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          The computersoybean homepage will expand upond the continuous development of the base library
          of fast and efficient components for use within eden scripts. computersoybean is written
          in C++.

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    <title>Computer Soybean Homepage</title>



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                    The soylib project was on hold because I was working at the time on my progrqamming language ( <a style="color:#8877FF;" href=""></a> ).
		    And recently my computers got hacked hard. Won't tell much more for now. Just to say, it was not nice from them to do that. And quite disrespectful.
		My second computer is usable again. But my main one is in quarantine at the moment. I did create an USB drive installation for Windows at the time, but it's probably compromised too.
                    <div class="sep"></div>
                    My new intent with the Computer Soybean Project will be for now on to empower as many curious minds as possible, 
                    for a future where AI and goofy, careless, security issues won't be the prime factors of concealment of your human originality. 
                    This is weird, and will get weirder ferther through the process. I originally chose 'computersoybean' because I wanted to write some articles 
                    about nature, life, technologies, science and mathematics. Hoping that I could gain some income from some advertisements on my site. I never intended to develop a linkfarm. 

                    <div class="sep"></div>
		    For the inquiring minds, you can communicate with me through my email address at the bottom right of this page. 
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                    Lots of work ahead. But maybe the field will be fertile this time...
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