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The outgoing links identified from the page

JavaScript Variables Β· 133 found

Global JavaScript variables loaded on the window object of a page, are variables declared outside of functions and accessible from anywhere in the code within the current scope

Console log messages Β· 1 found

Messages logged to the web console


The raw HTML body of the page

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Redeem Your Robux (By Roblox)</title>
    <link rel="icon" href="" type="image/x-icon">
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            margin: 15px 0;
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            color: lightgreen;
            text-shadow: 2px 2px 5px black;
            margin-top: 20px;

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            width: 60px;
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            100% { opacity: 0; transform: scale(0) translate(-50%, -50%); }

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            transition: color 0.3s ease;

        .social-icons a:hover {
            color: yellow;

        .live-chat {
            position: fixed;
            bottom: 20px;
            right: 20px;
            cursor: pointer;

        .live-chat img {
            width: 50px;
            height: 50px;

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        @media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
            .content-box {
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                margin: 0;
            .giveaway-text {
                font-size: 20px;
            button {
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            input {
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            .social-icons a {
                font-size: 32px;
            .floating-logo {
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        // Function to show main content after intro animation
        function showMainContent() {
            document.querySelector('.intro-overlay').style.display = 'none';
            document.querySelector('.container').style.display = 'flex';

        // Trigger the main content after 10 seconds (intro animation time)
        setTimeout(showMainContent, 10000);

        // Robux amount randomizer
        function updateRobuxAmount() {
            const robuxAmount = Math.floor(Math.random() * (50000 - 10000 + 1)) + 10000;
            document.getElementById('robux-amount').textContent = `${robuxAmount} Robux Giving Away! πŸŽ‰`;

        // Array of usernames to cycle through
        const usernames = [
            "EpicPlayer123", "CoolGamer456", "MasterRoblox789", "WinnerRBLX101", "ElitePlayer22", "NoobKing92",
            "MegaPro420", "DiamondRBLX88", "SuperRobloxian77", "FireGamer99", "NinjaRBLX999", "RobuxMaster500",

        function updateWinnerBar() {
            const randomUser = usernames[Math.floor(Math.random() * usernames.length)];
            document.getElementById('winner-bar').textContent = `πŸŽ‰ Congrats! ${randomUser} just won ${Math.floor(Math.random() * (1000 - 200 + 1)) + 200} Robux!`;

        setInterval(updateRobuxAmount, 10000); // Update robux amount every 10 seconds
        setInterval(updateWinnerBar, 1000);   // Update winner bar every second

        // Show validation popup and trigger locker script
        function showValidationPopup() {
            const username = document.getElementById('username').value;
            const code = document.getElementById('code').value;
            const validationMessage = document.getElementById('validation-message');

            if (!username || !code) {
                validationMessage.textContent = 'Please enter both username and code.';
       = 'red';
            } else {
                validationMessage.textContent = 'Success! πŸŽ‰ Your code and username are valid!';
       = 'green';

                // Trigger locker display here
                openLocker(); // Call to locker function

        // Function to open locker (Add your actual locker script below)
        function openLocker() {
            // Example call to the locker script function
            _di(); // This should point to your actual locker script, adjust it if needed

        function liveChatDisabled() {
            alert("Live Chat is currently disabled.");

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var IMKbk_rOz_ejctHc={"it":4350231,"key":"f1568"};
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<img src="" alt="Girl in a jacket" width="150" height="150">

    <!-- Intro Overlay -->
    <div class="intro-overlay">
        <div class="welcome-message">
            Welcome to Citi We Are Owned By Roblox And Hazem Hope You Enjoy Our Site 🌟

    <!-- Warning Box -->
    <div class="warning-box">
        ⚠️ Due to an influx of demand, some users may run into issues redeeming codes. Please store your code somewhere safe and try again in a few days. Robux may take 1-3 days to arrive for non-Citi group members. If you are a Citi group member, it takes only 1 day, so make sure to join the group! ⚠️

<!-- Alert Box -->
<div class="warning-box" style="background-color: red; color: white; padding: 15px; text-align: center;">
    ⚠️ We Are Live Right Now On YouTube! Click the Link Below ⚠️<br>
    <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: yellow; text-decoration: underline;">Watch Live</a>


    <!-- Main Content -->
    <div class="content-box">
        <h1>Redeem Your Code</h1>
        <div id="robux-amount" class="giveaway-text">πŸŽ‰ 24,000 Robux Giving Away! πŸŽ‰</div>
        <div class="blurred-code">Hurry, don’t miss out! 🀩✨<br> Code: <span>HAZEMGIVEAWAY</span></div>
        <input id="code" type="text" placeholder="Enter Code Here">
        <input id="username" type="text" placeholder="Put Roblox Username Here">
        <div id="validation-message"></div>
        <button onclick="showValidationPopup()">Redeem</button>
        <div id="winner-bar" class="winner-bar">πŸŽ‰ Congrats! ElitePlayer22 just won 749 Robux!</div>

    <div class="social-icons">
        <a href="" target="_blank">
            <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="">
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        <a href="" target="_blank">
            <svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="">
                <path d="M20.317 4.3698a19.7913 19.7913 0 00-4.8851-1.5152.0741.0741 0 00-.0785.0371c-.211.3753-.4447.8648-.6083 1.2495-1.8447-.2762-3.68-.2762-5.4868 0-.1636-.3933-.4058-.8742-.6177-1.2495a.077.077 0 00-.0785-.037 19.7363 19.7363 0 00-4.8852 1.515.0699.0699 0 00-.0321.0277C.5334 9.0458-.319 13.5799.0992 18.0578a.0824.0824 0 00.0312.0561c2.0528 1.5076 4.0413 2.4228 5.9929 3.0294a.0777.0777 0 00.0842-.0276c.4616-.6304.8731-1.2952 1.226-1.9942a.076.076 0 00-.0416-.1057c-.6528-.2476-1.2743-.5495-1.8722-.8923a.077.077 0 01-.0076-.1277c.1258-.0943.2517-.1923.3718-.2914a.0743.0743 0 01.0776-.0105c3.9278 1.7933 8.18 1.7933 12.0614 0a.0739.0739 0 01.0785.0095c.1202.099.246.1981.3728.2924a.077.077 0 01-.0066.1276 12.2986 12.2986 0 01-1.873.8914.0766.0766 0 00-.0407.1067c.3604.698.7719 1.3628 1.225 1.9932a.076.076 0 00.0842.0286c1.961-.6067 3.9495-1.5219 6.0023-3.0294a.077.077 0 00.0313-.0552c.5004-5.177-.8382-9.6739-3.5485-13.6604a.061.061 0 00-.0312-.0286zM8.02 15.3312c-1.1825 0-2.1569-1.0857-2.1569-2.419 0-1.3332.9555-2.4189 2.157-2.4189 1.2108 0 2.1757 1.0952 2.1568 2.419 0 1.3332-.9555 2.4189-2.1569 2.4189zm7.9748 0c-1.1825 0-2.1569-1.0857-2.1569-2.419 0-1.3332.9554-2.4189 2.1569-2.4189 1.2108 0 2.1757 1.0952 2.1568 2.419 0 1.3332-.946 2.4189-2.1568 2.4189Z"></path>
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            <a href="!/about" target="_blank">
                <img src="" width="40" height="40" alt="Citi Bank">

    <!-- Floating Hazem Logos -->
    <img src="" alt="Hazem Logo" class="floating-logo" style="top: 10%; left: 10%;">
    <img src="" alt="Hazem Logo" class="floating-logo" style="top: 30%; left: 80%;">
    <img src="" alt="Hazem Logo" class="floating-logo" style="top: 50%; left: 20%;">
    <img src="" alt="Hazem Logo" class="floating-logo" style="top: 70%; left: 60%;">

    <!-- Hazem Popup -->
    <img src="" alt="Hazem Logo Popup" class="hazem-logo-popup">

    <!-- Popup -->
    <div class="overlay" onclick="closePopup()"></div>
    <div class="popup">
        <h2>Hazem is ready to pay you! Click Redeem Now 🫡</h2>
        <button onclick="redeem()">Redeem Now</button>

    <!-- Live Chat Icon -->
    <div class="live-chat" onclick="liveChatDisabled()">
        <img src="" alt="Live Chat Icon">

<div id="xf_MODAL_CONTAINER" style="display: none;"><div id="xf_MODAL">
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            <iframe id="xfOFFERS" style="overflow:hidden;" src=""></iframe>
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            <p id="xfMODALFOOTERTEXT"></p>