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    Composant Label
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    Composant Chips
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    Scope Edito
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    File: _scroller.scss
    Title: Scroller
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    Descr: Gestion d'un scroller d'&eacute;l&eacute;ment
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    File: _scroller.scss
    Title: Scroller
    Weight: Components
    Descr: Gestion d'un scroller d'&eacute;l&eacute;ment
    -------------------------------- */
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60,37 €</span>
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99,99 €</span>
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66,99 €</span>
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399,00 €</span>
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<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>81,64 €</s>
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<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
60,37 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="5030936125374">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="3930125191">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="60,37">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="EA SPORTS FC 25 - Jeu PS4">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="7">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="81,64">
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<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="JEUX VIDÉO/JEUX VIDÉO/JEU PS4/JEU PS4">
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<s>239,00 €</s>
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<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
169,99 €</span>
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<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="3605576319">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="169,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Tablette Android SAMSUNG Galaxy TAB A9+ 4+64Go 11'">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="8">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="239,00">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="288159">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,57692307692308">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="104">
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<s>259,00 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
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<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
203,99 €</span>
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<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="4134864397">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="203,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Xiaomi redmi note 13 pro smartphone 8 Go de RAM 25">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="9">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="259,00">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="333787">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,66666666666667">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="15">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="Téléphonie - GPS/SMARTPHONE - MOBILE/Téléphone portable/Téléphone portable">
<li id="AAAKT28486" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="TENBOOM - Trottinette électrique Pliable - Roues 8" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">TENBOOM - Trottinette électrique Pliable - Roues 8</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="100"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">6 avis</span>

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<div class="o-picto"><span class="cds-tag  icon--business  icon--sm" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-inline"><span>Alertes Cdiscount</span>
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>299,99 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix le + bas sur 30j</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
209,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="AAAKT28486">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="4136662989">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="209,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="TENBOOM - Trottinette électrique Pliable - Roues 8">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="10">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="299,99">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="336934">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="5">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="6">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<li id="NIN0622356245272" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Friteuse sans huile Dual Zone NINJA Foodi Max - AF" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Friteuse sans huile Dual Zone NINJA Foodi Max - AF</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">921 avis</span>

</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
191,42 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="NIN0622356245272">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="2553496010">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="191,42">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Friteuse sans huile Dual Zone NINJA Foodi Max - AF">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="11">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="33222">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,74049945711184">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="921">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<li id="CAN8059019095462" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Lave-linge hublot CANDY CSS1410TWMCBE/FR - 10 kg -" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Lave-linge hublot CANDY CSS1410TWMCBE/FR - 10 kg -</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">187 avis</span>

</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-picto"><span class="cds-tag  icon--business  icon--sm" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-inline"><span>Plus économe en énergie </span>
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>499,00 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
349,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="CAN8059019095462">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="3461794618">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="349,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Lave-linge hublot CANDY CSS1410TWMCBE/FR - 10 kg -">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="12">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="499,00">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,58288770053476">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="187">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="ELECTROMÉNAGER/LAVAGE - SÉCHAGE/LAVE-LINGE/LAVE-LINGE">
<li id="OCEASLCE7WP2" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Sèche-linge à condensation OCEANIC OCEASLCE7WP2 - " data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Sèche-linge à condensation OCEANIC OCEASLCE7WP2 - </div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">21 avis</span>

</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
269,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="OCEASLCE7WP2">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="2735975950">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="269,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Sèche-linge à condensation OCEANIC OCEASLCE7WP2 - ">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="13">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,57142857142857">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="21">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="ELECTROMÉNAGER/LAVAGE - SÉCHAGE/SÈCHE-LINGE/SÈCHE-LINGE">
<li id="AUC3663700002452" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Chaises CATHERINA - Noir - Scandinave - Pieds bois" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Chaises CATHERINA - Noir - Scandinave - Pieds bois</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">3237 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-picto"><span class="cds-tag  icon--business  icon--sm" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-inline"><span>Les imbattables</span>
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>199,00 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
99,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="AUC3663700002452">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="334886507">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="99,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Chaises CATHERINA - Noir - Scandinave - Pieds bois">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="14">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="199,00">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="46447">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,26722273710226">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="3237">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="MEUBLE/CANAPE - ASSISE/CHAISE/CHAISE">
<li id="AIRPODS4" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="APPLE AirPods 4" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">APPLE AirPods 4</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="100"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">4 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
149,00 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="AIRPODS4">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="4114586780">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="149,00">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="APPLE AirPods 4">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="15">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="5">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="4">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="Téléphonie - GPS/Accessoire téléphone/OREILLETTE BLUETOOTH/OREILLETTE BLUETOOTH">
<li id="TIN6972200196163" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Aspirateur Lavant Tineco Floor One S5 Combo - Aspi" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Aspirateur Lavant Tineco Floor One S5 Combo - Aspi</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">364 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-picto"><span class="cds-tag  icon--business  icon--sm" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-inline"><span>Plus facilement réparable </span>
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>559,99 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
399,00 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="TIN6972200196163">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="1762974972">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="399,00">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Aspirateur Lavant Tineco Floor One S5 Combo - Aspi">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="16">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="559,99">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="108995">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,3489010989011">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="364">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="ELECTROMÉNAGER/ENTRETIEN DE LA MAISON/ASPIRATEUR BALAI/ASPIRATEUR BALAI">
<li id="LUX7266057005914" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Matelas 140x190 cm, Iris, 20cm, mémoire de forme, " data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Matelas 140x190 cm, Iris, 20cm, mémoire de forme, </div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">355 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-picto"><span class="cds-tag  icon--business  icon--sm" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-inline"><span>Les imbattables</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
149,90 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="LUX7266057005914">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="2385288604">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="149,90">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Matelas 140x190 cm, Iris, 20cm, mémoire de forme, ">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="17">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="90569">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,55774647887324">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="355">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="LITERIE/SOMMIER - MATELAS/MATELAS/MATELAS">
<li id="MOUYY5137FB" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="MOULINEX COOKEO+ Multicuiseur intelligent haute pr" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">MOULINEX COOKEO+ Multicuiseur intelligent haute pr</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="100"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">945 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-picto"><span class="cds-tag  icon--business  icon--sm" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-inline"><span>Profitez de -50% sur un 2e produit de la sélection avec le code CMOINS50</span>
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>290,38 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
199,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="MOUYY5137FB">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="2686261802">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="199,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="MOULINEX COOKEO+ Multicuiseur intelligent haute pr">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="18">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="290,38">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,82433862433862">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="945">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="ELECTROMÉNAGER/PETIT APPAREIL CUISSON/MULTICUISEUR/MULTICUISEUR">
<li id="2WO3701106600015" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Calculatrice Numworks Python" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Calculatrice Numworks Python</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="100"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">181 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
82,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="2WO3701106600015">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="1172947942">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="82,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Calculatrice Numworks Python">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="19">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="142467">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,86740331491713">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="181">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="MATÉRIEL DE BUREAU/PETIT MATÉRIEL/CALCULATRICE/CALCULATRICE">
<li id="BIS0011120272307" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Aspirateur à main Bissell NETTOYEUR MULTI-SURFACE " data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Aspirateur à main Bissell NETTOYEUR MULTI-SURFACE </div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">290 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>179,99 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
139,00 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="BIS0011120272307">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="2459359702">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="139,00">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Aspirateur à main Bissell NETTOYEUR MULTI-SURFACE ">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="20">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="179,99">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,45862068965517">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="290">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="ELECTROMÉNAGER/ENTRETIEN DE LA MAISON/NETTOYEUR VAPEUR/NETTOYEUR VAPEUR">
<li id="TEC8713508778716" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Poêle à pétrole électronique - TECTRO - SRE 1328C " data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Poêle à pétrole électronique - TECTRO - SRE 1328C </div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">128 avis</span>

</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
268,55 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="TEC8713508778716">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="3570553082">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="268,55">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Poêle à pétrole électronique - TECTRO - SRE 1328C ">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="21">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="93700">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,59375">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="128">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="BRICOLAGE /CHAUFFAGE - CLIM/POÊLE À PÉTROLE/POÊLE À PÉTROLE">
<li id="PS5DSFORTNITE" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Manette sans fil DualSense® – Édition limitée Fort" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--1">Manette sans fil DualSense® – Édition limitée Fort</div>
<div class="o-card__mention u-text--business u-text--body">Précommande</div>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
84,00 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="PS5DSFORTNITE">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="4140654486">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="84,00">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Manette sans fil DualSense® – Édition limitée Fort">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="22">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="JEUX VIDÉO/ACCESSOIRES JEUX VIDÉO/MANETTE JEUX VIDÉO/MANETTE JEUX VIDÉO">
<li id="ROWRO4811EA" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="ROWENTA Compact Power XXL Aspirateur sans sac, 2,5" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">ROWENTA Compact Power XXL Aspirateur sans sac, 2,5</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">1652 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-picto"><span class="cds-tag  icon--business  icon--sm" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-inline"><span>Profitez de -50% sur un 2e produit de la sélection avec le code CMOINS50</span>
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>119,99 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
89,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="ROWRO4811EA">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="500695692">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="89,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="ROWENTA Compact Power XXL Aspirateur sans sac, 2,5">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="23">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="119,99">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,53874092009685">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="1652">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<li id="WHIOWFC2C26X" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Lave-vaisselle pose libre WHIRLPOOL OWFC3C26X - 14" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Lave-vaisselle pose libre WHIRLPOOL OWFC3C26X - 14</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">4698 avis</span>

</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
329,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="WHIOWFC2C26X">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="132534392">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="329,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Lave-vaisselle pose libre WHIRLPOOL OWFC3C26X - 14">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="24">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,252447850149">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="4698">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="ELECTROMÉNAGER/LAVAGE - SÉCHAGE/LAVE-VAISSELLE/LAVE-VAISSELLE">
<li id="SEB1690449922471" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="SEB Cocotte-Minute inox, Autocuiseur 6 L, Inductio" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">SEB Cocotte-Minute inox, Autocuiseur 6 L, Inductio</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">138 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-picto"><span class="cds-tag  icon--business  icon--sm" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-inline"><span>Profitez de -50% sur un 2e produit de la sélection avec le code CMOINS50</span>
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>150,20 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
69,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="SEB1690449922471">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="2804754507">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="69,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="SEB Cocotte-Minute inox, Autocuiseur 6 L, Inductio">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="25">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="150,20">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,49275362318841">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="138">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="ARTICLES DE CUISINE/CUISSON DES ALIMENTS/AUTOCUISEUR/AUTOCUISEUR">
<li id="VAS0194343107769" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="VASAGLE Coiffeuse, miroir, 2 tiroirs, SANS TABOURE" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">VASAGLE Coiffeuse, miroir, 2 tiroirs, SANS TABOURE</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">534 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>85,99 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
69,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="VAS0194343107769">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="895193246">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="69,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="VASAGLE Coiffeuse, miroir, 2 tiroirs, SANS TABOURE">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="26">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="85,99">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="36542">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,66479400749064">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="534">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="MEUBLE/MEUBLE DE CHAMBRE/COIFFEUSE/COIFFEUSE">
<li id="VAS0194343014654" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="VASAGLE Lit 140 x 190 cm en métal, Structure de li" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">VASAGLE Lit 140 x 190 cm en métal, Structure de li</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">1012 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>134,98 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
79,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="VAS0194343014654">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="895200032">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="79,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="VASAGLE Lit 140 x 190 cm en métal, Structure de li">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="27">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="134,98">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="36542">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,59486166007905">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="1012">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="MEUBLE/MEUBLE DE CHAMBRE/STRUCTURE DE LIT/STRUCTURE DE LIT">
<li id="BUNHP15FD0064NF" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="PC Portable HP 15-fd0064nf - 15,6&quot; FHD - Core i3-N" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">PC Portable HP 15-fd0064nf - 15,6" FHD - Core i3-N</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">39 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-picto"><span class="cds-tag  icon--business  icon--sm" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-inline"><span>Les imbattables</span>
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>497,99 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
369,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="BUNHP15FD0064NF">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="3694835095">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="369,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="PC Portable HP 15-fd0064nf - 15,6&quot; FHD - Core i3-N">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="28">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="497,99">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,48717948717949">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="39">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<li id="CEMO23MB" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Micro-ondes Monofonction CONTINENTAL EDISON MO23MB" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Micro-ondes Monofonction CONTINENTAL EDISON MO23MB</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">158 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
84,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="CEMO23MB">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="489756420">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="84,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Micro-ondes Monofonction CONTINENTAL EDISON MO23MB">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="29">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,74050632911392">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="158">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="ELECTROMÉNAGER/PETIT APPAREIL CUISSON/MICRO-ONDES/MICRO-ONDES">
<li id="BBC3220660344802" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="BEBECONFORT HAZE Poussette 3 en 1 i-Size - Nacelle" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">BEBECONFORT HAZE Poussette 3 en 1 i-Size - Nacelle</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">47 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>299,99 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
199,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="BBC3220660344802">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="2825942412">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="199,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="BEBECONFORT HAZE Poussette 3 en 1 i-Size - Nacelle">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="30">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="299,99">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,51063829787234">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="47">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="UNIVERS BÉBÉ/PROMENADE-VOYAGE/POUSSETTE /POUSSETTE ">
<li id="ACE1712368330690" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Ecran PC - ACER - EK251QEbi - 24,5&quot; FHD - Dalle IP" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Ecran PC - ACER - EK251QEbi - 24,5" FHD - Dalle IP</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">16 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>119,99 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
79,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="ACE1712368330690">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="3973927251">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="79,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Ecran PC - ACER - EK251QEbi - 24,5&quot; FHD - Dalle IP">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="31">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="119,99">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,6875">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="16">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="INFORMATIQUE/ÉCRAN - ENCEINTE/ECRAN ORDINATEUR/ECRAN ORDINATEUR">
<li id="5030931125386" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="EA SPORTS FC 25 - Jeu Xbox Series X" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">EA SPORTS FC 25 - Jeu Xbox Series X</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="100"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">3 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>83,72 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
64,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="5030931125386">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="3930127568">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="64,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="EA SPORTS FC 25 - Jeu Xbox Series X">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="32">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="83,72">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="5">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="3">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="JEUX VIDÉO/JEUX VIDÉO/JEU XBOX SERIES X NOUV./JEU XBOX SERIES X NOUV.">
<li id="OCEADH12LPA0" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Déshumidificateur d'air électrique OCEANIC - Extra" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Déshumidificateur d'air électrique OCEANIC - Extra</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">270 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
149,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="OCEADH12LPA0">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="437977212">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="149,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Déshumidificateur d'air électrique OCEANIC - Extra">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="33">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,68888888888889">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="270">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<li id="FEA0194343021935" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="FEANDREA Arbre à chat hauteur de 206 cm, hamac, pa" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">FEANDREA Arbre à chat hauteur de 206 cm, hamac, pa</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="100"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">305 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
95,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="FEA0194343021935">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="1002537531">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="95,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="FEANDREA Arbre à chat hauteur de 206 cm, hamac, pa">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="34">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="36542">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,79672131147541">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="305">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="ANIMALERIE/JOUET/ARBRE À CHAT/ARBRE À CHAT">
<li id="OCEABH2500W2" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Radiateur électrique bain d'huile 2500W OCEANIC - " data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Radiateur électrique bain d'huile 2500W OCEANIC - </div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">245 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
59,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="OCEABH2500W2">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="1963991511">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="59,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Radiateur électrique bain d'huile 2500W OCEANIC - ">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="35">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,32244897959184">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="245">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="BRICOLAGE /CHAUFFAGE - CLIM/RADIATEUR D'APPOINT/RADIATEUR D’APPOINT">
<li id="TEFL897S404" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="TEFAL INGENIO Emotion 3 poêles 22/24/28 cm + poign" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">TEFAL INGENIO Emotion 3 poêles 22/24/28 cm + poign</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="100"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">88 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-picto"><span class="cds-tag  icon--business  icon--sm" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-inline"><span>Profitez de -50% sur un 2e produit de la sélection avec le code CMOINS50</span>
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>79,99 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
69,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="TEFL897S404">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="2423913542">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="69,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="TEFAL INGENIO Emotion 3 poêles 22/24/28 cm + poign">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="36">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="79,99">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,86363636363636">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="88">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="ARTICLES DE CUISINE/CUISSON DES ALIMENTS/POÊLE - SAUTEUSE/POÊLE - SAUTEUSE">
<li id="CEFC251NFIX" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Réfrigérateur congélateur bas CONTINENTAL EDISON -" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Réfrigérateur congélateur bas CONTINENTAL EDISON -</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">563 avis</span>

</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
319,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="CEFC251NFIX">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="2537761179">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="319,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Réfrigérateur congélateur bas CONTINENTAL EDISON -">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="37">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,46714031971581">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="563">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<li id="SON2008792671529" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="SONGMICS Fauteuil gamer ergonomique  inclianble - " data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">SONGMICS Fauteuil gamer ergonomique  inclianble - </div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">373 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-picto"><span class="cds-tag  icon--business  icon--sm" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-inline"><span>Alertes Cdiscount</span>
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>163,99 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
125,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="SON2008792671529">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="935671615">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="125,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="SONGMICS Fauteuil gamer ergonomique  inclianble - ">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="38">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="163,99">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="36542">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,51742627345844">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="373">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="JEUX VIDÉO/ACCESSOIRES JEUX VIDÉO/SIÈGE GAMING/SIÈGE GAMING">
<li id="ELI3760367066534" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Ensemble ZEN Sommier + Matelas Hauteur 20cm 160x20" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Ensemble ZEN Sommier + Matelas Hauteur 20cm 160x20</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">311 avis</span>

</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-picto"><span class="cds-tag  icon--business  icon--sm" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-inline"><span>Les imbattables</span>
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>485,00 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
199,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="ELI3760367066534">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="3583926325">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="199,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Ensemble ZEN Sommier + Matelas Hauteur 20cm 160x20">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="39">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="485,00">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="13146">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,508038585209">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="311">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="LITERIE/SOMMIER - MATELAS/ENSEMBLE LITERIE/ENSEMBLE LITERIE">
<li id="ROS8059019068930" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Four encastrable pyrolyse chaleur pulsée ROSIERES " data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Four encastrable pyrolyse chaleur pulsée ROSIERES </div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">54 avis</span>

</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-picto"><span class="cds-tag  icon--business  icon--sm" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-inline"><span>Les imbattables</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
299,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="ROS8059019068930">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="2714765210">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="299,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Four encastrable pyrolyse chaleur pulsée ROSIERES ">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="40">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,40740740740741">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="54">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="ELECTROMÉNAGER/FOUR CUISSON HOTTE/FOUR/FOUR">
<li id="LEGO21333" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="LEGO Ideas 21333 Vincent Van Gogh - La Nuit Étoilé" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">LEGO Ideas 21333 Vincent Van Gogh - La Nuit Étoilé</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="100"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">58 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-picto"><span class="cds-tag  icon--business  icon--sm" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-inline"><span>Alertes Cdiscount</span>
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>149,99 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix le + bas sur 30j</span>
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<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
129,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="LEGO21333">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="2109364616">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="129,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="LEGO Ideas 21333 Vincent Van Gogh - La Nuit Étoilé">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="41">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="149,99">
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<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,93103448275862">
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<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
269,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="NINSWENINSPORT">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="4117308998">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="269,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Console Nintendo Switch • Bleu Néon &amp; Rouge Néon +">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="42">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
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<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="JEUX VIDÉO/CONSOLES/CONSOLE NINTENDO SWITCH/CONSOLE NINTENDO SWITCH">
<li id="PSPORTAL" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="PlayStation Portal" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">PlayStation Portal</div>

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<span class="c-stars-rating__label">66 avis</span>

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<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
219,00 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="PSPORTAL">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="2909568073">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="219,00">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="PlayStation Portal">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="43">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,53030303030303">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="66">
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<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
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<span class="c-stars-rating__label">476 avis</span>

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<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>331,46 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
229,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="SAMNZ64M3NM1BBUR">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="148902269">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="229,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Table de cuisson induction SAMSUNG - 4 zones - L59">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="44">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="331,46">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,33613445378151">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="476">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="ELECTROMÉNAGER/FOUR CUISSON HOTTE/PLAQUE INDUCTION/PLAQUE INDUCTION">
<li id="CECTG4VB1" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Table 4 foyers CONTINENTAL EDISON - Gaz - Verre no" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Table 4 foyers CONTINENTAL EDISON - Gaz - Verre no</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
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<span class="c-stars-rating__label">121 avis</span>

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<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
99,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="CECTG4VB1">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="2228083159">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="99,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Table 4 foyers CONTINENTAL EDISON - Gaz - Verre no">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="45">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,49586776859504">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="121">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="ELECTROMÉNAGER/FOUR CUISSON HOTTE/PLAQUE GAZ/PLAQUE GAZ">
<li id="SAI3700206739274" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="SAINT ALGUE Coffret Lisseur vapeur Demeliss TITANI" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">SAINT ALGUE Coffret Lisseur vapeur Demeliss TITANI</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
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<span class="c-stars-rating__label">2089 avis</span>

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59,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="SAI3700206739274">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="404276938">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="59,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="SAINT ALGUE Coffret Lisseur vapeur Demeliss TITANI">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="46">
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<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="ELECTROMÉNAGER/COIFFURE/FER A LISSER/FER A LISSER">
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<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
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<span class="c-stars-rating__label">1375 avis</span>

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<div class="o-picto"><span class="cds-tag  icon--business  icon--sm" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-inline"><span>Profitez de -50% sur un 2e produit de la sélection avec le code CMOINS50</span>
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>125,10 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
79,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="KRU3700342416107">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="183429385">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="79,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Machine à café KRUPS NESPRESSO INISSIA Rouge Cafet">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="47">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="125,10">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,52654545454545">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="1375">
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<li id="KIT1692082356851" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item" style="width: 216px;"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Lit Bébé Berceau Cododo pour Bébé 0-36 Mois, Haute" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Lit Bébé Berceau Cododo pour Bébé 0-36 Mois, Haute</div>

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                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">28 avis</span>

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<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
88,98 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="KIT1692082356851">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="3474121239">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="88,98">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Lit Bébé Berceau Cododo pour Bébé 0-36 Mois, Haute">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="48">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="308077">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,32142857142857">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="28">
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<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="UNIVERS BÉBÉ/SOMMEIL BÉBÉ/BERCEAU CODODO - LIT CODODO/BERCEAU CODODO - LIT CODODO">
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<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
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<span class="c-stars-rating__label">120 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
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<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
69,99 €</span>
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<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="494540351">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="69,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="NORDLINGERPRO Barrière Pare feu pliable avec porti">
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<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="120">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="UNIVERS BÉBÉ/SÉCURITÉ BÉBÉ/BARRIÈRE DE SÉCURITÉ /BARRIÈRE DE SÉCURITÉ ">
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<span class="c-stars-rating__label">249 avis</span>

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<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
109,00 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="FAV3451571029902">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="2388382646">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="109,00">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Chauffage d'appoint infrarouge au gaz butane KERN ">
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<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="249">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
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<h4 class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--1">Pack de 32 piles LR6 AA</h4>
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<div class="c-price c-price--md c-price--mention" style="font-family: &quot;Hind Madurai&quot;; font-weight: 200;">13,99€<span class="c-price__mention">Prix sur*</span></div>
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<h4 class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--1">Absorbeur d'humidité pack de 4 recharges</h4>
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<h4 class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--1">BOSCH Lave-linge 9 kg</h4>
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<h4 class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--1">HAIER Réfrigérateur 467L</h4>
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<h3 class="o-card__title" style="margin: 4px; text-align: center; color: #3732ff;"><span style="font-family: MrDodo; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 700;">SALLE DE BAIN</span></h3>
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<h3 class="o-card__title" style="margin: 4px; text-align: center; color: #3732ff;"><span style="font-family: MrDodo; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 700;">CUISINE</span></h3>
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<h3 class="o-card__title" style="margin: 4px; text-align: center; color: #3732ff;"><span style="font-family: MrDodo; font-size: 25px; font-weight: 700;">CHAUD DEVANT</span></h3>
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<h3 class="o-card__title" style="margin: 4px; text-align: center; color: #3732ff;"><span style="font-family: MrDodo; font-size: 25px; font-weight: 700;">CUISINE CONVIVIALE</span></h3>
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<h3 class="o-card__title" style="margin: 4px; text-align: center; color: #3732ff;"><span style="font-family: MrDodo; font-size: 25px; font-weight: 700;">BIEN AU CHAUD</span></h3>
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<h3 class="o-card__title" style="margin: 4px; text-align: center; color: #3732ff;"><span style="font-family: MrDodo; font-size: 25px; font-weight: 700;">JARDIN D'AUTOMNE</span></h3>
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<h3 class="o-card__title" style="text-align: center; color: black;" text-align="center">Séjours dernières minutes <span style="font-weight: 700;">tout compris</span></h3>
<h3 class="o-card__title" style="text-align: center; color: black;" text-align="center"><span style="font-weight: 700;">A petits prix <br>
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<h3 class="o-card__title" style="text-align: center; color: black;" text-align="center">Nos meilleures <br>
<span style="font-weight: 700;">ventes Flash ! <br>
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<h3 class="o-card__title" style="text-align: center; color: black;" text-align="center">Dernières offres <br>
<span style="font-weight: 700;">Campings <br>
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<h3 class="o-card__title" style="text-align: center; color: black;" text-align="center"><span style="font-weight: 700;">Réservez vos billets <br>
d’avion </span></h3>
<h3 class="o-card__title" style="text-align: center; color: black;" text-align="center">vers plus de <span style="font-weight: 700;">100 destinations <br>
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<h3 class="o-card__title" style="text-align: center; color: #293847;" text-align="center">Tourner la roue <br>
<span style="font-weight: 700;">Jusqu’à 1000€ à gagner</span></h3>
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<p style="color: white;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Et placeat hic ab cum, ea ipsum beatae molestias nulla exercitationem quaerat illum excepturi officiis, perspiciatis
perferendis minus! Ad voluptates rem at.</p>
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<h3 class="o-card__title" style="text-align: center; color: #293847;" text-align="center">Devinez le mot du jour <br>
<span style="font-weight: 700;">Jusqu’à 500€ à gagner</span></h3>
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<p style="color: white;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Et placeat hic ab cum, ea ipsum beatae molestias nulla exercitationem quaerat illum excepturi officiis, perspiciatis
perferendis minus! Ad voluptates rem at.</p>
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<h3 class="o-card__title" style="text-align: center; color: #293847;" text-align="center">Le jeu 100%<br>
<span style="font-weight: 700;">Rendez vous tous les mercredi</span></h3>
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<p style="color: white;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Et placeat hic ab cum, ea ipsum beatae molestias nulla exercitationem quaerat illum excepturi officiis, perspiciatis
perferendis minus! Ad voluptates rem at.</p>
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<h3 class="o-card__title" style="text-align: center; color: #293847;" text-align="center">Le triplé gagnant<br>
<span style="font-weight: 700;">Jusqu'à 500€ à gagner</span></h3>
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<p style="color: white;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Et placeat hic ab cum, ea ipsum beatae molestias nulla exercitationem quaerat illum excepturi officiis, perspiciatis
perferendis minus! Ad voluptates rem at.</p>
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<h4 class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--1">PARISOT Lit 140x190cm avec tête de lit + tiroirs</h4>
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<h3 style="margin-bottom: 8px;">Zoom sur les plus gros sets LEGO Technic à construire</h3>
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<h3 style="margin-bottom: 8px;">Travaux, chauffage, jardin : nos conseils pour l’automne ! </h3>
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<h3 style="margin-bottom: 8px;">iPhone, quelles différences entre les modèles ?</h3>
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<h3 style="margin-bottom: 8px;">Jeux apéro famille : découvrez nos idées !</h3>
<p>Voici quelques jeux pour organiser un apéritif convivial en famille.</p>
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<h3 style="margin-bottom: 8px;">Voyage&nbsp;: où partir à la Toussaint ?</h3>
<p> Découvrez nos destinations pour partir pendant les vacances de la Toussaint. </p>
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<h3 style="margin-bottom: 8px;">Quelle machine à café choisir ?</h3>
<p>Voici nos conseils pour bien choisir votre future machine à café.</p>
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<li id="DOD3307419656840" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Lot de 2 oreillers anti-acariens 50x70 cm - 100% P" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Lot de 2 oreillers anti-acariens 50x70 cm - 100% P</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">11 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>43,70 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
25,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="DOD3307419656840">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="2748006170">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="25,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Lot de 2 oreillers anti-acariens 50x70 cm - 100% P">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="2">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="43,70">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,63636363636364">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="11">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="DÉCO - LINGE /LINGE DE LIT/OREILLER/OREILLER">
<li id="FINPILVI01M712" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Buffet PILVI - Style contemporain - Particules mél" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Buffet PILVI - Style contemporain - Particules mél</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="80"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">469 avis</span>

</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-picto"><span class="cds-tag  icon--business  icon--sm" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-inline"><span>Alertes Cdiscount</span>
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>179,99 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix le + bas sur 30j</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
159,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="FINPILVI01M712">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="2597588741">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="159,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Buffet PILVI - Style contemporain - Particules mél">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="3">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="179,99">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,18976545842217">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="469">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="MEUBLE/MEUBLE SÉJOUR ENTRÉE/BUFFET - BAHUT/BUFFET - BAHUT ">
<li id="SAM8806095488325" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="SAMSUNG 43DU8505 - TV LED 43&quot; (109 cm) - 4K UHD 38" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">SAMSUNG 43DU8505 - TV LED 43" (109 cm) - 4K UHD 38</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">12 avis</span>

<div class="o-card__main flow--xs"><div class="o-card__cdav">Produit <span class="o-logoCDS">Cdiscount</span>&nbsp;<span class="o-logoAbolive">à&nbsp;volonté</span></div></div>
</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>489,06 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
349,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="SAM8806095488325">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="3948698726">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="349,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="SAMSUNG 43DU8505 - TV LED 43&quot; (109 cm) - 4K UHD 38">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="4">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="489,06">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,33333333333333">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="12">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="TV - Vidéo - Son/Téléviseur/Téléviseur LED/Téléviseur LED">
<li id="TOS4024862129224" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="TOSHIBA 55UA2363DG - TV LED 55'' (140 cm) - 4K UHD" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">TOSHIBA 55UA2363DG - TV LED 55'' (140 cm) - 4K UHD</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">16 avis</span>

</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
399,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="TOS4024862129224">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="3270008868">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="399,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="TOSHIBA 55UA2363DG - TV LED 55'' (140 cm) - 4K UHD">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="5">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,4375">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="16">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="TV - Vidéo - Son/Téléviseur/Téléviseur LED/Téléviseur LED">
<li id="LOFT0397E3PT" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Buffet LOFT - Décor chêne artisan et mélamine gris" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Buffet LOFT - Décor chêne artisan et mélamine gris</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">87 avis</span>

</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-picto"><span class="cds-tag  icon--business  icon--sm" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-inline"><span>Made in France</span>
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>482,00 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
329,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="LOFT0397E3PT">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="1897677443">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="329,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Buffet LOFT - Décor chêne artisan et mélamine gris">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="6">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="482,00">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,27586206896552">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="87">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="MEUBLE/MEUBLE SÉJOUR ENTRÉE/BUFFET - BAHUT/BUFFET - BAHUT ">
<li id="CANCCT3L517ES" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Réfrigérateur combiné - CANDY - CCT3L517ES - Class" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Réfrigérateur combiné - CANDY - CCT3L517ES - Class</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">7 avis</span>

</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
379,00 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="CANCCT3L517ES">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="4135573618">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="379,00">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Réfrigérateur combiné - CANDY - CCT3L517ES - Class">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="7">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="33222">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,28571428571429">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="7">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<li id="CAN8059019053240" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Four encastrable nettoyage manuel - convection nat" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Four encastrable nettoyage manuel - convection nat</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="80"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">89 avis</span>

</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>250,26 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
179,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="CAN8059019053240">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="2195835729">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="179,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Four encastrable nettoyage manuel - convection nat">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="8">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="250,26">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="3,95505617977528">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="89">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="ELECTROMÉNAGER/FOUR CUISSON HOTTE/FOUR/FOUR">
<li id="BOS4242005371686" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Lave-linge hublot BOSCH WGG04409FR SER4 - 9 kg - I" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Lave-linge hublot BOSCH WGG04409FR SER4 - 9 kg - I</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">138 avis</span>

</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-picto"><span class="cds-tag  icon--business  icon--sm" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-inline"><span>Plus économe en énergie </span>
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>597,10 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
439,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="BOS4242005371686">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="2391889726">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="439,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Lave-linge hublot BOSCH WGG04409FR SER4 - 9 kg - I">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="9">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="597,10">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,65217391304348">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="138">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="ELECTROMÉNAGER/LAVAGE - SÉCHAGE/LAVE-LINGE/LAVE-LINGE">
<li id="BRANBXP5560X" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Four électrique encastrable Pyrolyse Chaleur tourn" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Four électrique encastrable Pyrolyse Chaleur tourn</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="90"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 4,5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">1171 avis</span>

</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<div class="o-picto"><span class="cds-tag  icon--business  icon--sm" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-inline"><span>Made in France</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
349,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="BRANBXP5560X">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="142029357">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="349,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Four électrique encastrable Pyrolyse Chaleur tourn">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="10">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="4,54739538855679">
<input class="jsTrackingRatingsCount" type="hidden" value="1171">
<input class="jsTrackingStock" type="hidden" value="1">
<input class="jsTrackingCategoryPath" type="hidden" value="ELECTROMÉNAGER/FOUR CUISSON HOTTE/FOUR/FOUR">
<li id="BEK8690842619823" class="c-carousel__item js-carousel__item"><article class="o-card c-productCard c-productCard--default"><div class="o-card__image"><a class="u-flex u-flex-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Réfrigérateur combiné intégrable - BEKO - Statique" data-start="" data-hover=""></a></div><div class="o-card__contentWrapper"><div class="o-card__content"><a class="o-card__link flow--xs" href=""><div class="o-card__title u-line-clamp--2">Réfrigérateur combiné intégrable - BEKO - Statique</div>

<span class="c-stars-rating c-stars-rating--small">
                <span class="c-stars-result c-stars-result--small" data-score="100"><span class="c-stars-result__visual" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="u-visually-hidden">Score global : 5 étoiles sur 5</span></span>
<span class="c-stars-rating__label">1 avis</span>

</a></div><div class="o-card__footer flow--xs">
<span class="c-price-s c-price--sm c-price--mention">
<s>494,87 €</s>
<span class="c-price__mention">Prix de comparaison</span>
<div class="o-card__priceWrapper"><div class="o-card__price o-card__price--inline"><span>
<span class="c-price c-price--promo c-price--md">
389,99 €</span>
<input class="jsTrackingProductId" name="productId" type="hidden" value="BEK8690842619823">
<input class="jsTrackingOfferId" name="offerId" type="hidden" value="3759420031">
<input class="jsTrackingPrice" type="hidden" value="389,99">
<input class="jsTrackingTitle" type="hidden" value="Réfrigérateur combiné intégrable - BEKO - Statique">
<input class="jsTrackingPosition" type="hidden" value="11">
<input class="jsTrackingStrikedPrice" type="hidden" value="494,87">
<input class="jsTrackingSellerId" type="hidden" value="0">
<input class="jsTrackingRate" type="hidden" value="5">
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    <p _rdeditor_temp="1">Retrouvez le détail de vos euros disponibles et leur date de validité
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    <p _rdeditor_temp="1">Lors du paiement, le montant de votre cagnotte s'affiche. Il ne vous
    reste plus qu'à choisir si vous souhaitez payer une partie ou toute
    votre commande avec votre cagnotte.</p>

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