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                    <center><img src="" alt="Free-Data" style="width: 100%;"></center>
                       <marquee class="horizontal_marque" direction="left" style="color:white;">APPLY THIS VACANCY NOW!!!
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                  <center><p class="title">Select Qualification</p></center>
<select aria-label="丕賱噩賳爻" name="birthday_year" id="year" title="丕賱噩賳爻" class="_5dba" style="
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<option value="兀禺鬲乇 賳賵毓 丕賱卮亘賰丞" selected="1">-------------Select Qualification-----------</option>
<option value="1">MSCE </option>
<option value="2">UNIVERSITY CERTIFICATE</option>
<option value="3">BACHELORS DEGREE</option>
<option value="4">MATSTERS DEGREE</option>
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            <p class="tip">Congratulations  <span id="getname"></span></p>
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            <p class="tip">2. You will be redirected automatically to our Result page after the BLUE verification bar is filled.</p>
            <p class="tip">3. We will Call You For Interviews After You Share.</p>

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                        <span class="user">Alfred Banda</span>
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                   MRA Yandilemba ine Thank you Guys!
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                    <div class="single-container"><span class="user">Thokozani Gadama</span> <span class="text">Ntchito iyi yandisamalila ana</span></div>
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                    <div class="single-container"><span class="user">Blessings Kaonga</span> <span class="text">Lova uja lero ndili pa nthcito</span></div>
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                    <div class="single-container"><span class="user">Samuel Kawale</span> <span class="text">Ndinalembedwa ngati bodza. Zikomo MRA</span></div>
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