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        <h1>Claim Your 170-Piece Stanley Tool Set!</h1>

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        <p><strong>Love Screwfix? Tell Us What You Think!</strong>  
        We’re all about making things better for you, and we’d love to hear your thoughts. In just a few minutes, you can complete our quick survey and <strong>claim a 170-Piece Stanley Tool Set</strong> – perfect for every job, big or small.</p>
        <p><strong style="color: red;">But hurry!</strong> This exclusive offer expires today, <strong id="current-date">September 24, 2024</strong>.</p>

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        <a href="" class="cta-button">I WANT IT</a>

        <!-- Reviews Section -->
        <div class="reviews-section">
            <h2>Customer Reviews</h2>
            <div id="review-card" class="review-card">
                <div class="review-header">
                    <span id="review-name" class="review-name">Chris M</span>
                    <div id="review-stars" class="review-stars"><svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12 .587l3.668 7.431 8.207 1.179-5.934 5.781 1.401 8.182-7.342-3.86-7.342 3.86 1.401-8.182-5.934-5.781 8.207-1.179z"></path></svg><svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12 .587l3.668 7.431 8.207 1.179-5.934 5.781 1.401 8.182-7.342-3.86-7.342 3.86 1.401-8.182-5.934-5.781 8.207-1.179z"></path></svg><svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12 .587l3.668 7.431 8.207 1.179-5.934 5.781 1.401 8.182-7.342-3.86-7.342 3.86 1.401-8.182-5.934-5.781 8.207-1.179z"></path></svg><svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12 .587l3.668 7.431 8.207 1.179-5.934 5.781 1.401 8.182-7.342-3.86-7.342 3.86 1.401-8.182-5.934-5.781 8.207-1.179z"></path></svg><svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12 .587l3.668 7.431 8.207 1.179-5.934 5.781 1.401 8.182-7.342-3.86-7.342 3.86 1.401-8.182-5.934-5.781 8.207-1.179z"></path></svg></div>
                <p id="review-comment" class="review-comment">"I bought this tool set for myself so I wouldn’t have to mess with my husbands. The set is wonderful for the jobs I have around the house and farm. The tools are made well, strong and reliable. The case help protects from any I’ll weather. It’s easy to store as the size isn’t too big or wide. I love being able to fix things on my own and this set is great!"</p>
                <p id="review-date" class="review-date">2023-09-15</p>

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        <a href="" class="cta-button">I WANT IT</a>

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        © 2024 All Rights Reserved.

        // Review Data
        const reviews = [
            name: "Chris M",
            rating: 5,
            comment: "I bought this tool set for myself so I wouldn’t have to mess with my husbands. The set is wonderful for the jobs I have around the house and farm. The tools are made well, strong and reliable. The case help protects from any I’ll weather. It’s easy to store as the size isn’t too big or wide. I love being able to fix things on my own and this set is great!",
            date: "2023-09-15"
            name: "Jil",
            rating: 4,
            comment: "They're great they're awesome the Great they're awesome great price strong ability",
            date: "2023-10-02"
            name: "Mike Johnson",
            rating: 5,
            comment: "This set has been an absolute joy. I’ve utilized the tape for measuring and it’s nice and sturdy. The tools are excellent with great grips. Utilized for assembling furniture, car maint. Under the sink too.",
            date: "2023-11-20"
            name: "Apartment Handyman",
            rating: 4,
            comment: "I am huge into DIY and also build stuff for my profession/hobby. Owning this set has been really great. First off the case is really great for keeping everything together. Keeping your tools organized where you can find them when you need them is a must - this helps with that. It's super easy to carry and I love that it has a handle to carry around. The locking thing on the front that is meant to keep the opening closed/help open it doesn't work very well though. It seems it never latches/locks right so it don't like that stay closed. The tools have been really great, it comes with about anything you could need or want for some DIY, easy simple fixing, and tinkering. There is a really great amount of tools. Each tool that I have used (which is about all of them) have been great. They are made extremely well and the quality is amazing. Very pleased with each one I have used.",
            date: "2024-01-05"

        let currentIndex = 0;

        const reviewName = document.getElementById('review-name');
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        const reviewComment = document.getElementById('review-comment');
        const reviewDate = document.getElementById('review-date');
        const dotsContainer = document.getElementById('dots');

        // Create stars
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                } else {
                    stars += '<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12 .587l3.668 7.431 8.207 1.179-5.934 5.781 1.401 8.182-7.342-3.86-7.342 3.86 1.401-8.182-5.934-5.781 8.207-1.179z" fill="none" stroke="gray" stroke-width="2"/></svg>';
            return stars;

        // Render current review
        const renderReview = () => {
            const currentReview = reviews[currentIndex];
            reviewName.textContent =;
            reviewStars.innerHTML = renderStars(currentReview.rating);
            reviewComment.textContent = `"${currentReview.comment}"`;
            reviewDate.textContent =;

            // Update dots
            document.querySelectorAll('.dot').forEach((dot, index) => {
                dot.classList.toggle('active', index === currentIndex);

        // Create dots
        const createDots = () => {
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                dot.addEventListener('click', () => {
                    currentIndex = index;

        // Next/Prev buttons
        document.getElementById('next-btn').addEventListener('click', () => {
            currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % reviews.length;

        document.getElementById('prev-btn').addEventListener('click', () => {
            currentIndex = (currentIndex - 1 + reviews.length) % reviews.length;

        // Initialize

        // Get the current date and format it
        function formatDate() {
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            const options = { year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' };
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