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<html><head><meta name="color-scheme" content="light dark"></head><body><pre style="word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;">local v0=tonumber;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.char;local v3=string.sub;local v4=string.gsub;local v5=string.rep;local v6=table.concat;local v7=table.insert;local v8=math.ldexp;local v9=getfenv or function() return _ENV;end ;local v10=setmetatable;local v11=pcall;local v12=select;local v13=unpack or table.unpack ;local v14=tonumber;local function v15(v16,v17,...) local v18=0;local v19;local v20;local v21;local v22;local v23;local v24;local v25;local v26;local v27;local v28;local v29;local v30;while true do if (v18==5) then v27=v24;v28=nil;function v28(...) return {...},v12("#",...);end v18=6;end if (v18==1) then v21=nil;function v21(v31,v32,v33) if v33 then local v84=(v31/(2^(v32-(2 -1))))%((5 -3)^(((v33-(1 -0)) -(v32-((879 -(282 + 595)) -1))) + (620 -(555 + 64)))) ;return v84-(v84%(932 -(857 + (1711 -(1523 + 114))))) ;else local v85=(570 -(367 + 201))^(v32-(928 -(214 + 713))) ;return (((v31%(v85 + v85))&gt;=v85) and (1 + 0)) or (0 + 0) ;end end v22=nil;v18=2;end if (v18==3) then v24=nil;function v24() local v34,v35,v36,v37=v1(v16,v19,v19 + (120 -(32 + 85)) );v19=v19 + (5 -1) ;return (v37 * (16778281 -(68 + 997))) + (v36 * (58895 + 6641)) + (v35 * (1114 -858)) + v34 ;end v25=nil;v18=4;end if (v18==6) then v29=nil;function v29() local v38=374 -(123 + 251) ;local v39;local v40;local v41;local v42;local v43;local v44;local v45;local v46;local v47;while true do if (v38==(4 -3)) then v41=nil;v42=nil;v38=2;end if (v38==2) then v43=nil;v44=nil;v38=3;end if (v38~=(698 -(208 + 490))) then else v39=0;v40=nil;v38=1 + 0 ;end if (3~=v38) then else v45=nil;v46=nil;v38=4;end if (v38==4) then v47=nil;while true do if (v39~=(1 + 1)) then else local v96=836 -(660 + 176) ;while true do if (v96~=(0 + 0)) then else v44=nil;v45=nil;v96=203 -(14 + 188) ;end if (v96==(676 -(534 + 141))) then v39=2 + 1 ;break;end end end if (v39==3) then v46=nil;v47=nil;v39=4 + 0 ;end if (0==v39) then v40=0 + 0 ;v41=nil;v39=1 -0 ;end if ((1 -0)==v39) then local v97=0;while true do if (v97~=(2 -1)) then else v39=2 + 0 ;break;end if (v97==0) then v42=nil;v43=nil;v97=1 + 0 ;end end end if (v39==(400 -(115 + 281))) then while true do if (v40==(4 -2)) then local v98=0;local v99;while true do if (v98~=0) then else v99=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v99==(2 -1)) then v40=3;break;end if (v99~=0) then else v45=nil;v46=nil;v99=1;end end break;end end end if (v40==1) then local v100=0 -0 ;while true do if (v100~=0) then else v43=nil;v44=nil;v100=868 -(550 + 317) ;end if (v100==(1 -0)) then v40=2;break;end end end if (v40~=(0 -0)) then else local v101=0;while true do if (v101==1) then v40=2 -1 ;break;end if (v101~=0) then else v41=285 -(134 + 151) ;v42=nil;v101=1666 -(970 + 695) ;end end end if (v40~=3) then else v47=nil;while true do local v102=0 -0 ;while true do if (v102==1) then if (v41~=1) then else local v197=1990 -(582 + 1408) ;local v198;while true do if (v197~=0) then else v198=0;while true do if (v198==2) then v41=6 -4 ;break;end if (v198==1) then local v285=0 -0 ;local v286;while true do if (v285==(0 -0)) then v286=0;while true do if (v286==(1825 -(1195 + 629))) then v198=2;break;end if (v286~=(0 -0)) then else local v295=0;while true do if (0~=v295) then else for v301=1,v46 do local v302=241 -(187 + 54) ;local v303;local v304;local v305;while true do if (v302==(780 -(162 + 618))) then v303=0;v304=nil;v302=1 + 0 ;end if (v302~=(1 + 0)) then else v305=nil;while true do if (v303==0) then local v313=0;while true do if (v313==(0 -0)) then local v318=0 -0 ;while true do if (v318==0) then v304=v22();v305=nil;v318=1 + 0 ;end if ((1637 -(1373 + 263))==v318) then v313=1001 -(451 + 549) ;break;end end end if (v313==1) then v303=1;break;end end end if (v303~=(1 + 0)) then else if (v304==(1 -0)) then v305=v22()~=(0 -0) ;elseif (v304==(1386 -(746 + 638))) then v305=v25();elseif (v304~=(2 + 1)) then else v305=v26();end v47[v301]=v305;break;end end break;end end end v45[4 -1 ]=v22();v295=342 -(218 + 123) ;end if (v295~=1) then else v286=1;break;end end end end break;end end end if (v198~=(1581 -(1535 + 46))) then else local v287=0;local v288;while true do if (v287~=(0 + 0)) then else v288=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v288==(560 -(306 + 254))) then local v296=0;while true do if (v296~=1) then else v288=1 + 0 ;break;end if (v296~=(0 -0)) then else v46=v24();v47={};v296=1;end end end if (1==v288) then v198=1;break;end end break;end end end end break;end end end break;end if (v102==(1467 -(899 + 568))) then local v182=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v182~=(0 -0)) then else if ((605 -(268 + 335))==v41) then local v280=290 -(60 + 230) ;local v281;while true do if (v280~=0) then else v281=572 -(426 + 146) ;while true do if (v281~=(0 + 0)) then else for v289=1457 -(282 + 1174) ,v24() do local v290=0;local v291;local v292;while true do if (v290~=(811 -(569 + 242))) then else v291=0;v292=nil;v290=1;end if (1~=v290) then else while true do if (v291~=(0 -0)) then else v292=v22();if (v21(v292,1,1)==0) then local v306=0 + 0 ;local v307;local v308;local v309;local v310;while true do if (v306~=(1026 -(706 + 318))) then else while true do if ((1254 -(721 + 530))~=v307) then else if (v21(v309,3,1274 -(945 + 326) )==1) then v310[4]=v47[v310[9 -5 ]];end v42[v289]=v310;break;end if (v307==0) then local v316=0;while true do if (v316~=(0 + 0)) then else v308=v21(v292,702 -(271 + 429) ,3);v309=v21(v292,4 + 0 ,6);v316=1;end if ((1501 -(1408 + 92))==v316) then v307=1087 -(461 + 625) ;break;end end end if ((1289 -(993 + 295))~=v307) then else v310={v23(),v23(),nil,nil};if (v308==0) then local v321=0 + 0 ;local v322;local v323;while true do if (v321~=1) then else while true do if (v322~=0) then else v323=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v323~=(0 + 0)) then else v310[1 + 2 ]=v23();v310[4]=v23();break;end end break;end end break;end if (0~=v321) then else v322=0;v323=nil;v321=530 -(406 + 123) ;end end elseif (v308==1) then v310[1772 -(1749 + 20) ]=v24();elseif (v308==(1 + 1)) then v310[3]=v24() -((1324 -(1249 + 73))^16) ;elseif (v308~=(2 + 1)) then else local v330=1145 -(466 + 679) ;local v331;while true do if (v330==0) then v331=0;while true do if (v331==0) then v310[6 -3 ]=v24() -(2^16) ;v310[4]=v23();break;end end break;end end end v307=2;end if (v307~=2) then else local v317=0;while true do if (v317~=(0 -0)) then else if (v21(v309,1,1901 -(106 + 1794) )==1) then v310[2]=v47[v310[2]];end if (v21(v309,1 + 1 ,2)==(1 + 0)) then v310[8 -5 ]=v47[v310[7 -4 ]];end v317=1;end if (v317~=1) then else v307=117 -(4 + 110) ;break;end end end end break;end if (v306~=(584 -(57 + 527))) then else local v311=0;while true do if (v311~=(1428 -(41 + 1386))) then else v306=1;break;end if (v311~=(103 -(17 + 86))) then else v307=0 + 0 ;v308=nil;v311=1 -0 ;end end end if (v306==1) then local v312=0;while true do if (v312~=(0 -0)) then else v309=nil;v310=nil;v312=1;end if (v312~=1) then else v306=168 -(122 + 44) ;break;end end end end end break;end end break;end end end for v293=1 -0 ,v24() do v43[v293-(3 -2) ]=v29();end v281=1;end if (v281==(1 + 0)) then return v45;end end break;end end end if (v41~=(0 + 0)) then else local v282=0 -0 ;local v283;local v284;while true do if ((65 -(30 + 35))==v282) then v283=0 + 0 ;v284=nil;v282=1;end if (v282~=1) then else while true do if (v283==(1257 -(1043 + 214))) then v284=0;while true do if (1~=v284) then else local v297=0 -0 ;while true do if (v297~=(1212 -(323 + 889))) then else v44={};v45={v42,v43,nil,v44};v297=1;end if (v297==(321 -(53 + 267))) then v284=2;break;end end end if ((0 + 0)~=v284) then else local v298=0;while true do if (v298==0) then local v300=0;while true do if (v300==0) then v42={};v43={};v300=1;end if (v300~=(414 -(15 + 398))) then else v298=983 -(18 + 964) ;break;end end end if (1~=v298) then else v284=3 -2 ;break;end end end if (v284~=2) then else v41=1 + 0 ;break;end end break;end end break;end end end v182=1;end if (v182==(1 + 0)) then v102=851 -(20 + 830) ;break;end end end end end break;end end break;end end break;end end end v30=nil;v18=7;end if (v18==4) then function v25() local v48=v24();local v49=v24();local v50=1 + 0 ;local v51=(v21(v49,(298 -171) -(116 + 10) ,20) * ((1 + 1)^(3 + 29))) + v48 ;local v52=v21(v49,39 -18 ,769 -(542 + 196) );local v53=((v21(v49,68 -36 )==(1 + 0)) and  -(1 + 0)) or 1 ;if (v52==(0 + 0)) then if (v51==((1202 -(373 + 829)) + 0)) then return v53 * (0 + 0) ;else local v90=0 -0 ;while true do if ((0 -0)==v90) then v52=2 -(732 -(476 + 255)) ;v50=0 -0 ;break;end end end elseif (v52==(3598 -(1126 + (1555 -(369 + 761))))) then return ((v51==(405 -(118 + 287))) and (v53 * ((3 -2)/(1121 -(118 + 1003))))) or (v53 * NaN) ;end return v8(v53,v52-(2993 -(1140 + 830)) ) * (v50 + (v51/((379 -(142 + 235))^(18 + (61 -27))))) ;end v26=nil;function v26(v54) local v55;if  not v54 then v54=v24();if (v54==0) then return "";end end v55=v3(v16,v19,(v19 + v54) -(1 -0) );v19=v19 + v54 ;local v56={};for v68=239 -(64 + 174) , #v55 do v56[v68]=v2(v1(v3(v55,v68,v68)));end return v6(v56);end v18=5;end if (v18==2) then function v22() local v57=v1(v16,v19,v19);v19=v19 + 1 ;return v57;end v23=nil;function v23() local v58=(1840 -(363 + 1141)) -(144 + (1772 -(1183 + 397))) ;local v59;local v60;while true do if (v58==(216 -((127 -85) + 174))) then v59,v60=v1(v16,v19,v19 + 2 + 0 );v19=v19 + 2 + 0 ;v58=1;end if (v58==(1 + 0)) then return (v60 * 256) + v59 ;end end end v18=3;end if (v18==0) then v19=1;v20=nil;v16=v4(v3(v16,5),"..",function(v61) if (v1(v61,2)==79) then v20=v0(v3(v61,1,1));return "";else local v86=v2(v0(v61,16));if v20 then local v91=v5(v86,v20);v20=nil;return v91;else return v86;end end end);v18=1;end if (v18==7) then function v30(v62,v63,v64) local v65=v62[1];local v66=v62[2];local v67=v62[3];return function(...) local v70=v65;local v71=v66;local v72=v67;local v73=v28;local v74=1;local v75= -1;local v76={};local v77={...};local v78=v12("#",...) -1 ;local v79={};local v80={};for v87=0,v78 do if (v87&gt;=v72) then v76[v87-v72 ]=v77[v87 + 1 ];else v80[v87]=v77[v87 + 1 ];end end local v81=(v78-v72) + 1 ;local v82;local v83;while true do v82=v70[v74];v83=v82[1];if (v83&lt;=12) then if (v83&lt;=5) then if (v83&lt;=2) then if (v83&lt;=0) then local v103=v82[2];local v104=v82[4];local v105=v103 + 2 ;local v106={v80[v103](v80[v103 + 1 ],v80[v105])};for v113=1,v104 do v80[v105 + v113 ]=v106[v113];end local v107=v106[1];if v107 then v80[v105]=v107;v74=v82[3];else v74=v74 + 1 ;end elseif (v83==1) then local v118=0;local v119;local v120;while true do if (v118==0) then v119=v82[3];v120=v80[v119];v118=1;end if (v118==1) then for v264=v119 + 1 ,v82[4] do v120=v120   .. v80[v264] ;end v80[v82[2]]=v120;break;end end else v80[v82[2]]=v80[v82[3]][v82[4]];end elseif (v83&lt;=3) then local v108=0;local v109;while true do if (v108==0) then v109=v82[2];v80[v109]=v80[v109](v13(v80,v109 + 1 ,v75));break;end end elseif (v83==4) then do return;end elseif  not v80[v82[2]] then v74=v74 + 1 ;else v74=v82[3];end elseif (v83&lt;=8) then if (v83&lt;=6) then v80[v82[2]]();elseif (v83==7) then local v123;local v124;local v125;for v185=v82[2],v82[3] do v80[v185]=nil;end v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v80[v82[2]]=v64[v82[3]];v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v80[v82[2]]=v80[v82[3]];v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v125=v82[2];v124={v80[v125](v80[v125 + 1 ])};v123=0;for v187=v125,v82[4] do v123=v123 + 1 ;v80[v187]=v124[v123];end v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v74=v82[3];else local v132=0;local v133;local v134;while true do if (v132==1) then for v265=v133 + 1 ,v82[3] do v7(v134,v80[v265]);end break;end if (v132==0) then v133=v82[2];v134=v80[v133];v132=1;end end end elseif (v83&lt;=10) then if (v83==9) then local v135=0;local v136;local v137;local v138;while true do if (v135==0) then v136=v82[2];v137={v80[v136](v80[v136 + 1 ])};v135=1;end if (v135==1) then v138=0;for v266=v136,v82[4] do v138=v138 + 1 ;v80[v266]=v137[v138];end break;end end else local v139=0;local v140;while true do if (v139==3) then v82=v70[v74];v140=v82[2];v80[v140]=v80[v140](v13(v80,v140 + 1 ,v82[3]));v74=v74 + 1 ;v139=4;end if (v139==0) then v140=nil;v80[v82[2]]=v80[v82[3]][v82[4]];v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v139=1;end if (v139==1) then v80[v82[2]]=v80[v82[3]];v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v80[v82[2]]=v64[v82[3]];v139=2;end if (v139==2) then v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v80[v82[2]]=v80[v82[3]][v82[4]];v74=v74 + 1 ;v139=3;end if (v139==4) then v82=v70[v74];if  not v80[v82[2]] then v74=v74 + 1 ;else v74=v82[3];end break;end end end elseif (v83==11) then for v190=v82[2],v82[3] do v80[v190]=nil;end else v74=v82[3];end elseif (v83&lt;=19) then if (v83&lt;=15) then if (v83&lt;=13) then v80[v82[2]]=v80[v82[3]];elseif (v83==14) then v80[v82[2]]=v64[v82[3]];elseif v80[v82[2]] then v74=v74 + 1 ;else v74=v82[3];end elseif (v83&lt;=17) then if (v83&gt;16) then v80[v82[2]][v80[v82[3]]]=v82[4];else local v146=v82[2];local v147=v80[v82[3]];v80[v146 + 1 ]=v147;v80[v146]=v147[v82[4]];end elseif (v83==18) then v80[v82[2]]=v82[3];else local v153=0;local v154;local v155;local v156;while true do if (v153==1) then v156=v82[3];for v269=1,v156 do v155[v269]=v80[v154 + v269 ];end break;end if (v153==0) then v154=v82[2];v155=v80[v154];v153=1;end end end elseif (v83&lt;=22) then if (v83&lt;=20) then v80[v82[2]]={};elseif (v83&gt;21) then local v157=0;local v158;while true do if (4==v157) then v82=v70[v74];if  not v80[v82[2]] then v74=v74 + 1 ;else v74=v82[3];end break;end if (1==v157) then v80[v82[2]]=v80[v82[3]];v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v80[v82[2]]=v64[v82[3]];v157=2;end if (v157==3) then v82=v70[v74];v158=v82[2];v80[v158]=v80[v158](v13(v80,v158 + 1 ,v82[3]));v74=v74 + 1 ;v157=4;end if (v157==2) then v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v80[v82[2]]=v80[v82[3]][v82[4]];v74=v74 + 1 ;v157=3;end if (0==v157) then v158=nil;v80[v82[2]]=v80[v82[3]][v82[4]];v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v157=1;end end else local v159=0;local v160;local v161;local v162;local v163;local v164;local v165;while true do if (v159==2) then v165=v82[2];v164=v80[v82[3]];v80[v165 + 1 ]=v164;v80[v165]=v164[v82[4]];v159=3;end if (v159==0) then v160=nil;v161,v162=nil;v163=nil;v164=nil;v159=1;end if (v159==10) then v80[v82[2]]();v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v74=v82[3];break;end if (v159==3) then v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v80[v82[2]]=v82[3];v74=v74 + 1 ;v159=4;end if (v159==4) then v82=v70[v74];v80[v82[2]]=v80[v82[3]];v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v159=5;end if (v159==6) then v163=v80[v164];for v272=v164 + 1 ,v82[4] do v163=v163   .. v80[v272] ;end v80[v82[2]]=v163;v74=v74 + 1 ;v159=7;end if (v159==1) then v165=nil;v80[v82[2]]=v64[v82[3]];v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v159=2;end if (v159==8) then v160=0;for v273=v165,v75 do v160=v160 + 1 ;v80[v273]=v161[v160];end v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v159=9;end if (5==v159) then v80[v82[2]]=v82[3];v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v164=v82[3];v159=6;end if (7==v159) then v82=v70[v74];v165=v82[2];v161,v162=v73(v80[v165](v13(v80,v165 + 1 ,v82[3])));v75=(v162 + v165) -1 ;v159=8;end if (v159==9) then v165=v82[2];v80[v165]=v80[v165](v13(v80,v165 + 1 ,v75));v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v159=10;end end end elseif (v83&lt;=24) then if (v83&gt;23) then local v166=v82[2];v80[v166]=v80[v166](v13(v80,v166 + 1 ,v82[3]));else local v168;v80[v82[2]]=v80[v82[3]][v82[4]];v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v80[v82[2]]=v80[v82[3]];v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v80[v82[2]]=v64[v82[3]];v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v80[v82[2]]=v80[v82[3]][v82[4]];v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];v168=v82[2];v80[v168]=v80[v168](v13(v80,v168 + 1 ,v82[3]));v74=v74 + 1 ;v82=v70[v74];if v80[v82[2]] then v74=v74 + 1 ;else v74=v82[3];end end elseif (v83&gt;25) then local v176=v82[2];local v177,v178=v73(v80[v176](v13(v80,v176 + 1 ,v82[3])));v75=(v178 + v176) -1 ;local v179=0;for v192=v176,v75 do local v193=0;while true do if (v193==0) then v179=v179 + 1 ;v80[v192]=v177[v179];break;end end end else local v180=0;local v181;while true do if (v180==0) then v181=v82[2];v80[v181](v80[v181 + 1 ]);break;end end end v74=v74 + 1 ;end end;end return v30(v29(),{},v17)(...);end end end return 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