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        <h3 class="h1 text-center mb-5">Need to know</h3>
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                <div class="accordion-body">LuluStream is a video hosting service were you can upload videos, share &amp; make money.</div>
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                Do you delete inactive videos?


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                <div class="accordion-body">Yes, for free users it will removed after 60 days and for premium users videos will never be removed.</div>
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                Can I upload adult content?


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                <div class="accordion-body">Yes, you can upload adult/porn videos but make sure it is legal.</div>
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                How to Upload videos in LuluStream?


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                <div class="accordion-body">You can upload videos via browser, FTP, Remote URL &amp; API.</div>
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                Is any bandwidth limitation ?


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                <div class="accordion-body">No, there is no bandwidth limitations.</div>
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                How many views are counted per day ?


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                <div class="accordion-body">Views are counted upto 4 within 24 hours per user/ip.</div>

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