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                <b>    I've got hacked many times these past few weeks. My main computer is in quarantine for the moment.
	I am now using my second computer, which I had to upgrade. I told the authorities about the hacking. Not much to say at the moment about those incidents. The security problem was in part because I was using Windows. But the main vulnerability seems taht the attack was from a man-in-the-middle.</b>
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                    Fortunately, I always make many archives of my work, on different supports. I still have the code I was working on. But because of the incident,
		    I "pivoted", as they say in the community. So I decided to completely rewrite my code. It wasn't a hard decision to make, tho. The project
		    was advancing, but I don�t care. 
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                  <b>  Eden wasn't progressing as fast as it could. Now my new and final strategy is to just write some documents about a proposed version of eden, and
		and the internal architecture that can make it run. Why not, the implementation ideas could because the standard, and eden itself as the language, a kind of "hello world" of sort from the implementation of the architectural standard. I think the standard would give a similar feel to every languages implemented from it, but it's good enough to me. </b>
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                    But dont worry, it will be easy and straightforward to do so.
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                    Linux (and Unix-like operating system in general, such as OpenBSD, etc) was kind of an afterthought when I was developing with Windows. But because Linux is now my main workdriver at present (in the future too, unless I adopt something even better), the development of my projects (including this one) will see a new sun. In fact, the hacking for which I was the victim (it was targeted) has one positive consequence, after all : Make my Motivivation Great Again ! But still, it lacks an item : a fashionable expression of my determination : a blue-and-white hat of some sort.
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                    The future of edenlang is bright. And more to come, this frontpage will be improved. Because currently I don�t like the right corner blue thingy.
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                    À bientôt...  ( and sorry for the lack of grammar of other (I wrote rapidly and carelessly, so sorry Will improve soon.) 
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		   <b> I invite you to ask me further questions, if so is your desire. The only way at the moment is my email eddress at the bottom right corner of this page. In case.</b>
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