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        <p data-sal="slide-up" data-sal-delay="100">Privacy-friendly web analytics made and hosted in Germany — powerful, cookie-free, and fully compliant with GDPR, CCPA, and PECR.</p>
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                <div class="text">Easy Start</div>
        <h2 data-sal="slide-up" data-sal-delay="100">Set Up in Minutes</h2>
            <p data-sal="slide-up" data-sal-delay="200">Simply add the script to your site, choose from a variety of plugins, or go for the API backend integration. Pirsch is the <strong>plug-and-play Google Analytics alternative</strong>.</p>
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                <h3>Integrates With Your Stack</h3>
                <p>Pirsch offers plugins, libraries, and tutorials for the most popular CMSs, website builders, and programming languages to get you up and running in no time.</p>

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                <h3>Seamless Switch</h3>
                <p>Migrating from other web analytics solutions? Import your data from Plausible, Fathom, or Google Analytics in just a few clicks and easily continue where you left off.</p>
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                <h3>No Cookie Banner</h3>
                <p>Say goodbye to consent banners: Pirsch works without cookies and never stores your visitors' personal identifiable information.</p>

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                <h3>Privacy-Friendly by Design</h3>
                <p>Built from the ground up with privacy in mind and with an open-source core, Pirsch offers uncompromising GDPR, CCPA, PECR, and Schrems II compliant data protection. All data is hosted on a secure server cluster in Germany.</p>
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        <h2 data-sal="slide-up" data-sal-delay="100">Unlock Key Insights</h2>
            <p data-sal="slide-up" data-sal-delay="200">With a powerful yet easy-to-use dashboard, you can access the most relevant data necessary to understand your customers and make the right decisions.</p>
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                <h3>Track Everything You Need</h3>
                <p>With a wide range of data points, you get a detailed understanding of your visitors and target audience.</p>
    <img src="/static/img/data-light.svg" title="Data" alt="Data" class="show-light" style="max-width: 100%" loading="lazy"><img src="/static/img/data-dark.svg" title="Data" alt="Data" class="show-dark" style="max-width: 100%" loading="lazy">

<div class="card <nil>">
        <div class="card-content">
                <h3>Filter With One Click</h3>
                <p>Pirsch makes it effortless to explore your stats through intuitive filtering on a super-fast, highly visual dashboard.</p>
    <img src="/static/img/filter-light.svg" title="Filter" alt="Filter" class="show-light mask-bottom" style="max-width: 100%" loading="lazy"><img src="/static/img/filter-dark.svg" title="Filter" alt="Filter" class="show-dark mask-bottom" style="max-width: 100%" loading="lazy">

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            <div class="nummeration" data-sal="slide-up">
                <div class="number">3</div>
                <div class="text">Advanced Analytics</div>
        <h2 data-sal="slide-up" data-sal-delay="100">Dive Into the Details</h2>
            <p data-sal="slide-up" data-sal-delay="200">See beyond clicks with the power of events, A/B testing, and tag-based segmentation, drill down into single sessions, or track your performance with flexible conversion goals.</p>
        <div class="grid " data-sal="slide-up" data-sal-delay="300">
    <div class="row <nil>">

<div class="card <nil>">
        <div class="card-content">
                <h3>Analyze Funnels</h3>
                <p>Effectively visualize and fully understand user journeys in a matter of seconds.</p>
    <img src="/static/img/funnel-light.svg" title="Funnel Analysis with Pirsch Analytics" alt="Funnel Analysis with Pirsch Analytics" class="show-light" style="max-width: 282px" loading="lazy"><img src="/static/img/funnel-dark.svg" title="Funnel Analysis with Pirsch Analytics" alt="Funnel Analysis with Pirsch Analytics" class="show-dark" style="max-width: 282px" loading="lazy">

<div class="card <nil>">
        <div class="card-content">
                <h3>Explore Sessions</h3>
                <p>Learn more about individual user journeys with in-depth session summaries.</p>
    <img src="/static/img/session-light.svg" title="Session Analysis with Pirsch Analytics" alt="Session Analysis with Pirsch Analytics" class="show-light" style="max-width: 282px" loading="lazy"><img src="/static/img/session-dark.svg" title="Session Analysis with Pirsch Analytics" alt="Session Analysis with Pirsch Analytics" class="show-dark" style="max-width: 282px" loading="lazy">

<div class="card <nil>">
        <div class="card-content">
                <h3>Segment Visitors</h3>
                <p>Tags help you leverage your data, whether it's for A/B testing or segmentation.</p>
    <img src="/static/img/ab-light.svg" title="AB Testing with Pirsch Analytics" alt="AB Testing with Pirsch Analytics" class="show-light" style="max-width: 282px" loading="lazy"><img src="/static/img/ab-dark.svg" title="AB Testing with Pirsch Analytics" alt="AB Testing with Pirsch Analytics" class="show-dark" style="max-width: 282px" loading="lazy">
</div><div class="row <nil>">

<div class="card <nil>">
        <div class="card-content">
                <h3>Create Events</h3>
                <p>Button clicks, checkouts, signups, and more. Quickly highlight important user activities.</p>
    <img src="/static/img/event-light.svg" title="Event Tracking with Pirsch Analytics" alt="Event Tracking with Pirsch Analytics" class="show-light" style="max-width: 282px" loading="lazy"><img src="/static/img/event-dark.svg" title="Event Tracking with Pirsch Analytics" alt="Event Tracking with Pirsch Analytics" class="show-dark" style="max-width: 282px" loading="lazy">

<div class="card <nil>">
        <div class="card-content">
                <h3>Monitor Goals</h3>
                <p>Keep an eye on your site's performance and track conversion goals.</p>
    <img src="/static/img/goal-light.svg" title="Conversion Goal Tracking with Pirsch Analytics" alt="Conversion Goal Tracking with Pirsch Analytics" class="show-light" style="max-width: 282px" loading="lazy"><img src="/static/img/goal-dark.svg" title="Conversion Goal Tracking with Pirsch Analytics" alt="Conversion Goal Tracking with Pirsch Analytics" class="show-dark" style="max-width: 282px" loading="lazy">

<div class="card <nil>">
        <div class="card-content">
                <h3>Utilize Webhooks</h3>
                <p>Stay up-to-date or trigger actions in the applications you already use with native webhooks.</p>
    <img src="/static/img/webhooks-light.svg" title="Native Webhooks of Pirsch Analytics" alt="Native Webhooks of Pirsch Analytics" class="show-light" style="max-width: 282px" loading="lazy"><img src="/static/img/webhooks-dark.svg" title="Native Webhooks of Pirsch Analytics" alt="Native Webhooks of Pirsch Analytics" class="show-dark" style="max-width: 282px" loading="lazy">

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                <div class="number">4</div>
                <div class="text">Smart Teamwork</div>
        <h2 data-sal="slide-up" data-sal-delay="100">Empower People With Data</h2>
            <p data-sal="slide-up" data-sal-delay="200">Reduce friction and enhance productivity by getting the right information to the right people with minimal effort, enabling them to thrive and excel.</p>
        <div class="grid " data-sal="slide-up" data-sal-delay="300">

<div class="card columns">
        <div class="card-content">
                <h3>Easily Manage Teams and Sites</h3>
                <p>Work happens in teams. That's why Pirsch enables collaboration right from the start: Simply invite team members or clients via email, assign them roles, and give them access to the dashboards they need to excel. All people, sites and custom themes in one place.</p>
                <a href="/signup" class="button yellow">Start 30-day Free Trial</a>
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            <img class="person" src="/static/img/person4.png" alt="Person">
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<div class="card <nil>">
        <div class="card-content">
                <h3>Receive Automatic Email Reports</h3>
                <p>Keep colleagues, customers, or partners in the loop with automatic email reports. Regularly receive a concise summary of the latest activities with just one click.</p>

<div class="card <nil>">
        <div class="card-content">
                <h3>Share Dashboards With Anybody</h3>
                <p>Working with external partners? Create unique access links to securely grant access to dashboards or make them public on your personal subdomain.</p>

<section class="content">
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                <div class="number">5</div>
                <div class="text">Creative Freedom</div>
        <h2 data-sal="slide-up" data-sal-delay="100">Make It Your Own</h2>
            <p data-sal="slide-up" data-sal-delay="200">Pirsch offers the most extensive theming and white labeling options available in the industry. Sleek and modern or something playful and vibrant? The possibilities are endless.</p>
        <div class="grid " data-sal="slide-up" data-sal-delay="300">
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<div class="card <nil>">
        <div class="card-content">
                <h3>Custom Themes</h3>
                <p>Personalize your analytics experience with logos, colors or custom domains and stand out from the crowd.</p>

<div class="card <nil>">
        <div class="card-content">
                <h3>White Labeling</h3>
                <p>Whether you want to offer your clients a full web analytics solution or reflect your own brand and style, Pirsch has you covered.</p>

<div class="card <nil>">

<div class="marquee">
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                <div class="text">Good Company</div>
        <h2 data-sal="slide-up" data-sal-delay="100">Join Happy Customers</h2>
            <p data-sal="slide-up" data-sal-delay="200">Hundreds of millions of page views for thousands of sites are collected with Pirsch Analytics each month — see what our customers have to say.</p>
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            <img src="/static/img/social-proof/vegardflatoy.jpg" alt="Vegard Flatoy" style="max-width: 48px;">
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                <strong>Vegard Flatoy</strong>
        <p>I've tested many of the cookieless tracking alternatives and I just love the Pirsch dashboard. The graphs are unparalleled. I also love the custom stuff you can do with their events API.</p>

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            <img src="/static/img/social-proof/leanderlenzing.jpg" alt="Leander Lenzing" style="max-width: 48px;">
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                <strong>Leander Lenzing</strong>
        <p>A fast and beautiful crafted analytics tool. The UI is lovely and the information is easy to grasp. Sounds cheesy but analytics are fun with Pirsch.</p>

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            <img src="/static/img/social-proof/lorensodagostino.jpg" alt="Lorenso D'Agostino" style="max-width: 48px;">
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                <strong>Lorenso D'Agostino</strong>
        <p>Pirsch is a game changer. It combines speed, beautiful design and usability like no other analytics tool. Barely a day goes by that I don't use it.</p>

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            <img src="/static/img/social-proof/dezeiraudgaetan.jpg" alt="Dezeiraud Gaëtan" style="max-width: 48px;">
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                <strong>Dezeiraud Gaëtan</strong>
        <p>We use Pirsch on our website or software (Electron-based and UWP) with privacy in mind. It's not just GDPR compliant, it's a real philosophy. Privacy is not optional, it's a right.</p>

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            <img src="/static/img/social-proof/karrfager.jpg" alt="Karr Fager" style="max-width: 48px;">
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                <strong>Karr Fager</strong>
        <p>I only wish I would've found Pirsch sooner. It is simple, clean, and quick. I tried several other solutions to display website data on my clients' SEO dashboards, Pirsch is the winner.</p>

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            <img src="/static/img/social-proof/zepfietje.jpg" alt="Zep Fietje" style="max-width: 48px;">
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                <strong>Zep Fietje</strong>
        <p>After trying many analytics tools, only Pirsch met my needs. Pirsch is the most complete, beautiful and affordable analytics solution out there.</p>

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            <img src="/static/img/social-proof/toryhowell.jpg" alt="Tory Howell" style="max-width: 48px;">
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                <strong>Tory Howell</strong>
        <p>I'm obsessed with Pirsch! I use it on my personal website and recommend it to all of my website clients. It's honestly one of my favorite tools I use for my business.</p>

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            <img src="/static/img/social-proof/rishimohan.jpg" alt="Rishi Mohan" style="max-width: 48px;">
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                <strong>Rishi Mohan</strong>
        <p>In my week's usage of Pirsch on Kizie, I feel one of the best things about Pirsch is how well it displays the data I need to see with all the filters. You can setup custom events and goals too.</p>

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            <img src="/static/img/social-proof/rafaelalex.jpg" alt="Rafael Alex" style="max-width: 48px;">
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                <strong>Rafael Alex</strong>
        <p>Beautifully designed. Easy to integrate and operate. Created and hosted in Germany. A lot of good reasons to give Pirsch a try — seriously do it. Today.</p>

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        <h2>Ready to Level up Your Analytics?</h2>
        <p>Try Pirsch Analytics free of charge for 30 days with no credit card required. Pick the <strong>best Google Analytics alternative</strong>, setting up your first website only takes a few minutes.</p>
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