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Bodygram is the easiest and most reliable way to obtain body measurements.</p> <a href="" class="cursor-pointer inline-block text-white py-2 px-6 rounded-lg bg-bodygram text-center font-bold hover:bg-teal-800 active:bg-bodygram w-full ipad:w-[unset]"> Try it out (FREE) </a> </div>  </div> </section> <!-- Trusted by --> <section class="flex justify-center px-4 py-8 tablet:py-16"> <div class="max-w-[1080px] flex-1">  <h3 class="text-2xl text-[#595959] font-semibold text-center">Trusted by</h3> <div class="mt-8 flex flex-wrap justify-evenly"> <div class="flex justify-center w-32 max-h-24 mx-3 mb-12 last:mb-0 ipad:last:mb-16 ipad:mx-6 ipad:mb-16 ipad:w-56 ipad:max-h-24"> <img src="/home/airweave.png" alt="Airweave" class="object-contain object-center"> </div><div class="flex justify-center w-32 max-h-24 mx-3 mb-12 last:mb-0 ipad:last:mb-16 ipad:mx-6 ipad:mb-16 ipad:w-56 ipad:max-h-24"> <img src="/home/selery.png" alt="Selery" class="object-contain object-center"> </div><div class="flex justify-center w-32 max-h-24 mx-3 mb-12 last:mb-0 ipad:last:mb-16 ipad:mx-6 ipad:mb-16 ipad:w-56 ipad:max-h-24"> <img src="/home/bonmax.png" alt="Bonmax" class="object-contain object-center"> </div><div class="flex justify-center w-32 max-h-24 mx-3 mb-12 last:mb-0 ipad:last:mb-16 ipad:mx-6 ipad:mb-16 ipad:w-56 ipad:max-h-24"> <img src="/home/kanko.png" alt="Kanko" class="object-contain object-center"> </div><div class="flex justify-center w-32 max-h-24 mx-3 mb-12 last:mb-0 ipad:last:mb-16 ipad:mx-6 ipad:mb-16 ipad:w-56 ipad:max-h-24"> <img src="/home/qo-lead.png" alt="QOLead" class="object-contain object-center"> </div><div class="flex justify-center w-32 max-h-24 mx-3 mb-12 last:mb-0 ipad:last:mb-16 ipad:mx-6 ipad:mb-16 ipad:w-56 ipad:max-h-24"> <img src="/home/adastria.svg" alt="Adastria" class="object-contain object-center"> </div><div class="flex justify-center w-32 max-h-24 mx-3 mb-12 last:mb-0 ipad:last:mb-16 ipad:mx-6 ipad:mb-16 ipad:w-56 ipad:max-h-24"> <img src="/home/meijiyasuda.png" alt="Meijiyasuda" class="object-contain object-center"> </div><div class="flex justify-center w-32 max-h-24 mx-3 mb-12 last:mb-0 ipad:last:mb-16 ipad:mx-6 ipad:mb-16 ipad:w-56 ipad:max-h-24"> <img src="/home/tonbo.png" alt="Tonbo" class="object-contain object-center"> </div><div class="flex justify-center w-32 max-h-24 mx-3 mb-12 last:mb-0 ipad:last:mb-16 ipad:mx-6 ipad:mb-16 ipad:w-56 ipad:max-h-24"> <img src="/home/servo.png" alt="Servo" class="object-contain object-center"> </div><div class="flex justify-center w-32 max-h-24 mx-3 mb-12 last:mb-0 ipad:last:mb-16 ipad:mx-6 ipad:mb-16 ipad:w-56 ipad:max-h-24"> <img src="/home/dio-clinic.png" alt="Dio Clinic" class="object-contain object-center"> </div> </div>  </div> </section> <!-- What is Bodygram Platform --> <section class="flex justify-center px-4 py-8 tablet:py-16"> <div class="max-w-[1080px] flex-1">  <h1 class="font-bold text-3xl leading-tight tablet:leading-tight tablet:text-5xl">What is Bodygram Platform?</h1><p class="text-lg py-8 tablet:text-xl">Bodygram offers accessible yet accurate body scanning capabilities to your business. With Bodygram, enable your users to scan themselves wherever they are with nothing more than their smart phone.</p> <div class="flex mt-16 flex-col tablet:flex-row"> <div class="ipad:px-12"> <img src="/home/scan-your-user.png" alt="Scan your users" class="w-full tablet:max-w-sm"> </div> <div class="flex-1 pt-12 pl-0 tablet:pl-4 desktop:pl-12 "> <h5 class="text-bodygram font-bold uppercase">Step 1</h5> <h3 class="text-3xl mt-1 font-bold">Scan your users</h3> <p class="mt-6">Bodygram Platform takes 2 photos with height, age, weight, and biological gender as input.</p> </div> </div><div class="flex mt-16 flex-col tablet:flex-row"> <div class="ipad:px-12"> <img src="/home/instantly-access-body-data.png" alt="Instantly access body data to incorporate in your service" class="w-full tablet:max-w-sm"> </div> <div class="flex-1 pt-12 pl-0 tablet:pl-4 desktop:pl-12 "> <h5 class="text-bodygram font-bold uppercase">Step 2</h5> <h3 class="text-3xl mt-1 font-bold">Instantly access body data to incorporate in your service</h3> <p class="mt-6">You will receive essential body measurements, posture angles, and a 3D avatar ready to deliver a customized experience to your users.</p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- Why should I use Bodygram Platform --> <section class="flex justify-center px-4 py-8 tablet:py-16 bg-teal-900 text-white"> <div class="max-w-[1080px] flex-1">  <h1 class="font-bold text-3xl leading-tight tablet:leading-tight tablet:text-5xl text-center">Why should I use Bodygram Platform?</h1> <div class="grid gap-10 mt-12 justify-between flex-1 grid-cols-1 ipad:grid-cols-2 desktop:grid-cols-3"> <div class="bg-white text-black flex flex-col items-center width=[100px] p-6"> <img src="/home/easy-to-scan.png" alt="Scan as you are" class="h-24"> <h3 class="text-lg font-semibold mb-4">Scan as you are</h3> <p>Scanning takes less than 1 minute and doesn’t require any special clothing or equipment.</p> </div><div class="bg-white text-black flex flex-col items-center width=[100px] p-6"> <img src="/home/measurement-you-can-trust.png" alt="Data your can trust" class="h-24"> <h3 class="text-lg font-semibold mb-4">Data your can trust</h3> <p>Bodygram’s measurements are accurate, consistent, and standardized across individuals and industries (ISO 8559).</p> </div><div class="bg-white text-black flex flex-col items-center width=[100px] p-6"> <img src="/home/easy-to-integrate.png" alt="Integrate with ease" class="h-24"> <h3 class="text-lg font-semibold mb-4">Integrate with ease</h3> <p>Bodygram Platform comes with extensively documented APIs and no-code solutions for seamless out-of-the-box integration.</p> </div> </div>  </div> </section> <!-- Success story --> <section class="flex justify-center px-4 py-8 tablet:py-16"> <div class="max-w-[1080px] flex-1">  <h1 class="font-bold text-3xl leading-tight tablet:leading-tight tablet:text-5xl">Success Stories</h1><p class="text-lg py-8 tablet:text-xl">Companies in multiple industries have already started to take advantage of body data for better customer experience and business efficiency.</p> <div> <div class="flex mt-16 flex-col tablet:flex-row"> <div class="tablet:pr-12 tabelt:order-1"> <img src="/home/customize-mattress.png" alt="Customizing mattresses for unique bodies" class="w-full tablet:max-w-[350px]"> </div> <div class="flex-1 mt-4 px-8 tablet:order-2"> <h3 class="text-3xl mt-1 font-bold">Customizing mattresses for unique bodies</h3> <p class="mt-6">Airweave, a leading mattress company in Japan, uses Bodygram Platform in their stores and online to personalize the hardness of mattresses.</p> </div> </div><div class="flex mt-16 flex-col tablet:flex-row"> <div class="tablet:pl-12 tablet:order-2"> <img src="/home/improve-operational.png" alt="Improving operational efficiency of measuring customers’ bodies" class="w-full tablet:max-w-[350px]"> </div> <div class="flex-1 mt-4 px-8 tablet:order-1"> <h3 class="text-3xl mt-1 font-bold">Improving operational efficiency of measuring customers’ bodies</h3> <p class="mt-6">Uniform manufacturers such as Kanko quickly measure thousands of people to provide uniforms with Bodygram Platform.</p> </div> </div><div class="flex mt-16 flex-col tablet:flex-row"> <div class="tablet:pr-12 tabelt:order-1"> <img src="/home/enabling-insurace-providers.png" alt="Enabling insurance providers to incentivize healthy behavior" class="w-full tablet:max-w-[350px]"> </div> <div class="flex-1 mt-4 px-8 tablet:order-2"> <h3 class="text-3xl mt-1 font-bold">Enabling insurance providers to incentivize healthy behavior</h3> <p class="mt-6">Meiji Yasuda, a health insurance provider, allows their customers to scan their bodies to give more actionable advice to achieve a healthy lifestyle.</p> </div> </div> </div>  </div> </section> <!-- Build Bodygram Platform --> <section class="flex justify-center px-4 py-8 tablet:py-16"> <div class="max-w-[1080px] flex-1">  <div class="bg-[#F2F2F2] flex flex-col p-6 ipad:flex-row ipad:p-12"> <div class="order-2 ipad:order-1 ipad:pr-12"> <h1 class="font-bold text-3xl leading-tight tablet:leading-tight tablet:text-5xl">Build Bodygram Platform into your application in minutes</h1><p class="text-lg py-8 tablet:text-xl">Add just a few lines of code to your app to start getting body data.</p> <div class="flex items-start flex-col mt-8 flex-wrap ipad:flex-row ipad:items-center"> <a href="" class="cursor-pointer inline-block text-white py-2 px-6 rounded-lg bg-bodygram text-center font-bold hover:bg-teal-800 active:bg-bodygram w-full ipad:w-[unset]"> Try it out (FREE) </a> <div class="flex flex-col ipad:flex-row"> <a href="" class="cursor-pointer inline-flex items-center py-2 px-6 text-bodygram text-center font-semibold hover:text-teal-800 active:text-bodygram p-0 my-8 text-center min-w-fit">  <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="mr-2" fill="none">  <path d="M14.5 2H6C5.46957 2 4.96086 2.21071 4.58579 2.58579C4.21071 2.96086 4 3.46957 4 4V20C4 20.5304 4.21071 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best</span>  because it could measure my body shape in a short time and was easy to operate with a single smartphone." </p> <div class="order-2 mb-4 ipad:order-2"> <img src="/home/airweave_rep.png" alt="Mr. Tsuyoshi Ando, Executive Officer at Airweave Inc." class="w-full ipad:max-w-sm"> </div> <p class="order-3 text-stone-500">Mr. Tsuyoshi Ando, Executive Officer at Airweave Inc.</p> </div><div class="flex flex-col mb-8 ipad:mb-0 ipad:max-w-sm "> <p class="order-1 mb-4 ipad:order-2"> <span class="font-semibold text-xl">"More than 70%</span>  the customers who experienced Bodygram purchased the product." </p> <div class="order-2 mb-4 ipad:order-1"> <img src="/home/seibu_rep.png" alt="Mr. Hiroki Kurumada, Leasing Division Merchandiser at Sogo &amp; Seibu Co." class="w-full ipad:max-w-sm"> </div> <p class="order-3 text-stone-500">Mr. Hiroki Kurumada, Leasing Division Merchandiser at Sogo &amp; Seibu Co.</p> </div><div class="flex flex-col mb-8 ipad:mb-0 ipad:max-w-sm "> <p class="order-1 mb-4 ipad:order-1"> <span class="font-semibold text-xl">"We expect to reduce costs by 85%</span>  if all measurements are taken by Bodygram." </p> <div class="order-2 mb-4 ipad:order-2"> <img src="/home/selery_rep.png" alt="Mr. Takehiko Nakajima, Director and General Manager at Selery Co." class="w-full ipad:max-w-sm"> </div> <p class="order-3 text-stone-500">Mr. Takehiko Nakajima, Director and General Manager at Selery Co.</p> </div> </div>  </div> </section> <!-- Find your plan --> <section class="flex justify-center px-4 py-8 tablet:py-16 relative"> <div class="max-w-[1080px] flex-1">  <h1 class="font-bold text-3xl leading-tight tablet:leading-tight tablet:text-5xl text-center">Find your plan</h1><p class="text-lg py-8 tablet:text-xl text-center">Select the plan that fits your needs.</p> <img src="/home/plan-illustration-top.png" alt="" class="absolute top-0 left-0 h-60 -z-10"> <img src="/home/plan-illustration-bottom.png" alt="" class="absolute bottom-0 right-0 h-44 -z-10"> <div 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tailored to your business needs</li><li>Access to all 3 types of body data (Measurements, Posture, Avatar)</li><li>Custom contract, SLO, invoicing</li><li>Premium support</li> </ul> <a href="/en/contact-form" class="cursor-pointer inline-block text-white py-2 px-6 rounded-lg bg-bodygram text-center font-bold hover:bg-teal-800 active:bg-bodygram w-full self-start ipad:w-[unset]"> Contact us </a> </div> </div>  </div> </section> <!-- We prioritize security and privacy --> <section class="flex justify-center px-4 py-8 tablet:py-16 bg-teal-900 text-white"> <div class="max-w-[1080px] flex-1 flex flex-col tablet:flex-row">  <div class="mb-8 tablet:mb-0 tablet:mr-24 tablet:flex tablet:items-center"> <img src="/home/security-privacy.webp" class="max-w-xs"> </div> <div> <h1 class="font-bold text-3xl leading-tight tablet:leading-tight tablet:text-5xl">We prioritize the security and privacy of our users</h1><p class="text-lg py-8 tablet:text-xl">Bodygram processes and manages your data in 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