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                    <span class="slogan wow animate__fadeInLeft animate__animated animate__delay-1s animate__animated" style="visibility: visible; animation-name: fadeInLeft;">The Altus Fund Management</span>
                    <h1 class="banner-title  wow animate__fadeInLeft animate__animated animate__delay-1_5s animate__animated" style="visibility: visible; animation-name: fadeInLeft;">Alternative Investment <br><span>Fund Strategies</span></h1>
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                      <p class="mb-10">Altus Fund Management Company is a trusted, independent provider and manager of investment products, wealth management services With a clientele base of institutional and qualified investors in the Gulf and around the world, the company was formed to provide investors to achieve their financial targets securely and successfully.</p>
                      <p class="m-0">Altus  excels in algorithm trading driven by behavioral science in equity, currency and commodity markets. We passionately research and refine our state-of-the-art technology to differentiate ourselves. Our distributed platform automates and integrates opportunity search, execution and robust risk management, delivering consistent returns from scalable innovative trading strategies.</p>
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                  <p class="heading-des pb-4">Our values statement incorporates the 360degree operations of our company. </p>
                  <p class="heading-des">We work tirelessly continually to improve our services &amp; solutions for our partners, making them more personalised, relevant, timely, and seamless. </p>
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                                <h3 class="feature-title bottom-title-line text-white">Client Centric service</h3> 
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                                <p class="feature-des m-0">We prioritise and are client focused and uphold transparency and accountability in our relationship. </p>
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                                <h3 class="feature-title bottom-title-line text-white">Advanced  Algorithmic Technology</h3> 
                                <!--<p class="feature-des m-0">The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as using 'Content here.</p>-->
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                                <p class="feature-des m-0">Applying  modern metrics for capital protection strategies. </p>
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                                <h3 class="feature-title bottom-title-line text-white">Timely and seamless Services</h3> 
                                <!--<p class="feature-des m-0">The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as using 'Content here.</p>-->
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                                <p class="feature-des m-0">We always strive for higher standard service through adaptability and unique insights. </p>
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                  <h2 class="main_title heading mb-15 text-white">Potential Clientele Spectrum</h2>
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                          <h4 class="text-white">Exchange rate</h4>
                          <p>1 ETH<span> = $49294.00,</span></p>
                          <p>1 BTC<span> = $1544.42</span></p>
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                          <h4 class="text-white">Monthly Rate</h4>
                          <p><span>Low =</span> $7,589.53</p>
                          <p><span>High =</span> $8,694.99</p>
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                          <p>1 BTC<span> = $35.25</span></p>
                          <p><span>Bonus </span>75% (0.68)</p>
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                          <h4 class="text-white">Public Sale</h4>
                          <p>1 BTC<span> = $20.25</span></p>
                          <p><span>Bonus </span>85% (1.68)</p>
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                          <p><span>Close =</span> $48737.50</p>
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                            <p class="app-des m-0"><b>Arbitrage is an investment strategy in which an investor simultaneously buys and sells an asset in different markets to take advantage of a price difference to generate a profit.</b> While price differences are typically small and short-lived, the returns can be impressive when multiplied by a large volume.</p>
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                            <p class="app-des m-0">Algorithmic trading is the use of algorithms or rules to make purchasing and sales decisions on the behalf of the investor. Algorithmic trading is <b>a process for executing orders utilizing automated and pre-programmed trading instructions to account for variables such as price, timing and volume.</b></p>
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