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          well as KRNL &amp; Oxygen U.</p> <div style="z-index: 1;"><a class="button fill shimmer svelte-1b0q59s" style="--background: #8200fb;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Download Now</a> <a class="button nofill svelte-1b0q59s" style="--background: #8200fb;" href="#faq" target="" rel="noreferrer">FAQ</a></div></div></div></section> <div class="trollage svelte-2snyny"><section class="img alwaysSmall fixedPos svelte-2snyny"><div class="flex svelte-2snyny" style="--flex-direction: row-reverse;"><div style="filter: blur(0);" class="fixedPos svelte-2snyny"><img src="/i/script-list.png" alt="evon script list" class="svelte-2snyny observe-animation-in" data-observer-listening="true" style="--transleft: 20px; --transtop: 0px;" data-in-view="true"></div> <div style="display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; height: 100vh; --transleft: -20px; --transtop: 0px;" class="svelte-2snyny observe-animation-in" data-observer-listening="true"><div style="text-shadow: 4px 4px 2px #000000"><h1>Built-In Script List</h1> <p>No more searching infinitely for scripts - Powered by ScriptBlox,
              Evon has a large catalog of scripts you can run directly from the
              UI.</p></div></div></div></section> <section class="img mh svelte-2snyny"><div class="flex svelte-2snyny"><div class="svelte-2snyny"><img src="/i/ui-settings.png" alt="evon script list" class="svelte-2snyny observe-animation-in" data-observer-listening="true" style="--transleft: 20px; --transtop: 0px;"></div> <div class="svelte-2snyny observe-animation-in" data-observer-listening="true" style="--transleft: -20px; --transtop: 0px;"><h1>Settings for every use-case</h1> <p>Everything from smooth injection, to auto-execute, to an FPS
            unlocker and beyond - available in Evon's settings</p></div></div></section> <section class="img svelte-2snyny" style="min-height: 75vh;"><div class="flex svelte-2snyny" style="--flex-direction: row-reverse;"><div class="svelte-2snyny"><img src="/i/editor.png" alt="evon editor" class="svelte-2snyny observe-animation-in" data-observer-listening="true" style="--transleft: 0px; --transtop: 20px;"></div> <div class="svelte-2snyny observe-animation-in" data-observer-listening="true" style="--transleft: 0px; --transtop: -20px;"><h1>Powerful IDE</h1> <p>Evon's Integrated Development Environment, using the Monaco editor,
            provides an Optimized Scripting Experience, allowing you to reach
            your true scripting potential.</p> <div style="z-index: 1;"><a class="button fill shimmer svelte-1b0q59s" style="--background: #8200fb;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Download Now</a></div></div></div></section></div> <section class="img svelte-2snyny" style="min-height: 30vh;margin-top:80px;"><div class="flex svelte-2snyny"><div class="svelte-2snyny"><img src="" alt="unc is supported" style="border: 0px none rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); --transleft: 0px; --transtop: 20px;" class="svelte-2snyny observe-animation-in" data-observer-listening="true"></div> <div class="svelte-2snyny observe-animation-in" data-observer-listening="true" style="--transleft: 0px; --transtop: -20px;"><h1>UNC</h1> <p>Evon supports the Unified Naming Convention, allowing Evon to be
          compatible with 99.9% of modern scripts.</p> <div style="z-index: 1;"><a class="button fill shimmer svelte-1b0q59s" style="--background: #8200fb;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Read More</a></div></div></div></section> <section class="img svelte-2snyny" style="min-height: 30vh;margin-top:80px;"><div class="flex svelte-2snyny" style="--flex-direction: row-reverse;"><div class="svelte-2snyny"><img src="/i/android.png" alt="evon android's a thing" style="border: 0px none rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); max-height: 150px; --transleft: 0px; --transtop: 20px;" class="svelte-2snyny observe-animation-in" data-observer-listening="true"></div> <div class="bigright svelte-2snyny observe-animation-in" data-observer-listening="true" style="--transleft: 0px; --transtop: -20px;"><h1>Next-Gen Mobile Scripting</h1> <p>Evon Android offers next-generation Scripting in your pocket.<br>For
          Free.</p> <div style="z-index: 1;"><a class="button fill shimmer svelte-1b0q59s" style="--background: #8200fb;" href="/android" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Discover Evon Android</a></div></div></div></section> <section style="min-height: 30vh;background: #0001;padding: 50px 0;margin-top:120px;" id="faq" class="svelte-2snyny"><div class="flex svelte-2snyny" style="padding: 10px;"><div class="svelte-2snyny observe-animation-in" data-observer-listening="true" style="--transleft: 0px; --transtop: 20px;"><h1>FAQ</h1> <p>People often have questions, we like to provide answers</p> <div class="cards svelte-l719jh" data-help-ive-fallen-and-i-cant-get-up="i need @someone" style="--6M-NkQAo-3E: #1e2030;" data-waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa="0.007210385588722819"><div class="card svelte-173g913" data-no-hover-boi="false"><div><h3 style="font-weight: 300; --transleft: 0px; --transtop: -20px;" data-observer-listening="true" class="observe-animation-in">What scripts does Evon support?</h3> <p data-observer-listening="true" class="observe-animation-in" style="--transleft: 0px; --transtop: -20px;">As a Level 8 Executor, Evon supports <b>all</b> scripts, excluding
              ones made exclusively for Synapse-X. This means it'll run 99% of modern
              scripts without a problem.</p></div></div> <div class="card svelte-173g913" data-no-hover-boi="false"><div><h3 style="font-weight: 300; --transleft: 0px; --transtop: -20px;" data-observer-listening="true" class="observe-animation-in">Why does Virustotal and my antivirus say Evon is a virus?</h3> <p data-observer-listening="true" class="observe-animation-in" style="--transleft: 0px; --transtop: -20px;">Evon is not a virus.<br>
              The reason these flags get falsely set off and detected as a malicious
              software, is because of the DLLs in Evon which are used to inject into
              Roblox. This is a common phenomenon in all executors called “False
              Positives”. You can find out more about false positives
              <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">here</a>!</p></div></div> <div class="card svelte-173g913" data-no-hover-boi="false"><div><h3 style="font-weight: 300; --transleft: 0px; --transtop: -20px;" data-observer-listening="true" class="observe-animation-in">How does Evon earn money?</h3> <p data-observer-listening="true" class="observe-animation-in" style="--transleft: 0px; --transtop: -20px;">Evon actually uses FileDM revenue &amp; Pop-Ups to pay its developers
              to continue to improve the executor.</p></div></div> <div class="card svelte-173g913" data-no-hover-boi="false"><div><h3 style="font-weight: 300; --transleft: 0px; --transtop: -20px;" id="discord" data-observer-listening="true" class="observe-animation-in">I'm having an issue with Evon - Where can I get assistance?</h3> <p data-observer-listening="true" class="observe-animation-in" style="--transleft: 0px; --transtop: -20px;">You can join Evon's Discord right <a href="">here</a></p></div></div></div></div></div></section> <section style="background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.067); padding: 50px 0px; text-align: center; min-height: 40vh;" id="dl" class="svelte-2snyny"><div class="flex nine-eleven-was-caused-by-this svelte-2snyny" style="max-width: 800px;"><div style="padding: 10px 20px; border: 4px solid rgb(130, 0, 251); border-radius: 16px; --transleft: 0px; --transtop: 20px;" class="svelte-2snyny observe-animation-in" data-observer-listening="true"><h1>Ready to start using Evon?</h1> <a class="button fill shimmer svelte-1b0q59s" style="--background: #8200fb;" href="" target="" rel="noreferrer">Download for free</a> <p style="opacity: 0.5;">(Did I mention there's no key system?)</p></div></div></section></main> <div id="svelte-announcer" aria-live="assertive" aria-atomic="true" style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; clip: rect(0px, 0px, 0px, 0px); clip-path: inset(50%); overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; width: 1px; height: 1px;"></div></div>
