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LinkText Serial API Mobile Fireball describes I’d forgotten Festival Minds

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	<header class="dates firstdates underlined"><strong>Saturday</strong><span class="sm">,  5. October 2024</span> <span class="sm wr">Week 40</span></header>
<header><h2 class="mytitle"><a href="" title="Meshtastic Web Serial in Linux as non-root user">Meshtastic Web Serial in Linux as non-root user</a></h2></header>
<p>Today I played around a bit with a <a href="" title="Meshtastic">Meshtastic</a> device and tried to configure it through the <a href="" title="Web Serial API - Web APIs | MDN">Web Serial API</a> in Chrome.<br>On my Linux system it could see the device but not really change any values, update firmware etc.</p>
<p>This confused me for some time, until I looked at the permissions of <code>/dev/ttyACM0</code> (which were <samp>crw-rw----</samp>).<br>A quick <kbd>sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0</kbd> later, and I could write to the configuration of the Meshtastic device.<br>The more tedious part was that after every config change the device rebooted and the USB serial connection was re-initialized by Linux, thus I needed to re-run the chmod command after every change. Luckily I figured out how to enable WiFi on the device and from then on no longer needed the serial access.</p>
<footer class="sm"><time datetime="2024-10-05T18:49:09+02:00">18:49</time> | <a href="" class="log">Radio</a> | <a href="" class="log">Permalink</a></footer>
	<header class="dates underlined"><strong>Monday</strong><span class="sm">, 30. September 2024</span> <span class="sm wr">Week 40</span></header>
<header><h2 class="mytitle"><a href="" title="Enable Visual Voicemail on your iPhone with Galaxus Mobile">Enable Visual Voicemail on your iPhone with Galaxus Mobile</a></h2></header>
<p>Turns out that the procedure for enabling Visual Voicemail with <a href="" title="Galaxus Mobile">Galaxus Mobile</a> is the same as for <a href="" title="Enable Visual Voicemail on your iPhone with TalkTalk">TalkTalk</a>.</p>
<p>In my case their database entry was somehow stuck and I first needed to send a <code>VVM OFF</code> to <code>935</code> before starting <a href="" title="Enable Visual Voicemail on your iPhone with TalkTalk">the procedure</a>.</p>
<footer class="sm"><time datetime="2024-09-30T20:47:35+02:00">20:47</time> | <a href="" class="log">Misc</a> | <a href="" class="log">Permalink</a></footer>
	<header class="dates underlined"><strong>Sunday</strong><span class="sm">, 29. September 2024</span> <span class="sm wr">Week 39</span></header>
<header><h2 class="mytitle"><a href="" title="Hidden Pref to Restore Slow-Motion Dock Minimizing on MacOS">Hidden Pref to Restore Slow-Motion Dock Minimizing on MacOS</a></h2></header>
<p><a href="" title="Daring Fireball: Hidden Pref to Restore Slow-Motion Dock Minimizing on MacOS">Daring Fireball describes</a> how to restore the old trick of slow motion MacOS Dock effects:</p>
<blockquote cite="">
<p>In the midst of recording last week’s episode of The Talk Show with Nilay Patel, I offhandedly mentioned the age-old trick of holding down the Shift key while minimizing a window (clicking the yellow button) to see the genie effect in slow motion. Nilay was like “Wait, what? That’s not working for me...” and we moved on.</p>
<p><a href="">What I’d forgotten</a> is that Apple had removed this as default behavior a few years ago (I think in MacOS 10.14 Mojave), but you can restore the feature with this hidden preference, typed in Terminal:</p>
<pre>defaults write slow-motion-allowed -bool YES</pre>
<p>Then restart the Dock:</p>
<pre>killall Dock</pre>
<p>Or, in a single command:</p>
<pre>defaults write slow-motion-allowed -bool YES; killall Dock</pre>
<p>I had forgotten that this had become a hidden preference, and that I’d long ago enabled it.</p>
<footer class="sm"><time datetime="2024-09-29T01:16:45+02:00">01:16</time> | <a href="" class="log">Mac</a> | <a href="" class="log">Permalink</a></footer>
	<header class="dates underlined"><strong>Wednesday</strong><span class="sm">, 25. September 2024</span> <span class="sm wr">Week 39</span></header>
<header><h2 class="mytitle"><a href="" title="Notifying external services about changes in the blog">Notifying external services about changes in the blog</a></h2></header>
<p>For some time now, I'm <a href="" title=" still Pinging - x-log">notifying about changes in the blog</a>. After looking a bit into how search engines percieve my website recently, I learned that they also have some notification mechanisms for new pages/blogposts.</p>
<p>Thus I upgraded the oneliner into a dedicated script to notify external services about changes in the blog.<br>It is optimized for my Jekyll setup, where the generated pages in the _site folder are stored in git.<br>The notification ignores changes to summarized pages like rss.xml etc to only trigger notifications when there are changes in the original blog posts.</p>
<p>Here's the script, feel free to re-use (it expects to have <var>MYDOMAIN</var>, <var>INDEXNOW_API_KEY</var> and <var>BING_API_KEY</var> defined as environment variables):</p>

set -e
set -u
set -o pipefail

CHANGES="$(git diff --name-only HEAD HEAD~1 -- _site)"

# early abort if no changes on _site
if [ -z "$CHANGES" ] ; then
	echo "No changes in _site found"
	exit 0

# build URL list
for f in $CHANGES ; do
	case "$f" in
			url=$(echo "$f"|sed -e "sX^_siteXhttps://${MYDOMAIN}X")

if [ "\"https://${MYDOMAIN}/\"" = "$URLLIST" ] ; then
	echo "No relevant changes in _site found, skipping notifications"
	exit 0

# notify (Automattic) about updates
curl --fail -s -D - -X POST -H 'content-type: text/xml' --data "&lt;?xml version=\"1.0\"?&gt;&lt;methodCall&gt;&lt;methodName&gt;weblogUpdates.extendedPing&lt;/methodName&gt;&lt;params&gt;&lt;param&gt;&lt;value&gt;x-log&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param&gt;&lt;value&gt;https://${MYDOMAIN}/&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param&gt;&lt;value&gt;&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param&gt;&lt;value&gt;https://${MYDOMAIN}/rss.xml&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;/params&gt;&lt;/methodCall&gt;"

# report changed URLs to indexnow, include /indexnow canary URL
curl --fail -s -D - -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8' --data "{\"host\":\"${MYDOMAIN}\",\"key\":\"${INDEXNOW_API_KEY}\",\"urlList\":[${URLLIST},\"https://${MYDOMAIN}/indexnow\"]}"

# report changes URLs to bing, include /bingsubmit canary URL
curl --fail -s -D - -X POST "${BING_API_KEY}" -H 'content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8' --data "{\"siteUrl\":\"https://${MYDOMAIN}\",\"urlList\":[${URLLIST},\"https://${MYDOMAIN}/bingsubmit\"]}"</pre>
<footer class="sm"><time datetime="2024-09-25T10:23:25+02:00">10:23</time> | <a href="" class="log">Coding</a> | <a href="" class="log">Permalink</a></footer>
	<header class="dates underlined"><strong>Tuesday</strong><span class="sm">, 24. September 2024</span> <span class="sm wr">Week 39</span></header>
<header><h2 class="mytitle"><a href="" title="Enable Visual Voicemail on your iPhone with TalkTalk">Enable Visual Voicemail on your iPhone with TalkTalk</a></h2></header>
<p>When you switch to <a href="" title="TalkTalk • Dein Mobilfunk-, Telefon- &amp; Internetanbieter">TalkTalk</a> as your mobile phone provider, by default Visual Voicemail for your iPhone is not enabled.<br>And you're stuck with the 90s voiceprompt of the 'Talkbox'.</p>
<p>The following steps will activate Visual Voicemail for your iPhone:</p>
	<li>Send a SMS text message with <code>VVM ON</code> to the number <code>935</code>.</li>
	<li>Shortly after you should get a text message confirming that Visual Voicemail has been enabled for you.</li>
	<li>Now on the iPhone, open the phone app and go to the voicemail tab. There you will either see a button asking you to setup the voicemail or a button taking you to the 90s voiceprompt.</li>
	<li>Do click on this button and setup the six-digit PIN code for your voicemail (this can be done either via a call/voiceprompt or via the guided iPhone button/dialog).</li>
	<li>Once you have setup the PIN for your voicemail, close the phone app on your iPhone.</li>
	<li>Then open the phone app again and go to the voicemail tab, where it should show the usual Visual Voicemail list of missed calls and no longer the button to call the 90s voiceprompt.<br>In my case it took a couple minutes for this to work, thus some patience might be needed.</li>
	<li>Congratulations, you have now a working Visual Voicemail on your iPhone with TalkTalk :-)</li>
<footer class="sm"><time datetime="2024-09-24T18:36:01+02:00">18:36</time> | <a href="" class="log">Misc</a> | <a href="" class="log">Permalink</a></footer>
	<header class="dates underlined"><strong>Sunday</strong><span class="sm">, 22. September 2024</span> <span class="sm wr">Week 38</span></header>
<header><h2 class="mytitle"><a href="" title="Another weekend, another festival - Subset Festival">Another weekend, another festival - Subset Festival</a></h2></header>
<p>No festival this weekend. Did some hiking with friends instead.</p>
<p>Last weekend I attended the <a href="" title="Subset Festival | Drum &amp; Bass | Kempttal, Switzerland">Subset Festival</a>. It was the first edition of a new drum and bass focused festival.<br>There were some great artists there, most of them I knew before and was very much looking forward to see them live.</p>
<p>My favorite one was (unsurprisingly?) <a href="" title="Andromedik">Andromedik</a>, but also liked <a href="" title="Hybrid Minds">Hybrid Minds</a>, <a href="" title="Netsky">Netsky</a> and <a href="" title="ANDY C">Andy C</a>.<br>Very cool was that the festival was rather small, so felt quite intimate and super close to the artists.</p>
<p>Could post the same music video <a href="" title="Lost Frequencies - The Feeling - x-log">as two weeks ago</a> (Andromedik's remix of The Feeling, which he said is a song very close to his heart), but you should also discover some other tracks.<br>Thus here we go with the recently released Paradise 🥳</p>
<p><youtube-vimeo-embed><a href="" title="Andromedik - Paradise (ft. Luka)" style="display:none">Andromedik - Paradise (ft. Luka)</a><iframe title="Andromedik - Paradise (ft. Luka)" allow="autoplay" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy" src="" style="aspect-ratio:16/9;width:100%;" srcdoc="<style>body{background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:cover;background-position:center center;display:grid;place-items:center;min-height:97dvh;overflow:hidden;}a{display:block;width:96px;height:96px;overflow:hidden;}a:focus{outline:none;}a:focus circle,a:hover circle{fill:#000;}a:focus circle:first-child + circle,a:hover circle:first-child + circle{stroke-dasharray:.4,.4;}a:focus polygon,a:hover polygon{stroke:#fff;stroke-width:.75;}</style><a href=&quot;;fs=1&amp;modestbranding=1&quot;><svg viewBox=&quot;0 0 16 16&quot; width=&quot;96&quot; height=&quot;96&quot; xmlns=&quot;; aria-hidden=&quot;true&quot;><circle cx=&quot;50%&quot; cy=&quot;50%&quot; r=&quot;7.75&quot; fill=&quot;none&quot; stroke=&quot;#000&quot; stroke-width=&quot;.5&quot;/><circle cx=&quot;50%&quot; cy=&quot;50%&quot; r=&quot;7.25&quot; fill=&quot;none&quot; stroke=&quot;#fff&quot; stroke-width=&quot;.5&quot;/><circle cx=&quot;50%&quot; cy=&quot;50%&quot; r=&quot;7&quot; fill=&quot;#0009&quot;/><polygon points=&quot;12, 8 6, 4.5 6, 11.5&quot; fill=&quot;#fff&quot; stroke-linejoin=&quot;round&quot;></polygon></svg>Play</a>"></iframe></youtube-vimeo-embed></p>
<footer class="sm"><time datetime="2024-09-22T16:42:39+02:00">16:42</time> | <a href="" class="log">Music</a> | <a href="" class="log">Permalink</a></footer>
	<header class="dates underlined"><strong>Thursday</strong><span class="sm">, 19. September 2024</span> <span class="sm wr">Week 38</span></header>
<header><h2 class="mytitle"><a href="" title="Simplified archive links">Simplified archive links</a></h2></header>
<p>Building up on the changes from the <a href="" title="Canonical hints - x-log">canonical hints</a>, I simplified the structure of the archive links.</p><p>
</p><p>Now it's <var>/year/month/</var> everywhere.<br>Which of course brings another round of redirects to support in the nginx config to map the <var>/archive/archive-year-month.html</var> links to <var>/year/month/</var> 🙈</p>
<p>In theory all previous link schemes should still work, but if you find a broken link, please let me know :-)</p>
<footer class="sm"><time datetime="2024-09-19T23:07:06+02:00">23:07</time> | <a href="" class="log">Misc</a> | <a href="" class="log">Permalink</a></footer>
	<header class="dates underlined"><strong>Saturday</strong><span class="sm">, 14. September 2024</span> <span class="sm wr">Week 37</span></header>
<header><h2 class="mytitle"><a href="" title="Canonical hints">Canonical hints</a></h2></header>
<p>To help regular search engines be less confused about the various pages of the blog (especially multiple generations of old inherited URL schemes), I added canonical hints to some pages.</p>
<p>Mostly straight-forward, except for the archives where I chose the concise <var>/year/month/</var> scheme instead of the full <var>/archive/archive-year-month.html</var>.<br>Curious to see how this works out. Currently the links in the navigation and overview point to the full URLs, and the short ones are only implemented with rewrites in nginx and visible in the canonical hints.</p>
<footer class="sm"><time datetime="2024-09-14T11:44:10+02:00">11:44</time> | <a href="" class="log">Webdesign</a> | <a href="" class="log">Permalink</a></footer>
<header><h2 class="mytitle"><a href="" title="How to fix missing after Debian upgrade">How to fix missing after Debian upgrade</a></h2></header>
<p>I encountered an old Debian system and tried to upgrade it from Debian 10 (buster) to Debian 12 (bookworm).<br>During the <kbd>apt-get dist-upgrade</kbd> it did run into a problem, where was removed and the upgrade failed to continue.<br>Additionally this caused that <kbd>dpkg</kbd> itself also stopped working and that sshd stopped accepting new connections.<br>Thus fixing the following error became urgent:</p>
<pre>/usr/bin/python3: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory</pre>
<p>Luckily I was not the first person to run into this issue.<br>In <a href="" title="upgrade - error after dist-update on Debian - Stack Overflow">a Stack Overflow answer</a> I found the crucial workaround taken from <a href="" title="#993755 - cannot open shared object file when upgrading from Stretch to Sid - Debian Bug report logs">a comment on the corresponding Debian bugreport</a>.<br>The following steps allow to manually install a copy of the missing files to fix the issue (when running this you might have a newer version of the package at hand, thus adjust the <kbd>dpkg-deb</kbd> step accordingly):</p>
<pre>cd /tmp
apt -y download libcrypt1
dpkg-deb -x libcrypt1_1%3a4.4.33-2_amd64.deb .
cp -av lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/* /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
apt -y --fix-broken install
<footer class="sm"><time datetime="2024-09-14T06:12:04+02:00">06:12</time> | <a href="" class="log">Linux</a> | <a href="" class="log">Permalink</a></footer>
	<header class="dates underlined"><strong>Tuesday</strong><span class="sm">, 10. September 2024</span> <span class="sm wr">Week 37</span></header>
<header><h2 class="mytitle"><a href="" title="Flexboxed archive">Flexboxed archive</a></h2></header>
<p>Applied the <a href="" title="CSS Flexbox Layout Guide | CSS-Tricks">CSS flexbox mechanism</a> to the <a href="" title="x-log - Archive">archive page</a>.<br>This helps to transform the steadily growing lists of monthly archive links into a more userfriendly layout, going from a single column to eight columns and bringing all the links above 'the fold'.</p>
<footer class="sm"><time datetime="2024-09-10T09:57:35+02:00">09:57</time> | <a href="" class="log">Webdesign</a> | <a href="" class="log">Permalink</a></footer>
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