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Why is my computer fetching this data? Is it malicious? No, the data on is never malicious. When a device connects to, it&amp;rsquo;s because client software on that device (like a web browser or an app) connected to another site, saw a Let&amp;rsquo;s Encrypt certificate, and is trying to verify that it&amp;rsquo;s valid.">
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Why is my computer fetching this data? Is it malicious? No, the data on is never malicious. When a device connects to, it&amp;rsquo;s because client software on that device (like a web browser or an app) connected to another site, saw a Let&amp;rsquo;s Encrypt certificate, and is trying to verify that it&amp;rsquo;s valid.">
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    Last updated: <time datetime="2022-09-30">Sep 30, 2022</time>

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<h1 id="what-s-lencr-org">What’s <code></code>?<a class="autoanchor fas fa-link" href="#what-s-lencr-org"></a></h1>
<p><code></code> is a domain name owned by Let’s Encrypt. We use it to host data
that is referenced inside the certificates we issue.</p>
<h1 id="why-is-my-computer-fetching-this-data-is-it-malicious">Why is my computer fetching this data? Is it malicious?<a class="autoanchor fas fa-link" href="#why-is-my-computer-fetching-this-data-is-it-malicious"></a></h1>
<p>No, the data on <code></code> is never malicious. When a device connects to
<code></code>, it’s because client software on that device (like a web browser or
an app) connected to another site, saw a Let’s Encrypt certificate, and is
trying to verify that it’s valid. This is routine for many clients.</p>
<p>We can’t speak to whether the <em>other site</em> being connected to is malicious. If
you’re investigating network activity that seems unusual, then you may want to
focus on the connection that started just before the connection to <code></code>.</p>
<p>The pattern of clients' connections to <code></code> might look unusual or
intermittent. Clients might never retrieve this data; only retrieve subsets of
it; or “cache” some data for efficiency, so they’ll only access it sometimes
(the first time they need it, and when the data may have expired).</p>
<h1 id="what-exactly-is-this-data-for">What exactly is this data for?<a class="autoanchor fas fa-link" href="#what-exactly-is-this-data-for"></a></h1>
<p>When client software (like a web browser or an app) connects to a site, and that
site presents a certificate, the client should verify that the certificate is
authentic and valid. This data helps clients do that in several ways.</p>
<p>Under <code></code>, we provide Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) data.
A client may use this data to confirm whether an individual unexpired
certificate that we issued is still valid, or was revoked. (This is only for
“end-entity” or “leaf” certificates, which we’ve issued to subscribers from one
of our intermediate certificates.)</p>
<p>Under <code></code>, we provide Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) listing
all the unexpired certificates that we issued and later revoked.</p>
<p>Under <code></code>, we provide copies of our intermediate “issuer”
certificates, which are either signed by one of our root certificates or
“cross-signed” by another Certificate Authority (CA). A client may use this
data to confirm the “chain of trust” from the end-entity certificate it’s
verifying, via one or more intermediate steps, to a root CA certificate that it
recognizes and trusts.</p>
<h1 id="why-are-connections-to-o-lencr-org-over-insecure-http">Why are connections to <code></code> over insecure HTTP?<a class="autoanchor fas fa-link" href="#why-are-connections-to-o-lencr-org-over-insecure-http"></a></h1>
<p>OCSP responses are always served over HTTP. If they were served over HTTPS,
there would be an “infinite loop” problem: in order to verify the OCSP server’s
certificate, the client would have to use OCSP.</p>
<p>The OCSP response itself is timestamped and cryptographically signed, so the
anti-tampering properties of TLS aren’t needed in this case.</p>
<h1 id="why-lencr-org">Why “<code></code>”?<a class="autoanchor fas fa-link" href="#why-lencr-org"></a></h1>
<p>We used to use longer URLs like <code></code>. However,
when we issued our <a href="">new root and intermediate certificates</a>, we wanted to
make them as small as possible. Every HTTPS connection on the web (billions per
day) has to send a copy of a certificate, so every byte matters. We chose
<code></code> because of its similarity with our name: <strong>L</strong>et’s <strong>ENCR</strong>ypt. We
pronounce it much like the fictional region of <a href="">Lancre</a> in Terry Pratchett’s
<em>Discworld</em> novels.</p>

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