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The outgoing links identified from the page


JavaScript Variables · 35 found

Global JavaScript variables loaded on the window object of a page, are variables declared outside of functions and accessible from anywhere in the code within the current scope


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Messages logged to the web console


The raw HTML body of the page

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns="" lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US"><head>
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    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/local.css">

        <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
        <script type="text/javascript">
                    var ZTUSERNAME = "Manchester Username";
          var ZTPASSWORD = "Password";
          var ZTLOGIN    = "Login";
          var ZTFIRST    = "First";
          var ZTLAST     = "Last";
          var ZTNEXT     = "Next";
          var ZTPREVIOUS = "Previous";
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    window.addEventListener("load", function(){
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      "revokeBtn": '<div class="cc-revoke {{classes}}">Privacy Consent</div>',
      "blacklistPage": [ '/about' ],
      "onStatusChange": function(status, chosenBefore) {
        if (status === "dismiss")
      "content": {
        "message": "This website uses a cookie &amp; has to use your name &amp; email address to function.",
        "allow": "I agree",
        "deny": "I do not agree",
        "link": "About ZendTo",
        "href": "about.php"
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<script type="text/javascript">
var isLocal = "";
var howWeGotHere = "index.php";
var mainFormName = "";

  var localeList = [{"locale":"cs_CZ","name":"\u010ce\u0161tina"},{"locale":"de_DE","name":"Deutsch"},{"locale":"en_GB","name":"English (UK)"},{"locale":"en_US","name":"English (US)"},{"locale":"es_ES","name":"Espa&ntilde;ol"},{"locale":"fr_FR","name":"Fran&ccedil;ais"},{"locale":"gl_ES","name":"Galego"},{"locale":"it_IT","name":"Italiano"},{"locale":"hu_HU","name":"Magyar"},{"locale":"nl_NL","name":"Nederlands"},{"locale":"pl_PL","name":"Polski"},{"locale":"pt_BR","name":"Portugu&ecirc;s (BR)"},{"locale":"ru_RU","name":"&#1056;&#1091;&#1089;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080;&#1081;"},{"locale":"tr_TR","name":"T\u00fcrk\u00e7e"}];
// Select the Inbox/Outbox tab as necessary
function selectMenu(){
  // Choose inbox if we are at pickup_list or got here via that page
  if (/pickup_list/i.test(window.location + howWeGotHere))
  // Choose outbox if we are at dropoff_list or got here via that page
  if (/dropoff_list/i.test(window.location + howWeGotHere))

// Hide/show locale menu
function showLocaleMenu() {

$(document).ready(function() {
  // Select the inbox/outbox tab
  // Setup login box
  if( $('#loginLink a').length > 0 ) bindLogin();
  if( isLocal == "1" && $('#loginLink').length == 1 )
    $('#loginLink a').trigger('click');

  // Set the focus if wanted
    // Populate the language picker
  target = $('#localeMenu');
  $.each(localeList, function(i, v){
    if (v.locale === 'en_GB') {
      // It's the current one, so use it as the menu title instead
    } else {
        $('<a>', {
          href: '#',
          'locale': v.locale,
          class: 'localeLink'
  // What is the name of the main form, so we can get its target?
  mainForm = $('form').filter(":visible").filter(":last");
  // Can set these now, as only the show_dropoff page has 3 forms in it
  target = $('<a>', { href: mainForm.attr('action') });
  //$('#goingto').val( target.prop('pathname') );
  //$('#getput').val( mainForm.attr('method') );
  // Setup the language picker link handlers
  $('a.localeLink').on('click', function() {
    // Put the new locale name into the form, and submit it
    $('#locale').val( $(this).attr('locale') );
    // Might need to override the values of goingto in the show_dropoff page
    return false;
  // Append the invisible form we need to submit the locale change
    $('<form>', {
      name: 'localeForm',
      id:   'localeForm',
      method: 'post',
      action: '',
      enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
      style: 'display:none'
  // And put the single element in the form
  // What our new locale is, what php file ran to get us here,
  // what php file should pick up this page's data,
  // and all the get+post data in the form (except for massive stuff).
  // In a lot of cases, we will throw away most/all of the form data.
    .append('<input type="hidden" name="locale" id="locale" value=""/>'+
    '<input type="hidden" name="gothere" id="gothere" value="index.php"/>'+
    '<input type="hidden" name="template" id="template" value="main_menu.tpl"/>'+
    //'<input type="hidden" name="goingto" id="goingto" value=""/>'+
    //'<input type="hidden" name="getput" id="getput" value=""/>'+
    '<input type="hidden" name="getdata" id="getdata" value="[]"/>'+
    '<input type="hidden" name="postdata" id="postdata" value="[]"/>');

  // hide the language menu if user clicks outside it
  $(window).on('click', function(e) {
    if (! $('dropdownButton')) {

<body id="zendtobody"><div class="cc-revoke cc-bottom cc-animate cc-color-override--1105790508" style="display: none;">Privacy Consent</div><div role="dialog" aria-live="polite" aria-label="cookieconsent" aria-describedby="cookieconsent:desc" class="cc-window cc-banner cc-type-opt-in cc-theme-classic cc-bottom cc-color-override--1105790508 " style=""><!--googleoff: all--><span id="cookieconsent:desc" class="cc-message">This website uses a cookie &amp; has to use your name &amp; email address to function. <a aria-label="learn more about cookies" role="button" tabindex="0" class="cc-link" href="about.php" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank">About ZendTo</a></span><div class="cc-compliance cc-highlight"><a aria-label="deny cookies" role="button" tabindex="0" class="cc-btn cc-deny">I do not agree</a><a aria-label="allow cookies" role="button" tabindex="0" class="cc-btn cc-allow">I agree</a></div><!--googleon: all--></div>

<!-- Begin page content -->
<div class="content">
        <div id="logo"><div id="logoxclip"><a href=""><img src="" alt="University Logo"></a></div></div>

        <!-- Home, Inbox, etc buttons -->
        <div id="topMenu">
                        <li id="homeLink" class="selected"><a href="">Home</a></li>
                                                                        <li id="loginLink"><a href="index?action=login">Login</a></li>
        <!-- Home, Inbox etc ends here -->

        <!-- Language menu goes here -->
        <div id="localePicker" class="dropdownMenu">
                      <a onclick="showLocaleMenu()" id="localeButton" name="localeButton" class="dropdownButton dropdown-has-hover">English (UK)</a>
            <div id="localeMenu" class="dropdownContent"><a href="#" locale="cs_CZ" class="localeLink">Čeština</a><a href="#" locale="de_DE" class="localeLink">Deutsch</a><a href="#" locale="en_US" class="localeLink">English (US)</a><a href="#" locale="es_ES" class="localeLink">Español</a><a href="#" locale="fr_FR" class="localeLink">Français</a><a href="#" locale="gl_ES" class="localeLink">Galego</a><a href="#" locale="it_IT" class="localeLink">Italiano</a><a href="#" locale="hu_HU" class="localeLink">Magyar</a><a href="#" locale="nl_NL" class="localeLink">Nederlands</a><a href="#" locale="pl_PL" class="localeLink">Polski</a><a href="#" locale="pt_BR" class="localeLink">Português (BR)</a><a href="#" locale="ru_RU" class="localeLink">Русский</a><a href="#" locale="tr_TR" class="localeLink">Türkçe</a></div>
        <!-- Language menu ends here -->

        <div id="container">

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  <!-- Not logged in. -->
<table border="0" class="homeButtons">
    <tbody><tr><td colspan="2"><h4>If you are a Manchester user, you may login here:</h4></td></tr>
                          <table width="100%" class="UD_textbutton">
    <tbody><tr valign="middle">
      <td class="UD_textbutton_content" align="center"><a class="UD_textbutton" href="index?action=login">Login</a></td>
    <td class="UD_nav_label"><strong>Avoid having to verify your email address</strong>,<br>and drop-off files to non-Manchester users.</td>
  <tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>
      <tr><td colspan="2"><h4>Anyone may perform the following activities:</h4></td></tr>
                          <table width="100%" class="UD_textbutton">
    <tbody><tr valign="middle">
      <td class="UD_textbutton_content" align="center"><a class="UD_textbutton" href="verify">Drop-off</a></td>
    <td class="UD_nav_label">Drop-off (<em>upload</em>) a file for a Manchester user (<strong>email verification required</strong>).</td>
                          <table width="100%" class="UD_textbutton">
    <tbody><tr valign="middle">
      <td class="UD_textbutton_content" align="center"><a class="UD_textbutton" href="pickup">Pick-up</a></td>
    <td class="UD_nav_label">Pick-up (<em>download</em>) a file dropped off for you.</td>
    <tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>

<div id="info">
  <table class="UD_error" width="100%">
  <tbody><tr class="ud_error_message">
    <td><i class="fas fa-info-circle fa-fw"></i></td>
    <td>Manchester users: you may login with your username and password and send files to anyone, in or out of the University.</td>
  <tr class="ud_error_message">
    <td><i class="fas fa-fw"></i></td>
    <td>Non-Manchester users: you cannot log in, but can still send files to Manchester users if you know their email address. Start by clicking the "<em>Drop-off</em>" button.</td>
  <tr class="ud_error_message">
    <td><i class="fas fa-fw"></i></td>
    <td>Manchester users who wish someone outside the University to send them files, can make it a lot easier for them by logging in and clicking "<em>Request a Drop-off</em>". That saves the other person having to prove who they are. The request created will be valid for 7 days.<br>&nbsp;</td>
  <tr class="ud_error_message">
    <td><i class="fas fa-fw"></i></td>
    <td>ZendTo is a service to make it easy for you to move files, including large files up to 20.0 GB, in and out of the University.<br>&nbsp;</td>
  <tr class="ud_error_message">
    <td><i class="fas fa-question-circle fa-fw"></i></td>
    <td><a href="security">How secure is ZendTo?</a></td>
<div id="error">
  <table class="UD_error" width="100%">
  <tbody><tr class="ud_error_message">
    <td style="width:5px"><i class="fas fa-exclamation-circle"></i></td>
    <td>Files are automatically deleted from ZendTo 14 days after you upload them.</td>

<!-- End page content -->

  <form name="localeForm" id="localeForm" method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" style="display:none"><input type="hidden" name="locale" id="locale" value=""><input type="hidden" name="gothere" id="gothere" value="index.php"><input type="hidden" name="template" id="template" value="main_menu.tpl"><input type="hidden" name="getdata" id="getdata" value="[]"><input type="hidden" name="postdata" id="postdata" value="[]"></form></div>

<div id="footer">
    <span style="white-space: nowrap">Version 6.11-2&nbsp;|&nbsp;Copyright © 2024 ZendTo&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="about">About ZendTo</a></span>
  <span style="white-space: nowrap">This service is powered by a copy of <a href="" target="_blank">ZendTo</a></span>
