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<div class="light"><div class="strip">
<div class="heading">ReaPlugs VST FX Suite</div>

<div class="dark"><div class="strip">
Want to use some of the comprehensive FX plug-ins that REAPER provides, but stuck in another host? Haven't made the switch yet? Fear not -- you can download ReaPlugs, a package of FX that includes many of the plug-ins that come with REAPER, for free!
<div class="light" style="width:700px; margin:0 auto; padding:8px;">
<font color="#ebf2f2">General features of ReaPlugs:</font><ul>
<li>Support for Windows 98/ME/2K/XP/Vista/W7, WINE
</li><li>Fast, usable UIs with good metering
</li><li>Low CPU and RAM use
</li><li>Highly configurable
</li><li>No copy protection
</li><li>Portable (copy installed files and run)
</li><li>Freely usable
</li><li>Take <a href="#tour">A Tour of ReaPlugs</a>


</p><div class="light" style="width:700px; margin:0 auto; padding:8px;">
<font color="#ebf2f2">Download ReaPlugs:</font><br><br>
Download: <a href="reaplugs236-install.exe">ReaPlugs VST v2.36 32-bit</a> (January 2 2016)<br>
Download: <a href="reaplugs236_x64-install.exe">ReaPlugs VST v2.36 64-bit</a> (January 2 2016)<br>
Changes in v2.36:<ul>
  <li>ReaJS: fix support for JPG/PNG reading on 32-bit
  </li><li>ReaEQ: add spectrum analyzer
  </li><li>ReaXcomp: add spectrum analyzer
Copyright (C) 2006-2016, Cockos Incorporated<br>
VST PlugIn Technology by Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH<br>
<div id="oldverdiv" style="display:none">
<b>Previous Versions</b><ul>
<li><a href="reaplugs23-install.exe">ReaPlugs VST v2.3 32-bit</a> (December 28 2015)<br>
<a href="reaplugs23_x64-install.exe">ReaPlugs VST v2.3 64-bit</a> (December 28 2015)<br>
  <li>Update installer to NSIS 2.5.0 to address security issues
  </li><li>Various ReaControlMIDI improvements
  </li><li>Fix windowing functions for various analyzers, ReaJS scripts
  </li><li>ReaJS: trimmed installed scripts to match that of REAPER 5.0
  </li><li>Better support touch automation
</li><li><a href="reaplugs22-install.exe">ReaPlugs VST v2.2 32-bit</a> (July 10 2014)<br>
<a href="reaplugs22_x64-install.exe">ReaPlugs VST v2.2 64-bit</a> (July 10 2014)<br>
  <li>Added 64-bit version
  </li><li>ReaJS: updated with latest REAPER 4.7 JSFX improvements
  </li><li>ReaJS: removed OGG reading support
</li><li><a href="reaplugs21-install.exe">ReaPlugs VST v2.1</a> (January 15 2013)
  <li>ReaStream: local broadcast support for local machine use
  </li><li>ReaJS: updated to latest JS, amazing new functionality
  </li><li>ReaControlMIDI: updates/improvements
  </li><li>Fix for Cubase 6 hangs
  </li><li>Improved denormal reduction
</li><li><a href="reaplugs20-install.exe">ReaPlugs VST v2.0</a> (February 17 2010)
<li>Added ReaJS
</li><li>Added ReaControlMIDI
</li><li><a href="reaplugs112-install.exe">ReaPlugs VST v1.12</a> (March 16 2008)
</li><li><a href="reaplugs111-install.exe">ReaPlugs VST v1.11</a> (December 14 2007)
</li><li><a href="reaplugs11-install.exe">ReaPlugs VST v1.1</a> (December 4 2007)
<a id="oldverbut" href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('oldverdiv').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('oldverbut').style.display = 'none'">Previous versions...</a>


<div class="light"><div class="strip">

<a name="tour"></a><div class="heading">A Tour of ReaPlugs</div>

<div class="dark"><div class="strip">
</p><div class="light" style="width:800px; margin: 0 auto; padding:8px; overflow:hidden;">

<div style="width:300px; float:left;">
<li>Ultra-configurable compressor
</li><li>Soft knee support
</li><li>Sidechain filters, sidechain inputs 
</li><li>Feedback compression mode
</li><li>Program dependent auto-release mode
</li><li>Variable RMS size
</li><li>Oversampling antialias modes (with optional limiting)
</li><li>Optional make-up gain
</li><li>Optional lookahead
</li><li>Wet/dry mix
</li><li>Low CPU use
</li><li>Useful metering
<div style="width:500px; float:right;">
<img src="reacomp.png">

</p><div class="light" style="width:800px; margin: 0 auto; padding:8px; overflow:hidden;">

<div style="width:220px; float:left;">
<li>Unlimited band compressor
</li><li>Great metering per band
</li><li>Fantastic sounding filters
</li><li>Solo current band mode
</li><li>Tons of controls per band (ratio, threshold, knee, attack, release, makeup, program dependent release, feedback detector, RMS size)
</li><li>Adjusting bands in graph is easy (modifiers to change ratio, gain, etc)

<div style="width:570px; float:right;">
<img src="reaxcomp.png">


<p></p><div class="light" style="width:800px; margin: 0 auto; padding:8px; overflow:hidden;">
<div style="width:300px; float:left;">
<li>Multi-tap delay, no practical limit on tap count
</li><li>Up to 10 second delay per tap
</li><li>Tap lengths can be in time (s/ms) or quarter notes
</li><li>Feedback, LPF/HPF, resolution reduction per tap
</li><li>Stereo width per tap
</li><li>Volume/pan per tap
<div style="width:500px; float:right;">
<img src="readelay.png">

<p></p><div class="light" style="width:800px; margin: 0 auto; padding:8px; overflow:hidden;">
<div style="width:300px; float:left;">
<li>Unlimited band IIR based equalizer
</li><li>Support for any number of many types of filters (shelfs, bands, LPF, HPF, notch, bandpass, allpass)
</li><li>Frequency response and phase response display
</li><li>Display of approximate note+octave for frequencies
</li><li>Per-band bypass control
</li><li>Full-view of graph optional for precise editing
</li><li>Mouse modifiers/mousewheel usable for editing bandwidth of points in graph
<div style="width:500px; float:right;">
<img src="reaeq.png">

<p></p><div class="light" style="width:800px; margin: 0 auto; padding:8px; overflow:hidden;">
<div style="width:180px; float:left;">
<li>FFT based dynamics processor
</li><li>Supports FFT sizes of 128-32768
</li><li>Useful in/out frequency response display
</li><li>Supports defining response curves both using any number of points, or freehand mouse
</li><li>EQ - can be used as a linear phase mastering EQ, or as a super-effective surgical EQ
</li><li>Compressor - can compress at a fixed ratio with a per-band threshold
</li><li>Gate - can gate with per-band threshold
</li><li>Subtract - can build noise profiles and subtract noise from the signal
<div style="width:600px; float:right;">
<img src="reafir.png">

<p></p><div class="light" style="width:800px; margin: 0 auto; padding:8px; overflow:hidden;">
<div style="width:300px; float:left;">
<li>Ultra-configurable gate
</li><li>Sidechain filters, sidechain input
</li><li>Lookahead for pre-open
</li><li>Hold control
</li><li>Hysteresis control
</li><li>Variable RMS size
</li><li>Can send MIDI events on gate open/close
</li><li>Wet/dry mix, noise mix (can add noise when gate is open)
<div style="width:500px; float:right;">
<img src="reagate.png">

<p></p><div class="light" style="width:800px; margin: 0 auto; padding:8px; overflow:hidden;">
<div style="width:300px; float:left;">
<li>Supports streaming from host to host of audio and/or MIDI over a LAN segment
</li><li>Supports streaming from different host software on each end
</li><li>Supports UDP broadcast for streaming one to many (if local network can keep up)
<div style="width:400px; float:right;">
<img src="reastream.png">

<p></p><div class="light" style="width:800px; margin: 0 auto; padding:8px; overflow:hidden;">
<div style="width:280px; float:left;">
<b><a name="reajs">ReaJS</a></b><ul><a name="reajs">
<li>Realtime user-editable effect processor
</li><li>64-bit internal audio processing, MIDI support, full PDC support, multichannel I/O support, graphics display support.
</li><li>Hundreds of included effects, including: delays, compressors, limiters, convolution, distortion, spectral noise editors, analyzers, loop samplers, creative effects.
</li><li>Create new effects from scratch, or modify existing effects to meet your needs
</li><li>JSFX editor and debugger included, opens automatically when you edit a plug-in
</li></a></ul><a name="reajs">
</a></div><a name="reajs">
<div style="width:500px; float:right;">
<img src="reajs.png">
</div></a></div><a name="reajs">

<p></p></a><div class="light" style="width:800px; margin: 0 auto; padding:8px; overflow:hidden;"><a name="reajs">
</a><div style="width:300px; float:left;"><a name="reajs">
<b></b></a><b><a name="reacontrolmidi">ReaControlMIDI</a></b><ul><a name="reacontrolmidi">
<li>Flexible MIDI controls in VST format
</li><li>Automate CC envelopes and bank/program selection, as FX parameters
</li><li>Full SysEx support
</li></a></ul><a name="reacontrolmidi">
</a></div><a name="reacontrolmidi">
<div style="width:400px; float:right;">
<img src="reacontrolmidi.png">
</a></div><a name="reacontrolmidi">

</p></a></div></div><a name="reacontrolmidi">

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