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        <!-- hello fellow source code reader -->

        <!-- bio -->
        <div class="bio-container">
            <p>Hi, I am Arno ☕</p>

              I am a Research Engineer at Huawei Zürich with a love
              for coffee, pretty caustics and machine learning.

              My domain of expertise lies at the intersection of machine learning and 
              computer graphics. In recent years, I focused on <b>neural representations</b>,
              <b>reinforcement learning</b>, <b>importance sampling</b> and the <b>Many Lights problem</b>.

              Before joining Huawei, I interned at
              <a href="" target="_blank">Disney Research Zürich</a>
              where I worked on machine learning and rendering. I also worked in
              Philip Dutré's
              <a href="" target="_blank">computer graphics group</a>
              in Leuven, Belgium. My academic background includes a master's
              degree in computer science/machine learning from KU Leuven.
          <div class="headshot">
            <img src="./img/me.jpg" alt="old picture I use for everything">

        <!-- projects -->

        <div class="publication-list">
          <div class="publication">
            <img src="./img/dynamic.jpg" alt="preview of the bunnies scene">
            <div class="description">
              <div class="title">
                Real-time Neural Rendering of Dynamic Light Fields
              <div class="authors">
                <div class="me">Arno Coomans</div>
                , Edoardo A. Dominici, Christian Döring, Joerg H. Mueller, Jozef
                Hladky, Markus Steinberger
              <div class="venue">Computer Graphics Forum (EG), 2024</div>
              <div class="project-links">
                <div class="link">
                  <a href="">Paper</a>
                <div class="link">
                  <a href="./eg2024">Project</a>

          <div class="publication">
            <img src="./img/osc.jpg" alt="preview of the bistro interior using OSC">
            <div class="description">
              <div class="title">
                Effect-based Multi-viewer Caching for Cloud-native Rendering
              <div class="authors">
                Alexander Weinrauch, Wolfgang Tatzgern, Pascal Stadlbauer,
                Alexis Crickx, Jozef Hladky,
                <div class="me">Arno Coomans</div>
                , Martin Winter, Joerg H. Mueller, Markus Steinberger
              <div class="venue">SIGGRAPH (Journal Track), 2023</div>
              <div class="link">
                <a href="">Paper</a>
        <!-- end -->
