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<div class="event-information">
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        <!-- ngIf: model.EventStartDate !== model.EventEndDate && !model.CourseMultipleDates.length > 0 -->
        <!-- ngIf: (model.EventStartDate == undefined || model.EventEndDate == undefined) || (model.EventStartDate == null || model.EventEndDate == null) || (model.EventStartDate == '' || model.EventEndDate == '') && !model.CourseMultipleDates.length > 0 --><p ng-if="(model.EventStartDate == undefined || model.EventEndDate == undefined) || (model.EventStartDate == null || model.EventEndDate == null) || (model.EventStartDate == '' || model.EventEndDate == '') &amp;&amp; !model.CourseMultipleDates.length > 0" class="ng-binding ng-scope"></p><!-- end ngIf: (model.EventStartDate == undefined || model.EventEndDate == undefined) || (model.EventStartDate == null || model.EventEndDate == null) || (model.EventStartDate == '' || model.EventEndDate == '') && !model.CourseMultipleDates.length > 0 -->
      </li><!-- end ngIf: !model.CourseMultipleDates.length > 0 -->
      <!-- ngIf: (model.EventType === 'Standard' || model.EventType === 'Blended') && !model.CourseMultipleDates.length > 0 -->
      <!-- End No or Single Date -->
      <!-- Multiple Dates -->
      <!-- ngIf: model.CourseMultipleDates.length > 0 -->
      <!-- ngRepeat: additionalDates in model.CourseMultipleDates -->
      <!-- End Multiple Dates -->
      <!-- ngIf: model.EventType === 'Virtual' || model.EventType === 'Blended' -->
<!-- Content Blocks PT -->
<!-- ngIf: model.DivisionType != 'Capital Markets' --><div ng-if="model.DivisionType != 'Capital Markets'" class="content-block-container ng-scope">
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    <!-- ngIf: model.CourseOutcomesList.length > 0 -->
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    <!-- ngIf: labels.CentralTDContentTrainers.length > 0 || labels.CentralTDContentTraining.length > 0 || labels.CentralTDContentQuestionnaire.length > 0 -->
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    <!-- ngIf: model.WrittenRecognition.length > 0 --><div class="content-block content-block-parallax ng-scope" ng-if="model.WrittenRecognition.length > 0">
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                  <!-- ngIf: rcQuote.JobTitle.length == 0 && rcQuote.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
                </div><!-- end ngIf: rcQuote.JobTitle.length > 0 || rcQuote.CompanyName.length > 0 -->
            </div><!-- end ngRepeat: rcQuote in model.WrittenRecognition | orderBy : 'SortOrder' -->
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</div><!-- end ngIf: model.WrittenRecognition.length > 0 -->
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    <!-- ngIf: newsArticles.length > 0 -->
    <!-- ngIf: model.IIHCIntro.length > 0 -->
</div><!-- end ngIf: model.DivisionType != 'Capital Markets' -->
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