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	<div id="header-key">Windows Client for Amazon S3. User Interface for Amazon S3. S3 Bucket Explorer. File Manager for Amazon S3.</div>
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<h1 class="main_header">
	What is S3 Browser


		<b>S3 Browser</b> is a freeware Windows client for <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="" title="Amazon S3 Website">Amazon S3</a> and <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="" title="Amazon CloudFront Website">Amazon CloudFront</a>.
		 <i>Amazon S3</i> provides a simple web services interface that can be used to store and retrieve any amount 
		 of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. <i>Amazon CloudFront</i> is a content delivery network (CDN).
		 It can be used to deliver your files using a global network of edge locations.	
	<p class="pic_ok">
		<button onclick="window.location='';">
			<span><em>Download S3 Browser Freeware 12.0.1</em></span>
		</p><div class="pic_desc">
			 For Windows 7/8/10/11 and Windows Server 2003/2008/2012/2016/2019/2022

	<div id="sliderFrame">
		<div id="slider" style="background: url(&quot;/images/slider/clean-interface.png&quot;) no-repeat;">
			<img src="/images/slider/clean-interface.png" alt="Clean and easy to use user interface" style="display: none;">
			<img src="/images/slider/fast-data-uploader.png" alt="Super fast multi-threaded uploading engine!" style="display: none;">
			<img src="/images/slider/permissions-editor.png" alt="One-click file sharing and publishing!" style="display: none;">
			<img src="/images/slider/accounts-and-tools.png" alt="Support for multiple accounts and s3-compatible storages" style="display: none;">
			<img src="/images/slider/bucket-operations.png" alt="Various bucket operations and tools" style="display: none;">
			<img src="/images/slider/file-operations.png" alt="Upload, download, copy, move, rename, delete files" style="display: none;">
			<img src="/images/slider/cloudfront-manager.png" alt="Easy to use CloudFront Manager" style="display: none;">
		<div class="mc-caption-bg" style="opacity: 0; visibility: visible;"><div class="mc-caption" style="visibility: hidden; width: 560px;">Clean and easy to use user interface</div></div><div class="mc-caption-bg2" style="opacity: 0.0166667; visibility: visible;"><div class="mc-caption" style="width: 560px;">Clean and easy to use user interface</div></div><div class="navBulletsWrapper"><div rel="0" class="active"></div><div rel="1"></div><div rel="2"></div><div rel="3"></div><div rel="4"></div><div rel="5"></div><div rel="6"></div></div></div>


<h1 class="main_header">
	Powerful and easy to use, it will help you:


		<a href="" title="How to upload and download files to and from Amazon S3">
			Reliably Upload and Download your files to and from Amazon S3.

		<a href="" title="How to make my file(s) publicly available">
			Publish your Content using Amazon S3.
		<a href="" title="How to browse Amazon S3 Bucket">Browse</a>,
		 <a href="" title="How to create Amazon S3 Bucket">Create</a>,

		 <a href="" title="How to delete Amazon S3 Bucket">Delete</a>

		 <a href="" title="Amazon S3 Buckets Overview"> Amazon S3 Buckets.
		<a href="" title="How to Share Amazon S3 Bucket with other AWS user">
			Share your Buckets with other Amazon S3 users.

		<a href="" title="How to use bucket shared by another Amazon S3 user.">
			Use Buckets shared by other Amazon S3 users.

		<a href="" title="How to edit bucket/file's ACLs">
			Set Access Control on Buckets and Files.

		<a href="" title="Amazon S3 Server Side Encryption">
			Keep your Files backed up in encrypted form.

		<a href="" title="Amazon CloudFront Manager. CloudFront Management Tool. GUI for Amazon CloudFront.">
			Manage your Amazon CloudFront Distributions.

		<a href="" title="Amazon S3 Browser Help"> 
			And Many More!


<h1 class="main_header">
	Cutting edge features make it exceptional!


		<a title="Working with Multiple Amazon S3 Accounts" href="">
			Support for Multiple Amazon S3 Accounts and S3-Compatible Storages

		<a href="" title="How to compress and encrypt files before uploading them to Amazon S3">
			Client Side Compression and Encryption (AES 256)
	<li>Support for
		<a title="Amazon S3 Data Integrity checking" href="">
			Data Integrity Checking</a> to guarantee reliable file transfer.
		<a href="" title="Folder Sync Tool for Amazon S3 Storage">
			Convenient Folder Sync Tool - Upload Only New and Changed Files!

		Support for <a href="" title="Amazon S3 Versioning: how to enable versioning, restore deleted files and manage file versions">
		Amazon S3 Versioning</a> and convenient versions manager.

		Full support for all
		<a href="" title="Amazon S3 storage classes">
			Amazon S3 storage classes
		<a href="" title="Support for Standard Infrequent Access Storage Class">
			Full support for Standard Infrequent Access Storage Class

		<a href="" title="Support for OneZone-Infrequent Access Storage Class">
			Full support for OneZone-Infrequent Access Storage Class

		Processing very large amounts of files (millions) effectively!
		Support for <a href="" title="AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)">AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)</a>
		Easy to use <a href="" title="Support for Amazon CloudFront">CloudFront Manager</a>
		Support for very large files. Up to the 5 TB in size!
		<a title="Amazon S3 Server Side Encryption" href="">
			Amazon S3 Server Side Encryption</a> support.
		<a href="" title="fast multipart uploads to amazon s3">High-speed Multipart Uploads</a> and
		 <a href="" title="Multipart downloads from Amazon S3">Downloads</a>
		 with ability to Pause and Resume.

	<li>Full support for 
		<a href="" title="Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration">Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration
		An easy to use <a href="" title="IAM based bucket sharing wizard - Share Amazon S3 Buckets with ease!">Bucket Sharing Wizard</a>
		 - share your Buckets with just two clicks!
		Convenient HTTP Headers Editor.
		<a href="" title="Inclusion and Exclusion Filters">
			Inclusion and Exclusion Filters

		Support for <a href="" title="Amazon S3 Object Expiration. Transition to Amazon S3 Storage Classes.">
			Bucket Lifecycle Rules</a>
		Support for <a href="" title="How to restore files from Glacier and Deep Archive">
			restore from Amazon Glacier and Deep Archive</a> storage classes.

		Support for bulk ACLs assignment (edit ACLs in batch mode).
		 <a href="" title="Default HTTP Headers">Default Http Headers</a> to apply pre-defined HTTP Headers automaticaly!
		Advanced Web URLs Generator.
		Support for <a href="" title="how to host website on Amazon S3">Static Website Hosting</a>.

		Support for <a href="" title="Amazon S3 Bucket Policies">Amazon S3 Bucket Policies</a>.

		Support for <a href="" title="Cost Allocation Tagging">Cost Allocation Tagging</a> and
		 <a href="" title="Bucket CORS Configuration">Cross-Origin Resource Sharing</a>.
		<a href="" title="Command Line Tools for Amazon S3">
			Command Line Tools  - Automate your Amazon S3 Tasks with ease!

		Bandwidth throttling and proxy support.
		Support for <a title="copy files between amazon s3 accounts" href="">copy/move between amazon s3 accounts</a> and buckets.
		Drag and Drop from Windows Explorer.
		Fast working multithreaded Http Engine.
		Support for <a href="" title="Amazon S3 Bucket Logging (Server Access Logging)">Amazon S3 Bucket Logging (Server Access Logging)</a>.
		Support for <a href="" title="Amazon S3 Requester Pays Buckets">Requester Pays Buckets</a>.
		And tons of other cool features and tools!

<br><h1 id="12.0.1" class="main_header">26 Sep, 2024 - S3 Browser Version 12.0.1 Released</h1><ul><li>Maintenance release</li><li>Enhanced Lifecycle Rules management</li><li>Improved natural sorting for numbered files</li><li>Added file mask support for command-line sync</li><li>Fixed folder creation issue in command-line sync</li><li>Improved Google Cloud compatibility</li></ul><br><h1 id="11.9.5" class="main_header">05 Sep, 2024 - S3 Browser Version 11.9.5 Released</h1><ul><li>
				New <a href="" title="How to configure Session Name for STS Assume Role">Session Name</a>
				parameter for <a href="" title="Using Temporary Security Credentials to access Amazon S3">AssumeRole</a>
				User Code display (with cancel option) for the <a href="" title="How to connect to Amazon S3 via AWS SSO">Amazon S3 via SSO</a>
				Binary key support for <a href="" title="Working with Amazon S3 Server-Side Encryption">SSE with customer-provided keys</a>
				<a href="" title="Working with Amazon S3 Versioning">Versions</a> - added a new progress indicator
				Versions - fixed an issue with versions not displaying
				Versions - fixed an issue with version size calculation
				<a href="" title="Preview Amazon S3 files from S3 Browser">Preview</a> 
				- fixed an issue with WebP file previews, WebP library updated
				Preview - added support for Parquet and CSV files
				Properties - version sizes and incomplete MPUs size + total bucket size
				<a href="" title="Working with Uncompleted Amazon S3 Multipart Uploads">Incomplete Multipart Uploads Dialog</a>
				- fixed a bug with sorting
				<a href="" title="Amazon S3-Compatible storage client for Windows">S3-C storages</a>
				- PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration updated for better compatibility
				S3-C storages - new option in <a href="" title="S3-Compatible storage settings">advanced settings</a>: 'Use Multi-Part Copy'
				S3-C storages - improved compatibility with Supabase and Google Cloud
				Files ListView - fixed a bug with an empty list after refreshing the bucket list
				Files ListView - natural sorting for digit-numbered file names
				Other user interface improvements and bug fixes
				<a href="" title="Amazon S3 command line tool">CLI</a>
				- fixed an issue with individual file downloads
				CLI - new and improved file list command
				CLI - fixed an issue with the program not exiting
				Improved support for very long file paths in compression/encryption tasks
				Dropped support for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
			</li></ul><br><h1 id="11.7.5" class="main_header">20 May, 2024 - S3 Browser Version 11.7.5 Released</h1><ul><li>Maintenance release</li><li>
				<a href="" title="Amazon S3 command line tools">CLI</a>
				improvements and new <a href="" title="Command Line Interface to list object versions in Amazon S3 Bucket">
				list-versions</a> command
				Improved support for <a href="s3b://your-bucket/your-path/" title="Custom URI scheme for S3 Browser">s3b://</a> links
				Fixed an issue with <a href="" title="External Buckets - how to use Amazon S3 Bucket shared with me">external buckets</a> deletion
				Memory usage optimizations for the <a href="" title="Working with Amazon S3 Versioning">Versioning manager</a>
				Minor <a href="" title="Amazon S3 Client for Windows. Bucket Explorer for Windows.">UI</a>
				improvements and bug-fixes
			</li><li>Other internal improvements and bug-fixes</li></ul>

	<b><a href="" title="S3 Browser News">More News..</a></b>

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						"S3 Browser is an invaluable tool to me as a web developer to easily manage my automated site backups"
					  </i> -<b>Bob Kraft, Web Developer</b>
						"Just want to show my appreciation for a wonderful product. I use S3 Browser a lot, it is a great tool."
					  </i> -<b>Gideon Kuijten, Pro User</b>
						"Thank You Thank You Thank You for this tool. A must have for anyone using S3!"
					  </i> -<b>Brian Cummiskey, USA</b>
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					Related Products

				<div class="tsr">
					<a href="" title="Mount Amazon S3 Bucket as a Windows Drive." target="_blank">
						mount Amazon S3 Bucket as a Windows Drive.

				<div class="tsr">
					<a href="" title="Remote Desktop Brute-force protection software." target="_blank">
						protects your Windows Server
					</a> from RDP Brute-force Attacks.

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			&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="" title="S3 Drive">S3 Drive</a>.
			&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="" title="Remote Desktop brutforce protection">RDP brute-force protection</a>.
