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LinkText pona pi toki pona sona toki pona VR mun videos Muni, graph word trends
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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en-US"><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,height=device-height,user-scalable=yes,initial-scale=1"><meta property="og:title" content="mun! - kama pona!"><meta property="og:type" content="website"><meta property="og:url" content=""><meta property="og:image" content="/avatar.gif"><meta property="og:locale" content="en_US"><meta property="og:site_name" content="mun!"><meta property="og:description" content="Learn Toki Pona, because it's fun and free!"><title>mun! - kama pona!</title><link href="" rel="canonical"><link href="/style.css" rel="stylesheet"><link href="/favicon.ico" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon"></head><body><div class="body"><div class="-header"><img src="/avatar.gif" alt="jan Kekan San"><h2>jan&nbsp;Kekan&nbsp;San</h2><h3>kama pona!</h3></div><p class="nav"><a href="/"><img src="/buttons/home_s.gif" alt="Home" class="button"> </a><a href="/lipu/"><img src="/buttons/blog_s.gif" alt="Blog" class="button"> </a><a href="/sona/"><img src="/buttons/lessons_s.gif" alt="Lessons" class="button"> </a><a href=""><img src="/buttons/code_s.gif" alt="Code" class="button"> </a><input type="button" id="sptoggle" onclick="toggle()" value="Toggle"></p><div class="article"><h2 id="mi-me"><span class="tokipona">mi</span> (me)</h2><p><span class="tokipona">toki a, jan ale o! mi jan [ken.kalama.nasa][mute:]</span>! Hey everyone, I'm gregdan3 (jan Kekan San). I speak Toki Pona, a constructed language with <del>no words at all</del> fewer words than you have bones! You'll find me all over the community- if you spot me, say hi! You can join too:</p><ul><li><strong><a href=""><span class="tokipona">ma pona pi toki pona</span></a></strong> is the big community server!</li><li><img src="/icons/kama-sona_s.png" class="icon" alt="server icon for kama sona"> <strong><a href=""><span class="tokipona">kama sona</span></a></strong> is a great place to learn!</li><li><strong><a href=""><span class="tokipona">ma toki pona</span> VR</a></strong> is the VRChat community, and my personal favorite!</li><li><img src="/icons/ma-mun_s.png" class="icon" alt="server icon for ma mun"> <strong><a href=""><span class="tokipona">ma mun</span></a></strong> is my own toki pona only server!</li></ul><p>Toki Pona is how I met some of my best friends, and how I've met and worked with many of the most driven people I know. I want to share that excitement and experience with others, meet new people, and see new art in Toki Pona- I want to see Toki Pona grow! To that end, I <a href="./lipu/">write blogs</a>, <a href="./sona/">share lessons</a>, <a href="">make videos</a>, and <a href="">develop software</a>.</p><p>This site is all about Toki Pona, and sometimes <em>in</em> Toki Pona too. You can tell by the title of a page!</p><h2 id="jan-poka-friends"><span class="tokipona">jan poka</span> (friends)</h2><style>#sike-pona{text-align:center;font-size:1.5em}#sike-pona img{vertical-align:bottom;animation:sway .7s infinite forwards linear;transform-origin:50% 90%;image-rendering:pixelated;padding-left:.5em;padding-right:.5em;height:1.2em}@keyframes sway{0%{transform:rotate(0)}25%{transform:rotate(10deg)}75%{transform:rotate(-10deg)}100%{transform:rotate(0)}}</style><div id="sike-pona" class="tokipona"><p><span style="display:inline-block;transform:scale(-1,1)"><a href="">poka</a> </span><img src="tokipona.png" alt="toki pona"> <a href="">sike pona</a> <img src="tokipona.png" alt="toki pona"> <a href="">poka</a></p></div><p><br></p><div class="friends"><p><a href="">jan Lakuse</a> -- <a href="">sike musi</a> -- <a href="">jan Telakoman</a> -- <a href="">ijo Mina</a> -- <a href="">waso mu</a> -- <a href="">len len</a> -- <a href="">jan Ke Tami</a> -- <a href="">jan Itan</a> -- <a href="">jan Kita</a> -- <a href="">jan Tepo</a> -- <a href="">ilo Nija</a> -- <a href="">jan Poman</a></p></div><p>there are others who should be on this list but I don't know if they have personal sites!</p><p><a href="./fanart.html">fanart others have made for me!</a> (due for an update!)</p><h2 id="ijo-things"><span class="tokipona">ijo</span> (things)</h2><ul><li><a href="">ilo Muni, graph word trends</a> (my work!)</li><li><a href="">lipu Linku, a dictionary</a></li><li><a href="">Urban Dictionary but Toki Pona</a></li><li><a href="">Hand written <span class="tokipona">sitelen pona</span> recognizer!</a></li><li><a href="">Wiki for Toki Pona</a></li><li><a href="">Wiki <em>in</em> Toki Pona</a></li><li><a href="">telo misikeke - a grammar checker</a></li></ul></div><div class="footer"><h2 class="tokipona">o toki tawa mi</h2><p><a href=""><img src="/buttons/youtube_s.gif" alt="@gregdan3d on YouTube" class="social"> </a><a href=""><img src="/buttons/github.gif" alt="@gregdan3 on GitHub" class="social"> </a><a href=""><img src="/buttons/discord_s.gif" alt="@gregdan3 on Discord" class="social"> </a><a href=""><img src="/buttons/telegram_s.gif" alt="@gregdan3 on Telegram" class="social"></a></p><p>Generated by my <a href="">Static Website Generator I Guess</a>. Code on <a href="">my GitHub</a>.</p></div><script src="/sptoggle.js"></script><script data-goatcounter="" async="" src="//"></script></div>