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                    big circle and draw three small protrusions or depressions
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                    Do I need to notify the airlines that I now have Global Entry?
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                    Liber Abaci 1202: where is original manuscript scanned?
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                        asked 21 hours ago
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                    Is every cancellative semigroup a subdirect product of subdirectly irreducible cancellative semigroups?
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                    When Mr. Incredible saved a man from killing himself, is he really liable for damages?
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                        asked 10 hours ago
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                    How much of its receive spectrum is an IC-7300 or similar radio actually sampling?
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                        <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">icom-ic-7300</a>
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                        asked 11 hours ago
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                    Square taper bottom bracket lock ring: grease, loctite, or both?
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                        asked 20 hours ago
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                    Why do apps such as the DuckDuckGo browser or Signal seem to try to protect my own data from me?
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                        asked Oct 4 at 9:07
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                        asked 8 hours ago
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                    Is there a mathematical way to measure the randomness of a deterministic object?
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                        asked 19 hours ago
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                    Diagonalisation in the proof of undecidability of the acceptance problem for Turing Machines
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1 answers |
                        asked 17 hours ago
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                    Why does only the Septuagint have "Ca'inan" in the genealogy in Genesis 10 and 11?
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                        asked 16 hours ago
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                    Manga? Large Tower Dungeon climb/battle defeating each level. MC has a cheat. He had explored, died and was then reborn BEFORE the tower appeared
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                        asked 11 hours ago
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                    Does anywhere restrict Salbutamol (inhaler for asthma)?
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                        asked 10 hours ago
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                    Why did Gabriela Mistral adopt a pseudonym instead of using her real name?
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3 answers |
                        asked yesterday
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