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LinkText entries—combinatorics and computation (Oberwolfach, 1997), 43–73, DMV Sem., 29, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2000 Program. Comput. 9 (2017), no. 1, 1-38
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http://www.discretization.deSFB-TRR 109
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      polymake is open source software for research in polyhedral geometry.
      It deals with polytopes, polyhedra and fans as well as simplicial complexes, matroids, graphs, tropical hypersurfaces, and other objects. Supported platforms include various flavors of Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OS.
      <p class="dark">
      <b>Hint:</b> polymake currently undergoes a major refactoring of its codebase. 
      One reason are changes in perl version 5.38 and its successors that restrict access to various internal functions.
      This is why polymake temporarily vanished from several Linux distributions.
      Users can download our tarballs with a <a href="/doku.php/install/jll"><img heigth="20" width="20" alt="Download" src="/theme_files/images/download-pm.png"/>prebuilt polymake</a> (including a suitable perl).<br/>
      <b>Update:</b> The latest polymake 4.11 restores compatibility with perl 5.38 but it is unclear if these workarounds will stay possible for future perl releases.

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      <center><h3>Join us at the upcoming polymake workshop at TU Berlin!</h3>
We hold a yearly conference at TU Berlin, with workshops for beginners as well as advanced users. Here you can meet the team and other users, discuss your projects, and learn about research done with polymake. Most of the developers will be present and happy to answer questions and give assistance with software troubles at the help desk. If you're interested in polymake, drop by!
         <a href="/doku.php/workshops/start">Attend the next polymake workshop</a><br>


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         <a href="//​">Visit our forum</a><br>
         <a href="//">Subscribe to the news forum</a><br>
         <a href="/doku.php/workshops/start">Attend the next polymake workshop</a><br>
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<h3 class=" page-header pb-3 mb-4 mt-5" id="polymake-callable-library">polymake Callable Library<a class="anchorjs-link " href="#polymake-callable-library" aria-label="Anchor link for: polymake callable library" data-anchorjs-icon="" style="font-family: anchorjs-icons; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1; padding-left: 0.375em;"></a></h3>
            <p>polymake offers a C++ callable library, enabling you to use it from your C++ code directly.</p>
               <a href="/doku.php/callable">Callable library wiki page</a><br>
               <a href="/doku.php/lib_users">Software using our callable library</a><br>
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         <h3 class=" page-header pb-3 mb-4 mt-5" id="polymake-extensions">polymake Extensions<a class="anchorjs-link " href="#polymake-extensions" aria-label="Anchor link for: polymake extensions" data-anchorjs-icon="" style="font-family: anchorjs-icons; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1; padding-left: 0.375em;"></a></h3>
         <p>polymake provides interfaces to various mathematical software. It also supports an extension system, allowing users to write and maintain their additions to the polymake code outside the distribution.</p>
               <a href="/doku.php/extensions">Extensions</a><br>
               <a href="/doku.php/user_guide/extend/extensions">Write your own extension!</a><br>
      <div class="col">  <h3 class=" page-header pb-3 mb-4 mt-5" id="polyhedral-data">polyhedral data<a class="anchorjs-link " href="#polyhedral-data" aria-label="Anchor link for: polyhedral data" data-anchorjs-icon="" style="font-family: anchorjs-icons; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1; padding-left: 0.375em;"></a></h3>
               <p>polymake comes with its own dataformat and database interface to the polyDB. Additionally there exist a wide variety of other datasets that can be treated by polymake, but do not fit into the polyDB directly</p>
               <a href="/doku.php/user_guide/howto/polydb_tutorial">polyDB wiki page</a>
               <a href="/doku.php/polydb">polyhedral data overview</a>

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                <h3 class=" page-header pb-3 mb-4 mt-5" id="research-with-polymake">Research with polymake<a class="anchorjs-link " href="#research-with-polymake" aria-label="Anchor link for: research with polymake" data-anchorjs-icon="" style="font-family: anchorjs-icons; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1; padding-left: 0.375em;"></a></h3>
               <p>polymake has been used for various scientific publications, and even is the subject of some.</p>
               <a href="/doku.php/publications"><button class="button btn btn-default">List of publications</button></a>
                <h3 class=" page-header pb-3 mb-4 mt-5" id="external-software">External software<a class="anchorjs-link " href="#external-software" aria-label="Anchor link for: external software" data-anchorjs-icon="" style="font-family: anchorjs-icons; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1; padding-left: 0.375em;"></a></h3>
                <p>polymake makes use of various external software packages.</p>
                <a href="/doku.php/external_software"><button class="button btn btn-default">List of external software</button></a>
      <h4 id="citation">Citation<a class="anchorjs-link " href="#citation" aria-label="Anchor link for: citation" data-anchorjs-icon="" style="font-family: anchorjs-icons; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1; padding-left: 0.375em;"></a></h4>
      If you are using polymake we would like to ask you to cite at least one of the following papers [<a href="">BibTeX entries</a>]:

      <ul class=" fix-media-list-overlap">
         <li>Ewgenij Gawrilow and Michael Joswig. polymake: a framework for analyzing convex polytopes.
            <a href="">Polytopes—combinatorics and computation (Oberwolfach, 1997), 43–73, DMV Sem., 29, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2000</a>. MR1785292 (2001f:52033).</li>
         <li>Benjamin Assarf, Ewgenij Gawrilow, Katrin Herr, Michael Joswig, Benjamin Lorenz, Andreas Paffenholz and Thomas Rehn. 
            Computing convex hulls and counting integer points with polymake. 
            <a href="">Math. Program. Comput. 9 (2017), no. 1, 1-38</a>. MR3613012</li> 

      <h4 id="acknowledgements">Acknowledgements<a class="anchorjs-link " href="#acknowledgements" aria-label="Anchor link for: acknowledgements" data-anchorjs-icon="" style="font-family: anchorjs-icons; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1; padding-left: 0.375em;"></a></h4>
      We gratefully acknowledge partial support by DFG within the <a href="">Priority Program 1489</a>, <a href="">SFB-TRR 109</a> and <a href="">SFB-TRR 195</a>.
      Research by M. Joswig is carried out in the framework of <a href="">Matheon</a> supported by <a href="">Einstein Foundation Berlin</a>.

   <h4 id="become-a-fan">Become a fan!<a class="anchorjs-link " href="#become-a-fan" aria-label="Anchor link for: become a fan" data-anchorjs-icon="" style="font-family: anchorjs-icons; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1; padding-left: 0.375em;"></a></h4>
   Get your polymake fan T-shirt <a href="">here!</a>

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