- Scan ID:
- 899d1be6-cd7f-4a95-aa50-c28e112d1aebFinished
- Submitted URL:
- https://phim-dai-chien-nguoi-khong-lo-lan-tan-cong-cuoi-cung.univer.se/
- Report Finished:
Risks Β· 0 found
Copy linkPractices that may pose security risks
Security Headers Β· 2 found
Copy linkHTTP response headers that can harden the security of a web application
Learn more...Security Violations Β· 0 found
Copy linkRequests or resources offending security policies
Certificates Β· 2 found
Copy linkSSL/TLS Certificates enable websites to encrypt transactions between the client and the server and provide server identity verification
Subject | Issue date | Expiry date |
*.univer.se | ||
*.google-analytics.com |