div class="product-icon-name-wrap">
<div class="product-icon"></div>
<div class="product-icon-name">Sell</div>
<div class="product-icon-desc">Sell ​​your digital content privately or publicly</div>
<div class="product-icon-learn">Learn more</div>
<a class="product-icon-card esign " href="/eparaksts" target="_blank" onclick="gaev( 'Index-InfoPage', '6 first app clicks', 'eSign' );">
<div class="product-icon-name-wrap">
<div class="product-icon"></div>
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<h2><span>A single platform</span> for your content</h2>
<img class="mobile" src="images/landing/articles-with-pictures/" alt="File upload and file sharing cloud storage platform">
<div class="file_types">
Photos <div class="file_types_seperator">|</div>
Videos <div class="file_types_seperator">|</div>
Audio <div class="file_types_seperator">|</div>
Documents <div class="file_types_seperator">|</div>
and others </div>
<div class="items-pro">
<div class="item-pro">Transfer large files in full quality</div>
<div class="item-pro">Subscribe to unlimited cloud storage</div>
<div class="item-pro">Automatically backup your content</div>
<div class="item-pro">Share beautiful galleries</div>
<div class="item-pro">Publish content on your profile page</div>
<div class="item-pro">Sell digital and accept payments</div>
<div class="item-pro">Control access rights</div>
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<h2>Subscribe as much storage space as you need!</h2>
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<h2>Upgrade your account for more storage and features</h2>
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<li class="name">Basic</li>
<li class="price_wrap">
<div class="price">$0</div>
<li><b>20GB for a month</b></li>
<li>5GB file size</li>
<li>Private sharing with users</li>
<li>Receive files Inbox</li>
<li>Customisable content page and sales</li>
<li>RAW to JPG conversion</li>
<li>Convert videos to MP4</li>
<li>Convert docs to PDF</li>
<a href="#" class="button" style="font-weight: bold;" onclick="gaev( 'Index-InfoPage', 'Free', 'Signup-Free' ); showCreateAccount(); return false;">
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<div class="banner">Most popular features</div>
<li class="name">PRO</li>
<li class="price_wrap">
<div class="price">
$7.9 <span>/month</span>
<li>2TB cloud storage + add more</li>
<li>3 x faster speed</li>
<li>Ad-free sharing</li>
<li>20GB file size</li>
<li>30 days Undelete</li>
<li>Set passwords on links</li>
<li>Access control</li>
<li>Unlimited p2p data traffic</li>
<li>Online Document Editing</li>
<a href="#" class="button red" onclick="gaev( 'Index-InfoPage', 'Pro', 'Signup-Pro' ); $( '.login_return_url' ).val( 'storage-plans#subscribe' ); showCreateAccount(); return false;">
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<li class="name">TEAM</li>
<li class="price_wrap">
<div class="price">
$19 <span>/month</span>
<div class="price">+ VAT</div>
<li><b>2TB+ and 4 users included</b></li>
<li>200GB file size</li>
<li>File access and activity log</li>
<li>File versioning</li>
<li>File recovery up to 5 years</li>
<li>2FA and security settings</li>

<li>Activity and file access log</li>
<li>Business tech support</li>
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<h2 class="install-apps">
Use on any device and never run out of storage space </h2>
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<div class="article client-logos">
<h2>The <span>security and protection</span> of your data is our priority</h2>
<div class="text"> has more than 16 years of experience in developing data storage solutions.<br> Apply for a free consultation on business and security solutions. </div>
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<img src="images/filebox/logos/new2/LIKTA.png?v=2" alt="LATVIJAS INFORMĀCIJAS UN KOMUNIKĀCIJAS TEHNOLOĢIJAS ASOCIĀCIJA" loading="lazy">
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<img src="images/filebox/logos/new2/LVRTC.png?v=2" alt="Latvia State Radio and Television Centre" loading="lazy">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="images/filebox/logos/new2/fkmetta.png?v=2" alt="Metta" loading="lazy">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="images/filebox/logos/new2/europe_h2020_program.png?v=2" alt="The Horizon 2020 INNOSUP programme aims to test new approaches for better innovation support through funding opportunities for innovation actors across Europe." loading="lazy">
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<img style="height: 20px" src="images/filebox/logos/new2/e-shelter.png?v=2" alt="e-shelter is part of the Global Data Centers division of NTT and develops and runs high availability data centers." loading="lazy">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="images/filebox/logos/new2/lattelecom_tet_v2.png?v=2" alt="TET data centers" loading="lazy">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="images/filebox/logos/new2/" alt="Blockvis data experts" loading="lazy">
<div class="privacy_items">
<div class="item_text">
Your files are stored in secure data centers in Europe, in accordance with the GDPR data regulation. </div>
<div class="item_text">
We apply multi-level security solutions and provide fault-tolerant architecture, depending on the account level. </div>
<div class="item_text">
We use the latest encryption and authentication technologies in our systems to ensure full security of your data. </div>
<div class="item_text">
Protect your data by subscribing to a business account and take advantage of 5 years of backups and security logs! </div>

<div id="infinite" class="article">
<h2>One platform, unlimited possibilities</h2>
<div class="text">
PRO Cloud Storage for Digital Content Creators </div>
<div class="infinite_items">
<div class="item_card">
<img src="images/landing/feature-1.webp" alt="features" loading="lazy">
<div class="title">Useful tools for every file type</div>
<div class="desc">Whether you create photos, videos, music or documents, we enable seamless handling of all file types</div>
<div class="item_card">
<img src="images/landing/feature-2.webp" alt="photos" loading="lazy">
<div class="title">Photos and videos in high quality</div>
<div class="desc">Share images from sport games and other events for participants to download in high resolution</div>
<div class="item_card">
<img src="images/landing/feature-3.webp" alt="private" loading="lazy">
<div class="title">Private galleries for your clients</div>
<div class="desc">Create beautiful galleries and securely share it to them for convenient preview and download</div>
<div class="item_card">
<img src="images/landing/feature-4.webp" alt="public" loading="lazy">
<div class="title">Customisable public page to showcase your content</div>
<div class="desc">Publish your portfolio or create a public gallery with or without download option</div>
<div class="item_card">
<img src="images/landing/feature-5.webp" alt="store" loading="lazy">
<div class="title">Store and share your knowledge and creativity</div>
<div class="desc">Video course, e-book, podcast, design - whatever you are good at - store, share or sell it with ease</div>
<div class="item_card">
<img src="images/landing/feature-6.webp" alt="tools" loading="lazy">
<div class="title">Tools to sell and monetise your content</div>
<div class="desc">Set up price and sell your content publicly or privately. Specify usage rights, view statistics and receive money</div>

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Why <span>choose</span> and subscribe </h2>
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<div class="items-pro">
<div class="item-pro">Private data storage at a good price</div>
<div class="item-pro">Unlimited traffic and fast parallel uploads</div>
<div class="item-pro">Preview and stream photo, video, audio content</div>
<div class="item-pro">Automatic convert RAW to JPG. Video to MP4. Docs to PDF</div>
<div class="item-pro">Online Document editing and collaboration</div>
<div class="item-pro">Automatic Antivirus scans</div>
<div class="item-pro">Tools to sell content and receive payments</div>
<div class="item-pro">Secure and General Data Protection Regulation compliant</div>
<div class="item-pro">Multi-gigabyte transfers while maintaining quality</div>
<div class="item-pro">Set passwords on links and expiration dates</div>
<div class="item-pro">Automatic synchronization and backup. Recover deleted files.</div>
<div class="item-pro">e-signature support, comments and file tagging</div>
<div class="item-pro">Disable file downloads - view only mode</div>
<div class="item-pro">Advanced search. Tag and EXIF ​​support. AI image recognition.</div>
<div class="item-pro">Detailed log of activities, file access and download analytics</div>
<div class="item-pro">Content embedding and API integrations</div>
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EU cloud storage </p>
<p>The cloud storage platform offers comprehensive solutions for storing, sharing, publishing, and even selling various types of content, including photos, videos, music, applications, books, and documents.</p>
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