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							<h1 class="center-text">EasyFoodDiary</h1>
							<p>A Simple and Powerful Nutrition App by <a href="">JSInformatic</a></p>
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								<img src="images/gallery/fulls/ComingSoon.gif" alt="Coming Soon - EasyFoodDiary App by JSInformatic">

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					<section id="first">
							<h2 style="text-align: center;">Track Your Nutrition Effortlessly</h2>
							<p style="text-align: center;">Our Nutrition App makes it easy to track your daily meals and monitor your nutritional intake. With a straightforward interface, you can log your food, set simple goals, and keep an eye on your progress. Whether you're looking to maintain a balanced diet or just be more mindful of what you eat, this app is your perfect companion.</p><p>
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								<img src="images/gallery/fulls/MainScreen.jpeg" alt="Main Screen">

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							<h2 style="text-align: center;">Your Nutrition Journey Made Simple</h2>
						<div class="content">
							<p><strong>Discover how easy it is to manage your nutrition</strong> with our app. Track your meals, set goals, and monitor your progress with a simple and intuitive interface.</p>
							<ul class="feature-icons">
								<li class="icon solid fa-utensils">Track Daily Nutrients</li>
								<li class="icon solid fa-clipboard-list">Log Your Meals Easily</li>
								<li class="icon solid fa-bullseye">Set and Monitor Goals</li>
								<li class="icon solid fa-chart-pie">Track Your Macro Intake</li>
								<li class="icon solid fa-chart-line">Review Your Progress</li>
								<li class="icon solid fa-globe">Access from Anywhere</li>
							<p>Our app helps you make informed choices about your diet, empowering you to stay on track with your nutrition goals and lead a healthier lifestyle.</p>

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					<section id="third">
							<h2 style="text-align: center;">Log Your Meals Easily</h2>
							<p style="text-align: center;">Easily log your meals with our Nutrition App. Just a few taps let you record your daily intake, helping you stay on track with your diet goals. Whether you’re aiming for balance or following a specific diet, meal logging is simple and efficient.</p>
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								<img src="images/gallery/fulls/AddMeal.jpeg" alt="Add Meal">

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					<section id="fourth">
							<h2>Set and Adjust Your Goals</h2>
							<p style="text-align: center;">Set your goals effortlessly with our Nutrition App. In just a few steps, you can customize your dietary targets, ensuring they align with your health objectives. Whether you’re aiming for a balanced intake or focusing on a specific macro ratio, goal-setting is clear and straightforward.</p>
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							<div class="image-container">
								<img src="images/gallery/fulls/SetGoals.jpeg" alt="Set Goals">

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					<section id="fifth">
							<h2>Start Your Journey Towards Better Nutrition</h2>
						<div class="content">
							<p><strong>Take control of your health today.</strong> Our app makes it easy to monitor your nutrition and reach your dietary goals with simple and effective tracking tools.</p>
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								<li><a href="#" class="button primary large">Coming Soon</a></li>
								<li><a href="#first" class="button large">Explore Features</a></li>

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							<h2>Get in touch</h2>
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							<p><strong>Stay Connected</strong> We’d love to hear from you! Reach out to us for any questions or feedback about our app.</p>
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