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				<h1 class="display-4 fw-bolder my-4"><strong>Intuitive, Secure<br>&amp; Dynamic<br> <span class="gradient-primary clip-text" data-toggle="typed" data-list="Links.,QR Codes.,Bio Pages.">Links</span><span class="typed-cursor" aria-hidden="true">|</span></strong></h1>
				<p class="col-lg-10 fs-5 mb-5">
					Boost your campaigns by creating dynamic Links, QR codes and Bio Pages and get instant analytics.				</p>
								<form method="post" action="" data-trigger="shorten-form" class="mt-3 mb-5 border rounded p-3 text-start">
					<div class="input-group input-group-lg align-items-center">
						<input type="text" class="form-control border-0" placeholder="Paste a long url" name="url" id="url">
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														<button class="btn btn-warning d-none" type="button">Copy</button>
							<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Shorten</button>
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									<label for="custom" class="control-label fw-bold mb-2">Custom</label>
									<input type="text" class="form-control p-2" name="custom" id="custom" placeholder="Type your custom alias here" autocomplete="off">
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									<label for="pass" class="control-label fw-bold mb-2">Password Protection</label>
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							<p>Your link has been successfully shortened. Want to more customization options?</p>
							<a href="" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary">Get started</a>
															<a href="" class="btn btn-primary px-4 py-3 fw-bold mb-5">Get Started</a>
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												<h6 class="fw-bold mb-0">Iitly</h6>
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												<span class="fs-6 text-success">1.5M Clicks</span>
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										<h5 class="mb-0 fw-bold me-3">QR Codes</h5>
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									<h5 class="mb-0 mt-3 mx-3 fw-bold">Bio Pages</h5>
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										<h5 class="mb-0 fw-bold">Smart Short Links</h5>
<section class="py-10 pt-5" id="features">
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					<strong class="gradient-primary clip-text fw-bolder">Collect data within minutes. Hassle-free.</strong>
				<h2 class="display-6 fw-bold mt-3 mb-5">
					One short link, infinite possibilities.				</h2>
				<p class="lead mb-5">
					A short link is a powerful marketing tool when you use it carefully. It is not just a link but a medium between your customer and their destination. A short link allows you to collect so much data about your customers and their behaviors.				</p>
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									<i class="fa fa-link gradient-primary clip-text fw-bolder"></i>
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								<span class="fw-bold">Short Links</span>
								<p>Intuitive and trackable links</p>
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								<strong class="icon-md bg-primary d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center rounded-3">
									<i class="fa fa-qrcode gradient-primary clip-text fw-bolder"></i>
							<div class="ms-3">
								<span class="fw-bold">QR Codes</span>
								<p>Customizable and secure QR codes</p>
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							<div class="ms-3">
								<span class="fw-bold">Beautiful Bio Pages</span>
								<p>Simple yet beautiful Bio Pages for your links</p>
				<a href="" class="btn btn-primary px-3 py-2 fw-bold">Get Started</a>
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				<div class="p-4 p-md-5 rounded-3 shadow-sm position-relative h-100 gradient-primary">
					<h6 class="fw-bold text-white mb-2">Turn long links into short links</h6>
					<h5 class="fw-bold text-white border rounded p-3"><span data-toggle="typed" data-list="<i class='fa fa-times-circle'></i>,<i class='fa fa-check-circle'></i>"><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i> ht</span><span class="typed-cursor" aria-hidden="true">|</span></h5>
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						<h5 class="fw-bold">Where are most of your users located?</h5>
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								Canada							</span>
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								United States of America							</span>
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								<div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" style="width: 60%" aria-valuenow="60" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>
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								United Kingdom							</span>
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								Japan							</span>
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					<strong class="gradient-primary clip-text fw-bolder">Instantly link to apps. Automatically.</strong>
				<h2 class="display-6 fw-bold mb-5 mt-3">
					Smart Deep Linking				</h2>
				<p class="lead mb-5">
					Grow your audience by automatically opening mobile apps when the app is installed without any coding knowledge or SDK. Direct customers to download and install apps when not installed on the device. Many popular apps are supported and you can even add your own app links.				</p>
				<a href="" class="btn btn-primary px-3 py-2 fw-bold">Get Started</a>
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                    <h5 class="fw-bolder mb-0"><i class="fa fa-lock text-success me-2"></i><span class="gradient-primary clip-text">smart</span></h5>
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				<h3 class="h5 fw-bold mt-4 text-center">Popular Apps</h3>
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							<img alt="Youtube" src="" class="icon-md bg-white shadow-sm p-2 rounded">
							<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Youtube</p>
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							<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Amazon</p>
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							<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Facebook</p>
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							<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Instagram</p>
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							<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Spotify</p>
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							<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Whatsapp</p>
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							<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Messenger</p>
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							<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">TikTok</p>
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							<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Snapchat</p>
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							<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Apple Music</p>
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							<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Telegram</p>
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							<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Pinterest</p>
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							<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Walmart</p>
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			<h2 class="fw-bolder display-5 mb-3"><strong>Features that<br>you'll <span class="gradient-primary clip-text">ever need</span></strong></h2>
			<p class="lead">We provide you with all the tools you need to increase your productivity.</p>
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					<div class="card-body p-4 p-sm-5">
						<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-2x gradient-primary clip-text"></i>
						<h4 class="fw-bold my-3">Custom Landing Page</h4>
							Create a custom landing page to promote your product or service on forefront and engage the user in your marketing campaign.						</p>
			<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
				<div class="h-100 card shadow-sm border-0">
					<div class="card-body p-4 p-sm-5">
						<i class="fa fa-layer-group fa-2x gradient-primary clip-text"></i>
						<h4 class="fw-bold my-3">CTA Overlays</h4>
							Use our overlay tool to display unobtrusive notifications, polls or even a contact on the target website. Great for campaigns.						</p>
			<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
				<div class="h-100 card shadow-sm border-0">
					<div class="card-body p-4 p-sm-5">
						<i class="fa fa-compass fa-2x gradient-primary clip-text"></i>
						<h4 class="fw-bold my-3">Event Tracking</h4>
							Add your custom pixel from providers such as Facebook and track events right when they are happening.						</p>
			<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
				<div class="h-100 card shadow-sm border-0">
					<div class="card-body p-4 p-sm-5">
						<i class="fa fa-bullseye fa-2x gradient-primary clip-text"></i>
						<h4 class="fw-bold my-3">Smart Targeting</h4>
							Easily apply restrictions to your links and target users in specific countries &amp; languages using specific devices.						</p>
			<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
				<div class="h-100 card shadow-sm border-0">
					<div class="card-body p-4 p-sm-5">
					<i class="fa fa-mouse-pointer fa-2x gradient-primary clip-text"></i>
						<h4 class="fw-bold my-3">Track Everything</h4>
							Track users with our advanced reporting tool and know exactly which city &amp; country your users are based.						</p>
			<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
				<div class="h-100 card shadow-sm border-0">
					<div class="card-body p-4 p-sm-5">
						<i class="fa fa-users fa-2x gradient-primary clip-text"></i>
						<h4 class="fw-bold my-3">Team Management</h4>
							Invite your team members and assign them specific privileges to manage everything and collaborate together.						</p>
			<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
				<div class="h-100 card shadow-sm border-0">
					<div class="card-body p-4 p-sm-5">
						<i class="fa fa-globe fa-2x gradient-primary clip-text"></i>
						<h4 class="fw-bold my-3">Branded Domain Names</h4>
							Easily add your own domain name for short links and take control of your brand name and your users' trust.						</p>
			<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
				<div class="h-100 card shadow-sm border-0">
					<div class="card-body p-4 p-sm-5">
						<i class="fa fa-box fa-2x gradient-primary clip-text"></i>
						<h4 class="fw-bold my-3">Campaigns &amp; Channels</h4>
							Group and organize your Links, Bio Pages and QR Codes. With Campaigns, you can also get aggregated stats.						</p>
			<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
				<div class="h-100 card shadow-sm border-0">
					<div class="card-body p-4 p-sm-5">
						<i class="fa fa-terminal fa-2x gradient-primary clip-text"></i>
						<h4 class="fw-bold my-3">Developer API</h4>
							Use our powerful API to build custom applications or extend your own application with our powerful tools.						</p>
<section class="py-10">
	<div class="container">
		<div class="row flex-lg-row-reverse align-items-center gy-5 py-5">
			<div class="col-md-6 order-last order-sm-first">
				<div class="card shadow border-0 p-3 mb-4 mt-5">
					<div class="d-flex">
						<img alt="New York, United States" src="" class="avatar text-white rounded mr-3">
						<div class="ms-3 mt-2">
							<h6 class="fw-bold mb-1">Someone scanned your QR Code</h6>
							<div class="h6 mb-0 text-sm">
								<span class="text-muted">Paris, France</span>
						<div class="ms-auto d-none d-lg-block mt-3">
							<span class="badge badge-pill gradient-primary p-2">4 minutes ago</span>
				<div class="card shadow gradient-primary border-0 p-3 mb-4">
					<div class="d-flex">
						<img alt="New York, United States" src="" class="avatar text-white rounded mr-3">
						<div class="ms-3 mt-2 text-white">
							<h6 class="fw-bold mb-1">Someone visited your Link</h6>
							<div class="h6 mb-0 text-sm">
								<span>New York, United States</span>
						<div class="ms-auto d-none d-lg-block mt-3">
							<span class="badge badge-pill bg-white text-dark p-2">9 minutes ago</span>
				<div class="card shadow border-0 p-3 mb-4">
					<div class="d-flex">
						<img alt="New York, United States" src="" class="avatar text-white rounded mr-3">
						<div class="ms-3 mt-2">
							<h6 class="fw-bold mb-1">Someone viewed your Bio Page</h6>
							<div class="h6 mb-0 text-sm">
								<span class="text-muted">London, United Kingdom</span>
						<div class="ms-auto d-none d-lg-block mt-3">
							<span class="badge badge-pill gradient-primary p-2">16 minutes ago</span>
			<div class="col-md-6 order-first order-sm-last text-start">
				<span class="bg-primary py-2 px-3 rounded-pill">
					<strong class="gradient-primary clip-text fw-bolder">Get instant results</strong>
				<h2 class="display-6 fw-bold mb-5 mt-3">
					Track &amp; Optimize				</h2>
				<p class="lead mb-5 pe-5">
					Understanding your users and customers will help you increase your conversion. Our system allows you to track everything. Whether it is the amount of clicks, the country or the referrer, the data is there for you to analyze it.				</p>
				<a href="" class="btn btn-primary px-3 py-2 fw-bold">Get Started</a>
		<div class="row flex-lg-row-reverse align-items-center gy-5 py-5 mt-8 text-start">
			<div class="col-md-6 order-first order-sm-last">
				<div class="card shadow border-0 p-4 mt-5 mx-2 mx-md-4 backdrop-cards">
					<h5 class="fw-bolder">Invite People</h5>
					<span class="text-muted">Invite your teammates &amp; work together</span>
					<div class="d-block mt-3"><strong>Members</strong> <small class="text-muted">(3/5)</small></div>
					<div class="d-flex my-2">
						<img alt="Invite your teammates &amp; work together" src="" class="avatar-sm rounded-circle mr-3">
						<div class="ms-3 mt-2">
							<h6 class="fw-bold mb-1">Jane Doe</h6>
							<div class="h6 mb-0 text-sm">
								<small class="text-muted">[email protected]</small>
					<div class="d-flex my-2">
						<img alt="Invite your teammates &amp; work together" src="" class="avatar-sm rounded-circle mr-3">
						<div class="ms-3 mt-2">
							<h6 class="fw-bold mb-1">Barry Tone</h6>
							<div class="h6 mb-0 text-sm">
								<small class="text-muted">[email protected]</small>
						<div class="ms-auto d-none d-lg-block mt-3">
							<span class="badge badge-pill bg-primary p-2"><strong class="gradient-primary clip-text">Invited</strong></span>
					<div class="d-flex my-2">
						<img alt="Invite your teammates &amp; work together" src="" class="avatar-sm rounded-circle mr-3">
						<div class="ms-3 mt-2">
							<h6 class="fw-bold mb-1">John Doe</h6>
							<div class="h6 mb-0 text-sm">
								<small class="text-muted">[email protected]</small>
			<div class="col-md-6 order-last order-sm-first">
				<span class="bg-primary py-2 px-3 rounded-pill">
					<strong class="gradient-primary clip-text fw-bolder">Collaborate with your teammates</strong>
				<h2 class="display-6 fw-bold mb-5 mt-3">
					Invite &amp; Work Together				</h2>
				<p class="lead mb-5">
					Invite your teammates within seconds and work together as team to manage your Links, Bio Pages and QR codes. Team members can can be assigned specific privileges and can work on different workspaces.				</p>
				<a href="" class="btn btn-primary px-3 py-2 fw-bold">Get Started</a>
		<div class="row mt-10">
			<div class="col-md-12">
				<div class="p-2 p-md-5 bg-primary rounded-4 border-0">
					<div class="row align-items-center">
						<div class="col-md-4 order-last order-sm-first d-none d-md-block">
							<div class="row">
								<div class="col-6 text-center">
									<div class="client mb-5">
										<img alt="Slack" src="" class="icon-md bg-white shadow-sm p-2 rounded-circle">
										<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Slack</p>
									<div class="client mb-5">
										<img alt="Zapier" src="" class="icon-md bg-white shadow-sm p-2 rounded-circle">
										<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Zapier</p>
									<div class="client mb-5">
										<img alt="Google Tag Manager" src="" class="icon-md bg-white shadow-sm p-2 rounded-circle">
										<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Google Tag Manager</p>
									<div class="client mb-5">
										<img alt="Facebook Pixels" src="" class="icon-md bg-white shadow-sm p-2 rounded-circle">
										<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Facebook</p>
								<div class="col-6 py-5 text-center">
									<div class="client mb-5">
										<img alt="Bing" src="" class="icon-md bg-white shadow-sm p-2 rounded-circle">
										<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">WordPress</p>
									<div class="client mb-5">
										<img alt="Bing" src="" class="icon-md bg-white shadow-sm p-2 rounded-circle">
										<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Shortcuts</p>
									<div class="client mb-5">
										<span class="icon-md bg-white shadow-sm p-2 rounded-circle d-inline-block"><i class="fab fa-x-twitter fs-2"></i></span>
										<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Twitter</p>
									<div class="client mb-5">
										<img alt="Snapchat" src="" class="icon-md bg-white shadow-sm p-2 rounded-circle">
										<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Snapchat</p>
						<div class="col-md-4">
							<div class="text-center mb-5">
								<h3 class="fw-bold mt-4"><strong>Integrations</strong></h3>
								<p>Connect your links to third-party applications so they can share information such as traffic and analytics.</p>
								<a href="" class="btn btn-primary px-3 py-2 fw-bold mt-3">Get Started</a>
						<div class="col-md-4 d-none d-md-block">
							<div class="row">
								<div class="col-6 py-5 text-center">
									<div class="client mb-5">
										<img alt="Bing" src="" class="icon-md bg-white shadow-sm p-2 rounded-circle">
										<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Bing</p>
									<div class="client mb-5">
										<img alt="Reddit" src="" class="icon-md bg-white shadow-sm p-2 rounded-circle">
										<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Reddit</p>
									<div class="client mb-5">
										<img alt="Google Analytics" src="" class="icon-md bg-white shadow-sm p-2 rounded-circle">
										<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Google Analytics</p>
									<div class="client mb-5">
										<img alt="LinkedIn" src="" class="icon-md bg-white shadow-sm p-2 rounded-circle">
										<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">LinkedIn</p>
								<div class="col-6 text-center">
									<div class="client mb-5">
										<img alt="Pinterest" src="" class="icon-md bg-white shadow-sm p-2 rounded-circle">
										<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Pinterest</p>
									<div class="client mb-5">
										<img alt="Quora" src="" class="icon-md bg-white shadow-sm p-2 rounded-circle">
										<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Quora</p>
									<div class="client mb-5">
										<img alt="TikTok" src="" class="icon-md bg-white shadow-sm p-2 rounded-circle">
										<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">TikTok</p>
									<div class="client mb-5">
										<img alt="Adroll" src="" class="icon-md bg-white shadow-sm p-2 rounded-circle">
										<p class="fw-bold text-dark my-3">Adroll</p>
					<div class="row mt-5 text-start">
						<div class="col-md-6 mb-2 mb-md-0">
							<div class="h-100 card shadow-sm border-0">
								<div class="card-body p-4 p-sm-5">
									<i class="fa fa-th fa-2x gradient-primary clip-text"></i>
									<h4 class="fw-bold my-3">Tracking Pixels</h4>
										Add your custom pixel from providers such as Facebook &amp; Google Tag Manager and track events right when they are happening.									</p>
						<div class="col-md-6 mb-0">
							<div class="h-100 card shadow-sm border-0">
								<div class="card-body p-4 p-sm-5">
									<i class="fa fa-bell fa-2x gradient-primary clip-text"></i>
									<h4 class="fw-bold my-3">Notifications</h4>
										Get notified when users use your links via various channels such Slack and webhook services like Zapier.									</p>
	<section class="py-8">
        <div class="container">
			<div class="row align-items-center">
				<div class="col-lg-6">
					<h2 class="fw-bolder display-5 mb-5 text-center text-md-start"><strong>Let <br><span class="gradient-primary clip-text">the numbers</span><br> do the talking.</strong></h2>
				<div class="col-lg-6">
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							<div class="text-center bg-primary py-5 px-2 px-lg-5 rounded">
								<h3 class="h5 text-capitalize"><span class="gradient-primary fw-bolder clip-text">Powering</span></h3>
								<div class="h1">
									<span class="counter">201</span>
									<span class="counter-extra">+</span>
								<h3 class="h6 text-capitalize fw-bold">Links</h3>
						<div class="col-md-6 mb-5">
							<div class="text-center bg-primary py-5 px-2 px-lg-5 rounded">
								<h3 class="h5 text-capitalize"><span class="gradient-primary fw-bolder clip-text">Serving</span></h3>
								<div class="h1">
									<span class="counter">8590726</span>
									<span class="counter-extra">+</span>
								<h3 class="h6 text-capitalize fw-bold">Clicks</h3>
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							<div class="text-center bg-primary py-5 px-2 px-lg-5 rounded">
								<h3 class="h5 text-capitalize"><span class="gradient-primary fw-bolder clip-text">Trusted by</span></h3>
								<div class="h1">
									<span class="counter">2617</span>
									<span class="counter-extra">+</span>
								<h3 class="h6 text-capitalize fw-bold">Amazing Customers</h3>
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										<span class="gradient-primary fw-bolder clip-text">Get Started <i class="fa fa-chevron-right small"></i></span>
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					<h2 class="fw-bold">Take control of your links</h2>
					<p>You are one click away from taking control of all of your links, and instantly get better results.</p>
				<div class="col-sm-4 text-end">
					<a class="btn btn-light text-primary btn-lg d-block d-sm-inline-block" href="">Get Started</a>

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                <p class="mt-4">Iitly is a URL shortener &amp; link management platform. Create custom short links, brand links, Link-in-bio &amp; QR codes easily. Free Link Shortener.</p>
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