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	<!-- <img title="random" class="button" onClick="randomizeElements();" onmouseover=" 'Randomize posture' , event );"> -->
	<!-- <img title="rotate_ccw" class="button" onClick="selectDefaultElements();" onmouseover=" 'Restore default elements' , event );"> -->
	<div class="wr hidden" id="nextPostureWr"></div>
	<svg class="button effect hidden" viewBox="0 0 17 17" fill="none" id="nextPostureButton"><path class="stroke" d="M8.5 0.5c-4.411 0-8 3.589-8 8s3.589 8 8 8 8-3.589 8-8-3.589-8-8-8zM8.5 1.5c1.75 0 3.348 0.65 4.577 1.716l-9.86 9.861c-1.067-1.228-1.717-2.827-1.717-4.577 0-3.859 3.14-7 7-7zM8.5 15.5c-1.75 0-3.348-0.65-4.577-1.716l9.86-9.861c1.067 1.228 1.717 2.827 1.717 4.577 0 3.859-3.14 7-7 7z" fill="#000000"></path></svg>

<div class="leftBox panel border scroll">
	<div id="posturesBox" class="">
		<div class="header"><span onclick="showHideElements( this );">Separated bits <a>V</a></span></div><div><div class="button posture selected" id="pb1" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/1.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Ranged weapons for full body portraits', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 1 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb16" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/16.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Topdown view handguns', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 16 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb15" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/15.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Handguns for full body portrait postures', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 15 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb14" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/14.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Melee weapon assets for use in full body portraits', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 14 );"></div></div><div class="header"><span onclick="showHideElements( this );">Human portrait <a>V</a></span></div><div><div class="button posture" id="pb70" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/70.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Human male full body portrait with a rifle grip long firearm', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 70 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb66" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/66.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Human male full body', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 66 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb68" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/68.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Human male portrait with long firearm', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 68 );"></div></div><div class="header"><span onclick="showHideElements( this );">Abhumans <a>V</a></span></div><div><div class="button posture" id="pb127" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/127.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Ogryn throwing a grenade', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 127 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb124" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/124.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Ogryn with a two handed ranged weapon', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 124 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb125" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/125.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Ogryn with a two handed ranged weapon', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 125 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb126" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/126.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Ogryn with two handed ranged weapon', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 126 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb129" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/129.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Ogryn armed with one handed melee weapons', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 129 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb130" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/130.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Ogryn with one handed melee weapon', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 130 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb131" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/131.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Ogryn pointing at something', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 131 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb128" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/128.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Ogryn armed with a heavy weapon', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 128 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb132" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/132.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Ogryn with a two handed melee weapon', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 132 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb133" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/133.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Horribly twisted mutated plague ogryn', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 133 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb134" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/134.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Horribly twisted mutated plague ogryn', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 134 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb135" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/135.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Horribly twisted mutated plague ogryn', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 135 );"></div></div><div class="header"><span onclick="showHideElements( this );">Orkz <a>V</a></span></div><div><div class="button posture" id="pb94" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/94.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Shoota most bigga!', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 94 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb93" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/93.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Da ork boy pointin at somethin', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 93 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb92" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/92.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Da ork boy pointin at somethin', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 92 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb91" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/91.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Shoota boy, luvz shootin gitz', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 91 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb59" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/59.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Da orky deffdred', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 59 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb90" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/90.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Shoota boy, luvz shootin gitz', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 90 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb89" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/89.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Shoota boy, luvz shootin gitz', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 89 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb88" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/88.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Da slugga boy, luv choppin gitz up', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 88 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb87" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/87.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Da slugga boy, luv choppin gitz up', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 87 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb86" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/86.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Da ork warbiker!', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 86 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb85" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/85.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Da squig rider', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 85 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb84" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/84.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Da slugga boy, luv choppin gitz up', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 84 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb95" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/95.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Hide yer bitz, datz da loota boy!', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 95 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb96" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/96.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Flashgit with da huge snazzgun!', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 96 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb97" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/97.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Grot wit da choppa', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 97 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb99" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/99.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Grot wit da choppa', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 99 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb100" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/100.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Grot wit da shoota', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 100 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb101" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/101.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Grot wit da shoota', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 101 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb102" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/102.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Grot wit da slugga', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 102 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb31" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/31.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Ork boss with two handed choppa', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 31 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb103" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/103.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Grot ammo runt', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 103 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb104" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/104.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Gretchin 2.psd', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 104 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb105" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/105.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Da orky wartrukk', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 105 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb106" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/106.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Da ork turret gunna', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 106 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb29" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/29.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Orky boss! Or nob, whateva', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 29 );"></div></div><div class="header"><span onclick="showHideElements( this );">Vehicles <a>V</a></span></div><div><div class="button posture" id="pb82" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/82.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Chimera based halftrack artillery platform', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 82 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb137" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/137.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Leman russ battle tank', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 137 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb139" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/139.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Chimera APC', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 139 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb81" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/81.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Chimera based halftracked APC', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 81 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb56" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/56.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Taurox (halftrack variant)', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 56 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb58" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/58.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Vulture gunship', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 58 );"></div></div><div class="header"><span onclick="showHideElements( this );">Post apocalypse <a>V</a></span></div><div><div class="button posture" id="pb120" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/120.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Fallout power armor with missile launcher', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 120 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb116" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/116.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Fallout power armor with a heavy weapon', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 116 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb115" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/115.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Top view fallout power armor posture with two handed weapon', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 115 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb118" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/118.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Fallout power armor with a pistol', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 118 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb119" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/119.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Fallout power armor melee', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 119 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb121" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/121.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Fallout power armors with two handed melee weapon', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 121 );"></div></div><div class="header"><span onclick="showHideElements( this );">Dwarf portraits <a>V</a></span></div><div><div class="button posture" id="pb138" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/138.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Male dwarf armed with one handed melee weapons', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 138 );"></div></div><div class="header"><span onclick="showHideElements( this );">Marines VTT token <a>V</a></span></div><div><div class="button posture" id="pb63" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/63.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Space marine casualty', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 63 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb64" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/64.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Space marine casualty', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 64 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb65" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/65.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Space marine casualty', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 65 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb111" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/111.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Predator space marine battle tank', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 111 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb109" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/109.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Rhino space marine APC', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 109 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb110" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/110.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Razorback space marine assault transport', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 110 );"></div></div><div class="header"><span onclick="showHideElements( this );">WW2 vehicles <a>V</a></span></div><div><div class="button posture" id="pb76" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/76.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Matilda 2 tank', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 76 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb71" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/71.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Hawker Hurricane british fighter, mk.1', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 71 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb62" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/62.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Consolidated B24D liberator', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 62 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb60" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/60.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Carro Armato M13-40 tank', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 60 );"></div></div><div class="header"><span onclick="showHideElements( this );">Space marine full body portraits <a>V</a></span></div><div><div class="button posture" id="pb83" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/83.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Space marine one handed melee portrait', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 83 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb113" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/113.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Space marine portrait with ranged weapon', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 113 );"></div></div><div class="header"><span onclick="showHideElements( this );">Mechs and robots <a>V</a></span></div><div><div class="button posture" id="pb3" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/3.png' );" onmouseover=" 'AMP suite. Patron commission by Amenadiel', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 3 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb5" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/5.png' );" onmouseover=" 'AMP suite in melee stance. Patron commission by Amenadiel.', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 5 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb54" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/54.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Riot control bot', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 54 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb53" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/53.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Defensive wall automaton', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 53 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb51" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/51.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Smiely dieselpunk mech', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 51 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb52" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/52.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Smiely dieselpunk mech', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 52 );"></div></div><div class="header"><span onclick="showHideElements( this );">Necrons <a>V</a></span></div><div><div class="button posture" id="pb6" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/6.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Necron warrior standing at attention', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 6 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb7" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/7.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Necron warrior advancing', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 7 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb8" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/8.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Necron warrior 3 standing at attention', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 8 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb9" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/9.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Necron warrior 4 aiming', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 9 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb10" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/10.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Necron warrior standing at attention', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 10 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb11" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/11.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Necron warrior aiming', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 11 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb12" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/12.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Necron immortal', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 12 );"></div></div><div class="header"><span onclick="showHideElements( this );">Tau <a>V</a></span></div><div><div class="button posture" id="pb18" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/18.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Fire warrior standing at attention', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 18 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb49" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/49.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Tau drone variant', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 49 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb35" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/35.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Stealth suit standing', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 35 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb32" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/32.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Stealth suit aiming', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 32 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb47" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/47.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Tau drone variant', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 47 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb19" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/19.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Fire warrior aiming', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 19 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb21" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/21.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Fire warrior with a lowered weapon', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 21 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb22" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/22.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Fire warrior standing at attention', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 22 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb34" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/34.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Stealth suit aiming', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 34 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb26" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/26.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Fire warrior with a pistol', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 26 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb25" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/25.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Fire warrior with binoculars', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 25 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb24" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/24.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Fire warrior pointing', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 24 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb23" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/23.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Fire warrior aiming', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 23 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb45" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/45.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Tau drone variant', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 45 );"></div><div class="button posture" id="pb46" style="background-image: url( '/assets/postures/46.png' );" onmouseover=" 'Tau drone variant', event );" onclick="loadPosture( 46 );"></div></div>	</div>
	<div id="elementsBox" class="hidden"></div>
	<div id="setsBox" class="hidden">
		<div class="header"><span onclick="showHideElements( this );">Public sets <a>&gt;</a></span></div>
		<div class="hidden" id="publicSetsBox"></div>
		<div class="header"><span onclick="showHideElements( this );">User sets <a>V</a></span></div>
		<div id="usersSetsBox"></div>

<!-- <div id="prewBox" style="border: 1px solid orange;"></div> -->
<div id="prewBox" style="scale: 1;"></div>

<div id="importExportBox" class="window hidden">
	<div class="header" draggable="true">
		Import posture data
		<svg class="button closeIco" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><path class="stroke" d="M15 9.00004L9 15M15 15L9 9.00004M6 20H18C19.1046 20 20 19.1046 20 18V6C20 4.89543 19.1046 4 18 4H6C4.89543 4 4 4.89543 4 6V18C4 19.1046 4.89543 20 6 20Z" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg>
	<div class="content scroll">
		<input type="text" id="importField" placeholder="Paste posture code here" style="width: 99%;">
			<div class="button text" onclick="importPosture();"><text class="upper">Apply data</text></div>

<div class="rightBox panel scroll">
	<div class="header"><span onclick="showHideElements( this );">Effects <a>&gt;</a></span></div>
	<div class="effectsBox hidden">
		<div class="box hCenter">
			<button class="upper" onclick="resetsAllEffects();" onmouseover=" 'Reset all effects' , event );">Reset all effects</button>

		<div class="box" id="effectsBox">
			<!-- <div class="string">
				<img title="frame" class="ico">
				<div>Apply frame</div>
				<input type="checkbox" class="style1" id="applyFrameCB" onChange="enableFrame( this.checked );">
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} );
editor.effects.emptyCrop.appendElement( postBox );

editor.effects.borderShadow = new Effect( 0, 1, 'shadow', 'Shadow', 'users', 'string' );
editor.effects.borderShadow.setChangeCallback( function( name, value ){
	if( editor.effects.borderShadow.isEnable() ) 'Image will be saved with the shadow effect' );
} );
editor.effects.borderShadow.appendElement( postBox );
// END

window.onload = function(){
	setZoom( 0 );

	let mb = document.getElementById( 'editorMenu' );
	if( mb != undefined ) mb.classList.remove( 'hidden' );
	let menu = document.getElementById( 'menuBox' );
	if( menu != undefined && mb != undefined ){
		menu.prepend( mb );

	// app.keysPress.ctrl_callback = unMovePreview;

	colorSliders_setCustomCallback( function(){
		if( colorSliders_data.targetLayer != undefined ){
			recolorLayer( colorSliders_data.targetLayer, colorSliders_data.hsb );

			let elementID = editor.targetLayerElements[ colorSliders_data.targetLayer ];
			//Если у элемента указан colorChild красим еще элемент
			if( editor.elements[ elementID ] != undefined ){
				let colorChilds = editor.elements[ elementID ].colorChilds;
				for( let ind in colorChilds ){
					let colorChild = colorChilds[ i ];
					recolorLayer( editor.elements[ colorChild ].targetLayer, colorSliders_data.hsb );
	}, 123 );


	//FIXME: Убрать перед релизом
	let button = document.getElementById( 'lpbPose' );
	if( button == undefined ){
		console.warn( 'inline lpbPose undefiend' );
		if( button.onclick != undefined ) button.onclick();
	loadPosture( 1 );


function resetsAllEffects()
	editor.effects.mirrorH.setEnable( false );
	editor.effects.brightness.setEnable( false );
	editor.effects.contrast.setEnable( false );
	editor.effects.saturation.setEnable( false );
	editor.effects.pixelate.setEnable( false );
	editor.effects.blur.setEnable( false );
	editor.effects.crop.setEnable( false );
	editor.effects.emptyCrop.setEnable( false );
	editor.effects.borderShadow.setEnable( false );


.button.posture:hover, .button.element:hover, .button.filter:hover{
	transform: none;
	z-index: unset;
	position: static;
	transition: none;

#importExportBox.hidden{ top: 4px !important; left: 90px !important; }
#tooltipBox .preview{ width: 280px; }


		<footer>2019 - 2024<br>Created by <a href="" target="_blank"><b>DrSmyrke</b></a>, art by Grantovich and Grang. This is completely non-commerical, fan driven project. All reference images belong to their respective owners.<br>Original content is licensed under <a href=""><b>Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.</b></a></footer>	

<nav class="context-menu flex column hidden"></nav><style type="text/css">.effectsBox .ico{ width: 24px; }</style></body></html>