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                                    <strong>1-VoIP</strong> is a leading
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                                    Telecommunications is our specialty. Turn your traditional phone lines upside down by adding 1-VoIP's customizable features with <span class="alternative-font">endless</span> possibilities.


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                                    <p>1-VoIP built its reputation by exceeding customer expectations. Unlike other service providers, we don't abandon you after the sale. Rather, we work with you to ensure our service meets your need. Really, it's more than that: we don't feel like we've done our job until you tell us we've gone beyond the expectations you have of us. We're with you. Customer care is in our DNA.</p>
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                                        <li><small><i class="icon icon-star small"></i></small> 100% US Based Support</li>
                                        <li><small><i class="icon icon-star small"></i></small> 24/7 Support Center</li>
                                        <li><small><i class="icon icon-star small"></i></small> Dedicated Live Answer</li>
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                                    <p>Phone service shouldn't be one size fits all—1-VoIP isn't. Crystal clear call quality and significant cost savings are just the beginning. Widening the gap between 1-VoIP's service and the rest of the field is the ability to tailor our service features to your actual needs. Instead of "off the rack" service, you control your communications service to fit your needs.</p>
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                                        <li><small><i class="icon icon-check"></i></small> Digital Call Forward</li>
                                        <li><small><i class="icon icon-check"></i></small> Do-Not-Disturb</li>
                                        <li><small><i class="icon icon-check"></i></small> Digital Softphone</li>
                                        <li><small><i class="icon icon-check"></i></small> Keep your number</li>
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                                    <p>Our founders began their careers in the telecommunications industry in the 1980s. We're not another fly-by-night company, we've been providing quality VoIP service since 2005. Our experience in the industry has taught us the importance of building rock-solid switching centers that are fully redundant together with an easy to use service platform.</p>
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                                        <li><small><i class="icon icon-plus small"></i></small> 99.999% Network Uptime</li>
                                        <li><small><i class="icon icon-plus small"></i></small> 10 years in the VoIP business</li>
                                        <li><small><i class="icon icon-plus small"></i></small> 4 fully-redundant switching centers</li>
                                        <li><small><i class="icon icon-plus small"></i></small> 1 VoIP Solution</li>
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                                    <p class="center short">All-inclusive service for your home.</p>
                                    <a class="btn btn-lg btn-default" onclick="ga('send', 'event', { eventCategory: 'Buttons', eventAction: 'Learn More', eventLabel: 'Home Page Pricing Plan - Residential VoIP service', eventValue: 6});" href="residential-voip.php">Learn More</a>
                                        <li><b>Three</b> Plans to Choose From</li>
                                        <li><b>Premium</b> Features Included</li>
                                        <li><b>Save</b> Half or More</li>
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                                    <h3>Business VoIP<span>$14<small>.</small><sup>97</sup></span></h3>
                                    <p class="center short">We help manage your new business phone system.</p>
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                                        <li><b>99.999%</b> Network Uptime</li>
                    <li><b>Big</b> Business Features</li>
                                        <li><b>Expert</b> Assistance Provided</li>
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                                    <h3>SIP Trunking<span>$29<small>.</small><sup>97</sup></span></h3>
                                    <p class="center short">Connect your own phone system.</p>
                                    <a class="btn btn-lg btn-default" onclick="ga('send', 'event', { eventCategory: 'Buttons', eventAction: 'Learn More', eventLabel: 'Home Page Pricing Plan - SIP Trunking service', eventValue: 5});" href="sip-trunking.php">Learn More</a>
                                        <li><b>Unlimited</b> Simultaneous Calls</li>
                                        <li><b>Quad</b> Redundant Switching</li>
                                        <li><b>Control</b> Your Own Phone System</li>


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                                    We're not the only ones <strong>excited</strong> about VoIP
                                <h4 class="lead">Thousands of customers all around the world are using 1-VoIP. See what they have to say about our VoIP service.</h4>

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                                                                            <p><i class="icon icon-quote-left"></i> I have had 1-VoIP for over 2 years and have been more than satisified. I live in Texas and mother lives in Ohio. She is on a fixed income and with the virtual number she has, she is able to call at no cost to her. My wife is a missionary and Korean. She makes numerious call to Korea and China to talk with family/ associates every month. It has always performed ecceptionaly well. Would reccomend this service to everyone.</p>
                                                                            <span>- Charles Amburn</span>
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                                                                            <p><i class="icon icon-quote-left"></i> I did a 3 month cost benefit analysis between Vonage, and other VOIP services and by far 1-VoIP came out on top. I travel the world and with 30 countries free I can't tell you we have saved a bundle. We have saved more than $700 per year if not more. Any countries not covered are so cheap it's pennies. Before 1-VoIP a 60min call to our friends in Australia cost $100, now we can call them for free! I can be in another country and call my family at home for free with softphone on my Laptop! This is an American company that employees American on their support lines, however I have not had to call their support more than twice in 2years. 1-VoIP is the best VOIP system you will find out there, suppport American business and jobs! </p>
                                                                            <span>- Carrie Jandura</span>
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                                                                            <p><i class="icon icon-quote-left"></i> I recently took a two week trip to Europe with my 14-year-old daughter and was a little concerned about being able to contact loved ones back home. I contacted 1-VoIP before we left and they assured me that if I packed along my system (which barely filled a one quart baggie) I would be able to make calls home free of charge. Sure enough, we connected to our computer in Ireland and were able to talk to folks back home as clear as if they were next door...with no additional charge! 1-VoIP is a perfect choice for at home, but a definite no brainer when traveling overseas!!</p>
                                                                            <span>- Tim Stevens</span>
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                                                                            <p><i class="icon icon-quote-left"></i> Your U.S.-based customer service was one reason I switched from Vonage 2 years ago. It's nice to hear an actual person on the other end of the line and not an automated voice. The service is reliable and very affordable.</p>
                                                                            <span>- Valerie</span>
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                                                                            <p><i class="icon icon-quote-left"></i> Exceptional telephone service with all the features you can possibly imagine at an unbelievable price. PLUS you obtain exceptional customer service with a LIVE REAL PERSON answering the phone every time - a person that is knowlegable &amp; able to address any need immediatly. HIGHLY recommended!</p>
                                                                            <span>- Francois JMJ Asselin</span>
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                                                                            <p><i class="icon icon-quote-left"></i> Excellent service!! Great tech support unlike some of the other voip providers where you are on hold for 2 hours. Highly recommended. A++++++++++</p>
                                                                            <span>- Ravinder Saini</span>
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                                                                            <p><i class="icon icon-quote-left"></i> I love this VOIP service. Can't even talk about the tech support being great, because I've never needed any! For me, its the great features. My loved ones are all over the country - I am delighted to have local virtual numbers for them so they don't incur long-distance charges to talk to me. I also love the call forwarding - I actually have my VOIP line forwarded all the time to my cell phone, and I never miss a call. And when I needed to call 911 when my water heater caught fire, they knew right where I was and the fire department was there in about 3 minutes. No damage to my house. Great service - thanks!</p>
                                                                            <span>-  Robin Leguillow</span>
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                                                                            <p><i class="icon icon-quote-left"></i> 1-VOIP is the best! I had Vonage for a year. They tried to charge me for a new adaptor when the old one died. Then they wouldnt cancel my service as ordered! They kept charging my credit card without authorization! I had to actually call the police department in Voorhies New Jersey to report them and get them to stop trying to charge me! 1-VOIP has been a breath of fresh air. I wouldnt change service to save a few dollars. I have had to call 4 or 5 times (usualluy to give a new credit card number), and every time a REAL PERSON has answered the call within 2 or 3 rings!!! No menu's! That's service! I get personal service at a great price for a great service. I will never change unless 1-VOIP does!</p>
                                                                            <span>- Mickey Scott</span>
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                                                                            <p><i class="icon icon-quote-left"></i> Simply put, the service is reliable and the people are always there when I have a question--with an intelligent and informative response. I've been a 1-VoIP customer for over three years and I've never had "second thoughts." They have restored the meaning of "service" in an age where most companies haven't a clue what that means.</p>
                                                                            <span>- Michael in Maine</span>
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                                                                            <p><i class="icon icon-quote-left"></i> 1-VoIP is the greatest! We came to them years ago when all we wanted was dependable service, quality customer representatives, and a price that wouldn't keep increasing with no warning. 1-VoIP has been wonderful - We couldn't ask for anything more!</p>
                                                                            <span>- Kylie Opelt</span>

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                                    <li><a href="residential-voip.php" onclick="ga('send', 'event', { eventCategory: 'Buttons', eventAction: 'Learn More', eventLabel: 'Home Page Footer - Residential VoIP service', eventValue: 6});"><i class="icon icon-caret-right"></i> Residential VoIP</a></li>
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                            <p class="about">1-VoIP's owners have a telecom background spanning over 40 years of experience. After transitioning to VoIP in 2005, the company built a solid reputation of reliability and customer satisfaction. Paired with excellent customer service and technical support, 1-VoIP established itself as a dominant name in the VoIP industry. We are currently one of the highest customer reviewed VoIP providers and have received the highest quality ratings in all categories. At 1-VoIP, we believe long lasting relationships with our customers are key to our mutual success.</p>
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