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            <span class="inline-flex">Sonarr, Radarr, Prowlarr etc.</span>
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            <span class="inline-flex">SickRage, SickGear, Sickbeard</span>
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            <span class="inline-flex">Mylar &amp; Lazylibrarian</span>
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            <span class="inline-flex">Anything Newznab compatible</span>
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                        NZB Finder is only a search engine, and no actual files are distributed through or are stored on our systems. We only offer NZB files. NZB is an XML-based file format for retrieving posts from usenet (NNTP) servers. We do not offer torrents, access to usenet, fullfillment of requests, or direct access to any of the content listed on the site.
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