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									<h1 style="font-family: 'Bilbo Swash Caps', sans-serif; font-size:3.5em">Denise Deering</h1>
									<p style="color:#777">Beaded Jewelry and Photography</p>
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									Projects seen here are made from seed beads, bugle beads, tilas, semi-precious stones and metals, glass and freshwater pearls. I use many different stitches and techniques, such as peyote stitch, brick stitch, square stitch, spiral rope, netting, right-angle weave, and bead stringing.
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											<a href="" class="image fit" style="outline: 0px;"><img src="images/beadwork/ArtsBashPiece-sm.jpg" alt="" title=""></a>
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											<a href="" class="image fit" style="outline: 0px;"><img src="images/beadwork/CharsAmuletBag-sm.jpg" alt="" title=""></a>
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											<a href="" class="image fit" style="outline: 0px;"><img src="images/beadwork/tilaNecklace2-sm.jpg" alt="" title=""></a>
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											<a href="" class="image fit" style="outline: 0px;"><img src="images/beadwork/TurquoiseBracelet-sm.jpg" alt="" title=""></a>
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											<a href="" class="image fit" style="outline: 0px;"><img src="images/beadwork/AmethystSwarovskiSet-sm.jpg" alt="" title=""></a>
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											<a href="" class="image fit" style="outline: 0px;"><img src="images/beadwork/RedBaliSilver-sm.jpg" alt="" title=""></a>
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											<a href="" class="image fit" style="outline: 0px;"><img src="images/beadwork/Chrysocolla-sm.jpg" alt="" title=""></a>
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									Be quiet, be still. Look around, listen. Notice the beauty of this world. "I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it.... People think pleasing God is all God care about. But any fool living in the world can see it always trying to please us back." ~Alice Walker, The Color Purple, 1982  
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											<a href="" class="image fit" style="outline: 0px;"><img src="images/photography/AutumnPond_01-sm.jpg" alt="" title=""></a>
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											<a href="" class="image fit" style="outline: 0px;"><img src="images/photography/EagleHarborSunset-sm.jpg" alt="" title=""></a>
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											<a href="" class="image fit" style="outline: 0px;"><img src="images/photography/PaintedDesert-sm.jpg" alt="" title=""></a>
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											<a href="" class="image fit" style="outline: 0px;"><img src="images/photography/GoodTidings-sm.jpg" alt="" title=""></a>
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											<a href="" class="image fit" style="outline: 0px;"><img src="images/photography/TheMead-sm.jpg" alt="" title=""></a>
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											<a href="" class="image fit" style="outline: 0px;"><img src="images/photography/DesertViewTower-sm.jpg" alt="" title=""></a>
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											<a href="" class="image fit" style="outline: 0px;"><img src="images/photography/Agave-sm.jpg" alt="" title=""></a>
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											<a href="" class="image fit" style="outline: 0px;"><img src="images/photography/Monarch-sm.jpg" alt="" title=""></a>
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											<a href="" class="image fit" style="outline: 0px;"><img src="images/photography/Geraniums-sm.jpg" alt="" title=""></a>
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											<a href="" class="image fit" style="outline: 0px;"><img src="images/photography/GrandCanyon-sm.jpg" alt="" title=""></a>
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											<a href="" class="image fit" style="outline: 0px;"><img src="images/photography/RiverFog-sm.jpg" alt="" title=""></a>
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											<a href="" class="image fit" style="outline: 0px;"><img src="images/photography/Oriole-sm.jpg" alt="" title=""></a>
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									<h2>About Me</h2>
									<img src="images/Denise.jpg" style="float:right;margin-left:2em;margin-bottom:1em;">Sometimes it's hard for me to believe I have over 35 years experience as a designer (where did the time go?), including print and packaging design, television graphics and animation, set design for television, interactive multimedia program visual design, and design for the web. I love nature— especially weather, geology, and growing things—and draw inspiration from its sights, textures, colors and patterns.
                                My interest in photography started in a college class on black &amp; white film and darkroom techniques. I bought my first 35mm SLR (a Pentax K1000) for that class and took it on a trip to Europe in 1983. While employed as a television artist I was often asked to shoot slides for companion programs to videos my department produced. I usually used my own equipment for those assignments, for by then I'd accumulated an assortment of lenses, filters, accessories and a second K1000 camera body. But advances in digital technology soon made film obsolete. So, reluctantly, I gave up my beloved film cameras and switched to a Canon digital SLR. I was already well-acquainted with Photoshop (I think my first was Version 1.0!) so it was a delight to edit and manipulate photos in minutes what would have taken many hours to accomplish in a darkroom. I love using all the new tools. It's exciting to imagine where the trends will lead us in the future. 
                                As for beads, there is something about those shiny little pieces of glass that fascinates me. I admit I'm obsessed. It's traceable back to an innocent visit to a Fort Collins, CO bead shop in Old Town in 1994. <img src="images/FortCollinsBeads.jpg" style="float:left;margin-right:1em">Something in my Art major background was awakened and I imagined a pursuit I could delve into and enjoy. I walked out with a handful of pink ceramic beads that to this day I have never used for a project. Since then I've worked with just about every type of bead, wire, metal clay, experimenting with various stitches and techniques. I have taken a few classes but am mainly self-taught. I was lucky enough to have a dear old friend as a "guru". When she passed on, too young, of a massive stroke, her husband sent me a box of beads and a few of her unfinished pieces. I sat on the floor and went through the contents of the box, weeping and remembering. I still wear a necklace that she started and I finished. It was a lesson in how she handled color, repetition and proportion. It was like stepping into footprints she left in the sand--a final gift from a unique and irreplaceable human being.
                                So, what IS it that fascinates me so about those little pieces of colored glass? I think it’s related to a life-long interest in nature and geology, of constantly looking for and picking up interesting-looking rocks of various colors and textures. <img src="images/rock.jpg" style="float:right;margin-left:1em">I almost killed myself once hiking back up a trail at 9,000 feet in Summit County, Colorado, high in the Rockies, after stuffing my backpack with heavy chunks of gneiss, schist and granite. One of my most treasured mountain specimens was found along U.S. Route 550 (also called the Million Dollar Highway) high above Ouray, Colorado. My husband Bill stopped the car because I was getting really nervous looking at the sheer drop-offs on the side of the twisting road and needed to just calm myself. I returned to a zen-like state of mind by looking for interesting rocks. The mountains rewarded me with a sparkling beauty that lay at my feet on the shoulder of the road. A crust of small hexagonal quartz-like crystals with pyramidal terminations twinkled on both sides of buff-colored host rock. I can’t look at this specimen without wondering about the titanic forces that created such a beautiful thing. The lesson learned from the experience? When you slow down and really look, wonderful things are there right in front of you that you otherwise would never have noticed. Also, don’t drive the Million Dollar Highway without Xanax.

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