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var CFG = { errorDisabledText : {}, variantErrorDisabledText : {} };

CFG['errorDisabledText']['cz'] = {};
CFG['errorDisabledText']['cz']['description'] = 'Jste-li vlastníkem webu, kontaktujte nás prosím na e-mailu [email protected]<br /><br />Děkujeme za spolupráci';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['cz']['heading1'] = 'Stránka byla zablokována';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['cz']['title'] = 'Stránka zablokována';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['cz']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
CFG['errorDisabledText']['en'] = {};
CFG['errorDisabledText']['en']['description'] = 'If you are the owner of this website, please contact us at [email protected]<br /><br />Thank you for your cooperation.';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['en']['heading1'] = 'The Website Has Been Suspended';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['en']['title'] = 'Site Disabled';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['en']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
CFG['errorDisabledText']['pl'] = {};
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CFG['errorDisabledText']['pl']['heading1'] = 'Strona została zablokowana';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['pl']['title'] = 'Zablokowana strona';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['pl']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
CFG['errorDisabledText']['de'] = {};
CFG['errorDisabledText']['de']['description'] = 'Falls Sie der Eigentümer dieser Webseite sind, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte unter [email protected] <br /><br />Vielen Dank für Ihre Zusammenarbeit.';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['de']['heading1'] = 'Diese Webseite wurde blockiert';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['de']['title'] = 'Seite gesperrt';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['de']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
CFG['errorDisabledText']['fr'] = {};
CFG['errorDisabledText']['fr']['description'] = 'Si vous êtes le propriétaire du site, nous vous invitons à nous contacter par email à l\'adresse [email protected]<br /><br />Merci de votre compréhension.';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['fr']['heading1'] = 'Ce site web a été bloqué';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['fr']['title'] = 'Site bloqué';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['fr']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
CFG['errorDisabledText']['ru'] = {};
CFG['errorDisabledText']['ru']['description'] = 'Если вы владелец данного сайта, то пожалуйста напишите нам на [email protected]<br /><br />Большое спасибо за сотрудничество.';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['ru']['heading1'] = 'Работа сайта была приостановлена';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['ru']['title'] = 'Сайт заблокирован';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['ru']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
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CFG['errorDisabledText']['uk']['description'] = 'Якщо ви власник даного сайту, то будь ласка напишіть нам на [email protected]<br /><br /> Дякуємо за співпрацю.';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['uk']['heading1'] = 'Робота сайту була припинена';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['uk']['title'] = 'Сайт заблоковано';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['uk']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
CFG['errorDisabledText']['es'] = {};
CFG['errorDisabledText']['es']['description'] = 'Si eres el propietario de esta web, por favor, contáctanos al e-mail a [email protected]<br /><br />Gracias por tu cooperación.';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['es']['heading1'] = 'Esta web ha sido bloqueada';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['es']['title'] = 'Sitio bloqueado';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['es']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
CFG['errorDisabledText']['it'] = {};
CFG['errorDisabledText']['it']['description'] = 'Se sei il proprietario del sito web, gentilmente contattaci a [email protected]<br /><br />Grazie per la cooperazione.';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['it']['heading1'] = 'Il sito web è stato bloccato';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['it']['title'] = 'Sito web disattivato';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['it']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
CFG['errorDisabledText']['tr'] = {};
CFG['errorDisabledText']['tr']['description'] = 'Eğer bu web sitenin sahibi iseniz bizle [email protected] e-posta adresi ile iletişime geçiniz.<br /><br />Anlayışınız için teşekkür ederiz.';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['tr']['heading1'] = 'Bu web site askıya alınmıştır';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['tr']['title'] = 'Site kullanım dışıdır';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['tr']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
CFG['errorDisabledText']['sk'] = {};
CFG['errorDisabledText']['sk']['description'] = 'Ak ste vlastníkom webu, kontaktujte nás prosím na e-mail [email protected]<br /><br />Ďakujeme za pochopenie.';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['sk']['heading1'] = 'Stránka bola zablokovaná';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['sk']['title'] = 'Stránka zablokovaná';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['sk']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
CFG['errorDisabledText']['pt'] = {};
CFG['errorDisabledText']['pt']['description'] = 'Se você é o proprietário deste site, envie-nos um e-mail para [email protected]<br /> <br /> Obrigado pela compreensão.';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['pt']['heading1'] = 'Este site foi bloqueado';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['pt']['title'] = 'Site Desativado';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['pt']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
CFG['errorDisabledText']['pt-br'] = {};
CFG['errorDisabledText']['pt-br']['description'] = 'Se você é o proprietário deste site, envie-nos um e-mail para [email protected] <br /> <br /> Obrigado pela compreensão.';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['pt-br']['heading1'] = 'Este site foi bloqueado';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['pt-br']['title'] = 'Site Desativado';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['pt-br']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
CFG['errorDisabledText']['sv'] = {};
CFG['errorDisabledText']['sv']['description'] = 'Hemsidan på denna adress har inaktiverats, skicka ett mejl till [email protected]<br /><br />Tack för ditt samarbete.';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['sv']['heading1'] = 'Denna hemsida har blockerats';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['sv']['title'] = 'Inaktiverad Hemsida';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['sv']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
CFG['errorDisabledText']['nl'] = {};
CFG['errorDisabledText']['nl']['description'] = 'Bent u de eigenaar van deze website, dan vragen wij u vriendelijk een contact met ons op te nemen via een mail naar [email protected] <br /><br />Hartelijk dank voor uw medewerking.';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['nl']['heading1'] = 'De pagina is geblokkeerd';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['nl']['title'] = 'De pagina is geblokkeerd';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['nl']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
CFG['errorDisabledText']['el'] = {};
CFG['errorDisabledText']['el']['description'] = 'Εάν είστε ο ιδιοκτήτης της ιστοσελίδας, παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας στη διεύθυνση [email protected]<br /><br />Ευχαριστούμε για την κατανόηση.';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['el']['heading1'] = 'Η Ιστοσελίδα έχει Απενεργοποιηθεί';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['el']['title'] = 'Απενεργοποιημένη Ιστοσελίδα';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['el']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
CFG['errorDisabledText']['hu'] = {};
CFG['errorDisabledText']['hu']['description'] = 'Ha Te vagy az oldal tulajdonosa, kérjük, lépj kapcsolatba velünk az [email protected]<br /><br />Köszönjük együttműködésedet.';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['hu']['heading1'] = 'A weboldal blokkolásra került';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['hu']['title'] = 'Blokkolt weboldal';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['hu']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
CFG['errorDisabledText']['ko'] = {};
CFG['errorDisabledText']['ko']['description'] = '이 홈페이지를 소유하고 계시는 경우, [email protected]으로 연락 주십시오.<br /><br /> 협조해 주셔서 감사드립니다.';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['ko']['heading1'] = '해당 홈페이지는 차단되었습니다';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['ko']['title'] = '차단된 사이트';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['ko']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
CFG['errorDisabledText']['no'] = {};
CFG['errorDisabledText']['no']['description'] = 'Er det du som er eier av nettstedet? Vennligst ta kontakt med oss på [email protected]<br /><br /> Takk for din forståelse';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['no']['heading1'] = 'Dette nettstedet er for øyeblikket stengt';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['no']['title'] = 'Nettstedet er for øyeblikket stengt';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['no']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
CFG['errorDisabledText']['ro'] = {};
CFG['errorDisabledText']['ro']['description'] = 'Dacă sunteți proprietarul acestei pagini, vă rugăm să ne contactați la [email protected]<br /><br />Vă mulțumim pentru înțelegere.';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['ro']['heading1'] = 'Acest site a fost blocat de Webnode';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['ro']['title'] = 'Site dezactivat';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['ro']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
CFG['errorDisabledText']['ja'] = {};
CFG['errorDisabledText']['ja']['description'] = 'このウェブサイトの持ち主の方は、[email protected]までご連絡ください。<br /><br />ご協力ありがとうございます。';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['ja']['heading1'] = 'このウェブサイトはブロックされています。';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['ja']['title'] = '無効なサイト';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['ja']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();
CFG['errorDisabledText']['en-us'] = {};
CFG['errorDisabledText']['en-us']['description'] = 'If you are the owner of this website, please contact us at [email protected]<br /><br />Thank you for your cooperation.';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['en-us']['heading1'] = 'The Website Has Been Suspended';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['en-us']['title'] = 'Site Disabled';
CFG['errorDisabledText']['en-us']['year'] = (new Date()).getFullYear();

var defaultLanguage = 'en';
var languageDetectedInRequest = 'en-us';
var disableDescription = /*<!-- disableDescription[ -->*/false/*<!-- ]disableDescription -->*/;

var language = defaultLanguage;
if (languageDetectedInRequest == null) //Browser will try to detect language. If it fails, defaultLanguage will be used.
    language = window.navigator.userLanguage || window.navigator.browserLanguage || window.navigator.language || defaultLanguage;
    language = language.toLowerCase();
	language = languageDetectedInRequest;

 * Oprava jazykovych zkratek - aby odpovidalo translatoru.
function modifyLanguageShortcode(language)
	if (language != 'pt-br' && language != 'zh-cn' && language != 'zh-tw' && language != 'en-us')
		language = language.substr(0, 2);

	if (language == 'cs')
		language = 'cz';
	return language;

language = modifyLanguageShortcode(language);

var chosenText;
if (CFG['variantErrorDisabledText'][language] == undefined) //Variantni text pro tento jazyk neexistuje.
	if (CFG['errorDisabledText'][language] == undefined) //Standardni text (z translatoru) pro tento jazyk neexistuje - pouzijeme default.
		language = defaultLanguage;
	chosenText = CFG['errorDisabledText'][language];
	var variant = typeof cxApi === 'undefined' ? 1 : (1 + cxApi.chooseVariation()).toString();
	chosenText = CFG['variantErrorDisabledText'][language][variant];

if (disableDescription)
	el = document.getElementById('text-description');

function addListener(element, type, callback) {
    if (element.addEventListener) element.addEventListener(type, callback);
    else if (element.attachEvent) element.attachEvent('on' + type, callback);

 * Zmeni texty na strance. 
function modifyTexts(text)
    var identifiers = [

    for (var i in identifiers)
        var identifier = identifiers[i];

        var el;
        if (identifier == 'title')
            el = document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0];
            el = document.getElementById('text-' + identifier);

        if (el && text && text[identifier])
            el.innerHTML = text[identifier].replace('',window.location.hostname);
	document.getElementById('text-year').innerHTML = (new Date()).getFullYear();

    var anchorEl = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
    for(var i = 0; i < anchorEl.length; i++)
        anchorEl[i].href = anchorEl[i].href.replace('',window.location.hostname);
        anchorEl[i].href = anchorEl[i].href.replace('%variant%',variant);


/* ]]> */
