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                      <h3 class="title ">BHS Accreditation<span class="arrow"></span></h3>
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                      <h3 class="title  show animated bounceInDown">EXCELLENT FACILITIES<span class="arrow"></span></h3>
                      <p class="sub_content show animated animate2 flipInX">We have stables for over 60 horses, indoor and outdoor arenas, classroom facilities and even a cafe serving food and drinks.</p>
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                      <h3 class="title ">THE CROFT END TEAM<span class="arrow"></span></h3>
                      <p class="sub_content">Our friendly team will make you feel welcome and ensure your Croft End experience is second to none.</p>
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                      <h3 class="title ">OUR HORSES<span class="arrow"></span></h3>
                      <p class="sub_content">When riding at Croft End we'll match you with a horse that suits your individual needs. We have a range of horses of all sizes.</p>
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                      <h3 class="title ">BHS Accreditation<span class="arrow"></span></h3>
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                      <h3 class="title ">EXCELLENT FACILITIES<span class="arrow"></span></h3>
                      <p class="sub_content">We have stables for over 60 horses, indoor and outdoor arenas, classroom facilities and even a cafe serving food and drinks.</p>
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							<h3><a href="">Click here for Exciting New Education Opportunities</a></h3>
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                Our Opening Hours
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                    <p class="opening_hours__text">Monday - <span>Closed (open to enquiries)</span></p>
                    <p class="opening_hours__text">Tuesday - <span>8am - 7.30pm</span></p>
                    <p class="opening_hours__text">Wednesday - <span>8am - 5pm</span></p>
                    <p class="opening_hours__text">Thursday - <span>8am - 7.30pm</span></p>
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                    <p class="opening_hours__text">Saturday - <span>8am - 5pm</span></p>
                    <p class="opening_hours__text">Sunday - <span>8am - 4pm</span></p>
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                      <h3 class="title">Croft End: A BHS Accredited, Highly Recommended Riding &amp; Training Centre<span class="arrow"></span></h3>
                     <p>Started in 1998, Croft End is a highly commended equestrian centre! THE Premier Centre in the North West!</p>

<p>The success of Croft End has been down to the attention to detail and professionalism of its founders who pride themselves on ensuring each horse is healthy and happy in their work. This hasn't gone unnoticed by the Equine Industry and in 2008 Croft End was approached by the British Horse Society who wanted to use Croft End as a location to shoot their promotional short film.</p>

<p>The film continues to be used by the BHS to promote standards of horse care and the benefits of being affiliated with the BHS.</p>

<p>Croft End is a Highly Accredited centre:</p>

	<li>- Highly commended: BHS</li>
	<li>- Special award: BHS Certificate for Outstanding High Performance</li>
	<li>- BHS Approved Training Centre</li>
	<li>- BHS Approved Riding Centre</li>

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                      <h3 class="title">VIDEO TOUR<span class="arrow"></span></h3>
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                      <p>There's no better place for those wishing to develop a career with horses as we are a BHS Approved Training Yard.</p>

<p>Our outstanding facilities and services included indoor and outdoor arenas, mechanical horse simulator, turnout paddock, shower bay, quiet hacking in Daisy Nook Country park.</p>

<p>Pat, Carole and all the staff work tirelessly to maintain the standards at Croft End, and this desire to provide an excellent service to all our customers is the ethos at the heart of Team Croft End.</p>

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<strong>Riding is a Risk Sport - </strong> Your choice to ride is voluntary. We take care to provide suitable horses and ponies for our customers, but all animals can be unpredictable. We strongly advise you take out full personal accident cover.</p>


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							<p>Croft End was set up in 1998 by Steve Kenworthy, Pat Shepherd and her sister Carole Lyon.</p>

<p>Initially with only two horses - the riding lessons began. Word quickly spread of 'the two sisters' and it became clear that more horses were needed. Today Croft End is home to more than sixty horses!</p>

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	<li>- Stabling for over 60 horses</li>
	<li>- Outdoor arena (35m x 65m)</li>
	<li>- Indoor arena (20m x 40m)</li>
	<li>- Viewing Gallery</li>
	<li>- Mechanical horse simulator</li>
	<li>- Classroom training facilities</li>
	<li>- Training materials</li>
	<li>- Shower bay with heated water for bathing horses</li>
	<li>- Crofters cafe - serving hot and cold food as well as snacks and drinks</li>

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							<p><strong>Croft End Equestrian Centre,</strong><br>
Knott Lanes,<br>
OL8 3JD<br>
Telephone: 0161 624 2849<br>

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