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https://docs.glomex.comDeveloper’s Guide our videos

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[CMP] Emitted "settings" {"controllerId":"","settingsId":"F5G-4mb1b"}
[CMP] Emitted "i18nInitialized" {"data":{"language":"en","default":{"splash":{"headline":"Welcome","text":"Um Dir und anderen Nutzern eine tolle und möglichst fehlerfreie Nutzung unserer <cmp-tooltip content=\"{{ companions }}\" size=\"small\">Services</cmp-tooltip> zu ermöglichen, nutzen wir Cookies und andere Informationen, auch von Dritten. Diese helfen uns, unser Angebot ständig zu verbessern. Außerdem wird für Dich alles persönlicher, denn wir können Dir so viel bessere Empfehlungen und individuelle Werbung ausspielen. Das passiert aber nicht ohne deine Einwilligung. Du kannst diese jederzeit in den <cmp-link step=\"configuration\">Datenschutzeinstellungen</cmp-link> ändern oder widerrufen. Wir danken Dir schon mal!","buttons":{"configure":"Preferences","configureOrDeny":"Deny or Settings","denyAll":"Deny all","confirm":"Accept"}},"configuration":{"headline":"Your privacy settings","switches":{"all":"Select all"},"details":{"processingCompanyName":"Name of the partner","retentionPeriod":"Retention period","processingCompanyAddress":"Name and address of the partner"},"buttons":{"save":"Save","saveSelection":"Reject consent as selected","saveSelectionPlural":"Reject consents as selected","confirm":"Accept all"}},"vendors":{"details":{"features":"Features","specialFeatures":"Special features","purposes":"Purposes","specialPurposes":"Special purposes","legitimateInterestPurposes":"Legitimate interest","privacyPolicy":"Privacy policy","optOut":"Opt-out","cookiePolicy":"Cookie policy"}}},"tcf":{"model":{"netId":{"title":"Use of netID identifier","description":"Providers may use their netID identifier for the purposes you select if you have a netID account and have given separate consent for the use of your netID identifier."},"specialFeatures":{"title":"Special features"},"specialPurposes":{"title":"Special purposes"},"features":{"title":"Features"},"legitimateInterest":{"title":"Legitimate interest","detailTitle":"legitimate interest","description":"We also work with selected partners on the basis of legitimate interest without consent. The settings for legitimate interest partners can be adjusted here."}},"splash":{"headline":"Your data protection, our responsibility.","text":"To provide you with the best user experience for our <cmp-tooltip content=\"{{ companions }}\" size=\"small\">services</cmp-tooltip> possible, we need your consent. This allows us and our {{ numVendors }} <cmp-link step=\"{{ step }}\">partners</cmp-link> to use cookies and other technologies to store and process personal data from you on your <cmp-tooltip content=\"For our appearance on the web, our mobile apps and SmartTV apps\" size=\"small\">devices</cmp-tooltip> and to display advertising according to your interests. Herewith, I agree to this and I can revoke or change my consent at any time with effect for the future here or in the <cmp-link step=\"configuration\">privacy settings</cmp-link>.","intro":"We want to give you a great user experience. We need your consent to:","outro":"This allows us and our {{ numVendors }} <cmp-link step=\"{{ step }}\">partners</cmp-link> to use cookies and other technologies to access or store information on your <cmp-tooltip content=\"For our web presence, our mobile apps and SmartTV apps\" size=\"small\">device</cmp-tooltip> and to process your personal data and display advertisements according to your interests. If access to/storage of information in the terminal device is absolutely necessary for the provision of our service, this may be done without consent.<br /><br />In this case, your consent also includes cooperation with partners who may transfer your data to countries outside the European Union. In this case, there is a risk that their authorities may access and evaluate your data and that your data subject rights cannot be fully enforced.<br /><br />I agree to this and can revoke or change my consent at any time with effect for the future here or in the <cmp-link step=\"configuration\">data protection settings</cmp-link>.","buttons":{"configure":"Preferences","configureOrDeny":"Deny or Settings","denyAll":"Deny all","confirm":"Accept","confirmAll":"Accept all","topRightDenyAll":"Continue without selection"},"footer":{"privacyPolicy":"Privacy policy","imprint":"Imprint"}},"configuration":{"headline":"Your privacy is important to us.","text":"This site uses website tracking technologies from our <cmp-link step=\"{{ step }}\">partners</cmp-link> to provide and to continuously improve our service and to display advertisements according to users' interests. Some partners do not ask for your consent, but process data on the basis of their legitimate interest; you can manage the use of your data below and object to it individually. Please note that this online offer may not function or only to a limited extent without cookies.","textIndividual":"This site uses website tracking technologies from our <cmp-link step=\"{{ step }}\">partners</cmp-link> to provide and to continuously improve our service and to display advertisements according to your interests. Some partners do not ask for your consent, but process data on the basis of their legitimate interest; you can manage the use of your data below and object to it individually. Please note that this online offer may not function or only to a limited extent without cookies.","textJoyn":"","inclCustomAudiences":"","details":{"processingCompanyName":"Name of the partner","retentionPeriod":"Retention period","processingCompanyAddress":"Name and address of the partner","cookieMaxAge":"Cookie storage duration","accessBy3rdParties":"Access by third parties?","accessBy3rdPartiesYes":"Yes","accessBy3rdPartiesNo":"No","cookieRefresh":"Cookie refresh?","cookieRefreshYes":"Yes","cookieRefreshNo":"No","dataDeclaration":"Collected data","dataDeclarationItems":{"1":"IP addresses","2":"Device characteristics","3":"Device identifiers","4":"Probabilistic identifiers","5":"Authentication-derived identifiers","6":"Browsing and interaction data","7":"User-provided data","8":"Non-precise location data","9":"Precise location data","10":"Users’ profiles","11":"Privacy choices"},"customDataDeclarationItems":{"netIdIdentifier":"netID Identifier"},"policyUrl":"Privacy policy","contact":"Contact details"},"links":{"detailedConfiguration":"Make detailed adjustments","detailedConfigurationLegitimateInterest":"Adjust settings of individual partners"},"buttons":{"save":"Save","saveLong":"Save settings","saveSelection":"Reject consent as selected","saveSelectionPlural":"Reject consents as selected","revoke":"Revoke consents","confirm":"Accept all"},"footer":{"privacyPolicy":"Privacy policy","imprint":"Imprint"}},"vendors":{"headline":"Our partners","text":"This view helps you to make detailed adjustments. Here you can selectively activate and deactivate individual partners. Or make detailed adjustments regarding the <cmp-link step=\"{{ step }}\">purposes of data processing</cmp-link>. We also work with selected partners on the basis of legitimate interest without consent. The settings for this can be made <cmp-link emit=\"goToLegitimateInterest\">here</cmp-link>.","hint":"* = Partners outside the TCF standard","details":{"features":"Features","specialFeatures":"Special features","purposes":"Purposes (retention period in days)","specialPurposes":"Special purposes (retention period in days)","legitimateInterestPurposes":"Legitimate interest (retention period in days)","privacyPolicy":"Privacy policy","optOut":"Opt-out","cookiePolicy":"Cookie policy","storageDisclosure":{"storedInformation":"Stored Informations","type":"Type","maxAge":"Duration","cookieRefresh":"Cookie refresh","domain":"Domain","purposes":"Purposes","failure":"There was an issue loading the Data from the URL!","noData":"No partner information available"}},"props":{"purposes":{"1":"Store and/or access information on a device","2":"Use limited data to select advertising","3":"Create profiles for personalised advertising","4":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising","5":"Create profiles to personalise content","6":"Use profiles to select personalised content","7":"Measure advertising performance","8":"Measure content performance","9":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources","10":"Develop and improve services","11":"Use limited data to select content"},"specialPurposes":{"1":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors","2":"Deliver and present advertising and content","3":"Save and communicate privacy choices"},"customPurposes":{"1-audi":"Selection of target groups (custom audiences)","2-audi":"Display of advertising with the help of target groups Custom audiences are used to display advertising to existing customers or to exclude them from the display of advertising and to display advertising to so-called lookalike audiences (users with a similar interest profile, which are determined on the basis of the information available to our partners about you and other existing customers)","3-netID":"Use of netID identifier"},"features":{"1":"Match and combine data from other data sources","2":"Link different devices","3":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"},"specialFeatures":{"1":"Use precise geolocation data","2":"Actively scan device characteristics for identification"}},"buttons":{"save":"Save","saveSelection":"Reject consent as selected","saveSelectionPlural":"Reject consents as selected","confirm":"Accept all"}},"details":{"headline":"Detailed settings for {{ title }}","buttons":{"configure":"Back to the overview"}},"netid":{"headline":"Manage your privacy settings across websites with netID!","text":"TBD","buttons":{"confirm":"Accept and continue","close":"Close without consent"},"footer":{"privacyPolicy":"Privacy policy","imprint":"Imprint"}}}}}
[CMP] UI Variant: TCF
[CMP] Got settings
[CMP] Got categories full info - 1
[CMP] Passed controller ID: undefined
[CMP] Received controller ID: 84a3db784722c90264aeeecad61d3f149a13cae201c6f34313ff9f220c8d0d63
[CMP] Emitted "controllerId" {"received":"84a3db784722c90264aeeecad61d3f149a13cae201c6f34313ff9f220c8d0d63"}
[CMP] TCF Data JSHandle@object
[CMP] Emitted "tcfData" {"data":{"acmVendors":[],"features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources","description":"Information about your activity on this service may be matched and combined with other information relating to you and originating from various sources (for instance your activity on a separate online service, your use of a loyalty card in-store, or your answers to a survey), in support of the purposes explained in this notice.","illustrations":[]},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices","description":"In support of the purposes explained in this notice, your device might be considered as likely linked to other devices that belong to you or your household (for instance because you are logged in to the same service on both your phone and your computer, or because you may use the same Internet connection on both devices).","illustrations":[]},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically","description":"Your device might be distinguished from other devices based on information it automatically sends when accessing the Internet (for instance, the IP address of your Internet connection or the type of browser you are using) in support of the purposes exposed in this notice.","illustrations":[]}],"purposes":[{"consent":null,"description":"Cookies, device or similar online identifiers (e.g. login-based identifiers, randomly assigned identifiers, network based identifiers) together with other information (e.g. browser type and information, language, screen size, supported technologies etc.) can be stored or read on your device to recognise it each time it connects to an app or to a website, for one or several of the purposes presented here.","id":1,"illustrations":["Most purposes explained in this notice rely on the storage or accessing of information from your device when you use an app or visit a website. For example, a vendor or publisher might need to store a cookie on your device during your first visit on a website, to be able to recognise your device during your next visits (by accessing this cookie each time)."],"isPartOfASelectedStack":false,"legitimateInterestConsent":null,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device","numberOfVendors":102,"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestToggle":false,"stackId":null},{"consent":null,"description":"Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times an ad is presented to you).","id":2,"illustrations":["A car manufacturer wants to promote its electric vehicles to environmentally conscious users living in the city after office hours. The advertising is presented on a page with related content (such as an article on climate change actions) after 6:30 p.m. to users whose non-precise location suggests that they are in an urban zone.","A large producer of watercolour paints wants to carry out an online advertising campaign for its latest watercolour range, diversifying its audience to reach as many amateur and professional artists as possible and avoiding showing the ad next to mismatched content (for instance, articles about how to paint your house). The number of times that the ad has been presented to you is detected and limited, to avoid presenting it too often."],"isPartOfASelectedStack":true,"legitimateInterestConsent":null,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising","numberOfVendors":81,"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestToggle":false,"stackId":42},{"consent":null,"description":"Information about your activity on this service (such as forms you submit, content you look at) can be stored and combined with other information about you (for example, information from your previous activity on this service and other websites or apps) or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a profile about you (that might include possible interests and personal aspects). Your profile can be used (also later) to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities.","id":3,"illustrations":["If you read several articles about the best bike accessories to buy, this information could be used to create a profile about your interest in bike accessories. Such a profile may be used or improved later on, on the same or a different website or app to present you with advertising for a particular bike accessory brand. If you also look at a configurator for a vehicle on a luxury car manufacturer website, this information could be combined with your interest in bikes to refine your profile and make an assumption that you are interested in luxury cycling gear.","An apparel company wishes to promote its new line of high-end baby clothes. It gets in touch with an agency that has a network of clients with high income customers (such as high-end supermarkets) and asks the agency to create profiles of young parents or couples who can be assumed to be wealthy and to have a new child, so that these can later be used to present advertising within partner apps based on those profiles."],"isPartOfASelectedStack":true,"legitimateInterestConsent":null,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising","numberOfVendors":81,"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestToggle":false,"stackId":42},{"consent":null,"description":"Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on your advertising profiles, which can reflect your activity on this service or other websites or apps (like the forms you submit, content you look at), possible interests and personal aspects.","id":4,"illustrations":["An online retailer wants to advertise a limited sale on running shoes. It wants to target advertising to users who previously looked at running shoes on its mobile app. Tracking technologies might be used to recognise that you have previously used the mobile app to consult running shoes, in order to present you with the corresponding advertisement on the app.","A profile created for personalised advertising in relation to a person having searched for bike accessories on a website can be used to present the relevant advertisement for bike accessories on a mobile app of another organisation."],"isPartOfASelectedStack":true,"legitimateInterestConsent":null,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising","numberOfVendors":78,"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestToggle":false,"stackId":42},{"consent":null,"description":"Information regarding which advertising is presented to you and how you interact with it can be used to determine how well an advert has worked for you or other users and whether the goals of the advertising were reached. For instance, whether you saw an ad, whether you clicked on it, whether it led you to buy a product or visit a website, etc. This is very helpful to understand the relevance of advertising campaigns.","id":7,"illustrations":["You have clicked on an advertisement about a “black Friday” discount by an online shop on the website of a publisher and purchased a product. Your click will be linked to this purchase. Your interaction and that of other users will be measured to know how many clicks on the ad led to a purchase.","You are one of very few to have clicked on an advertisement about an “international appreciation day” discount by an online gift shop within the app of a publisher. The publisher wants to have reports to understand how often a specific ad placement within the app, and notably the “international appreciation day” ad, has been viewed or clicked by you and other users, in order to help the publisher and its partners (such as agencies) optimise ad placements."],"isPartOfASelectedStack":true,"legitimateInterestConsent":null,"name":"Measure advertising performance","numberOfVendors":99,"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestToggle":true,"stackId":42},{"consent":null,"description":"Information regarding which content is presented to you and how you interact with it can be used to determine whether the (non-advertising) content e.g. reached its intended audience and matched your interests. For instance, whether you read an article, watch a video, listen to a podcast or look at a product description, how long you spent on this service and the web pages you visit etc. This is very helpful to understand the relevance of (non-advertising) content that is shown to you. ","id":8,"illustrations":["You have read a blog post about hiking on a mobile app of a publisher and followed a link to a recommended and related post. Your interactions will be recorded as showing that the initial hiking post was useful to you and that it was successful in interesting you in the related post. This will be measured to know whether to produce more posts on hiking in the future and where to place them on the home screen of the mobile app.","You were presented a video on fashion trends, but you and several other users stopped watching after 30 seconds. This information is then used to evaluate the right length of future videos on fashion trends."],"isPartOfASelectedStack":true,"legitimateInterestConsent":null,"name":"Measure content performance","numberOfVendors":37,"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestToggle":true,"stackId":42},{"consent":null,"description":"Reports can be generated based on the combination of data sets (like user profiles, statistics, market research, analytics data) regarding your interactions and those of other users with advertising or (non-advertising) content to identify common characteristics (for instance, to determine which target audiences are more receptive to an ad campaign or to certain contents).","id":9,"illustrations":["The owner of an online bookstore wants commercial reporting showing the proportion of visitors who consulted and left its site without buying, or consulted and bought the last celebrity autobiography of the month, as well as the average age and the male/female distribution of each category. Data relating to your navigation on its site and to your personal characteristics is then used and combined with other such data to produce these statistics.","An advertiser wants to better understand the type of audience interacting with its adverts. It calls upon a research institute to compare the characteristics of users who interacted with the ad with typical attributes of users of similar platforms, across different devices. This comparison reveals to the advertiser that its ad audience is mainly accessing the adverts through mobile devices and is likely in the 45-60 age range."],"isPartOfASelectedStack":true,"legitimateInterestConsent":null,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources","numberOfVendors":69,"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestToggle":true,"stackId":42},{"consent":null,"description":"Information about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience, etc. This specific purpose does not include the development or improvement of user profiles and identifiers.","id":10,"illustrations":["A technology platform working with a social media provider notices a growth in mobile app users, and sees based on their profiles that many of them are connecting through mobile connections. It uses a new technology to deliver ads that are formatted for mobile devices and that are low-bandwidth, to improve their performance.","An advertiser is looking for a way to display ads on a new type of consumer device. It collects information regarding the way users interact with this new kind of device to determine whether it can build a new mechanism for displaying advertising on this type of device."],"isPartOfASelectedStack":true,"legitimateInterestConsent":null,"name":"Develop and improve services","numberOfVendors":89,"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestToggle":true,"stackId":42},{"consent":null,"description":"Information about your activity on this service (for instance, forms you submit, non-advertising content you look at) can be stored and combined with other information about you (such as your previous activity on this service or other websites or apps) or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a profile about you (which might for example include possible interests and personal aspects). Your profile can be used (also later) to present content that appears more relevant based on your possible interests, such as by adapting the order in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to find content that matches your interests.","id":5,"illustrations":["You read several articles on how to build a treehouse on a social media platform. This information might be added to a profile to mark your interest in content related to outdoors as well as do-it-yourself guides (with the objective of allowing the personalisation of content, so that for example you are presented with more blog posts and articles on treehouses and wood cabins in the future).","You have viewed three videos on space exploration across different TV apps. An unrelated news platform with which you have had no contact builds a profile based on that viewing behaviour, marking space exploration as a topic of possible interest for other videos."],"isPartOfASelectedStack":true,"legitimateInterestConsent":null,"name":"Create profiles to personalise content","numberOfVendors":18,"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestToggle":false,"stackId":42},{"consent":null,"description":"Content presented to you on this service can be based on your content personalisation profiles, which can reflect your activity on this or other services (for instance, the forms you submit, content you look at), possible interests and personal aspects. This can for example be used to adapt the order in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to find (non-advertising) content that matches your interests.","id":6,"illustrations":["You read articles on vegetarian food on a social media platform and then use the cooking app of an unrelated company. The profile built about you on the social media platform will be used to present you vegetarian recipes on the welcome screen of the cooking app.","You have viewed three videos about rowing across different websites. An unrelated video sharing platform will recommend five other videos on rowing that may be of interest to you when you use your TV app, based on a profile built about you when you visited those different websites to watch online videos."],"isPartOfASelectedStack":true,"legitimateInterestConsent":null,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised content","numberOfVendors":14,"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestToggle":false,"stackId":42},{"consent":null,"description":"Content presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type, or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times a video or an article is presented to you).","id":11,"illustrations":["A travel magazine has published an article on its website about the new online courses proposed by a language school, to improve travelling experiences abroad. The school’s blog posts are inserted directly at the bottom of the page, and selected on the basis of your non-precise location (for instance, blog posts explaining the course curriculum for different languages than the language of the country you are situated in).","A sports news mobile app has started a new section of articles covering the most recent football games. Each article includes videos hosted by a separate streaming platform showcasing the highlights of each match. If you fast-forward a video, this information may be used to select a shorter video to play next."],"isPartOfASelectedStack":true,"legitimateInterestConsent":null,"name":"Use limited data to select content","numberOfVendors":6,"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestToggle":true,"stackId":42}],"specialFeatures":[{"consent":false,"description":"With your acceptance, your precise location (within a radius of less than 500 metres) may be used in support of the purposes explained in this notice.","id":1,"illustrations":[],"isPartOfASelectedStack":false,"name":"Use precise geolocation data","showConsentToggle":true,"stackId":null},{"consent":false,"description":"With your acceptance, certain characteristics specific to your device might be requested and used to distinguish it from other devices (such as the installed fonts or plugins, the resolution of your screen) in support of the purposes explained in this notice.","id":2,"illustrations":[],"isPartOfASelectedStack":false,"name":"Actively scan device characteristics for identification","showConsentToggle":true,"stackId":null}],"specialPurposes":[{"description":"Your data can be used to monitor for and prevent unusual and possibly fraudulent activity (for example, regarding advertising, ad clicks by bots), and ensure systems and processes work properly and securely. It can also be used to correct any problems you, the publisher or the advertiser may encounter in the delivery of content and ads and in your interaction with them.","id":1,"illustrations":["An advertising intermediary delivers ads from various advertisers to its network of partnering websites. It notices a large increase in clicks on ads relating to one advertiser, and uses data regarding the source of the clicks to determine that 80% of the clicks come from bots rather than humans."],"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"description":"Certain information (like an IP address or device capabilities) is used to ensure the technical compatibility of the content or advertising, and to facilitate the transmission of the content or ad to your device.","id":2,"illustrations":["Clicking on a link in an article might normally send you to another page or part of the article. To achieve this, 1°) your browser sends a request to a server linked to the website, 2°) the server answers back (“here is the article you asked for”), using technical information automatically included in the request sent by your device, to properly display the information / images that are part of the article you asked for. Technically, such exchange of information is necessary to deliver the content that appears on your screen."],"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"description":"The choices you make regarding the purposes and entities listed in this notice are saved and made available to those entities in the form of digital signals (such as a string of characters). This is necessary in order to enable both this service and those entities to respect such choices.","id":3,"illustrations":["When you visit a website and are offered a choice between consenting to the use of profiles for personalised advertising or not consenting, the choice you make is saved and made available to advertising providers, so that advertising presented to you respects that choice."],"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"stacks":[{"description":"Advertising and content can be personalised based on your profile. Your activity on this service can be used to build or improve a profile about you for personalised advertising and content. Advertising and content performance can be measured. Reports can be generated based on your activity and those of others. Your activity on this service can help develop and improve products and services.","id":42,"name":"Personalised advertising and content, advertising and content measurement, audience research and services development\n","purposeIds":[2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11],"specialFeatureIds":[]}],"vendors":[{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":7776000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"397","name":"397"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":1,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Exponential Interactive, Inc d/b/a","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"365","name":"365"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":4,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":" GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices (Data Retention Period: 90)"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":2592000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"60","name":"60"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":6,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"AdSpirit GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising (Data Retention Period: 14)"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance (Data Retention Period: 14)"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":34128000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":10,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Index Exchange Inc. ","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising (Data Retention Period: 90)"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance (Data Retention Period: 90)"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services (Data Retention Period: 30)"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":34214400,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"395","name":"395"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":11,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Quantcast","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":34109999,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"4320","name":"4320"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":12,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"BeeswaxIO Corporation","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising (Data Retention Period: 30)"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n (Data Retention Period: 392)"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"180","name":"180"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":13,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Sovrn, Inc.","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":5,"name":"Create profiles to personalise content"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"565","name":"565"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":16,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"RTB House S.A.","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"99","name":"99"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":21,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"The UK Trade Desk Ltd","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising (Data Retention Period: 132)"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising (Data Retention Period: 365)"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":15552000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"400","name":"400"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":23,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Nexxen Inc.","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising (Data Retention Period: 30)"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising (Data Retention Period: 120)"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising (Data Retention Period: 120)"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":34300800,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"400","name":"400"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":25,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Yahoo EMEA Limited","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":5,"name":"Create profiles to personalise content"},{"id":6,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised content"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"},{"id":11,"name":"Use limited data to select content"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n (Data Retention Period: 1825)"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content (Data Retention Period: 550)"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices (Data Retention Period: 548)"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":7776000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"}],"id":30,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"BidTheatre AB","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising (Data Retention Period: 60)"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance (Data Retention Period: 180)"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising (Data Retention Period: 7)"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n (Data Retention Period: 30)"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content (Data Retention Period: 7)"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices (Data Retention Period: 180)"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":7776000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":32,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Xandr, Inc.","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising (Data Retention Period: 180)"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n (Data Retention Period: 540)"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices (Data Retention Period: 90)"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"400","name":"400"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":36,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Nexxen Group LLC","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising (Data Retention Period: 120)"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising (Data Retention Period: 120)"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":7776000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"90","name":"90"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":39,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH)","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":7776000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"90","name":"90"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":40,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Active Agent (Virtual Minds GmbH)","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":7776000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"90","name":"90"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":44,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Adex (Virtual Minds GmbH)","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":5,"name":"Create profiles to personalise content"},{"id":6,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised content"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"},{"id":11,"name":"Use limited data to select content"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":34214395,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"50","name":"50"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":45,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Equativ","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":315360000,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"3650","name":"3650"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"}],"id":47,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"}],"name":"ADMAN - Phaistos Networks, S.A.","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":315360000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"60","name":"60"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":50,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Adform A/S","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"28","name":"28"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":52,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Magnite, Inc. 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It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"400","name":"400"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"}],"id":61,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"GumGum, Inc.","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising (Data Retention Period: 720)"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising (Data Retention Period: 720)"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices (Data Retention Period: 14)"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":34190000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"396","name":"396"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":68,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Amazon Ad Server","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices (Data Retention Period: 90)"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"90","name":"90"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":69,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"OpenX","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":7776000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"90","name":"90"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":70,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Yieldlab (Virtual Minds GmbH)","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":34186698,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"540","name":"540"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":71,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Roku Advertising Services","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31622399,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"30","name":"30"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":73,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Simplifi Holdings LLC","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising (Data Retention Period: 4320)"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"40","name":"40"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":76,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"PubMatic, Inc","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":62208000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"90","name":"90"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":77,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Comscore B.V.","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":63072000,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"730","name":"730"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"}],"id":78,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Flashtalking","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":2592000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"30","name":"30"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":80,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Sharethrough, Inc","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":1814400,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"14","name":"14"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":82,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Smaato, Inc.","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31556952,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"180","name":"180"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":84,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Semasio GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":33696000,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"390","name":"390"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":91,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Criteo SA","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":23652000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"396","name":"396"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":95,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Lotame Solutions, Inc","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":5,"name":"Create profiles to personalise content"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices (Data Retention Period: 30)"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"365","name":"365"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":97,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"LiveRamp","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":5,"name":"Create profiles to personalise content"},{"id":6,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised content"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":34128000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"2","name":"2"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":98,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"GroupM UK Limited","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":5,"name":"Create profiles to personalise content"},{"id":6,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised content"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":5184000,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"548","name":"548"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":104,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"}],"name":"Sonobi, Inc","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"730","name":"730"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":110,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Dynata LLC","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices (Data Retention Period: 365)"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":33955200,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. 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Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"393","name":"393"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"}],"id":111,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"}],"name":"Showheroes SE","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. 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Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"120","name":"120"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":115,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"smartclip Europe GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising (Data Retention Period: 30)"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising (Data Retention Period: 365)"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising (Data Retention Period: 365)"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":63072000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. 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Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"90","name":"90"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"}],"id":122,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"}],"name":"Dentsu UK Limited","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":5,"name":"Create profiles to personalise content"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content (Data Retention Period: 365)"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":null,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"45","name":"45"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":126,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"DoubleVerify Inc.​","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":false,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"365","name":"365"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":128,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"BIDSWITCH GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"365","name":"365"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":129,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"IPONWEB GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":7776000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"90","name":"90"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":131,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"ID5 Technology Ltd","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"120","name":"120"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"id":132,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Teads France SAS","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"365","name":"365"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":134,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"SMARTSTREAM.TV GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"730","name":"730"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":136,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Ströer SSP GmbH (SSP)","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n (Data Retention Period: 183)"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":null,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"90","name":"90"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":139,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Permodo GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":false,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":34164000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":140,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Platform161 B.V.","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising (Data Retention Period: 390)"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance (Data Retention Period: 30)"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services (Data Retention Period: 365)"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n (Data Retention Period: 7)"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"730","name":"730"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":163,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Bombora Inc.","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":7776000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"396","name":"396"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":164,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Outbrain UK Ltd","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":5,"name":"Create profiles to personalise content"},{"id":6,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised content"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"},{"id":11,"name":"Use limited data to select content"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":2,"name":"Actively scan device characteristics for identification"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"547","name":"547"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":209,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Delta Projects AB","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"180","name":"180"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":213,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"emetriq GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":5,"name":"Create profiles to personalise content"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":157680000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"730","name":"730"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":226,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Publicis Media GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":5,"name":"Create profiles to personalise content"},{"id":6,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised content"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":2592000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"180","name":"180"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":252,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Jaduda GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising (Data Retention Period: 2190)"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising (Data Retention Period: 2190)"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content (Data Retention Period: 3650)"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":7776000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"90","name":"90"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":253,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Improve Digital","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"760","name":"760"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"id":264,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"}],"name":"Adobe Advertising Cloud","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31556952,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"30","name":"30"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":273,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"}],"name":"Bannerflow AB","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":null,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"365","name":"365"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":275,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"TabMo SAS","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising (Data Retention Period: 60)"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":false,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":33955200,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. 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Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"393","name":"393"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"}],"id":276,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"}],"name":"ShowHeroes SRL","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":null,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. 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Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"30","name":"30"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":278,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Integral Ad Science (incorporating ADmantX)","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[],"showConsentToggle":false,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":false,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":1209600,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. 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It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"395","name":"395"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":284,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"},{"id":11,"name":"Use limited data to select content"}],"name":"Weborama","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":5,"name":"Create profiles to personalise content"},{"id":6,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised content"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":15768000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. 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If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"547","name":"547"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":285,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Comcast International France SAS/FreeWheel Media, Inc.","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. 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Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"365","name":"365"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":380,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Vidoomy Media SL","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":5,"name":"Create profiles to personalise content"},{"id":6,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised content"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":15552000,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"30","name":"30"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":385,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Oracle Advertising","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":5,"name":"Create profiles to personalise content"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"1826","name":"1826"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":394,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"AudienceProject A/S","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. 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Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"365","name":"365"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"}],"id":452,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"}],"name":"Innovid LLC","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. 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If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"540","name":"540"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":468,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Neustar, Inc., a TransUnion company","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":509,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"}],"name":"One Tech Group GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[],"showConsentToggle":false,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"365","name":"365"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":559,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Otto (GmbH &amp; Co KG)","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices (Data Retention Period: 30)"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":15552000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":565,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Adobe Audience Manager, Adobe Experience Platform","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":94670856,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"4320","name":"4320"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":580,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Goldbach Group AG","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"30","name":"30"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":602,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Online Solution","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n (Data Retention Period: 365)"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices (Data Retention Period: 365)"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"100","name":"100"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":655,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"}],"name":"Sportradar AG","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising (Data Retention Period: 1095)"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"},{"id":2,"name":"Actively scan device characteristics for identification"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":15552000,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"180","name":"180"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":" ","features":[{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":703,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Reppublika Research &amp; Analytics Austria GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":2,"name":"Actively scan device characteristics for identification"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":5184000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"365","name":"365"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":707,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Dentsu Italia SpA","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"},{"id":2,"name":"Actively scan device characteristics for identification"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":315360000,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"4320","name":"4320"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":725,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Pubfinity LLC","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":5,"name":"Create profiles to personalise content"},{"id":6,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised content"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":2,"name":"Actively scan device characteristics for identification"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":730,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"INFOnline GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance (Data Retention Period: 180)"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":34190000,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"548","name":"548"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":755,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Google Advertising Products","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising (Data Retention Period: 180)"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising (Data Retention Period: 180)"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n (Data Retention Period: 1096)"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":63072000,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"720","name":"720"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":758,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"GfK GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":63072000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"730","name":"730"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":767,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"}],"name":"Clinch Labs LTD","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":null,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"365","name":"365"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":772,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"Oracle Data Cloud - Moat","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[],"showConsentToggle":false,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":false,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"3","name":"Device identifiers","description":"A device identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to your device or browser by means of a cookie or other storage technologies. \nIt may be created or accessed to recognise your device e.g. across web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"4","name":"Probabilistic identifiers","description":"A probabilistic identifier can be created by combining characteristics associated with your device (the type of browser or operating system used) and the IP address of the Internet connection. If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"395","name":"395"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":788,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Ad Alliance GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":5,"name":"Create profiles to personalise content"},{"id":6,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised content"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices (Data Retention Period: 365)"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":34190000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. 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Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"395","name":"395"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":793,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Amazon Advertising","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":15552000,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. 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It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"730","name":"730"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":828,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"TX Group AG","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":5,"name":"Create profiles to personalise content"},{"id":6,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised content"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":25920000,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"2","name":"Device characteristics","description":"Technical characteristics about the device you are using that are not unique to you, such as the language, the time zone or the operating system."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"30","name":"30"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":835,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Quality Media Network GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":false},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. 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If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"365","name":"365"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"id":857,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"name":"SOMQUERY SOMTAG - (SevenOne Media)","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":true,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":null,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. It is not always specific to your device and is not always a stable identifier.\nIt is used to route information on the Internet and display online content (including ads) on your connected device."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":875,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"cynapsis interactive GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"},{"id":11,"name":"Use limited data to select content"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[],"specialPurposes":[],"usesCookies":false,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":30758400,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. 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It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"365","name":"365"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":922,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"Dentsu Product &amp; Services GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"},{"id":2,"name":"Actively scan device characteristics for identification"}],"specialPurposes":[],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. 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If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"30","name":"30"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"}],"id":937,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"SoD ScreenOnDemand GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n (Data Retention Period: 365)"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices (Data Retention Period: 365)"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":31536000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. 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If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"7","name":"User-provided data","description":"The information you may have provided by way of declaration via a form (e.g. feedback, a comment) or when creating an account (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"30","name":"30"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":1,"name":"Match and combine data from other data sources"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"}],"id":938,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"dataXtrade GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":2,"name":"Use limited data to select advertising"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":8,"name":"Measure content performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors\n (Data Retention Period: 365)"},{"id":2,"name":"Deliver and present advertising and content"},{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices (Data Retention Period: 365)"}],"usesCookies":true,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":null,"cookieRefresh":false,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. 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If you give your agreement, additional characteristics (e.g. the installed font or screen resolution) can also be combined to improve precision of the probabilistic identifier.\nSuch an identifier is considered \"probabilistic\" because several devices can share the same characteristics and Internet connection. It may be used to recognise your device across e.g. web pages from the same site or across multiple sites or apps."},{"id":"5","name":"Authentication-derived identifiers","description":"Where an identifier is created on the basis of authentication data, such as contact details associated with online accounts you have created on websites or apps (e.g. e-mail address, phone number) or customer identifiers (e.g. identifier provided by your telecom operator), that identifier may be used to recognise you across websites, apps and devices when you are logged-in with the same contact details."},{"id":"6","name":"Browsing and interaction data","description":"Your online activity such as the websites you visit, apps you are using, the content you search for on this service, or your interactions with content or ads, such as the number of times you have seen a specific content or ad or whether you clicked on it.\n"},{"id":"8","name":"Non-precise location data","description":"An approximation of your location, expressed as an area with a radius of at least 500 meters. Your approximate location can be deduced from e.g. the IP address of your connection."},{"id":"9","name":"Precise location data","description":"Your precise location within a radius of less than 500 meters based on your GPS coordinates. It may be used only with your acceptance."},{"id":"10","name":"Users’ profiles","description":"Certain characteristics (e.g. your possible interests, your purchase intentions, your consumer profile) may be inferred or modeled from your previous online activity (e.g. the content you viewed or the service you used, your time spent on various online content and services) or the information you have provided (e.g. your age, your occupation)."},{"id":"11","name":"Privacy choices","description":"Your preferences regarding the processing of your data, based on the information you have received."}],"dataRetention":[{"id":"1110","name":"1110"}],"deviceStorage":null,"deviceStorageDisclosureUrl":"","features":[{"id":2,"name":"Link different devices"},{"id":3,"name":"Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically"}],"flexiblePurposes":[],"id":952,"legitimateInterestClaimUrl":"","legitimateInterestConsent":null,"legitimateInterestPurposes":[],"name":"ProSiebenSat.1 Digital Data GmbH","privacyUrl":"","purposes":[{"id":1,"name":"Store and/or access information on a device"},{"id":3,"name":"Create profiles for personalised advertising"},{"id":4,"name":"Use profiles to select personalised advertising"},{"id":7,"name":"Measure advertising performance"},{"id":9,"name":"Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources"},{"id":10,"name":"Develop and improve services"}],"showConsentToggle":true,"showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle":false,"showVendorOutsideEU":false,"specialFeatures":[{"id":1,"name":"Use precise geolocation data"}],"specialPurposes":[{"id":3,"name":"Save and communicate privacy choices"}],"usesCookies":false,"usesNonCookieAccess":true},{"consent":null,"cookieMaxAgeSeconds":15552000,"cookieRefresh":true,"dataCategories":[{"id":"1","name":"IP addresses","description":"Your IP address is a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider to any Internet connection. 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[CMP] In-App TC Data JSHandle@object
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<h1><strong>Your Premium<br>
Video Marketplace</strong></h1>
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<h2 align="center">What we do</h2>
<div class="box center block75 " style="height:autopx;"><div class="inner-block"><p> glomex operates Germany’s largest marketplace for premium video content.</p>
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<h4><strong>Content Providers</strong></h4>
<div>get the opportunity to boost their content reach enormously.</div>
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<h4 class="no-margin-bottom"><strong>Publishers</strong></h4>
<div>gain access to a huge selection of high-quality videos.</div>
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<h4 class="no-margin-bottom"><strong>Advertisers</strong></h4>
<div>benefit from the glomex network, which provides an ideal environment for their video advertising.</div>
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<h2 align="center">Key facts</h2>
<div class="box left block50 icon-gradient" style="height:autopx;"><div class="inner-block"><div class="icon-border"><span class="wrap"><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" class="wp-image-48382 size-medium aligncenter" style="width: 56px;" src="" alt="Share model icon" width="300" height="300"></span></div>
<div class="info-text"><b>COMPLETELY FREE WITH REVENUE SHARE MODEL </b> We offer free access to premium content and innovative player technology with attractive ad revenue shares.</div>
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<div class="info-text"><b>VIDEO PLAYER FOR YOUR WEBSITE/APP </b>Our glomex player works across all your devices.</div>
</div></div><div class="box left block50 icon-gradient" style="height:autopx;"><div class="inner-block"><div class="icon-border"><span class="wrap"><img decoding="async" class="wp-image-48374 size-medium aligncenter" style="width: 56px;" src="" alt="Intuitive platform icon" width="300" height="300"></span></div>
<div class="info-text"><b>INTUITIVE VIDEO PLATFORM </b>We offer an easy-to-use platform, which you can customize to meet your needs.</div>
</div></div><div class="box left block50 icon-gradient" style="height:autopx;"><div class="inner-block"><div class="icon-border"><span class="wrap"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-48380 size-medium aligncenter" style="width: 56px;" src="" alt="Premium partner icon" width="300" height="300"></span></div>
<div class="info-text"><b>ONLY PREMIUM B2B PARTNERS </b>Our partners are carefully reviewed according to strict quality criteria.</div>
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<div class="info-text"><b>MARKETPLACE OF MORE THAN 1.000,000 VIDEOS </b>We receive the latest premium video content from our content providers on a daily basis.</div>
</div></div><div class="box left block50 icon-gradient" style="height:autopx;"><div class="inner-block"><div class="icon-border"><span class="wrap"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-48365 size-medium aligncenter" style="width: 56px;" src="" alt="expertise icon" width="300" height="300"></span></div>
<div class="info-text"><b>CONTENT EXPERTISE </b>We provide newsletters and updated, curated playlists several times a day.</div>
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<div class="info-text"><b>INTEGRATED VIDEO ADVERTISING </b>Our marketers always ensure that the glomex video content on your website is optimally monetized.</div>
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<div class="info-text"><b>DASHBOARD &amp; REPORTING </b>A dashboard shows you your key figures at a glance.</div>
<h2 align="center">Our customer groups</h2>
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<p>Always find the right<br>
content for your website<br>
</p><div class="cta center"><a class="cta-button " href="#" target="_self">Infos for Publisher</a></div>
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<h3 align="center">Content Providers</h3>
<p>Maximize the reach<br>
of your content<br>
</p><div class="cta center"><a class="cta-button " href="#" target="_self">Infos for Content Providers</a></div>
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<p>Find the right premium inventory<br>
for your advertising<br>
</p><div class="cta center"><a class="cta-button " href="#" target="_self">Infos for Advertisers</a></div>
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<div class="grey-bg statistic"><div class=" full-width-container text" style="text-align:left;height: auto;"><div class="inner-block">
<div class="box center block30 " style="height:autopx;"><div class="inner-block"><p class="big-numbers" align="center"><strong>500</strong>+</p>
<p align="center">Publishers</p>
</div></div><div class="box left block30 " style="height:autopx;"><div class="inner-block"><p class="big-numbers" align="center"><strong>150</strong>+</p>
<p align="center">Content Providers</p>
</div></div><div class="box right block30 " style="height:autopx;"><div class="inner-block"><p class="big-numbers" align="center"><strong>1.000.000</strong>+</p>
<p align="center">Videos</p>
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<h2 align="center">Our top video categories</h2>
<div class="box middle block25 box-dist bg link-item  center rounded gradient-box" style="background-image: url(&quot;/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Video-Categories_Auto_Motor.jpg&quot;); height: 433px;"><div class="overlay"></div><div class="inner-block"><h3>Cars &amp; Motoring</h3>
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				document.cookie = "pll_language=en; expires=" + expirationDate.toUTCString() + "; path=/; secure; SameSite=Lax";


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