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                  <div class="info-line"><%- item.product.selected_variant %></div>
                <% } else { %>
                  <div class="info-line">Variant: <%- item.product.selected_variant %></div>
                <% } %>
              <% } %>
              <% if(item.filled_forms && item.filled_forms.length) { %>
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<script class="template" type="text/template" id="userLocationView">
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          <% } else { %>
          <% } %>
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        <% Object.entries(countries).forEach(([key, value]) => { %>
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            <%- %>
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          <% Object.entries(states).forEach(([key, value]) => { %>
            <option value="<%- key.split('-')[1] %>" <%-selected(currentState, key.split('-')[1])%>>
              <%- %>
          <% }) %>
    <% } %>

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        <% } else { %>
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        <% } %>

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                      data-total="<%- variant.upsell_adjusted_price.label %>"
                      data-image-html="<%- variant.image.html %>"
                      data-image-url="<%- variant.image.html %>"
                      data-outofstock="<%- variant.out_of_stock %>"
                <%- %>
              <% }); %>
      <% } %>
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