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                    Empowering Builders of Security


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    Read our story:
    <a class="inlineLink" href="" target="_blank">"Ex-NSA hacker &amp; ex-Apple researcher launch startup to protect Apple devices"</a> in TechCrunch.

    <!-- Vision -->
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        <span class="contentHeader">Vision:</span>     
    With the rising prevalence and complexity of malicious threats, there was a pressing need for a novel approach to protect Apple devices. 
    At DoubleYou, we're committed to developing world-class defensive capabilities to combat the latest threats targeting Apple devices. But instead of deploying these ourselves, we aim to empower others who are building security products.
    With this vision of democratizing security in mind, our capabilities are meticulously crafted to seamlessly integrate into other security products, bolstering their detection capabilities and expanding the scope of protection they offer. 

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        <span class="contentHeader">Product:</span>     
    At its core, our product is a self-contained detection framework designed for seamless integration into enterprise-grade macOS security solutions.
    Our novel rules-based detection engine supports an expanding list of detection modules. These modules can be selectively added "à la carte" to deliver the precise level of protection needed more, no less! 
    Moreover, our framework is exclusively designed for Apple devices, ensuring conformity 
    with Apple's design philosophies. The framework does not use any third party libraries, 
    reducing supply chain risks. To provide the highest level of protection, it leverages the 
    latest and most powerful system libraries and APIs in a highly optimized and efficient manner.
    <a href="details.html">Read more...</a>

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<span class="contentHeader">Founders:</span> 
Patrick Wardle and Mikhail Sosonkin are long time friends, and have each worked in the field of cybersecurity for over 20 years. Together, their combined expertise provides the insight and knowledge to build the next generation of detection capabilities for macOS and iOS. 
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                <h2 class="download-title">Patrick Wardle<br>CEO</h2>
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            Patrick Wardle is the CEO and co-founder of DoubleYou, the founder of the non-profit Objective-See Foundation, and the author of "The Art of Mac Malware" book series. Having worked at NASA and the NSA, as well as presented at countless security conferences, he is intimately familiar with aliens, spies, and talking nerdy. Passionate about macOS security, Patrick spends his days discovering Apple 0days, studying macOS malware, and releasing free open-source security tools to protect Mac users.

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                <h2 class="download-title">Mikhail Sosonkin<br>CTO</h2>
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            Mikhail Sosonkin is the CTO and co-founder of DoubleYou. An Oxford University educated software engineer and a reverse engineer, Mikhail has a broad range of technology interests which he leverages to fulfill his passion of keeping good people safe in cyberspace. As a former researcher at Apple, he has defended iPhone users against some of toughest adversaries. Mikhail shares his expertise though conference presentations and as an adjunct professor at New York University Tandon School of Engineering.


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