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      <h2 class="HomePageHeroBanner--title gustan-bold">Protect your business ideas</h2>
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        Intellectual property (IP) protects the expression of your ideas. From trade marks to patents, and designs to plant variety rights, you can benefit your business.
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  <h2 class="PrimaryIP--title heading1">Types of intellectual property </h2>
  <div class="PrimaryIP--description"><p>Ideas come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. There are a few different ways you can protect them. Not sure what you need? Find out below.</p></div>
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          <h3 class="PrimaryIP--card-title heading3 gustan-medium">Trade marks</h3>
          <p class="PrimaryIP--card-description">Distinguish your goods or services in the market place by using a trade mark. Your trade mark could include words, logos, shapes, colours, sounds, smells or any combination of these.</p>
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                <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
                  <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M6 8C6 4.68629 8.68629 2 12 2C15.3137 2 18 4.68629 18 8V9.15032C18.2826 9.21225 18.5539 9.30243 18.816 9.43597C19.5686 9.81947 20.1805 10.4314 20.564 11.184C20.8113 11.6694 20.9099 12.1861 20.9558 12.7482C21 13.2894 21 13.9537 21 14.7587V16.2413C21 17.0463 21 17.7106 20.9558 18.2518C20.9099 18.8139 20.8113 19.3306 20.564 19.816C20.1805 20.5686 19.5686 21.1805 18.816 21.564C18.3306 21.8113 17.8139 21.9099 17.2518 21.9558C16.7106 22 16.0463 22 15.2413 22H8.75868C7.95372 22 7.28936 22 6.74817 21.9558C6.18608 21.9099 5.66937 21.8113 5.18404 21.564C4.43139 21.1805 3.81947 20.5686 3.43597 19.816C3.18868 19.3306 3.09012 18.8139 3.04419 18.2518C2.99998 17.7106 2.99999 17.0463 3 16.2413V14.7587C2.99999 13.9537 2.99998 13.2894 3.04419 12.7482C3.09012 12.1861 3.18868 11.6694 3.43597 11.184C3.81947 10.4314 4.43139 9.81947 5.18404 9.43597C5.44614 9.30243 5.71739 9.21225 6 9.15032V8ZM8 9.00163C8.23771 8.99999 8.4904 9 8.7587 9H15.2413C15.5096 9 15.7623 8.99999 16 9.00163V8C16 5.79086 14.2091 4 12 4C9.79086 4 8 5.79086 8 8V9.00163ZM6.91104 11.0376C6.47262 11.0734 6.24842 11.1383 6.09202 11.218C5.7157 11.4097 5.40973 11.7157 5.21799 12.092C5.1383 12.2484 5.07337 12.4726 5.03755 12.911C5.00078 13.3611 5 13.9434 5 14.8V16.2C5 17.0566 5.00078 17.6389 5.03755 18.089C5.07337 18.5274 5.1383 18.7516 5.21799 18.908C5.40973 19.2843 5.7157 19.5903 6.09202 19.782C6.24842 19.8617 6.47262 19.9266 6.91104 19.9624C7.36113 19.9992 7.94342 20 8.8 20H15.2C16.0566 20 16.6389 19.9992 17.089 19.9624C17.5274 19.9266 17.7516 19.8617 17.908 19.782C18.2843 19.5903 18.5903 19.2843 18.782 18.908C18.8617 18.7516 18.9266 18.5274 18.9624 18.089C18.9992 17.6389 19 17.0566 19 16.2V14.8C19 13.9434 18.9992 13.3611 18.9624 12.911C18.9266 12.4726 18.8617 12.2484 18.782 12.092C18.5903 11.7157 18.2843 11.4097 17.908 11.218C17.7516 11.1383 17.5274 11.0734 17.089 11.0376C16.6389 11.0008 16.0566 11 15.2 11H8.8C7.94342 11 7.36113 11.0008 6.91104 11.0376ZM12 13.5C12.5523 13.5 13 13.9477 13 14.5V16.5C13 17.0523 12.5523 17.5 12 17.5C11.4477 17.5 11 17.0523 11 16.5V14.5C11 13.9477 11.4477 13.5 12 13.5Z" fill="black"></path>
                Protects your logo, name and brand
                <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
                  <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 3C7.02944 3 3 7.02944 3 12C3 16.9706 7.02944 21 12 21C16.9706 21 21 16.9706 21 12C21 7.02944 16.9706 3 12 3ZM1 12C1 5.92487 5.92487 1 12 1C18.0751 1 23 5.92487 23 12C23 18.0751 18.0751 23 12 23C5.92487 23 1 18.0751 1 12ZM12 4.5C12.5523 4.5 13 4.94772 13 5.5V6H13.1667C15.0076 6 16.5 7.49238 16.5 9.33333C16.5 9.88562 16.0523 10.3333 15.5 10.3333C14.9477 10.3333 14.5 9.88562 14.5 9.33333C14.5 8.59695 13.903 8 13.1667 8H11C10.1716 8 9.5 8.67157 9.5 9.5C9.5 10.3284 10.1716 11 11 11H13C14.933 11 16.5 12.567 16.5 14.5C16.5 16.433 14.933 18 13 18V18.5C13 19.0523 12.5523 19.5 12 19.5C11.4477 19.5 11 19.0523 11 18.5V18H10.8333C8.99238 18 7.5 16.5076 7.5 14.6667C7.5 14.1144 7.94772 13.6667 8.5 13.6667C9.05228 13.6667 9.5 14.1144 9.5 14.6667C9.5 15.403 10.097 16 10.8333 16H13C13.8284 16 14.5 15.3284 14.5 14.5C14.5 13.6716 13.8284 13 13 13H11C9.067 13 7.5 11.433 7.5 9.5C7.5 7.567 9.067 6 11 6V5.5C11 4.94772 11.4477 4.5 12 4.5Z" fill="black"></path>
                Costs $100 per class, excluding GST
                <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
                  <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 3C7.02944 3 3 7.02944 3 12C3 16.9706 7.02944 21 12 21C16.9706 21 21 16.9706 21 12C21 7.02944 16.9706 3 12 3ZM1 12C1 5.92487 5.92487 1 12 1C18.0751 1 23 5.92487 23 12C23 18.0751 18.0751 23 12 23C5.92487 23 1 18.0751 1 12ZM12 5C12.5523 5 13 5.44772 13 6V11.382L16.4472 13.1056C16.9412 13.3526 17.1414 13.9532 16.8944 14.4472C16.6474 14.9412 16.0468 15.1414 15.5528 14.8944L11.5528 12.8944C11.214 12.725 11 12.3788 11 12V6C11 5.44772 11.4477 5 12 5Z" fill="black"></path>
                Takes a minimum of 6 months to acquire
                <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
                  <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.6569 6.34315C14.5327 3.21895 9.46734 3.21895 6.34315 6.34315C5.23515 7.45114 4.52139 8.80057 4.19904 10.2213C4.07684 10.7599 3.54115 11.0974 3.00256 10.9752C2.46396 10.853 2.12641 10.3173 2.24862 9.77873C2.652 8.00086 3.54638 6.31149 4.92893 4.92893C8.83418 1.02369 15.1658 1.02369 19.0711 4.92893C19.8691 5.72692 20.5003 6.3951 21 6.95359V4C21 3.44772 21.4477 3 22 3C22.5523 3 23 3.44772 23 4V10C23 10.5523 22.5523 11 22 11H16C15.4477 11 15 10.5523 15 10C15 9.44772 15.4477 9 16 9H20.1257C19.6137 8.38306 18.8352 7.52152 17.6569 6.34315ZM20.9974 13.0248C21.536 13.147 21.8736 13.6827 21.7514 14.2213C21.348 15.9991 20.4536 17.6885 19.0711 19.0711C15.1658 22.9763 8.83418 22.9763 4.92893 19.0711C4.13094 18.2731 3.49975 17.6049 3 17.0464V20C3 20.5523 2.55228 21 2 21C1.44772 21 1 20.5523 1 20V14C1 13.4477 1.44772 13 2 13H8C8.55228 13 9 13.4477 9 14C9 14.5523 8.55228 15 8 15H3.87429C4.38627 15.6169 5.16477 16.4785 6.34315 17.6569C9.46734 20.781 14.5327 20.781 17.6569 17.6569C18.7648 16.5489 19.4786 15.1994 19.801 13.7787C19.9232 13.2401 20.4588 12.9026 20.9974 13.0248Z" fill="black"></path>
                Can last up to 10 years before renewal

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          <h3 class="PrimaryIP--card-title heading3 gustan-medium">Copyright</h3>
          <p class="PrimaryIP--card-description">Created automatically with original work, like artwork, books, websites, computer programs, drawings, plays, films, music, and sound recordings. You may use the symbol © to help you demonstrate that you claim copyright in a particular work, but you do not need to.</p>
          <ul class="PrimaryIP--card-list">
                <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
                  <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M6 8C6 4.68629 8.68629 2 12 2C15.3137 2 18 4.68629 18 8V9.15032C18.2826 9.21225 18.5539 9.30243 18.816 9.43597C19.5686 9.81947 20.1805 10.4314 20.564 11.184C20.8113 11.6694 20.9099 12.1861 20.9558 12.7482C21 13.2894 21 13.9537 21 14.7587V16.2413C21 17.0463 21 17.7106 20.9558 18.2518C20.9099 18.8139 20.8113 19.3306 20.564 19.816C20.1805 20.5686 19.5686 21.1805 18.816 21.564C18.3306 21.8113 17.8139 21.9099 17.2518 21.9558C16.7106 22 16.0463 22 15.2413 22H8.75868C7.95372 22 7.28936 22 6.74817 21.9558C6.18608 21.9099 5.66937 21.8113 5.18404 21.564C4.43139 21.1805 3.81947 20.5686 3.43597 19.816C3.18868 19.3306 3.09012 18.8139 3.04419 18.2518C2.99998 17.7106 2.99999 17.0463 3 16.2413V14.7587C2.99999 13.9537 2.99998 13.2894 3.04419 12.7482C3.09012 12.1861 3.18868 11.6694 3.43597 11.184C3.81947 10.4314 4.43139 9.81947 5.18404 9.43597C5.44614 9.30243 5.71739 9.21225 6 9.15032V8ZM8 9.00163C8.23771 8.99999 8.4904 9 8.7587 9H15.2413C15.5096 9 15.7623 8.99999 16 9.00163V8C16 5.79086 14.2091 4 12 4C9.79086 4 8 5.79086 8 8V9.00163ZM6.91104 11.0376C6.47262 11.0734 6.24842 11.1383 6.09202 11.218C5.7157 11.4097 5.40973 11.7157 5.21799 12.092C5.1383 12.2484 5.07337 12.4726 5.03755 12.911C5.00078 13.3611 5 13.9434 5 14.8V16.2C5 17.0566 5.00078 17.6389 5.03755 18.089C5.07337 18.5274 5.1383 18.7516 5.21799 18.908C5.40973 19.2843 5.7157 19.5903 6.09202 19.782C6.24842 19.8617 6.47262 19.9266 6.91104 19.9624C7.36113 19.9992 7.94342 20 8.8 20H15.2C16.0566 20 16.6389 19.9992 17.089 19.9624C17.5274 19.9266 17.7516 19.8617 17.908 19.782C18.2843 19.5903 18.5903 19.2843 18.782 18.908C18.8617 18.7516 18.9266 18.5274 18.9624 18.089C18.9992 17.6389 19 17.0566 19 16.2V14.8C19 13.9434 18.9992 13.3611 18.9624 12.911C18.9266 12.4726 18.8617 12.2484 18.782 12.092C18.5903 11.7157 18.2843 11.4097 17.908 11.218C17.7516 11.1383 17.5274 11.0734 17.089 11.0376C16.6389 11.0008 16.0566 11 15.2 11H8.8C7.94342 11 7.36113 11.0008 6.91104 11.0376ZM12 13.5C12.5523 13.5 13 13.9477 13 14.5V16.5C13 17.0523 12.5523 17.5 12 17.5C11.4477 17.5 11 17.0523 11 16.5V14.5C11 13.9477 11.4477 13.5 12 13.5Z" fill="black"></path>
                Protects original works
                <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
                  <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 3C7.02944 3 3 7.02944 3 12C3 16.9706 7.02944 21 12 21C16.9706 21 21 16.9706 21 12C21 7.02944 16.9706 3 12 3ZM1 12C1 5.92487 5.92487 1 12 1C18.0751 1 23 5.92487 23 12C23 18.0751 18.0751 23 12 23C5.92487 23 1 18.0751 1 12ZM12 4.5C12.5523 4.5 13 4.94772 13 5.5V6H13.1667C15.0076 6 16.5 7.49238 16.5 9.33333C16.5 9.88562 16.0523 10.3333 15.5 10.3333C14.9477 10.3333 14.5 9.88562 14.5 9.33333C14.5 8.59695 13.903 8 13.1667 8H11C10.1716 8 9.5 8.67157 9.5 9.5C9.5 10.3284 10.1716 11 11 11H13C14.933 11 16.5 12.567 16.5 14.5C16.5 16.433 14.933 18 13 18V18.5C13 19.0523 12.5523 19.5 12 19.5C11.4477 19.5 11 19.0523 11 18.5V18H10.8333C8.99238 18 7.5 16.5076 7.5 14.6667C7.5 14.1144 7.94772 13.6667 8.5 13.6667C9.05228 13.6667 9.5 14.1144 9.5 14.6667C9.5 15.403 10.097 16 10.8333 16H13C13.8284 16 14.5 15.3284 14.5 14.5C14.5 13.6716 13.8284 13 13 13H11C9.067 13 7.5 11.433 7.5 9.5C7.5 7.567 9.067 6 11 6V5.5C11 4.94772 11.4477 4.5 12 4.5Z" fill="black"></path>
                <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
                  <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 3C7.02944 3 3 7.02944 3 12C3 16.9706 7.02944 21 12 21C16.9706 21 21 16.9706 21 12C21 7.02944 16.9706 3 12 3ZM1 12C1 5.92487 5.92487 1 12 1C18.0751 1 23 5.92487 23 12C23 18.0751 18.0751 23 12 23C5.92487 23 1 18.0751 1 12ZM12 5C12.5523 5 13 5.44772 13 6V11.382L16.4472 13.1056C16.9412 13.3526 17.1414 13.9532 16.8944 14.4472C16.6474 14.9412 16.0468 15.1414 15.5528 14.8944L11.5528 12.8944C11.214 12.725 11 12.3788 11 12V6C11 5.44772 11.4477 5 12 5Z" fill="black"></path>
                Automatic right
                <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
                  <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.6569 6.34315C14.5327 3.21895 9.46734 3.21895 6.34315 6.34315C5.23515 7.45114 4.52139 8.80057 4.19904 10.2213C4.07684 10.7599 3.54115 11.0974 3.00256 10.9752C2.46396 10.853 2.12641 10.3173 2.24862 9.77873C2.652 8.00086 3.54638 6.31149 4.92893 4.92893C8.83418 1.02369 15.1658 1.02369 19.0711 4.92893C19.8691 5.72692 20.5003 6.3951 21 6.95359V4C21 3.44772 21.4477 3 22 3C22.5523 3 23 3.44772 23 4V10C23 10.5523 22.5523 11 22 11H16C15.4477 11 15 10.5523 15 10C15 9.44772 15.4477 9 16 9H20.1257C19.6137 8.38306 18.8352 7.52152 17.6569 6.34315ZM20.9974 13.0248C21.536 13.147 21.8736 13.6827 21.7514 14.2213C21.348 15.9991 20.4536 17.6885 19.0711 19.0711C15.1658 22.9763 8.83418 22.9763 4.92893 19.0711C4.13094 18.2731 3.49975 17.6049 3 17.0464V20C3 20.5523 2.55228 21 2 21C1.44772 21 1 20.5523 1 20V14C1 13.4477 1.44772 13 2 13H8C8.55228 13 9 13.4477 9 14C9 14.5523 8.55228 15 8 15H3.87429C4.38627 15.6169 5.16477 16.4785 6.34315 17.6569C9.46734 20.781 14.5327 20.781 17.6569 17.6569C18.7648 16.5489 19.4786 15.1994 19.801 13.7787C19.9232 13.2401 20.4588 12.9026 20.9974 13.0248Z" fill="black"></path>
                Duration varies depending on the category

        <div class="PrimaryIP--buttons">
            <a href="/learn-ip/copyright/" class="PrimaryIP--card-primary-btn button button--arrow">Learn about copyright<span></span></a>
            <a href="/get-ip/copyright/" class="PrimaryIP--card-secondary-btn button button--primary-outline button--arrow">More copyright information<span></span></a>
      <div class="PrimaryIP--card colourscheme-06">
          <h3 class="PrimaryIP--card-title heading3 gustan-medium">Patents</h3>
          <p class="PrimaryIP--card-description">A patent gives you a legal right to stop others from making, using, or selling something you have invented for up to 20 years. Your rights only exist in the country or region where your patent is granted.</p>
          <ul class="PrimaryIP--card-list">
                <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
                  <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M6 8C6 4.68629 8.68629 2 12 2C15.3137 2 18 4.68629 18 8V9.15032C18.2826 9.21225 18.5539 9.30243 18.816 9.43597C19.5686 9.81947 20.1805 10.4314 20.564 11.184C20.8113 11.6694 20.9099 12.1861 20.9558 12.7482C21 13.2894 21 13.9537 21 14.7587V16.2413C21 17.0463 21 17.7106 20.9558 18.2518C20.9099 18.8139 20.8113 19.3306 20.564 19.816C20.1805 20.5686 19.5686 21.1805 18.816 21.564C18.3306 21.8113 17.8139 21.9099 17.2518 21.9558C16.7106 22 16.0463 22 15.2413 22H8.75868C7.95372 22 7.28936 22 6.74817 21.9558C6.18608 21.9099 5.66937 21.8113 5.18404 21.564C4.43139 21.1805 3.81947 20.5686 3.43597 19.816C3.18868 19.3306 3.09012 18.8139 3.04419 18.2518C2.99998 17.7106 2.99999 17.0463 3 16.2413V14.7587C2.99999 13.9537 2.99998 13.2894 3.04419 12.7482C3.09012 12.1861 3.18868 11.6694 3.43597 11.184C3.81947 10.4314 4.43139 9.81947 5.18404 9.43597C5.44614 9.30243 5.71739 9.21225 6 9.15032V8ZM8 9.00163C8.23771 8.99999 8.4904 9 8.7587 9H15.2413C15.5096 9 15.7623 8.99999 16 9.00163V8C16 5.79086 14.2091 4 12 4C9.79086 4 8 5.79086 8 8V9.00163ZM6.91104 11.0376C6.47262 11.0734 6.24842 11.1383 6.09202 11.218C5.7157 11.4097 5.40973 11.7157 5.21799 12.092C5.1383 12.2484 5.07337 12.4726 5.03755 12.911C5.00078 13.3611 5 13.9434 5 14.8V16.2C5 17.0566 5.00078 17.6389 5.03755 18.089C5.07337 18.5274 5.1383 18.7516 5.21799 18.908C5.40973 19.2843 5.7157 19.5903 6.09202 19.782C6.24842 19.8617 6.47262 19.9266 6.91104 19.9624C7.36113 19.9992 7.94342 20 8.8 20H15.2C16.0566 20 16.6389 19.9992 17.089 19.9624C17.5274 19.9266 17.7516 19.8617 17.908 19.782C18.2843 19.5903 18.5903 19.2843 18.782 18.908C18.8617 18.7516 18.9266 18.5274 18.9624 18.089C18.9992 17.6389 19 17.0566 19 16.2V14.8C19 13.9434 18.9992 13.3611 18.9624 12.911C18.9266 12.4726 18.8617 12.2484 18.782 12.092C18.5903 11.7157 18.2843 11.4097 17.908 11.218C17.7516 11.1383 17.5274 11.0734 17.089 11.0376C16.6389 11.0008 16.0566 11 15.2 11H8.8C7.94342 11 7.36113 11.0008 6.91104 11.0376ZM12 13.5C12.5523 13.5 13 13.9477 13 14.5V16.5C13 17.0523 12.5523 17.5 12 17.5C11.4477 17.5 11 17.0523 11 16.5V14.5C11 13.9477 11.4477 13.5 12 13.5Z" fill="black"></path>
                An exclusive right for a new invention
                <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
                  <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 3C7.02944 3 3 7.02944 3 12C3 16.9706 7.02944 21 12 21C16.9706 21 21 16.9706 21 12C21 7.02944 16.9706 3 12 3ZM1 12C1 5.92487 5.92487 1 12 1C18.0751 1 23 5.92487 23 12C23 18.0751 18.0751 23 12 23C5.92487 23 1 18.0751 1 12ZM12 4.5C12.5523 4.5 13 4.94772 13 5.5V6H13.1667C15.0076 6 16.5 7.49238 16.5 9.33333C16.5 9.88562 16.0523 10.3333 15.5 10.3333C14.9477 10.3333 14.5 9.88562 14.5 9.33333C14.5 8.59695 13.903 8 13.1667 8H11C10.1716 8 9.5 8.67157 9.5 9.5C9.5 10.3284 10.1716 11 11 11H13C14.933 11 16.5 12.567 16.5 14.5C16.5 16.433 14.933 18 13 18V18.5C13 19.0523 12.5523 19.5 12 19.5C11.4477 19.5 11 19.0523 11 18.5V18H10.8333C8.99238 18 7.5 16.5076 7.5 14.6667C7.5 14.1144 7.94772 13.6667 8.5 13.6667C9.05228 13.6667 9.5 14.1144 9.5 14.6667C9.5 15.403 10.097 16 10.8333 16H13C13.8284 16 14.5 15.3284 14.5 14.5C14.5 13.6716 13.8284 13 13 13H11C9.067 13 7.5 11.433 7.5 9.5C7.5 7.567 9.067 6 11 6V5.5C11 4.94772 11.4477 4.5 12 4.5Z" fill="black"></path>
                Costs $250 to apply, excluding GST
                <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
                  <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 3C7.02944 3 3 7.02944 3 12C3 16.9706 7.02944 21 12 21C16.9706 21 21 16.9706 21 12C21 7.02944 16.9706 3 12 3ZM1 12C1 5.92487 5.92487 1 12 1C18.0751 1 23 5.92487 23 12C23 18.0751 18.0751 23 12 23C5.92487 23 1 18.0751 1 12ZM12 5C12.5523 5 13 5.44772 13 6V11.382L16.4472 13.1056C16.9412 13.3526 17.1414 13.9532 16.8944 14.4472C16.6474 14.9412 16.0468 15.1414 15.5528 14.8944L11.5528 12.8944C11.214 12.725 11 12.3788 11 12V6C11 5.44772 11.4477 5 12 5Z" fill="black"></path>
                Takes a minimum of 6 months to acquire
                <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
                  <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M17.6569 6.34315C14.5327 3.21895 9.46734 3.21895 6.34315 6.34315C5.23515 7.45114 4.52139 8.80057 4.19904 10.2213C4.07684 10.7599 3.54115 11.0974 3.00256 10.9752C2.46396 10.853 2.12641 10.3173 2.24862 9.77873C2.652 8.00086 3.54638 6.31149 4.92893 4.92893C8.83418 1.02369 15.1658 1.02369 19.0711 4.92893C19.8691 5.72692 20.5003 6.3951 21 6.95359V4C21 3.44772 21.4477 3 22 3C22.5523 3 23 3.44772 23 4V10C23 10.5523 22.5523 11 22 11H16C15.4477 11 15 10.5523 15 10C15 9.44772 15.4477 9 16 9H20.1257C19.6137 8.38306 18.8352 7.52152 17.6569 6.34315ZM20.9974 13.0248C21.536 13.147 21.8736 13.6827 21.7514 14.2213C21.348 15.9991 20.4536 17.6885 19.0711 19.0711C15.1658 22.9763 8.83418 22.9763 4.92893 19.0711C4.13094 18.2731 3.49975 17.6049 3 17.0464V20C3 20.5523 2.55228 21 2 21C1.44772 21 1 20.5523 1 20V14C1 13.4477 1.44772 13 2 13H8C8.55228 13 9 13.4477 9 14C9 14.5523 8.55228 15 8 15H3.87429C4.38627 15.6169 5.16477 16.4785 6.34315 17.6569C9.46734 20.781 14.5327 20.781 17.6569 17.6569C18.7648 16.5489 19.4786 15.1994 19.801 13.7787C19.9232 13.2401 20.4588 12.9026 20.9974 13.0248Z" fill="black"></path>
                Can last up to 20 years

        <div class="PrimaryIP--buttons">
            <a href="/learn-ip/patents/" class="PrimaryIP--card-primary-btn button button--arrow">Learn about patents<span></span></a>
            <a href="/get-ip/patents/" class="PrimaryIP--card-secondary-btn button button--primary-outline button--arrow">Get a patent<span></span></a>
  <div class="CTAElement HorizontalCTA colourscheme-01">
  <div class="CTAElement-description HomePageCTA-description">
    <p>Dreaming up a catchy name or fantastic logo? Use&nbsp;<strong>Trade Mark Check</strong>&nbsp;to see if a trade mark like yours already exists on the NZ register</p>
  <a href="" class="CTAElement-button button button--arrow">
    Check a trade mark
    <div class="SecondaryIP">
  <h2 class="gustan-medium">Other registered IP types </h2>
  <div class="SecondaryIP--description"><p>IPONZ also grants and registers the following types of IP.</p></div>
  <div class="SecondaryIP--container">
      <div class="SecondaryIP--card colourscheme-07">
        <h4 class="SecondaryIP--card-title heading4">Designs</h4>
        <p class="SecondaryIP--card-description">Designs are all about how your products look. You can register the design of products that have a new shape or surface decoration.</p>

        <div class="SecondaryIP--buttons">
            <a href="/learn-ip/designs/" class="SecondaryIP--card-button">Learn about designs <span></span></a>
            <a href="/get-ip/designs/" class="SecondaryIP--card-button">Get a design <span></span></a>
      <div class="SecondaryIP--card colourscheme-08">
        <h4 class="SecondaryIP--card-title heading4">Plant variety rights</h4>
        <p class="SecondaryIP--card-description">A grant of Plant Variety Rights for a new plant variety provides the exclusive right to exploit propagating material of the variety.</p>

        <div class="SecondaryIP--buttons">
            <a href="/learn-ip/plant-variety-rights/" class="SecondaryIP--card-button">Learn about plant variety rights <span></span></a>
            <a href="/get-ip/pvr/" class="SecondaryIP--card-button">Get a plant variety right <span></span></a>
      <div class="SecondaryIP--card colourscheme-09">
        <h4 class="SecondaryIP--card-title heading4">Geographical indications</h4>
        <p class="SecondaryIP--card-description">Geographical indications are used to inform consumers that a product originates from a particular geographical region, and has a quality, reputation or characteristic that is essentially attributable to its geographical origin.</p>

        <div class="SecondaryIP--buttons">
            <a href="/learn-ip/collective-ip-rights/#geographical-indications" class="SecondaryIP--card-button">Learn about geographical indications <span></span></a>
            <a href="/get-ip/geographical-indications/" class="SecondaryIP--card-button">Get a geographical indication <span></span></a>
    <div class="TertiaryIP">
  <h2 class="gustan-medium">Other considerations</h2>
  <div class="TertiaryIP--description"><p>Some other considerations for your company that could complement registered IP.</p></div>
  <div class="TertiaryIP--container">
      <div class="TertiaryIP--card colourscheme-05">
          <a href="" class="TertiaryIP--card-title link-md">
            Domain name registration <span></span>
        <p class="TertiaryIP--card-description">A domain name helps people locate your website. It distinguishes your website from global competitors.</p>
      <div class="TertiaryIP--card colourscheme-04">
          <a href="" class="TertiaryIP--card-title link-md">
            Company name registration <span></span>
        <p class="TertiaryIP--card-description">A registered business name stops any other person from registering a company with that name. Reserving your company name is the first step in incorporating a company in New Zealand.</p>
      <div class="TertiaryIP--card colourscheme-03">
          <a href="" class="TertiaryIP--card-title link-md">
            Trade secrets <span></span>
        <p class="TertiaryIP--card-description">Key confidential information that is not publicly known but that has real economic value to a business. Trade secrets include things like confidential processes, customer information, business strategies, and secret recipes.</p>
<div class="CaseStudiesElement">
    <h2 class="CaseStudiesElement--title"></h2>
    <div class="CaseStudiesGrid three-column">
        <a href="/case-studies/resero/" class="CaseStudyCard">
  <div class="CaseStudyCard--image">
    <img src="/assets/case-studies/case-study-still-Resero-small.jpg" alt="case study still Resero small">
    <div class="CaseStudyCard--image-overlay colourscheme-07"></div>
  <div class="CaseStudyCard--text">
    <div class="CaseStudyCard--title gustan-bold colourscheme-07">
      <p class="CaseStudyCard--description">Resero specialise in classroom furniture that helps kids achieve more at school.</p>
    <div class="CaseStudyCard--tags Tags">
        <span class="Tags--tag colourscheme-07">Designs</span>
        <span class="Tags--tag colourscheme-06">Patents</span>
        <span class="Tags--tag colourscheme-01">Trade marks</span>
        <a href="/case-studies/paku/" class="CaseStudyCard">
  <div class="CaseStudyCard--image">
    <img src="/assets/case-studies/case-study-still-Paku-small.jpg" alt="case study still Paku small">
    <div class="CaseStudyCard--image-overlay colourscheme-01"></div>
  <div class="CaseStudyCard--text">
    <div class="CaseStudyCard--title gustan-bold colourscheme-01">
      <p class="CaseStudyCard--description">Based in the hills of Wellington, Paku honours mātauranga Māori in the creation of tools for children.</p>
    <div class="CaseStudyCard--tags Tags">
        <span class="Tags--tag colourscheme-01">Trade marks</span>
        <a href="/case-studies/inhibit-coatings/" class="CaseStudyCard">
  <div class="CaseStudyCard--image">
    <img src="/assets/case-studies/case-study-still-Inhibit-Coatings-small.jpg" alt="case study still Inhibit Coatings small">
    <div class="CaseStudyCard--image-overlay colourscheme-06"></div>
  <div class="CaseStudyCard--text">
    <div class="CaseStudyCard--title gustan-bold colourscheme-06">
      Inhibit Coatings
      <p class="CaseStudyCard--description">Eldon Tate knew he needed to protect his world leading antimicrobial technology before going to market.</p>
    <div class="CaseStudyCard--tags Tags">
        <span class="Tags--tag colourscheme-06">Patents</span>
        <span class="Tags--tag colourscheme-01">Trade marks</span>
    <a href="/case-studies/" class="CaseStudiesElement--button button button--primary-outline button--arrow">
      Discover more case studies
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        <h2 class="HomePageNews--title gustan-medium ">Latest news</h2>
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            <a href="/news/decisions-of-the-commissioner-september-2024/" class="HomePageNews--link">
                <span class="HomePageNews--link-title gustan-bold link-lg">
                    Decisions of the Commissioner – September 2024
                    <span class="HomePageNews--link-arrow"></span>
                <span class="HomePageNews--link-date">7 Oct 2024</span>
            <a href="/news/the-plant-variety-rights-journal-october-2024/" class="HomePageNews--link">
                <span class="HomePageNews--link-title gustan-bold link-lg">
                    The Plant Variety Rights Journal - October 2024
                    <span class="HomePageNews--link-arrow"></span>
                <span class="HomePageNews--link-date">1 Oct 2024</span>
            <a href="/news/the-journal-september-2024/" class="HomePageNews--link">
                <span class="HomePageNews--link-title gustan-bold link-lg">
                    The Journal - September 2024
                    <span class="HomePageNews--link-arrow"></span>
                <span class="HomePageNews--link-date">27 Sept 2024</span>
<div class="">
    <div class="about-block">
        <div class="about-block__content-wrapper">
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                <p class="about-block__logo-wrapper hide-print">
                    <a class="about-block__logo" href="/" title="Return to the Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand home page.">Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand</a>
                <img src="/_resources/app/client/dist/images/logos/mbie-iponz-logo-print.png" width="295" height="108" class="print" alt="Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand">
            <div class="about-block__content-section">
                <div class="about-block__content-section__column">
                    <p>The Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ) grants and registers IP rights in New Zealand. This includes <a href="/get-ip/trade-marks/">trade marks</a>, <a href="/get-ip/patents/">patents</a>, <a href="/get-ip/designs/">designs</a>, <a href="/get-ip/pvr/">plant variety rights</a> and <a href="/get-ip/geographical-indications/">geographical indications</a>. We also provide general information about non-registered IP including <a href="/get-ip/copyright/">copyright</a>.</p>
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